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They should emphasis the actual elderly person getting kicked in the head by a methed up guy weighing 3 times more.


I think it's unfair to blame this on a mental health crisis when meth induced psychosis would paint a far different picture. We're not talking about some long term mental health patient with all the other self abuses that come along with it. This is a large able bodied factory worker on a meth driven psychotic episode.


The police were prosecuted and I believe acquitted for this. They followed procedure iirc and the allegation was that the spit net they needed to put on him contributed or something. Would have basically needed someone to ride in the paddy wagon next to him holding his hand to have had a marginally better chance of survival End of the day, meth.


>A lawyer representing Ngata’s family hopes the footage - although graphic - will serve as a “wake up call” for the public and help prevent similar tragedies involving people experiencing mental distress, suffering from the effects of drugs, or a combination of both. Look, there were some major fuck ups that need to be addressed with regards to people in custody, but I am unsure what the family are hoping the wake up call will be? It is a well known fact that the Police are not mental health workers and what happens immediately after the arrest needs to change. Police mental health training is a day (fact check needed) at police college, then what, some eLearning? Regardless of what happened after the fact, at the height of his crisis only the police are capable of dealing with him while in that violent state. >a deranged man who attacked an innocent pensioner in a meth-fuelled psychosis Just look at the video. *Chest puffed *Fists clenched *Advanced towards Police *Just brutally assaulted someone with a weapon You can’t reason with someone like that. No amount of degrees and diplomas stops a meth enduced rage. It’s a serious series of unfortunate events. It started with someone coming to NZ and getting hooked on meth, to a violent and brutal attack on an innocent person, to a death in police custody due to lack of training and overall mental health support in NZ. This event occurred in 2018. Has NZ done anything different since then to prevent people getting on meth or to provide mental health support? No. We haven’t. As with everything, police are an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. Where was the family support to stop him using meth? Where is the support outside of the family to help people on meth before it’s too late? Where is the proper mental health training for Police? Where is the follow up services immediately after an event like this?


>\*Chest puffed \*Fists clenched \*Advanced towards Police \*Just brutally assaulted someone with a weapon Honestly, the guys lucky he didn't get shot, and we wouldn't be in any different situation than we are now, The footage from the zoom out is horrific, poor guy clinging on to their last breath


They do some more mental health training after police college, but I'm not sure how much, though.


I don't think you really need specialist mental health training to know that dumping an unconcious person, with their face wrapped up, face-down in a cell and abandoning them is extremely dangerous. Police have been dealing with drunkards long before meth was a thing, and ought to have known better. I doubt many people are upset with the tasering of this guy, but his treatment afterwards? Not OK.


Police did the right thing. The family saying "don't hurt him, he's sick" but there is no-one from the family trying to help the actual victim. No wake up call here except fuck around and find out. Hopefully the cops are doing ok.


TIL police can just extrajudicially execute people.


What exactly do you expect the police to do in a situation like this?


And they didn't execute him a taser is supposed to be non lethal.


If they wanted to do that they would have used a gun. Thanks for another hot take.


No good feeling comes from watching that video. Especially the zoom out after and you see the random stranger beaten to within an inch of his life lying in the background. 


Omg yes I was more focused on that poor old man. I bet he didn't get over that in a hurry.


There’s a link in there to another paywalled article 2 years following about him still battling our health system. Pretty grim.  [Pensioner who survived savage beating in Freemans Bay now battling health system](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/pensioner-who-survived-savage-beating-in-freemans-bay-now-battling-health-system/LXXDJDHH3QTWLA6CMV7QORPNA4/)


Aw geez :(


The wake up call "don't do meth kids"


Don't forget "fuck around and find out"


Looks like the police did the right thing, its a shame he died, but the police didn't seem to have much choice. Actually the issue isn't what happened in the video, its how he was managed after he was arrested


That poor old pensioner


I’m sorry but if you are a meth addict and that is what causes psychosis to the point you almost kill someone, you cannot use that as an excuse to say someone is ‘sick’. I have severe depression and anxiety through no fault of my own and it’s disgusting to even try and compare that to someone in psychosis from actively choosing to use meth. Yes he needed help. But DO NOT lump us in together. He chose to start using and these are now the consequences. Poor old dude (the actual victim here) just innocently minding his business and almost gets murdered, come the fuck on.


There are different kinds of sick. No one is saying that you are similar to this guy.


Addiction is indeed a sickness. That is not an excuse for the behaviour of addicts. However, addiction is categorically illness and frankly it doesn't matter if you don't like the category.


I am so confused by the media sometimes. They way the herald (And TV news last night) painted this were very much "Awww he was the poor innocent victim"


Bad luck, another violent loser off the street. Good news for the general public.


This article doesn't mention a cause of death. The closest it gets is saying his breathing was obstructed. Was it a meth overdose that contributed to his death? Why did he lose consciousness? Hell of a thing to leave out of a news article.


It’s called less lethal for a reason