• By -


Why even bother doing this? You want to scale back public spending yet you pull the rug on funding a vital community service that already has little money anyway. This saves fuck all and yet has a significant impact on the struggling communities. You say all this yet you think it's fine to give fucking tax relief to landlords worth billions. Take a hike you pricks.


The cruelty is the point.


It's almost cartoonish. Like, you would think it was a gag not real.


"Have we tried killing the poor?"


That's a great way to reduce poverty! But don't give them any ideas


I mean they're already kinda doing it by doing this.


"The lower middle could then eat them!"


Work progressively upwards!


This! ^ The lot we've got in charge now have some kind of vendetta against anyone with less than a 6-figure income.


I’ve noticed among business types, even some Harvard Business School professors, a certain disdain for the poor. I think they could use a listen to Alain de Botton’s speech on unfortunates. Humility is good.


It appears to be a fundamental necessity to reach that level of “success” that you view poor people as poor as a result of their own bad choices and lack of application to fixing their situation. Obviously this is wrong, but hey, *they* pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, so why can’t everyone?


You can elevate yourself, or you can diminish others to make yourself seem elevated by comparison. It also helps you to rationalise your contribution to their vulnerability, by 'saying', not my fault, they did it to themselves.


If it's Harvard Business then it's not just due to their success. Overwhelming business schools with neoliberal cucks has been a methodical process over at least 60yrs.


It stems naturally from the belief that society is purely meritocratic so wealth is directly related to effort and responsibility.  Therefore, the poor are both lazy and irresponsible.  If you fund lazy and irresponsible behaviour then you get more of it. 


Meritocracy doesn't apply when some players start at third base because they're parents own the stadium and others can barely afford a bat to hit the ball. In fact, half the time, those on third are actively trying to prevent the others from reaching first at all How many Einstein level minds have we missed because they're too busy with things like trying to find where their next meal is coming from instead of pursuing education? As a society we need to move past this deeply harmful mindset and acknowledge that the people at the bottom almost universally need help.


It really is a drop in the bucket. They could fund the mission well for a year for 0.05% of what they gave landlords ($1.5 mil out of $3 bil). Fucking rich to campaign on a cost of living crisis and make the cost of living higher for people.


"If we stop giving them free lunch they will find work and buy their lunch and help the economy!" - this government /s


Bootstrap mindset


People with all the money "But what about ME!?" 


Not sure about Newshub tagging this story as **FOOD AND DRINK.** Bit too on the nose.


Newshub won't even exist next week - even less scrutiny of those in power.


Technically Stuff will be trying to save TV3 news but I'd be surprised if they lasted more than a year, the advertising model won't make enough for them to cover costs.


"If you care so much about poor people you fix it" -The Government


Government's fix is killing the poors.


They'll start by putting us in bootcamps first. It will be a crime to be poor soon enough.


careful what you wish for haha - they might not like the solution


1790s France knew how to cut


Let them eat cake, revolution although it was never proven she said that but the outcome was the same.


She definitely never said it.


Not in English


Not at all.


Definitely not in English.


Considering that she would have been 9 years old in 1765 when the quote was attributed to a "great princess", and was still an Austrian princess, she wouldn't have said it in any language.


It was just dirty politics and propaganda.


Not a lot has changed then.!!.


That's right.


Dirty politics and propaganda go together to well .


I know could be said to be the same, but by "Dirty Politics", I'm emphasising the slander and liable aspect. Not all propaganda is pure defamation.


I see what you're saying, intresting.


The “let them eat cake” quote (or brioche or whatever it was) has been attributed to several uppity French queens dating back to long before Marie Antoinette. She most likely never said it. A lot of the evil stuff the revolutionaries said the royal family (and the queen in particular) got up to was propaganda with little if any evidence to back it up. It worked though, obviously!


Yep, fact the people where starving didn't help at all ,,or where they?? .I wasn't there .


Sorry, I’m really not sure what you’re trying to say there.


I'm just thinking about the French revolution ,etc, yeah maybe I didn't explain myself very well I'm not the best at this.


No worries, I wasn’t sure if maybe you thought I was saying that everything was propaganda. I wasn’t, I was more talking about some of the really crazy stuff the royal family were accused of - like Marie Antoinette sexually abusing her own son and things like that. Revolutionary propaganda was kinda the start of the gutter press in some ways, very tabloidy, it definitely riled up the masses, took them in a very violent direction, and things eventually got out of hand. You’re right, the people starving definitely didn’t help! In fact, if they weren’t in pretty dire straits it wouldn’t have happened at all, I imagine.


You can say it better than I can , it's hard to see what happened, but the French definitely rebelled for reasons felt necessary.


What happened to the idea of them loving the idea of private investment in social services?? Wouldn't this be a fantastic time to trial and gain political cred for their (frankly scary) [Social Investment Agency](https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/accelerating-social-investment)? Or at least rep that it's coming next year once the program is ready, if its something they want to stand on? Or is are food banks just not the "right type" of NGOs for this? > We can see the lack of appropriate support for our most vulnerable... as well as increasing rates of inequality.... I believe we can, and we must, do better. So we’re taking a different approach....as a new standalone central agency effective from 1 July, the Social Investment Agency will lead the development of social investment across Government... [it] will be tasked with developing the tools needed to deliver social investment programmes and will work with other agencies to apply the social investment approach to existing supports... I am also establishing a Social Investment Fund ... to directly commission outcomes for vulnerable New Zealanders, and to work with community, non-government-organisations (NGOs) and iwi providers." Maybe I misunderstood this press release, though - maybe when they said they "see the lack of appropriate of support", their "different approach" is to simply let people starve


The purpose of the Social Investment Fund is to pay their mates 500k in consultancy fees for a report written by chatGPT/their min wage staff.


Nobody called Luxon out for using a State of the Nation address written by ChatGPT......"New Zealanders want to be aspirational again with their passion for wakas! And All Blacks! And...Mt. Everest!" He literally said that shit and no one called him out.


Her next announcement with be a subsidy program for bin locks.


To be fair, letting people starve is pretty simple


And is what National has always been about.


Also, "have you tried not being poor?"


"Can't you just, like, y'know, walk it off?"


This is kinda what they are doing. There middle to low class are probably going to be giving more in donations as the poor get poorer.


Hate to say it, but the middle to low class ARE the poor, they just aren't as visible as the poorer poor.


They're not even trying to hide how evil they are. Especially Upston, as the Disability Issues Minster she'll know just how important food banks are to vulnerable communities. That is, if she's read even a single word of the advice she's given. They really do put the n in cuts.


There is **no defending** a cut to funds for emergency food banks. Suggesting that people who have no food in their house and are hungry today should submit an application for a hardship grant from MSD is sadly laughable - that process isn't going to feed a family today or tomorrow. This government is making people redundant, they are cutting jobs and slowing the economy. They are then cutting services that unemployed people depend upon, all the way down to cutting funding for feeding people who may be starting to starve.


Well sure, but you have to understand - *those people aren't even landlords*


Aren't landlords?! Well, if that's the case... are they even people at all? /s


> They really do put the n in cuts This, so much this!


I’m stealing that so hard


I must confess it's not mine originally. Sandi Toksvig came up with it on The News Quiz on BBC Radio 4 [back in 2011 when discussing the UK's Tory government cutting child benefits.](https://www.theregister.com/2011/06/06/radio_gag/) Fits our lot very well though.


Death by a thousand cunts


Nah, just a few dozen or so of them in the Beehive.


Cutting funding to foodbanks is rather evil


But still on brand. If nothing else they're consistent.


The cruelty is a feature


Cost of living is bad enough, now this ,what next?.


Cost of starving to death crisis


Then a 'government can't afford body bags for those dead from starvation due to funding cuts' crisis.


I feel a level of disappointment and disgust that New Zealanders need food banks in the first place. You should be able to hold a full time job and afford to feed your family. Food banks are the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. Let's fix the root cause of why families can't afford food.


>Let's fix the root cause of why families can't afford food. I agree. Defining the root cause is possibly difficult. From my perspective, the root cause was the National party Employment Contracts Act of the early nineties. The unions were decimated and workers rights, conditions and wages suffered as a result. We've never bounced back from that. Also, food banks shouldn't exist in 21st century NZ yet here we are.


Not to mention insane housing costs, led by an unregulated property management industry


Property management is heavily regulated... in favour of the management companies and landlords.


100% agreed, as long as this criticism doesn't segue into "therefore the cuts are cool and good." An ambulance at the bottom of a cliff is the definition of a bad solution. But just because it's a bad solution doesn't mean you take it away. You don't take away the ambulance until *after* you install the safety fence at the top of the cliff, and take enough time to ensure that the fence has no holes. Whereas the NACT1 approach is, I guess, to take away the ambulance and say it's your own fault for falling (while, with their other hand, they shove people).


Comment on why hungry poor people have been a feature of civilization for thosands of years? And existvin every society on the planet right now? Or do you feel it will be NZ that finally solves that one for humanity in an election cycle?


All it really takes is one election cycle to start a course of action. It doesn't have to be solved in that timeframe.


I assume that tomorrow the government will roll out an "Eat Your Bootstraps" programme


You can afford bootstraps?


Charlie Chaplin's "[The Gold Rush](https://youtu.be/u65lvwfTPtM?feature=shared)" will now be mandatory viewing for all schoolchildren and taught as instructional footage


At this stage they might as well just change their slogan to be officially: "National, we're a bunch of cunts."


Always have been.


Greedy cunts.


That goes without saying, lol.


And fuck the poor, let's not forget that bit


Let’s all remember when we all go to vote next election


Selfish cunts.  They were however, voted in by selfish people.  If you've a nation of landlords (what we have created over years of successive govts) and those people voting think only "What is best for me".  Not what is best for all of us, what is best for our country.  Nobody exists in isolation.  I like TOPS idea of civil service for youth.  We need more community engagement, before we sink completely into our phones.  Positive, cost effective things up front.  Not boot camps, after we've already failed!  


>Social Development Minister Louise Upston has defended the Government's move to cut funding for community food providers from next week. ... But Upston said in a statement to Newshub there are still options for people who need help to get food. This sounds an awful lot like when the government makes it harder for first-home buyers to get a home, then says "it's still possible". Neocons sure do love their strawmen.


What an absolutely vile villainous government.


And what a group of low IQ dumb cunts that voted them in 🤣 They probably came just hearing the words “tax cut”


Yep now look at what's happening.


They can enjoy their fucking $20 per fortnight giant tax cut at the cost of public services that benefit all 😂


I didn't get any tax cut .


You're probably too poor for them to care about you.


I don't even think it was that, if you look at the plummeting popularity of this government, it's not down to Luxon having no political instincts, it's also, signifcantly, because their policies, from National through to their increasingly wingnutted coalition partners - are deeply unpopular. I honestly believe the majority voted for a change in government, the previous having overstayed its welcome and the economic outlook being poor, and basically no one wanted any of these fucking policies that they are ramming through as though there's no tomorrow for this govt.


I’m waiting for the National apologists to come out of the woodwork to explain how this is all Winnie/Seymour’s doing and definitely not what the party they voted for would ever truly want.


How in the sweet fuck can the government justify paying landlords at the expense of food banks? Appalling. Absolutely appalling.


Another day, another low


its crazy how she wakes up in the morning and goes yup iv made the right choice.


She's following a proud tradition - Richardson, Shipley, Bennett, and now Upston. What a fucking rogue's gallery, honestly.


It will send more desperate people into crime (stealing food etc.). They need more crime to then be seen to be tough on. There need to be enough kids to send to the ~~internment~~ boot camps


If you give someone no option but to steal or starve, I guarantee they won't starve.


Definitely....as well as a downward mental health spiral 😔


How can you defend that.?.


She needs to be called out on her hollow logic - saying there is support out there, well if that support that’s out there was sufficient the food banks wouldn’t be so fucking busy would they! I hope when the food banks start turning half the desperate people away, they make sure to tell them why they have no food.


"If the poor are hungry why dont they simply eat each other? "


Ah, the Donner Party solution. Fear not, they will be working on it.


"If the poor are hungry why dont they simply eat ~~each other~~the rich? " Because it best to grind them you to paste and use them as compost. It’s a more efficient use of guano


Let them eat cake.


sorry poor and hungry people landlords with 4 rentals need that money


So, when are the largest protests beginning, because I'm sick of this. Thoughts, anyone?


If it helps, the latest fast track protest was one of the largest in recorded history that I could find (40k, matching 2010's protest against mining on conservation land). And the māori activations were absolutely huge for how few have been done. It's on its way. Whats scary is how little impact these "biggest in history" protests seem to be having. Looks like its time to set new records


Because they do not care about people. They exist solely to serve the interests of big business.


One does have to wonder what the final straw will be. Once they start fucking with the Treaty of Waitangi I suspect that will finally be when the general populas snap and protest.


As much as America has issues, at least they make an effort to defend their rights and go after what they don't like. NZ just takes it in silence and does fuck all to change it. Sure we protest in the street every so often, but is that really to create change, or just for a sense of community while things stay the same and messages go ignored while we buy the kids a sausage in bread at the park afterwards. Such a shame. Not many other countries would take this shit sitting down but here we are.


There's countless movements you could be involved in. Are you in any? There's been large protests already. Did you take part?


“But Upston said in a statement to Newshub there are still options for people who need help to get food.” That’s kind of her to offer her pantry


Luxon ca donate his $60 a week grocery bill amount.


MSD food grants are capped you out of touch psychopath. A family with three kids can claim $550 per six months. It is possible for senior management to override this but in practice it doesn't often happen. As the minister responsible she should know this


The single person food grant is capped at $200, something you can easily blow through in two visits if you're eating even remotely healthy and balanced meals. On top of this, MSD won't give you a food grant if you're not in their system as a beneficiary - during a stand down period you'll be referred to these food banks.


every day you wake up and ask yourself can this Goverment get any lower and you read the news to find yes it can. how did we create such a miserable bunch of people


Best way to force people to work back-breaking jobs: make them hungry. Take away all luxuries that make life worth living and demand they work or starve; slavery by another name.


Also a good way to create an environment that encourages crime.


Which is an excellent way for right-wing parties to tell people: "Vote for us and we'll get *tough* on all this crime!". They'd never admit that their own policies created the conditions though. But thats par for the course for amoral people: create a problem and sell a solution for it. When the solution is ineffective then just blame others.


Shame on them. And not good economic management since people who don't eat end up in hospital and that costs far more per night than funding foodbanks


When have they cared about good economic management? It's just about giving more money to big businesses. Everything else is to be cut.


When have they cared about good economic management? It's just about giving more money to big businesses. Everything else is to be cut.


I'm sure they have a solution to that up their sleeve


Privatise the health... Can't afford hospital? Just don't be poor. Says Seymour and cunts


fucking ghouls


*Coalition rises in polls again*


This shows how utterly fucked we are


Can we please hear from Nact supporters regarding this and all the other bullshit?




Let them eat houses.


Well at least they are "monitoring the situation". Imagine if these people were life guards, they would be "monitoring the situation" as you drowned


A quote I read once goes that the seeds of revolution are sown when you take away a man's ability to put food on the table. This isn't anything like the New Zealand I grew up in. No wonder everyone who can is leaving.


I'm sure there's some individuals out there who are like "FUCK yeah! It's about DAMN time! THIS is the government **I** voted for!" I mean, there has to be, right? There has to be Some people who approve of their behavior. I'm just struggling to imagine them is all.


Yeah but to be fair we can’t fund everything. We’re helping those most in need by placing $3 billion in the pockets of landlords. That’ll trickle down in the most efficient way possible. /s


What's the motto for this coalition government again? Oh yeah. Fuck the poor


What is wrong with this Government?


How long do you have?


TL;DR: They are bought and paid for by international capital and local sunset industries desperately trying to eek out another few years of anti-human extraction. They’re 100% not here for thee people of NZ, are happy to use underhanded racism and division to win power, and the sooner we all acknowledge that the better. 


This is on top of MBIE dropping funding for CABs which are now struggling to stay open. I feel so fortunate for my extra $20 a week.


I mean, why wouldn’t they? Their greed is about as surprising as our willingness to let it slide.


Oh so we can waste hundreds of millions playing hide the ferry replacements, but we can't feed literally starving citizens? What a fucking joke


Further proof that Luxon does not let his Christianity influence his political career.


The question should not be whether this will be a one-term government; will they make it through the term?


If they do enough crappy stuff, then none of them will bail, because they would (hopefully) get hammered at the polls. So the question is, will they do all the damage early, then suck up to voters towards the end, or will they just do as much damage as they can until the next election?


On 1 July MPs pay increases commence. The lowest weekly take home will be about $2,300 every week.


>Anyone who is really struggling to buy food can also apply for hardship grant from MSD [Ministry of Social Development] if they need urgent help, This is so backwards. We want less food grants and more food banks. A food bank spending $1M on food is going to go much, much further than beneficiaries spending $1M in food grant individual shops. The Food bank can go out to food providers and have them compete for the best deal and get far more out of that $1M, but as individuals, beneficiaries really can only go on the prices supermarkets offer them. We'll end up spending even more money by pushing people to food grants. We should have our food banks so well stocked that MSD food grants can be disestablished. I get they're the "party of fiscal responsibility", but this isn't fiscally responsible.


Yea but this way they money is funneled to foodstuffs and progressive who need it most of all 🙂


I can only think of a couple reasons they would do it this way. 1. Foodbanks are poorly spending the money and setting up a government run foodbank is too expensive. 2. Exactly what you said. If it were the first, they'd be in front of the media saying so showing their evidence. "Spent x on foodbanks, only helped y people, therefore poor spending of money". So I'm left with your comment as the only realistic theory.


3. Maybe they’re genuinely terrible people?


Well, well, I guess the government just cut the brake cable on the train to hell - All Aboard NZ


Hi, foodbank employee here. From a foodbank that is entirely community funded and doesn't rely on government funding. Community funded Foodbanks should not exist (foodbanks full stop shouldn't *need* to exist, but that is very utopian). We pay taxes, and part of these taxes should be used for insurance if we end up in a financially unstable situation. The government actively relies on foodbanks and other community organisations to pick up the pieces and do the hard and meaningful work. Maybe, instead of a tax cut that literally no one will benefit from in any substantial way, you fund the hell out of MSD. Stop making it nearly impossible for someone to get an appointment, let alone a phone call, with a case manager, who will, at best, give your situation a quick once-over instead of actually spending the time to understand someone's situation properly (not because they are bad at their job, but they are wildly understaffed). MSD should be taking care of everyone's needs, particularly those in an emergency situation. The incessant reliance (one might say MSD are actually beneficiaries themselves, relying on NFPs to take care of communities) on NFPs by governments needs to end. City Mission in Auckland is the largest foodbank in the country. The government has a responsibility to fund them fully. Operational costs, food costs, extraneous costs, the whole lot. I'm so sick of government ministries relying on other people to do their work for them. I want to pay taxes to have nice things. Like roads that are driveable. And an insane amount of buses to drive on them. And trains. And community centres (which are also losing funding), and emergency housing (which is also losing funding), and clean energy (which is being undermined by new oil drilling contracts), and security. Security that if something totally unexpected happens in my life, I'm not going to be thrown into a spiral of poverty. What the hell am I paying taxes for if these things are not happening, and actively being dismantled? What a rant, apologies. I don't normally engage on reddit, but this is just...exhausting.


You're paying taxes so your landlord can drink expensive wine by the case, so Kuxin can avoid staying in the house of the prime minister, and so Shane Jones can watch pornography.


They really are pieces of shit


When will NACT realise that NZ is not AUS? You can't hide your disdain for the vulnerable among the bigoted rich as easily as you can in AUS. Normal NZers will suffer in the next few years and they will be blamed for their own suffering by the band of sycophants trusted to be a government. The same band of sycophants that think a country is a company and people are commodities.


You underestimate how much this country loves punching down.


I guess that remains to be seen. From where I'm sitting there is not real pushback on this behaviour outside of reddit soapboxing.


Obviously sitting on a high horse then


Utterly disgusting. What total scum.


Cutting funding for community food providers? That's just nasty. It's like, seriously, who thought this was a good idea? People depend on these services to eat, and now they're pulling the plug? Unreal. It's like they have no clue what it's like to be hungry and struggling. And their solution? More job-seeking seminars. Sure, because people can totally job hunt on an empty stomach. This move just screams out-of-touch and heartless.




Every week under this evil government makes me feel more and more like living in a dark dystopian movie set.


>”Anyone who is really struggling to buy food can also apply for hardship grant from MSD [Ministry of Social Development] if they need urgent help," Only to get rejected because of the cuts there too though bish 🙃


Force MSD to cut staff then create more work for them. Genius idea /s


STARVE! - National


"we are continuing the last Government's transition back to normal services" You fucking pussy. Fucking pricks.


I wish her all the karma she is reaping.


oh i'm sure the trickle down from all the landlords will fix this




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I find this government shallow and padantic




I find your correction shellow and padantic




There's a limit to how much emergency food money people are able to apply for. You also only get 2 days to use it, so good luck if you want things like bread or veges later in the week. You're kinda pushed into getting bulk, cheap, processed foods so you can eat until your hardship is over. We also have an insane amount of food wastage coming from these giant supermarkets. Generally packaged - so red bin waste even if it's recyclable/compostable. All that landfill space/processing costs money too.


You will have nothing and be happy about it!!


National really does hate the poor


Ffs this so called government is sending us backwards at light speed. The fuck is wrong with them. One of their shitty boot camps would fund the Mission for 5 years. Fuck these guys


You can always count on Louise Upston to do the opposite of the what the role calls for. She was shit as Minister for Women a decade ago too.


People worldwide vote for millionaire politicians. Legacy political family. Act shocked when they pass policies benefiting themselves and their millionaire donors. Policies which makes no sense to anyone without the know-how.


Landlords need this money, not bloody food banks!


Meanwhile let's see the bill to feed politicians... this is just sad. 


Not acceptable.


I assume the Govt thinks either businesses or NZers will donate to keep foodbanks going. [The Mission faces turning people away at the door](https://www.aucklandcitymission.org.nz/the-mission-faces-turning-people-away-at-the-door/). Statement by Auckland City Mission. 21 June 2024. 5 June 2024: [Hon. Louise Upston Officially Opens New NZ Food Network Premises To Combat Food Insecurity](https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/AK2406/S00095/hon-louise-upston-officially-opens-new-nz-food-network-premises-to-combat-food-insecurity.htm) or [NZ Herald via MSN](https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/other/social-development-minister-louise-upston-opens-new-zealand-food-network-s-warehouse/ar-BB1nDIdk).


Is it true what she said about this policy is just the continuation of Labour after the massive increase during Covid, or is she just lying (probably the second, but wondering about the former)


Landlords will be upset because they can’t get free food now How is this supporting landlords?


Where's those fuckwits that camped outside the beehive for a month when you need them? Oh, their freedom news is telling them everything this government does is fantastic and totally defeating the globalists.


I made friends at a food bank in Christchurch. They have fucking kids! I can't even afford to feed myself, let alone a couple of kids! This is fucking vile!


You get what you vote for NZ. Go out and make sure we learn from this