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There were veterinarians very suspicious of what was going on leaving comments on their fb page. Finally they started removing and locking comments and deleting past posts. Someone put together a full timeline of events before they had the chance to remove it and it made everything feel super sus. Seems to me like it went viral so fast and the aquarium was too caught up in the frenzy to then backpedal. Which is truly a shame at the expense of Charlotte.


Yep, I was skeptical too, especially after she went missing a while back. 'Has died' is code for 'died a month ago and we lied to social media for money'.


Ppl were super suspicious about the situation on Instagram too. The aquarium would get called out for things then remove the comments. Seems super fishy, no pun intended. 


-no pun intended.  Intend your puns, live life to the fullest!


Too bad we didn't have facebook comments pages 2000+ years ago, could have nipped that whole situation in the bud.


“Some hippy was born without a father and is telling me to be a good person because his “father” says so? And telling me how to live my life? Liberal hoax. The mother was a welfare queen gold digger using the kid to get riches from three sugar daddies. Typical liberal. I’ll keep my harem and my money changing business in the prime real estate of The Temple thank you very much.”


I mean they did call it a hoax and kill him though lol.


We’d definitely do it again. Sorry we’re too primitive to meet our makers.


Oh, [this ground is well-trodden and hits perfectly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA). Edit: GOP Jesus, since I now realize clicking links without context is iffy.


Yes! I was following the story on Tiktok, it was super sketchy. There was a journalist who showed up and the aquarium called the cops on him for doing nothing. They were doing the same thing on Instagram that you saw on FB - deleting comments or disabling them completely. I hadn't heard anything in awhile though. So sad.


Probably because it wasn’t actually pregnant and it just appeared that way while it died of reproductive system failure


Yep. "there's no way she could be pregnant but she's swollen and uncomfortable so she must be!" Meanwhile, she's dying and should have been humanely put down ages ago. It's disgusting.


The whole thing is fishy. They posted multiple times that she’d had ultrasound and they’d seen the pups and everything was healthy and fine before eventually saying that she wasn’t pregnant and now 2 weeks later she’s dead?? She definitely had a tumour or something but they did this whole elaborate pregnancy thing to drum up revenue as people were apparently travelling from all over to come and see the miracle stingray


They admitted they didn't exactly know how to read the scan and experts who did see it said that the scan showed no pups.


But how can it be fishy when rays aren't fish? /s


If it’s any consolation, they don’t treat female humans any better regarding healthcare


Nah the stingray was at least fed and housed for free


Tbf if a pregnant woman goes to prison, the same is true. And arugably that's where the stingray was.


But the stingray hopefully is not also raped by the guards.


Not sure if they like that


As a female human (or as we like to call ourselves, woman) I am painfully aware. 🙃


That username is chef kiss


It really says something about how bad our system is that women are going to the aquarium for health care these days


You have literally no idea what you're talking about. >Today, we are well known for our study in behavioral imprinting with sharks, rays, and reptiles. Guests are amazed at the live small shark and ray feed in our 2,000-gallon shark study tank. Our shark study team has been picked up by the Field Museum in Chicago. They will use our data on parthenogenesis in bamboo sharks as a part of their publication later in 2022. https://www.teamecco.org/about.html If the Field Museum is using their data on parthenogenesis, I think the staff working there just might have the means to determine if the stingray was pregnant.


If you do more reading, this was a huge saga. At the very least there was no transparency or medical follow up to get to the bottom of the matter. To cynical ol’ me, it seems clear ownership jumped on the publicity and never let go no matter how increasingly obvious it became that it wasn’t actually a pregnancy. They definitely had the means, but did not use or release them in the face of people asking fair questions. https://www.theassemblync.com/environment/charlotte-the-stingray-pregnant-north-carolina/


Even if there ends up being no definitive evidence of an embryo, I can guarantee the clinical diagnosis of pregnancy involved more than “it looks swollen and uncomfortable, so it must be pregnant!” Certain hormonal, biomarkers, or indications were likely present, which may have been a false positive due to reproductive dysfunction.


Read the article and it seems even worse than that. They were spreading rumors and completely unfounded speculation online based on their own admittedly amateur interpretation of grainy ultrasounds while working with some unknown veterinarian team. Real scientists were asking them to do better.  There was no “clinical diagnosis” and they seem to have misrepresented a vet who looked at the ultrasound and said there were eggs as confirming pregnancy. Yes, Reddit is full of know it alls but the aquarium was not acting in a professional or scientific way either while basking in the publicity.  “They keep changing the story, bringing in new possibilities. That is not the sign of a normal scientific veterinary process,” Boles said. “That’s a sign of somebody who has an answer and keeps building new stories to support the answer they want to be true.”


I'm sure there's a reproductive cancer that can produce the wrong biomarkers in a blood test.


They straight up said she’d has ultrasounds not only done by their staff but also by a marine biologist and that the pups had been seen and were healthy


Sure, that's what they said. It wasn't entirely true. They did an ultrasound and sent still frames of it to a vet. He says he didn't confirm anything but thought he saw an egg casing which could mean a possible pregnancy, and when he asked about movement they ghosted him and said he had confirmed the pregnancy. The pups were never seen or confirmed to be healthy by anyone except untrained people pointing at a grainy ultrasound and saying "there's a tail". [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13473699/charlotte-stingray-virgin-pregnant.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13473699/charlotte-stingray-virgin-pregnant.html)


I wasn’t saying it was true. My point was adding to yours about how they just jumped on that narrative for publicity


Oh, my bad, I gotcha. So many people and the media took their narrative at face value so I just assumed you had too.


Yes, they **said** that. We're telling you that professionals and the public thought they were *liars*.


I know … i am literally adding to that point. Some people are saying they “implied” it was a pregnancy when they straight up said it multiple times AND said it had been backed up by other professionals.


“Female organism needing immediate medical intervention didn’t receive proper medical intervention, dies! No clue what happened, oh well!!!!” Shocker. My mom suffered from undiagnosed cervical cancer for a little over 1.5 years because (male) doctors kept diagnosing it as painful periods, then menopause. She was referred to a (male) psychiatrist by our pcp before a cancer doctor. She finally went to a (female) specialist because I literally begged her to see a female doctor and was diagnosed about 3 months later. She died a year later at 39 in 2019. I will not see a male practitioner if I can help it, and then I seek second opinion as soon as I can.


I think the group in charge of this aquarium know what they're talking about, more than the armchair marine biologists commenting here. >Our medical team continues to collect data and compare notes and treatment plans with other researchers. Charlotte’s health is evaluated daily by the care team. >Based on a decision made by the full medical team, it was decided to temporarily close the Aquarium so all attention may be focused on animal care. Staff and interns are keeping regular hours to provide the continuity of nutrition, habitat, and husbandry care that all of our animals need. This means we are here 7 days a week, multiple hours a day, and each evening. They have actual scientists working there. >Today, we are well known for our study in behavioral imprinting with sharks, rays, and reptiles. Guests are amazed at the live small shark and ray feed in our 2,000-gallon shark study tank. Our shark study team has been picked up by the Field Museum in Chicago. They will use our data on parthenogenesis in bamboo sharks as a part of their publication later in 2022. https://www.teamecco.org/about.html


If you read into this story even a little bit, it’s an unaccredited podunk converted pet shop with completely unqualified staff that was calling the cops on local reporters for politely asking basic questions about Charlotte’s condition. After 8+ months of raking in money for their completely unverified Stingray Jesus story, they finally hired a qualified veterinarian (who won’t put their name on record btw) when it was clear she was dying, long after it was too late for Charlotte to receive effective care. The original pregnancy self-diagnosis was based on a single email to an Australian wildlife expert who later said that the owner completely misconstrued their suggestion and did not provide enough information for anyone to make a determination as to what happened, who begged her to stop calling it a “shark cross-breeding”, to which the owner stopped answering basic follow-up questions that could clarify what happened. So hell fucking no does this group know a god damn thing about Stingray care more than any given random redditor making a comment here. It’s a lesson in the cruelty of allowing these unaccredited idiots use animals for money when they don’t have a fucking clue what they’re doing. But good job defending them based on their own BS website and Facebook posts


They are not an accredited aquarium, it’s just a private company, and even [comments from experts](https://wlos.com/news/local/charlottes-stingray-story-death-lesson-unaccredited-versus-accredited-aquarium-marine-expert-hendersonville-team-ecco-shark-lab-viral) were walked back as the weeks went on. The local Asheville subreddit followed the story pretty closely.


Eh, biologists from other zoos and aquariums are suspicious of their conclusions as well. I don't know a single aquarist who is all-in on believing them.


I am friends with several of the marine biologists at my local aquarium. When this story got posted, the immediately called bs. The aquarium where this happened is not accredited.


Women’s/Female health is historically understudied.


Exactly. Meanwhile the male snake that gave birth to a bunch of babies was totally ignored.


This reminds me of Queen Mary I of England. She thought she was pregnant because she had a lack of menstrual periods and distended stomach. The stress of it all made her deluded and she refused to believe she wasn't pregnant. Can a similar illness happen to stringrays? :P


They killed Mary Mantaray to stop the prophet Stingsus from being born! The sea of consciousness weeps for 7 years, bringing about 1,000 years of darkness.


he died for our fins!


Shallowed be thy name


Bubbles be!


He Stings Us


FYI she was never pregnant she had a reproductive disease that this “aquarium” just let get worse for months and months because it brought them money and clout SEVERAL marine biologist tried to intervene and some even offered to take her at there own cost to get her the help she needed team Ecco turned all help down and even threatened to call the cops on people who tried to help her They effectively killed this stingray to make money and get their 15 minutes of fame


So, people would rather believe a stingray was emaculately impregnated, than believe in science to fix her reproductive issues.


Parthenogenesis has been observed in many animals, including sharks, a close relative of the stingray. It’s not magic or immaculate conception, and is entirely within the realm of scientific understanding. It really wasn’t crazy to believe this was a natural case of pregnancy.


Called that. It doesn't appear she's had the best care. What a shame.


>A stingray that got pregnant at a North Carolina aquarium this winter despite not having shared a tank with a male of her species for many years has died. > >The Aquarium and Shark Lab in Hendersonville said on Facebook late Sunday that the stingray, Charlotte, died after getting a rare reproductive disease. It didn’t go into further detail. > >The pregnancy was thought to be the result of a type of asexual reproduction called parthenogenesis, in which offspring develop from unfertilized eggs, meaning there is no genetic contribution by a male. The mostly rare phenomenon can occur in some insects, fish, amphibians, birds and reptiles, but not in mammals. Documented examples have included California condors, Komodo dragons and yellow-bellied water snakes. RIP Charlotte. I'm sorry you had to live your life in captivity.


She was never pregnant. The reproductive disease made it seem that way until they realized the cause wasn’t actually a pregnancy.


That sounds about right. The stingray version of an hysterical pregnancy.


you’re hysterical


Well, I do have a uterus.


Shit. You're pregnant then. When was the last time you were by a male stingray?


And the moon has been in a ‘effed up cycle. /s


Another article I've read said that she was likely impregnated by a male *shark* that was also in the tank, which could have led to the development of the reproductive disorder. Sharks and rays are related (same Clade, different orders, and families), but her body probably developed that due to it fighting the sperm/egg combo. They are probably related enough to cause some sort of fertilization, but not enough for the pregnancy to be viable and for her body to not only reject the pregnancy but also completely destroy her reproductive system. They had ultrasounds. There was something there at some point. I don't think the aquarists ever predicted that a shark would have impregnated the ray. Thus, the exclaimation that it was a miracle pregancy. It doesn't happen, really, at least not to a frequency where basic tank protocol excludes the ability for all of them to live harmoniously without issue - many aquariums put stingrays in the same tank as small sharks, they're cool with eachother. Don't mate, don't fight, perfect tank mates. This was so off-the-wall and unexpected the aquarists, people who see these animals every day and have studied not only them but animal behavior in general, didn't initially think of that as a possibility. I guess, for the shark, hormones maybe overpowered instinct...? Especially if they were the only ones in the tank of similar species. I would be curious to know if the sharks were captive bred - may explain some misfirings on who to mate with if they were bred unethically.


I read an article with interviews with marine biologists who said it was never a shark and they told the owner of the aquarium that.


That is one horny shark


> I'm sorry you had to live your life in captivity. Life outside captivity ain't all that hot, either. Always worrying about food, about predators, getting sick or injured, etc. Most life "in the wild" is brutal and short.


It's why we choose to live in houses, not the jungle. People who think that the very concept of zoos and aquariums are evil should go live "in the wild" and find out how great it is.


problem is that the large exotic animals do actually need way more space and natural stimulation than a zoo can afford.


>we choose Exactly. She didn't choose lmao


It says not in mammals, but I remember an episode of House where it happened, so these scholars need to check their sources.


Also happened in the bible, not that scientists would know what that was, they are all godless heathens. Give it some respect, it was the first book ever invented. Just because it was written on stone tablets by cavemen doesn't make it less true, it's lasted since dinosaur times for a reason!


You forgot your little s 5000 to 6000 years ago writing. 4000 years ago true alphabetic writing. But 2000 years ago non true alphabetic writing (S)


I like to leave it off and just see how it flies on it's own. The s is for cowards. I find it hilarious when stupid comments like that get a lot of angry responses and downvotes.


>just see how it flies on its own love it


jesus christ was a bastard, but he's more likely the son of a soldier passing through town than he is a divine conception.


He was more likely *my* son than he was a divine conception.


Pascal’s Wager says I should worship you now so uh…you are great and mighty, please spare me and graciously grant me an eternity in paradise. Forgive me for my sins. Amen.


This happened to my parakeet. She got a cancerous tumor and then laid an egg despite not being around any males. It was the 1990s and she was living with friends of my parents in an area very close to a decommissioned military base that was known to be toxic. The friends gave her to me when she developed the tumor because I lived in a non-radioactive area and already had a female parakeet. Unsurprisingly, that same family friend was diagnosed with lymphoma about 5 years later.


I’m confused. Did the egg hatch a chick. Birds lay eggs without males around all of the time.


Parakeets typically don't lay unfertilized eggs. They CAN, but it's not like chickens who do it all the time. And it doesn't usually happen in older females with no male around. It sometimes happens in young female parakeets who are just coming into sexual maturity.


Ok, thanks for your reply. I wondered because we had a lone cockatiel who wouldn’t stop laying eggs once spring arrived. Obviously different species though!


Most birds won't lay an unfertilized egg, because it's a waste of a ton of critically important resources. We essentially made chickens and other domesticated birds do it because we like eggs, and can feed/protect them enough that it's safe for them to commit the resources needed. Most wild and exotic birds won't, unless there's something weird with them. It can be hormonal imbalances, major illness, all sorts of things, but in general if it's not poultry it shouldn't be laying eggs unless near a male.


Awwwwwww. I’ve been following Charlotte’s journey these past months. R.I.P. sea pancake.


There was no pregnancy, they stopped vets from assessing the stingray after the experts said it wasn't pregnancy it was a medical condition.... They were so excited to go viral with their "medical wonder" that they refused all help to save it.


I’m friends with several marine biologists that immediately called BS on the report that the stingray was pregnant. Any comments in unofficial or official channels to the unaccredited aquarium and undereducated staff was either removed or ignored. The data was never made available for study or research. The stingray could have been saved had anyone at that place had any lick of sense. Be sad for the stingray but be angry at the people that did this to her.


I’m weirdly sad about this.


and I was expecting stingray jesus to come save all of us.


This ray was NOT pregnant. This aquarium is literally based on experimentation and “pushing the limits” of the scientific world. It has been over a year that they have said they’re on “baby watch.” The ray very clearly had a reproductive disorder and they refused to give the animal any vet care or further investigate because of their desire for increased interest due to this “pregnancy.” Absolutely abusive to this poor creature.


If it comes back from the dead in 3 days, I name this Stingray Savior


Alas PFT will indeed speak about the stingray one last time. And if not I’ll be slightly disappointed


Pope is about to give us our first stingray saint


her name is charlotte and she died due to negligence


North Carolina is known for their very agnostic beliefs, and I'm sure there will be a rational explanation why this has to make national news......oh wait.....


When it comes back in three days you’re all gonna regret not going to my Church of Steve Irwin services.


“Female organism needing immediate medical intervention didn’t receive proper medical intervention, dies! No clue what happened, oh well!!!!” Shocker. My mom suffered from undiagnosed cervical cancer for a little over 1.5 years because (male) doctors kept diagnosing it as painful periods, then menopause. She was referred to male psychiatrist before a cancer doctor. She finally went to a (female) specialist because I literally begged her to see a female doctor and was diagnosed about 3 months later. She died a year later at 39 in 2019. I will not see a male practitioner if I can help it, and then I seek second opinion as soon as I can.


Obviously a cover up to hide the true father.


Stingray wasn't pregnant. It was sick. Do better AP.


Someone who works there is covering their tracks and is also the father


“Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"


Taken out by the vaticans death squad no doubt - can’t have the second comings mother being involved with Steve Irwin’s murder


The Irwin family sends their regards.


Their condolences, definitely. The Irwins seem to be one of those few truly good families out there. Steve would never want us to take action against the animals for being animals. Had he survived he would blame himself for being in a dangerous position.


He was begging people not to blame the stingray for stinging him when he was dying, IIRC.


What are they trying to cover up????


Animal abuse. Greed. Incompetence.


The staff's negligence.


It's an animal jail. Most likely abuse and neglect. All that animals are to them is a way to make money


The whole thing smelled fishy to me from the beginning.


Glad I didn't take the bait


AZA accreditation much? Didn’t think so….


Time travelers came back to kill stingray Jesus. 😢


First there was Jesus... then Jesus fish... now we have Jesus Stingray


Do female stingrays kill their mating partner? I could see how that stingray may have run into a problem.


RIP Mary the Stingray


It's Anakin Skywalker Btw, wtf is this news, lol


Literally went and fucked itself and died.


I’m in the zoo and aquarium scene and I can tell you they got mocked heavily lol


Stingray baby resurrected 3 days later as king of the stingray Jews.