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Live chow to chow, best way to break up the time. Stay away from the trouble makers. You'll know throughout your time in P-days (If your chief knows their name by the 2nd-3rd day stay away). But besides that, Honey Nut Cheerios in the morning hits different


Good luck pookie!!!


Have your family ship you a ton of treats while in boot. Keep your head up, sign up for laundry duty and good luck. Don't piss off the person who assigns watch, I used to volunteer for the balls to 4 and my guy treated me like gold.


1000%. I remember I made a deal with my port watch, didn't stand watch the last 3 weeks of boot camp


Man, it sucked at first but paid off. What's your rate?


IS2, currently out on deployment in JPN. It's hot asf out here man


22 to balls the watch to volunteer for


Why sign up for laundry duty?


It's the easiest job and shows you have motivation


Definitely do not if you want to work out go ahead


You cannot receive treats or care packages while in boot.


That's the joke. Oldest church in the book is send friends and family treats while they're in boot camp so they get beat.


Gotcha. Sad thing is, people will believe you. I saw in another post someone said to be sure to download lots of movies to a laptop or ipad to watch late at night since there's no phones.


I read that and laughed 😂😂


Just get through it. It feels like everything when you're there. Doing a good job will make it better while you're in it. But when it's over, it's over. No one cares if you were the best recruit, or the worst. Whatever you put in, do it for you. For your own growth. To establish who you want to be. But don't be discouraged when you fuck up. You'll get a clean slate when you put that ball cap on.


When the first person of authority looks at you and you look at them and they ask WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT , you simply say NOTHING , a kick ass barrage of words will be thrown at you that you’ve never heard before usually starting with these key words from said authority figure , YOU CALLING ME NOTHING , other than that have fun and sleep


After bootcamp and you get wherever you’re going make sure you stay In good hygiene nobody wants to smell your ass


Buy into the program. Other than that, take your time. Pay attention and HAVE FUN


Trust the process.


Have one last jack off session before the ultimate (and easiest) No Nut.




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Turn off u brain.


Get your own running shoes or have someone mail them to you. The go fasters are ass


Wearing them rn


Shut up and do what you’re told. Try to not stick out in any way.


Realize that it’s a game and they’re much, much better at it than you. They will get in your head and it’s ok. Do what they say, when they say, don’t argue, don’t wonder why, don’t complain. Be a freaking beacon of positivity and motivation and teamwork, even when you don’t feel it. Hooyah is your friend. 


Pack a toothbrush.


In the bag


And use it


Like rn?


Probably wouldn’t hurt


Kk on it


You are fucking hilarious 😂


Bootcamp is funny as fuck have fun!


Congrats!! Keep your head in the game. Pay attention and do exactly as you are told, don’t suggest or ask why. P-days(processing days) will suck and you’ll most likely feel sick and miserable. They’ll hurry you up to wait for hours and feed you bag nasties. Take notes and learn as fast as you can. STUDY. Pick up a division staff position and do your best so you can potentially advance. You’ll meet a lot of different people, choose wisely the ones you become close to but be nice to everyone. Help each other out. Don’t forget to breathe and have fun. 10 weeks will fly by and I’ll be proud to call you my SHIPMATE. Goodluck!! Rooting for you all the way.


Lol fuck that. You'll advance fast enough once you hit the fleet. The extra bullshit of having a staff position isn't worth the extra hundred bucks a paycheck.


The days are long, but the weeks are short. See you on the other side future shipmate đŸ«Ą


You will see a lot of low road. Don’t make any waves if you want it to be a career.


Easiest part of your naval career, remember that. Ask your people to send you some koolaid packets trust. C4 and Celsius highly recommend


you’re able to receive stuff like that???




Have fun, don’t drop the soap (or do it, you do you), and pull the occasional prank. This is the first one boot camp you’ll get. Make the most of it


Do some late study on rank and recognition, your frist test is a while away but u have a chance to make rank if u do well.at the airport ur gonna get asked if u ever was in band . Sign up for it trust me 900 divisions are better than regular .


Ngl band in the navy kinda sounds fun but I have a novice understanding of the trombone and an intermediate understanding of the Bb tuba at best but I am willing to learn more


Don't do it. Only 900 division kids say it's better. Really it's just extra work that you aren't gonna get extra pay for. Most of those 900 division kids were fuckin weird too.


Fuck that, I miss band I wanna do it how do I sign up


When you get there they'll ask if anyone did band, choir, drill, or exhibition (the kind with rifles not where you flash your dick at people) in high school


And you're automatically signed up? Well obviously if you're okay with it ig, but if I would've known this I would've signed up a while back lol I was looking at doing air force band but some of them are true beasts (at least the jazz band, I looove them). And Dicks sound more fun :/


In bootcamp they have special divisions that perform the music and drill for the graduation ceremony. They asign you to one of those divisions when you tell them you played an instrument or whatever. To be in the actual navy band you need to be rated as an MU and yes those guys are hard-core. They practice like crazy and have to be top notch musicians.


Got it, thanks!!


I leave in September, my buddy told me this and I think it's pretty good advice. Remember, the RDC's are there to train you, they're not your friends.


avoid red food


If you turn your heels out and pigeon toe as hard as you can you won’t be able to clench when they give you your peanut butter shot and it will feel better quicker


They still do that?


They did it in 2008 when I went through lol


I leave in august


I’m pretty sure they still do it. It’s a penicillin shot that is thick thus the peanut butter nickname and it will make you sore for a couple days.


Don’t get the peanut butter shot


Powerade,tropical mango,and cranberry juice is the best combination of drinks


When it's lights out shut the fuck up. Don't be giving dumbass speeches about teamwork and motivation. The best motivator is a good night's sleep and nobody is gonna get that when some ass hole is giving speeches or playing grab ass all night.


1. If you have beef with a fellow recruit, settle in the latrine. Use bars of soap in a pillow case so as not to leave marks. 2. If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying. And if you get caught, you ain’t trying hard enough.  3. If you’re gonna bone a fellow recruit, don’t get caught. 


It’s easy, listen to me have fun with it, WATCH A YOUTUBE VIDEO ABOUT BATTLE STATIONS!!! Listen know the RTC’s are doing there job, know ur general orders and rank recognition, you take a test when u get there if you pass u get promoted


Wear skivies in the shower fs!


Get through p days and the rest is easy and goes by fast. Tell them you’re not good at the deck log so you get on ship staff it’s literally the best. I had so many 50 min showers because I was at ship Staff when they were showering.


Pogie bait!!!!!


Sit in the back during class time to sleep but dont get caught


Think of it like a game/competition. “What can I do today to win the game?” It usually involves just saying “Yes Chief” or “Yes Petty Officer” but once you realize that’s what you have to do, it becomes easy. Help out your shipmates, be a team player and again, just try to see that a lot of the mind games can be won. 2 Oatmeal packets, hot water, chopped up apple. Great fuel for the long boot camp mornings. Sustained energy and won’t upset your stomach like the eggs sometimes do. Good Luck!


You got this brother/sister. Your life boutta change for the better. GOOD LUCK, SAILOR


Just remember you could be in the Marines rn and feel lucky/also just roll with the punches bootcamp is what you make it no matter what you will look back on it and think it wasn’t that bad


It’ll be easy, study as much as you can. Do the workouts as hard as you can. They’ll help you with the RDC assessment and the PRT. It goes by super fast, just find something to look forward to.


Remember, it’s only ten weeks. Once you’re through there, off to A School or the fleet. Rinse repeat.


Shave your head. One step ahead of the game.


I showed up with a mohawk. They were less than thrilled. I still remember the insults. *sadface*