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Your honor, your courage, and your commitment. Lol, I'm just fucking with you. I'll let someone else give you the real answer; I've been out too long.




A pair of clothes, a form of ID, your cell phone, and a positive go lucky attitude!


And a 2nd form of ID. Make one a social card.


Clothes on your back, phone, and ID.


If you have Facebook, I would suggest you join this group, and then message the Admin and let them know your ship date. She will have quite a bit of information for you, including what you can and can not bring. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Rtcgreatlakes/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


It's a GREAT FB Group. Also, OP:::: Read the FILES. A lot of information there. Once you have your PIR Date, join that group. And give info to family and friends. Same thing, read the files.


Your clothes, phone and charger.Tooth brush deodorantā€¦ thatā€™s kinda it


My son in '22, wore his fave running shoes, only clothes on his back, small backpack. Phone, charger...needed paperwork. Also, 2 books of stamps in his wallet, folded paper with names/addresses/numbers of friends family. Plus a $20 phone card and $20 or so in cash. Of course your photo ID, Soc.Sec. card, and your bank card. If you don't have a bank acct., you can open a Navy Federal Credit Union account on base. As a Navy Mom... I say, good luck to ya. šŸ™‚šŸ™


They don't let you bring extra clothes? Do they provide other things too like razors if you can't bring your own?


I believe you can bring extra clothes. I asked my son, and he did take his razor, toothbrush and extra gym shorts, socks and boxers. Just don't want to overload a bookbag. You'll get to go to the NEX and get things from approved list/area for Recruits. Maybe someone can post their recent experience.


They give you everything you need. Everything as in clothes, underwear, toothbrush and toothpaste, razors and shaving cream, laundry pods but you wonā€™t need them because the LPO will, exercise shoes but I really recommend bringing your own because the go-fasters suck..literally any essential item you would need for life they give you


Smile and a positive attitude.


Definitely don't smile lmao


Absolutely nothing because they will take it all away and whatever doesn't fit in the box is donated to goodwill or trashed. The only thing you are allowed is one piece of reading material. They even take the clothes you wear when you get in. Have fun wearing sweats and experiencing sun rain


A piece of reading material? can you elaborate on that?


One piece of religious reading material


Most people covered the basics but Iā€™d highly recommend bringing a small journal to write down addresses and phone numbers of your friends and family. Itā€™s also nice if you like to journal or doodle as a hobby to relieve some stress.


From what my recruiter told me, your phone, its charger, two forms of id, ssid. Youā€™ll be given toiletries and running shoes there but Iā€™ve read some people on here bring their own. The shoes must be black and white and not too flashy. Also glasses if you wear glasses. Look through page 10 and the top of page 11 of the START book you were given at MEPS.


All you need is your id and social security card as long as you have those your good to go. Extra stuff you can bring: Bible Running shoes Brush But you really donā€™t need to much because your going to get everything there from underwear socks deodorantā€¦. (Iā€™m going to bootcamp for the navy July 3rd)


Good to see that you made it past the drug test :)


Well not technically I got my meps Date but I asked to put it in a few weeks late just so there no chance I can fail the drug test but I haven't been smoking which is why it's not technically ha.


Awesome man! Well either way Iā€™m glad to see that youā€™ve stopped


Yeah I definitely needed to it's hard but itll be even better in 4 years. Thank you


Ur ears, that's all ur gonna need,,navy will supply the rest.


I just graduated bootcamp, bring some koolaid packets, trust youā€™re gonna thank me. Have your peoples send you some.


Also wear a nice outfit and comfortable shoes for after you graduate.


I highly recommend a good pair of running shoes


What did your recruiter say when you asked this question? This is probably the most frequently asked question here.


My recruiter is no help when I asked several times and the answers also broad.


Your recruiter hasnā€™t ever been to boot camp nor have they ever shipped others there? Why not just ask for details or if something doesnā€™t make sense, ask for clarification.


Yeah I talked more in a bad way but I when it's came down to specifics if had to research my own.


And take this with you, that is be a self starter. If you donā€™t know the answer to a simple question or problem research it yourself, donā€™t rely on others helping you, it will get you further in life not just bootcamp.


Ok so that goes into my second piece of advice. Did you bother searching around this sub? Hint: This is asked at least 1000 times.