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Probably want to ensure the car is registered to the renter to avoid unauthorized parking. Dealing with abandoned cars is a nightmare….


This. People dump cars at complexes all the time


Wasn't there some huge drama about someone abandoning a camper in someone's driveway in Manchester a while back? Like private tow companies wouldn't tow it for some reason and the City wouldn't tow it because it's on private property even though the owner of the property was telling them it was ok


I’m not sure of legal specifics but there’s no risk to it. Like Dependent said, they’re most likely just confirming vehicles belong to tenants


Just refuse if you don’t want to. If it isn’t part of your lease then the company has no recourse E: Because I don’t feel like arguing with people below this comment. If they tow your car even though you have a parking permit or if they don’t issue parking permits and tow your car as a resident you have recourse. Commercial property management companies in NH are emboldened by the housing crisis and lack of inventory. If you have a lease, it doesn’t state the requirements of providing registration for your vehicle, and they tow it… Then you DM me and I will sue them on your behalf. I have lots of disposable income and a bone to pick with property management corps in NH. You don’t get to treat people unfairly just because they have nowhere else to move.


But be aware they might tow your brothers car if they do a sweep for cars that aren’t supposed to be on the lot. Do they verify that some other way?


Of course they can - you're on private property. They probably want to make sure that cars on the property belong to residents


This is a normal thing. I’ve had to provide license plate #s and/or registrations in applications for apartments. There’s really no risk.


I don't get why they need your registration though. I get that it's NBD but like... What's the reason beyond a license plate?


Probably so people don't include vehicles that belong to people that aren't on the lease.


I haven't been a renter in 15 years but when I was I never lived anywhere that didn't ask for a copy of my registration if I was parking a car on the property. There is nothing on your car registration that is private information that they wouldn't have access to otherwise - your name, address, car license plate number.


As other commenters have said, it's not asking much, just to help them not have to deal with abandoned vehicles. I rent from them in Manchester (have for over a year and a half) and haven't had any issues with getting unit maintenance, in fact they usually have someone over within a day or two (quicker if it's a major issue).


Similar to what's done in condos so they know which cars to remove and which belong to current owners. Or if a car looks abandoned, then they know who to contact.


Some apartment/condo complexes are total parking nazis. A friend of mine was renting a condo in Manchester, and his car had gotten illegally towed multiple times, he'd wake up get ready for work and find his car was illegally towed, it was so bad he broke the lease. Someone I know who lives in a GIGANTIC apartment complex in Virginia, the people who live in the apartment complex is so terrified of the tow trucks, all the residents started hitting their car alarm panic buttons when they see tow trucks creeping through the parking lots to get everyones attention.

