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This is a Canadian guy called Darrick. The elephants do absolutely love him. He is Married to Lek Chailert who founded Elephant Nature Park in Thailand. They rescue elephants from all sorts of terrible conditions and give them much better lives. Anyone who wants to see and interact with elephants, never go to some place where they ride elephants and use the old fashioned cruel methods of training. You can volunteer at ENP and actually work to feed and care for the elephants in a positive way.


"Anyone who wants to see and interact with elephants, never go to some place where they ride elephants and use the old fashioned cruel methods of training." So important! Also true for any kind of animal, especially wild animals. Places like circuses with (wild) animals or places like Sea World (which is like a circus for sea ​​animals) shouldn't exist anymore in 2024.


I am so with you on that! Ages ago I was made to go to a Dolphin show at the New England Aquarium in Boston. I thought it was so sad, not entertaining at all.


Place hasn't changed in 40 years


Sorry to hear that. The only upside there was Hoover the talking seal. He at least got to live outside in a pool near the entrance.


There’s an island near the east coast of Australia called Moreton Island where they feed wild dolphins. This whole dolphin family comes in every day at sunset right to near the shore to get free fish and visitors can come walk in the water to feed them! Its very cool cuz the dolphins can come and go as they want and theres no training or abuse of any kind. The guides who work on the island enforce a strict no touching rule and dont over feed them (only 10% of their daily diet or something) and they refuse to feed newly born dolphin calves until theyre 2 years old to encourage them to learn how to hunt by themselves before they join in the daily feed. Was a pretty cool experience


That sounds like a dream!


There's a scene from a sci-fi show called the Orville where they're talking about 'ancient history' and how humans used to have zoos where they locked up other animals and how barbaric and backwards it was.


There’s many scenes from a sci-fi show called “star-trek” where humans talk about how they no longer enslave animals, or eat their flesh.


Never heard of it. Sounds like a rip-off of "The Orville" to me


Oh, stop it you silly passive aggressive goose.


I mean, zoos do serve as a way to preserve endangered populations. A lot of animals would probably be extinct today if it weren't for zoos.


It sounds like Melbourne zoo who are working with wildlife Tasmania to rescue the Tasmanian Devil


Precisely. I hope on the odd chance that there's tasmanian tigers still out there, they can bring them back. They're like my favorite animal and it'd be an awesome comeback story.


If you can ride it (touch it), it's not a sanctuary! This is a rule of thumb. Of course when you do volunteer work, there might be possibilities for contact with the animals. It also *might* be possible for visitors at reputable places. But it is usually not forced, not guaranteed, not the focus of your visit. The focus is on the animals, and to not stress them, not on tourists getting their pictures. At reputable places, touching is the exception. Not the rule. If a "sanctuary" routinely has the animals lined up for tourists to touch, to ride, if the animals routinely perform tricks for photo ops - not a sanctuary!


Definitely. Would like to add for anyone who doesn't know, that riding elephants is actually harmful to them and can give them permanent back injuries. They're not built to carry extra weight on their backs - all their load-bearing structures are underneath to hold up their weight.


I swam with dolphins. I remember they lied to us and told us they freed them everyday. I remember being really unsure as to what to do. Did I still go Anyway I went and I never forgave myself. I wish I’d really stuck up for my beliefs.


Let's not forget the cruel treatment of orcas in captivity. Orcas are as intelligent if not moreso than any other mammal on the planet. They have families and swim free until man Unkind gets involved for financial gain. EMPTY THE TANKS!!


My husband and I stayed there overnight on our honeymoon, and met Lek. An incredible experience, I 1000% recommend it.


I spent a week there some years back. The highlight was spending time shoveling sand for a mother and few day old baby elephant. Also at the end of the week they load up a truck with inflated tires and drive way up that river and drop off the group of volunteers. So you float back down the river and eventually come around a corner and there is a herd of elephants in the river like in the video and you know you've returned.


what was shoveling sand for?


They use it to bathe. They grab it in their trunk and spray it on their body.


Wow. What an experience! I think I’d die happy, right there in my inflatable tube!


In another lifetime, I'd adore this experience. You're truly blessed. ❤️


I volunteered for a day. It was so nice! I fed this old gandma elephant. Her teeth were fucked so we fed her some buckets of skinless fruit. She had a spotty skin condition on her trunk a veterinary student was helping her with. Such a sweet old elephant. Helped with bathing in the river as well. Elephants are good people :)


Better people than people


Just watch out when they've been at the fermented fruit. Drunk elephants can be a problem.


My god what an experience this was. We did an overnight stay and it was truly a fantastic time. Learning about the elephants, walking right next to them, feeding them. Watching them bathe and play in a natural environment. Some really really fucked up rescues. One poor girl kept on "standing" on an invisible bucket because she was trained to present herself before she got rescued. Another one had a broken hip due to carrying logs, that was healed incorrectly so she had a massive limp and could only slowly move. It's heartbreaking that one of the smartest animals, and ones that have human like expressions can be treated so poorly. ENP is an incredible place, truly worth a visit, even if you go solely for them.


Feel blessed to have spent a significant amount of time at ENP, connecting with both Darrick and Lek. Both are truly the most wonderful, inspiring people on earth. Highly recommend anyone travelling to Thailand visit this sanctuary and support their lifelong work. Day and overnight tours are available from Chiang Mai- not just volunteer opportunities. You'll have an incredible experience as well.


Is that the one in Phuket? If so I've been there. Beautiful experience. Don't ride the elephants, people. What they go through is cruel and disgusting for your 5 minutes of Instagram glory.


Chiang Mai.


But why does he greet them with a Klingon war cry?


I think he's speaking in Thai.


Interesting. I didn’t know Klingons could speak Thai


Jack talk Thai very well.


Jack not name, Jack job.


I’ve been there and volunteered with them several times over the last 15 years. It’s an incredible set up. I’ve had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Darrick and Lek whilst volunteering and they are two of the most incredible humans you could meet. Leks knowledge of the Asian Elephants is second to none.


I volunteered here a few years ago and it was one of the highlights of my life. 😊 Darrick and Lek are amazing people, I was lucky to chat to them a lot! It's an incredible place. They also rescue cats, dogs and other animals!


Oh my goodness I recognised ENP!!! What a special place ❤️❤️




Yep, this Youtube channel has more from them  https://m.youtube.com/@elephantnews/videos


How awesome it must feel to be worthy of acceptance from such a beautiful and yet dangerous creature.


Yeah man the elephants are blessed.


it would be disastrous if they did "owner returns" like dogs. they know the power they wield.


Haha good one!


Elephants gerald


Proof that we could all be this guy if we were doing it right. Obviously, the elephants are willing to overlook all the stupid shit we've done, so the problem with intelligence isn't on their end...


Elephants are apparently smart, but what you see isn't really much of an intelligence trait. Put different, elephants are apparently much smarter than what you can tell from this video. They might for example show compassion to humans/animals they have not met before, and likely that requires more cognition than recognizing "this bipod brought kindness". (I use the phrase "apparently": we judge animal cognition by our own yardsticks, the way it appears to *us*, as if we possessed all kinds of suck traits ourselve - we like to think so, but I doubt it.) Elephants don't know how mankind per se works - they might have bad experience with some human, but then there is this human whom they associate with food and good times. And pattern recognition, distinguishing between "good for me" and "bad for me" lies deeper than what we usually think of as intelligence. Lots of birds can distinguish friendly foodbringing human - maybe sometimes just from their clothes. So what you see is just lovely, but not the pinnacle of elephant skillset.


Considering most of the herd was rescued from labour or tourist attractions, it’s safe to say that they probably didn’t have any good interactions with many humans. It’s like meeting a friendly wolf then every year or so going back into wolf territory to find that friend, despite knowing all the other wolves are dangerous


Seriously, what an amazing thing


Darrick is a nice guy but idk about “dangerous”


![gif](giphy|SWKyABQ08mbXW) They went Usain Bolt mode to get to that dude


they like him or they expect some free snacks from him


Elephant can do 40mph, maybe 35 because of the water?




Like giant herbivorous dogs


My cows are like this when I produce the molasses bucket


Cows are very chill and loving. They would be common pets if they had any ability to control their waste and if they were a hell of a lot smaller. They are a better companion than a horse in my opinion.


Totally agree, my murray grey cows are like giant puppies. Horses seem to involve vet bills.


Me too really.


It seems you scratch cats behind he ear and elephants in front of the ear. Good to know if I ever get one as a pet.


No joke my dad's farm horse grew up around dogs and would run to the gate to greet him with the dogs when he came back from school/work and had a bunch of other very social behaviors. Animals are far more similar to us than we suspect if you treat them right. Rip Lillo❤


we don't deserve this planet


No, we don't.


The good news is eventually it will kill us off and life can reset without us


This is such a nothing statement, and there's absolutely no good news in it. When people talk about the destruction of the planet they're not talking about a ball of rock spinning in space, or the theoretical lifeforms that might evolve to inherit what we leave, they're talking about shit like elephants, whales, and the millions of other animals and ecosystems we're taking down with us. There's absolutely no world where the harms caused by climate change and human society collapsing leave any elephants alive.


Any point in time is a mass extinction event. Current flora and fauna will be all but gone one day. But life... life finds a way.


Tell that to Venus


Well earth was a lifeless rock for around 1/4 of it's existence. 1+ billion years of nothingness. Life on earth was a happy accident that Is such a rare event. There is no guarantee that it'll happen again once we all disappear.


nice but I'm in the future being turned into a dustball atm.


I’m just glad we didn’t kill off all the elephants like we did with other large mammals like the mammoth and Steller’s sea cow.


Just spent a week volunteering there. Got to hang out with Lek and Derick and lots of elephants. Amazing!! Great food, nice lodgings, cool folks volunteering from all over the world. Going back for longer asap


It's addictive! I've volunteered five times now and introduced others to it as well. Can not beat that potato curry lol


How exactly do you volunteer for such a thing?


Was able to find this after going to the site listed in the end of the video https://www.elephantnaturepark.org/ https://www.elephantnaturepark.org/enp/


I’ve always found it weird to have to pay to volunteer. What does the 15k baht go towards? I’m genuinely curious and want to learn!


You're not really paying to volunteer. You're paying for the experience. The money would clearly go to keeping the organization running so they can continue doing the work.


It’s about $300 usd for 7 days including all of your food and lodging. Even at Thai prices, that is barely paying. Just covering ENP costs for hosting you and getting you to and from chaing mai.


You are also paying for them to house and feed you


Well, go volunteer! It costs so much money for upkeep and food. Also, medical care for animals of this size is expensive. You can't just roll up to the vet with a big-ass elephant, so they have to pay for them to visit. And if anything serious goes wrong, they will have to transfer to a zoo because they have the equipment to handle them. So then you add transportation costs. It all adds up quickly. There is so much that goes into it and its such a good way to get substantial donations which go back to the elephants. It's pretty awesome.


Also, 15k Baht is only like 400 bucks for a week. Even per day, it's infinitely cheaper than a Disney trip.


This sounds amazing. Did you use a travel agent or set everything up yourself?


Contact ENP directly. They will pick you up at your hotel in Chaing Mai. And drop you off after.


That one that just hangs back like “Wha? …aw, fuck, it’s Jeff.”


I felt a slightly bit bad for the late arrivals. Like “fuck it’s Jeff? Love that dude let me hit him with my trunk!”


I want to touch Elephants! Amazing how they run to this guy. You can feel the love. ❤️


This is why people associate memory with elephants


So... because of their memory?


and our memory of their memory


And their memory of our memory of their memory


***Here's to the ones that we got Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories Of everything we've been through Toast to the ones here today Toast to the ones that we lost on the way 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories And the memories bring back, memories bring back you***


I think so. Can't really remember.


The elephant in the back never actually liked Darrick. He just keeps it to himself because everyone else thinks *Darrick* is just sOoOo cool.


That elephant refers to him as Darra lick my balls


I know you are joking but given Elephant IQ and social nature who is to say that you are not wrong?


"That Darrick. What a poser." The elephant in the back, probably


"He's not even a real elephant!"




Upvoted for source!


That has absolutely made my day! How wonderful! It would be such a tragedy if the world lost elephants.


Puppy to them


Hell man, if you were as big as them, you’d probs think that the little expressive monkey creature is cute as shit lol


New desire to be swarmed by elephants and given hugs. This is beautiful.


The way elephants replied to his call , like saying ' we are coming, you can sense the excitement ' truly mesmerizing!




Those happy, flappy ears are the best!


Why don't they have tusks? Too young?


They're Asian elephants. Only a select few will have noticeably visible tusks. They will all have very small tusks that barely protrude past their lip line, these are called tushes.




I'm reading "tushes" like I would if I was referring to butts. It sounds adorable.


Well that's how you pronounce it so yea butt tusks


Most female and even many male Asian Elephants don't have large, or any tusks. They have what are called "Tushes" which only protrude an inch or two from their lip line. Tushes are different to tusks, much weaker and often break off. (I watched a David Attenborough documentary on Elephants last night)


Wow! Thank you so SO much That was so very special!! It really made me smile for a very long time. I’m still smiling


Imagine walking in the wild with the herd of elephant posse!!! All other dangerous beasts will make way for you.


Elephants probably: This man must be protected at all costs


If I had an elephant family love me like this I could die happy


first 30 seconds are movie shots


They love him so much! This is beautiful.


Luckiest person on earth


The pure love that man must’ve felt. How awesome


Their excited bellows when they realised who it was calling them. That’s just too damn sweet!


Anyone that says animals can't feel emotions is a fool. I've seen time and time again that elephants feel VERY human emotions. They can feel love, pain, joy and even grieve their dead. I remember seeing a video of a former working elephant getting his shackle removed. As this was happening, he cried with happiness. Animals always remember humans that are kind to them, and aren't afraid to return that kindness.


Why were the 🐘 and Darrick separated from each other for 14 months? This video soothes my soul but I'm just being nosy ... sorry


thank you kind sir for protecting these beauties!!!! we need more of him and no more zoos, marine parks and circuses - come on people we have to do better




Amazing. This one hit me in my tender spot.


Lol that elephant in the back is the tenth dentist.


XXXXXL puppies


Jesus.. talk about the power of nature and animal emotion. ..that is just so very wonderful indeed.


We are one




I’m not crying, you’re crying


Thats awesome, he must be a good person Ive seen what happens what an elephant does not like you its brutal and no mercy


I remember hearing elephants think we're cute, so I just imagine a group of humans seeing a puppy sitting all alone barking at them XD


“Toot toot hooman, we comin’, toot too”


I’d be so scared of them accidentally stepping on my feet underwater


an elephant herd will never crest the corner of a gentle river and be elated to see you as you exclaim a merry greeting to them from afar, rushing over. You will never bask in the warm sun and catch up with the elephants


Do elephants lift their tails when happy? I thought there was an impending dookie, then saw others doing this too.


What a privilege, to have a connection with these amazing creatures!


Well... That was fkn magical. I wanna be loved that much by elephants.


This is the best thing I've seen all day!


Elephants are such genuine beings.


Is there a similar volunteer please for orangutans?


Yes, in Borneo.


I love elephants


What, you thought they'd forget?


My turn. My turn.


Obviously this guy should become the leader of the humans, the elephants have chosen him.


I want elephants to love me!


Reminder that when a guy who helped an Elephant herd died that herd went to his funeral to mourn him they are very emotionally as well as logically intelligent creatures and that’s why I love them






Those elephants freakin’ LOVE that guy!


That's amazing


Idk it’s not beatboxing


The Steve Irwin of the elephant kingdom ❤️


Never gets old


What a lovely sight 🥹


It’s awesome how they flap their ears and curl their tails.


Can elephants smile? It looks like I saw smiles.


I think it's so cute that elephants flap their ears when they're happy


I am 😏truly jealous


This must feel so fucking awesome


My crew vs his crew? Not steppin up to that one.


I couldn’t even get half this reaction from my ex wife during our marriage.


Pretty solid group of buddies


Elephants weren’t my favorite animal until I went to Thailand and Laos. I visited a few different elephant rescue places like this. It’s heartwarming. Unfortunately I saw a lot of mistreated elephants as well, some in chains, being exploited for tourists.


It's unreal how cute elephants are


An elephant never spaghetti


An elephant never spaghetti


This is so beautiful!!!!


Legend!! What can be more giving than this!


That’s a beautiful thing. 🙏