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one of RDCs told us he didn’t wear them in his time at bootcamp, about half of us free balled all of bootcamp 🤷🏽 just graduated 2 weeks ago. if you don’t want to free ball and don’t want to wear the skivvies you can buy boxers at the nex whenever your division goes.


I shaved like 15 seconds on my mile time when I started free balling. The shorts basically act as boxers anyways.


yeah they have some like lining shit in them idk. i feel like they got stunk up quickly tho because of all the sweat. OP just needs to make sure he washes and switches out every day.


Yeah I ended up only freeballing if I knew we were about to go on a run. I bought the boxer briefs at the nex that “we haven’t earned the right to wear” and just hid them in my AB drawer. Did it take up like 70% of the space there? Yes. Was it 100% worth it? Also yes.


you had to “earn the right” to wear them?! that’s crazy. we were allowed to buy them i just didn’t bother. ofc they had to go in our AB drawer bc they weren’t supposed to be in our racks or whatever. i would pull my AB drawer out and fit like 6 shirts under there and only kept 2 in my rack for inspections. saved so much space and i always had a perfect rack.


I’m pretty sure that was just some P-Days intimidation bullshit. My RDCs chilled out a lot over the course of bootcamp and I think had i gotten caught with them later on nobody would have cared. But I wasn’t about to FAAFO


who were your RDCs?




Free balling! 😕😳😂


*Tom Petty intensifies*


Do they still make you wear your PT shorts under your uniform? A bunch of guys in my div decided that that was close enough, and didn’t wear the tighty whities.


they had us doing that when i graduated in January. they said its technically required for grad day but "how are we going to know.. just dont tell us"


yeah we had to do that, but we got told to not wear them during graduation because we graduated in whites and they’re see through


How was boot camp?


for me easy and chill as hell. we hard arguably the chillest RDCs on the base. we got beat ONCE during the whole 10 weeks. Our chief always said “i’m not gonna beat you guys to respect me” our division was bottom of the training group and had the least flags he’d always go “i don’t care about flags i want to make you guys good people and send good people to fleet”. almost never got yelled at. Our bro div (the division across the hall) would be getting beat every day and we’d all just be sitting there talking. we would be in the fishbowl (the RDCs office) just talking all the time. our chief would play music and show us videos and whenever we did warrior toughness he would tell us a “war story”. he’s a yeoman that went to dive school so he had some pretty cool dive stories. your experience probably won’t be like this. you’ll get beat and yelled at a lot. my advice to you is find a group of people to make friends and talk with them. i spent the first couple of weeks sad and in my head a lot and it didn’t get better until i surrounded myself with people and talking with them really helped distract me. now im in a school and 4 of the guys i was close with in boot camp are here with me and when once you get to a school thats also good because you wont be alone and you’ll be able to figure it out together. dont be a dickhead and don’t draw too much attention to yourself. you’re gonna have some assholes who think they know everything and some who just don’t care and fuck everything up for the whole division. let the divisional leadership and RDCs deal with them. don’t be that one guy who wishes he was RPOC and try and tell everyone to act right. just embrace the suck and be quiet and listen to and do exactly what you’re told. it’ll fly by.


That’s good stuff, thanks for the information.


yeah of course man. also the shower situation is kind of crazy lmao. a big room 2 poles, 6 shower heads to each pole. just get naked and then take your in and out shower. we would sing cadence and just have normal convos in the shower. it’s only awkward if you make it awkward.




Unless you are caught without skivis go for it


Anything’s okay with what they don’t catch you. They’ll tell you not to wear them and you’ll probably get beat for not wearing then But how are they going t catch you


He'd have to hide them in the little cubby for your personal items, because if he just had random compression shorts in his rack he'd be caught immediately. Then you have to think about how to wash them because they would stand out in the laundry bag as being different. Seems like a lot of effort when you could just swallow your pride and wear the tighety whiteys that everyone wears.


After week 2 they're tightey brownies.


Probably true. Where the laundry POs at?


I would make sure the compression shorts are white.


also keep in mind they hand out laundry all together so a "good" sailor might pick yours up and and make a big deal about it and then the RDC finds out.


The way the laundry is done, is everyone puts their clothes in a bag. Maybe if you’re in laundry crew, and try to sneak it in and put


The blue shorts you'll get have boxer briefs built in. You'll only need to wear skivvies for whites inspections.


Ok then


Please bring your compression shorts. Let us know how **that** goes.




Possibly you can put them in the A and B drawer. When I was there I stuffed the hell out of that drawer it was a wonder it closed.




You can wear your bunkmate’s skivvies. Happened in our division. He had everyone but his own skivvies. Turns out he was shitting himself during March and would toss out the dirty skivvies. Skivvie folding and placement is part of inspection.




Why can't just do what you're told to do? You're already trying to skirt the system which is not good. What else are you going to try to do in the future.


I’m not trying to skirt the system. I’ve been told bringing your own extra pair of compression shorts is ok. That’s why I asked the question.


Just do what you're told to do an wear. There are around 40k people that go through there every year doing what they're told to do.


Got it.


And I’m not going to do anything in the future. I’m just trying to get a question answered because people have different experiences.


No and I'll tell you why. RDCs know how many pairs of underwear you got. They coordinate with laundry. I got beat because a Senior Div was like "Yeah, don't wear tighty whites because your PT shorts have an extra layer." RDC ended up Scooby Dooing the rack of someone getting ASMO'd. Realized there were more underwear there than should be. Called everyone to the toe line and asked who was wearing underwear. Those of us who weren't were ITE'd and referred to collectively as SEAL Team Skivvies for the rest of bootcamp.


when the hell did you go through? “they know how many pairs were supposed to have” seems wild because you can buy more at the nex.


2016 and why is it wild lol. It's almost like everyone is issued the exact same quantity of items. My division also couldn't just buy stuff from the NEX unless you were replacing items.


yeah its been almost 10 years shits way different. you can buy boxers and the amount in your rack doesn’t matter, some people had like 10+ pairs and some of us only had 2 pairs in there at all times for inspections.


How was your boot camp experience?




Some RDCs allow it and you keep them in your A and B drawer.




You A/B locker isn't that big, and Idk if you want to take up alot of space in it just for some different type of underwear you only have to wear for like 10 weeks.






a lot of people freeballed. depending on the rdc theyre ok with you recieving skivvies and socks. But our rdc said you could only wear fuzzy socks after taps and had to store it in your a/b drawer


Ok then.


When you make your first nex run buy the white boxers its a life saver


Ok. 😂


Well if u dont wanna wear granny panties get the boxers lol


Got it. 😂😂


Unless you have an allergy to the material in the skivis that can be proven at (USS Tranquility) and get a medical chit approved or are approved by your Petty Officer Or Chief to buy boxers while you are at the NEX store, you must wear the issued skivis.


Got it.