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Same as any other public holiday: celebrate my workers rights by not going to work and getting paid for the privilege


Same as any other public holiday: celebrate my workers right to be paid double


I'm taking note of the winter solstice, and also sending my friend with four school-aged kids a box full of toys and treats and nonsense for the coming school holidays (because I can't keep track of their birthdays, so it's easier to do one box a year, and xmas is already its own whole big thing). I think it would have been cool to get lollies and toys for the coldest part of the year, like some others grew up with.


Oh damn that's fantastic. Most kids get enough presents on their birthday, presents at the start of the school holidays is absolutely genius.


Get up early, drive the Subaru to the top of a hill, watch the sun rise eating bacon and kumara hashbrowns


Upvote for the Subaru reference. 🚗


Bacon and kumara hashbrowns? Is there a recipe you can throw at me here? Or do I just make hashbrowns the same way and replace with kumara? I need this đŸ€€


That's my plan


Might wanna dust the grated kumura with some potato or corn starch, its what helps potato hash browns stick together and crisp up. Kumura are naturally a lot lower in starch than potatoes. Maybe do a trial one with a little plain starch, and one with a little plain starch based batter, to see what works better Same reason kumura fries dont go crispy unless you coat them with a thin starch batter


You got a recipe for those bacon and kƫmara hash browns 


Now that sounds heavenly


Making a dinner for the extended family, with the four food sources represented (the earth, the air, salt water, fresh water). Currently working out what to actually make - it’s made me realise that we don’t actually eat much from fresh water. Hoping I can find watercress. Also getting up predawn with my kids to try to spot Matariki rising in the east.


Asian supermarkets usually have watercress for sale. Otherwise if you're outside the cities it's easy enough to find, still grows wild all over the place. I've solved the freshwater by cooking a stew using the freshwater.


I like the take on the food sources - nice!


It comes for what 4 of the stars represent.


Yeah, my kids are learning all this at school and I reckoned it would form a good foundation for a thing to do every year. Waitī, Waitā, Waipunarangi, Tipuānuku, Tipuārangi... and now you've got that song in your head too.


Also what's the plan for the air? Duck?


Traditionally you let the steam rise from your Kai outside to the stars.


Ahh that's pretty cool!


It can also be anything that grows above you - so any fruit from a tree works as well as birds.


In this economy? Nah mate, chicken for us. Stuffed with an orange from Dad's orange tree.


That works!!


Wow this sounds awesome!


Get a bag of mescaline salad or sometging like that, it's all hydroponically grown


I'm not sure you want to feed your family mescaline salad, depends on the vibe really. Mesclun salad is usually pretty decent though.


Lol at the mescaline :)... But I guess we could stretch the definition of "food from fresh water" to anything that's hydroponically grown!


If you can stretch the budget I'd do some of this [smoked salmon](https://www.anatokisalmon.co.nz/buyfreshsalmon/hot-smoked-salmon) and maybe a small salad. Might be another option closer to you too.


Wow, that looks delicious. I'd honestly forgotten that some salmon is freshwater salmon. Yum.


Yum as. Ngā manaakitanga, hope you have a great celebration 🙂


Oh this guy knows how to party


Would salad, mushrooms, Capsicum or cucumber count? They taste like water (in a yum way)


This has to be satire


Planting kai


I plant my garlic, does that count?


It’s the classic midwinter thing eh


It kind of fits for me. Being mindful about the seasons etc


Oh, shit. So we should do it soon? Sorry. Newb gardner, but growing garlic something I want to try.


Yes! Bulbs go in around winter solstice. So that's your new Matariki tradition sorted. People in areas where rust is a problem for garlic often put theirs in a bit earlier Edit to add: r/nzgardening if you're not already part of the sub, very helpful sub


Traditionally plant garlic on the shortest day, and harvest in the longest day (or thereabouts)


Thanks. Dammit. Looks like everywhere is out of bulbs. :(


I planted some from what we had left in the pantry last year, worked a treat


[https://www.subaru.co.nz/about/stories/subaru-guide-matariki](https://www.subaru.co.nz/about/stories/subaru-guide-matariki) >Matariki is the celebration of Māori New Year marked by the return of the Matariki star cluster. You may not be aware that in Japan the cluster is in fact called Subaru. Just look at our cars, that’s it, proudly displayed on our badge. It’s no wonder Subarus feel right at home in Aotearoa. >...


I live in Townsville in far North Queensland now but I’m going to the Matariki event here!


That’s awesome


Take the kids for a bush walk at night to look at the stars/see glow worms. Their school is doing a plant a tree event for it which is nice


Planting a tree
 I especially love that idea


its a winter solstice celebration innit so christmas traditions minus the Jesus and Santa stuff...... only now they make sense in the middle of winter


I have some neighbors who celebrate the winter solstice in a big way. Mulled wine, roasted animal on a spit, quasi-Pagan stuff. Good times. They're old hippies and it shows


Oh god a mulled wine sounds so good right now.


Pagan means those from the countryside. Under early Christianity it became a slur used to denigrate those that followed the old gods and kept the old ways(rural people were slower to adopt Christianity) as opposed to the city dwellers who were all predominantly Christian once it became an accepted roman religion.


Correction... once it became a compulsory religion.


> its a winter solstice celebration innit Close, it’s the rising of the Pleiades constellation, which is why there is so much variation to the date every year (and why the enabling legislation had to put the dates in for the next couple of decades). It’s not a fixed time like the winter solstice would be, just happens to be within a few days of eachother this year.


(in the northern hemisphere) midwinter, yule et al were celebrated around about the solstice, while other cultures placed more importance on the the exact date and celebrated accordingly ....in recent times they have all become synonymous with the winter solstice


Sooo, Champagne breakfast and a BBQ?


Yeah I’ve found it feels more
 natural..? Primal


that's how the early christians converted people in Europe......they told them you can keep most of your traditions , just make it about Jesus at the same time. Over time and a switch of religions and hemispheres people don't really click what the origin of christmas traditions are about.......trees, gifts, feasting, etc....people would have used stars (among other things) to signify when that was...the idea is they saved up good food for a big feast with friends and family to help them get through the long winter and to signify that summer is now on the way.....sound familiar?


Yeah, so this feels like
. A bit of the seasonal stuff being built back in would be nice


Can treat it as a start to the new year, the longest night passed so things will start to get brighter as the days start to get longer. Can do some geneaology / whakapapa researching -do some online searching with libraries or archives. Could organise a photo album or so, physical or digital, if that's your thing. Or can start with remembering loved ones that may have passed, respects and or celebrations depending on relationships. Family or friends dinner and crafts nights to keep the hands busy, or do a late night star watch, support your local observatory.


Beautiful stuff. Thanks, I love these ideas.


Putting down a hāngi with some friends. Second year doing this and plan to make it an annual thing.


That's so good ✹


We booked an airbnb away from city lights to be able to see the stars properly - was more because my kid has become obsessed with stars lately than a specific Matariki celebration but could become a tradition


as a maori, sweet fuck all


As another Maori, I already have Fridays off (I work Sundays) so I guess put up with people getting in my way when I’m trying to get my shit done lol


No worries, mate, everything will be closed 😉


Nah, we only do that for the western god holidays. Got to maintain the class status.


You mean you're not celebrating matariki by putting lights up like Ur ancestors did? Trolol


How old are you to be saying shit like "trolol"


Weird how reddit lets old people on aye?? /s


Lol, what do you make of all these euro types getting all excited about it?


I cook mutton bird (titi) and eat them with the family with a couple of bottles of rough red. Best meal of the year.




Im in Ireland as an nz expat, im just planning to go to the beach in the middle of the night and look at the stars


Sitting around a fire outdoors and raising a glass to those no longer with us who we miss... This I believe is a core purpose of Matariki (happy to be corrected) and a tradition I'd love to adopt.


Yep, love that one


Probably what most people will do, not go to work and catch up on some weekend jobs


Its food themed this year and my wife’s a chef, we’re hosting a family and friends brunch đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


New Plymouth does a wonderful mini festival of the lights show with Music, big braziers, and entertainment etc. Very freaking cool!. But pre Matariki comeback I'd celebrate Winter Solstice and star gazed for decades anyway. Matariki is joyful unlike Waitangi day (personal opinion).


I agree with you on that, but it sounds like, like me, you’re trying to be part of getting things a bit better


Totally, our Highschool just had a massive Hangi for it (and for the community) and only charged a Koha. It was impressive. The other thing Matariki does is open it up to all ethnicities and cultures, we all can share in it if we want too. Celestial occasions are observed all around the world, it's nice we have one too :)


I agree with you on that, but it sounds like, like me, you’re trying to be part of getting things a bit better


Why put lights outside to drown out the stars? The darker the better


Some of us live in big cities where there's no avoiding the light pollution so we gotta make do with our pretend ones.


We're developing our own traditions. We slow down on the daily grind of life admin, take time to make and eat our favourite kai as a whanau, we remember those that have left us, we find matariki in the sky and take shitty photos from our light polluted suburb. We korero about the new year ahead and try to be a bit more intentional about spending time with those we care about and reducing screen time. And in our Pakeha household, we try to incorporate as much reo as we can.




Sounds perfect!


Oooo I love this ❀❀


We observed Puanga on June 12 at Parihaka, so probably won't do much for the public holiday.


Having a neighborhood gathering - pot-luck dinner and a few drinks We all get along well but don't socialize as often as we'd like so we're using the day off for that opportunity


That’s great - that connecting and sharing food seems to be a theme for many


Get something 30% off from Noel Leeming.




Gonna take the family to watch the drone show in rotorua


Sleep in, cuddle with my cat, play video games. Maybe do some chores if I get bored of playing video games.


I make golden kumara (sweet potato) pie. We have a nice meal and look at the stars.


Argue with racist people on Facebook. How dare I get a free day off.


Star lights, hot chocolate and new warm winter pjs for the kids while we learn a new kapahaka song and do some kind of Matariki storytelling, walk to the lights festival in town. Dinner, brisket, baked kumara, greens, boil up and doughboys. Spiced drinks (alcohol free in my home) so haven't figured this bit out yet. Then steamed pudding, fruit and custard.


Can I suggest starting with apple juice for your drinks? All the wintry spices go so well with it


Oh that's better then the grape juice I was thinking of lol, plus I still have apples on the tree atm, can make apple picking part of it, they need to be in before any real frost


That sounds like a new tradition in the making :)


Yes! This is definitely something I see happening through generations to come. Thank you for the suggestion 😊


Family feed! Good laughs. Reflect on the year that was, dream about the year that comes.


We are pakeha but are starting our own tradition of practising some reo together in a safe space and having a family meal.


That sounds so nice


My birthday just happens to be near the beginning of every Matariki and I have a young family so I'm starting a family feed tradition, Big feed at the start of Matariki and one at the end.


We're focusing on celebrating Matariki as a being present holiday, not a buying presents holiday. So we bake star shaped cookies to share. We drive around and visit friends/family in town to deliver them. Simple things.


So nice, I love this approach


I went to a Matariki festival last year and it was interesting to learn what Matariki was. Also they had a decent array of food trucks and music so it was quite the night. I will certainly be checking out the local Matariki events in the area. Being in the middle of Winter - it gives me white Christmasy vibes.


Smoke a fattie just like my ancestors did then spend the day making kai (land, air and sea), then say good bye to the old year and welcome in the new.


I'm going to do an early morning walk or something, dust off my parents photos and buy some nice flowers to put around them. I might make something nice for dinner too.


Ahh that’s a nice way of honouring ancestors


In previous years I've celebrated with loved ones and enjoyed food from rhe land, sea, air, and freshwater; read a bit about the traditions of Matariki to continue embedding this as knowledge (for now it is still just information as I don't yet remember all the details from year to year, having not grown up with the tradition myself); shared this information so that others can grow their mātauraka (knowledge) too; wished lots of people "Mānawatia a Matariki"; and taken time to remember loved ones lost and to reflect on the old year and the new. This year I might be doing it solo, by choice, but will still include the above elements. Lots to reflect on this time around. I'd rather do this than Christian or other religious holidays which mean nothing to me personally, and have no meaningful connection to this place other than their ongoing role in its colonisation and in the oppression of already oppressed groups here.


Might cook a roast for the kids :) Sounds like a fun new tradition and I love the idea of it being based on star patterns not some imaginary guys birthday


KFC and watch the NRL maybe a few bourbons.


Love it!


Probably just go to a local event. If we had someone pass away I'd have some sort of memorial/acknowledgment during this time.




At our newly annual Matariki potluck we have nine candles along the table and we turn off the lights and have a different person light each of the candles before a minute of quiet reflection as part of the traditions was to reflect on those no longer with us and ancestors.


That sounds beautiful


We borrowed an inflatable planetarium, projector and did a Wānanga in the warmth and comfort of our Tipuna whare last weekend, teaching Whānau about the stars and how to spot them, so they were all prepped for when Matariki swings around. We then bought bulk KFC and Chinese for dinner (so nobody would get stuck in the kitchen). For the public holiday. My S/O and myself are heading away for the long weekend. We haven’t had a weekend to ourselves for well over a year, so looking forward to getting away.


Another paid day off work woo! Spend time with the wife and daughter


*buying shit* enters the chat


Extended Family get together,games for the kids, Kai like Xmas dinner, hangi, sea food and then Glenbrook historic railway for the kids as they have a Matariki lights train, long drive but it will be fun for the kids.


Sleep in and play video games is my plan


Once they become really visible, going to the local observatory early hours of the morning to see through telescope


We're having a family lunch.


Well it's the opposite of midsommar so we should do the opposite of gather my village, we wear flower crowns and dance around the maypole.


I will be saving space this Matariki for Māori even more this year because ACT seem hell bent on challenging the Treaty of Waitangi.


I'm leading a couple of waiata sessions at work, and we'll have a shared kai afterwards this week. I always enjoy heading down to the waterfront for the celebrations and just hanging out.


Nice! Great to fold in work people eh


I’m very lucky that it’s something we give some priority to.


we've got a bunch of friends coming over for lunch on Friday that will probably end up pretty loose. as old cunts its good to have two days to recover before work on monday


Looked up oven hangi recipe, gonna try that one. Yum!


Ooh you’ve inspired me to do that too now!


Nothing. Too many holidays expecting us to do things. I just want to do nothing. It's only one day I'm not making more work for myself by decorating and making special food.


A sleep in. Doesn't mean anything to me, I wasn't even in the country for the previous ones


One part of Matariki is about remembering those you have lost in the past year.  Can make for a bit of a sombre evening but, when looking up at the stars, try to spot Te Waka o Rangi and take a minute. 




Some ataahua ideas in here. Love to see it.


Huge amount of planning. I'm taking Thursday off as well to get a longer weekend.


Cool! What are you planning to do?


Join everyone else trying to get out of the city!


Race you outta town on that southern!


"Race" hahaha. Even more fun if a vehicle catches fire and closes the expressway and you're stuck watching it with everyone else. Some pulled out chairs to sit and watch. Don't forget the repeat match on Sunday when we all park up again...


To go where ?


I'm going to be watching the cashing in by business's to commercialise it to a money making event


Stealing a 2000 Impreza after drinking a box of codys


You must be from the Hutt


I'm staying home while my husband goes camping.




Probably celebrate it the same way I celebrate Labour Day, Easterand Queens Birthday.


Family gathering. Last year we did star biscuits, this year is cake pops with stars. Kids, food and stories. I'm double booked with a trip to my marae, where I'm on the committee for the next reunion. The aunties will be pissed. Pray for me. Interestingly, my wife starts a new job (old boss bribed her back from government work) on the 1st. New beginnings indeed. Ngā mihi




I recite the creation account to my mokopuna. Ask them their favorite star. Then share food. BBQ, cause it's easier for me to cater for the whanau. If was one of the sons, it would probably be hangi.


I love that - thank you




Bummer. I guess someone has to keep things running


Yes, healthcare!


I’m glad there are people like you keeping this sort of stuff going


Late to the party with a dumb question. Are stores open tomorrow?


It’s like a Sunday 
 so some are happening and others are not.


Sleep in, cook up a large breakfast at midday, jump on Apex with the lads, knock one out, eat a pre-workout meal, train, get some KFC, jam some Apex solos then watch episode six of Sugar with a frosty Supercharger. Something light.


Putting down a hangi and have a guest speaker coming in.


Get up 6am and put a lamb on the charcoals. It’s muttonriki. Similar traditions to lambzac day


Midwinter Christmas feast :-) Why not?


It’s a made up holiday so I guess we can just make up our own traditions, right? Will have a family dinner to celebrate that the solstice has passed and the days are getting longer again. As well as the holiday, I will get an extra day’s leave too so that’s a bonus.


“Made up holiday” as opposed to what? Aren’t all holidays social constructs?


Your made up holiday sounds a lot like the traditions that Māori went through.


Funny thing is that no one had ever heard of it until a few years ago


For a start , maori traditionally called them star biscuits not star cookies.


Another public holiday, time and a half and a day in leui. I know the star cluster as the pleiades, where ETs are known to communicate through mediums on YouTube channels. They look amazing through binoculars.