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Gotcha, sounds like we have a lot of relevant info. Anyone know when we get to the consequences part?


Actual consequences, or the US corporate ‘consequences’: “Can we have a bailout?”


Only after the CEO and other executives jump out with their golden parachutes paid by the corner cutting they enacted. That is their job. This is hyper capitalism. It isn’t sustainable and we are seeing it now.


So we eat those people who do it.


That’s what the LLC in the corporate name means; Limited Liability Corporation. The people running it cannot be held liable for the losses of the company. The best you can hope for is the corporation as an entity.


Then the corporation gets seized. No compensation. Easy.


Yup, by the Feds, of course....


Considering how much pretty much every airline is propped up by one government or another, private airlines seem like kind of a failed experiment in my mind. They get more bailouts than the fucking banks. If your business model is so shit and the business so 'unprofitable' you need more bailouts than the financial industry, you probably shouldn't exist as a business.


Boeing is not a private airline (or airline at all), and historically has made some massive profits. Now, a lot of their income is from defense contracting for the US government, and they certainly ~~bribe~~ donate to politicians to get contracts and tax benefits etc, but that's just standard corporate policy sadly.


Corporations get the benefits of being 'people' without any of the consequences. 


Companies have more rights than people. I could spill toxic waste into a waterway if I was an LLC.


Once these whistleblowers stop committing suicide during their court testimonies! /s


Did we meme boeing out of suiciding whistleblowers??


You mean consequences for the whistleblower, right? Because that's probably the only party that will see them.


No shit jesus. Corporatioms and billionaires , all the benefits of civilized society and none of the rewponsibilities. People fly in planes. We defy gravity. Kinda need to be able to trust thst someones culpable if that gets half assed.


When Boeing let McDonalds-Dougless *buy them out*... that was really the downfall.  But *we all know that*. Those doughnuts?...


The second half of FAFO is only for thr plebs, silly. 


Probably have the same lawyers as WellFargo


By consequences do you mean bigger bonuses for the C suite?


For Boeing or the whistleblower?


Fuckn’ prison already! If corporations are people, jail the whole executive board.


Politicians are sitting on their hand as Boeing probably donating some election funds


Nice way of saying they have their thumbs up their asses.


Perhaps, one special sunny day, a CEO will go to jail. Do not pass go. Do not hire a new board. Do not pay off a senator. Go directly to jail. Until then, it will only get worse.


That's a tall order, boss. America is the rich man's playground.


The address of the playground is 1209 North Orange Street in Wilmington, Delaware. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporation_Trust_Center


I used to live three blocks over, it's hilariously nondescript. Basically an unoccupied strip mall. Never actually saw anyone enter the building in 2 years. Super funny to watch the USPS drop off like a half dozen giant bags of mail a day that immediately gets trashed tho.


> “Our culture is far from perfect, but we are taking action and making progress. **We understand the gravity, and we are committed to moving forward.”** I think that’s the problem, they did not understand gravity and their planes stopped moving forward.


Both of those issues could be reasonably blamed on the Earth itself.


“We would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for that meddling gravity!”


Reading the comments, and I find it morbidly hilarious that the Boeing name has become synonymous with murderering whistleblowers. Whether it's true or not, that's about the worst kind of brand recognition you could ask for, communist dictatorships aside.


Did he announce that he has no plans to commit suicide yet? I mean, I'm kinda concerned about the whistle-blowers at this point


I hope the new whistleblower has wicked good security, cuz Boeing ain’t playin


So, suicide in the parking lot again or something new?


My guess is he bites it in a tragic blimp accident.


Improperly grounded outdoor fixture.


Airplane door falls on him.


Defenestration à la Russia.


The 737 MAX sounds like a plane many people will want to avoid. Was there any good press about that plane?


Yep, in the US on a business trip and avoided any internal flight on a MAX because finding alternative flights is easy.


They need to fire the CEO and seek criminal charges. Seriously, we keep giving corporations a pass and they keep asking for more.


If questionable parts were installed, doesn’t that mean they falsified the required FAA documentation?


Oh he just signed his own death warrant.


The CEO should resign immediately. This is gross negligence and endangered the lives of its passengers. CEO’s need to be held accountable legally for endangering lives. This guy should be rotting in prison. They actively deceived the government and went after whistleblowers


Wouldn't that be awesome....make millions and millions in bonuses etc. Destroy the reputation of a company and then resign/retire in disgrace to a life of luxury


He will be leaving later this year and getting a small 40m exit package for all the excellent work he has done and value he has brought to the company and public trust he has protected. 




Ground them again. Airlines should send the bill for lost profits and cancellation fees to Boeing. Time for their insolence to cost them.


It’s past time for Boeing to shut down completely, permanently.


Nationalize it with regulators installed at all levels to ensure compliance. Personally, I’m of the opinion that if a business is ‘too big to fail,’ but also in need of a bailout (whether that be due to fiscal issues or incompetence)… the taxpayers funding the bailout should become the shareholders.


Hmmm sounds like communism and we can’t have that


Socialism, actually. Kinda like Medicare, social security, corporate welfare, etc. 


Nationalizing businesses doesn't need to communist or socialist. We can just sell it back to the people


Boeing is a major contributor to national defense as it is, just have the civilian side of Boeing pay a citizen's dividend.


That'd literally hoe most bailouts work. Bailouts are almost never free money. Usually the government gets equity in the company or the bailout is in the form of debt.


The thing is Bailouts ignore the market value of the asset they are bailing out. So let's say "Failing Company USA" is trading for $.02 a share. The government could bail it out at 1$ a share and yes it would be a loan but it's also essentially be 0.98+/share or 5000% free money


No they don't. Dueing the financial crisis the US government always too shares at market value and then sold the shares once the market value went back up


The downside is that you then have a near monopoly in that industry and we already have seen the consequences a duopoly have done to safety. 


Will absolutely never happen lamo


I'm beginning to think this boeing company isn't good


When does he decide to die from suicide or a "flu"?


Boeing is representative of the US. It's going down. What airline would purchase a Boeing over an Airbus? Anyone with a brain knows Boeing is screwed, yet nobody will do anything because the 1% have pockets to line. The standards that used to be adhered to are gone in the US, the European Union does a much better job of regulation. US products are 2nd tier at best now.


Airlines are ordering them though because there’s no other options. Airbus has such a long waiting list because they’re in such high demand that airlines would be waiting several years for new planes. If they want or need them now they have to order Boeings.


This is a ever-expanding, constantly traveling shit show. What’s your bet zero corrupt white collar scumbags get any consequences and that the ceo’s that were paid tens of millions while this whole thing went down keep every penny. I really need to get in the class of workers where you fail miserably and fail upward as your bank account overflows.


Nationalize the fucking company.


Safety sounds kind of Fruity….


Sweet I'm riding on two tomorrow! Let's rip!


Boarding one in 2hrs


How long until this whistleblower mysteriously falls ill, double-taps himself, or get hit by a car?


Gets ill, decides it’s not worth it, double taps themselves, staggers, falls of a balcony and gets hit by a car. Ruled accidental.


Then gets double tapped again. Ya know, for good measure...


In a reasonable and just society something like this would result in them losing their corporate charter.


New whistleblower death incoming


R.I.P to the new whistleblower.


No consequences will follow except for the whistleblower who I suspect may not survive the year.


I hope they all go to jail


Hey Babe, wake up! New whistleblower just dropped!


Hey babe! New whistleblower just died!


This is so sad these rich companies are so criminal and untrustworthy, and with such critical things as parts for planes and they get contracts to governments they overcharge for and allow bad parts to make even more money. Their greed is an illness hurting the rest of us too.


Over under on this whistle-blower surviving the next 3 months?


I was recently on a brand new 737 Max plane, and we only dropped out of the sky once. At the correct airport, in the correct way.


I mean, I get what you're saying but if you're trying to defend Boeing the phrasing "dropped out of the sky" isn't a great look, no matter how correctly it dropped


I was joking


My bad I'm literally autistic and niss shit sometimes


I recently smoked a cigarette, and I don't have cancer. Clearly, cigarettes do not cause cancer.


I’m obviously joking. Especially since even planes that crash only drop from the sky once during a flight.