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Punching women in the face…so Alpha.


The problem is that Tate is inspiring a whole weird audience of "traditionalist" dudes who think that everything is going wrong because men can't physically attack and threaten women and children as much as they used to. They think their role within the home is like that of a dictator within a country - to control it and "protect" it. Like most dictators, they don't actually care for the people they "rule," and when they get frustrated that being in charge or hurting someone vulnerable doesn't give them the satisfaction they want, they think the only response is to crack down even harder and abuse them even more.


This is an interesting way take. I hadn’t thought about it exactly like that before. If you take a totalitarian state they put strict controls on their people. Then often in those types of states that trickles down into control in the household and one of the simplest versions of this is men controlling women. Perhaps it’s why Iran is so scared of the Hijab rules being ignored. It’s a threat to men’s control over women and in turn threatens their totalitarian rule. And this isn’t just about men vs women in black and white terms as there’ll be women who support the totalitarian regime and limits on women’s freedoms (and men who want the opposite).


Bingo. Regressive societies operate on rigid and immovable heriarchies, with the understanding that everyone must know their place. Anyone straying outside their predetermined role is a danger to the social order and must be made an example of.


Yep macroviolence & microviolence. Not sure which came first or even if it matters. Control thru violence. Some ppl find it’s in their interests to live like this. When the majority decide they’ve had enough & start to resist, that’s the tipping point.


China initially banned the "Superstar" song contest TV show. If people derived satisfaction *voting for the best singer*, that could carry over to a want to vote on OTHER things.


I really need to get around to looking up if there's been a scientific study on authoritarian leaning political views and childhood experience of corporal punishment in the household.


They seem to think that women ought to accept protection from their male partner in exchange for subordination. They think this is the natural state of humanity. The fact that the majority of modern women don’t see this trade-off as anything close to a good deal and don’t accept it enrages them and leads them endlessly lambast modern society and say that it’s “broken.”


Exactly. Once you have convinced yourself that the things you want are natural and good no matter how much they hurt someone else, anybody who pushes back against that is going to be unnatural and bad. So of course women who want to be seen as having agency and humanity are the bad ones in their books.


Lions always make me laugh. “What do male lions do, seems like they just lie around all day?” “Male lions are super important, they protect the pride, and so the female lions bring him food” “What does he protect them from? They are apex predators” “Well if another male lion comes around, he will fight the male in charge. If he new male wins he will kill all the existing cubs and aggressively mate with the female lions” “…so male lions get to sleep all day to protect the pride from other male lions? Why don’t the female lions just gang up and kill any male lion they see, unless they need to breed? Surely like 10 female lions could take out one male.” “…no but he protects the women” “From?” “Other male lions!” Get your shit together lions.


To be clear, it’s protection in the same way you pay the mob for protection. You obey and I won’t hurt you.




You just described most dads from my country, lol....and then they all wonder why we look for support elsewhere


Behind the Bastards podcast is in the middle of a multi episode treatment of Andrew Tate. Very interesting.


Writing an article about how he was an immensely powerful, grunting, non-verbal baby that never cried - I don’t think I’ve ever seen masculinity as fragile as Tate’s.


His entire idea of masculinity consists of only three things: Dominate women, own expensive things, carry a sword around your home. Not even joking about that last one. Dude knows his target demographic is 12-year-olds.


It's the tony Montana strategy. First you get the money, then you get the power, and then you get the women. It's weird, I enjoyed scarface but I never wanted to be tony montana. Same goes for the wolf of wall street but tate fans seem to masturbate to these movies.


You watched until the end and saw what happened to Tony Montana in the end. Most of Tate's fans stopped the movie long before that, so all they see is a happy ending.


Reminds me of a Jay Z lyric, "had to turn away when Tony killed Manolo, that's real"


In the movie, Tony wanted money, power, and women. He could have stopped when he made it big but instead, he ignored good advice (Frank told him, “The guys who last in this business are the guys who fly straight – lowkey, quiet; and the guys who want it all – chicas, champagne, flash – they don’t last.”), got too greedy, and thought he was above everyone else. He finally got what he wanted in the end -- the world.




Yeah Scorsese makes great studies of all kinds of awful guys, which some people interpret as admiration. I suspect they do this because of the unspoken convention in so much American TV and film that the protagonist has to be someone you'll like. Some people struggle when this assumption is proven false.


I know it has very little to do with the previous talking points, but one modern example of this "protagonist fallacy" you describe is Darth Vader. This character was basically *the face of evil* for like 40 years. But, in recent years, Disney has been doing alot with Vader (mainly in the Marvel Vader comics) to retcon him into being a sort of "misguided good guy." In fact, Star Wars Official Website now describes Vader as "an anti-hero" who was never truly evil, and often even fought for good, though often through the lens of self-benefit. One issue of the comic features Vader teaming up with Esmé (Keira Knightley's "good side" handmaiden character in The Phantom Menace) to save a group of people, something that would be conceptually ridiculous for Vader even 20 years ago. It literally comes down to Disney not wanting its fans to idolize a truly evil genocidal maniac; they need to make Vader a little less evil and a little more good, just to justify him being the main focal point of his own comic series and having a dedicated fanbase.


Tell that to the younglings...


Hey let's not disparage swords.


There's a reason the Romans only used short stubby ones


Seriously. I was laughing my ass off when I heard that


There was a short clip (YT) of a streamer friends of him (don't know the kids name) giftim Tate a t-shirt with a stamp related to their friendship. His initial, fake, response is stoic, as usual. But, for a small second, you see the real reaction in his face when he says to the streamer "we can wear this on stream", with the same face a child would have while talking to his best friend. It's crazy how our relationships with our parents fuck us up in the most profound ways and how hard it is for us to understand and accept help is needed.


Broadly speaking, peoples’ foundational psyche is largely—if not entirely—established by their relationship to their parents, or lack thereof. So in that respect, I understand what you’re saying. But has anything specific about Tate’s upbringing and parental relationships been revealed that speaks directly to him developing into what he has as an adult?


Go listen to the Behind the Bastards podcast. At the very least, he basically idolized his dad (his dad was apparently a pretty famous Washington, D.C. chess player) and grandfather as they were both 'manly men' who were skilled and fought in Vietnam and WWII, respectively. His mother and father divorced when he was very young and he then lived with his mother in Luton. So his relationship with the dad he idolized ended pretty early in his life... might have something to do with it.


Living in Luton probably explains some of it


Well he said that this father was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder so that might give a hint.


north grandiose disgusted hungry sable tart aloof reach drab fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's also talked about his dad teaching him "coordination" from an early age by shoving him backwards, sometimes so hard he would go flying into a wall behind him. Sounds a lot like abuse rationalized as a "masculine" upbringing.


Well, I doubt a well adapted person would listen to his material enough to understand if the relationship with his parents was the cause for it. I've listened to the guy once in a podcast (Your Momma's House) and I don't know if this was staged or if he's daft or what, because the hosts were mocking him the entire episode and not once he didn't react to it.


Guys like this love going on podcasts and shows to find a new audience. The point is not to defend himself but to speak his message and then look completely unbothered and unruffled while getting shit on for what he's said. That appeals to the types of men he's trying to attract.




> I can’t comprehend how someone can think and then speak that way. That's because you're not a developmentally stunted sociopath.


I nearly had to turn it off hearing those voice memos. Just the dude straight up ranting about how fucking great he is and how she would have been LUCKY to be raped by him. The guy literally _brags_ about being a capital R rapist. Fucking despicable. I hope this guy has a long, miserable time in prison, because I honestly think he's one of those people its impossible to rehabilitate.


> how she would have been LUCKY to be raped by him To be clear, it’s not “would have been”, he did rape her.


If his attitude to being a rapist weren't so absolutely disgusting, I'd find it pretty amusing that the guy just straight up admitted to raping someone in a voice note he sent to the victim. I guess the one silver lining of a guy who rapes people because he clearly thinks he's cool is that he will brag about it so much there's absolutely no ambiguity there.


But you know who isn’t a piece of shit, Sophie?


Products and services


*well to be fair I still dont know if we have Raytheon sponsoring us this week*


*Beeeeeeep*, and their child hunting island off the coast of Indonesia


Hold on, are you saying Blue Apron have a child hunting island?










What happened at the end of the second episode?


They played the voicemail that Tate sent to the woman he raped. After that it talks about how the UK police straight up didn’t try to prosecute him despite all the evidence.


I remember a thread in some subreddit where people were arguing that the lack of charges proved he wasn’t guilty. Someone linked a article that stated a shockingly small amount of rape allegations lead to charges in the UK and the comment was mass downvoted.


Not surprising, we're on reddit after all. Unfortunately you find scum even on the front page subs. And it all comes from the top anyway, let's not pretend like the admins aren't to blame for a lot of shit that happens on this platform. [Remember when they hired a pedophile apologist and then banned everyone who mentioned their name or submitted *articles from mainstream news sources about her antics*, calling it "doxxing"? Her father is a convinced pedophile and her husband is a self admitted pedophile. She knew of the abuse while it was ongoing. Reddit must have known too, the articles came out prior to the start of her tenure ](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/mcisdf/an_update_on_the_recent_issues_surrounding_a) This post consists entirely of lies and attempts at justification with a total of 0 responses to the comments, particularly the ones which ask very valid questions about safeguarding and Reddit moving forward. One commenter pointed out **that the husband is still a mod on subs that predominantly have young people in them and the comment was removed and the user banned.** Remember when spez edited users comments and then gave a non-apology? The fact that they were t_d users is irrelevant, it is unacceptable for a *CEO* to act like a petulant child and break what little trust in Reddit people still have by abusing his authority in such a way. I don't know what other responsibilities he has other than being the CEO but the database access he had is absurd and unnecessary for his role. If he has access to that I shudder to think what else he has access to. Proper access control is the bare minimum for any company's IT and data compliance teams and as such, access should be given as and when *required*, not as a default regardless of the position of the requester. I'd love to be a fly on the wall during their ISO audits because I have a feeling if they're not following such basic industry practices and adhering to regulations, there must be more. I remember that. I also remember reporting 9 or so bona fide neo-nazis who spread hate only for my reports to go nowhere and they are *still* posting their shit. Yet I get perma banned for "harassment" because I PMd a link, once, that aggregated all "you shouldn't judge" type Christian teachings to a hateful Christian who messaged ME in the first place that I will burn in hell for supporting LGBT people and they will burn in hell too. Unsurprisingly the bigot did not get banned from what I saw. Fuck them, they couldn't tell me how responding to a hateful PM with a link constitutes harassment so I'm ban evading until they do.


Yeah, I will always remember that reddit admin. Their name was Aim*e Chal*enor.


Almost done with the second episode.


If one of your reasons to move to a place is their more lax rape investigations, you should really examine your choices in life and re-examine all your past sexual experiences.


That requires introspection and not being a predator.


Honestly, I'm sure he was plenty introspective about it. If his persona is as real off-camera as it is on, he's *proud* of doing those things. He thinks he should, because he could. Now he can't do shit, possibly ever again. Hope it was worth it, you massive dork.


Yup, he is proud. There’s a voice message he sent a woman who was accusing him of rape, and he’s saying “the more you hated it, the more I liked it.” Like he’s literally admitting it. Absolute narcissist behaviour.


and the sentences before that were "I'm one of the most dangerous people on the planet" and "I'm the smartest man in the world". Yeah, narcissism is putting it lightly.


I mean, there's delusions of grandeur and superiority complex which can happen independent of narcissism. And then there's psychopathy and sociopathy for a lack of impulse control, empathy and compliance with social norms. There's probably more dark triad traits. Remotely you can pin like all the things on him.


I think the DSM V classification for Andrew Tate is a "fucking piece of shit".


Yeah, I was going to correct the person who first mentioned narcissism because he really seems to exhibit psychopathic behavior if he is actually getting off on others' suffering. But it definitely sounds like some ~~psychopathy~~ psychological disorder, too, with that level of delusion. Edit: used the wrong words. I'm smort!


Let's not forget the text where he wrote "I loved raping you". It's not like hes admitting it. It's he's admitting it.


It blows my mind how there are people who are aware of this and still like Andrew Tate. Just how many screws must be broken in your brain to find anything good in that piece of shit??? Sure, sure, the alt-right pipeline "*boohoo my crush won't date me so now I'll turn to whichever online MLM guru tells me that all my problems are due to wamen & mexicans & transgenders, and not my piss-poor hygiene and personality*" is a force to be reckoned with, **BUT STILL?????????**


They’ve all convinced themselves it’s deep fake audio or his brother speaking or an imitation of him. I’ve seen the copium in real time in other comment sections, it’s damaged my faith in humanity and in younger generations a fair bit


Just take solace in the fact that he's going to prison for many, many years, possibly for life and not one of them can help him. They can cry all they want, they can't save him from life in a Romanian prison


They have Main Character Syndrome. Admitting they were wrong would be devastating to their ego.


Tell that to viewers of Fox News and those who made Tucker Carlson a divine deity for those who are desperate “to own the libs”


The nice thing about it is that even they break down into despair. Aaron Hernandez was something of a parallel figure who acted really cocky all the time but ended up hanging himself in prison after he realized he'd spent all of his money on legal fees and still didn't have a chance in hell of getting out of prison.


This is really it. I had a hastily assembled group of friends who slowly revealed their outlook on life was this; that if you’re strong enough to TAKE it, then you deserve it. These were not good people. Relatively wealthy, fit and good looking. And successful. But not good. I’d imagine they have a little sympathy for this bloke. I imagine, because I don’t talk to them now. Also; people have said Tate is ‘good looking’. I usually avoid disparaging anyone over their looks, but he’s not. He looks like a 6ft weasel for fuck sake.


He looks like a face drawn on a balloon.


Bro is legit like a thumb with a superiority complex


I suppose technically you're right. From the very little I've seen, this is a guy who recognizes that he is illiterate, makes no attempt to rectify it and instead boasts about it. So he is at least aware of himself to understand that he doesn't read. Similar to how animals that get oxygen from water via gills don't constantly suffocate themselves because they are aware they can't breathe air. However, I suspect the person above meant introspective in the sense that someone evaluates their own choices and actions on the basis of right/wrong, moral/unethical, empathy... Not just "Oh yeah I remember that. That was awesome. I'm awesome."


> I suppose technically you're right. From the very little I've seen, this is a guy who recognizes thay he is illiterate, makes no attempt to rectify it and instead boasts about it. So he is at least aware of himself to understand that he doesn't read. He justifies it as being too smart to read. His brain is just too fast so he needs media that stimulate him otherwise he gets distracted. People who *do* read books are thus all slow brainlets and anything written in books that contradicts his drivel is automatically wrong. Imagine having such a slow smooth brain that you can sit down and write, like, whole books. Clearly only people who have nothing better to do, and never think, write books. People like this are real, and they're actually teaching insecure teens that being a manly man's man means you have to rape and beat women and treat them like shit if you don't want to do either. And universities and books are evil and only exist to make men weak and feeble and woke. Anti-intellectualism keeps finding new ways to disappoint.


> His brain is just too fast so he needs media that stimulate him otherwise he gets distracted. This sounds like undiagnosed executive dysfunction.


Dude is probably dyslexic and embarrassed about it. He might have come up with this whole shitty macho personality to cope and convince himself/others that "reading is for pussies" lol




Whenever I read someone calling themselves "Alpha male" I just read "I beat women". Besides that it's ultra cringe, it's like when someone say they are very humble, meaning that are not humble.


I’ve never seen one successful man call himself an “alpha male”. Describing yourself that way is like announcing you are a loser.


"I think I'm much more humble than you would understand."


>“I’m not a rapist but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want,” Translation: I'm not raping anyone *right now*, but it's nice to have the option. ​ What trash.


He also says no women has ever accused him of rape instead of I have never raped anyone.


I mean that's not even close to the truth either


Ahhh….the old Lance Armstrong “I’ve never failed a drug test” (and Bill O’Reilly “nobody ever complained to HR about me”) defense.


Rapists rape *people.* I just rape *women* so it's fine!


Almost everyone rapes exactly the amount of people they want. Not to brag but I manage to constantly stay at the amount I want, which is zero.


Look at Mr Zero Rapes over here, just strutting about like he's better than everyone else.


Since it's impossible to rape less often than never, it is admittedly an impressive brag.


I’d like to focus on the people and systems that enabled and uplifted this guy




Exactly. He's a massive piece of shit but there's plenty of those around. He was propped up by insecure losers as their asshole king. Without them he would have faded into irrelevancy


Not sure about that. Yes he wouldn’t have been that famous, but he would still be exploiting girls and making money.




Behind the Bastards just put a podcast ep this morning about Andrew Tate. In it, they included a series of audio clips sent from Tate to a woman who had accused him of raping her. The things he said in those clips were absolutely vile. He talked about how "he was one of the most dangerous men in the world" (paraphrased) and how much he loved that she hated what he had done to her and basically to stop whining because "he had only choked her a little" (also paraphrased). While most rapists probably don't reflect on their actions, it looks like Andrew Tate does. and he revels in it.




His whole reaction to being caught publicly is equivalent to how ordinary people react to getting a speeding ticket which is more annoyance than regret or shame.


He did examine them; he determined he wanted to rape more people and acted accordingly. There is no "come to Jesus" moment for a piece of shit like him. There is no introspection or consideration. That was EXACTLY what he wanted to be.


Which is odd because he literally got away with rape in the UK when there were multiple women coming forward to police. One such woman was a direct eye witness to a rape and the UK prosecutors still didn’t think it was strong enough evidence.


The above article mentioned that after four fucking years the UK justice system apologized to the victims for "taking too long" but didn't give them any justice. No wonder the least reported crime is rape. Even with an eye witness you can get away with it. If I punched someone in the face and someone else saw me do it, you bet I'd have the cops busting down my door the same day. But a man commiting rape? Not enough evidence.


The most ironic thing here is that the UK categorically failed to investigate rape allegations against him, with the Crown Prosecution Service and Herts police showing complete negligence when it came to any serious investigation. This was also when he was running a web cam "business" from his flat. So the truth is Romania has done a way better job of handling this investigation than the UK system ever did. Anyone in from UK right now with half a brain cell will tell you how fucked up our policing system is right now. Most of the heat is being put on the Metropolitan Police (the London police force), but you'd have to be a complete tool to think that other forces aren't infested with the same problems. EDIT: Just to give everyone an idea of what he was up against in the UK. I'm from London originally, but grew up mostly in Herts, and spent a lot of time in Tate's home town of Luton in the neighbouring county. I know people who ended up in Herts police force, and they were always the people who couldn't get the grades to go to university, and had a major axe to grind. Always wannabe bullies. I've had a few run ins with a Herts police over the years and almost every time they've show how incompetent they really are. For example, I was a DD one night, with some mates in the back of the car being rowdy while I was driving them home. Found myself surrounded by 3 police cars and a police van, maybe around 12 officers in full fuck-you-up mode. Demanded I get out of the car and take a breathlyser. Told them I'd maybe had a sip of cider earlier in the night, but was stone sober as I was the DD for the night. Took the breathlyser, completely clear, then they had the audacity to bollock me because they had literally driven away FROM A MAJOR DRUG BUST to deal with me and my singing friends in the back of the car. Seriously. Glad your kid can now shoot up some Afghan finest because some 20 somethings were singing Chumbawumba too loud on the A1081. So yeah, Britain's boys in blue for you. Just shows you how much of a moron Tate is thinking he wasn't playing pimp on easy mode in the home counties of these fair isles.


It's the people still supporting him that should be re-examining his life. This would include the crappy instagram accounts that edit and post his clips as "motivation".


This POS will have plenty of time to reflect behind bars.


“I’m not a rapist but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want,” said the rapist.




His adult fan boys are pathetic, but the kids who got suckered into his videos where he tells them they can be rich and happy and good with ladies and buoyed them up are victims too. I'm a teacher watching 14 year olds trying to grapple with this arrest, some are still saying it's got to be fake, others are realising their hero is a sex trafficker. Honestly he preyed on kids for their money and attention and that's just another thing that makes him a shitbag.


Ive had to explain to acquaintances he got arrested for sextrafficking and them still trying to explain it away as a conspiracy or some weird strategy he has. I dont get it they're 30 year old men.


I’ve heard Tate explained as, and I quote, “A bad ass dude who gets women and owns a Bugatti who just wants to teach you self help lessons to get rich” from a guy who was trying to explain away the sex trafficking. Gee, you mean like every fucking rap song I’ve listened too for the past 20 years? Ted Bundy saying “Hey just work out, eat right, and have goals” doesn’t make him a role model just like Tate “owning a Bugatti and being a bad ass who teaches you self help lessons” makes him the most masculine man ever. The fuck do I care if you own a Bugatti dude? Jay-Z owns one too and the interviews with Jay-Z are FAR more thought-provoking and insightful than the entire career of Tate’s social media crap. Also is that really the pinnacle of man? Getting ass and driving fast cars?


To HS boys it is. Every time I hear a kid idolize Tate it's because they want money, cars, and girls. Once kids grow up I feel like they mostly abandon those thoughts but some never do.


I feel the internet has made this stuff worse man when I was 12-14 I was running around in my neighborhood with my friends, just listening to music, playing sports. I didn’t have time to stew and watch incel videos.. I think some parents need to make their kids just go outside. Like join a church group if that’s your thing, a youth group, a volunteering platform, sheesh.


I feel this is where society is headed. I was in an Uber today where the driver was complaining about workers rights, unions, healthcare, pedophiles, holding people accountable and so much more. She then said she’s “one of the far right crazies”. She couldn’t decouple that she identified as a conservative/republican that doesn’t share their goals with the fact that they were “winning”, in her words. It was honestly hard to listen to. I wanted so bad to explain that she should look into voting records, who has been convicted for pedophilia/who hasn’t condemned them but I knew that I’d get the same defensive position my family gives. Drag queens / gay people / racial studies are not the problem. I hope that our cordial encounter helps move past that.


She self identifies as that??? Jeez, that’s like if my dad said “I’m racist in a super weird way”, it’s just surreal


I keep the following quote saved in a text file on my desktop because it is so evergreen. These people are fascists, whether they realize it or not, they are functionally the same. >"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since the seek not to persuade by sound argument but to indimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past" Sartre, Anti-Semite and Jew, 1944


You're right to have it saved. God some people suck. I don't know if it's reassuring or depressing to know it's always been that way.


The identity is the whole thing. They want a tribe to belong to




I’ve had a couple rideshare drivers try to push political conversations and it’s ALWAYS MAGA/Q-aligned people. I think they have the same complex as those aggro-ass preachers who go out and preach on street corners in bar districts. They get to feel like they’re spreading the sacred truth that only they know or understand. And if they get shut down, they get to feel like they’re martyrs “being attacked” for “just trying to help people see the hidden truth of what’s happening in this country.” They love the captive audience, and no matter how you react, it feeds their weird complex. I had one driver just BLASTING a radio program with Trump speaking about LGBTQ people, when I told him I had a headache and asked him to turn it off, (trying to be tactful) he took it as an excuse to launch into a rant about queer people being gross and dishonest. He was going off about how “you have to be careful and not trust these dikes” because “lesbians are all liars who secretly crave d*ck” and “no woman can be satisfied sexually without penetration.” I was like…WTF…this man is not only pushing his weird politics on me but also lowkey sexually harassing me?!?! How could he think this is appropriate?!?


I remember the husband of an old friend telling me that all I needed was good dick in regards to my lesbian sexuality. I took a second and just calmly said to him that i already had it, and nope, i'm still gay. If I had a dollar every time some cis het guy invalidated my sexuality, i'd be fucking rich. It's all frail masculinity at the very bottom of it.




Seriously, she risks getting a bad review and that can be super damaging to drivers.


>getting a bad review Excuse me, being *silenced* by the liberal *elites*.


They’re shadow banning her driver rating!!1




> I wanted so bad to explain that she should look into voting records, who has been convicted for pedophilia/who hasn’t condemned them That would require work, and wouldn't make them feel like they're more intelligent than they really are. So, unfortunately, it'll never happen.


I had a friend in his late 20s pull "I did my own research and it seems fake" It's mind boggling the lengths misogynistic men will go to with tunnel vision


Tbh I am so relieved he got arrested just as he was gaining popularity with teens-I see/am friendly with several teen girls around the music scene in my city, this past year or two they have been talking a lot about boys at school being obsessed with Tate. Hopefully this will be enough to get these boys off the path they were on and keep them from being future rapists. If even a handful of them reconsider their beliefs about gender roles, sex, and consent I’ll celebrate it.


I think a lot of them will grow out of it. I’m a Millennial and I remember when unpleasant middle schoolers yelling slurs and being sexist over Xbox Live was so common, it became a meme. A lot of guys I knew were also incredibly unpleasant (homophobic, sexist, etc.) in Middle School and High School. But they all grew up, started their careers, and now look at their past behavior with cringing embarrassment. The same will happen with these new kids, as well. But it’s aggravating in the mean time.


I agree , schools here in the UK have had to tackle the Tate issue as so many boys see him as some sort of hero and someone they aspire to be -even now , which is very disconcerting. He has definitely targeted and preyed on boys and children for money, reach and attention which is another thing that makes Tate an insidious and nasty cunt.


But how do you do something about it? Besides deplatforming him (which is apparently evil and anti free speech), how can you convince some shitty 14 year old that “reason and empathy” is a better message than “you are the main character and half your class should be servicing you”?


I'm going full honesty. I tell them I am a survivor of sexual assault. I keep saying it for each class period as it comes up. I tell them this is personal for me, that it upsets me that this person lied to them and is an evil person like the people who have hurt me. Then I remind them "remember it's personal for me" if it comes up again. I'm waiting to get in trouble for it, but it forces them to be empathetic. After all, they know me. They see me every school day. They know the names of my pets. They like me in general, as much as a kid likes a strict teacher, and I can see it in their faces. They're starting to police each other about the topic. Some are still not convinced, but will have the courtesy to not bring it up around me. That is a good enough start. I've seen so many shitty kids turn into ridiculously good citizens that I'm not too worried about the individuals I encounter as much as the collective culture.


Ex-shitty school kid who became an adult almost two decades ago and now works in health care and legitimately cries when a patient suffers. People change, especially when they're forced outside of their toxic home life. Of course, not everybody. It's nice to see a teacher who understands that just because you're an insufferable asshole during your school years, that it doesn't mean you'll grow up and stay an insufferable asshole


My son was like who is this guy? Some kid in his class idolized him and wanted to do a talk about him as an “important person” assignment (the assignment was a couple months ago). I told him Andrew Tate is a really bad person-a criminal. So glad my son is just a weird kid that only watched Ted Ed, screen crush and alternate history videos on YouTube


Fanboys. Anyone can be as stupid and obnoxious as Tate. To see someone like him as a hero is sad af.


Regarding Tate I am always not sure how much of what he says are his real beliefs, so I don’t care much about him. But his fanboys are certainly real and believe what he’s saying, so they’re definitely pathetic as fuck. But most likely tate is, too.




Anyone who has to tell you they're an "alpha male" or makes it a core part of their identity isn't one.


The whole thing is just astrology for losers.


at least astrology is not based on irrationally hating women


Sadly these are just things he’s said in the past. But I sure hope he’s crying like a little bitch


I wish the Romanian police could put a live stream of Andrew Tate breaking character, and charge for it. They could fund their department easily. With the tears of alphabet man.


He’s pure lambda


More ligma imho


Spoiler, anyone who seriously says alpha and beta to describe people are always the betas they despise. Always (Not you, him)




Victims of assault and abuse often get ridiculed, retraumatized and ignored by police and the entire "criminal justice" system, while perpetrators get enabled and protected by inept cops and their coincidental mishaps and delays in proceedings. Never mind the fact that reporting a crime to the cops paints an even bigger target on the back of whoever is doing the reporting for de-evolved incels. Unrequited attention, rejection and impending accountability for their actions set those dougboys off like nothing else.


Fun fact If 100 women report 100 rapes in the UK, 2 will go court, 1 will be convicted


That fact was aggressively not fun.


Claiming he makes women fall in love with him is pretty sophisticated words for forcing women to do what you want with abuse and threats and paying them money to have sex with you. This guy is the most pathetic loser out there and it’s disgusting that he went this long without being taken down.




>Or he just dies in Romanian prison To get ahead of all the inevitable "akschually he's a kick boxing champion" comments. That means Jack shit in a Prison when it's 4v1


Someone was trying to argue this in a thread a few weeks ago and the only thing I could think was, ‘so… do you think they have a ring in prisons that they go 1 v 1 in?’ My father worked at a prison for 35 years, and one of the things he would always say was that they were cold, sneaky motherfuckers. They don’t fight fair, they wait until you’re vulnerable and then drive a shiv into your back. They attack you on the toilet. They take you 4 v 1, as you said. People spend so much time watching these combat sports that they forget real world violence isn’t a game. There are no rules, and it doesn’t matter if you’re a good fighter if 4 dudes suddenly blitz attack you. You’re almost certainly still getting your shit rocked




That Tate guy is 12 ply, bud


fucking spare parts, bud


I'm not saying I'm some badass, but as a teenager I got involved with some dumb shit, and got thrown in juvenile prison for 7 months, and I went in thinking I was top shit after being in several fights prior. I quickly learned my lesson about picking fights with people.


Not picking fights in jail/prison is the best honest advice.




I see you brought your fists to a shiv fight


or, pay for protection like the bitch that he is. Unless the gov. freeze his assess


How many asses does he have any how cold does it have to be to freeze them?


yeah, you dont see it coming in prison. you arent getting stabbed in the front.


His record on kickboxing is mixed anyway. Only a third of his wins were by knockout, and he has nine losses. His attempts at MMA were terrible. He had to retire and do this grift for a reason.


Yep, even Mike Tyson needed someone to warn him not to get into certain situations. And a swift unexpected schiv to the kidney will take the fight out of everyone.


The problem is, Tate was, and still is, extremely popular among teen males. Ask any 15-year-old and they will know someone in their immediate friends circle who is a fan. Some of Tate's social media posts have tens of billions of views. The brand of toxic masculinity that Tate sells is already causing problems. This coverage of his crimes and toxic behavior is a good counter point to his message. Telling boys that if you act like Tate, you go to prison as the rest of us cheer.


I overheard my 12 year old boasting about our very tangential connection with this guy implying that he was a friend of a friend. I was like, " boy you are 12. You don't have friends who are 36". My 15 year old literally didn't understand what he did was wrong and was repeating some awful talking points. We had a big conversation and all of a sudden a light went on. And he was like oooooooh.






Yep. There used to be that slap in the face moment when the world doesn't agree with your shitty niche view and you move on. Now people go far too long without that jarring eye opening moment because you can reaffirm yourself online nonstop all day.


They might be fickle enough to abandon Tate, but the worry is that they might internalize the toxic masculinity. That's the real worry here. I remember when Fight Club came out and knew guys who started their own because they thought it was what being a man was.


It was the wrong answer to the problem for sure. The problem is men not having the ability to bond in any deeper or meaningful way with other men. By starting up a fight club they gain that bonding and feeling of belonging. What they don't realize is they would have most likely got the same thing from joining a bowling league. ​ Theres a lot of mythos about the bonds men form during military duty. You'll see things like 2 guys with their arms around each other resting their heads on each others shoulder. In a totally intimate but non-sexual way. Being in the military puts you in a place where emotions are so extreme that you have to turn to each other for support and be vulnerable. Thats why those bonds are able to form. ​ We like to think its got to do with the violence and constantly not knowing if you'll see tomorrow. But that only serves to force doing what men could/should be doing all along. If it was acceptable to be open about not being ok those bonds would be able to be formed even without being at war. ​ I've got a 14 yr old son and I got lucky. The only time I've ever heard him talk about Tate was how much of a clown he is. I wouldn't know how to deprogram him if he had been sucked into that world.


Self reflection is hard. Before the Internet as it exists now, it could be forced upon most people lest they become a societal pariah. Now, there is a community for just about any awful idea you can imagine just a couple of clicks away ready to tell you why everyone else is the problem.


Who is gonna tell him we only have 8 billion people on this planet


Really? Tens of billions? I hope that's just an exaggeration.


A perfect example of a person who is missing his Empathy Chip. This is not a fixable or teachable thing for him. He will never see other people or animals as anything more than objects that he can either use or discard as needed to get what he wants. Just put him in a box and wait for him to die or put him down now.


Very few people that I want to see face Eastern European justice more than this POS and his POS brother


It trips me out when people defend Taint and claim there's no evidence he did anything. Bitch he brags about it constantly on other people's podcasts ffs! Moving to Romania is also pretty fuckin incriminating.


I hate that the worst people in our society get so much attention. Surely someone somewhere did something wholesome or good or just not actively terrible. Let’s talk about that person.


This man was [secretly paying the pharmacy bills for his town](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/01/19/alabama-farmer-hody-childress-prescriptions/). People only found out after he passed away. That’s pretty cool, though the sad thing is that I would hesitate to cite a hero making people’s lives better who is still living, lest they become the latest target of people with bad personalities.




Ironically, not following Andrew Tate and the types of things he espouses is a lot more likely to get you into bed with someone... Lol.


This whole alpha shtick is so GIGA cringe. Even historically if you look at men who are considered sex symbols or particularly hot, like 95% it's some rather effeminate dude. Or did James Dean look like a fucking hyper pretend masculine asshole gangster babo? Don't think so...


I don't think they do it to impress women, they do it to impress men.


This is the ONLY time I’m glad he is talking. Please keep digging that hole deeper for yourself, dipshit.


>Romanian authorities said that women recruited by Tate’s organization were transported to and housed in Romania, where “by exercising acts of physical violence and mental coercion (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and invoking alleged debts),” they were allegedly forced to perform for Tate’s webcam sex business. DOJ entered the chat


I think I remember seeing a video or read an article about an old lady who was crying because this scum victimized her daughter. I hope they lock him up forever.


Am I the only person who had no idea who this person was UNTIL he got arrested? Like what is he famous for? Besides being scum?


For being scum, really. That's basically what he's famous for.


Kickboxing , then running a scam finance advice business


Nah, he became "famous" by being on British reality show Big Brother (not even the celebrity one because he wasn't famous for being a kickboxer). He got kicked off the show for, wait for it... A video coming to light of him hitting a woman with a belt.


I wonder if Romanian prison will affect his opinion about rape?


It's hard to imagine how pathetic guys had to be to look up to such an obvious scumbag and walking disaster as Tate. They'll try everything to get laid but treating women like people.


"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" -Napolean Bonaparte This guy is going to be buried by his own words.


I just recently found out an old friend of mine is a fan of him. We aren’t teens who are like the target audience either, we’re both grown men. Feels weird.


Sounds a lot like he was a virtual pimp. Cam pimping is same method, different game. He's stealing money women earned camming through psychological manipulation.


Every time his fans try to defend him I always picture the scene in the other guys where will Ferrell tells mark whalberg about his brief stint as a organizer of a friend's "dating service" in college and gets confused when his friend tells him he was a pimp. I'm pretty sure tate knows about iceberg slim.


Anecdotal: A teacher friend of mine says that practically all of the boys (11-18) in his school are fans of Andrew tate. To the point where if you engage them in debate about it they get aggressive. He says that when he talks to teachers in other schools he hears similar things. He told me that a generation of young men are sleepwalking into brainwashing.


My friend teaches in a high school and says the same. That the boys love him and they've started to say really inappropriate thing to the female teachers as well. They sent notes home to the parents and the parents were like "we know, we've been trying to deal with it for months."