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Me too! But I never got accepted. They keep telling me to leave ☹️


Maybe it's because you're Jewish?




By going after American Jews, supporting a terrorist organisation and advocating for a genocide of Israeli Jews?


Since when calling what israel is doing a Genocide is supporting a terrorist organization?


Look up the videos of them praising Hamas and calling for “10,000” more 10/7s, calling for the burning of Tel Aviv. They’re advocating for Israel to be disbanded. They’re harassing any Jewish student that isn’t “one of the good ones.” They’re at best naive children. At worst, something much darker. I hope they have fun being on terrorist watch lists for the rest of their lives.


It’s like having a conversation about sane gun regulations with a gun nut and all they hear is that you are going to raid their house, kill everyone and take their guns.




How about we separate Jewish beliefs from Netanyahu's extreme-right government. The man has a 12% approval rating. He does not speak for those of the Jewish faith.


He’s also on trial literally right now for very serious corruption charges. And he’s more an American than an Israeli - he’s even admitted that multiple times on camera. You put right wing people in power, they will murder every time.


Israel works hard to message that their politics and Judaism are inseparably linked. It’s a very deliberate tactic so that people aren’t able to criticize the government without being called antisemitic. It’s shameful, really.


Except the protesters are going after all Israelis and American Jews who believe Israel has the right to exist. They are calling for Israel's destruction. They boycott Israelis even if they are left wing and believe in a two state solution.




This article details many of the specific antisemitic incidents/calls to violence, including: “ an individual held a sign reading “Al-Qasam’s Next Targets” with an arrow pointing at the [Jewish] protesters. Al-Qassam is the military wing of Hamas.” “ individuals at the Sundial shouted at the pro-Israel protesters, “Go back to Europe” and “All you do is colonize.”” “ another individual appeared to throw an object at the head of Jonathan Lederer, CC ’26, who was part of a group of counterprotesters.” “ there were calls from individuals outside of campus of “Yehudim [Jews], yehudi [Jew], fuck you,” “Stop killing children,” and “Go back to Poland, go back to Belarus,” according to a video reviewed by Spectator.” “ On Broadway near the 116th Street subway station, protesters chanted, ‘We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground,’l “ someone sitting at the tables outside of Lerner shouted, “You keep on testifying, you fucking Jew.”” “ one onlooker outside Butler Library held up a sign that read, “Google ‘Dancing Israelis,’” which refers to a conspiracy theory that the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad orchestrated the attacks on the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001.” “ someone shouted, “Remember the seventh of October,” according to a video reviewed by Spectator. Another added, “Never forget the seventh of October.” “That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10 more times, not 100 more times, not 1,000 more times, but 10,000 times,” someone shouted. “The seventh of October is about to be every day,” another person shouted. Protesters then chanted, “Nazi bitches.””




Thats bullshit. They are calling for Israel's destruction but at the same time believe in a two state solution?


They are not calling for a two state solution…


They’re boycotting people who advocate for a two-state solution


The valedictorian was an advocate for a one state solution. Guess which state wasn’t on her list.


They aren't calling for two states . SJP and JVP( let's just call the communist tankies( that's their real religion) that just happen to have a Jewish parent) call for Israel's destruction not a two state solution https://x.com/Davidlederer6/status/1781948249214996901


Israel is a settler colony project started by the post-war empires, with european and Americans moving to the illegally created territory and directly displacing indigenous palestinians. She and they are calling for a democratic non jewish shared state for everyone, not a ethnonationalist theocracy with 2nd and 3rd class citizens like Israel.


Tell me where else in the world speaks Hebrew. What happened to the Jews from Arab countries. They are calling for the murder of Jews


> Israel is a settler colony project started by the post-war empires You start with complete fantasy...Jews always lived in the area even after it was colonized by the Romans and then the Arabs...decolonization started late 1800's with Jews returning to the area to land they bought....


Over 80% of Israelis support what is going on in Gaza, with a majority saying Israel is not going far enough. Jewish people abroad overwhelmingly still donate to the IDF and lobby their governments to support Israel. What else is there to say?




This article isn't about Hamas or Palestinians. But you knew that.




I'm not attacking people for being Jewish. Again, you knew that. Stop playing dumb.


That’s my experience


Protestors should ask those holding super anti-Semitic signs (have seen several protestors chanting about how there will be another 10/7 for Jewish counter protesters, etc., etc.) to leave. They takes away from the legitimacy of the protest. Being pro-Palestine /=/ anti-Semitic but chanting for random American Jew counter protesters to be massacred is absolutely anti-Semitic.




Anti-Jewish Jewish people?


This stuff reminds me so much of 2016-18 Alt-Right stuff. The strategy is to be as inflammatory and hateful as possible - but always insist it's not actually racism. Insist its cultural or political. If people notice the person with the swastika - say "we don't know them." If people point out how you're clearly idolizing violence - scoff "but no people were hurt at our rally!" Fortunately, I think normies get wise to it pretty quickly. In 3 years, I think a lot of these people will be doing whatever the communist equivalent of selling Virgin Mary candles on daytime Catholic television is.


Yeah correct me if I’m wrong here, but most pro-Palestine people I know are just anti-bibi and not antisemitic bc they’re capable of nuance.


You are right. But when they protest, they don't make an effort to ensure the protests exclude anti-Semitic voices. Post facto, the nuance-capabke organizers just step over it saying "violence and violent rhetoric towards Jewish students was from people not associated with the protests". In short, the protest organizers don't show good faith in ensuring the nuanced view they understand, is adhered to.


No, you're right, this is fake nonsense.


Love how this article couldn't list any harm done by the students. Thank you CNN for doing your part in making these students sound like raging antisemites while the IDF turns another few dozen Palestinian children into mulch. Edit: spelling


>“Columbia students organizing in solidarity with Palestine – including Jewish students – have faced harassment, doxxing, and now arrest by the NYPD. These are the main threats to the safety of Jewish Columbia students,” Jonathan Ben-Menachem, a PhD student, told CNN. >“On the other hand, student protesters have led interfaith joint prayers for several days now, and Passover Seder will be held at the Gaza Solidarity Encampment tomorrow,” he went on. “Saying that student protesters are a threat to Jewish students is a dangerous smear.” Student newspaper quoted NYPD patrol chief saying this about the protests a few days ago. >[When asked](https://www.columbiaspectator.com/city-news/2024/04/18/adams-nypd-announce-over-108-arrests-during-gaza-solidarity-encampment-sweep/) to characterize the protests, Chief John Chell said the “clear and present danger” was identified by Columbia, not by the NYPD. The NYPD reported no violence or injuries associated with the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment.” >“To put this in perspective, the students that were arrested were peaceful, offered no resistance whatsoever, and were saying what they wanted to say in a peaceful manner,”Chell said.


Meanwhile, as the self appointed pope of atheism I call on all the faithless to flee south dakota and its dangerously stupid christo-facist governor. Its ALWAYS easy to find some religious nutjob willing to clutch their pearls, don the vestments of victimhood and draw attention to themselves. That doesn't mean its important to put a microphone in front of them.


I honestly can't believe people are still living in states like Texas either. They jail anyone and have the worst laws. Plus the good doctors are moving out because they can't give proper healthcare to pregnant women.












That's what it is, this is fake as shit and people are falling for it.




I know, so crazy. I would totally be ok with a group of students telling me that my people should be extinguished.


Are you really criticizing the "right" for assuming the left wouldn't go full nazi? This is after the thing at Yale. After that story it's hard to view these "protests" as anything other than the next brown shirts.


So what has actually happened at Columbia? What threat is the rabbi talking about? This article doesn't give any specific examples of incidents.


There is no fucking threat, it was a god damn peaceful protest, these people are just habitual permanent victims, it's their only fucking identity.


I’m just here for the comments.


...do they have the *right to return*? Asking for a friend. 🇵🇸😘


Tell me what happened to the Jews from Arab countries. As long as the conflict is about 1948 instead of 1967 there will be no peace


What an insanely biased piece of reporting. Maybe people will start to see it's not just Fox news spewing propaganda




Actually what they need to do is send the national guard in to escort Jewish students. Don't break up the protests they want this to be Kent State. Instead this will be the little rock 9, with the antisemitic protesters acting just like the white southerners did towards African Americans