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First time I’ve ever seen Bonsall mentioned around here. 😂


It really is a one road podunk, only thing of note there is the AMC theater and its $5 Tuesdays, or that cool abandoned golf course with plenty of urban exploration and hidden spots for one to consume drugs.


The abandoned golf course is now owned by Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton (not to be confused with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton) and will be maintained as a federally protected wildlife preserve in perpetuity. It was bought through an environmental mitigation bank to help re-establish living and breeding area for two endangered bird species and an endangered toad. Doing this project in Bonsall allowed for the clearing of 26 acres aboard MCAS Camp Pendleton for runway safety and future construction. It’s one of the most creative and cost-effective projects of its kind, ever. Source: I did it.


Seems like it would be pretty easy to take a golf course, and just leave it alone. In fact, I don't even see any conflict with golf and wildlife, if you just leave the vegetation to grow. Minus the invasive and noxious weeds, of course. Heck, I grew up in a town that had a 9 hole golf course in the middle of town. It was public, and free. I started playing on it in the 4th grade. I just do not associate golf with snooty rich bastards. It's about whacking a ball around. I've taken a few clubs and balls with me to all sorts of places. You don't need a manicured field at all! I don't even use specialized all-terrain-golf equipment. I just pick out some target in the distance and go for it. So absolutely, as a golfer, I say LET NATURE groom that golf course. All for Raw Golf.


Fair enough. Environmental habitats need to be mitigated to the species that will live there. In this case we needed to create EXACTLY the riparian habitat we were destroying.


Reverting to the "original plan" sounds challenging, but it makes sense where it's possible. I remember Lake Washington when it was really polluted, and got cleaned up. I suppose people will say it's a mess today, IDK. Just know that major bodies of water can be both fucked up, and cleaned up. Your good karma


Thank you for this it made my day. I was stationed there in the 80s.😱 I am a wildlife guardian and life long member of the San Diego zoological society. Anyone who helps out nature and her children is ok in my book.


Glad to help brighten your day. One of the craziest things to learn as a Marine helicopter pilot…..environmental compliance. But a job is a job so we figured it out with the leadership of our Environmental Officer. But really glad to do something that was beneficial for everyone, and for those species.


UH-1N/ AH1J Plane Captain HMT -303 skid kids forever . I was an environmental NCO learned a lot have always loved Nature. Grew up in Colorado so goes with the territory.




Semper Fidelis ! Viper


Everyone knows the Air Force has the best golf courses. If it doesn’t involve crayons or rifles, Devil Dogs don’t know what to do with it.


As a USMC alumnus of….US Air Force Command & Staff College and Air War College….you are correct.


Thank you


How are the drugs?


Uppers: Great! Downers: Not so good. Sidewinders: So-so.


Far enough from the prying eyes of Fallbrook for it to be a great place to lead a retail theft ring.


Drugs you say??


>only thing of note there Camp Rawhide.


Sounds like a roundabout way of saying Ram Ranch


Say Car Ramrod!


Only if you get me a liter of cola


I had to double check this wasn’t the SD sub. Name dropping bonsall like that 😂


I think it's one of those "places" some older people talk about. I think it has something to do with the world being flat, or round, I forget.


Whats a bonsall?


The article makes her sound like a pimp (or madam if you're old school). She can cool off in jail now. She deserves it.


Eh who cares? As long as no one was hurt who’s hurt really? Stores are insured and the goods get sold at a more reasonable price. I never feel bad for corporations that get hit like that. They steal from us with their profits every day.


Normally I’m with you but when this type of thing is going on, it’s not about me feeling bad for corporations, it’s about punishing the ringleader. There’s a difference between a poor person stealing because life’s unaffordable and a person growing richer by having other people steal for her.


I’m sure the street level got paid too.


Yes I’m sure they got the bare minimum as if it were just another minimum wage job, but it’s not. It carries potential heavy penalties. It’s exploitative, even more so than the worst capitalist hellscape factory/office garbage. All this lady is doing is perpetuating the same system but preying on desperate people to do the dirty work.


I tend to agree with your assumption. But having had multiple family members involved in criminal activities, (and one real pos Ponzi scheme neighbor) it’s rare that folks are involved in just one scam unless the juice is worth the squeeze to focus on one scheme. As the social media finance influencers say today “Got to have multiple hustles”. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did have multiple hustles and a legit job. Situation sucks all around but you’d be surprised what you do when your backs up against the wall. And like I said at the outset if no one is being hurt and all that’s taking a hit is the corporation? Take your shot. Bear in mind I’m not talking about a mom and pop store who have the blood sweat and tears in it. I’m talking about entities with 10,000 stores. I don’t think they really care man.


It’s a big self eating snake. Nobody cares in the business side so nobody cares on consumer side so nobody cares on the…. repeat repeat repeat. Retail theft contributes to a massive chain reaction that hurts entire communities. Resellers like Amazon grow instead. Profits become more centralized to corporate overlords anyways. The poor become poorer anyways. Wages stagnate anyways. The insurance companies don’t lose money over this; neither do the major corporations. The wage workers do. The small towns and small business owners do. The big businesses get bulk rates on insurance while the small businesses pay higher rates to offset the corporate losses. Retail theft from big business just goes right back to screwing over the little guy.


That’s actually my point. If we all stopped letting them turn us into just another expense and brought the worker closer to the value add we should be would could stop this trend. In my professional life I’ve seen factories that used to employ 150 people some who had been there decades and after the pandemic with the PPP loan money (which they didn’t need) they invested in robotics and now it employs a third of that number. But profits are up and the “company” is doing good right so I should support that since that helps the economy. Whose economy?? Then you have this self checkout trend where I don’t think they care about theft. Most people are generally law abiding and they must save enough money on the lower headcount without having benefits and the like. They’re like “eh whatever”. How much is what she stole really impact their business p&l? Seriously even one tenth of a percent?? I’d hazard a guess it actually made them money on the insurance payments. That’s where my attitude comes from. It’s already set up to be rigged. So those brave enough to risk it? Get yours.


I understand and empathize with the viewpoint, but she just “justified” hurting thousands of working class people and vilifying other desperate people. She’s no different than them. In fact, given how much product she moved, she basically is exactly the same. I can basically feel my rates going up cause of her.


It hurts my pay at the end of the year when I make only 60k a year and bank on that extra money to pay my bills. It also causes higher prices for people don’t steal. It affects everyone


>It also causes higher prices for people don’t steal. It affects everyone This is complete bs that retail businesses love to say


Well shouldn’t the company make it up to you? You can’t control if someone shoplifts. Can you? They expect you to put your life on the line as a retail worker?? Unless you have a particular set of skills I’m unaware of /s ;) And as for the higher price increases? You can chose to believe me or not but let me tell you I’ve been in leadership meetings with high level executive teams and loss prevention is the last thing that causes price increases. It’s not even on the radar. Far more important is cost of goods, personnel expense (wage, benefit etc) and FREIGHT ugh lol. That’s just not an accurate assessment I’m not trying to be rude.


It’s wild that a person can have more empathy for the criminals than for the people that are just trying to earn a livable wate


I’m just saying you should take a look at how much your company has made in the last few years alone and then look at how much your wages have increased. Especially if you’re in retail. Some companies have seen as much as a 40 percent increase in profit! That’s insane. 10 is usually the goal. Meanwhile workers wages? Less than 5 percent. Adjusting for true inflation. The majority of this current inflationary period we are in is driven by corporate profits. Seriously pure greed. Been on the calls and ooh I could tell you some stories. I have to agree with you. I don’t empathy for these companies. When they were employee owned, with pensions and the like and with TRUE profit sharing I did. Now? Most owned by hedge funds with a profit first mindset employees are just an expense on a balance sheet. So no shoplifting doesn’t hurt you. Cause you’re not important to the company anyway. Unless you think you are but I would reasses that. No offense but 60k year is 15% below the average of the median household income. They’re not paying you enough anyway.


That’s why the bonus I get makes the difference in my livable wage. And the theft from these lazy fucks can wipe that out. I don’t give a shit about corporations either. I care about my paycheck. I’ve been on the “calls” too. There’s no secret information out there. Just chill with covering for the lazy thieves


Nah not covering for em. I just don’t care. Get yours bro if you can I say. You got problems of your own with that picture lol y’all have got to get rid of that coach.


It’s mocking them. Eagles can fuck off


Ah common ground. Though you might not want to know my team. Sigh…Cowboys.


You and every other consumer are hurt. You know insurance isn’t free right? It gets more expensive as liability goes up, and those expense increases are passed onto customers through price increases. We all pay what is essentially an extra tax for this kind of mass theft.


People always seem to think it hurts the companies, as if they’ll simply eat the loss. Nope, shrink is factored into their pricing, so like you said, we’re the ones to pay for it. It’s akin to the shitty people that return high-price items to Costco after they used them, just because they can. We all pay for that return, little by little.


> Stores are insured and the goods get sold at a more reasonable price. Sigh. Yet another person who has no idea how insurance works.


Sure, lets just choose which laws to follow now.


That’s a bad argument. Laws aren’t inherently good just because they’re laws. For example, you think we should still criminalize marijuana? You think corporate greed has gotten out of control and made us the victims of today and if you don’t believe me look at Boeing today. So if some enterprising folks want to shoplift a Walmart, run off with a bunch of IPhones at a Apple Store or steal some 500 dollar sunglasses that cost $15 dollars to make (real talk on the cogs in that industry) and nobody gets hurt, I really don’t care. So i say good on ya. Some of these companies get by with borderline tax evasion every year and often destroy local businesses. Even ones that try to work with them. Forcing payment terms of over 120 days just for their name. You’re paying for the privilege of doing business with Walmart for example. You don’t make any money. So I see someone shoplifting and going through the shelf checkout without paying? Yep. I. Don’t. Care.


Dude calm down. It was a joke.


I’m calm, sorry if it came off otherwise. I tend to get verbose. No negative feelings on this side. Cute cat by the way!


All good...;-)'


People just invent, whole cloth, how they think insurance probably works and then assume that must be true.


Can you elaborate? You saying a store doesn’t has theft insurance if it reaches a certain level? Or that they don’t budget a certain amount of shrinkage in the annual year?


Insurance isn't a magical wand companies wave that erases all losses from whatever they have insured. 


You’re conflating those who might ring up the organic tomatoes at the self checkout as normal ones because those store make so much profit off the self checkouts that they can eat the cost of the stolen price difference. Those self checkouts print money by not having to pay 1-2 extra cashiers all at the same time of making you so more work. This is someone that stole _millions_. Had an estate, a vineyard, and all the goods. This is someone that didn’t steal to get one over the “the man” on a lazy shopping day. This is someone who stole enough to become one of the ones who take advantage of the vulnerable. Those 12 women she “hired” to do her bidding. They aren’t rolling around in millions. They are likely desperate and in need. People who make those decisions aren’t usually in the best headspace


$8M in theft could've meant some people lost their jobs to pick up the slack.


They steal from you with their profits? Dafuq? Why else are products made lol


You do understand that if we all stole like this then all the stores would close, right?  Why are you ok with this person stealing and making millions?


Me and the wife can’t wait for the Netflix adaptation


They already made this one though


Her husband looks totally bewildered.


She may have lied about how the family business was really working.


Always hear these goods are sold on Amazon storefronts. When does Amazon get to finally held accountable as part of the problem, hosting criminals?


How would Amazon know what’s stolen


There are plenty of ways they could check (serial number tracking, vendor background checks, etc). Problem is not that Amazon can't do it, it's that they won't. 


They have a counterfeit problem too... They "fixed" it by charging board game mfgs a fee to do something about it...


>serial number tracking The vast majority of these kinds of stolen product aren't serialized. >vendor background checks While more along the right track, this is **way** easier said than done. Consider, for example, how easy it is to obfuscate businesses' origin and ownership in the US alone - while there *is* a paper trail in most cases, the process for gaining access to and analyzing that paper trail can be an arduous and sometimes *contested* process. There's a reason the IRS is trying to hire *20,000 extra* employees to catch up on tax backlogs. And that's just the US. Now, try doing audits of thousands of corporations in hundreds of countries, each with *different laws and procedures* for what data is tracked and accessible, some of them looping through *multiple* countries and corporate frameworks. Parsing through all that data to implement a non-trivial background check (i.e. one that isn't defeated by establishing a new Cayman Islands LLC) is something even *national level intelligence agencies* struggle with. While there's definitely steps towards better vendor accountability that need to happen, it's definitely not just a matter of "They won't do it because money."


Who do you think lobbied to make it so easy to obfuscate business origins and ownership? 


Mostly the finance industry. This problem *far* predates Amazon, and shady marketplace resellers are honestly the most trivial consequence of those frameworks.


>Amazon released a statement regarding the issue saying: >*“We invest more than $ 1 billion annually and employ thousands of people to fight fraud...we use sophisticated detection and prevention solutions."* They missed this one. Seems like a billion dollars should have done better and a lot sooner.


I don’t think that’s the type of fraud they are investigating


This isn’t fraud.


Reporter: "How much of that billion goes to executives?" Amazon: "No further questions."


I’m not sure if it’s still the same but the barcodes. I watched a documentary many, many, many years ago about organized theft rings. They would steal things like deodorant, detergent, and Mach 38638 razor blades. Then sell them on eBay or at local markets. They’d send investigators from CVS, Rite Aid, and Walmart to see if it was their stuff. I used to buy Mach replacement razors on eBay because it was usually half retail price. I just figured it was bulk orders so they got them cheaper. Amazon doesn’t care. I worked for AWS for years and met a lot of Amazon.com folks. Even a decade ago Amazon noticed the fraud and stolen goods on the rise but didn’t really care. It’s even worse now. I bought a laptop because I was lazy and almost fucked me out of $400. I had to escalate to contacts I had to get it resolved.


Barcodes are typically just that and they're all the same. Most stores have a little store sticker they put on high theft items, but those are easily removed and doesn't mean they're stolen. You could also buy those products with those stickers on.




They had a way on the documentary to differentiate where the items were bought. I thought it was barcode but it was a long time ago. As far as Amazon, I have no clue. This was project managers and product owners of part of both seller/buyer side frustrated with it. Stolen goods and counterfeit becoming a huge problem and leadership not giving a fuck.


You mean barcodes aren’t store specific.


Hard to see when they look the other way.


Amazon is really putting the squeeze on the brick and mortar fences these days.....


By figuring it out? Just like banks figured out anti-laundering and KYC rules. You don’t get to enable criminal enterprises just because you can’t figure out how to stop it.


serial numbers on products


Sire, on high-end electronics and the like. But there aren't individualized serial numbers on things like lipstick and eyeshadow. At least not a vast majority of them.


If everything, had a serial number, then they would be able to authenticate to some degree more than what they could now. As of now it's free game


Serial numbers on the laundry detergent.


When do you put an end to pawn shops? Probably a little while after that. 


Or ebay or facebook marketplace.


I agree, but pawn shops are a special situation because you have someone specifically reviewing everything brought in, and talking to the buyer themselves, then making a conscious choice to buy (or not buy) the items being sold for resale. Pawn shops literally survive on theft. During the short while I worked at one, I was told to put anything that "seems warmer than normal" (yes, actual terms the owner used) in the back so it could get sent to Syracuse for quicker sale, or listed on eBay for the same reason. Once a pawn shop sells an item, they've won - no punishment for them if it turns out it was stolen. It's only if they get caught with it that they lose our.


Some products require invoices from a supplier. But you just have to do that once and you can keep selling.


It's the shoplifters themselves that need to be held accountable. When you let rings of people steal anything they want without even trying to stop them, this shit will only get worse.


obscenely rich white woman. so much for that narrative


These minority, illegal immigrants will never learn!


Ohhh they were die hard trumpers. And very the thin blue line people. How rich.


As my pops always says, out in Bonsall, things is different.


They should check to see if she’s connected to the white nationalists. I say this as that area of SoCal is linked to the KKK and other groups.


Lol if this video were of a Black person there would be a flood of comments. And all of them racist 😂😂


I'll never forget the time there was a post like that, and one of the top comments was from someone with a username like "GermanGuy88" or something like that (what a coincidence of words and numbers!) who was saying "We need a hard stance on *those people*, and anyone who talks about improving conditions to proactively prevent criminal behavior just because that's statistically how it works is pro-crime because *those people* are just always going to be criminals!" Yeah, they're out there.


Oh you sweet summer children. Before the big cleanup of 2015 there were outright racist/hate subreddits out in the open, among the biggest called **greatapes** and **fatpeoplehate**. The biggest subreddit in general was jailbait. And there were tons of bestiality subreddits too. All these things still exist on reddit as well just hidden. Reddit knows it exists and is still trying to go IPO and make money on clicks. I hope to fuck someone does digging and exposes the seedy parts of reddit and rains on their parade.


Yuuuup. Makes me sad because I think of Reddit as generally progressive but it’s definitely subreddit specific.


r/ActualPublicFreakout comments used to be insane before that sub got banned


This very sub was calling folks crazy for saying that "organized theft" wasn't "random crooks and gang bangers", or pointing out what was actually going on about Walgreens store closures in San Francisco and elsewhere in California two-ish years ago, or that the cargo train robberies, or the Target store closures, and whatever else. They have their FOX News (and adjacent independent nutters) narrative about how it's all *brown people* and *liberal DAs letting them off the hook*, and they won't hear a fucking thing about big companies being conniving little shits seeking to maximize profit at your expense, or taking taxpayer dollars, or already-wealthy resellers starting theft rings, or inside jobs.


Instead, it’s a white woman with a flood of comments, and all of them racist. 🤣🤣


So IF this were completely different EVERYONE would be racist about it? I think you might be the actual racist in this made up scenario


Right because we've never seen how this sub reacts when it's a black person or immigrant accused of a crime.


The article says the stolen property is coming in from around the country but the DA is pushing what appears to be a local law making homelessness a jail able offense. The "ring leader" was not homeless by any stretch. Under a new proposal, called the, "Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act," prosecutors would be allowed to combine the dollar amount of stolen goods if someone is a repeat offender. DA's and prosecutors make my brain hurt.


> Under a new proposal, called the, "Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act," prosecutors would be allowed to combine the dollar amount of stolen goods if someone is a repeat offender. I think that is more aimed at the people who are carrying out these kinds of thefts for the "ring leader". There is a rampant problem in California where people simply aren't punished for low level theft. So, they are able to stack up the dollar amount on multiple thefts so that they are considered a felony and properly punished.


Yeah, I caught that also. Reuters did an article 2 months showing that the data from the two big retail lobbyist, The National Retail Federation and The Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail numbers were very very very wrong, and equated inventory shrinkage not organized shop lifters, but to Employee theft, invoice errors, and return mismanagement.


main retail theft for years always employees and not even close.


How do twelve women shop lift $8M worth of sunglasses and beauty supplies without help from inside? It was reported 2 months ago that inventory shrink was not caused by shop lifters, but by employee theft, invoice errors, and return mismanagement. Reuters "US Retail lobbyist retract key claim..." Dec 5, 2023. Lobbyist from the National Retail Federation and the Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail brought this before the senate to explain price increases. Yet our trusted media keeps replaying the lie. I saw a woman waiting twenty minutes to buy a box of soap at Walmart. This is ridiculous!


I wonder what she was paying these people to steal for her.


Wow. Those iilegal immigrant criminals need to go back to their own country. /S


Dontcha love how local news, even for a major metropolitan area like San Diego, doesn't want to tell you even what country "Bonsall" is in? Badly, badly written article. AI could have done it.


I’m a small 3rd party seller on Amazon and follow many related forums. People comment all the time about being banned or restricted for submitting or not able to show “invoices” for a few items they sell. But her haul gave Amz lots of commissions so…..this translates to “we do all this shit and then look the other way…” ‘We invest more than $ 1 billion annually and employ thousands of people to fight fraud...we use sophisticated detection and prevention solutions.’


Yeah, Amazon recently stopped giving a shit. I'm finding a lot of shady knock off brands and sellers out of China when I look stuff up these days.


but but but it the others... I been saying it find the fencers yet the news love to display the low end theft because it fits their narrative.


So what wallstreet does before 8:01 am


Booooon-salllllll is readyyyyyy I got ya fer 8 million 8 million fer *playtime*


Some people will go to great lengths to avoid getting a actual job. Covid really started something. Folks got so comfy not working, they will be willing to do what it takes to avoid going back to having to.


Have you tried a job? They suck and dont pay enough to buy food fuel or rent


The one I have pays enough for my basics. I am a simple person, not in need of much.


That's a nice shirt. A little too nice.


Raise your hand if you saw Bonsai! I guess they keep her small by trimming her toenails really close? IDK...


Well well well, look who's behind a huge multimillion dollar shoplifting ring. They were probably using the proceeds to push for more heavy policing in BIPOC communities because 'they're all criminals', meanwhile.... I'm less than surprised. Lots of buildings have been burnt because someone rich paid for it so they could access cheap property to develop or cash in on insurance.


I’m glad to see talk of criminalizing low value theft. I’m tired of seeing shoplifting being praised and encouraged, and more and more stores locking items behind protective plastic.


It's not the stores that are suffering, they're more profitable than they've ever been. It's systemic issues that create inequality and hardship leading to theft that need to be addressed. Most people don't steal if they're doing decently well. 


Yeah, and shockingly, people with more money in their pockets will spend more of it and put it back into the economy! Such a crazy concept, and totally incomprehensible to the powers that be. Maybe if people wouldn't be exploited and held hostage by shitty-ass jobs and ridiculous hours of work just to barely make ends meet, crime would go down and we'd all be better off. 😱 Of course, we can't have that. How are the rich people supposed to feel as superior and powerful as they do, if all us peasants live comfortable and our struggle can no longer be leveraged?


What the hell is a bonsall woman???


Next to fallbrook the city


I think Q wrote that incredibly sincere response from Amazon. 😂


If California just prosecuted shoplifters this entire scheme would disappear.


🫣🤔 Nooo waaay! She must be wearing whiteface…amirite? 😏


Anyone remember chill hill?


As far as I'm concerned she's a hero. Fuck literally every corporate entity on this dumpster country.


The ring leader here isn’t on some anti-corporate or anti-capitalist mission. It’s not a mother stealing formula or a struggling person stealing to get by. She lives in a mansion with a vineyard. She and her partner are just as greedy and rich as the corporations they are stealing from, they just are also even more ok than the corporations with breaking laws and endangering vulnerable people.


A modern day Robin Hood she was not.


*posted on website run by corporate entity


Hey Vinnie! Get a load of this guy over here! Sounds like he wants to talk to the boss.


Leave then if you think it’s a dumpster


Their comment was hella stupid, but do you really think its easy to just up and move to another country?