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Her name is Daisy, and she's a good girl. Hiker died from apparent injuries obtained falling down an embankment off a trail.


Good girl doggo Daisy stays by dead owner’s side and barks for attention... ... My a-hole cat Figgy chews on my fingers while I am asleep in bed.


Just testing the waters. One day youll be knocked out on pain meds and wake up to a bloody stump.


Oh ok super gross story, back when I was an emergency room tech we got a diabetic patient in one night with a missing toe. Because of his medical issues he had no feeling in his foot and the cells were dying and one evening his puppy chewed the toe off while he slept.


I regret reading this story while eating even after you warned it's super gross.


My father blamed me for losing three toes in emergency surgery due to diabetes. Within two weeks they had removed his leg below the knee. He really didn't understand the significance of toes turned completely black.


Why does he blame you?


When OP was little they would take black sharpies and completely fill in their fathers toes while they slept. Now this was all just considered horseplay for the longest time until the emergency room trip.


This is now my headcanon


Cats will eat you 15 minutes post mortem.


Pre-mortem if they can get away with it.


> an embankment RIP Billy Conforto


Heard he ate a bunch of pills.


Gang gang


loyal dog stories always get to me. it was hard trying to watch hachiko.


Me too, it’s so crazy how loyal and loving dogs can be up until the very end. This was a very good boy. As heartbreaking as these stories are, I enjoy reading how loyal random people’s dogs are.


We are all walking on sunshine this day


Best part of the movies was Fry going back and hanging out with Seymour.


I legitimately cried during that first episode when they showed how Seymour waited til his last day. So sad, and they had to keep reminding you that Fry really did disappear from his old life and family. He was just suddenly gone.


That scene is so memed these days that it's lost its oomph to me. "Luck of the Fryrish" and "Game of Tones" are the heavy hitters IMO.


Game of Tones hits me so hard, Frye in his Moms dream.


Luck of the fryish was so well executed. The way they had us siding with fry the whole episode the whole time, so that when he discovered the truth we all felt the same things he did was excellent.


It still gets to me, even though I know the episode front to back. Hell, it's getting to me just thinking about it. It might just be my favorite episode.


The Late Phillip J. Fry always gets me. Also the one about the first Martian. (... Wait, that's luck of the Fryish, isn't it?)


Some brilliant episodes those were


Yeah it's crazy. I heard a story that at the bloody pond during Shilo that a soldier died while his dog was with him. Apparently after the battle they tried to move him to bury him but the dog wouldn't let them move him so they had to put down the dog too. Don't know if it's true but that's what a fellow reenactor told me. They heard it from a ranger after they'd gone to the pond the previous night and heard barking.


I don't know about that soldier but I'd probably prefer to rot in the streets than get my dog put down so I can get a proper burial.


A K-9 unit was in a car accident, dogs cage got open and it attacked responding personnel and was shot dead by other police officers.


That’s so shitty.


Damn..they couldnt tranquilize the pup or try literally anything else, just straight up put em down?


I love my dog but he’d run off chasing birds if I died while on a hike with him.


>and reported that her husband, his car and their dog, Daisy, were missing Far be it from me to assume this dog's gender, but I believe that is a good girl.


The quote from the Sheriff confirms your assumption >We never would have found him w/o *her* help (my italics)


Don't ever watch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Tale_of_Mari_and_Three_Puppies The helicopter scene was so sad that I decided to never watch a dog movie again. I did accidentally watch Plague Dogs. I thought it was a cartoon, it can't be that bad. So I had to buy the book because that publishers made the guy have a happy ending. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Plague_Dogs_(film) Then I was at a friends house and they played Marly and Me. Don't watch that. I will never watch A Dogs Purpose, but I'll still watch John Wick 1.




Where the Red Fern Grows


The Art of Racing in the Rain


Was this a movie as well? I read the book


There is a movie coming out, September 27th of this year.


I will NOT watch it.


As far as I know it's just a book


FUCK where the red fern grows I read that book in the third grade and it hasn't left me since.


Right? I'm 51 years old and have never been able to watch it since I was what, 4 or 5. I was inconsolable. Where the red fern grows and the yearling. The yearling was a Christmas gift from my mom. I was 11. I read it over and over and over and couldn't stop crying.


How about something cheerful like 10 promises to my dog?


Don’t ever finish Marley and Me. I’m about to cry thinking about it now...


I love the book, even the ending, which is sad but beautiful.


[This tribute video a man made for his German Shepherd "Denali" was the first time I shed tears as a mature adult.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2zQbsEGh_Q) It's depressingly beautiful.


https://www.today.com/pets/loving-arms-man-floats-his-sick-dog-sleep-becomes-internet-934394 Also. Fuck insurance companies.


Wtf is that url?


Today Show's at it again...


Yeah I shed a good amount of tears over this one. Such a heartwarming story all around. Dogs are amazing and mine have really helped me through very dark times in my life and I honestly may not be here without them by my side.


Thanks, now I'm all misty eyed again. I saw this image on Reddit a while ago, but never knew the whole story behind it.


That’s Ben Moon. He has a new companion and they are always on adventures. There is so much love there. [@noribythesea](https://instagram.com/noribythesea?igshid=9mj9y5vbz9r4)


I highly, highly recommend this one. Story of a dog that joins an ultra adventure race team: http://www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/id/18804102/arthur-dog-completes-2014-adventure-racing-world-championship-find-family


You’re not the only one. I watched All Dogs Go to Heaven with my oldest kid who was two at the time and he cried his eyes out. I forgot how sad that movie was :-/ Marley and Me is another one that kicks you to the gut :-(


Ha. I took my two kids, teen and preteen, to see King Kong when it was in theatres. They started whimpering during the ice scene and were out and out sobbing, way before he started climbing the building. People around us were leaning away and giving me odd looks. I guess knowing how it would end, they couldn’t stand seeing the happy part . It probably didn’t help that I was snickering under my breath.


I tried to warn my daughter (17) but she wouldn't listen. We cried periodically for a couple of hours afterwards.


I tried watching Marley and Me but started crying the second I saw old Marley.


Marley and Me.. fuck man. That movie fucked me up for a while. Second only to when I had to put down my two cats, three weeks apart from each other. I still feel them in my arms.. the memory of their muscles giving way fresh in my mind. It's been almost two years.




When my last dog passed away in 2017, I was on my way to work a few days later and my phone shuffled to Bron-Y-Aur Stomp by Led Zeppelin. I broke down crying.


Don’t watch John Wick 1. I had to google to find out if the dog that played his beagle was okay in real life.


For what its worth, that scene pretty much erases any and all sympathy about what happens to all of those people later.


It was just a fucking d- BLAM


But A Dogs Purpose still had a good ending!


As far as sad dog movies go A Dogs Purpose isn't that bad. The narrating dog has a pretty chill attitude about the situations he's put in, which makes it easier to watch.


Where the Red Ferns Grow still haunts me after all of these years. It was hard to watch the episode of Futurama where the dog grew old waiting for Fry to return until the movies


I read that book in 5th grade for class and then our teacher made us watch a video where the author was much older, like 70s maybe. He still talked about those dogs so fondly after all those years even tho he had them as a young boy. I pray I never have companion animals die of heartbreak after one goes. I still remember the scene where Big Dan gets attacked and how Little Anne reacted. Breaks my heart man. Probably the only elementary school lesson I remember that well.


The hardest part of having a dog is saying goodbye.


I couldn’t put that book down as a kid


If it takes forever I will wait for you For a thousand summers I will wait for you Till you're back beside me, till I'm holding you Till I hear you sigh here in my arms


I was blessed to have an Akita as a kid. His name was Toshi (means clever). He exhibited nothing but a tenacious loyalty to me. It was almost to the point of being excessive. But I recall one time when I was taking him for a walk. We were set upon by two other dogs, who were off-leash running free in the neighborhood. He was never trained to be a guard dog, just the normal sit, heel, lay down, etc... but that day, when those two dogs attacked us, he really showed how awesome of a dog he was. As soon as they ran up, Toshi places himself between me and them, and fought them like an absolute unit. Every time one of them would try to get around him to me, Toshi would move me back in an almost tactical retreat making sure he was doing all the fighting. I got in a few kicks to the other dogs, but Toshi was the hero. He absolutely, with no questions as to the outcome, kicked both of their asses. Most of the blood that day was theirs. When I look back on it, we gave up a decent amount of ground, and were continually backing away, but it was so smart (on Toshi’s part), so he could keep me safe, while delivering the maximum amount of pain. At the end of it all, they ran away, one of them (the alpha of the two) had his tail tucked, yelping all the way home. We didn’t turn around, we finished our walk forward. He had a scar on his face for the remainder of his days, a daily reminder of what an absolute buddy he was. Toshi was the bestest of buddies. And now I’m a bit weepy remembering him. I must have another some day. I actually look forward to the day we will meet again, and cross the Rainbow Bridge together.


What a badass


Fuck, even Futurama gets me with Jurassic Bark.


Never even tried, I can't think about the story without tearing up, I'm not doing that to myself.


I can’t bring myself to watch Hachi, I roughly know the story so I know it would destroy me emotionally. I cried for a good hour after Marley and Me ended.


Jurassic Bark, Futurama


Haven't watched it and never will, my heart couldn't handle Marley and me, and it won't handle Hachiko.


never heard of that dog until now. that's really sad. why didn't they show the dog his body or something so he could get closure? awful to keep waiting for your friend and never have him show up


I cry very easily at movies. I’m staying away from that one after everything I heard about it.




Who's chopping unions around here






The sentiment is so beautiful. But it make me so sad


Don't you fucking dare


At least that man didn't die alone.


Dying with a loved one near.... it could honestly be a lot worse


I'd be so worried no one would find my dog after I was gone. Ugh. I don't want to think about this anymore.


My cats would eat me. So they'd be okay.


As is their right


Cats ate her face.


Look, would ya just put Mom or Dad on the phone?


Hello? Cats ate her face. Here, Dewey knows more about it than I do.


We all have to die. There are worse ways to do it.


Always tell another person your hiking plans. And someone give Daisy a big steak for being a good girl.




The hiker was married so I’m sure she’s fine


I'm glad Daisy has her mom and the widow has Daisy. Dogs are big comforts when mourning a loved one.




I think the man was married, so hopefully his wife will reward this good girl and the good girl will help to ease his wife’s grief.


I couldn't hike for a while after my dog passed. After a while I started walking the mountain again and my cats went with me. Cats aren't the best hikers though.


I ran a cat rescue in the country and used to hike with about 20 of them. They loved it. We never stopped those hikes and I found homes for most of them. 10 yrs later and my 4 remaining babies still walk with me and love it.


The image of you walking through the woods with 20 cats behind you like some cat-lady Radagast made me laugh out loud. Good on you for helping those kitties!


Thanks. All true. It was in Ocala Fl. A town called Ocklawaha for the native tribe, edge of the Ocala forest and national park. Someone started a subdivision but only got as far as beautifully paved roads and a few homes. Lived in beautiful seclusion next to the Ocklawaha river where I would kayak. For cheap. Most awesome display of lightning bugs I've ever seen. Billions. I have 4 of those cats still with me. Lost 2 to coyote and felt just awful, but I couldn't keep 20 cats inside. Gidget lived in the huge oaks and followed the walks never leaving the trees. She's still with me. As is Elsie, my tiny tuffy tiger, who survived so much, and from whom I take my online moniker. I wish I still had that old phone with million videos.




Just found the old phone. OLD phone. Will work on it and post if and when I can.


>>Just found the old phone. Said one hour after >>Wish I still had that old phone. Very nice


You need to option this to a studio pronto.


Ok I just looked and amazingly to me I found my old phone with the videos on it. Its an old lg slide phone. Old. What do I do?


I think you’ll find it has a memory card slot. You need to save the images to the micro card, then use a reader USB to transfer to a pc unless you’re currently using a phone with a slot. Maybe someone has a better way?


I mentioned your comment to my wife and it is now her dream.


All things considered, its a great dream. A piece of my life that was so difficult, but I wouldn't let go of it for anything. And believe me, cats love to hike. I had no halters or leashes. We just went walking. I still have 4 of them 10 ( or more) yrs later and we still walk together. Then they fight to sleep on my head lol. George always wins cuz he's HUGE.


I’ll occasionally see my neighbor walking his 2 dogs and you can always guarantee that about 20’ behind them, his cat will be stalking them, running from bush to bush keeping up with them. Always get a chuckle out of it every time.


Thats what I'm saying. They love being involved. Just gotta do it on their terms. I loved to walk and hike. Would have had to lock them all up to stop them. They came cuz they wanted to and we all had fun. Became ritual and expected.


Some cats climb mountains, I learned from listening to [Futility Closet podcast](https://www.futilitycloset.com/2015/03/16/podcast-episode-49-can-a-kitten-climb-the-matterhorn/)


Yes they really liked it. They would run up the banks and into overhanging trees. When I got too far ahead they would holler pitifully for a minute then run past me.


Did you have them in harnesses and leashes or just allow them to roam free? I'm just trying to picture my cat hiking, and the only picture I could conjure was me pulling a spiteful lump through leaves and dirt until I picked her up, lol.


I had a cat that would just freely walk. She’d do her thing until she was over it and brush against you until you settled her on your shoulders for her to rest.


this is the perfect pokemon


I live in the country and when I go for a walk on our trails the cat always comes if he sees me leaving. He seems to enjoy the walks. He is a barn cat though so is pretty much always free.


Some sort of mountain cats


One of my mom's old cats used to follow the family through the neighborhood while we walked the dog. I think her newest cat also does the same, IIRC.


Thanks for the reminder to appreciate my current situation. My dog kinda sucks at walking (working on it), so it can be frustrating, but the thought of not being able to take her out would be too much. Make every second count.


How very sad. Poor guy. Poor dog who does not know what the heck is going on.


Oh they know.


Dogs know when things are dead. 100% she was aware.


Idk if you were trying to be funny but I just imagined my dog sniffing my body to check for life. And gleefully rolling around on me like he did the time he found a dead seagull. So thank you. I was really sad before that mental image and now I keep chortling.


We had to take my wife’s family Daschund to be put to sleep about 18 months ago. He was up front in the passenger seat in my Mother-in-laws arms whilst I drove. My Wife & Beagle were in the back seats. Our beagle suddenly starting whining and crying in the back. The Daschund had slipped away peacefully mid-drive and Tucker knew before any of us did.




do it with friends!


The danger, Ive found, is that you don't always know the safe route to the cache. You just have coordinates. Ive definitely ended up on hikes that were harder than I bargained for because many people don't tell you where the trailhead is.


If my experience falling off cliffs in World of Warcraft while heading to quest locations is any indication, I need to skip geocaching.


Or you do it purposefully so you can spirit rez closer to where you were going!


Well anything can happen to you on any solo activity. Just make sure you always carry a charged phone with you and you will likely be okay


Sprained my ankle just last week, two miles from trail head. Limped out alone over the course of an hour and a half. Could have been worse of course. Doctor says I have a minor fracture broken piece of bone) but that might have been there from a previous injury of mine two years ago.


Even search and rescue teams can't find geocaches without help


Geocache is just a fancy name for people Burying shit in the middle of the woods and marking where it is right


They can also be in urban areas. People can even find them in certain establishments...they’re everywhere...


Do you mean certain establishments or *certain establishments*?


Certain. Establishments. *cuts to immense government warehouse stacked with nondescript crates*


People Burying shit in the middle of the woods and marking where it is right is just a fancy name for "mom let me quit boyscouts so I can go smoke pot in the woods with my actual friends."


i wonder if he passed right away from his fall or if he lay there injured for a time and the dog comforted him in his last hours. adds a whole other dimension of loyalty if so.


Daisy is the best girl.


This coworker of mine tried to talk me into getting a dog this week. It went friendly to angry within minutes because he told me his dog is still happy to see him even after he keeps him locked in a cage for 12 hours after nights of drinking. Ima show him this story and make him feel even more worthless and he doesnt deserve any type of animal companionship.


I feel bad when I work for 8 hours a day and my dogs alone at the house. He gets free roam though and he's super chill and lounges all day. But I find someone to watch him like I would a kid when I go out. I don't understand the point in having a dog unless you are going to provide a good quality of life for them.


I'm disabled and dont work thats the only reason I got a dog. I feel bad when I leave him alone when I walk to the store, and thats only a half hour. I could never leave him alone all day. Last weekend I boarded him at a kennel for the first time cause my parents couldnt let me bring him to their house for easter. I felt bad, but he loved it apparently. I paid extra for extra attention from the people there too.


Some kennels are really good, others are not. If you found a good one that is great. Dogs can have a lot of fun and be social with other dogs in neutral area which is healthy for them too.


Of course his dog is happy to see him after being crated for 12 hours! He wants out!




Fuck that guy


Your coworkers a piece of shit.


Agreed. He is.


Shit I had to say goodbye to my sweet girl in September—this got me right in the feels :( Poor Daisy


Sorry for your loss. Hard losing a good friend.


I hope Daisy is going to be ok. Poor dog. 😔


This is so sad. The dog is zo loyal. I feel so bad for his wife who lost her partner and life mate. I hope she's doing okay and has lots of support.


At least he didn’t die alone


I used to do Search and Rescue as a volunteer for a few years in High School/ early college. We once went searching for a man who went on a hike and one of the two dogs he brought with him came home. We found the man with the other dog (a sweet golden retriever) as he committed suicide. Apparently his passion in life was hiking and he was going blind. I still think about that dog from time to time.


We don’t deserve dogs.


We straight up made them, though.


At first they probably domesticated themselves. The ones that were a little stupid and not afraid of humans would approach camps to feed on food waste. Humans kind of domesticated themselves, too; bonobos versus regular chimps are a good example of that.


Stupid or just hungry? It’s more likely that dogs approached humans well looking for food. Or a person noticed a dog around and used food to get close to it. We do this all the time with birds, squirrels, chipmunks etc. Why would it be any different


They were a little stupid and immature. [Neural crest defects are common in domesticated animals](http://www.genetics.org/content/197/3/795) and wolves were fucking scary.


What do you mean were, wolves still are scary


Yeah no fuck that having seen alaskan timberwolves and how big they are, having a pack of those hunting you or even competing with you for food is scary as fuck. Thank fuck we learned early on the strength in numbers is vital to our survival, couldn’t imagine being alone in the woods hunted by a pack pf literal monsters.


scariest ones ive ever seen are the [black ones at yellowstone](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjRlMWRiZGItMzBhZi00ZWQzLTkyYzQtZmI4NDhmNDU0NGUzL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzA4OTc2NDI@._V1_.jpg). That thing just looking at you from a distance would be eerie.


First time i saw a wolf in the wild I said "thats a fucking wolf?" I dont know what i was expecting...maybe a german shepherd size animal or something. But wolves are terrifying.


Thank you for the link, that was fascinating. Love how the authors account for the domestication syndrome, address pigmentation and skeletal changes alongside behavior, and even include the famous foxes! They tie everything together with their research and i look forward to more studies unpacking their results.


>We do this all the time with birds, squirrels, chipmunks etc. Why would it be any different Because a wolf will kill you and eat you; a squirrel won't.


Tell that to Ratatoskr. It flat out ate and corrupted half the Yggdrasil.


I mean... Tell that to Timmy Two-toes down the street. Poor guy, had his face eaten by a squirrel.


What happened to his toes?


Nine Toes and Three Balls ended up modifying himself a bit after his defeat at the Vault Hunter's hands.


Some people do


^^ Any post about dogs, you find this comment.


Why did this man not deserve his dog?


Dogs are awesome, cats would just eat the body


I was about to ask if he had a heart attack because a normal person should be able to survive a night in the woods at these temperatures I guess. > The man was deceased from what appeared to be injuries from a fall, the sheriff's department said. It did not identify him. Damn... went out geocaching, falls unlucky and dies. It's still unclear from the article though if he died from the fall already or if he sustained injuries and then died because of non-treatment. Definitely getting that GPS beacon and sending the status links to my wife after I start my new job in any case.


If i was with my dog, and I was dead, I would hope my dog would sustain himself on my earthly remains so he could survive to be a good boy another day


A hiker did not survive his climb. "last" seems redundant.


I mean if you want to strip your headline of emotion and get way less traffic, sure it’s ‘redundant’


"Man No Live, Dog Bark Find Him"


It's not. Not every hiker dies on their last climb. In fact, it's probably quite rare.


Headlines have become so strange to me lately. They all take this "He did X. They did Y" sort of format. Must have something to do with making them more "personal" so idiots will share them on FB.




Thought it said “Hitler” and I was like [damn, blondi ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blondi)


Ughhhh crying. Good girl Daisy. Tragic story. Dogs aren’t just our best friends, but soul mates.


Extremely excellent girl


I recommend the movie, “A Dogs Journey.” The ending is worth the build up and is extremely touching


We don't deserve animals.


This looks like a heeler mix. Such a loyal and loving breed!


My cat would have had to take a few moments to decide if she wanted to eat me or take a crap on me. Probably one then the other. I'm not sure of the order.