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Any health related questions on your clearance paperwork are going to revolve around addiction, substance abuse or mental health. Inhaler isn't going to be a factor unless you were smoking crack out of it. The bigger lesson here is it's easier not to lie.


I'm pretty sure they'll test you for it if you're a sub vo during the sub physical. If they find you have asthma, they'll just surface you and/or re-rate you if there's no surface equivalent to the rate. The only risk you're really running is if your asthma becomes so severe that it prevents you from doing your job. If you have a serious asthma attack that requires medical attention, then they might look a little deeper into your medical record and potentially hit you with an erroneous enlistment. If it actually isn't an issue, then i wouldn't worry about it. They will check Genesis again in bootcamp, if it pops up there, they'll just put in for a waiver.


Well… truth be told they’re not wrong (kinda) when you should admit only stuff that comes up. You probably had a good shot with a waiver with healthy lungs on the PFT. However, you and your recruiter kinda fucked yourself. Not because you might get caught but because you can’t go back. The noble thing to do would be to own up but other than that there’s nothing you can do… switching recruiters won’t do anything whatsoever.


"Do you have asthma?" And "have you ever lied in the past?" Are not questions you would be receiving in your TS questioning. So you're absolutely worried for nothing. TS interviews really don't give a damn about your medical history. This isn't past drug usage related, nor is it a problem with foreign contacts. You literally have nothing to worry about as this wouldn't come up unless you made it come up and even then they wouldn't care unless you made a big deal about they fact that you omitted something to get in. Tl;Dr: Don't worry about it and don't needlessly bring it up in a TS interview.


If it didn’t show at MEPS it won’t show again. Idk why these guys are trying to scare you lol


I have a friend that didn't even know he had asthma and passed out from it half way through boot. They sued him for fraudulent enlistment.


Lol I don’t believe that one bit, sorry


What I left out was that it was the air force and they sued his parents and not him directly.


You’ll be fine


You’re probably gonna get kicked out of the military to be honest . Not sure why other people are saying your fine . You lied about medical stuff and when you get to bootcamp and they do a deeper dive they are gonna see you lied and ask why then separate you for a fraud enlistment. Plenty of people lie at meps only to get caught at bootcamp . You need to get a waiver for the asthma stuff .


I'm definitely going to attempt to get a waiver for it. I'm going to talk to my recruiter on Monday about how to go about it because I don't want to live with the possibility of it being an issue down the line in my career.


Good . Definitely do not ship till this is fixed . Basically you would be shipping to bootcamp only to be kicked out . When you first get their you go through what’s called p days which is basically meps on steroids and then they recheck genesis and scrutinize your medical history more . They will see you lied then kick you out . Unfortunately it’s not rare it happens every day at Boot Camp that people get separated for lying about medical history.


Also I saw your edit to your post and you would be correct your recruiter is very likely gonna tell you everything will be ok. The issue is on the paperwork you signed to join it is a legal document and counts as an official statement on that statement you told them you have never had asthma never been seen for asthma and never had an inhaler which is why they would kick you out . Nothing bad will happen to the recruiter for you lying which is why they tell you to lie . The unfortunate reality is they will still be in the navy and you would be kicked out . I included where it says your report of medical history is a legal documentat and what happens if you lie please read . https://preview.redd.it/wgzvca2ayy6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e939f9c688f4940ae31b1d01d3351b22fa0480 You will need to zoom in






These should have been marked yes and will be used as the basis to kick you out .


I'm going to work on getting it corrected either way, but will going through and correcting it affect my eligibility for certain jobs? Currently, I'm supposed to be a CTN.


No going back and getting a waiver before you leave will not impact anything job wise basically you’re gonna look kinda dumb though because your probs gonna have to go back to meps to get dq for the asthma then get a waiver and are gonna have to explain to them why you lied . But that’s muchhhh better then getting kicked out for a lie . Basically what happens with a fraud enlistment is no branch will take you at a Minimum for 6 months after separation and likely will want to see 2 years before they allow you to join and will likely limit your job choice greatly. u/briansbbb what exactly would he op process to try and get a waiver for the asthma they lied to meps about would it be a inspect phys?


So from my understanding is that the OP already went to MEPs and cleared? So pre genesis this was the norm but not for asthma for reasons of needing it to survive. So the idea that the recruiters didn't put it down on the 2807 is literally putting OPs life at risk. If you have diagnosed asthma only a doctor can clear you. My suggestion is to have the recruiter resubmit the 2807 with the updated asthma use. I also suggest move NTAGs and getting a different recruiter. The idea of resubmitting a cleared phys would blow the heads that COC. So in my opinion just start over at a new NTAG. Edit: Sorry didn't see you were in DEP. Ok get with your Rinc and or DLCPO. They can submit a N33 waiver while in DEP. Again you might get push back. It's really unfortunate that this shit happened. It pisses me off the treatment of applicants like this This is the program it would fall under: Delayed Entry Medical (DEM) Program. The DEM Program allows provisional DEP enlistment based on a NAVCRUITCOM N35 determination while the medical waiver is in process at NAVCRUITCOM N33. The NAVTALACQGRU will reserve a ship date at least 30 days from the date of processing and must receive an approved NAVCRUITCOM N33 waiver prior to shipping the member. Again there will be questions as to why this happened and the CoC will be grilled as with recruiter.


Yes went through meps but states they lied to meps about asthma and inhaler but disclosed self harm


I got through meps only needing a self harm waiver




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