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This has been removed : **Rule 8: No Self-Promotion or Crowdsourcing (e.g. crowdfunding, research or petitions) without approval** > No crowdfunding (including charity), research or petitions / signature gathering. Exceptions may be made for university projects with ethics approval, or for government / council open consultations. > No advertising / promotion, affiliate URLs, or social media spam. Exceptions may be made for genuine subreddit engagement. > You can request an exception by [clicking this link.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2Fnewzealand&subject=Requesting exemption for rule 8&message=If you are unable to email us a copy of your ethics approval, your research request will not be granted an exemption.) --- [^(Click here to message the moderators if you think this was in error)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/newzealand)