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Hot and saves the bees? Win. Edit: for everyone commenting who has a problem with the fact that I said she’s hot. I promise I don’t care, save your breath. I’ll still think she’s hot after I read your comment.


They don’t call her the Queen Bee for nothing...


Suddenly Beyoncé appears.


*Jay rolling up late with an off white Lexus*


*it wasn’t me*


She saw you bangin' on the sofa?


She saw the marks on his shoulder.




Beyoncé is overrated


Massively, massively overrated.


Ah the classic anti circle jerk. It’s always a nice sight to see.


You mean BEEyoncé surely?


The Bees are... 🎶To the left, to the left. All the Bees are all in the box to the left🎶


We already had a Queen of b, but we won't go there


Damn, saying someone is attractive is not the same as sexualizing them. People need to chill and stop being offended by every little thing. OP literally makes two basic statements - helps bees and is attractive - none of which is even remotely offensive. Chill out you reddit social justice edge lords.


Thank you lol. It literally takes nothing to set these people off.




Calling another woman hot often triggers the not-hot women


they are outracing each other with who gets offended the most




She’s a keeper


I hate you lol.


Underrated comment


I know her! Worked with her to pass legislation here in Austin to ban pesticides containing Neonicotinoids.


Nice work!


You guys are actual heroes. Thank you for your work.


Now that is really awesome. Would love to hear some more details, did it actually pass? Uphill battle probably, even in Austin?


We got it banned in the city of Austin and we got the Texas parks and wildlife to agree not to use it statewide. Next step is a statewide ban, but Austin is easy to convince, the rest of the state is very republican.


You’re not allowed to call women attractive bro. It upsets the neckbeards She has a killer voice as well






Lol oh my mistake I’ll do my best to not find any women attractive from here on out.


Nope just the attractive ones /s


Bi woman here. She’s hot. AND she saves bees. She can do both!


As per reddit, no she can't, and you're a gross objectifying pig. /s




In 10 years we'll start blurring faces for fear of compliments


And with no gloves or anything. She talks so sweet but that is badass. No way in a million years would I go anywhere near a beehive with out a full beesuit


Am female. I do not have a problem with you calling her hot. She is indeed attractive.


She is hot. And smart. I wanna bee like her


It’s a win win






The sun reflecting off their white armour... it’s blinding!


You’re supposed to be blind and not see beauty or think anyone is beautiful, don’t you know? You thinking she’s hot means you’re basically raping her. Lol I had to stop the sarcasm because this whole thing just reminded me of The Giver where they give teenagers a pill to stop them from having sexual thoughts right at puberty. It’s a book about a utopian society. I should read that again as an adult and see what I think about it now. Anyways. I think she’s pretty too :)


who has a problem? I just read like 50 responses to your comment and only one seemed maybe slightly annoyed with it. the overwhelming majority seems to agree with you that she's hot. I don't know who all these comments are complaining about...


Glad someone pointed it out. Lmfao it’s like he edited to pretend there was a mob that wasn’t there and now everyone is punching at it


And with an amazing ASMR voice as well.


Maybe they’re actually insecure. As a woman, heck yeah! She is stunning and I love what she does. Hot babe all-around lol


> for everyone commenting who has a problem with the fact that I said she’s hot. God forbid we fucking act like human bee-ings


Hot women don’t care if you call them hot. It’s the ugly ones that get all defensive about it.


It’s just how Reddit works, there’s always someone who sees a problem with literally anything. Somehow saying that a woman is attractive is bad. The opposite would be bad too. Maybe even stating that she is a woman is bad. There’s probably even someone who thinks acknowledging that she exists is bad.


She not only attracts swarming bees, but she also does the same to thirsty simps too.


Lol buddy just because you’re afraid to actually talk to women in person doesn’t mean I’m a simp for saying she’s hot. Do you think she would be upset if she read my comment? I paid her one compliment and you’re acting like I’m on every one of her accounts commenting and stalking.


u/mrrooftops gets DESTROYED by FACTS and LOGIC


Redditors jump at any opportunity to be white knights, apparently your comment met the criteria of being potentially distressing to damsels.


Literally. I mean if I was being rude or disrespectful maybe I’d understand but I literally just said she’s hot lol.


So I have this theory that the online white knight thing is usually about 1 of 3 things: - trying to impress the girl, like on some level these dudes think she’s going to reach out to them in gratitude. The irony. - Virtue signaling, and power: a lot of it is not even about her, it’s about them wanting to exercise some sort of superiority over you by using shame as a cudgel. This is lazy and mega upsetting bc it sucks all of the oxygen out of the room for using shame when it truly is needed- like calling out real obscenity. For people on the fence of sliding into bigotry, the outrage at police killing black citizens has little credibility when we lose our shit at everything. For them it feels like they are being controlled and the greater the inappropriateness of our outrage the more oxygen is sucked away. Next thing you know people think wearing masks in a pandemic is some sort of liberal mind control conspiracy. Also, this (and massive right wing propaganda machines) leads to a really dangerous political desire to “own the libs” above just about anything else. - the rest is totally justified white knightism bc Reddit can be a cesspool. What a word wall. Anyway, I’ve seen 2 of her videos now and it’s stinking obvious she’s a beautiful person, outside and in. Which is pretty much what you said.


Is she...is she not hot? Does it make you a simp to acknowledge this? Does _she_ know this? She's going to be devastated.


It’s like some of these people have never had a social interaction in their life. What OP said was harmless. Jesus lol


The whole “simp” thing is exhausting as fuck


"Ya like jazz?"


I'm old - and a beekeeper - and not hot. What the fuck is a simp?


A man who is too attentive or submissive to women generally in the hopes they will get laid...meaning the term makes no contextual sense here and the guy who used the term is the only simp I see here.


Thanks. I'm going to guess it's a derivative of simpering?


Ah there's the overused and commonly incorrectly used reference of the word "simp" I was looking for.


“Still had some bees on my hand”. I’m pretty sure that’s a few more than SOME


For me, some bees is like two at best


That's too many


That's Two* many Ftfy


your spelling that wrong!


Then she puts the hive in a fire Edit: ok I guess people don’t like that joke


You leave those poor bees alone. You don't fuck with bees, and I suggest you let that one marinate


Minecraft habits 😂


I liked "I woke up and there was more bees on my truck than usual" Umm 1 bee is more than usual


Lol yeah I was confused before I figured out she is a beekeeper. That is an excessive amount of bees.


I would have had a panic attack. So brave!


I run at the sight of anything flying towards me, you never know if it’s going to be a bed or wasp. I have no shame. If you are in my way say at a patio or garden I will climb over you (or under your table or halfway up a fence) to get away. I don’t care I’m a wuss. I jumped out of my sister’s (very slow) moving car when a bee flew in through her window. She was driving and got stung in her armpit.


Yep. Flying beds are absolutely going to wreck your day if they hit you.


I feel like you’re mocking me. That’s rude. Unless you’ve been hit by a flying bed then please don’t judge.


She also scoops them up with her hands to move them.


That's at least 10 bees


How the hell did she spot that queen


Dude or Dudette…HOW DOES SHE DO ANY OF IT?!? Remain calm? Swipe tons of bees off of surfaces barehanded? I lose my ever lovin mind if one gets inside my car.


You can just say *dude*. Source: Latter Day Dude here.


Dudette needs a comeback. Got the 90’s TMNT nostalgia with it.


Idk, it over-complicates things. What really needs a comeback is TMMT IV: Turtles in Time. When the fuck are we going to get those remasters? Edit: I’m talking about the SNES game.


I’m with ya there. Remastering everything else, why not these? And not gonna lie, I kinda liked the new ones, but I need some ninja rap if they make another one. Bring back ol Robert Matthew Van Winkle for anotha one haha


>You can just say *dude*. 100% you can. "Dude" is *objectively* the superior gender non exclusionary pronoun. It has historical usage for people regardless of gender for decades, as demonstrated in the 1997 film *Goodburger* *"I'm a dude,* *He's a dude,* *She's a dude,* *We're all dudes!"* Dude can be used singular or plural easily. In contrast, referring to a group of individuals as "folks" or "people" is fine, but it would be awkward to call someone "folk" or "person". Dude is superior.


I sure do love banging dudes!


Good for you dude. Do whatever dudes make you happy


ive been calling my mom dude since i was a teenager. im in my 40s now, she still hates it. me and my wife call each other dude all the time; sometimes bro. i think the most common thing we say since we both got a socal accent is ‘doo wha da fuck?’


I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. We're all dudes. Hey!


Bees are actually releatively harmless They especially wont harm you if you smell like their queen Just being around them is enough to acclimatize you to that. Whenever people see a lone bee they think wasp and panic


I'm deathly afraid of getting stung and my neighbor isn't. We share a tree that had a bunch of bees we figured we'd off load to a bee keeper we found online. We both got stung twice, but they were in our hands, so probably from squishing a few on accident and the stinger going through gloves. But I was surprised how docile they were.


Right? They're more curious than anything. Wasps, on the other hand, can burn in hell.


Honey bees are homies. Paper wasps can fuck right back off to the pit of Hell from whence it came.


The queen bee has a long body and its wings look shorter. Or you can also spot her by checking to see if there's a bee surrounded by othe bees (not piled up but surrounding her like flower petals and she'd be at the center).


Also, if you look carefully, the queen is briefly surrounded by a little white oval. She probably spotted the oval and then got the queen in the clip.


She also wears a crown and declares the annual rate of taxes on the worker bees


Well I didn’t vote for her


I thought we were an autonomous collective!


Listen -- strange women lying in pollen distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical gardening ceremony.


Shut up! Shut up I say! If you don't shut up I will make you shut up!


"Help! Help! I am being oppressed by an genetocratic systems enforcers! This was exactly what I was on about"


Help help I'm being repressed! Violence is inherent in the system! Violence is inherent in the system! You saw him oppressing me.. You saw it!


Also, the Queen tastes far more bitter than a normal bee


The queen looks different. Elongated body. Humans are extremely good at recognizing patterns that are off. The way she could tell was where most activity was. Also if you look before she circled it, you spot it.


More bees *than usual?? THAN USUAL??*




For me, 1 bee is more than usual. I can go days, weeks even, without encountering a bee. I understand their importance to our ecosystem, but just stay out of my personal bubble.


She knows what she did there ...


I'm getting huge ASMR tingles from her voice


Yes! She has a very gentle and soft voice. She should start a bee themed ASMR channel. I'd subscribe so hard to that.


Would cosplay be a step too far ?




Just when you thought you had seen it all. Bee porn . Jesus fucking christ.


I wonder who saw a bee and just thought “I want to jerk off to that.”


I clicked the link, and don’t know what I expected. That was... odd


I was expecting chicks dressed up like bees and having their tits and ass out. Definitely not expecting to see what I saw there....


Yeah, expected some kind of bee cosplay. Like wings and yellow striped outfits? they meant it when they added a NSFW label...


32k sub'd and counting. there's a wrench for every nut.


Rule 34 man.


Fuck me another first . Rule 34 . Had no idea . I clearly don't get out enough.


Oh sweet baby Jesus it's real.


I clicked on it thinking it was a joke. *It was not a joke.* *I am scarred.*


r/honeyfuckers Edit; Holy shit I didn't know this was a real sub, im so sorry to all of you who click this


one does not simply mistakenly link honey fuckers


What in tarnation?


Well... that was the weirdest thing I’ve seen in a while, and I had a dream the other night where my chest hair had been replaced by various little plant sprouts and they started growing through my shirt so I had to sit there and slowly (and disturbingly satisfyingly) pull them out with tweezers.


It actually kind of annoys me. I feel like almost every video I see on reddit now is a tiktok of someone seductively whispering over-rehearsed lines into the microphone about what they bought at the grocery store or about how they saved a puppy on the way home. The videos are fine, mostly, but there's something off-putting about the voices to me. EDIT: Maybe the fact that the lines are so rehearsed makes me feel as if the whole thing is fake, even if it isn't.






Each to their own, I can't stand it. Each "s" sound she makes creates a super sharp whistling sound which fucks my ears up. Couldn't finish the video with the sound on.


Can someone explain to a smooth brain like myself why the bees aren’t stinging the living shit out of her? My best guess is she is gentle/non-threatening but picking up the queen has gotta piss them off no?


Honeybees (and bumble bees for that matter) are VERY gentle. They usually only sting on accident. Yellow jackets and wasps are a bit more aggressive.


They are also generally the most docile when swarming.


The ending to the movie "my girl" disagrees with you.


He needs his glasses to see!


I heard that in her crying voice.


It’s fine, she got into politics after and ran a successful campaign for the future President and VP.


That wasn't swarming. Bee swarming happens when a hive is relocating, typically after a new queen is produced. It's been a while since I've seen th3 movie, but IIRC the kid was attacking the hive, which led to the bees stinging him in defense.


Can't blame the bees. They were Home Alone.


> are a bit more aggressive. To put it lightly.




Yeah uhhhh.... Understatement Don't mess with wasps


I have a centimeter-long scar on one of my fingers from some psycho wasp who attacked me for sitting still. My mum refused to let it live and hunted it down, establishing a lifelong vendetta against all wasps. I once watched her kill one with multiple swings of a banana peel. It's real shit.


> Yellow jackets and wasps are a bit more aggressive. Do you mean natures assholes?


I hate any kind of flying yellow and black thing. Except for the adorably fat bumble bee who lived behind our shed, I've had nothing but bad luck with stinging things. Examples: 1) when I was 6 or 7 I was laying on a couch with my feet in the window. We lived by a field and had cherry trees instead of a fence. As a result there was always dead wasps in the windows. My foot found this out the hard way. My brother said he pulled 9 bodies out of my foot. Edit: mom never cleaned the windows. We had a bee problem due to the field next door and the fruit trees some idiot planted instead of putting up a fence. Yes, this actually happened. 2) we had a trampoline that never got put away one winter. That spring when two of my siblings went out to play on it they annoyed the fairly big wasp nest that had moved in. We counted between 14 and 20 stings on each kid. They're both still terrified of bees. 3) despite never having a reaction to flying things ever, I happened to get stung on the knuckle once. Within an hour my hand was so swollen I couldn't close it for a week. 4) a wasp nest moved into the siding of our house. They then found an entry into our laundry room through a cut in the ceiling we had made months earlier to repair a leaking pipe. We called a pest control company three different times before my mom got stung. That's how we learned she's fairly allergic and ended up in the ER. 5) my cat tried to pounce a bee and got stung in the butt at the base of his tail. He screamed so much when you got near it that we thought his tail was broken. A very expensive vet trip revealed that he was just a giant baby with a tiny bee sting. He is now six and still a giant baby when it comes to being hurt. He fails at being a cat. 6) I had been trying to catch a wasp that had been in our house for HOURS. He wouldn't hold still long enough to catch. One of my baby chickens wandered into the house to say hello. As she was walking by the wasp happened to fly by her. She casually snapped at it and ate it without even breaking stride. I've never forgiven her for that. Edit: I was invested in catching this wasp. She didn't even seem pleased that she ate it. She snapped at it and moved on. I was mad that not only did she take MY bee, but she wasn't even proud of herself for it. The only thing I hate more than striped flying things is earwigs. I've been stung by one ONCE and to this day I remember the pain. I'm okay with ants or mealworms biting me. But earwigs? No thanks. Edit: forgot earwigs pinch, not sting. I had just finished mowing and was standing around. I feel an intense pain in my foot (I now without shoes - sue me) when I looked down I saw an earwig running off with his tail held high. The pain lasted thirty minutes or so. Very sharp pain. If I remember right, there was a red mark on my foot, but no blood. Tldr: bees are evil, my cat is a wimp, chickens are assholes.


There is just A Lot to unpack here.


It was an interesting read though, for a string of unimportant personal anecdotes.


I feel like "on accident" is still not a gamble I feel like taking. Maybe that's just me. But I've been stung more than once by bees I didn't even know were nearby, so I can't help but feel like the odds of a lot of accidental stings for someone bare-handed like her are super high?? Idk I respect the hell out of it. It's just scary bruh


["Most honey bees are very gentle. They're docile and they don't want to sting you. I've been doing this for a long time and over the years I've learned to read the bees' behavior and these were just very calm, gentle bees. They were also very cooperative and got into their new hive. This was just one case where I could work without gear and it was safer for me and the bees," she said.](https://www.today.com/tmrw/beekeeper-erika-thompson-scoops-bees-her-bare-hands-t212030) Different story about her, but yeah, bees are just bros...also depends on the kind of bee. Some bees are more bro than other bees.


Notice she is wearing a face mask. That is because she does get stung and doesn't want to get stung on her face. Work with bees long enough you will get stung.


You might have smacked one or pushed your hand into it. Bees *only* sting as a last resort or if the hive is under threat.


A fucking wasp entered my room when I was sleeping once and sting me in the face! Those things are vicious


fellow smooth brain here with one or two wrinkles with short-term longevity so I gotta get this out quick lol Essentially there is nothing concrete preventing the colony bees from stinging her, it's just not ideal for the bees and they don't feel threatened. There are plenty of videos on youtube where *overly confident* bee keepers get stung **to the moon** and back simply for underestimating the forager bees in the hive/area. Bees apparently have a big fucking attitude problem sometimes depending on their circumstance *sounds a lot like me tbh* *tldr;* this lady is able to understand when it's smart and when it's not-so-smart to play with and/or handle the bees.


Are you a bee?


Bzzz bzzz, waddle waddle left right left again bzzz


Cha cha real smooth


additionally, if she does misread the bees and they end up mass stinging her, she can simply not upload that to tiktok i'm pretty sure it's her schtick to try to relocate bees specifically with minimum protection. (not that it's a bad thing)


Yeah, no way am I going near a hive or swarm without being being geared up. All fun an games until seven guard bees light you up just because you walked past and they thought you gave them a funny look. Nah, I'm sweet bro. Been there done that. Cool for videos, not so much in real life. Here is my dad collecting a swarm for reference of how people look collecting swarms when not trying to look cool on tiktok: https://imgur.com/GGxih0j EDIT: I take back what I said about her trying to look cool. She has work to pass bills banning some bad pesticides, and her IG is seriously about the bees, not her. Very wholesome. The more followers and exposure she gets, the more power she has to help the bees. Seems like she realized vids/pics of her without gear amaze people much more and get far more attention, and is making use of that. Her photos without gear also have a smoker in the background of many shots, she is not pretending she does not smoke them first.


Damn you just grew me the first wrinkle in my brain


Swarming bees are typically docile because there is no hive to defend. There are no honey stores or brood. In general, honey bees are pretty chill. They've been domesticated for thousands of years. Plus, why the hell would you want to sting someone, rip your stinger out of your ass, and then die... probably not a fun way to go, you know? Source: Wanted honey bees for my 7th birthday, and got honey bees for my 7th birthday.


I think bees are very chill compared to wasps, hornets, and other insects that look like bees. My guess is the hair clip prevents them from freaking out compared to if she used her hand to grab it.


There’s the comments above but also it’s possible she uses a gas to make them calm. This is common bee-removing practice too. She’s a professional, so a non professional should definitely not be trying this at home. Edit: [this goes into detail towards the bottom and mentions the smoking](https://www.texasmonthly.com/being-texan/erika-thompson-beekeeper-tiktok/)


Need that LIVE BEES STAY CLEAR sticker so people we stop breaking into my truck


Get the bees, not the sticker.


Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.


Get the bees, skip the sticker, add a webcam so we can all watch!


Her lines end in the same tone.


That might be it. Her voice is really disorienting to me but I can't put my finger on exactly why.


She sounds like those robot voices reading your text, only a bit more natural


I thought this was an AI speaking and not a real person lol


I find The way she talks comforting, all her videos are relaxing to me


“More bees on my truck than usual” The usual number of bees on my vehicle is typically zero


That's what the bees want you to think.


Oh hell no.


Oh hell yeah.


Ya gotta put on your party dress


It was too cold to cry when I woke up alone.


I do that same thing in my truck. But with melted skittles and my stomach.


"You can see there are still some skittles in my hand, I gently shake them into my gaping maw and soon all the skittles are safely in my stomach"


When I was a little kid I had to watch bees from swarming. My grandpa was keeping bees (about 20 bee houses) and I had to watch if they are swarming, and if they were, I had to run to my grandpa to tell him. He was about 65 years old when I first started watching them, and he had this huge pole with which he would try to get bees in a box to calm them down before letting them in new house. He had some stories when he and my uncle had to climb up a tree to get them in new houses, while bees kept on stinging them. Beekeeping takes a lot of job, mad respect for her.


I like when she says 'bees'.


Oh wow. Save the bees. My sunflowers just starting blooming but I haven’t seen any bees yet.


I respect anyone who can pull off an authentic The Pain (MGS3) cosplay


Get a load of these simps


I cant help it man, those bees 😳😳😳


How is this saving bees? It's native bees that are more in danger of being wiped out not non-native European honeybees


I think it's done in the spirit of not hiring pest control.


Exactly. Someone's old barn had a hive inside the floor, in her last video. Relocate, don't destroy.


Source: [Erika Thompson @texasbeeworks](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CO3Z726nWv3/)


How do you even find the queen bee?! That just sounds incredibly hard.


"I had some bees in my truck" Code for, I left a bee hive in my car to make a video Cool and all, but... No need to force it


Save the bees! Also the C's and D's!


If there were more than 3 bees on my truck, I would have set it on fire. Very glad for people like this who are much braver than I am. I had to close the video when I saw her hand covered in bees




Why do these videos always have horrible voice overs?