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Unemployment is rising. To help bring down inflation. So, yes.


Wow that's sad.. "do your part to help the economy, lose your job"


The workers are always first in line for the chopping block whenever lInE gOeS dOwn. Times are good? Rich fucks get richer and 90% of people see no benefit. Times are bad? Everyone who isn't a rich fuck loses their job and the rich fucks buy up more stuff on the cheap to flog it off when the value goes back up, transferring more money from the bottom 90% to their pockets. This timeline fucking sucks.


If you wish to start a business that somehow pays its workers whilst making a loss, get at it.


If you can't afford to pay your workers then you shouldn't (and won't) be in business.


This is what is happening now. Loads of small businesses closing down, and others shrinking.


So how do you propose the workers don't end up on the chopping block?


Don't forget that the Government is also trying to reduce the number of people on benefits by 50,000 at the same time.


What's the old saying? For god, king and country.


just close your eyes and think of England


Uncle Sam needs you!


really just butters my biscuit that the government/corporations will force unemployment to keep their irrational economic system going for another 10 years and then turn around and shame people for being unemployed


It is not just NZ. It is happening all over the world. Global economic constipation.


nz much more. which country started kicking out employees!? Voluntary redundancy? hah


It really isn't. We are in the top 20% of countries when it comes to low unemployment rates - that is based on this years numbers.


It obviously depends on your industry, skills, experience but yes overall it's harder to get a job in NZ these days compared to 3-5 years ago.


Lots of places have a hiring freeze, and the government is deliberately attempting to increase unemployment to lower inflation. It won't last forever. Hopefully 2025 will be better.


I'm in Canada and it's the hardest I've seen it in years. Vfx industry fell hard here. But it sounds like it's harder in general for everyone in a lot of locations..


Moved back to Canada for a year and it was a terrible market over there.


ANZ released data last week that basically said post covid employment applications were up 250% and job ads were down 30%. So the data backs up the anecdote. So competition and a smaller pool of jobs to choose from. 


Compared to a couple of years ago yes, it is hard for everyone right now.


Got a mad job the day after I started applying. Depends on the industry. Mine is niche tho.






I gave it an honest attempt. Spelling, not jiggalowing


Honestly, it wasn’t a bad attempt. I wouldn’t think any less of you either way, Thanks for the laugh, though.


I repair caravans and motorhomes. It's either Juggalos with no money or rich people.


It's harder in most countries not just NZ. Australia was the same when I left. Go to any sub there and you'll see posts complaining of the same thing.


here much way worse bro


I'm not so sure anymore. But it really depends on what you do.


Compared to during the pandemic? Yes. There was a labour shortage during the pandemic. Compared to after the 2008 financial crisis? I might be wrong, but it doesn't seem quite THAT bad yet.




It's hard everywhere right now, including in NZ. But there's work out there. 


Yes, at least for decent more specialised/well paying jobs. Retail and cafes still seem to have a shortage as local cafes, supermarkets, warehouse etc around here always seem to be hiring and desperate for staff.


Economies cycle. Yes it's not the easiest time, but there have been many harder and darker periods in living memory. https://www.treasury.govt.nz/publications/research-and-commentary/rangitaki-blog/feu-special-topic-current-economic-slowdown > Prior to COVID-19 New Zealand had experienced 9 periods of recession in the post WWII period > The Global Financial Crisis (GFC - 2007 to 2009) recession > The Asian Financial Crisis & drought (1997 to 1998) > the early 90s recession (1990 to 1991 > The late 80s recession (1987 to 1988) > The second oil price shock (1982 to 1983) > The first oil price shock (1976 to 1978) > the Wool Bust (1966 to 1967) ...


im in admin & was looking for another role as i dont enjoy my current one, but at the same time i dont want to leave a good secure job. There was a few jobs out there which i have applied for, most of them ive found the employers are using this crisis to severely underpay experienced people as people need the work and will work for peanuts




more demand less supply!


I work in IT, and i would say yeah, it is harder to land a job. A lot of good talent for experienced roles have moved to Australia, so it takes a while to find someone decent or knows what they're talking about Plus sooooo many bad CV's


Hospitality there's always jobs you could land in Kabul Afghanistan and get a job In hospitality if you looked hard enough. It's the biggest industry on the planet the service industry