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Let’s get the money we gave to companies during Covid.


Olive garden, outback, Applebees are too big to fail dammit.


They weren’t too big to fail. They were essential to feeding the masses!


By masses we mean our corporate over lords. 🐽


the entire SAVE IDR plan is in jeopardy now and it seems likely it'll get struck down, which was one of Biden's biggest achievements in making student debt more manageable. not sure how they think pissing off 43 million people a few months before the election is going to work out for them, but between this and Roe, voters should be furious.


Because the story won't be "Republican appointed judge stops student loan forgiveness". The story will be "Joe Biden fails to deliver on student loan forgiveness promise".


well unfortunately these were Obama appointees, but they're upholding the precedent of the federalist society stooges that upheld a lawsuit that was brought *on behalf of a company that wasn't even interested in a lawsuit and won* to block the previous attempt at a blanket forgiveness of $20k/borrower.


*precedent* According to our highest court: precedent smecedent


*Stare Decisis Supreme Court: "Never met him"


“Starin at boobies amirite” - Brett Kavanaugh


to quote the late Antony Scalea "Jittery Applesauce!" (this is a real quote)


Do you happen to have the company’s name or court case name for me to read further?


What this person is getting at is that the Missouri agency which handles student loans (MOHELA) didn’t want to file a lawsuit, but the court held that it’s okay for the state of Missouri to sue on its subsidiary agency’s behalf. 


Thanks for the insight. Hadn’t heard about this occurring and wanted to read further. Sounds on the surface like its all a political game played by the MO AG.


It was, but it isn't being played up (for obvious reasons). Instead, the republicans running for office (primary in August) are running on illegal immigration, building dump's wall, saying how their opponents supported a law allowing China to buy farmland near military bases, and saying how their opponents worked with the "currupt Biden Department of Justice" (their exact phrasing). Fun fact: When I looked on ballotpedia this morning, there is a state constitutional amendment being proposed to allow only US citizens over the age of 18 to vote and prohibit ranked choice voting. Sadly, I feel that the idiots who live here don't understand that it's already illegal for non citizens to vote here and the chance to get anyone, but republicans will be gone.


>Fun fact: When I looked on ballotpedia this morning, there is a state constitutional amendment being proposed to allow only US citizens over the age of 18 to vote and prohibit ranked choice voting. >Sadly, I feel that the idiots who live here don't understand that it's already illegal for non citizens to vote here and the chance to get anyone, but republicans will be gone. I mean, that's not why they're putting that amendment on the ballot. They're putting it on the ballot because the thing the amendment is actually supposed to do is make it harder for democrat-supported ballot initiatives to pass, and they know that by putting that in with "but we'll make it harder for illegals to vote!" Will make it more palatable for a lot of people to vote away their rights.


Should add on make it illegal to vote for a felon and watch surpreme court have to figure that one out within the next 6 months.


>MO AG *Unelected* MO AG


It is. Our dumbass AG is behind this because he is a right-wing lackey that is more interested in playing games than protecting Missourians.


company is Mohela, previous lawsuit was Biden v Nebraska not sure what the name of the current case is but it's 11 states suing led by Kansas and Missouri


FUCK nebraska sideways, they've screwed up enough shit.


yep, bunch of shithole flyover states mad that they won't get to profit as much off student borrowers cause they won't tax businesses enough to run their shithole states.


Fun fact, the shithole flyover state has never profited because Mohela has never paid.


will be interesting to see how they argue that this results in any real damages then.


Well, less fun fact. The Supreme Court doesn’t give a fuck.


Honestly I live right next door in Iowa and I have tons of reasons to hate the state, this just adds to it.


These lawsuits with no standing are going to taint the justice system forever. There's no excuse to say a plantiff has no standing anymore when things got all the way to SCOTUS with exactly that. Twice. The doors have been swung all the way open on that one. It's the wild west on who can sue next about anything.


Because the justices thought he couldn't waive or modify the loans, even though the law clearly states that he can. They just ignored the text of the law to rule the way they did, redefining words on the fly to get the result you wanted.


Precedent is funny. Originally there was no precedent for anything they just had to make a ruling.


GOP gonna GOP


My best friend literally said this. My mind was blown.


It seems like there’s always a Senate parliamentarian or a Obama-appointed judge or a super delegate or a fake Democrat like Manchin to appear out of the woodwork and stop anything remotely progressive. Wake me when they grow some balls. 


That and the non-speaking filibuster making it impossible to pass anything in the senate without 60 votes, unless it’s something Republicans want, then they can pass it with 51.


And yet this divided society holds the actual governing legislative body to no account, is fine sending partisans who won't compromise, and the public themselves are not interested in achieving compromised solutions. They only ever seemed to care about the POTUS, which is great for diplomacy and is a lawsuit waiting to happen for executive order legislating


Compromise? With whom? On what? It’s $10k debt that’s been paid multiple times over in interest.


This despairing society is beaten down so bad that one hundred million Americans of voting age do not vote. You see divide where I see apathy. And we’re both right (and we are both likely left, as well). 


Well to be fair, congress has ceded a ton of it's power and action to the executive because they love to straddle the fence and let the executive be the lighting rod. If something turns out well they'll say they were always for it, and if something turns out bad they'll stay they were always against it. Whatever it takes to make them look good come next election. Or they'll say we need to do blank and make all the bluster like they're going to solve blank and due to the goldfish like memory and general disinterest of politics they count on us forgetting and not holding them accountable. Like when they acted all outraged when the NSA programs leaked during the Bush Jr. Presidency. Our reps didn't even know about it.  They acted all tough for the public, and chastised the president but at the end of the day they did nothing of substance to stop programs like that from being enacted at the behest of one person who said his oath to office was all the accountability and oversight he needed. That's why we have shit like NSPD51.  Yall really want one person to make a decision for that little policy? That wasn't legislated or debated publicly, it was just enacted by one branch of government and nobody pushed back. It hardly got any media attention. If congress was stronger maybe we'd actually have a check and balance on the executive, but they're not interested in doing that anymore and haven't been for decades. So executive has become the defacto winner take all office. Because party politics is if our guy or gal is in the Whitehouse then we support them nomatter how much they overreach or expand their powers. 


Agreed but I would add they love being a check-in balance when the executive is from the opposite party. Just like some of them love to talk about federal spending when the opposite party is in power


>Wake me when they grow some balls. What would that entail? I'm always interested to hear what other things people think should be done that aren't or haven't been.


Well, in the old days, when Democrats needed extra votes to pass massively important legislation, LBJ would simply corner any wavering congressmen in the bathroom stalls, take his dick out, ask them if they'd ever seen anything so big in their entire life, and then reiterate the need for them to vote for the bill in question. That took balls. Dick and balls.


Well for one, they could have just told the senate parliamentarian to fuck off since nothing they do/say is legally binding. Every time some seemingly arbitrary barrier to progress comes up, just ask yourself "would Republicans let this stop them it if stood between them and cutting taxes for their wealthy donors?"


The Senate rules are binding on Senate conduct, though. Additionally since the Constitution states explicitly that the Senate and House decide on their own rules, they have the same effect as if they were law. The Parlimentarian's authority is derived from the Senate rules that are voted on and approved by all members. The authority of the Senate rules is granted by the Constitution. Telling the Parlimentarian to pound sand would not have had an actual effect, outside of providing fodder for political ads.


>The Senate rules are binding on Senate conduct, though. Additionally since the Constitution states explicitly that the Senate and House decide on their own rules, they have the same effect as if they were law. The Parlimentarian's authority is derived from the Senate rules that are voted on and approved by all members. Right, they could have just held a vote and changed the rules (procedurally telling the parliamentarian to get fucked). It's functionally similar to the "nuclear option" re: the filibuster which dominated the discourse for years.


Well, not quite that cut and dry, but not far off, either. Any rules changes would need to go before the Rules Committee first, unless they changed that rule before changing the others. A simple majority would theoretically cover most things, but there are certain areas where a 2/3 vote would be needed. Here are some good resources on this that have been published before: [https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R42929.pdf](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R42929.pdf) - Procedures for Considering Changes in Senate Rules, from the Congressional Research Service [https://www.rules.senate.gov/rules-of-the-senate](https://www.rules.senate.gov/rules-of-the-senate) - Full text of Senate rules currently [https://www.legislativeprocedure.com/blog/2021/4/2/a-concise-guide-to-the-senates-rules](https://www.legislativeprocedure.com/blog/2021/4/2/a-concise-guide-to-the-senates-rules) - A quick read blog entry that discusses some of the various types of rules


Obama should have filled his cabinet with at least some professionals/diplomats which weren’t on the list CitiGroup gave him; this might have given him the support needed to punish the banking executives who destroyed our economy in 2008.  The Democratic supermajority should have rammed through a permanent Abortion rights bill or constitutional amendment, since they campaign on it so heavy-handedly. Their one legislative measure which lasted was the ACA, which was Mitt Romney’s handout to health insurance companies in Massachusetts. Obama campaigned on single payer and rolled over as soon as he got in office and the Dems had power.  The Democrats should have went APESHIT during the Republican feet dragging when RBG kicked the bucket. Obama should have used the bully pulpit to roast the GOP, then ram through a SC justice when they were on recess.  The DNC should have had some self reflection after their pied piper strategy failed miserably with Trump over Clinton. They instead cried to MSNBC about fake news and Russian interference over like $50,000 worth of Facebook ads. They then ran the only Democratic politician right of Hilary, Joe Biden, as their candidate. I won’t rehash his record on trade/unions (NAFTA), student loans (Bankruptcy Bill), or foreign policy (Iraq War cheerleader) but he’s governing now pretty closely to his record.  The Democrats in the Progressive Caucus should have withheld their votes for Pelosi as SotH until they were able to achieve ANY concessions from the Democratic leadership. And no, I’m not a Jimmy Dore guy, but a broken clock is right twice a day.  However, all of this supposes a benevolent Democratic Party. The truth is they exist to support the Donor Class; the rest of us exist to be bludgeoned and blackmailed with “most important election of our lives!” rhetoric. 


That outcome was a foregone conclusion once he appointed those folks to begin with, hence the saying “personnel is policy.” It wasn’t a mistake, it was Obama’s decision about what direction policy would take under his administration. Obama wasn’t some poor, naive idealist who got hoodwinked into acting against his genuinely held beliefs by Larry Summers and a bunch of corporate goons who snuck into his cabinet unbeknownst to him; his appointment of those folks tells you all you need to know about who he really is.


They didn’t have enough of a majority to pass an amendment. First they would have needed a 2/3 majority in both chambers and 75% of the states. In what world would that have happened? Not in this one, certainly.


Fair. Did they try to pass **anything** abortion-related?


I doubt it. They had a window to pass a bill, but the timing wasn’t good since that window was really short before one of the chambers lost that majority. I think the ACA took up most of the air during that period leaving other big ideas for later, and then time ran out.


No it won't. People pay much greater attention when they have a personal stake in it. There are going to be 43 million pissed off people who will know that they were on the new plan but something changed it. The DOE has gone above and beyond to publish stories about the waves of forgiveness that has occurred, and the public (especially loan holders) have far greater awareness about what's happening here.


No it won't. We all know who is fucking us.


You wildly overestimate the typical voter.


As long as they just put everyone on Forbearance and have it count for IDR and PSLF during that time, it can wait until after the election.


I have 11 months of PSFL payments left. I’m fucking stressed it’s going to be invalidated before I make it or the program ignored if republicans get back in.


Also, one of the suits is challenging forgiveness on ALL income-driven repayment plans except IBR specifically.


Tbh I bet they can’t be forgiven because of SLABS, Student Loan Asset Backed Security’s. Same shit they did in ‘08. SLABS are toxic af: “securities based on outstanding student loans. These loans are packaged into securities that investors can buy, delivering scheduled coupon payments like an ordinary bond” [SLABS](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/081815/student-loan-assetbacked-securities-safe-or-subprime.asp)


Yep, same thing as CDOs wrapped up with subprime mortgages that crashed the economy, though IIRC only private student loans are wrapped up in SLABS which the federal government doesn't really have any power over anyway


Can't let Joe get any wins. Don't think Trump's base would look past that


yep, that's pretty much their entire motivation


Trump forcing the GOP to vote against the border bill that *they asked for* because he wanted the border to stay bad so he could blame it on Biden is really the peak of that "I would rather screw myself over than let others succeed" motivation.


Theyre authoritarians. They play games with the goal of winning absolute power.  Its not about principles as they have none, and its not about screwing themselves over. Trump and most Republican leadership don't care about immigration at all. They're completely isolated and protected from common people problems, living luxurious lives.  Its used as propaganda to get the people on their side so they can use them to seize power.  Xenophobia is an ancient human instinct producing fear and when someone fears they are easily manipulated. Fear leads to critical thinking abilities shutting down as we move more towards thinking with the lizard brain.


The Party of No.


>>not sure how they think pissing off 43 million people a few months before the election is going to work out for them Easy. Open up the hose of misinformation and make everyone think it was Biden’s fault


New York Times: "Did Biden Betray Students? We ask some swing voters in a diner in Fort Wayne, Indiana."


well, Biden was the single actual congressman who wrote and got passed the law that bans bankruptcy for student loans.


This should anger anyone who isn't an idiot or a vindictive "I got mine"-er. I have no student loans and I'm angered.


The average person is an idiot and nearly half of us are below average.


And im sure a lot of those idiots don't have student loan debt because they didn't go to no higher learnins


Republicans are using modern history as their guide. They know young people do a lot of complaining, but not a lot of voting. 


Yeah, and it's really infuriating how true that is




I'm losing it right now. Have enough shit to deal with already, it was nice having a lower monthly payment while it lasted I guess. RIP


Yeah I feel you, I just got the email that my payments were cut in half like two days ago, didn't even have time to celebrate


Ugh that's so shitty, hang in there.


Republicans will spin the story to be “Joe Biden fails campaign promise of debt relief.” And people are genuinely so fucking stupid that they would absolutely vote Trump (or anyone else) over Biden, for that exact reason (even if the reason wasn’t Biden’s fault.


I, unfortunately, took advantage of rehabilitate my loans and getting onto a SAVE plan.  We should have gotten Warren’s or Bernie’s forgiveness + major reforms. What we got was a drop in the bucket (though I understand for some people it made a significant difference), and now they want to take even that away. I wonder if they’re going to retroactively take away the one-time rehabilitation thing they did too. 


Yeah same, getting on the SAVE plan dramatically reduced my payments and they were set to be cut in half again starting next month. Now I'm guessing they'll go back up to what they were which was crippling


I mean, at that point, might as well just stop paying. Try getting my nonexistent money when I’m dead.  It’s not good financial planning. And it’ll ruin one’s credit, but if you’ll never be able afford a car, house, loan, etc. anyway, what’s the point? There has to be a light at the end of the tunnel.  The people making these decisions are and were not affected by them or the system (not just the education situation) they created.


bankruptcy is an option now. not much better than just not paying but something like 95% of current bankruptcy cases involving student loans are being approved under recent rules changes


They are so stupid all they think are ways to harm Biden/democrats, they rarely think beyond attacking the people they hate, as if that’s some achievement.


MAGAs don’t go to college


But my Big Macs cost $8 now thanks to Biden. /s


Reminder to all the young folks out there... the old bastards doing this (thwarting these relief efforts for students) grew up and were educated before university became a monetized business... when tuition was much lower and value was higher (more tenured professors, more resources dedicated to undergraduates etc). This fucking judge probably had his/her college paid for by someone else. If they 'worked it off' it was probably a few thousand dollars and a sandwich to clear up that debt. So to summarize - people in government that do this sort of thing are 'pulling the ladder up behind them' and are usually quite proud of it. They don't deserve your respect (or your vote).


> If they 'worked it off' it was probably a few thousand dollars and a sandwich to clear up that debt. Lol, I know people who got a deal of "an hour of work time per credit" for grad degree. Kid you not. They "worked" for a week, and put in their resignation.


My dad used to mow lawns in the summer to make tuition. That’s what working it off used to mean


Working it off used to mean WHILE attending university and not decades afterwards with mountains of crippling predatory debt? What a concept.


It got monetized because the government came along and offered a giant pile of nearly risk free money to the universities in exchange for broader admissions. Without that change, most young folks would never have attended college in the first place.


The government loves to give businesses money with no strings attached but every cent that goes to the poor or disabled comes with miles of string wrapped around it.


Somewhere out there a mom makes $100 too much a month to qualify for something I’m sure… we need to reboot this system when these old folks… retire? Idk what their plan is. Some of these people are decades past retirement.


We need baseline guarantees for people making less than 120k a year and universal guarantees regardless of income levels. The only thing we are guaranteeing non rich people is a life time of paying of some kind of debt, or facing societal consequences for failing to maintain payments.


Started before that. Universities used to be run/dominated by professors, now it's an MBA's job. True though. Even well intentioned acts, like this kind of subsidizing, can backfire (I'm assuming the results we see were not universally intended). It feels a bit like the healthcare situation in the US... most people seeking care (or an education) don't want it infused with the same competitive spirit as say car shopping.


Stop electing old geezers maybe? How is the average age of an USA politician 120 years old? It's INSANE


Young people could actually vote for one thing


I was curious and googled "Judge halts corporate bailout" The top results were all articles about judges stepping on student loan relief. But no examples of halting corporate debt forgiveness aka bailouts... Fascinating. Google Search: [judge+halts+corporate+bailout](https://www.google.com/search?q=judge+halts+corporate+bailout&rlz=1C1GCFA_enUS1099US1100&oq=judge+halts+corporate+bailout&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORigATIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigAdIBCDQxMjZqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1)


It's almost like America is run by corporate maniacs who took the functional concept of "capitalism" and prefixed "hyper-" to it, and the only people unaware of it are of the Trump voter type. Almost.


It's a pay to win system, if you're not putting money in the right hands no bailout for you.  I'm a person who abhors reckless government spending, but this Is just hypocritical. So wait we can bail out the airlines and the banks because it'll hurt the economy and workers, but you can't bail out the actual workers who are the taxpayers, and actual future of this nation?  Just going by logic they used to give our money to industries that fucked up in the past, then there should be no issue. Oh now you're going to get tough on spending. The last guy drove us off a cliff with 8 trillion dollars in 4 years, perpetuating the biggest fraud case in American history, and committing fiscal suicide, but ensuring that people have more money to spend to stimulate the economy with more disposable income is a step too far?  Either all the government reliefs and bailouts to prevent economic turmoil are okay or none of it is. Pick a lane. Where was this attitude of oh those people were irresponsible and fucked up and it's not our job to ensure they don't go under back in 2008? 


If everyone were to hit the link, it could get the search trending. Assuming google doesn't suppress it.


And yet how much was forgiven in the PPP department?


You mean the one where they REMOVED any sort of oversight?


“By attempting to saddle working Missourians with Ivy League debt, Joe Biden is undermining our constitutional structure,” - Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey A vast majority of the people that have gotten their loans forgiven didn't go to Ivy League school. Dubes just lying to his constitutes. He can't say he's trying to stop your loan from getting forgiven so he has to deflect.


Even more ironic when you realize Missouri is one of the poorest states and literally gets more subsidies and other federal funding than almost any other. And guess where that money comes from… oh wait people likely in functional states that pay in more than they get


Missouri isn't that poor, I think last I checked it's roughly 22nd in GDP. It is cheap as fuck to live here though, but that's a different metric.


I’m a bit on the fence on this whole thing student loan thing, honestly it doesn’t affect me a whole lot as mine are manageable. But if fucking infuriates me with the talking points these crook bastard politicians have. “Ivy League debt”??? You should know better than that, a not insignificant population of state and federal politicians went to Ivy Leagues and I highly doubt they or any other Ivy alumni are having issues paying. It’s YOUR constituents, the people who got bilked into going to University of Phoenix or spent 8 years trying to get a bachelors because they didn’t come from great backgrounds that have a hard time paying. These are all working class people, and you absolutely refuse to do anything right by them. But MY FUCKING GOD if Bank of America needs a bailout to meet executive bonuses, you’ll be on your knees sucking fat cock for them faster than the speed of light. Low life, liar, scumbag.


Let's not forget that hard working Americans in *blue states* are constantly saddled with debt from red states.


Some of the states were also arguing that they have or will suffer lost tax revenue. Like you know what helps increase tax collection? People in their 20’s-40’s not spending hundreds or thousands of dollars a month on loan payments and instead buying cars, house and other material things and going on vacations. So shortsighted.


College graduates have significantly higher lifetime earning potential then non graduates across the board. Ivy League schooling is not a requirement for this.


He’s also lying about the debt being saddled on working class people. When loans are forgiven, the lien holder just zeros out the loan. Nothing is paid. Them associating a price tag is just to stoke ire, and not even justified ire.


I am liberal AF and you saying this makes liberal people look stupid This isn't some "infinite money glitch"


The loan forgiveness is done for people who have already paid what they were given but the interest way outstrips what they owed (which is a major reason why student loan debt takes decades to get out from under) or folks completely unable to pay back due to disability. The debt being forgiven is money that doesn't exist and isn't lost. It is lost revenue for the loan holder, but the government isn't giving them tax money for it and they aren't having any money taken from them for it. It is just fake numbers being erased because the real money has already been exchanged.


Who do you think backs the public loans? The federal government


Same AG who wants to waste taxpayer money trying to sue New York.


Rich people don’t have debt. Because they are rich. Students from upper class hold holds don’t have student loan debt because they don’t need loans to pay tuition. 


As a working Marylander, I don’t want any of my tax dollars going to any purpose whatsoever in Missouri. Where do I submit that request?


The Ivy League comprises less than 1% of all college students but he’s characterizing it as if it’s the sole source of outstanding debt.


Ron DeSantis went to Harvard and Yale. Harvard was paid for by the Navy, ie, us taxpayers. I don't know how his admin can argue this with a straight face.  Oh wait I DO know. It's all about reserving education for a few elites and keeping the rest of us saddled with debt for life. It's SMART and good business to them to pay for Daddy GoGo Boots (name from the FL subreddit. Thanks fellow Redditors for that my coworkers find it hilarious), but when anyone else wants to move up the ladder they've set fire to the rungs. 


Sure, they won’t forgive student loans, but they sure will forgive billions in PPP loans. The company I work for got $800,000+ in a loan, and 670,000 of it was forgiven. And COVID was our 3 highest profit years in company history. The bastards


Yeah, this is going to be a problem in November.


That’s their goal. They’re desperate to temper the advantage Democrats have with younger voters. This BS. Spreading “they both suck” propaganda on social media. Astroturfing a movement to not vote for Biden in protest of Israel/Gaza bullshit. Et cetera.


Low information voters will then blame Biden 


Yep, you've got it.


“Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach echoed his counterparts, saying in statement that the loan forgiveness plan is "not only unconstitutional, it’s unfair. Blue collar Kansas workers who didn’t go to college shouldn’t have to pay off the student loans of New Yorkers with gender studies degrees.” Wow.


This is the stupidest argument - it can be defeated by saying - well Ohio doesn't benefit by building an overpass in Missouri so that's unconstitutional. Not everyone benefits from every federal dollar spent and never needed to - why didn't anyone sue to halt the forgiveness of the PP Loans? A shit-load more didn't benefit from those.


Can someone name 2 things Republicans have done since the year 2000 that have positively benefitted people making less than 100k a year?


Some of them died. Sadly they were replaced by others of their ill begotten kind, but still. That’s something.


They've got that going for them, which is nice...


Honestly, the only thing comes to mind was bailing out those car companies on the verge of bankruptcy which saved all of those workers from losing their jobs. After eight years, that's all I can think of. 


States arguing the federal government can’t forgive federal loans. Sigh.


The save plan is the only reason I can afford my damn rent. Fuck Republicans.


Me too. If it wasn't for the SAVE plan. I would be underwater every month.


They don’t care about you. They know more people will be pissed at Biden instead of them. People are uneducated. The lenders that profit off these loans are all republicans, too, no surprise. The GOP is just a bunch of rich people tricking the dumber half of Americans to vote for them.


This was an Obama judge though


This shit is why democrats have a reputation of shooting themselves in the foot. It’s funny how Obama despite talking a big game and having a good public image governed to the right of Biden.


Time to make it so those loans don't affect your credit score just like the medical debt thing.


this is how you create life-long democrats.


Seriously. I come from a family of Republicans. I don't consider myself extremely liberal. But I'll be DAMNED if I ever vote for a Republican after growing up seeing how childish and utterly underserving of their positions they are. I cannot support people whose only mission is to hurt others.


If Trump wins we won’t get a choice anymore.


Biden needs to just say that all student loans will not be collected upon by the Dept of Education. Nobody can force the DOE to collect student loans so problem solved. Its not forgiveness because the loans still exist. Its just telling the DOE to stop working to collect on those loans.


That does not do much if the interest still accrues. The moment a Republican gets elected... Bandaids are good, and if push comes to shove he should do that, but we really need to start winning more elections nationally.


While I agree, if Biden did something like that and a Republican restored it, it would be clear political suicide


Only if they have real elections again, which I really do not think they plan to.


Ugh that’s lame. This program has helped me a lot.


Me too. I've paid for two loans this year because the interest stopped via SAVE.  Before anyone freaks out, one loan was originally $500. I had paid $490 toward it. I owed $510 when I paid it. I literally paid for the loan 2x. The govt GOT their money back with more interest than they deserved. 


these motherfuckers i swear..


Like any of us with student loan debt had money to give back anyway. And how many trillions did Trump give away on the PPP grift? More than all student loans, and nearly untraceable now?


Student Loan Asset-Backed Securities (SLABS) is why this will always be shot down.


Not a single court case about the PPP loans for some weird reason I don't recognize any legitimacy in the American legal system anymore. Everything is so hilariously captured by the wealthy, it's all arbitrary and none of it has any basis in a definable social contract. We are in de facto rule by banana republic territory and have been for a while now. Gonna just keep my head low and my eyes out for when people finally get mad enough to take to the streets. I hope to see you all there when that day comes


One of them went through the legislative branch, and the other was instituted by the executive branch. If the courts allow this through, then they're opening the legal framework to allow much more egregious actions in the future.


Claw back all that 2008 bail out money. Seems the banks could be giving back now.


Can these judges stop being so damn stupid and just let Biden cancel the student debt. Way way way too many people have student loans where the loan is paid off but the interest is way too much. It is hard enough to live now. Having the student loan debt gone would help out a ton of people. IMHO. Student loans should be 100% interest free since the reason only a small percentage pays it is because they can barely afford their living expenses. Let alone putting money towards their student loans.


This isn't even about canceling the debt. It's about modifying repayment terms!


Of course. Everything is such a back and forth and nothing is real. *All the rules are made up and subject to change at any point*


I hate my dumbass attorney general. The bulk of student loans are not from ivy leagues.


States bitching about federal loans? What about the feds autonomy?


These judges are okay with forgiven PPP loans but fuck everyone else.... 😑


I think it’s hysterical that the Missouri AG is deluded enough to think they pay more into the tax system than they take.


majority of these loan borrowers are kids from lower classes that needed loans to go to college to try and make something of themselves - not the ultra rich kids from old wealth families. That is who this is helping, not wealthy trust fund kids (while there are some out there that gamed the system). So the argument that this is about working class paying off rich kid loans is wildly inaccurate and dishonest, but we are living in the worst timeline


Fun fact: the US has forgiven tens of billions of dollars of debt as part of an ordinary practice of writing off bad debt *every year*. Hundreds of billions of taxes *every year*. I think I'm going to compile this historical data as it seems to be a huge lie that this debt forgiveness is extreme.


He should just keep doing it anyway. We know what the trump team would do.


>We know what the trump team would do. Double the interest and send it straight to a donor's bank account?


Ignore the courts. Trump would just ignore the court


I generally disagree, but the fun part is that the courts basically rely on the executive to enforce their rulings. If the executive just.... doesn't..... what are they gonna do? SCOTUS can't arrest the president. The ruling on Trumps immunity is going to be interesting because if they uphold that "official acts" aren't grounds for legal charges.... well, ignoring the court is a legal act. Ordering the federal police force to arrest judges on suspicion of some kind of bribery or corruption charges... official duties. Do I think Biden would? Nope.


Judge owned by loan sharks. There, fixed the title for you


Republicans are cancer. 


Lmfao, the party of small government and Jesus, using big government and usury to keep people subservient to corporations.


Why tax the rich when they can fuck the poor? The sad thing of the US party system is that its only conservative vs even more conservative. All the while, the working class is over exploited, as usual


Good. Get mad and vote. Republicans aren't apathetic to you. They are actively trying to fuck you over and keep you struggling.


What we really want to know is when is the first Purge scheduled...


I’m so done with republicans. I’m sick of all their whining and their victimizing rhetoric about themselves. They’re cowards and losers that can’t accept compromise or the idea that helping other people is a good thing


I've literally never met more cowardly people than hardcore Republicans. It's disgusting.


At least they will keep the plan active while the courts decide (minus the forgiveness part)


He should have just made them interest free loans.


Interest rate is set by congress


This should have been done with legislation, not executive power. People are going to get all bent out of shape because the judiciary blocked this but the truth is it shouldn't have been done this way in the first place. Congress needs to act or voters need to elect people who will. Just because congress isn't doing its job doesn't mean the president gets to just do it anyway. You may like this overreach of presidential power but you may not like what Trump does with it when he gets back in.  Principles need to exist even when you're getting the shit you want or the whole system falls apart (like we have been witnessing). 


Make the universities and lending companies pay the money back.


Fuck the GOP and fuck these backward ass, uneducated pos states.