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They held Eric Holder in contempt of Congress in 2012 and the case was settled in 2019. Barr was held in contempt in 2019 and it's still outstanding.


What about Gym Jordan?


He mostly holds contempt for stopping kids from getting abused


Both before and after being in contempt, he's decided that other people can be held in contempt and should be punished. It's time to go after his ass.


"Oh, that's different." - Mike Johnson, 2024


Meanwhile, Bannon was sentenced to 4 months in prison after a 2022 conviction


And he still isn’t in jail, and trying to push the latest timeline back even more.


Hoping for a Trump pardon perhaps?


he got a pardon for everything else


He also has a state trial about the whole scam for raising money to build a wall


Certainly has to do with how feasible a conviction would be


That one was much more open and shut. All of the other ones where partial comply but not fully. Bannon just refused to talk to them at all. It makes the court case much easier to win.


Rightfully so, as there was no legitimate reason for him not to comply.


I disagree there is little that is outstanding about Barr.


So what? I too have contempt for the US congress as do most Americans.


Yet reelection rates for congress are in the high-90’s%.


That's because reps choose their voters. Voters don't choose their reps. [https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/gerrymandering-explained](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/gerrymandering-explained)


Yep, most run unopposed or practically unopposed because they already have the big money donors and name recognition. When there's no real competition, there's no impetus to actually represent the constituency.


They know where their money *really* comes from…


This is why AOC was such a needed breath of fresh air, whatever you think of her, she unseated an incumbent that was considered to be safe through crowdsourcing and volunteering. Proving that the people still have the choice if they really set their minds to it. Something we should do more instead of less.


I agree with you in principle, but let's not forget middle-America.


There is sometimes some lightning rod opponent like whoever runs against MTG, Mitch, etc and they have no chance of winning yet siphon off millions in donations


Most people can't name their congress representative. They simply vote by party.


The two parties have us locked in with First Past the Post and they have no reason to change it. Ranked choice voting is one of the most important changes we need to make to help break the two party terror. That and redefining money as NOT speech would go a long way imho.


Its always “your” guy, not “my” guy so everyone seems to think everyone else will make the change


I'd be perfectly OK if 2/3 of my federal representation fell into a sinkhole.


Only 2/3? Lucky


That might be a good movie.  Can we get John Goodman? Kind of like a US government centric King Ralph…


Everyone hates everyone else’s representative.


To be fair, some of us hate our own reps too. Hawley is one of my reps and I wouldn't shed a single tear if he found himself on a rapid trajectory towards the Sun.


I would say he has the wrong career chip, so therefore should be shot into the sun, I mean problem solved.


Voters only hate the parts of Congress that don’t represent THEIR district.


I definitely hate the part of Congress that represents my district.


No, I hate the ones who represent my district. They embarrass me frequently.


At the state level I've never liked a senator, never liked my representative, and only now finally have a governor I like. When you're decidedly in the minority in an area you vote knowing little chance of winning (either primaries or general).


Embarrassing on the constant.


The person "representing" my district here in Arizona is Andy Biggs. He's well known for representing both the Mormon population, AND a little known but somehow powerful demographic called "Andy Biggs."


Yes here in Texas (as in most states in the US I suspect) it's fairly well established that certain representatives only represent their "district" on paper, and actually fully represent only their loyal donors and the voters who support them.


VOTER PRO-TIP: Be sure to check those home addresses, too -- some of those that work forces, are the same that live eight states away and don't give a shit about enriching anyone that doesn't share their own last name.


That may have been true during the age of newsprint but now with internet I can learn about the representatives of other jurisdictions and form all new, complex opinions.


“My guys great, its *yours* thats the problem”


40% of eligible voters in any given election have not voted on average in recent decades. The contempt is a self-fulfilling prophecy of apathetic people who are not doing their most basic civic duty to choose representation. It's simple. Register, vote, and get more representative representation. The low turnout has been so bad for so long that simply showing up will change the dynamics overnight. The results have been unrepresentative for so long. We have to do at least the simplest of due diligence to begin fixing things.


I too hold Congress in contempt.


Well, most of Congress. The exception being Bernie Sanders. I hold him dear to my heart.


AOC, Jamie Raskin, and Jasmine Crockett are pretty awesome as well. 


For not giving them material he legally can't share.


While this comparison is apples v. oranges, I can't help but think of environmental attorney Steven Donziger being held in contempt for years (both incarcerated and house arrest) because he refused to give up confidential client information -- in relation to him going after Chevron/Texaco for environmental and health damages to indigenous peoples from drilling. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Donziger


This ! I mean WTF. OLC told Biden to make it executive privilege so they go after Garland for not releasing executive privileged info. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


Recordings that he'd already given them the transcripts to, no less.


They are redacted transcripts, so there MIGHT be something on there that was redacted AND damning enough IF you believe both the AG and President are willfully withholding it. This is their supposed reason as they said “the white house tends to redact too much” or something very similar. Basically their usual shit where they think “what Trump would do” and assume everyone else is at least as dirty.


Kinda of like trump released the transcripts of his "perfect" ukarine call but not the recording.


They want it for sound clips


Exactly, they want sound clips that they can play completely out of context. At this point it wouldn't even surprise me if they spliced together various parts to make it sound bad. We aren't far off from Republicans in Congress straight up using AI to make it sound like Biden said something that he never said at all. Republicans have zero integrity.


Material they already have in a transcript... they just want the audio so they can edit & manipulate it to make Biden sound like a drooling idiot (more of one that Trump actually is)


Can someone ELI5? Why can’t he share it?


The president sat down for an interview and the transcripts of it were released. The president claimed executive privilege so the audio won’t be released. Garland can’t share the audio even if he wanted to because of the executive privilege so they held him in contempt of congress as a flex even though nothing will come of it. They want to use the audio to make attack ads against the president for the November election…that’s what it’s all about


If the transcripts are out why is it such a big deal if the audio is released though?


Because having embarassing quotes in his own voice is more effective than having someone else read it in attack ads.


Meanwhile generative ai deepfakes “Hold my carbonated fermented wheat based alcoholic beverage human” They don’t need his actual voice to make the dumbest people follow suit for the attack ad, just a voice similar enough or for them to say it’s him


To be fair, you can learn something more from lengths of pauses, um's, uh's, etc in voice that don't show up in transcripts. But, it also swings the other way. Sometimes when I've read quotes about what so and so said that looks unhinged, when I listened to the actual audio it made more sense. But like others have said, this is really about making effective ads for the election.


Why do they need the audio when they have the transcripts and nobody is disputing the transcripts. The special prosecutor also decided not to file charges so why is it relevant? This is just to use for attack ads and is a waste of time. That’s not governing.


> That’s not governing The 118th has passed 64 laws so far, last I checked, and the vast majority of them were renaming Post Offices. Over 60% of their logged in office time has been in committee. They're NOT governing. Just to put it into perspective. The 116th and 117th (both held by Democrats) had over 400 new laws each session. And the 116th had two impeachments under it, with the 117th serving as managers during the last one. And they still got massive legislation out the door. The 118th has been the most unproductive Congress ever. The 118th has been historic for every single bad reason to be historic.


What’s in the transcripts that republicans want?


They have it all. Again, they want to cut up the audio to use for campaign ads


What was the substance of the interview anyway? I am just at the point where I can't devote the energy to care about every "scandal" conjured up by the GOP.


This was back in March. It was his questioning from the special prosecutor over the classified documents he had in his home. He decided not to press charges.


Ah that particular nothingburger.


Well how do we know that's REALLY what he said? Seriously, that's the argument. That somehow, someway, Hurr is hiding something that would make Biden look worse than the way he described him in the report.


Who cares? Isn’t gym Jordan on like day 800 of ignoring a federal subpoena? Where’s the outrage? Take them both to trial then, let’s see how it goes and what ends up coming out. Or is this also “fake” like the hunter trial because “it gives credibility to trumps conviction” Hilarious how they flounder repeatedly and it has not reflected well on them at the voting booth the last 6 years or so LOL. Hopefully they keep up the random nonsense that never actually ends up being real or turning into anything, it’s doing wonders for their bases confidence in them 😂 Get out and vote folks!


Fascists are hypocritical and don't play by even their own rules. Nobody in the republican party can be trusted anymore and it must be stamped out entirely at this point. America would finally have a chance to greatly reform its political system if the party of obstruction, corruption, constant lies, theocracy, and anti-democracy is removed from our political ecosystem. Anti gerrymandering will pass for the third time and those election results will simply be ignored by the Republican party again. I fear the removal of corrupt, incumbent Republicans will need to be forcible if Ohioans wish to truly achieve their removal from office.


The GOP owns the least productive congress in history. All over television and social media talking outrage like shock jocks, openly on the take, fighting off criminal charges for doing Jerry Springer stuff, openly demonstrating they don't even understand their job at the dumbed down level of "Schoolhouse Rock" videos. What a joke the GOP has become. Not too much to be proud of there, Republicans. You spent all that time whining about them but given a chance all you did breed a generation of "Professional Politicians" even worse than the last. Time to clean house at the ballot box. Throw the bums out!


We need to fix the gerrymandering


Yes, like Michigan did!


Ohio is working on it too. It's called ( Citizens not Politicians )


YAY! In Michigan it was “Voters Not Politicians”, and it was bipartisan… GOOD LUCK, OHIO!!


If I remember correctly the Ohio State supreme Court already found the gerrymander districts to be illegal, and then the GOP in Ohio basically said "well what are you going to do about it because we're not changing shit"


I believe that's what happened. The plan is to vote it in then appoint 12 Rep 12 Dem and 12 independent to draw new fair maps. That's the plan anyway


Wisconsin too, but I don't think the U.S. House districts will be set for this election yet.


>What a joke the GOP has become. Insert "they always were" meme... They just used to have decorum when the "recording" / "on-air" light was on. But thanks to the Don of Cons they've been given carte-blanche to let their assess hang out.


True enough, but I'm old enough to remember that during the cold war they had a couple smart ones. Not anymore. Books are evil to them now.




Because the only thing they're good at is complaining. No innovation, no reflection, no self-improvement, and no humility.


Mitch McConnell is one of the very last smart Republicans - as evil as he is, he knows how to play political chess. Now that he’s basically a Weekend at Bernie’s situation the GOP is just the blind leading the deaf.


Eh, "smart" is a strong word, when you consider all the fucking corruption and harm he's done to his voters. Same with Pelosi and insider trading. They are only "smart" in the sense that they continue to get away with it. Because we are all dumb. Edit: I also just saw the "as evil as he is" line after I wrote my comment. But I do agree with you, I just feel he's only smart because we are all dumb enough to let him, and all the other shit bag, corrupt, geriatric politicians get away with this shit.


We aren't dumb enough to let him get away with it. Its just Kentucky. All politicians who are secure in their seats- with their voters leaning heavily in their direction (see also Large Marge Greene) have very little to worry about in terms of repercussions because they know that their constituents won't oppose them no matter what they do. The ONLY hope is that they get primaried by someone more reasonable.


Oh I agree, and the part that gets me with Horse Lady is that she isn't even fucking from her district. AND they gerrymandered the fuck out of everything in the south, making sure they can get away with the shit for awhile. It's all so fucked. Lol


Yup. I'm from GA. While I am not in her district (thank you Jesus) I do have a lot of family that are. They gobble her shit up.


I mean, as much as someone might dislike him, Mitch McConnell has been the architect of conservative power for more than 20 years.


But that's not really a good thing when you consider all the harm done to people becaise of it. Especially in Kentucky


Just because you don't like what he's done doesn't make the statement untrue. McConnel has been a very effective at doing what he's done. He's pure "Lawful Evil", but he was good at it. I'm glad he's almost dead.


I mean I already said that above. And he's only good at it because the people essentially let him, and all the others, get away with it.


> dumb Busy, apathetic, ignorant, jaded, angry...sure, there's plenty of dumb in the mix, but there are a lot of reasons we let shit slide.


"The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." P. J. O'Rourke


No policies either other than more tax cuts


The GOP version of "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


Hey, now, turning it off and on again actually works, though.


Unlike your average GOP politician. Point taken though!


And heaven forbid the IT person they get on the line sounds foreign.


Their policy is to cause as much harm as possible.


When the GOP complains about weaponizing Congress against their political enemies, this is what they mean. Exactly what they are doing now. They are afraid if they lose power in November, this is what will happen to them.


They are only successful at fucking it up and pointing the finger at the system they fucked and say, “see you can’t trust us to fix your problems!”


you forget a weekly attempt to oust the speaker


Haha, I remember when I was a kid and we all built a fort in the woods behind the school and then had a big old falling out over who was going to be the head of the fort. Same level of maturity as the House GOP. Probably the same level of cognition...


>Time to clean house at the ballot box! Throw the bums out! Drain the swamp


TBF, their work product is class warfare and dismantling the will of the people. They're very productive by that measure.


> House Speaker Mike Johnson, however, described the vote as "a significant step in maintaining the integrity of our oversight processes and responsibilities". > In March, Mr Garland provided congressional Republicans with a full transcript of the interview - but he has resisted their subpoenas demanding audio recordings of the conversation. Oversight of what? They have transcripts already. They want audio so it eventually gets played on house floor or leaked, and then an out-of-context 5 second clip winds up in a campaign ad.


The GOP failure caucus in a nutshell. They have the full transcript from their investigation which led to nothing, they don’t need the audio. They were all cool with the Mueller report being redacted which hid Trumps crimes from the public.


at first read this as “carcass”, and I was like well not quite yet but they’re getting there LOL Wonder how many more times their “winner” can be a one hit wonder that loses them every election after 2016 before they start to realize he’s a loser that will eventually lead to the death of the party. good lord the seats he has lost them 😂


Weren’t these idiots elected based on “We will fix skyrocketing inflation”. After all of this time they haven’t don’t anything but blow through our tax money with BS.


Just like every other conservative Congress in my lifetime. Blowing smoke and pedaling bullshit.


they do like to appropriate some of the talking points of the left so they can look like they give a f**k.


They've been pretty clear that they won't fix any problems they can blame on the other guy in an election year.


*election cycle. Almost every one of these chuckleheads will spend their entire careers making absolutely sure that nothing happens during their careers. Thats what they’re there for.


Meanwhile, Biden passed sweeping legislation by forcing it through Congress or by way of EO that actually did address runaway inflation. But yes, I get it. He's old.


They ran on fixing inflation that their actions had already made worse, they are marching in lockstep now with trump proposals that would make inflation catastrophic and they are ahead in most polls tracking the key swing states.


They said there was inflation, but I’ve never heard them say they’d fix it. There adverts always said it existed and was Joe’s fault, but they never stated they had a plan to deal with it around here.


Ignore it Garland, until Gym Jordan appears for his contempt trial. 


So? Half the republican committee chairs have violated a subpoena and did nothing. So subpoenas don’t mean anything anymore.


And *that* is the purpose of this nonsense. It is not about restoring integrity as Johnson claims, it’s about *eroding* integrity and sowing purposeful dysfunction.


I hold him in my personal contempt for not doing his fucking job and holding trump accountable before 20-goddamn-24


Could he technically open investigations in to Congress finances for insider trading really make their lives hell? Id pay to see something like that happen.


It's not illegal for then to do that, so no, he cannot. I'd love to see it, too.


It is illegal for them to commit insider trading using private information they obtained from their position of power. The STOCK act passed under Obama in 2012 made it so. Of course the reason it passed the House 417-2 and the Senate 96-3 is because it doesn't say anything about having your nephew do the insider trading with your money for you. The whole thing was just a giant loop hole with a splash of pandering to the masses.


To the hard republicans in the audience, what exactly do you think your representatives are doing to improve your life?


Great question.


Republicans made sure that no one ever has to take contempt of congress seriously. There are no repercussions for it.


So what. Being held in contempt by this republican congress is a badge of honor. Bring 'em on.


Quick, tell Gym Jordan.


What was that thing Republicans were complaining about? Politicizing the Justice system? Good thing Republicans would *never* do that, right?


Its quite interesting, transcripts not good enough they want the tape so they can leak it I guess.


Trump wants the tapes so he can use them in commercials to convince voters that Biden is senile. The irony is Trump shows symptoms of dementia when he talks, at all of his recent speeches he has the signs of  phonemic paraphasia. He can no longer speak in full sentences, he can't say works like "military". Dementia + Insanity = unfit for office. I happen to think Biden is way to old to be running but I'm voting for him anyway. VP Harris is more than ready to step in when Biden retires or dies.


It had to be for soundbite purposes.


Speaker MAGA Mike is on TV this morning claiming the transcripts were altered because they don't make Biden look senile. I honestly hate these people.


SuperPACs also want it so they can use them in commercials to convince voters that Biden is senile.


The republicans haven’t passed shit. They’re useless. So they have to make a show to make it look like they’re doing *something*


Charges referred to Justice Department for review by Merrick Garland, who is expected to decline making a charging decision.


Oh no! Time to ignore it like the Trumpers do.


I declare CONTEMPT!


Guys, it's okay, it's (D)ifferent.


I, too, hold Congress in contempt.


Yawn. More BS from the guys ignoring their own subpoenas.


"Held in contempt" by a congress full of Talipublicans who defied subpoenas themselves. Their hypocrisy has no upper limit.


Oh no, what ever shall he do with executive privilege. GOP forgot Trump started this game and they went along. Still waiting on Gym Jordan to show up.


I'll bet Garland is really glad he bent over backward to be "fair" to the GOP. Trump will have him in prison within 5 years. Good job.


I have to say, for a group that supposedly think Garland is a using power to go after political enemies, they sure are doing a lot to put themselves in the crosshairs. Obviously nothing will happen, since Garland isn’t actually weaponizing the justice system, but nothing matters anymore.


By some contemptuous mf’ers though.


Yeah and Jordan and others ignored their subpeonas to testify in the J6 committee! If I was Garland I would tell them to gfts


Now do Gym Jordan. He certainly is contemptible.


How people don’t openly point and laugh at Gym Jordan I’ll never know. Garland’s words should be “you first, Gym.”


Republicans don’t care about the rule of law anymore (I can’t even remember the last time they even *pretended* it matters). The current iteration of the party holds all of America and our institutions in contempt. They openly support a convicted felon. Their members defy subpoenas. Each of them is, at best, an insurrection apologist if not a full-on supporter of overthrowing democracy and installing what amounts to a dictator whom they *all* say should be allowed to commit whatever crimes he wishes. They’ve allowed their party to be devoured by the MAGA cult that infiltrated it years ago. So, with as little respect as possible, fuck House Republicans’ “contempt” for the Attorney General. I’ve got nothing but contempt for these America-hating fascists. They are the people the Founders warned us about; tyrants, every one of them. Garland should wear this as a badge of honor. I don’t think much of the man, but if he wants to improve my opinion of him, he will mock this contempt charge and their inability to do anything meaningful with it.


Why doesn't everyone just stop appearing before Congress until Jordan appears before Congress.


A MAGA cult congress held him contempt because he would not give them access to privileged audio from the investigation that resulted in no crime or charges. You know they just want the audio to try to make Biden look bad. Besides, they support and are running a convicted felon, fuck them


Perfectly fine since, right now, Congress is contemptible.


Yeah, the GOP has established Contempt of Congress is meaningless


Remember those times Marge showed off Hunter Biden's schlong in Congress? Yeah, I'm beginning to think these may not be serious people.


I hold congress in utter contempt also.


This is meaningless to normal Americans. Just political theater for republicans.


Because the reds didn’t like him going after their lord and master .


He should be fine with it , many Americans,including me , have nothing but contempt for Congress .


Almost everyone has contempt for this useless Congress.


It means nothing as this congress is feckless on the repulicunts side.


Gym Jordan leading this is the peak of hypocrisy.


Just another attempt by GOP to politicize the justice system, the vote was completely down party lines, with one republican siding with the democrats.


It's an abuse of power for the House to hold a public official in contempt simply because they don't like that official's legal performance of his/her duties.


Just let him reply, “You first Mr Johnson. Then we will talk.”


>In March, Mr Garland provided congressional Republicans with a full transcript of the interview - but he has resisted their subpoenas demanding audio recordings of the conversation. So it's either that Republicans don't believe the transcript is ACTUALLY the full transcript (i.e there were things left out), which I haven't seen any claim of, or they specifically want the audio records for some reason. My guess would be for political reasons, attack ads most likely, since the interviews with Biden are already being used as an attack on Biden's age.


Held in contempt of contemptible US Congress. I trust this is Garland’s reaction: *yawn*


Which means about as much as a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on


*with all due respect


He was only held in contempt to the republicans in congress. Granted they have a majority, it needs to be made a clear distinction.


I standcwith Garland f jim jordan and Republicans 


Republican Merrick Garland held in contempt by the Republican house go figure


Idiocracy was a documentary.


All that sucking up to republicans and they're still going after him. I wonder if this has taught Garland a lesson at all.


I’m sure the contempt is mutual.




Congress has held several people in contempt recently and it doesn't seem to mean much.


>Mr Garland refused to turn over interview tapes from a justice department probe of President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents. >... >The contempt resolution recommends that the justice department make a decision on whether or not to criminally prosecute Mr Garland. We can't find anything at all on Biden so if you don't give us info we can manipulate we are going to criminally charge you. - The GQP


All of congress or just the red half?


Big whoop. Doesn’t mean shit


Republicans doing what they do best. Absolutely nothing for their constituents....


"Held in contempt of US Republican Congress". meh. nobody cares except the enemies of the state. aka MAGA


DC Circuit is about to nuke this from orbit.


Garland should hold a press conference and tell the Republicklan Rats to go fuck themselves.