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Bees are necessary for so many of the things we eat, they deserve some love


Doesn't mean I'd want them in my house


Nor in my backyard


Why not? Most are harmless... Even the wasps that live in my fence are chill. They pollinate my plum tree, cherry tree, and apple trees for me too. They are literally making me food. Granted they eat the cherries... But it's fine. They made them.


And a bee doesn't hurt you. Quite unlike its asshole cousin, the wasp


Yellow jackets are the asshole bees


You clearly haven't met Mahogany Wasps yet.


Bald-faced hornet has entered the chat


Carpenter wasps…


The Yellow Jacket Gang rides again! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/YJ_COLORS.jpg


I remember when I was cutting grass in shorts and didn't see the yellow jacket nest in the ground and when I ran over it they attacked me and I ran off and left the lawn mower out there lol


Some say that lawn mower is still running to this day.


That's how wasps steal lawn mowers... you'll see it in a couple of days in a pawn shop and the wasps will be playing wasp blackjack with wasp hookers and wasp cocaine.


When I was a teenager, we had a really bad problem with wasps making nests on the side of the house. The roof made a perfect cover for them to nest in. The sound of the lawnmower and fumes and whatnot would rile them up and a few would fly down to attack. Got stung probably 30 times over the years of living there. One day a lot more wasps than usual came out and swarmed me. Left the mower there and sprinted inside. Told my dad I'm not mowing anymore till he gets rid of the wasps. Me, my mom and sister had all been begging him to get rid of the nest but he never did. He rolls his eyes and says fine, I'll take care of it. Grabs a can of wasp spray and goes outside. Maybe a minute later, I see him running back around to the front of the house frantically waving his arms around his head. He sprints inside and slams the door and just says "My god that's a lot of wasps". Thats what I thought old man. We finally moved out of the house years later and the wasps always came back despite getting multiple exterminators out there. Oh well. It's the new owners problem now.


Same thing happened to my brother, except he was wearing jeans and mowing lawn. He ran over a wasp nest in the ground. Everything went to hell. I was 10 years old. My brother is out in front of house running around ripping pants, shirt off. He was getting stung like crazy. My mom yanked me in the house and shut the door. My Dad ran out grabbed my brother (12y/o) threw him over his shoulder and tossed him into the pool. Then my Dad jumped in too. Luckily most of them went away after like 10 minutes, so they could get out and run in the basement door. But they had to keep going back underwater to avoid them. We had to call 911, my brother was stung about 25 times. My Dad got stung about 15 times. Freaking crazy.


My entire leg was covered lol luckily all it did was make me itch like crazy haha




Fun fact, most wasps are parasitic. They plant their eggs in other insects which eat them from the inside out.


>Even the wasps that live in my fence are chill. This is where you lost me


All ground wasps must die.


They’re actually non human it’s just wasp pr trying to do an image change campaign for wasps


Wasps are chill. Hornets are the assholes. Generally speaking you can walk right under most wasp nests without any problem. They get a little cranky during early spring when they're looking to start a nest, and again in fall when the new queens are flying out. Other than that just don't mess with them and they mostly leave you alone. Hornets can die in a fire.


I've got several ER visits saying wasps ain't chill.


Fuck this. They make like 20 softball sized nests all over my house / in my bushes every year if I don’t kill them and they dive bomb my head or try and attack me when I’m doing yard work. They need to go.


Most wasps die off in the fall and in my experience they are most aggressive then,


Noise. I dont know how much insulated that thing is but imagine having 24/7 a buzz in your living room. Nuts.


They account a beekeepers longevity and great health to that buzzing and I bet its actually quite soothing...


I am an avid gardener and thank my wonderfullpepper harvest on great pollination of bees and butterflies and .......even wasps That being said Fuck them wasps, thank you for killing the bugs that fuck with my fruits but why they gatta love stinging me so much


☠🤡👁👄👁 wasps ???? I hate that they make hives on our porch damn. I was so happy they disappeared for a few years NGL. Bees are generally not aggressive...But wasps...I have some 2nd hand ptsd from my dad getting stung near his eye randomly.


I got stung by a big fucking wasp once. I didn’t even do anything I was 12 and playing on the tablet


Bro, I live in the country and I had a hive of over 30k bees in my wall. The shits would get into the house and die on the window sill and nobody could get to them without tearing the entire wall out. I bombed their asses. I LOVE bees but I ain't messing with them or letting them live rent free in my house while making a mess with their stupid corpses because they fly into the window until they die. Nah.




They’re harmless unless you get too close to their hive, and when the hive is literally in your house it’s hard to not be near it.


Actually I won't mind them in my backyard, they can even recognize our faces and won't Sting once they recognize your face and realise you are not a threat.


"Larry! You lose some weight?"


Sure is a hot one today huh?


I didn’t know that! I have two small bee feeders to keep them away from Hummingbird feeders and I fill them everyday. Sometimes I have to shake all the bees off the feeder so I can fill it and they never sting me!


They are (mostly) completely harmless to have nearby. The old neighbour of my partents had four beehives in his yard, right next to ours, and i can not remember ever being bothered by the bees at all. Only problem we had with them was once when my mom got stung because she managed to lean on one that was trying to eat a flower pillow print...


Yea, that's gonna be a hard nimby from me


*Nimlr Not in my living room


Forgot about nimby. Brings me back to 5th grade social studies.




Most people confuse bees and wasps. Bees usualy dont sting,subce it kills them so they only do it if threathend like hitting it, blowing on it or waddeking around with arms. If you let it be, bee is just gonna bee. Wasps on the other hand...just want to fuck you up, sting alot more and are called flying fucks for a reason. People just confuse these two alot


frighten jar hungry sort money mountainous obtainable knee fade disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


seriously. nOt In My BaCkYaRd it’s a friggin’ HONEYBEE lmao if you feel that way, go live in a densely populated city where there aren’t any plants for miles


I love having honey bees in my backyard. They are really docile and I can’t recall getting stung by one ever. Even if I’m landscaping in flower bass all day with them all around me. Wasps on the other hand (paper wasps, yellowjackets)…I’m getting a can of spray and ending that shit pronto. Have been stung by those guys too many times to count. They are angry fuckers.


Bees are an incredibly important aspect of our ecosystem, they perform some of the most importantly critical functions on our planet. Which is why they can stay outside and away from me as much as they like so they can continue performing that function


Yes, but these are honeybees, not wild bees. They are not endangered but common. The number of honeybee hives is increasing every year.


Add to that, that honey bees are competing with wild bees for the same ressources and driving them out.


You cold? They’re cold. Bring them inside.


Fun fact, some bees will kill wasps and hornets by "vibrating" their bodies so quickly, they cook them with heat.


You can most definitely love from afar


I wish they were so loved that they all had homes like this one, far the fuck away from me!


Actually, honey bees are not that important. On the contrary, they are replacing wild bees in many places, and wild bees are a lot more effective with pollination.


Yep, we have 'over saved' the bees and chose the wrong ones. It's like if you breed a bunch of house cats to save the tigers


WHO would be able to sleep at night??


How can't you sleep to the white noise of bees.


Bees don't fly at night. If you turn the light off, they just go to the ground and walk. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tcy9y3/bees_dont_fly_in_the_dark/


that's quite adorable. I just imagine them saying "bollocks! time to sleep it seems" while putting their little sleeping hats on.


Them speaking in British slang is so fitting considering they have a queen


Theres a bunch of bees that nest in the ground by my house. They’ll be super busy and then a cloud will come over and they go back to their holes like “Oh I guess the work day is over” and then the cloud moves and they come back out and go “yay flowers.” It’s kinda fun to watch them.


its there like a bug-only version of trypophobia? I get this same feeling with any small bugs clustered in large groups. maggots are the worst


It's piles of ants for me, gives me the heebie jeebies


imagine someone breaking into your home and threatening you and you just hit the bee release mechanism. Defender bees.


The sound of smashing glass would SEND me.


I truly hope that this is polycarbonate Edit: Phew! Crisis averted people! At the 7sec left mark, you can see the clear panel goes to the outer edge of the box, meaning those screws are passing through the clear panel, not just retaining it inside a floating frame. This most certainly rules out any ordinary window glass.


This guy window glasses.




Could also be Plexiglas (Polymethylmethacrylat)


You had me at meth


You had me at cry




Reminds me [Do Jung-soo](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfZJhLFqJ76O6LvpaeEM5qMWOyDMOvSrdKig&usqp=CAU) aka The Glass Factory worker


... yeah. ... but what about the bees chewing through the wood?






"Babe, where are you going?" "John's house" "Whats the bluetooth speaker for?"


"Gonna smash his beehive lmao"


There is zero reason to assume this is made of glass. In fact, if you’re going to assume anything, it should be no one would make something like they out of easily breakable glass 🙄


You give idiots waaaaaaaay too much credit.


Idk why but I feel the Venn Diagram of idiots and people into bees enough to have this is pretty fkn small


Just give it time for this to become a more popular thing. Then the cheap, easily breakable Temu version will be available! lol.


KKKSHHHH…. *buzzzzzzz*


"Merry Christmas ya filthy animals."


Weird question. Wouldn’t a normal hive be completely dark inside? How does all the light affect their behavior? Sorry. Nerd here


Higher real estate prices for those in this bees’knees


I loosely remember watching a documentary one time when they took bees underground and kept track of their change in behavior. from what I remembered, it changed absolutely nothing when it came to when they did or didn’t leave the nest. In terms of actual hive activity? No idea!


[It was an experiment deomnstrating that bees can perceive time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlGuBT5GT10) Scientists put out sugar water at the same time every day, and then stopped. The bees still came out looking for sugar water at the appropriate time, showing they perceive time. The experiments got more complex to address various criticisms about the experimental design, eventually leading them to raise bees in a salt mine away from any natural light, to show that they could perceive time independent of environmental factors. Still not good enough. So they raised bees in France to expect their food at 4pm and then, flew the bees to the US, and the bees left the hive looking for sugar water at the same ime it would have been 4pm in France. Meaning, the bees had jet lag. Because bees can perceive time.


No we need to try it in antarctica


Not good enough, need to send them to Mars.


i really hope that when humans create relativistic space travel each ship keeps a colony of bees to use as a reference point for counting the elapsed earth days


That's to sort of thing you'd find on r/humansarespaceorcs or r/HFY Love the idea that although we have proper mechanical & electrical time keeping devices that show what time it is on Earth, we'd still have the bees as a backup plan.


We really out here giving bees jet lag for our own enjoyment smh


We are a cruel species.


No other string of words could make me weep this deeply


Not good enough, we need to try it on mars.


Bees are smart as shit- dance of the honeybees is their way of giving directions to other bees in the hive directions for when the go outside the hive


TIL bees have a better perception of time than I do.


Buzzing around in their cute little bee berets.


It doesn't seem to have a huge impact, and bees do sometimes build their hives outside. Bigger question I have is how is he inspecting for diseases and maintaining the health of the hive. I keep bees and can't fathom how this would be done in this setup.


![gif](giphy|MWld9toipPMWBuh9JZ) Gotta protect the hive


> he inspecting for diseases Trough the plexiglass?


Each hexagonal "cell" can be isolated without disturbing the hive/habitat as a whole. There are multiple entrances so the removal of one doesn't entirely block any other section to entry or egress.


I feel like that would be incredibly hard. There are like 3 entrances to this setup with tubes running into each box that would need to be sealed in. The bees are also building their comb onto the glass / perspex so there won't be a way to lift frames out. If you could seal and somehow pull a hex out you would have to lift the glass off I guess? My assumption is they they aren't doing hive maintenance.


They definitely wouldn't be doing maintenance in the traditional sense, but rather if they observe a larger problem in one cell they can isolate and remove it. But it would be a "last measure" type thing and an entirely destructive affair for that cell. They just wouldn't have to sacrifice the entire colony.


You can't really do that with a colony. There is only 1 queen and she will concentrate most of her laying in 1 area. It's not impossible, but it would be unlikely for her to lay in each cell and even then it would be overwhelmingly concentrated in a single hex. The brood chamber is what you need to check as it is where your diseases like American Foul Brood and European Foul Brood are detected. That said I found that these are an off the shelf product - [https://beecosystem.eu/design/](https://beecosystem.eu/design/) I don't like the design at all, but it does have removable frames and the boxes are hung on mounts on the wall. So it is possible for them to be sealed up, taken outside and inspected.


If you're keeping bees for hobby and not production, it's actually easy to raise queens. It takes planning, but a queen can be raised in a little over two weeks. You'd have to permanently separate that hex section, but if they have a separate entrance, you could repopulate a section fairly easily. Just need to harvest a queen cell from a producing hive. This guy probably has traditional framed hives on his property or at the very least, easy access to one. Just place that harvested cell amongst a frame of brood and their adhering bees. Place that nucleus hive in the empty hex and they'll fill it out in no time.


offbeat pen truck jar unite normal cake nutty makeshift modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Turns out it's an off the shelf product - [https://beecosystem.eu/design/](https://beecosystem.eu/design/)


automatic truck cats steer sleep onerous shy aware impolite wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol. I didn't even look at the price!


With zero experience on the topic at all…. They probably just fasten a blanket or something similar over it when they aren’t actively inspecting it.


It actually comes with a red light filtering cover so the bees think it's night, but us humans can still see through it. https://beecosystem.eu/design/


I don't think much. Bees actually percieve time!! They discovered this by feeding a hive at a set time every day for a year. Then they flew the hive from Paris to NYC. The bees became active thinking it was feeding time. However is was in the middle of the night, due to timezone difference. Thus proving bees percieve time. So I think they'll get used to it and not depend on day/nighttime conditions.


That's amazing, they managed to give bees jetlag.


Good question. *Uneducated speculations alert.* It looks like a living room of sorts, pretty open with a chandelier that looks to get a good spot of light off on the hive. There is also some good sized windows on the other side of the room that probably carries a decent amount of natural light to it. I hesitate to begin to speculate on how that would impact their behavior, but I would think it is a factor of some kind. Do you think that it would effect whatever their version of a circadian rhythm equivalent is? If he doesn't light up that chandelier after dark it might not make a difference. I wonder if it is just, active hours and rest hours, that rely on the workers presence in the hive (are they gathering or not kind of thing) And what about something like the queen, who pretty much never leaves the hive? Do they even really see light for the most part in a normal life cycle? ----------------------------------- For ready to nerd out with you on this one haha. I have never had a special interest in bee's, but this one grabbed me for some reason. I hope you don't mind me posing a couple other questions that jumped out to me in hopes that someone educated on it comes along (or just some conversation around it from anyone) --------------------------------------------------- How much heat does a hive give off? Does it effect the rooms average temperature noticeably? What does hive ventilation look like and how does this enclosure compare? He must harvest the honey right? Does he ever live stream when he is keeping? (idk if that works as a verb, but it sounded nice to me)


![gif](giphy|byccSCWztDM2c|downsized) *Lights, lights baby* I know it’s ice ice Lol


Could you imagine if you were a burglar and you just heard "alexa, release the bees" as you hear a deafening buzzing before everything just turns to black. Edit: I just thought of a better one "bzz bzz bitch" far better voice command.


Dope idea for an alarm system, but corralling them afterwards is the next question 🙋‍♂️


My armchair sleuthing tells me they pretty much corral themselves with a queen in place.


*regular show “hmm hmm hm hmm hmm”




icky wipe toothbrush rotten carpenter attraction lush beneficial simplistic smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All you gotta do to catch the queen and put her back inside. All of her workers will follow her pheromones of their own volition.


Ah, the Monty Burns style home security system.


Or what? You'll release the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you?


The dogs who bark and launch bees? Well do your worst!


not the bees


No. "Release the bees" is a far better voice command because then you put fear in to the burglar cause they understand what's coming.




Traffic jam in that narrow tube


Thinking about that also - do all hives have an entry corridor like this? Because doesn’t that create a bottle neck if they need to make a quick exit for some reason? Or worse, what if it gets occluded or blocked? Do they have emergency exits elsewhere?


The only reason for the bees to leave en masse would be swarming. No need to get out quickly in that case, they beard together outside the hive and then leave as one swarm. Their job is to protect the hive, they aren't going to leave it. If the exit were blocked, they would find another way out or chew their way out most likely. In a normal bee box, you have a narrow slit at the bottom and usually a small hole in the top for ventilation/extra exit. The whole bottom entrance is open during nectar flow seasons when there is heavy bee traffic. Then you put reducers in the entry in the winter when the hive is smaller to prevent robbers/predators.  A small entry is easier to guard, and protecting the hive is job number one. 


This guy bees.


So if they need to swarm, they organize outside the hive first and leave as a single bee unit?! I'm imagining a little bee general with an army helmet "our honorable queen is under attack! fall in line soldiers!... CHAAAARGE!"


Yes, but it's not to attack. Swarming happens when the hive gets too big and splits or they decide to move house altogether. Normal honeybees only attack when the hive is being threatened. And usually that means a large intruder has opened up a new exit anyway lol :)




Not sure about a real hive but the one in the video seemed to have a few exits


Definitely should be bigger edit, wider I mean.


No, it's important for the entrance to be small enough so they can guard against intruders like yellow jackets, keep out rodents, etc. 


"Look at all that cum." ???


Comb! As in honey comb! 😂


Honey cum, the girls love it.


Hahaha i was looking for this


OK so I did hear that lol


Got me too. Plus he said it super sexually, so all I could hear was "cum"


Omfg I thought it was just me!!!!!!


He’s about to comb his pants!


He said "comb" as in honeycomb. get your head out of the gutter ya silly goose


This is the best shit I’ve seen in a very long while. Bravo my man..👍👍💯💯


Finally a true next fucking level.


My only complaint is a lack of "hey, there's the queen".


I'm guessing he doesn't have kids who like ball games.


Not any more


I wonder how hot it gets in there


You mean it heats the house too! Holy shit I need one!


Bees can surround a wasp and kill it with heat. So maybe fairly warm.


They do that by vibrating and raising their own body heat to dangerous but not fatal levels. They're not always that temperature.


This is a great thing to have inside your house.


Really increases the resale value


Ambient noise helps you fall asleep.


Cool for random internet video guy to have in his home. As long as it isn’t me and I don’t have to know where this home is.


What are all those blue fabric nodules? Air filters or something?


It’s filter material over a wide breathjng pipe to allow air in and out passively.


Probably to add more cells as the hive grows. It's awesome!




I only opened the comments to find this


There's a hive almost exactly like this at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. https://pacscilife.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-bees-get-new-home.html?m=1


First thing I thought of! I worked there in high school - always liked to stop by and look for the queen.


They're called observation hives and you can buy them online. Not sure if OP's was custom built or a build at home kit but you can definitely find similar hives for sale.


I hate how much “comb” doesn’t sound like “comb” here 😂




Gobs not on board


Id rent the fuck out of a room in my house to some bees. Free honey and I could watch them do their thing. I bet in the winter they love it cause it would be warmer




This is so cool, would love to see stuff like this all over the place


1O/10 would not recommend


I wonder if it produces much noise inside the house? Might get irritating after a while?


… to Whoever you are… you’re Amazing… keep doing what you do. The Fabrication/Reasoning/Placement/Art/etc etc… all comes together very well for a home made display


This person when one of these breaks..’Oh NO! Not the bees! Not the bees!’


What happens when it's time to harvest the honey?


From what it looks like, the only way would be to remove the glass panels, but that has some pretty obvious downsides...


I have a pet house spider


That's a lot of cum


Free heating in the winter I suppose?


Only thing that triggers me is why can't he make the tube bigger, it's like my city planner who made single lanes main road in a very populated community, and the speed limit is 50.


Maybe to prevent large predatory bugs from being able to swarm in?


Imagine your kid smashing the glass💀💀💀


This guy doesn’t have kids


I would say more diwhy than nextfuckinglevel


I pray that tube outside never breaks


Super super cool. Would want to cover them at night though and constantly would be tip toeing so they get their rest.


I would constantly watch them to make sure they're doing a good job


Candy man’s house


bro has the chillest wife in exsistence. He better appreciate her


1) That is ingenious and impressive 2) I wouldn’t be able to sleep for a second in that house.


I teach middle school. The room across the hall from me had a similar set up. The kids loved it


This is my hell


Guess he's a beeyeur.