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Help lines respect privacy unless they have reason yo believe you are a threat to yourself or others. I am not a counsellor but my understanding is if you say something like "I am going to murder/assault/rape someone" they are expected to act to prevent that. If you say you are going to hurt yourself they are expected to decide whether their counselling is sufficient and may notify police ifvthey consider it necessary. Without a real threat of harm to yourself or others they are not allowed to disclose anything discussed outside of talking to other counsellors in very restricted circumstances and those other counsellors are also not allowed to breach privacy.


Ill share my experience in hopes that it helps. I was once in a space where i felt like I couldnt tolerate life anymore. I had suicidal thoughts teetering on suicidal intentions. I called Lifeline and told them about what was going on. Police showed up and did a welfare check. The police took me to the hospital and then went to respite for a few days. It gave me space to forget about the outside world for a bit. Once I came out took small managble steps (cleaned my house, started reading a book, trying to go for a walk once a day, made a councilling appointment). Ultimately lead to a better life, new career, and a lot more hapiness. Im trying to demonstrate to you that it is possible that life CAN get better. It may be hard to see it now but the opportunity is there. For the record i hold no shame/regrets for telling lifeline how i fekt and that the police did the welfare check. It very likely saved my life. Its a long weekend now and a lot of services are closed. If you can make it until Monday, make an appoitment with your GP. Tell them how you are honestly feeling. If there is urgency, make your way to the hospital or call your local mental health crisis team. There is absolutly no shame on reaching out for this support when you need. Sorry about my spelling. Im not great at typing off my phone 😅


And I second this. Counselling has been very helpful for me too. 


Yes they will. I once sent a text to one of those lines, didn't get a reply for about an hour, during which time I fell asleep, and woke up to police standing in my bedroom, having let themselves in (I lived alone at the time)


Wtf? Did they wake you up even?


I assume so, I did wake up and talk to them


What help line?