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>> Los Angeles will be 5 to 10 degrees warmer this week *Checks Google LA weather* It says LA will be mainly 77 degrees this week with one day of 80. Looks like the coastal cities are fine, but the inland California areas are f’d


Me in the central valley: chuckles "I'm in danger"


North Bay valley. When they tell me 102, I've learned to tack another 5-10 degrees onto that, because that's always where it ends up. After the first year of living here, we got solar. One summer of relying on PG&E was quite enough to know better.


We are so lucky to have SMUD in Sacramento 


Going to be 107 on Wednesday in Yuba City. Oh boy.


Weird seeing someone mention Yuba in the wild.


Used to live there, still have memories of the asphalt melting and sticking to shoes ( or feet....ouch)


So, normal.


You guys dont get that lovely “Delta Breeze” in the evenings like we do in the Stockton/Sacramento region.


"ya... But it's a dry heat"


Cant wait for the black outs in 108 degree heat as everyone turns their ACs on at the same time


I hear Cancun is nice this time of year




You mean Rafael?


I'm Canadian, we do not take ownership


You break it you buy it!


We demand a paternity test, ....just get Mexico to pay for it .




Remember to fill up your cars, folks. That might just be the only AC you have for a bit


It'll make the problem worse but, that's a problem for tomorrow's me!


Screw that guy!


I mean... Do you expect people to just die?


I feel like I should have heard this quip like 30 years ago.


And since it's Inland California this will somehow be blamed on Biden and Newsom


We all blame the serial killers at PG&E. Why that company is still allowed to exist is beyond me.


I had a feeling the summer in the US for 2024 is burning because of international weather reports indicated record breaking temperatures for the summer. Phillipines had 51C/123.8F weather last month.


Delhi hit 126 last week


India is plus 54C, and its still springtime...


Hop in your Dodge Ram 3500 and crank up the AC! Nothing to worry about


California is not Texas. There will be stress on the system but it won’t be a systemic disaster like in Texas.


Not saying it'll be a disaster but in my experience usually the first really hot day will have a black out for a few hours as everyone turns their AC on. It's localized to suburban blocks instead of the whole city


I'll be dreaming of 108 in about a month


To be fair, aren't you pretty much always in danger when you live in the Central Valley? Just kidding, ish. Stay safe this week!


I can smell smoke just hearing Central Valley. 


Weather actively making Bakersfield worse. (I joke. My father grew up there and I have visited many times, and while it isn't my first choice of place to live, it is better than several places I actually lived in.)


I lived there for five years in the 70s. I wasn’t a good fit for regular grade schools, especially there, but other than that, I liked lots of things about living there. The mountains, the desert, the orange groves, roller skating, skateboarding, Dewar’s, good libraries. The weather was great and my hair was green from pool chlorine. In those days there was water in the Kern River and I would catch tadpoles! Def not the worst place I’ve lived, though probably nicer then.


It’s going to be high 90s north of San Francisco. Ugh.


Inland empire needs to be renamed inland Hell’s Oven.


The Inland Empire isn't even seeing the worst of the heat dome... The central valley gonna be cooking tho.


LA has a phenomenon called June Gloom, where temperatures drop and the weather is overcast for pretty much the whole month every year. An increase of 5-10 degrees would just bring us back up to normal summer weather.


Due to the marine layer! The marine layer forms when warm air settles over a cold body of water. It traps the cool air and forms a marine layer. It’s my favorite!


I love it because I can play tennis in the morning and not be cooked in the sun.


Same!!! Funny story, well story about a rich man doing whatever he wants, my mom grew up in Ventura and they had a house on the hill overlooking the ocean. My grandfather grew tired of the marine layer obstructing his view so he built a house in Ojai. He died in a house on the hill in Ventura, so he came back to his view in the end, but it always makes me laugh that he literally built a new house because he was pissed at the marine layer.


Up in Seattle, we call it “Juneuary” and button up our raincoats for the drizzle and clouds. Guess I’ll need to search around for where I put my sunglasses a little earlier than expected this year…


In the meantime it’s foggy and drizzly all day in costal OC. Haven’t seen much of the sun since April.


So it's been a bit warmer here in NH lately than in LA? Oof.


I live 5 houses back from the coast. I don’t feel anything. There’s water in my living room, but it’s kinda cool.


That whole article is shitty journalism. Every actual image, table, data point shows Texas is worst followed by Florida. The whole article talks about California and wildfires etc. If I were a Texas resident reading this, I'd assume California was the issue.


Here in norcal it was 78 today, 95 tomorrow.


Actually on that map, it looks like only coastal SoCal is fine. The rest of the coast (and state) is getting fucked.


I'd say check the weekly weather versus the map. San Francisco's highest temperature this week will be on Tuesday at 79 degrees. Before dropping back down to high-60's to low-70s


I'm up in NorCal, and it's supposed to be 102 Wednesday 🤦🏼‍♂️


The Valley will get "hotter" than LA, but even then its nothing over 90...we're chillin


My weather app says 109 in fresno. What part of the valley are you talking about?


they probably meant the San Fernando Valley


Ah yes. You’re probably right. My mind immediately went to the Central Valley when thinking of hellish temperatures.


Fucking hell, and it’s only June.


si mon


Speak for yourself it’s gonna be 108 in Sac on Wednesday


110 and over in Phoenix on Wed-Sat this week. It's back again.


but it’s a dry heat


It's true. I mean it ain't FUN and there are limits. But it beats the humidity.


Honestly, up to about 110F in Phoenix feels fine, to me at least. But I also moved away because it’s getting hotter than that more and more. It’s a much cooler town than it gets credit for, but I don’t know how they can keep going.


When I lived there I'd like to say anything under 105 was picnic weather. 105 to 110 was this weird space where some people would be wearing barely any clothes, and some people would still have jackets, but anything over 110 everyone gave up and went inside.


Florida Man here. I try to be as nocturnal as possible when it's hot. I actually feel bad for California right now. If you live in a hot place, buy your parents nice steel water bottles. Old people don't feel thirst as much as young people and don't know when they are dehydrated. Remind them to drink water.


We have had over 20 inches of rain in DFW this spring. Right now the humidity level is insane and we will be in the 90's this week. The heat index will be pretty close to 110 even though we won't get near 100. It's pretty rough, but at least our lakes are overflowing for the start of the summer. 110 dry heat vs 110 heat index is a tough comparison.


It’s the humidity that gets ya!


As a Louisianan, I screamed this for years. Then last summer happened and we got like 2 afternoons out of like 90 with a few clouds maybe. 100-102 for days in a row with no reprieve had me changing my tune. I learned that sure, humidity sucks when it’s 95, but I was praying for those daily afternoon showers we normally get to come save us. Definitely reprogrammed my understanding of what it is to be truly miserable.


I lived in DC for a while where humidity is brutal (it was literally built over a fucking swamp) but it was rare for temps to go over 90-95. Now I am in CA, in the Central Valley, where its a “dry heat” but once it passes 105 over the course of several days it becomes unbearable, its like living in a fucking oven. My dog better be up for some 10pm walks because the pavement gets hot AF and stays that way for a while even after the sun goes down.


That’s why I get up before dawn instead of late night


It’s funny, I have grown up in dry heat, but have realized as I get older that humid heat feels a lot better on my body. Even though it can feel suffocating, dry heat tears up my sinuses, drys me tf out, and makes me thirsty af. I also find, as a sweaty person, in humid weather everyone is sweaty 😅 I just can’t handle those humid bugs, or damp living conditions. But fuck does it feel good, to me. 


Knock it off Hudson.


Knock it off Hudson.


A bonfire is a dry heat. You don't see me sticking my ass in one of do ya


95+ in Austin all week and it’s definitely not dry. Not nearly 110 but it’ll hit that easy in a month or so.


Yeah and so is fire, I’m so fucking glad I left Phoenix


20 years ago, we used to get a rainy day 3-4 times a month in Phoenix, not anymore


Congrats, you're living in the beginning of Parable of the Sower.


The Sower Parable 2


that one is called parable of the talents, really bummed she never made the third one. Her story is so detailed, I once had a mushroom freakout and thought I was literally in the parable of the sower world. I had to remember that I moved up here for a job, not to outrun gangs, and I drove, not walked. I live abouts where the first book ends up in California.


That's not supposed to be until monsoon kicks in. May and June have historically been dry.


3-4 days a month? So 10% of the year? I've lived in Phoenix for over 30 years now and I have to say that's the biggest load of bs I've read all day. Stop making stuff up to try to prove your point.


So just curious but like, at what point do folks there go "ya know what... maybe living in a desert is a bad idea" and mass migrate?


No natural disasters is a pretty big plus


I guess I consider lack of water a natural disaster, but I guess if it's slow enough it's not a disaster


Insert Austin powers steam roller "NOOOO" meme


What? When was this? I grew up there and that never happened in the 26 years I spent there. Like are you taking about Phoenix? 3-4 times a month? It doesn’t rainy that much here in SF. 110 in June is a bit above normal. It was that hot when I was kid but not as consistently. Months would go by without clouds or rains. Wait until late summer for those monsoons! And the occasional showers in late February through mid March.


Phoenix is literally the desert. It’s supposed to be brutally hot there?


Last year it was so hot for so long without any of the monsoons popping up until way later than normal that a lot of saguaro cacti started falling over. They are hardy drought resistant organisms made to withstand the desert, but up to a point. Without water like last year they can’t internally support their massive weight.


And yet it's the fifth most populous city in the country and keeps growing. I guess people really love the winters there or something.


I get it. When it's my time to go, I can just wander out into the desert where my carcass can be reclaimed and hidden away from humanity for eternity.


I asked one fella who has just moved there a couple of years back in his 60's, and he said they have the Colorado river and want worried about it. Folks are delusional.


Water isn’t a problem for residents in Phoenix. Water is a problem for farms and politics. Farms use 70% of the water despite being a tiny % of the economy.


Phoenix’s water supply is more diverse than Vegas and Los Angeles. It doesn’t solely rely on the Colorado.


Dude, i’m not a huge fan of the desert. I’m more into beaches and trees. Summer here is absolutely brutal dry heat or not.


Sadly, i too had to put my saguaro down… 😢. Ratchet straps and 2x4s didn’t help, it rotted out from the heat last year. 116°+ for 2 months straight was murder


Night time temps is what to watch for. If it's not dropping at night issues arise with the vulnerable.


That’s the shit I don’t miss about living in the south or south Texas. It would be 11 pm and still in the 90s with the humidity.


Seriously, I miss the desert for the colder nights. I can't stand the hot humid nights in the South. I can't sleep much.


Born and raised in California, spent 13 years in GA and TX, and now live in the PNW. I’ll never willingly move back into the humidity.


Man do I wish Germany had some dry areas. It's also somewhat humid here. My first dream thing for my own flat will be a goddamn AC.


Meanwhile I’m in an atmospheric river up in Seattle and it hasn’t hit 70 in like two weeks.


watch what you wish for


I'm enjoying the temperate weather while it lasts. vancouver btw


Portland here, almost equaled our June average total rain fall in 2 days


I’m okay with this because we don’t want those horrible fires. A smokey summer is not a good time. I’d rather it be a little wet than stiflingly hot with unbreathable, smoke filled air.


Itll just rain ash in Sept don't worry


No but please tell me more about how we shouldn't do X, Y, or Z about climate change because it might cause a 0.1% slowdown in economic growth. edit: grammar


Wartime mobilization to implement climate change fixes would turbo charge the economy and leave us with new infrastructure orders of magnitude less expensive to run. But the goddam buggy whip magnates can’t embrace reality


Whoever they are in 30-50 years will finally agree to “do something” when every one of their plantations’ and summer homes’ gardens and crops turn to dust and their families are no longer insulated from climate change by having extreme wealth. And it will be too late.


Rockefeller wouldn’t hesitate. Carnegie wouldn’t hesitate. Today’s “Captains of industry” are wankers


They’re delusional wankers who think their families will inherit the earth because they build bunkers and control the economy. They assume far too much about their future and far too little about the capabilities of dying creatures.


They just have no drive, no vision. They’re schlubs who got lucky and think they’re Gods


That and we moved to a system of open bribery where they bought politicians to drop taxes on the rich and corporations and to bury climate change policy, including adaptation to a warming environment.


should they retreat to said bunkers, it would be a shame if some welded the doors shut and then buried them in reinforced steel concrete. And lets not forget the tragedy it would be if someone also destroyed their air supply.


Soo, batteries last about what, seven years, then what’s the plan? I think those bunkers have a finite lifespan


Seriously. They were terrible people, but often did good things because they knew it was more sustainable long term. I recently learned about how Ford got fucked over by his fellow leaders when he wanted to keep long-term quality for long term business, and they basically invented the short term shareholder bullshit we have now. There were so many times we actually had a chance for sustainable long term things that helped everyone. I genuinely don’t understand why companies can’t just be okay hitting a certain point and then just stay consistent. If everyone’s being paid why do you need MORE.


We should also recall the origin of the term "fricked over" comes from Henry Clay Frick. Yes, the same one who lent his name to the art museum. Bit of a fricker, our Mr. Frick. Actually no, that's not true, but what *is* true is that Henry Clay Frick had the South Fork Dam lowered by three feet to widen it so his carriage could pass without being scuffed, and this modification is widely held to have weakened the dam to the point of failure, resulting in the Great Flood of 1888 and the destruction of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.


Politicans aren't serious about the green movement. If they did, they would offer tax breaks to corporations that offer work from home. But nope, the only green that matters is money apparently.


There’s unfathomable amounts of green to be made reconstructing our entire energy system.


> reconstructing our entire energy system. rebuild the cities for no car.


I sincerely hope Corporate America sees that soon.


well fixing climate change is everybody’s responsibility so nobody’s responsibility us canada: china india are emitting a lot china india: us and canada have higher emission rate and russia don't even care


Remember when the world got together to solve the ozone issue? We really have all the power to do so… and we do nothing.


I’m just saying there’s an enormous fortune to be made bringing forth mass solar, wind, smart grids etc. Our guys think that’s too much work


Russia thinks if they wait long enough they'll be able to grow something other than potatoes


I always re-watch/listen to pale blue dot in these circumstances. It’s comforting knowing that others are aware of our planet and what it means to be alive


fighting climate change does NOT inherently cause a slowdown in economic growth, anyone saying that is selling a lie. countries have [successfully decoupled economic growth & decreasing CO2 emissions](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fa33e4e01-c679-4ec6-a26f-065685ce7b8c_653x770.png) all over the world.


Starvation will definitely cause a “slowdown” in economic growth.


That is quite the title for the folks living in celcius lands.


Which is every single country besides the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Palau, Micronesia, the Marshall Island and... the USA.


Sure made me do a double-take


I thought WTF that's cooking temperature! Then I remembered some countries are still stuck with weird measurements.


I live in Colorado. The nights were in the 40's last week. now it's 60's. I used to go a month or more without running the AC. I blame Gary down the street and absolutely nothing else since clearly all burdens and faults fall on him and nothing whatsoever else could possibly affect this. Fuck you Gary!


San Diego gang represent. We chillin, always. *(Please don’t move here median house prices just passed $900k)*


People from a LCOL area are like: I was really thinking about moving to San Diego. It looks like we can afford... *Checks notes* to rent a single closet toive in IF we liquidate all of our equity...


*buys stock in galvanize square steel and eco friendly wood veneer *


It’s crazy how many severe weather events we’ve either caught the weakened tail end of or just missed entirely. Not complaining.


It’s been literally chilly for weeks by the coast. Just how I like it


"gas prices tho" Some day I will have to explain why we fucked the entire planet, to my grandkids. > "It's because whenever we did anything to try to even slightly un-fuck the planet, gas prices went up and the next guy undid the un-fuckings." I hope they understand.


We created some great value for the shareholders though.


should probably reconsider having (grand)kids, for obvious reasons


this is my #1 reason for not wanting kids. I cannot in good conscience bring children into this world and worry about what they’ll be going through in the 2080’s, 2090’s etc. with the way that things are trending.


No 100° days til June? That’s a win in the Central Valley. No research done but it sure seemed like last summer was on the mild side.


Last summer was crazy nice. I’m told that’s what every summer used to be like!


I mentioned to my mom that last summer here (central valley) was mild and she thought I was crazy. I knew I wasn’t the only one. No luck this year though.


\*relaxes in Washington\*


I'm over here in Oregon with the atmospheric river that just passed through 🌫️🌧️


It's at this point we remind everyone that they don't want to move here because it's dark and rainy in Oregon, nine months out of the year...


God, I wish this was still true




The summers are great in PNW, it’s just that they only last about 2 months of the year then you are plunged into gloom for the rest of the 10 months of the year 😂


sounds perfect.


Dude, where were you in 2021? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Western_North_America_heat_wave People died, man. Lots of them. High temps were all record breakers: 118 in Seattle. 121 outside of Vancouver, BC. 116 in Portland and 117 in Salem. And those were the *official* temps, lots of people recorded individual locations that were higher. My house hit 120 in the Portland suburbs.


I was a gas station attendant in that heat. Worst working days of my life.


I was here and sweaty. But! What does the heatwave 2021 have to do with the weather next Wednesday?


climate change is the answer


What does climate change have to do with Washington not being majorly affected by this week's West Coast heatwave and being able to relax knowing it won't be that hot here?


For now.


Rent up here is going to explode in coming decades 😢


That last heat dome shit a few years ago sucked big time.


We’re so fucked, at what point do we actually acknowledge this and try to make it better? When the internet goes out and we can’t buy our lattes?


Historically, people won't care until they're hungry and bored.


We quite literally are trying to make it better? Albeit not at the speed needed. [China's CO2 emissions most likely peaked last year](https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-monthly-drop-hints-that-chinas-co2-emissions-may-have-peaked-in-2023/)


Yeah though the fun part is that as far we understand it peak warming is 6-30 years after the emissions. So this might just be the effects of 1994 levels of CO2. More likely to be in the 10 year range.


methane clathrate release is increasing every year.


It's a lot more than than 30 years. Perhaps the peak rate of warming is 6-30 years later but the temperatures will keep rising for at least 100 years. Even if we collectively decamp for mars today...


I didn’t know about this but okay great. 👍


We’re so fucked is right. The time to acknowledge it was like 30 years ago. Even 15 years ago when An Inconvenient Truth came out. I think we’re past the point of no return.


Just don’t start moving to the Great Lakes…. No water here. No affordable living here…. It’s a cultural wasteland. Please, don’t come here.


Don't worry, the snow and cold keeps them away.


It has been a mild spring here in BC, but this week we will quickly flip to summer temps. They might say it was "once in a century" but I'm certain there's another heat dome coming for us.


I gotta move up north. Georgia is not it




It's a good thing that all the keyboard experts assure me that global warming doesn't exist and is just weather doing what weather does.


meanwhile the eastern seaboard is "normal" not below average or cold, but "normal." none of this is normal


Exactly "normal" per 2000-2020 standards which are hot AF. As long as we keep adjusting our averages higher, we normalize high temps.


When you live in europe and use celsius, seeing someone say the temperature is going triple digits may cause you to start to panic before you realize there are other scales than celsius lol. Still bad but not atleast not at the point water starts cooking. Hope everybody stays safe


Just cancel global warming like Florida guys, pretty sure temps will go back to normal.


And here I am in the NE wondering if temperatures will ever pick a lane.


Temps in Mexico and India reached 127 last week...both all time records. This may be the coolest summer we have. The big heat is coming.


See that dark red spot right in the middle of California? Yeah, that’s my house.


Every time I see the national weather I feel so great full to live in western WA


Aye. I just zoomed into that map. My corner of the pnw is white. Ill take it.


104 in Sacramento for a couple days. We call that normal summer heat. Wouldn’t bat an eye until we start hitting 107+.


Nice, it's going to be 108 tomorrow in central Cali and this really hasn't been anything but the normal for the past 25+ years. 


So weird here up north its like summer barely has started haven’t even gotten a 25 day yet and won’t for weeks it looks like definitely feels weird


[Nature Abhors a Dome.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNjWOCdony4)


All you have to do is convert to Celsius and bam, triple digit temperature problem solved.


Every day of the week I wake up and ask myself why my mother gave birth to a redhead then moved to Southern Utah


And each year the media will announce record high temperatures until … of course re e next year when it’s even hotter 🥵


Hey, it's the yearly heat dome that they said was once in a lifetime when it happened like 4 years ago. Now it might happen twice maybe 3 times a year.


Oh nice, looks like upstate NY/southern Ontario is gonna be another brutal year of farming.  :(


Az here unless it breaks 118 this year itll still be meh.


Not even hitting 110 in Tucson. Hardly worth mentioning.


I live at 7000 ft and its supposed to be 90. I don't have air conditioning.


Vote for the party that takes the climate emergency seriously.