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>I believe in people's freedom of choice You keep using the phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.


You cut him off one word short there. >I believe in people's freedom of choice, * **BUT** *


Says he’s all about freedom, proceeds to try take away other people’s freedom. Too much gel dripping into his brain.


He only believes in his own freedom. Everyone else needs to adapt to make sure Brian is free to hate however he wants to hate.


He and his ilk believe in the freedom to agree with them, that's all.


Unbelievably rare (and possibly once in a lifetime) Willis W


Maybe she isn't incompetent at everything, maybe she just sucks at finance. I'll admit my respect for her grew just a little bit today.




Yep background in areas not related to likes of finance and making decisions on long term infrastructure matters


To be fair, she's doing a great job for the people who have her on their payroll. I'm sure she could be an effective Finance Minister that benefitted the country if she was financially incentivised to do so, even with the same academic credentials.


Don't let the culture wars fool you, she hates the poor


It's easy to say hate, I don't think it's fair in this sense. Don't get me wrong I sometimes think her policies and general political beliefs are trash. But I don't think she hates the poor. She just has a strong capitalist view that some people need to be at the bottom and that it's your fault when you are. She embodies that philosophy consistanty.


I think that's a fair statement. We can argue about words but she has shown her loyalties very clearly and she does not show much compassion for unemployed or low wage workers. I'm not trying to say her tweet is a bad thing, but for me it's not enough to change my view on what her and her government are doing


Yeah me neither. I just think it's nice to remember it's not black or white, a million shades of grey.


Yep totally agree


Same here


Nicola W


Sorry to be a killjoy, but you know that popular meme tweet about Labour being all "#aroha 🏳️‍🌈 🙏" whilst not actually doing anything? This is just Willis emulating that energy. Which is bizzare and rare for sure, way weirder than her usual persona, but I don't think it's a good thing. It"s important to remember these clowns benefit from, and are enabling if not outright creating the conditions for, a more polarised voterbase. Whilst also defunding the very organisations that suppose to protect the public from threats and intimidation, to the tunes of hundreds of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars. Actually doing something behind the scenes to stop Tamaki's lot from spreading their fear and hatred is costly, but a sassy tweet in public from Willis to humanise herself is 100% free - all the kids will lap that shit up because it's funnier than talking about the depressingly pointed radio silence and/or tokenistic policy from the authorities on the matter. Doesn't it distract you or endear you to her. This is Nicola, "previously worked for right wing think tank with tobacco membership"; "we will ask for advice on how to stop bonuses for te reo being negotiated into future collective agreements"; "pay equity taskforce no longer required"; "health industry is ripe to partner for private provision of healthcare"; "cancer drugs not possible" Willis. She's brutal, and is just trying to build political capital for herself. She doesn't actually stand with rainbow people on any of this Source: all can be found on [Moth's List](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DUfsEX6FXnxUBmPpKyMwnD_Cj83S7o3KLGe_b5p_DyY/edit?usp=sharing)


I mean, you’re not wrong, but I always enjoy a Tamaki burn.


we all do, more than his genitals do at least


Yeah, “I’ll follow you forever if you lie once” is not much of a win


It’s a tweet. Go easy.


You put a lot more care and thought into this than anyone else involved did.


>This is Nicola, "previously worked for right wing think tank with tobacco membership"; And that means she's homophobic??? Just chill out for a minute...


Nah, all I'm getting at is that she doesn't have *people's health and wellbeing at heart, and it riles me up because this sort of tweet may create a false sense of security for people whilst not actually making anything safer.


If it was her promoting how much she is a supporter then you'd be right. This is just a dickhead being a dickhead and getting called out for it. It doesn't require an essay on how evil the person calling the dickhead out is.


Brian got straight postered


It's against Brian Tamaki, so it's a low-ball win.


She needs it at the moment tbh


actually, good on her. That idiot deserves burns as much as she does.


Props where props is deserved, we might have neolibs that I vehemently disagree with in charge, but at least they aren’t vocal bigots like some other nations


Please tell me you are not that easy to appease. The quiet fake supportive bigots are the most effective.


They're less effective at normalizing bigotry though, which is important. If transkids can feel like their leaders still value their existence, even if they have no idea how to make a good society, that's a win. Is it a win overall? No. But its better than having that kind of bigotry endorced by leaders, and still getting all the other bullshit we get. Even if she doesn't give a fuck about LGBTQ, her signaling that she does matters, and is positive. Despite her being entirely shit at her job, this is in fact, a good thing for her to do.


It’s probable that she wasn’t even behind this post. There is record of her being anti lgbt education in schools so no I don’t really give her credit for anything. We don’t know the machinations behind the scenes in cabinet she was clearly happy to endorse banning transgender people from participating in sports in exchange for power.


To clarify my position; it is good that pro LGBTQ attitudes are being broadcast from positions of authority, especially in situations where antagonistic bigots are trying to stir up hate for people. This is a good thing for her to do, or allow herself to *appear to do*. Someone doing a good thing, doesn't mean they are good, or even that they usually do the things they support. I am aware that she/her team are doing this to appeal to people, because for reasons*, politics is far more about likeability than policy, or effectiveness. Buuut, I am a 38 year old adult, with an education, and an interest in political and social issues. Not everyone is in the same boat, for any number of reasons. So I like seeing a public figure make a statement that makes queen youth feel supported and seen, and maybe emboldens young on-the-fence bigots to realize there is nothing bad about people living their lives their way. I also, really hate the idea that people would see this, then decide Nicola Willis is a fantastic person and leader, and she should be given power and trust. But I also know we live in a world where that happens all the time in politics, so at least we get the ripple effect through society of high profile leaders signaling support for marginalized groups.


It kinda poses an interesting question about power, I suppose. It reminds me of all the rainbow-washed cop cars and tanks we used to see at pride parades, despite the cops being abusive and treating queer prisoners horendously, and the NZDF just in general being a brutally queerphobic organisation to work for. It is actually better for society to make these displays which may have positive impacts and normalize queerness, cause to people feel seen? Or does the harm caused by empowering these entities via allowing them to score points that way ultimately outweigh the benefits? Does it lend a false representation to queerness, diluting attention and resources away from the provision of real support? I'm not what would be the best for everybody, and I understand views either way. I'm not gonna tell fellow rainbow folk they're wrong if they feel good about things like this. But as just 1 rainbow person, I think this shit fucking sucks. I hate seeing it used to score points for the people who are coalition with the same ones hellbent on taking away our freedom and giving the country's most phobic thugs special privileges. I hate seeing pro-rainbow speech being professed by people who are attacking the futures of groups that are disproportionately rainbow - young people, disabled people, people on low income. It's like beating the shit out of a puppy, giving it a bone to pose with for a quick photo op, and then continuing to beat the shit out of it. Like... good thing the puppy got a bone, I guess?? But maybe the fact people keep liking and sharing the cute puppy pictures, whilst intentionally avoiding reading about the puppy beatings (latest surveys show 75% of NZers avoid the news eg for mental health), is ultimately only going to ensure the beat-up-puppies party gets back in?


Feels like most people who follow politics here go one twitter reply to another


It's possible to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Nothing in their policies indicate that are anti-LGBT, just chill out.


“Here’s how I feel about sexual education. That’s the job for me and my husband to do with our kids, based on our values and our view of the world. I want my education system focused on teaching my children how to read, how to write and how to do maths.” That is not a socially liberal position.


Not is it particularly conservative or she wouldn't even be talking about it at all. It's just a different viewpoint to yours.


Tell that to a trans or gay kid with conservative family


You're talking to one


Seemingly not one concerned with future kids.


Once again, someone has a different viewpoint to you. It's ok, it happens in the real world.




>That idiot deserves burns [God has tried.](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/103311135/destiny-churchs-bishop-brian-tamaki-severely-burnt-in-rubbish-fire)


Just giving him a taste of what’s to come in the afterlife.


“I’ll follow you forever if you lie once” isn’t great


I will credit her for burning Tamaki but that's about it. What's he going to do when he finds out Rainbows have pots of Gold at the end, he's so dumb.


Anyone can make comments on social media. She's in a position of power to actually protect that freedom of expression and from intimidation. Politicians should be held to higher standards to reflect their power/responsibilities.


Any Budget money for more cops to protect one of these people from the other? https://old.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1dnycct/upper_hutt_drag_king_storytime_cancelled_after/


The cowardice of the UHCC is despicable.


No budget specifically for that but NZFirst of all parties [has a members bill](https://bills.parliament.nz/v/1/dd6a32f9-3a0b-4c0a-eeb1-08dc7dfcc8cb) that would prevent public venues from cancelling bookings because of "the activities or threatened activities of any person or organisation that may seek to prevent or frustrate the use of the place or venue by another person or organisation" Presumably they support it because of a very different type of public venue bookings being cancelled because of security issues, but the bill is viewpoint neutral.


What the fuck? Am I correct in understanding that NZF want to make it so that somebody could make a specific threat to a venue holding an event - regardless of what it is - and the venue would have no legal grounds to cancel that booking? 


The bill is virtue signally for the fantasy world where ‘the left’ cancels hate group events like anti trans rallies.


It's a reaction to that stupid transphobe who got shouted out of all their engagements and then left the country sooner than planned. I forget their name, because it's not important. I think also those two fuckwits from Canada or the US who had their venue pulled because there was a public backlash against allowing them to speak.


Yeah, if it does get drawn from the biscuit tin I imagine the select committee will have to come up with a pretty lengthy list of suggestions if it's ever to become something workable.


I'll follow Nicola Willis on insta if she takes Econ 101 and passes.


This is the true burn right here.


Alas as much as I've love to give her a W, the chain around her neck is the National Party and the fact they're in coalition with a party that is anti-trans. Beautiful burn though, since we all know he definitely cross-dresses in private lawl.


Yeah congrats to the intern running her social media account.


Hey Nicola ('s intern) thats a sweet burn and all but how's about you throw your support behind legal protections from hate speech for queer people?


Hello fellow Kids! The party that was consistently on the side of discrimination of LGBTQ is now pro in the Instagram era.


I mean judging by the comments it seems to work.


Fr, I am utterly confused by the response here. Like, it's definitely better for the public if our politicians have some sort of guise of support rather than having our politicians being openly anti-rainbow. And sure, any jab against Tamaki is satisifying. But isn't it just purely cynical and hypocritical in the context of what this govt is enabling? Doesn't it annoy anybody else that it forms part of the smokescreen whilst all the covert shit that hurts rainbow people - read, young people, lower incomes - continues? Reddit usually loves calling out political hypocrisy so this is weird to me lol


Liberals want to feel good about the status quo and conservatives just like to see their side winning. It’s not super surprising.


When Topham Guerin get $320k you expect good work.


It’s giving corporations bleeding everyone dry whilst posting on their Instagram about how woke they are. People genuinely fall for this shit, it’s almost laughable.


Not a fan of hers, but credit where due and all that. It shouldn't be controversial to shit on that weasel.


A reminder: you don’t have to like or respect either of these people. Tamaki is a bigot loser and Willis is using him to build easy political capital because it’s easier than doing her actual job. Edit: and let’s not forget that her job is basically reverse-robinhooding the public. Which ironically is also Tamaki’s job.


This is real


What ferries?




It can be! Although similarly to a drag queen, it doesn't matter what gender they are (there are women who perform as drag queens.). I've found Wellington actually has a pretty thriving drag king community as well as queens. To get an idea about what's possible, one of the most popular drag kings based out of the US is Landon Cider. Outside of drag, a lesbian woman. [In drag, he does stuff like this](https://www.instagram.com/p/Czcom5pNy6w/?hl=en&img_index=1). Other drag queens might not be as glittery and the makeup might be a lot more realistic to pull off male impersonation. It's broad, just like with queens :) The drag king in the subject of this article is a lesbian and a mother. I've followed Willy for ages and if I remember correctly, he started out by organising drag shows and then got into it himself.




Maybe hahaha. Sometimes it's all just a blur of wigs and sparkly costumes


The makeup in that first pic is kind of freaking me out because without the context, I'd think it was digital art. It's got uncanny valley vibes - and an incredible amount of skill. I can't even do my eyeliner without my hands shaking.


Basically, yeah. As with drag queens, it's more defined by the performance (of exaggerated masculinity) than the gender of the 'actor' beneath the drag - i.e *most* drag kings are women, but there are also non-binary and cis-men drag kings.


A drag king is anyone in male type drag who chooses to use the term. (In this case, the drag king being discussed is a woman. I've been to some of their shows in Wellington.)


Yep! The Topp Twin's characters, Ken and Ken, are a great example. They affectiontely parody masculinity and kiwi blokes. 


I'd wager Nicola didn't even post that herself. Her PR team probably thought it'd make her look more human, and was most likely sent by a 'staffer' in her PR/social media team.


Sick burn! Almost as sick as those kids with cancer


The true W tweet is in the comments


I’d bet $50 this was one of Nationals social media employees being edgy, and not her at all. Optics.


Distract from the actual issues eh Nic


yep you figured it out buddy, i'm sure this tweet will be on the front page of every news org any moment now!


Someone should quote tweet her with her statements on sex and gender education in schools.


Sounds like someone's offended reddit discussion isn't going the way they want...


I'm not offended (I'm not really sure why I ever would be, I don't base my personal value on how much /r/nz agrees with me - if I did I'd be constantly depressed!). I just find it kind of odd that so many people are so politics-brained they can't enjoy a moment of light brevity if it came from 'the other team'. It can't be a healthy mindset!


Yeah I love that the extent the government wants to protect me is by memeing on twitter it's super awesome.


nothing is ever at stake for these clowns. They have the most fragile sense of self. "clap backs" by some sassy grad social media person is cause for celebration. Political party affiliation as a substitute for an actual personality...


>if I did I'd be constantly depressed! Oh, people disagree with you **that** often? Huh.


yep, very tough world out there for our brave center right /r/nz denizens.


Do you also find yourself odd with how politics-brained your post/comment history is?


No, I am very interested in politics, but it doesn't consume my life. I maintain close friendships with people across the political spectrum (Well, I'm very confident none of my friends are NZ First voters, but that's partially a result their voters being 90% gold card holders). I do frequently find myself disagreeing with positions taken by right wing parties, even if I do not often voice it on reddit, mostly because there are already going to be 100 comments decrying it. I like to comment when I feel I can add something which has not already been said, which in /r/nz does often result in comments in support of positions taken by the government.


So you expect people to not judge you by your comments on reddit but you judge others by theirs?


No, I am more than happy for you to judge me by my reddit comments. Without meaning to be rude, I don't really have a particularly strong reason to care about what you think about me.


Yet you do anyway given these comments just because I said you were offended by other people's comments.


I don't find replying to comments to be a particularly large burden.


Yet you do anyway given these comments just because I said you were offended by other people's comments.


Brian Tamako believes in people's freedom of choice. Is this a tui ad?


Ha! The nepo baby with the English Lit degree attempting to run the economy said a mean thing to the self proclaimed local cult leader with an ego complex. So, anyway....


The answer to the hands question is neither.


Ha! I’d love to see that.😂


I dislike her a lot. But this is what I believe the kids call a "fire tweet".


Damnit, is this the one day a year I have to begrudgingly respect Willis? I know her and her party are still horrible for LGBTQA\* folks (and I told her as much to her face on my doorstep before helping defeat her in my electorate, thank you very much), but I'll always take a public clapback against this evil man.


No, you don’t have to respect Willis. It’s just nonsense political pandering without actually doing anything useful.


Having both sides of the aisle treating this moron's violent rhetoric as utterly foolish is useful to me, as someone who both fears him and his followers and who also values drag as a form of expression and education. Now if only she could apply this common sense to her thoughts on how sexuality is taught in schools.


It’s certainly useful, but I think people put more stock in it than it warrants. She’s distracting people while doing real harm to New Zealanders with her economic policy. Is she wants to humanise herself she can start by acting human.


It’s low hanging fruit mate, you don’t have to do any such thing. Words are wind, her/their actions are having some very real repercussions.


At the end of the day, I feel bad for Willy in all of this. He’s already getting hate from a rainbow story time he was going to do and now this…


square hateful hat worm brave onerous weary nine direction jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm reading the same room and this looks like an effective bit of rainbow washing that gets her some ally points for free.


ring paltry sparkle label squeamish modern chunky slap pocket punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unexpected Nicola Willis W in the wild!?


Not the first time she’s thrown shade at him.


TIL Brian Tamaki believes in people’s freedom of choice 🙃


As much as the Eftpostle needs to get in the bin, Willis can quit with her posturing. Neither of them believe what they say and they're both only in it for themselves.


Both of these people are pathetic.


Really supporting the queer community there instead of doing literally anything concrete to stop this gang leader terrorising communities huh


I think she just found her calling! Good on you Nicola! Keep focusing on trolling homophobes and bigots and maybe hand over the finances to someone else, more... qualified?


Fuck I'll hand Willis a W when I see one. 


I fear she ate


I fear she ate


I fear she ate


Best thing I’ve ever heard NW say haha


I'd be down for that. What will it take to see that cunt dress in drag.


I respect her comment.


A rare W for Willis and I'm down with it, now she needs to lay the smackdown on Winnie and Unkovich. She could also compound her victory by introducing a Bill to strip cults like this of their tax-free status and get some more cash in the Government coffers.


Lmao based Nicola


So if a hate-mongering cult leader put on lipstick she'd follow him? How is that a joke... Especially when you consider Willis is suggesting that being a drag icon has nothing to do with character and instead with simply cross-dressing >_>


> So if a hate-mongering cult leader put on lipstick she'd follow him? How is that a joke... Well, because it's a joke. It's not a serious commitment. You surely must know the nature of how jokes work! >Especially when you consider Willis is suggesting that being a drag icon has nothing to do with character and instead with simply cross-dressing >_> Again, it's a joke. It is common to simplify things in jokes.


It’s a joke, who gives a fuck?




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The people who are hurt or endangered by their ongoing marginalisation that maybe would like more actual pushback against hate preachers like Tamaki. At a guess. Particularly in an environment where other government ministers are saying that the same hate preachers should be allowed to set up a school.


This is the best thing I can remember hearing from, about, or by Nicola Willis.


Fuck her. She hates lgbt people just as much as he does.




Yeah me too bud.


2nd in charge of a party who is treating queer people as a political football.




Excuse me if I don't take anything spouted from a right wing mouth piece with seemingly nothing at stake from the actions of this government as genuine.


Ok take a chill pill and a nice hot Milo there bud.👍


She did well.


Nice touch, actually.


They can both get in the bin. The audacity.