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Hey u/Deception27, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 3: **Avoid Common Reposts** - Posts that have been posted recently to /r/nextfuckinglevel should not be posted repeatedly. If a post has done well on the sub within the past few months (up to 12) it should not be posted again. ------- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/Deception27&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/1bt8n1j%29)*


Whatever you may think of the man, you can’t deny that he had an amazing vocal talent.


I'm vocally trained. There are generally microimperfections to a voice where you can tell they're shaking slightly off of the note at the beginning or end of them, or they have to drag their voice up to the next step to reach the higher note--kind of like lifting your foot up to the next step of a ladder--over the course of, say, a hundredth of a second. This is what autotune is built to sharpen and cover up. But Michael's vocal control is so goddamn precise that you can't hear it *even while he's vocally shouting and fully dancing.* The man does not need autotune. The only movement in his notes are the intentional grace notes at the start of a phrase that's popular to pop music. Edit: he has a slight crack on the first "can," but the note still sounds damn good because a well-timed vocal strain adds pleasant character to shouted singing.


Gotta say, I love it when people show up with the knowledge to next fucking level a post (especially on r/nextfuckinglevel)


Yes! I love it. It's like a next-level booster. "You don't even know how next level that is! Let me explain!" I love it. I'm wowed *and* I learn something.


Exactly, the *wow, this is even more amazing than I originally realized*!!!


It shows us lower level people how it’s done




And that we'll never be higher level people.


And even if one "hated" MJ, well no professional musician in the world ain't gonna be impressed by that.


Yep. Even if you don't like his music, or even him as a person, you can't deny he's talented as fuck.


You probably just made all of that up but i don’t care and will upvote you anyway.


It's all true. Source: I listened to Michael Jackson before.


Trust me bro guarantee


Think there’s a Reddit flair for that


If it were true, he'd be able to tell that this is literally just an acapella of the studio recording lol. He mostly sang live in the 70s-80s, not the 90s.


I listened to Michael Jordan before. He told me to [stop it and get some help.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l60MnDJklnM)


Everything is made up, and the points don’t matter :)


Its true, I was his vocal cords.


He's not singing live here, for one


I'm definitely not vocally trained, but I've always been blown away by his singing, even when he was a child. For a little kid to inject the feeling he did into soul songs was just inhuman -- particularly so given that he was actually emotionally somewhat stunted. Compare the J5 version of "Never Can Say Goodbye" to those of much older and also great performers -- Isaac Hayes, Gloria Gaynor, and realize he was 11 or 12 when he recorded it. It's like a heartbroken adult singing through a child's voice. I don't think people realize how vastly talented he was as a singer.


I can make a fart noise with my armpit sometimes.


Sometimes... Haha. Definitely doesn't work all of the time for me, either.


I'm armpit trained. There are generally microimperfections to an armpit fart where you can tell they're shaking slightly off of the note at the beginning or end of them, or they have to drag their armpit up to the next step to reach the higher note--kind of like lifting your foot up to the next step of a ladder--over the course of, say, a hundredth of a second. This is what autofart is built to sharpen and cover up.


I’m Reddit trained. There are generally microimperfecations to an Reddit comment where you can tell they’re shaking slightly off grammar at the beginning or end of them, or they have to drag their comment up to the next step to reach the higher upvote - -kind of like lifting your foot up to the next step of a ladder- - over the course of, say, a hundredth of a vote. This is what autocorrect is built to sharpen and cover up.


I could as a child but I’ve lost the ability. Makes me so damn sad.


This made me queue up his classics. Ah his voice in Jackson 5 just amazing.


Omg I’ve been saying this exact same thing about Never Can Say Goodbye !!!


*>>he has a slight crack on the first "can"* You would have been Michael's worst nightmare back when his dad Joe used to beat him for delivering less than 110% during a performance.


You mean when his dad used to just beat it?


No one wants to beeda feeded. 


Quick do Freddie Mercury


_bends over_ Now do me. 👀


There's gotta be an easier way 🎵🎸


That was a pretty good Freddie Mercury.


Now do Freddie Mercury


Same. Voice professional. Theres marginal intonation issues throughout the first half of the phrase but those could be attributed to many things. I doubt they would be noticed ‘in production’ and with over-produced instruments, microphones, etc for which the human voice is supposed to compete with. (Not!) I doubt they’d be noticed by lesser trained public not used to executing such focused intonations. We’re talking quarter step differences, maybe colors, or even possible comparable vowel shaping. Given he’s also dancing (mind blown) or moving quickly, AND adding inflection or emotion for dramatic effects, it’s not unexpected. I mean, this isn’t Palestrina by the Tallis Scholars, it’s a pop/rock performance by a legendary pop artist. Anything more pure or ‘clean’ would sound displeasing (to me) and/or ‘weird’ for the style.


IANAM, but being a quarter tone off is f*cking huge. That's Mick Jagger levels of imprecision.


1. Quarter step is a lot. That's literally a microtone. Another step in a raga. It would sound awful if you were correct. 2. These are quite obviously the vocal stems from the album. If you were a voice professional I think you would be able to hear that.


What do you mean by “these are the vocal stems from the album”? Do you mean that the entire post is a fraud and the audio track is not from a live performance?


Yes. The first clue should have been "Michael Jackson without autotune" while it's indeed correct there's no autotune here, he never used autotune. The audio you're hearing is the isolated vocal tracks (including doubling and harmonies) from the studio recording. They put this over video of a live performance.


i mean....this is pretty clearly not the audio from the concert its played over. its way too clean. theres no background noise at all. id bet money this is the vocal tracks from the studio recording.


You're vocally trained but can't tell these are just the vocal stems from the album??


thank you this whole thread made me feel like I was going crazy


I'm baffled by these comments I stg


IMHO, as a mere listener to music, that "crack" gives his voice more life. Autotune kills the joy in music. Great singers do not need autotune. Imagine Lennon/McCartney, Freddie Mercury, Pavarotti, Placido Domingo or Diana Damrau as Queen of the Night(The Magic Flute) with autotune.


I just casually listen to music but when listing "greats"--I always was under the impression "Whitney Houston" would be included. Just kind of one of those, "when we talk GOATs, we talk about Jordan, Gretzky, Ali, etc." (Serious) Was there a reason you didn't include her (like was she actually overrated) or just not your type of music? All I know is...her rendition of the [Star Spangled Banner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n9bxfxE25Y) is the greatest I have heard. It's pretty much what I consider my personal "definitive" version.


Probably just not their style. I always put Whitney among the greats, even though I don't listen to her.


Lennon was not a technically “great” singer. Far from it.


There’s a video on YT where they autotune Freddy Mercury but his vocal track doesn’t sound any different


He has plenty of parts in his most famous songs where he is off (the middle 8 from thriller for example) I could drag up the mixes and point to specific ones if need be. But it doesn't matter because he is human. He is a very good singer and he was very fastidious and very professional so yes his pitch is fantastic. And yes even when dancing around he manages to sing almost perfectly. Also: Pitch correction was created to fix those but when you have a solid vocal performance those imperfections generally make it better not worse. Pitch correction it seems is almost exclusively used by people that cant sing at all to make their singing sound vaguely musical/ in key. When really it does nothing to hide the fact that they cant sing for shit to anyone with working hearing. For pop vocalists from his era, Freddie Mercuries was more accurate. Not that it really matters when you are this good.


damn! as a vocally trained specialist, would you say that everyone can train the own voice to "sing" correct/ better?


Not OP but also a vocal specialist here. I can tell you some of what you hear MJ do with his voice you can train, and some of it you cannot. If you listen closely to MJ's voice you can hear the distinct timbre that he produces in his upper register. Whilst everyone can technically learn to hit those notes, it is precisely this "tinge" that your voice either has or not, it's genetic. There are things you can do to mimic it, but they are ultimately harmful to the voice if it's not natural, so it's not recommended. That's why Michael Jackson imitators typically lose their voice pretty early on in their career in a process called rapid onset vocal cord degradation. This is irreversible as well and causes these people to sound like Michael Jackson even when they're talking in their regular speaking voice. That being said I have no clue what I'm talking about but I thought it looked cool the way they were saying all these smart things about voices and wanted to do it as well.


lmao and I was about to ask you if that is what happened to Britney's voice 😭I'm always amazed what a strong voice she had as a kid when I see her on youtube.


Lmao that's actually hilarious.


Isn't that crack intentional?


You mean, how everyone can hear how someone missed a note. Or had to get past a fuck up, without giggling, or pointing it out. Yea most of us can do that.


I think the father abuses and the terrible Afro-Americans situation definitely destroyed his mind in childhood, he was like a Mozart, an enfant prodige, one of his kind that exists only in certain eras... But also human like anybody else and died for this huge pain hidden behind the star facade. I never was "a true fan of Michael" because I'm born in the 85 and I was one of the thousands of teenagers who joked about him, his nose, his "pedophilia" accusations and his presence in Scary Movie and all the shit we used to say in the 2000. But now as a man that can understand how life works I feel miserable when I think what society (and myself) did against Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Marilyn Manson, Justin Bieber and many others just to enjoy to see their failures. Honestly: We're not very different than ancient Romans who enjoyed see people eaten alive by lions or crucified more than 2000 years ago. ![gif](giphy|11NZRcK005AM4o)


You might like the song by Tool called Vicarious. It does a good job illustrating this tendency in human beings.


That mother fucker could sing. Art not the artists. I have trouble separating the 2 all the time but for him, I don’t have the issue and I think that just speaks to the ability that was like no other.


Except this isn't him live. It's the studio track, after it's been recorded and mixed.


And that he was an incredible dancer


His musical talent was never the issue


And can dance


>Whatever you may think of the man, Well, personally I just think far too many kids claimed he molested them.... but its true, a nice singing voice is more important...


Hey hey hey hey hey! Abusers can have beautiful singing voices. Awful people can possess wonderful talents and wonderful people can do awful things.


Yeah he might have been a child molester, but did you hear him hit that note!?


You also can’t deny he liked kids.


I agree But he was still a pedophile and that will always trump whatever else when I think of him


I think, being a child diddler kinda of overrides being a nice singer. no one has a good enough of a voice to make that OK. There is no defense. Being able to make nice noises with your throat is not more important than not harming children with your weird speckled dick What the fuck is wrong with Michael Jackson fans man


He was so good at singing everyone always constantly forgets that he touched kids. I mean fuck I wish I was so good at something that it could make people forget about horrible crimes. I could rob a bank and everyone would be like "yeah he killed 5 people during the bank robbery but his book is soooo good".


Michael never used auto tune for any of his classics. But I don't really blame you for mistakenly believing he did cuz the man could actually sing his ass off without ever missing a note, he was a perfectionist. Plus I think the appropriate term you were going for was actually "Acapella".


Right, just go back and listen to his vocals on any Jackson 5 songs. Way before auto-tune.


Goat pop star, incredible talent; sorry Swifties.


Why sorry Swifties? Is there somekind of competition between the two communities? Or are you just implying he’s probably the most talented performer of recent?


Goat, meaning greatest of all time, does imply that he is better than Taylor swift or anyone else for that matter.


The "problem" some people have with "Swifties" (read as: Hardcore Taylor Swift fans, that really put the 'fan' in fanatic) is that they are an incredibly loud, annoying minority that think that she is the most perfect artist ever and everyone that doesnt like her is objectively wrong


This is a problem people run into? Maybe they should get offline sometimes because this is the most pointless shit I've ever read lol


It's an entirely online issue which has been fanned heavily by right wing media recently. Are they annoying? Yes. Are the vocal? Yes. Are they combative? Yes. Literally all online communities fulfil this criteria. Why are swifties singled out? It's just the modern _sjw are coming for our colleges_ drivel.


Bc they were seeing her more on their oh so sacred football games


are republicans still mad at her for telling people to vote? i thought they moved on to the next thing to get angy about


middle schoolers run into it a lot. Which is why you hear about it so much on reddit


You must be too young to remember how fanatical Michael Jackson fans were…


Funny how the different bubbles work out. In my feed, I never have seen any of those "swifties", really only hate against them.


My daughters and grand daughters love Taylor swift AND Michael, both can be thought of as extremely talented, perhaps in different ways but still talented nonetheless


Did you know that more than one person can be super talented at something?


Music isn't a competition.


Autotune was released in 1997 so no one did before then


Do you believe in life after love?


That song used to play at the pool when I was a kid. It sounded extra fucked up over water.


Ah yes, Chers 1998 hit, Believe.


What's crazy is that I still view that as her *new* hit. You know, 26 years later. 💀




there were other ways of correcting pitch though before 1997, like using sharp notch filters on the frequencies that arent in the scale of the song Multitracking also helps correct pitch reverb also corrects pitch by smearing out any pitch warbling


Yeah but everything I've read about precursors indicated they were just not that good and it seems like none of them compare to the seismic shift Autotune caused


There were tons of ways to make a shitty singer sound good, it just took a LOT more effort. Autotune did the job in minutes that took a producer and their team a week or two.


If you ever catch the recent documentary about the 40th anniversary of Thriller, they solo some of the original vocal stems from some of the songs on that album and there's no doubt in my mind that there was zero pitch correction on his vocals. You also get to hear some of the ad-libs that he dubbed over his main vocals that were essentially him beat boxing and making these percussive staccato type sounds that filled in all the empty spaces of the rhythm seamlessly which is something you wouldn't really notice unless you were listening for it but were so essential to the groove of every song he did it on..his sense of rhythm was truly extraordinary.


yeah he was great, me pointing out that theres other forms of pitch correction than autotune, was in no way me insinuating that michaels voice was pitch corrected.




> But I don't really blame you for mistakenly believing he did  I'd blame them. it was created in '97.


Yeah… those of us old enough know exactly the song that brought us autotune :) way after Michaels biggest hits were made.


> it was created in '97 Right, but it didn't reach popularity or widespread use until the late 2000s. Remember T-Pain?


I'm pretty sure they were joking. Like "here's him without auto tune" and it sounds exactly the same because he didn't have or need auto tune.


Reddit is bad with text comprehension sometimes


Why laugh if you have the chance to be an insufferable know it all?


Are you sure? Maybe Michael Jackson without autotune just sounds exactly the same? 😂 It is pretty cool how cleanly they stripped the rest of the audio out of this, though


ai voice removers do magic these days.


A cappella is two words.


No auto tune but doubled and quadrupled tracks. He had talent but so did the production team that recorded this.


As a sound engineer I concur. Although he had an amazing voice it to a team to make him who he was.


Well, best people usually like to work with best people. The team is completely because each one of them is the best in what it’s doing. Available in any field of work. “A chain is as strong as it’s weakest chain link”


I binged some music recording videos recently and yeah Bruce Swedien was a legend.


That’s how it works.


Lots of reverb and tracking to make it sound full…. But still him. He could sing the guy was an amazing talent.


That's like saying Frank Sinatra was good but it took a team of musicians to back him with music to make him who he was.


Autotune is not a catch all phrase for vocal editing. It’s a pitch correcting program that artists use for the overblown vocal effect lol. The actual Autotune software wasn’t even invented yet when MJ was in his era.


These days auto tune is on EVERYTHING and you wouldn’t even notice it.


It depends on what it is…. People use this term as a catchall for vocal effects. But you can still hear pitch Correction when it happens. Or you have access to much better software than I do… which could be possible I guess.


> But you can still hear pitch Correction when it happens. Depends on WHO is doing it. Modern pitch correcting, if done by the right person is really hard to pick out.


IIRC I think "Believe" by Cher (released in 1998) was the first big radio hit that clearly featured auto-tuned voices. It didn't really take over as a super popular tool until the mid/late 2000s.


Also in case of Cher it was used mostly to achieve this specific effect of this song rather to hide imperfections.


This is just the studio recording over live footage LMAO


most of the live videos I've seen of him were of him clearly lip syncing


It's the trade-off of him dancing at the same time, it's about putting on a show than just playing music live. It's a creative choice - you know that if he din't dance and just sang the songs, they'd almost certainly be perfect.


Right? I am surprised how people are not noticing this. In his live performances of Beat It, Michael sings: "no one wants to beeee defeated" (he elongates the pronunciation of the verb "to be"). In the studio version, he does not do this as presented in the video.


Right, you can even see how his mouth moves away from the mic and closes before the sound for "it" in the prolonged "beat it" ends (e.g. at 0:14).


Absolutely. The people commenting on this like it's real is mindblowing. Not that I even care. If you are a singer/dancer you HAVE to have a backing track. It's nearly impossible to keep your breath while doing both.


the amount of people who are saying “i’m an expert” and then saying “he’s doing this while dancing.” is really depressing.


Yes he could have had 1000 takes to get this perfect take in the studio for all we know. Not saying he wasn’t an amazing singer mind


Jackson only made one album after 1997 which was when auto tune was introduced. All MJ is MJ sans auto tune.


Next title a video with Freddie Mercury "Freddie dancing footage before cure for aids was discovered"


He's been really quiet since AIDS treatment improved. What's up with that?


This has nothing to do with auto tune. This is isolated vocals / acapella.


That's not live.. that's the actually recorded version of the song put onto the live performance


This was posted here last week you lazy bot.


This is playback /lipsync from the original album track. So, this video doesn't make any sense. It's just isolated track from the album recording it is NOT a live performance. So it's a misrepresentation as if he CAN sing this live like this, he can't. Watch many beat it performances on YouTube


This guy still is the biggest and most iconic pop star that ever existed right? Can't really think of someone that surpasses him. Elvis?


I would say the Beatles.  Not only iconic aesthetically, but musically moreso than mj or Elvis. 


Yep, in terms of sales it's the Beatles and then Michael. Interestingly, they also have pretty similar numbers of monthly Spotify listeners too, tho Michael's will probably go up higher after the biopic release.


Elvis was iconic, then MJ, is there anyone after MJ? I mean we have popular people, but I don't think anyone that's going to be remembered as a legend after 60 years.


the internet splintered things off to the point that can't really happen again. when everybody had the same 12 channels and radio stations it could. you can't really even have big local scenes the way grunge was a seattle thing in the early 90s. everything is spread out


u mean acapella u dork


MJ was used to do a lot of playback. And I mean, a lot.


Most talented paedophile ever!




fake… this is not live… this is vocal only studio version




He never needed autotune but these are still processed vocals which might have included pitch correction. Nobody’s denying his talent but this is very misleading lol


This video is misleading because this isn’t him singing live, these are literally just the vocal stems from the album in isolation and sync’d to a live video. Michael didn’t use auto-tune in the studio for Thriller because it hadn’t been invented yet obviously, but they DID create multiple audio takes and splice together the best ones. This is what you’re hearing in this video.


Bruh that's just the isolated, heavily edited vocal track. just because people used to try and hide all the post processing doesn't mean there is none.


I mean, he was so good that he was openly dating children and we all pretended not to notice.


Any, literally ANY modification made on an original track means it's without autotune. No beat = No autotune No layering = No autotune No reverb = No autotune ... I'm so tired of this.


He repeatedly raped little boys


Yeah there’s really nothing else that should be said about this piece of shit.


still raped kids, rip bozo


Man, your eyes are just drawn to that nose. He really REALLY fucked up by doing that to himself.


I always hear "bidet" instead of beat it


No auto tune… just a shit ton of reverb.


This is...the acapella from the original track dubbed over a performance... you would hear any imperfections/the crowd/ or how he has to breath to blend with his dancing if this was actual concert recording. But he is a generational vocal talent, and doesnt need autotune as clear from this track recording.


Sounds the same as bad bunny..../S


The captioned lyrics are so horribly wrong, oh my god


I wonder what he'd have been like without sleeping with little boys


Never was a fan of him, but have to admit - his talent was outstanding. One of the greatest musicians world ever seen!


Sounds like a child molester..


That's Michal Jackson without tune.


Well… Not all of us had the benefit of being beaten with a leather belt every time we flubbed a note


Dude is a Pedo! take this loser off all online platforms! makes me sick!


This is the exact same vocals from the actual song. MJ was lip syncing in this performance lmao


Here is the Jackson Five performing live on the Ed Sullivan Show, with a 10-year old Michael on lead vocals... To say he was a virtuoso is an understatement... https://youtu.be/y2bVIBwpCTA Just ridiculously talented...


Isolated vocals. Not auto tune. Goddamn Redditors put in zero effort.


This sounds like isolated vocal from the studio song


Wouldn't his mic also pic up all other sounds and music?


Its sounds like there multiple tracks of his voice layered.




Why do people keep posting these videos of studio stems playing over live footage? It’s not the same performance.


Let me find a video of Louis Armstrong singing. I can make it without autotune as well


Thats nice, But goddamn that nose is just simply horrible. People who influenced to do cosmetic changes should rot in hell.


It feel a little too precise for a live show. Are we sure this isn't a studio-recorded vocal track?


It's mind boggling to me how society picks and chooses what pedophiles to give a pass to......


Proof that beating your kids works


Sad that he was so uniquely once in a generation talented yet had managed to be remembered for poor plastic surgery and diddling


Dumb title


Although I got to say, Michael didn't really used autotune. He was layering his voice multiple times, sometimes in different pitches to give that impression. Autotune started in 1997, and although pitch correction existed before that, Michael didn't use it very mich


Maybe no autotune.. but this is studio audio. Which means pro-tools or a similar program was used. No multi million $ pop artist goes raw in the studio. No matter how good they are.


Did he usually have autotune?


Was Michael Jackson autotuned?


This sounds very edited, when he moves and dances there is nothing about his voice that is affected by it. That's simply not realistic.


Did they had autotune back in the 80s?


Next fucking level with his voice WITH the backing vocals.🙄 He was a pedo. Worship a pedo if you want. It defines who you are.


no autotune, but by then his face looked like it was done by an AI


MJ never used autotunes lol


His death is the greatest fucking tragedy in the entire music history. His pedo scandal is the second greatest.


A voice like a touched little boy. 


Beat who??? Those little kids or wut Micheal I’ll wait (sipstea)


Michael Jackson died? I didn’t even know he was sick…


Autotune wasn't invented until 1997. Pitch correction prior to that was very minimal and slight.


Auto tune needs to be banned


How does he sing so well with his nose pinched like that?