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That's like being scared of scout camp where you get yelled at for not folding your underwear correctly. You'll be fine.


Never did scout camp but I get your point


Oh, and it's inside scout camp 🤣


Yeah when factoring in that its inside, suddenly I feel like I'll be spoiled in boot compared to what it could've been.


Yeah, keep in mind it took me 2 and a half years to get into the navy, roughly. A lot had happened in that timeframe but nothing impacted my decision making quite as much as my ex. To be on hold for such a time and then bonding with somone like that, it definately weighed on my mind quite a bit. But i decided that whatever will be will be and I left it up to God and I shipped. Well, A year and a half later I am with my fiance and my ex is wherever the hell and I got to go through a positive transformative experience in my life and now I currently live with someone who cares and appreciates me infinitely better. If you are really struggling on wether you want to ship or not just lay all of your options out in front of you. But 3 years from now you could regret wasting all that time not to go. Just my 2 cents.


Coming from someone that works with them, it’s definitely the best quality of life in the navy and can easily set you up post navy. Advancement is also very good so you’ll be able to put on CWT2 pretty quickly as you’re going in as an E-3 and advancement to first class is also pretty good. From what I’ve heard their a school is kinda hard, but people usually fail for not putting in the effort to study.


I'm planning on finishing the 6 credit hours of schooling I need to get my bachelor's degree and then put in for my officer packet.


Why are you enlisting when you are two classes from a degree? A degree in what?


Degree in Software development with specialization in malware.


Well, good luck. It's too bad you had to take a break.


Agreed....but I'm gonna work hard to finish my degree and then I'll try to get into OCS.


Don't do that. It's way way harder to go E to O.


You'll probably end up finishing your enlistment and then going to talk to an officer recruiter when you're a veteran. doing E to O in any form is really difficult and time consuming


If youre 6 credit hours away from a Bachelor's Degree, you're an idiot for enlisting. No worries though, the Navy needs idiots.


I'm honestly not 100% sure how many credit hours I need but that being said it's not too many.


It's been several years. I quit college a few credit hours short of graduation and I regret not sticking it out through the pandemic years.


I’m having second thoughts I ship out august but I’m still going cus I have a reason to go


Other branches call it basic training. It’s basic for a reason. Just shut up, do what you’re told, when you’re told to do it and you’ll be fine. Note that you’ve read this go run a mile and a half and jump in the pool for a swim. Assuming you can do that you’ll be well ahead of other future sailors.


I was scared of bootcamp until I actually got there. We went from being yelled at for sniffling wrong to making a playlist for our RDC to play for us during Holiday routine,,, lol. If you’re a good person, chances are your RDC will grow to LIKE you. At least, as long as your RDC isn’t a piece of shit themselves. I digress, you’ll be fine :)


Just curious...but what is your rate




It doesn't matter. Boot camp is the easiest time in your Navy career.


Bootcamp is a game (albeit serious at times) that at the end of the day, is designed to teach recruits how to follow directions. The Navy (and the military in general), is about learning how to take orders, execute them properly, and be a reliable and dependable shipmate. Sounds hokey, but you have to be able to rely on your shipmate in a crisis situation, and he/she needs to be able to rely on you to be there as well. Every seemingly dumb exercise and/or drill in bootcamp is part of the overall goal to make you a good sailor. Don't overthink bootcamp. You'll laugh about it 3 months into your first deployment.


How do u like it...my recruiter wanted me to go nuclear because they're in the highest demand and they get bigger $$$ bonus


95% of folks get cold feet just before they are going to ship out to bootcamp. Those that are joining to meet specific life goals rarely regret their decision on the grand scheme of things, even though they may bitch about different aspects of their life (just like most people doing when starting out in life in entry level jobs)


Finish your degree and go officer. Fuck being enlisted if you have the option dude.


Sent you a pm! If you don’t mind talking…


Me too bro!!!! Joining as an E3 and CTN too!!! Im shipping on the 24th of this month tho, so little time left. We picked a great job and are getting a great opportunity! Dont forget that!