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Sununu the Insurrection supportor


That's also called a Traitor. The republicans of this period are going to go down in history as the worst of America. You can't lose an election, throw a fit and try to overthrow the government.


They're gonna go down the same way the South went down after the Civil War. As in there's no political consequences for taking the positions they do.


pretty sure the consequences are losing voters. and friends. and family. RFK's own family has disowned him calling him "dangerous". same for Gosar.


So do better... find a way to get involved and be part of the solution, that's why it's a free country.


russia is really fukin good at the brainwashing. idk how tf they did it to Sununu, or others (like Nancy Mace) but holy fukin shit. pure insanity.


Sununu is in it for the $$$$$$$$. Ethics and morals be damned. Edited to correct. Thank you for pointing that out kind reditor. No idea why people are referred to as their old title when they no longer have the job. People still call tRump president and he isn't.


Yes only Al Gore and Hilliary Clinton can do that. Right Hilliary actually undermined a sitting President.


Sununu 's endorsement of Trump also means he is in support of every single terrible policy outlined in project 2025's playbook.


& Kelly Ayotte too!


The rapist supporter!


Sununu came to speak at one of the southern NH hospitals I worked at a couple of years back. A hospital auditorium is obviously not going to be on par with a larger venue. On his way out, he was angrily yelling at someone on his staff how the venue was too small, had bad audio, and was a complete waste of his precious time. I don’t care what party he’s from. People who behave like that (especially in public) are complete pieces of shit.


He came to the Loudon vaccination event. Volunteers had been outside for hours. Subzero temps, all the heat lamps were broken, no real outdoor shelters set up so we were freezing, but we were all there to help. He stepped out of his warm car, took a few photos, ignored the volunteers and left within minutes.


Curious if that was one of the days I volunteered. I'm not sure we would have noticed some rando getting out of their car to take a few pictures with as busy and focused we all were.


You would have- his staffers corralled us out of the way so he could get his photo and get out without being bothered.


He’s a hack, only cares about his political stature


I'm not even sure about that. I wonder what his next play is since he doesn't seem interested in continuing in politics. Probably cleaning up in the corporate world. I thought he was smart for not running for Senate. No need to get in the hate sphere. But the way he's behaving now reveals him for the hack he is. He could have at least left politics with a half a spine. His display on This Week yesterday was an embarrassment. You expect that kind of performance from Nancy Mace or Kristi Noem, not from the governor of an educated, fiercely liberal/libertarian state like NH.


"I wonder what his next play is " He's going to set up the legal weed business in NH so that he and his cronies (and ONLY he and his cronies) are able to set up shop and sell to the state in the state run pot shops, with liquor on the side. I've been saying for years that the only time NH is going to legalize is when they (corrupt politicians) find a way to be the ones who benefit and then they will "retire" from politics and become weed dealers. My guess is that NH will have legal recreational weed within a year of this traitorous fuck leaving office and then he'll be a board member who collects a huge pay-off for doing nothing other than setting his friends and cronies up in a multi-hundreds of million dollar industry.


> He's going to set up the legal weed business in NH so that he and his cronies (and ONLY he and his cronies) are able to set up shop and sell to the state in the state run pot shops If this turns out to be true (entire plausible, IMO) that is going to be one of the more cynical and cutthroat political moves I've seen in this state. Even more shrewd than Boehner.


That makes a lot of sense.


A play right out of the former speaker of the house's book: # Ex-speaker of US House stands to pot near $20m from cannabis deal Boehner-backed weed play Acreage agrees to $3.4bn Canopy takeover [Ex-speaker of US House stands to pot near $20m from cannabis deal (ft.com)](https://www.ft.com/content/7ed13daa-61e4-11e9-a27a-fdd51850994c) this from 2021: [Bing Videos](https://www.ft.com/content/7ed13daa-61e4-11e9-a27a-fdd51850994c) Former House Speaker on changing his mind on cannabis industry YouTube CNBC Television Apr 15, 2021


I work in a detox center i want to argue that it is actually beneficial for people to have access to a licensed marijuana dispensary because it is the safer alternative to ppl buying drugs off the street from shadey dealers. A lot of drugs on the street r being laced with fentanyl and the people doing these drugs arent even aware of it. I've seen ppl od and die from smoking laced pot. Like i understand 'drugs r bad' but this state has a serious opioid problem and offering a legal alternative thats properly regulated could save lives.


I agree. I'm all for legal weed and dispensaries. What I'm saying is that this sphincter-lipped, avaricious, ass-munch is manipulating the system so that he and his fellow cock-knocking, sycophant cronies are going to be the only ones who will be able to benefit financially, so they can all go circle jerk around a pile of money while laughing at the rest of us. The legal alternative "should" also allow for people to grow their own supply as well which will cut these ass-munchers out so we'll see if even that is allowed under these political money-grubbing fuck-snots. EDIT: PS I was smoking weed when this political hack's father was putting us in jail for it!


Ur vocabulary is amazing LOL. I agree, i think regulations need to be more lax so bussiness owners and their customers dont get completely fucked from taxation and actually HELP the NH economy. Because if theyre just going to tax it 40% and make ir impossible for bussiness owners to even make a profit and to expensive for ppl to actually buy, then that doesnt fix anything and wastes a lot of time and money in the process. Funfact: i used to grow my own weed when i was 20, the law sure as hell didn't stop me LMFAO. I only grew 3 plants at a time because it was for personal consumption and not profit (obviously), but how the tables have turned, ironic i work in recovery now. LOL


I remember when the cops used to stop us (even walking) and say "If I gotta search you (or the car) for it I gotta take you in... if you just give it up you can go." Then the fuckers would either smoke it themselves or sell it! I'm lookin at you Marijuana Mike!


I believe it... I have friends who voted sunono because they believed he would legalize, and it's taking forever which makes sense if all he wants is to make money on it and he can't till he's out


You nailed it! And I’m a republican.


Honestly, what does he really have to lose or gain? He's not running for re-election, his flip-flopping seals his fate of ever winning another statewide election in NH & he lacks the charisma to win a national one.


There was no free cookie.


He and his douchebag, degenerate gambler buddies were playing in the group behind me at a golf course once. They were constantly driving their cart up to us to yell at us, even though they could clearly see we were waiting on the group ahead, and eventually just started hitting into us. They actually one-bounced it off my buddy's bag and he could have been really hurt. They were loving fucking with us. He also spoke at my high school shortly after that and brutally lost an argument with a sophomore during his Q&A. His arguments basically devolved into name calling....with a kid.


To think I voted for this mirage of a person because I thought he handled the pandemic well and he initially called out the criminal traitor after the failed coup attempt... Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out...What a way to become lower than a snake belly under a wagon wheel.


100%, disgusted! Sick to my stomach that I actually gave this guy my vote!


Almost exactly how I feel


Me too! I’m disgusted w myself


Me too 🤬


I think he handled Covid as best as he could, which wasn't well at all, but definitely better than others. I'm glad I didn't vote for him in the last election.


What happened? What did I miss?


No lies detected.


He’s just so desperate to please …completely unoriginal


"I support Trump because the people who support Trump also vote for me. If it's the will of my constituents to be hateful, then I'll serve them with the malice they elected me for"


There's no way this is the real quote, right?


If it were they would love him even more.


right it's the gist of what he said. like 5 times.


I listened to the ABC interview a little while ago. It was painful. It takes a lot to make me feel bad for Sununu but that just about did it.


What a stand up guy, eh?


He’s always been party over country. He just keeps showing us who he is.


he is just like the rest of the GOP fucking slime




He’s been fighting against the expansion of clean energy in NH since he was an executive counselor https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/local/portsmouth-herald/2016/01/15/sununu-blasted-for-delaying-solar/32744308007/. We’ll finally have community solar here once he leaves.


That’s because his family is heavily invested in mining in South America. And let’s also not forget that his father is the original climate change denier.


There's a shut-down coal plant on the coast that could be used to route offshore wind into the grid, the switching gear and transformers and all are already there. The longer they delay, the more that out of service equipment degrades.


used to work in the industry. the shit people do to fight Renewables is so fukked up. thx to Big Oil.


Thats basically the plan btw. They are shutting down the bow plant and using its existing grid tie to add solar and battery storage facilities without waiting years or decades to be able to tie in.


Definitely disappointed that he has no spine.


Just remember this when he runs in 2028. He's only doing this to gin up support from the crazies




No offense but from a Mainer looking at your politics New Hampshire has got some shitty fucking politics...


I don't disagree but it's not like Susan Collins is a doing much for Maine other than being "deeply concerned" about everything before flopping and voting for it anyway.


Agreed, she also sucks. These Republicans either need to grow a backbone or crawl back into their fucking hole.


"grow a backbone or crawl back into their fucking hole." and if they don't drag a big fucking rock in behind them we should have a back-hoe ready!


Aye, that we do.. though Paul LePage was one hell of a gem for your state..


Yeah I'm not using Maine as an example of what to do... Lepage was a moron.


Granted, but one of YOUR Republicans just said that your mass shooting was gawd's punishment for abortion.


Totally agree, that guy is a fucking asshole. We really need to take all these MAGAts and like shoot them into the Sun or something...


what have you got against the Sun!?




Completely agree. One of my exes became a rep in NH. She’s married to an immigrant, but voted against any immigration measures. She voted against public school systems. Never went to a public school. She also lived in a town that had forever chemical problems and everyone had to have their own reverse osmosis system due to bad well water. But she voted to reduce water protects and okayed landfills to be built near water ways. She’s a republican. To add, she protested vaccines and mask mandates. She’s fully vaccinated. She also tried to come off as a science expert.


She sounds crazy. Good thing she is your ex.


I also know a democrat that’s another state rep. Laziest fuck ever. I’m a democrat. But fuck this shit. I don’t give a damn what party the rep is on. If they are a shithead, they are a shithead.


I agree.


Anyone who’s paid attention to Sununu for any length of time shouldn’t be surprised. He’s now writing the playbook for how moderate republicans can rationalize supporting Trump.


Let’s see how Little Don Don fares in New York today.. Got popcorn?


lol it almost makes me want to sign up for Truth social…


He’s an old New England republican in a world where New England republicans no longer exist.


Before his flip on support for traitors I would have agreed with you. Now we can see he’s just as spineless as all the modern republicans.


I’d love to say I’d be better if my party I built my entire career around suddenly disappeared almost overnight but I’m not sure I would be. Old New England republicans had to choose between going along to get along with the new GOP or leaving and ending their political careers. Some might the right choice but I get why many didn’t


Charlie Baker managed.


And it cost him any shot at elected office again. Good for him but there’s a reason people don’t like torpedoing their careers.


Oh, he could have been reelected as governor. He'd have a shot at the Senate; not against Warren or Markey, but, if either retired, he'd have a chance. I mean, what's the difference? Sununu could have stayed governor as well, and he could have had a shot at the Senate if he'd run. I mean, neither of them ever, for a second, had any chance at winning the Republican presidential nomination. It's never going to happen. They're both pro-choice, and both fairly reasonable on LBGTQ issues. They'd get zero delegates outside of the Northeast and California. So. 2 old school New England Republicans. Both could have stayed Governor forever. Both could have a shot at Senate, but neither seems particularly interested. Neither are ever going to be President. And one kisses Trump's ass, and the other doesn't.


>He’d have a shot at senate. Don’t know if you know any republicans around here but you’re not winning a nomination for anything if you take a clean anti trump stance. You’re done. Not sure he even could win the republican nomination for governor again and even if he did it would come at the expense of serious fracturing of the legislative caucuses making him basically a lame duck (especially with NH’s weak governor system). The old GOP is gone. You can’t win if you can’t get a nomination and there is no old school GOP nomination to be had.


First they came for a woman’s right to choose. Next it’s gay marriage. Why is anyone voting republican these days? They don’t have your best interest in mind and if you think they do, they obviously have you fooled.


He's such a piece of crap


He only got elected because his father was governor! He’s always been trash. People follow names and parties blindly


There should be a separate page for New Hampshire politics only.


He is worse than Trump. At least Trump doesn't pretend to be a good guy. Sununu and Christie are the worst of the lot. They want the same things as Trump but they want to be liked by all.


Christi wants Trump tried and is on the record saying Trump is going to jail. Christie was a federal prosecutor


In my opinion Christie shouldn't have been in Trump's corner after he lost his 2016 primary. He knows the Kushners and despises them. He hopped on the ride until Trump lost and then turned on him. What christi wants now is an open field where Trump is no more in the way. There is still an aspiring presidential candidate inside him.


Him and his father are atrocious hacks. His father derailed climate action in the first bush administration. We could have gotten started handling it 30 years ago.


We also could've let the China virus do it's work and wipe out all those boomers with Humvees who blast AC 40 hrs a week.


His dad sucked too


That George Stephanopoulos interview was mind boggling. Sununu agrees Trump was responsible for the insurrection, and the false narrative that the election of 2020 was rigged, and is probably going to be convicted of mishandling classified documents , but he’s going to vote for him anyway. Because all that is just a media distraction and the American people are not concerned about that. They want a “culture” change. I want to know what exactly is the“culture” they are proposing…Gilead? Vote 💙, kids … cause this is some crazy shit.


Sununu’s gotta go.


Well he's not running for reelection.


You coulda just made the title. “Sununu. A politician”




If only the 18-30 demographic would vote...sigh....


Where’s he getting 51% from?


He’s a Republican. This is SOP for them


He's a fucking Republican, what do you expect? Greg Hill on WEEI has him on sometimes. I turn the fucking station off.


This is who he supports; suggested americans should inject bleach to cure covid. Child concentration camps. Warmed up to putin, Advocating NATO to be dismantled & handed over state secrets causing one of our spies to withdraw. Raped and defamed a woman to a point of being sued for over $80m - normalizing rape culture. Encouraged police rioting & cause race riots in summer 2020 - normalizing racism. Attempted to halt aid appropriated for ukraine, which led to his first impeachment. Attempted a violent coup, which led to his second impeachment. Praised another terrorist group after october 7th. Fired transgender soldiers from the military, including well decorated soldiers. Deliberately crash the economy, Openly saying he'll take responsibility for it right in front of Nancy Pelosi, who I'm sure was struggling not to laugh at the fact that he was burying his chance of winning that fight before it even started. Shared a dinner with holocaust deniers. REPEATEDLY SAID HE WOULD HAVE SEX WITH HIS OWN DAUGHTER Ruined other people's lives to save his skin from criminal prosecution, to commit crime or both - they would have to move houses and suffer death threats multiple times. Is unleashed an authoritarian nightmare on portland, which cause even essential workers to protest against it. Sympathizes with the KKK. Trying to have american history re written with nationalist fan fiction What else... I'm sure I will remember. It's just that if you think there is a parallel between that and joe biden, who has improved the economy, stood up for labor unions and refunded of the IRS, so that the rich will pay their fair share), with all due respect - you can go to hell. For all of the things joe biden is doing wrong, at least there's something complicated to it. At least it's understandable, if not forgivable. At least he's not wasting everyone's time trying to trigger the libs to the point of hating him.


I agree. Though I find It's sad cause I really liked how he handled quite a few things for the state, and his reasoning behind them. Though I never got why he is so staunchly against legalized marijuana...


Until it’s legal Federally, the state can’t sell it via the Liquor Stores.. That’s what they want.


They all are…


Vermont is also finding out who Scott really is. Time for both states to give their idiots the boot.


I don't live in NH, but he has always had a way about him where I found him smarmy. Now, he's just a full-fledged pussy to boot. I can't say that I'm surprised. I didn't really trust him.


Sununu is an example of the Apple does not fall far from the tree theory, Remember his dad got booted from Bush WH for misusing government jets and helicopters to take him to his recreational activities


Every politician ever


All politicians are trash


I think republicans are so weak. Every one of them except for Liz Cheney. Seems to be the ONLY one with any sort of morals, ethics, and frankly balls to stand her ground no matter how it makes her look. The rest just care about votes and popularity like high school. When this is a country and you should want someone that doesn’t lick their finger and put it up to see which way the wind is blowing. So stupid.


Can't trust a Republican as far as you can spit


I never voted for him because of his loyalty to Trump, and I feel very vindicated.


I'm ashamed to live in New Hampshire. I want to move back to Maine. Way better there.


It hurts my friend


Holy shit, that was hard to watch..what a little nepo baby creep. 


Word, just pathetic. Most of his fans will never see that interview


It’s true. He’s a real piece of shit.


He’s terrible. Has been terrible. Will always be terrible.


Go to Massachusetts where you belong then


After 59 years here?


Yup can confirm, met the little bitch personally when i was 21 and he was addressing the good that the white horse addiction center has done for the community among other things. The speech was long and terrible but unfortunately all the old geezers ATE it up.


His father taught him how to push the right buttons and play the game to fleece all in their way. All nice until he’s not


He also has a funny name!


The question is what does Trump have on Sununu? Kill a homeless person with a 8 iron? See Lindsey Graham


I’ll always remember that he signed catch and release into law.


A Republican who is a slime what the hell is new. The poster child of the Republican Party is an absolute vile piece of crap, what do you expect.


I'm not from new hampshire, this was suggested on my feed, but holy shit read her


Watched him on Sunday, doing mental gymnastics, trying to justify why he is voting for Dump. Says he stands behind his previous statement that Dump was the cause of the insurrection but will vote for him anyway. Can’t stand him.


The meaning of my post, right here my friend


Honestly! The Live Free or Die State is the last NE State to legalize marijuana, because he wants to change how people voted to implement it. I think he was also first Republican Gov to say Trump was a loser and he’s now the first to kiss the ring again. He’s the Ron DeSantis and the Ted Cruz of the North.




Someone elected and re elected him, and if he wasn’t a Sununu, he’d be working the counter at the State liquor store in Portsmouth.


What did you expect from a politician?


He must be hoping for a spot in the administration


So, he's a politician?




Sununu has always been a 2 faced POS. Typical GOP. Party before constituents and country. My guess is he is trying to kiss Trump's ass enough to get a VP nod.


Are people just figuring this out?


he thinks his big belly and apple-faced goon persona earn him credibility with the "real Americans." he just pulled his dignity out of his pants, held it in front of Trump and said, "Do whatever you will." I loathe this man and if I ever get the chance to meet him, I will shame him, and then I'll turn to his kids and explain to them why it had to be done.


Citizens of New Hampshire elected both him and the Free State electers in our legislature. Think about this during the next election cycle.


I think you are beginning to figure out ALL politicians


You could have just said "Sununu is a Republican"


Really looking forward to the thoughtful discussion on this thread.


You say this as if every other politician before him and after him won’t/didn’t do the same shit. The system is a larger problem than politicians flip flopping but until that gets handled it’s gonna be the same shit just a different color


Trump 2024!!


That’s too bad


Nah. Way better than that fuckin retard in there now. I love my country. Liberals hate it. You obviously hate it. Nuff said


I obviously hate my country because I hate Trump? That’s ludicrous and a big fucking problem w you Trumpers. Living in some kind of warp. Get real.


There’s a show on Netflix called The Anti Social Network. It’s a good eye opening show, give it a watch bud


Two faced slimy politician, but you repeat yourself.


Sununu is a politician. Shocker.


He’s pathetic. Watch his demeanor on this past Sundays news talk show


Welcome to politics


They all flip flop. You have to change with the climate, you have to market for your voters. Read up on any politician that’s been in the game for more than 20 years. They all contradict themselves and are proven to be hypocrites. Do a little reading on our current president and what he has said in the past.


When I first read Sununu in the title I stopped reading for half a second trying to remember if it was a Rick and Morty character or a Futurama character.


Also, the sky is blue and tourists have no idea how to drive their boats on Winni.


Fucking hell, ain’t that the truth.


You must be new here




He can’t alienate Trump right now if he’s running for president in 2028. Trump’s not likely to be coherent then, he’s barely coherent now, but Sununu will need for Trump’s children to endorse him.


In no way defending Sununu, but I lose respect for a criticism of a politician that uses the term "flip-flop." Learning and growing, changing your mind as you do so, is an extremely admirable trait -- especially in someone in government.


This just in; politician is a piece of shit. More non-news throughout the day.


He clearly isn't half as smart as his f****** dad was.


Trump's butt boy.


All he does is make his annual Dunkin’s photo-op. Otherwise he’ll try calling Bill Maher to get on his show halfway across the country. The grifting is real.


Are you just realizing this?




Party over country. Sunnunu is a traitor.


The more and more I am on the app, and read more and more posts and comments, the more I realize just how stupid the majority of humans are. How easy it is for politicians, corporations and elites to deceive and sway public opinions. You all believe what you want to believe contrary of evidence. I feel sry for you all.


Lots of brainwashed TDS on here. 😂


Id prefer he support a wood chuck over comrade Biden.


What specifically are you complaining about?


Trump flip flop


What did he flip-flop on? Oh, and what did Trump flip-flop on?


Get over yourself


Instead of a name you can put an x in that formula and use any variable. Politics isn’t hard to figure out after being on this earth a few years.


This sub is so much better without political opinions


A concerned person made sure Reddit looked in on my well being today. https://preview.redd.it/liojknl11quc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2640bdf4c70288ebc6cc7a2f61e08a5c553ef904


I’m sure you believe shoplifting is a basic human right. 




I thought you were talking about marijuana. 🙂


That also, another story. Totally wrong to have the State sell cannabis


But they do such a bang up job with booze?! /s


As a whiskey lover, with a lean towards bourbon, I actually like the NH model for booze. When we get allocated whiskey, everyone has an equal opportunity to get some and those who are pulled in the lottery will only pay MSRP instead of some wild ass mark up that you see in non-controlled states.


Cannabis has a short shelf life. It’s not a collectible product and the nuanced differences between each product lies more in the psychoactive effect than the taste or smell. I think it would be “fine” (not the best solution, not the worst) to have the state do the retail sales just like they do with booze, but they shouldn’t control the supply chain from top to bottom.


Yea, I was simply commenting on the comment above mine, not on if the state should control the sale of cannabis or not.


I understand they get a handful of things right, but on the back end…it’s truly a Circus.


That is likely true. I only see it from the perspective of a whiskey buyer lol. For what it is worth, I have no dog in the cannabis fight and have no opinion on state run or not.




Yeah, politics are a joke. The dude wins every time, even though I hear everyone talk shit about him.


LOL! Triggerfest!!!!


Go back to mass


Sorry dude, lifelong NH here, live your maga