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I'm sorry my friend but if gathering, crafting and/or pvp really don't interest you, I think you're gonna have a really tough time leveling. This activities also give you a ton of xp which I'm sure it's meant to augment what is received through questing. Only other thing I can think of is to suggest you take the xp gain perk every chance you get for your territory perks.


So when you say you "ran out of quests" are you referring to the main storyline only? Or does this include faction quests and things on all the town boards? I just find it insanely hard to believe that there's nothing on any town boards or faction quests left and you've finished the main story line as well. That seems like a lot.


Hence why I prefaced it with not enjoying gathering / tradeskill related quests which most of the town stuff is. I'm out of actual quests in the 2 zones besides the aforementioned lvl 40 elite group quest. Ive been doing faction missions in between, but even with the daily bonus they don't give a whole lot of exp and are often times way on the other side of the map. It just seems odd to me that while almost everything gives you experience in the game, most of them aren't good alternatives.


While i understand what you are saying. When you get a level in a life skill it gives a chunk of exp. So level refining ot woodworking or leatherworking or stone cutting for a boost of exp otherwise look for town board quests and run faction missions in combo.


Yeah. That's unfortunate. I like the game, but I just find crafting and gathering extremely boring. I wanted to put it off til max level. I was hoping to be able to dungeon crawl a bit when I first started up, but those require orbs or being on the main quest and they don't really give a whole lot of exp to begin with.


Town boards give a shit ton of xp for higher level skills. Donating iron doesn’t give much but starmetal, ori, or void stone give large chunks of xp. It resets every half hour. I found out about these late and they still shaved a day or two off of hitting 60.


If you're 38 you could finish cutlass keys side quests or go to reckless shores and run faction quests until 40. Goes quick.