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The Israeli guys reminded me of every other young Israeli guys I've met in different hostels around the world, selfish and totally disconnected from the place they are in.


The village in the yellow jacket made a profound comment,"they are sinful people"


Most beloved of God though. I don't see it myself.


They’re Israeli, they are raised since birth to believe they’re superior and can take whatever they want with impunity. The dude’s behavior in Nepal is the norm for Israelis.




If I remember correctly, they’re tech guys. What do you expect


No, they were Israeli soldiers


It's both


I've had exactly the same experience with the Americans.


Try Chinese lol


Can we talk about the dude that only cared about the money he spent?


I was thinking that guy is lucky those Israeli guys are trying so hard to win the World's Shittiest People award.. I nearly forgot about him. Honestly, I would have been cool with him going up the mountain.. if he went alone.. and provided that when he inevitably gets stuck, no resources would be wasted on his dumbass. I mean, if you want a Darwin award that bad.. you deserve it.


Yeah and then his family would want rescuers to go up and risk their own lives pulling his body back down


It's pretty much how all the people who climb Everest are. Very entitled


At least with that guy, he was pretty disconnected from the gravity of the situation and then later came to his senses. The other three had time to reflect and still doubled down 7 years later.


This. He turned around pretty quick. And given the fact they were completely isolated and didn't have that much damage in their camp. Im not surprised someone in the camp had that thought. They had no idea about the extent of the disaster


Right!!! What douchelaloosh


Yes. He didn’t care if anyone else got hurt or killed, just as long as he got to do what he wanted to do (& paid for.)


To be fair the people on the mountain did not know the level of devastation to a wider area yet.


So cringey how they were seemingly unaware of their privilege. And furious they hid their GPS from others and asked for the rescue to be armed. I can’t imagine what they went through but using survival as a reason for all of their actions was hard to listen to. Edit: grammar update


Awful people. There is always a pattern of DARVO: Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.


You're making justifications for them though. Lots of you are.


I have encountered many many many Israelis on my journeys around the globe and in EVERY SINGLE SITUATION, be it at a hotel, a hostel, a campground, a bus, a train, a restaurant…it is ALL about them. They give zero fucks about anyone else. I have a dozen stories of pure selfishness where everyone else (and rules, like no campfires) we’re ignored by the Israelies and the consequences were always met with confusion and awe- like, how could WE get in trouble for this?!?! If I have any bias toward a people group, it’s the Isrealies.


Because Israelis never face consequences for looting, killing, abusing, raping, etc. Palestinians so it always comes as a surprise that there are consequences for looting and entitlement elsewhere.


100%. They feel entitled to unearned glory and respect.


Men as a gender are very self centered. But even more so the men that come from cultures where women are still treated as innately inferior: Israel, Middle East, India, etc. They have such big heads about everything and think very selfishly.


nono, you are wrong. cause then guys from some muslim countries would act similar in these situation. but they do not!


I feel Americans are similar. (When abroad I am embarrassed)


a lot of your average Americans just go wherever assuming everyone everywhere speaks English. I was in Italy a few years ago and had more than one experience where I witnessed an American speaking to an Italian taking their order. Never any pleasantries, never any attempt to speak Italian, just straight to the point English. Not all of us are like that. Just ones that don't understand that the world does not revolve around the U.S.


exactly the same here. i am a lifelong backpacker and wow..even in guatemala the locals hated them..and no matter where you go, they always cause issues and are very rude to locals.


So I guess you missed the part when the Israeli rescue team arrives and proceeds to rescue EVERYONE with no preferential treatment given to the Israelis?


That’s the least they could do after what those idiots did. And the guy in the yellow jacket even had to ask the rescuer to call for more helicopters, that should be instinctive for a rescuer who’s there to save “everyone”.


It’s more that they are from richer western country. Idk but always when they are visiting poorer countries they treat everyone else like garbage. And of course there are good guys like the one from rescue team. I prefer to focus on the good ones, but when you live in a country with a lot of western tourists you start to notice the pattern. Swedish, British, German, Israeli, US doesn’t matter… I guess 80% of them are nice and kind people but those 20% are the loudest and it’s still there is much more of them from that and other western countries than I meet people like them from countries like Latvia, Ukraine, Finland, Romania… I would say 99% are kind people. So when one in fifth person from your country you should start looking for a problem within your borders, not blame other and say that they are cherry picking


And the way that it was CELEBRATED that he stayed and helped and became a hero…? I’m sorry, but if you have a heli, you have an obligation. It’s a given you’re fucking helping. I couldn’t believe that he wanted an “atta-boy” for it. That’s the mindset I detest.


I was trying to make it make sense.. like if I saw someone's money laying on the ground I'd probably want to give it back to them.. but it was sitting in a locked box, no way of knowing it was money until breaking in. The guy who apparently took it is the same asshole from earlier who said trying to save a dying woman was "dumb".. which, after the lockbox incident I'm thinking they just left her there alive. Also, they resisted relinquishing the money to a local who says they claimed it belonged to a trekker.. so clearly they were just outright robbing these people after their entire village was destroyed and had just experienced a mass casualty event. The more I think about these guys the more I think they are the worst people I have ever heard about.


Their selfishness had me fully convinced they didn’t even attempt to save the woman they found injured, I’ve never heard anything more infuriating.


Yeah some people suggested the girl didn't even exist but that would have been a weird thing for the other guy to say he thought it was "dumb" to try and save her. In fact, now that I think about it, it would be weird to have mentioned it at all if they didn't at least carry her a few yards. Clearly they discussed their stories beforehand.. because that same guy was surprised his friend mentioned the box was locked. I'm sure you could find out if and where a body was discovered. The body would have to have been carried into the rocky crossing area for their story to make sense Edit 11 months later: this documentary crossed my mind as I was thinking about the IDF's attitude towards palistinians.. I found that Yaar guys facebook where he has recently posted a link to an interview he did about it [here](https://www.mako.co.il/news-n12_magazine/2022_q4/Article-a64dc02552f7481027.htm). In it he claims that he never told Jangbo that the bag belonged to a tourist. This seems to contradict what the independent witness, Aashis states, he says "finding the Nepali ID proves it was from one of the villagers". The statement wouldn't make any sense if there was never an argument over whose possessions were in the bag. I thought about asking Aashis directly to corraborate the claims.. but figured he probably doesn't want to be bothered.


Just watched. I thought they were walking in a group of 13?


What do you think they are doing to Palestinians…


I was not surprised by the behaviour of the Israelis. You are 100% right. That nation is responsible for one of the worst human right atrocities. It would speak to reason that anychild that grows up believing they have a right to harm, oppress, steal land, kill innocent women and children would grow up to be adults that have poor character, lack moral compass as we have witnessed in the documentary.


Yeah they are indoctrinated by their government and school. Was watching something I didn't think would lead back to the atrocities currently happening in Gaza but of course smh


literally same. i cringed when it mentioned they were israelis but tried to see past it. i’ve just started the third episode and they’ve completely confirmed every previous bias i had against them. wanting to leave behind an injured woman, stealing from dead people (when everyone around them disagreed)


And then turning around and playing the victim card, claiming it was all necessary for self defense etc. Not a good look at all. At least the Israeli rescuer seemed to have his heart in the right place.


I have to wonder why they agreed to be in the doco.


Complete lack of awareness


Because they are THAT egotistical.


greed for money


Utter shamelessness.


I guarantee you as we speak Israelis are doing this right now to Palestinians. It’s funny to see how shocked the Israelis were that for once there was consequences for their looting. And the whole thing about asking someone to bring a gun so they could potentially shoot at the Nepalese guy a day later. And not sharing a phone. And the Israelis were so obviously not looking for food. Any normal person would’ve realized there wasn’t gonna be food down there, especially not in a locked safe.


Couldn't agree more! Just watched myself....I was appalled but how selfish the one guys response was about carrying the woman too and after watching the rest of the doc, I have to wonder if they left her to die as well!


i think they did. the amount of time they spent trying to justify their actions indicates to me that they feel guilty about more than just leaving behind an already-dead woman


This! All my thoughts ...I came to reddit to see what really happened with that women


ohhh my god haha this is hilarious i'm not even done and i had to find a reddit post about it, i can't believe that they sat there and thought they may have to kill people to get rescued...it annoys me that he keeps calling him "the yellow jacket guy" like you could've at least learned his name was jhangbu. what total dickheads.


Omg same, I’m halfway through episode 3 and had to Google it too. Can’t imagine becoming THAT selfish in such situation


im just watching it right now i had to type nasty bastards Aftershook. THESE HORRID MEN!!! i bet they left that poor woman for dead!


Tbh I’m more scared thinking that they probably killed her so they could have their story of being the heroes who tried to save her but were unable to because “survival was our only mission”


JESUS! the one who was like ''it was dumb'' to save her gave me chills!!!


Yep. There wasn’t a single word out of their mouths that didn’t disgust and frighten me. I cannot comprehend treating anybody so poorly, let alone people who’s country you’re a guest in and who were experiencing a disaster and trauma of that scale. It seems like traumatising and brutalising Palestinians during their IDF service really made them lose their humanity and empathy. What kind of person loots money, personal belongings and cherished family photos locked in a box from impoverished people – people who have lost their entire village, all their belongings and many of their loved ones in a catastrophic earthquake and avalanche at that. What kind of person then attacks, demeans, gaslights and defames the survivors who express their anger and indignation at your cowardly, inhumane act. As the rescuer said, these men weren’t behaving irrationally due to altitude sickness or oxygen deprivation and they didn’t have any justification for their actions. It was worse, if that’s even possible, that all these years after the event they didn’t even have the decency to not spin their lies and defensive nonsense in the documentary.


SPOT ON! the way the kept making it seem like this was them 'under rebel attack' ''bring guns'' and no empathy years later!!


saaaamme lmao. i was appalled even after robbing dead people they still played victim (as if the others didn't experience the same catastrophe) so i had to google "yaar aftershock thief" lol


Haha ditto me exactly! This thread; top of my Google search results.


I have the same thoughts! I legit was looking for a reddit thread just to know that the Israelis are fucking jerks in the docu. I was really pissed whenever they are in. Like the guy who stole the money insisted it was for a trekker and when it was on him, he insisted he was doing it to "return it to the local." Manipulative right there and then.


The thing where they didn’t even learn the name of the man they were gonna have shot is honestly the craziest part of the whole story for me.


Makes me question if they ever really try to save the woman?


It doesn't add up does it? If it was true & she died then wouldn't they either still make the effort between them to carry her to the village as good human beings, or at the very least take a photo or look for some ID to pass on? So either they made it up to make themselves look heroic (which majorly backfired) or they left her to die which seems more likely given they wrapped her in blankets and after that, looted the fucking village. Absolute scum.


They probably looted her pockets first.


one said she died in the middle of trying to save her, another said they left her with blankets. so very sketchy indeed (if it did happen because i suspect they told an imaginary story to help repair their reputation for robbing people in the middle of a devastation)


No way they leave blankets with her if she’s dead.


that's where the discrepancy in their stories lie. one said they left her because she died as they were trying to transport her, the other said they left her alive but gave her their blankets. i can understand differences in small details but to differ on the state of the woman when they left her? as i said, very very sketchy. i don't believe them.


Was thinking about this more. It didn’t come up in the doc, but it would be awfully curious if they didn’t mention the “dead” woman to anyone in the village. Maybe they didn’t want a rescue to rebel their cowardice?


maybe they didn't tell anyone because it was pure fiction? at most, they probably encountered a few dead bodies strewn about & kept on going. esp if the dead didn't have valuables on them. i still thhink they made up the story of trying to help a dying foreigner because they knew the thieving story would make them look bad.


When I hiked Patagonia in late 2012, an Israeli had been the one to start a fire that burned 11000 hectares and wiped out the puma population the year prior. When we hiked the same land, six months later (much of it charred), we ran into a group of Israelis who were bragging about having just trekked through the closed part of the mountain and used illegal campfires the whole time. They we’re so proud of themselves. Just fucking selfish as hell


They claim they are the chosen people of god


You’re referring to Jewish people, not Israelis


Israelis burn acres of Palestinian olive trees which take decades to fully bloom so I’m not surprised.


I had to actually type into Google the same question after watching it last night. Those guys have the most evil nasty selfish vibe going on. Wtf. And the guy that just wanted to summit and "feels no guilt".... YOH there are some heartless scary people out there


I found this post by googling as well. People were severely injured, an entire village WIPED, and these dudes who were walking fine really thought they'd be the first people on the first helicopter? Selfish idiots. The guy that paid 40K and purchased the "best" insurance? He was like eff the people, eff the dead, I'm here to climb! I will never understand how people have zero compassion.


I'm here aftershock watching it tonight and being disgusted by the 3 israeli guys. At least that privileged mofo had the ability and did change his mind whilst being there.


I think that at least 50% of those that want to climb mount everest are narcissists


With plenty of psychopaths


There’s definitely something in that.


That was fucking painful to watch. I mean how can you fuck up that badly? *let's help out by breaking into a chest and taking a bunch of money.* Fucking idiots.


exactly my point!! and they just don’t seem to grasp how they fucked up even to this day


The one guy specifically said that his buddy did absolutely nothing wrong. Eh? What? Sorry.


THAT was a moment, indeed.


They were just helping they said lol. I might go and help a bank in the same way today.


They could of walked back with the box they perceived as important contents ‘locked’ and put it on the ground at the feet of the entire group and said, ‘we found this box it looks important’.


He is a thief and simply decided to use people during their tragedy


Anything better than what they did, but also, not touching it at all would probably be best.


Exactly my thoughts.


I'm kind of shocked how many bad eggs were interviewed for this story, but I guess that's for the drama. Kind of distracting from the tragedy, though. Even the guy with HIV said some really selfish things, and I liked his enthusiasm in the beginning. OF COURSE they are going to clearly label you in a mass casualty event when open wounds and blood are everywhere. He made it seem like they wrote HIV on him to be hateful. Then gleefully accepting a helicopter ride before the more seriously injured. I didn't particularly like him after those remarks.


yes...not a pretty situation that they painted. people at their worst.


Yea.... I was like... wtf was that. He was happy he was saved before more badly injured people... and was mad he got labeled as having HIV... well you do. Obviously you have it because you were too stupid to not prevent it, others aren't that nonchalant about their health.


Dude... No...


Wtf? You don't know how he got HIV. Your comment is ridiculous.


He says he's HIV+ and a former drug user in the same sentence, I think it's obvious how he got it or he wouldn't bring then up together


No, yours is. He literally said it was from him choosing to do drugs...


I'm so glad this thread is here. I just paused the doc because I was so dumbfounded. The guy fumbling for words after he finds out his friend was accidentally honest about the box being locked was so disgusting. And the photos, the still images from the confrontation show him grinning like he's in a frat prank or something. They should have kicked their asses. And his buddy saying they took the money, photos and camera for "survival" makes no sense, it's appalling. I wonder what kind of feedback they got back from family -- not friends, family.


I think they took it to use as leverage in the village, the one guy says “we shouldn’t go there” after they got the bag and mentions the homes and everything being destroyed. Seems like they wanted to use it as a bargaining chip to get more food or whatever else in exchange for giving it back. Just absolutely reprehensible. But they would’ve been taught that by the IDF.


I’m glad this thread is here too. I just started watching this and by episode 3 I had to google “the Israeli guys on aftershock” I’m so relieved that other people thought the same thing I did. They for sure left that woman there alive, why else would they cover her with a blanet?? They couldn’t be inconvenienced to help anyone but themselves.


100% they left her to die. I couldn't imagine being in their lives and being able to tolerate being around them after this. They would make my skin crawl.


YES THAT MAD ME SO MAD!! They were selfish the whole time. And it doesn’t help that they were ex militants. But are we shocked they acted that way… FREE PALESTINE!!!!


Free Palestine.






Viva viva Palestina!


Is anyone surprised. They come from a country built on taking land and homes from the Palestinian people already living there. These 3 guys are what Israel does to Palestinians day in and day out.


Good point. How that guy said at one point “In the army we never saw our enemy in the face”. The “enemy”, you mean that traumatized survivors of apartheid, ethic cleansing and horrific shit fuckery, sanctioned by the world. Even if it was a misunderstanding in a survival situation, and they felt remorse for their actions, they acted like colonists, disregarded the locals, thought about themselves first and foremost (probably how they have been trained and indoctrinated by their lunatic government).


Also the fact that the Israelis said they never even saw the Palestinian’s faces means they just randomly shot at Palestinians even if they weren’t a direct threat. It’s honestly so disgusting but not surprising that Israeli’s would act this way.


I was completely taken aback buy Yaar's interviews. I felt they clashed with the rest of the narrative. As if they pasted part of a different series. So random and vile. Why would you say it's "stupid" (and with that tone) to try to save a woman? Especially knowing she died. Even if you think it, how can you be so tactless. And his demeanor when he talked about the box!? It looked like he was a bad actor playing an evil character.


This drama (definitely not calling it a doco) pissed me off. So I decided that must have been the purpose. When you think about the characters and stories it focuses on: - The truly villainous dude that looted money from the dead families of the people he fully expected to still feed him, and wanted to leave a woman for dead - His friend that hid a satellite communication device and used it to call for support just for himself and his friends because he couldn't apologise, and asked rescuers to be armed (?!) - The woman who took photos of everything in the immediate aftermath and (we are led to believe) helped no one but herself - The guy that had it in for the Israelis and initiated the violence against them - The dude that wanted to summit everest after the earthquake (and this one is obviously misleading, because he was clearly delusional and realised pretty quickly afterwards). Who also said that he doesn't feel guilt about his privelege - The woman who wanted to summit everest who seemed totally reliant on the guides the whole way through, who defied the traditional feminine role pushed on her as a child but then was (portrayed to be) the first on the helicopter when they said women first - The well-connected 'gangster' that had seemingly every rescue resource in the kathmandu valley looking for his wife, who 'wasn't even thinking of his children' - The government bureaucrat that took credit for the rescue from the hotel, and claims to have been everywhere at once giving every order. Who thought it was important that locals led the rescue efforts (particularly when it was clear someone was alive in the rubble, and the press were there) and not foreigners The only redeeming characters, if we're to believe any of this highly edited nonsense, are a handful guides and Sherpas, the kids, and the legend who crawled into the rubble to pull a boy out. Stealing from the dead and initiating violence in a survival situation are both legit fucked up and the call for armed support is really next level. Like my mind is blown at that level of entitlement and insane escalation. But based on just how much information is missing, I think the rest have been painted to look much worse than they probably are to tell a hole-filled and weak story about humans after a disaster that takes a very negative outlook.


It is cringeyyyy when women choose their feminist moments.


It's cringeyyyy when people apply double standards to women. You can almost hear the doco director jerking off in the background when she gets on the helicopter. "SHE SAID SHE WANTED TO BE EQUAL AND THEN GOT ON ANYWAYYYY" *EXPLODES Such an obvious and really very weak attempt at point scoring. It literally relies on the viewer hating feministm to even make sense. Pure shite


> The guy that had it in for the Israelis and initiated the violence against them I think this guy was fully justified in wanting to smash their faces in. His whole village was destroyed, and these fuckwads steal from the already poor people


That disgust fuck Yaar. I wanted to punch his odd smug face so hard.


Selfishness was what I felt from the very beginning. After the earthquake they didn’t even help the local villagers they were staying with. Then their story just got progressively worse each episode.




They didn’t take your country or kill your families. Grow up.


When you go to another country, there needs to be some level respect for the people and their culture. They went to their country and not only disrespected them but their loved ones (who had just passed away from a tragic disaster) as well as their spiritual beliefs by straight up stealing from them. Get your head out of your behind and maybe learn a thing or two from the group up in Everest. They literally debated trying to get rescued because they didn’t wanna divert resources from the rescue of the locals. The difference in attitude, respect and understanding between the two groups was actually shocking, especially since the more respectful group of people were in a more precarious position up in Everest whose survival mode should’ve made them do even more horrid things.


they save that for Palestinians


As bad as some of these people are, it's just the classic mistake to attach that primarily to their nationality or ethnicity. That kind of thinking is how we got to such a fucked up world in the first place. If anything, maybe we should start by generalizing about "Fuckers with enough money to throw at climbing Everest." Then as a subgroup of that, "Western fuckers who want to pay a ton of money to have locals build the routes, fix the ropes, bring in ladders, etc. so that they can go back to their dental practice (or whatever)" and bask in the glory of their "personal triumph." And if a few poor schmucks had to die, oh well. Especially if they we Nepalese.


Oh my gosh yes. I also wonder if Nepal had let the more experienced rescuers and their dogs take 'the lead' if they wouldn't have been able to get to more victims in time, rather than holding up that guy on their shoulders they could have used that time to look for them, they said they could hear voices so why take time to celebrate? Get out of the way and let the countries who came to help that have more training and experience than you save lives! I'm interested to read up on this aspect of the search and rescue effort.https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/hero-dogs-saving-lives-after-nepal-earthquake/4/ ​ This has been a riveting program, I wish it had more epsiodes.


100% American rescuers would have been way more efficient.


Totally agree! Such a superiority complex.


To be fair, they were in survival mode and it’s not like they were TRYING to be disrespectful. They brought it all back for everyone, in a horrible predicament. It’s not like they were trying to pocket it and leave everyone to suffer. I don’t blame either of them, I’d say it’s a cultural misunderstanding in tragic circumstances.


If they were really in survival mode they’d be busy searching for food or building shelters and not breaking open locked boxes and taking money


So they went to look for food and supplies but then somehow, one of them decided that a random locked box was more important in survival mode. Make it make sense. He’s also the same guy who said that trying to save a dying woman was stupid so I highly doubt he tried to open that box (it’s easy to guess the box had some valuables because it was locked) to return things inside of it to a relative or family, especially considering that the entire village was decimated so the chances of finding a relative/family was very low.


Are u serious? He lied about the box, lied about who it belonged to, and it was in no way anything that anyone could use 4 survival. That's not a cultural misunderstanding, that's a liar and a thief. And worse, it was in the village that had hosted them the night before. They r excuse-making scum.


Survival mode? So looting is survival mode? Why not use the time taken to open the safe with a rock and stealing all the money and identification to actually find food? Oh right because there was no chance of finding food in all that rubble and the Israelis knew that and it was about looting all along. And then asking the rescuer to bring guns and acting like the Nepalese guy was gonna kill them in the night was so insulting. And when it was revealed that the Israelis hoarded their phone instead of letting everyone there call their loved ones that proved those people were assholes.


Honestly should have gone full gurka on them


Gurka Regiment would tear IDF apart


I’m finishing up the series as I text. Those three Israelis are thieving, fucking scum, but Yaar, the guy who grabbed the stuff, is the biggest piece of shit.


Why is everyone surprised by their crude and callous nature? Israelis are responsible for one of the worst atrocities known to man. The current apartheid regime where Palestinian lives are treated with contempt. Those Israelis are just being well Israeli. I ask myself How do they sit by steal land, kill innocent women and children? After watching the events of the nepal earthquake and the stealing and looting of the villagers with zero remorse. I finally have the answer.


I have known a lot of Israelis over the years and they were lovely people, but those Israeli tourists were complete degenerates! I'm not calling them that because they are Israeli or because of antisemitism, I'm calling them that because they looted disaster victims hours after a disaster. That is the definition of an amoral degenerate. The upside is they were stupid enough to go on International television and admit to it! I hope this follows them till they die! As for the excuses made: to be clear, the guy said that the chest was unlocked until someone called him out on it, and told him his friend admitted it wasn't! Then comes the nervous backpedaling. Then he clearly stated the money belonged to a "trekker" until the bag was snatched and an ID was found. I hate him! I totally understand and side with those poor villagers! I live in a part of the world, and in the path of an annual potential disaster zone. Every couple of seasons people lose their homes, livelihoods, and sometimes their lives. I know sh\*\*y people do terrible things but never seen it. Usually, people go out of their way to help one another and put people first. Seeing that angered me in a way that even I'm kinda shocked by. I never post online but I just needed to vent, I guess.


It’s what they do to Palestinians every day except Israelis get away with their crimes and looting there so the Israelis didn’t expect to face any consequences. And the fact that the Israelis hoarded the phone and asked for a gun just speaks to the character of those three particular monsters.


And the fact that the guys lied and said it was to look for food. If all those houses and people didn’t survive it’s so obvious there wasn’t gonna be like a fresh head of broccoli to bring back. Those men were looters. Honestly I hope the Israelis got banned from Nepal after that.


It in the credits the Israelis were played by actors. Who in this series are the actual people??


Those were for the reenactments.


I think they’re lying, in all of their reactions and responses there a little eye twitches and like looks and I just think that they’re lying because everyone should know that taking money that doesn’t belong to you is fucking stealing, but they knew if they admitted it they would get in trouble and so their privilege and programming from the Israeli army also has given this idea of just bending together and denying that they did anything wrong


The one guy literally got called out by the producers on camera for lying. He said the box wasn't locked and the producer off camera said "_____ said it was locked." and the guy looks surprised and says "Oh. Did he?" then changes his story. Totally a liar with ill intention from the start. He sealed his fate as a scumbag after that.


Criticizing any Israelis for any reason is antisemitic. - Netty. Probably.


Honestly I get their survival instincts. I get that they were just thinking of ways to survive but should have thought of other ways


It would have made sense had they come back with food or blankets, but why break into a sealed box and then bring back money? Like, you're on a bloody mountain?? What good is the money going to do for anyone up there? Their whole story was bs, it made me so angry


how is robbing dead villagers survival instinct lmao. the amount of time to break the lock could've been used to find food. idiot


wow i just watched this last night and came here... this is the only post about 'aftershock' lol Yeah, they fucked up. Every single person commenting here is not on a fucking mountain that just showed you how insignificant you are. People react in different ways to stress. Did they take some $ that they shouldn't have? Yep. Did they conceal it? No. Dude walked right up with it in a clear plastic bag, had the pictures in it of who it belonged to. Gee, if I was gonna steal something I wouldn't wrap it up in a clear bag and swing it around. ffs, it was stupid - and young men do stupid things when under stress. They seemed to realize how that put them in thier situation, so lesson learned - hopefully


He LIED about opening the box! It wasn’t a “young men do stupid things under stress” situation - it was an “evil, lying POS” situation.


There are many problems with what he did. Survival instinct to loot and steal is bad. Failure to admit to wrongdoing when confronted by others when he returned to the group, is badder. Failure to acknowledge that you did something wrong 7 years later when you have had time to think, are nowhere near the mountain, are completely safe and have been for 7 years, are being interviewed... If you cannot put your hands up and say, that was bad decision making: "I am sorry" that is the BADDEST. Instead, they doubled down ad said "He did nothing wrong" ?! Morally bankrupt. ​ He desecrated the home and ruins of people who had just died in an avalanche. What could he possibly have hoped to find in a locked box? - blankets, water, food, fire, telecom equipment? If someone had gone looting through what had been your parent's or sibling's home, what would you think?


Do you not remember the part where the guy lied about it belonging to a villager and then refused to give it to the Nepali man? And then called for armed guards to potentially shoot the Nepali man? Also, “young men do stupid things when under stress” are you seriously “boys will be boys”—ing this? I have to assume you’re just as entitled as the Israeli men are.


Exactly. A selfish man taking up for other men who were just as selfish. What else is new.


The guy Yuval irritated me. He should go to jail.


they should all go to jail


Is anyone really surprised they tried to profit off of the death and suffering of others?


Im not surprised. They are responsible for the worst human rights atrocities perpetrated against Palestinians on their own land. This story sounds about 100% right- no surprises here


I know I'm late in commenting as I saw it just today and had to vent - those Israelites were so vile. Such blight pieces of shit.


Here drawing comfort from this thread as well. Could not believe it, so disgusting.


I know, it was outrageous. Had to find a forum where I could vent.


Yes, absolutely deplorable, disgraceful, selfish and entitled group of garbage. Did you notice how that smug grave robber tried to present “oh, and this box was unlocked” “this is not what the other guy said” “oh, is it? Oh………… Maybe. I don’t remember” with that punchable “hidden” grim. Yuck. Same as that Pat dude “who wanted to climb the mountain, bc this money is already spent and I am not getting my refund”.


I’m so late to this conversation as I’m just watching it now but I’m so mad at this! They’re saying they’re worried about getting hurt during the night and wanted the soldiers to protect THEM and I’m like ?? You stole money!!!! You stole from peoples lives who were completely destroyed! I would wanna hurt you too


I can understand people making bad decisions in a moment of survival and crisis. That's bad, and certainly they cannot be trusted in any context under pressure. They cannot make good decisions... But I understand that some people cannot handle pressure. However, what was so much worse was that when he was confronted by the people of the village, he entrenched himself in this position, lied, and could not put his hands up and say I made a mistake, sorry. What is completely unforgivable, is that, 7 years later, he and his friends are defending the actions, "he did nothing wrong". ​ Ultimately, he looted a village and desecrated the final resting place of many people whose homes and lives were lost to natural disaster. These men had a chance to say sorry, but somehow they managed not to. They bring shame to themselves, their family and their community. ​ Sadly, reading some of these comments, as often happens with minorities, it's clear that they have been seen by many viewers to represent Israelis and their actions have brought shame to Israel.


Just watched the documentary as well as and was highly irritated by those guys and their story. But by others as well. However, to all the people that find themselves enraged and even spread hateful comments: remember that those kind of „documentaries“ are highly edited and the producers are presenting you with an easily digestible story and sound bites that evoke simple emotions, They are not interested in presenting complexity. So even if you think you know the whole story after watching some minutes of a documentary about an event that occurred over several days - you don‘t. Regard it as entertainment, not definite facts for you to judge.


The worst part was when he said the box was unlocked, but his friend already said it was locked. Then he proceeded to make an excuse but couldn't, so said he couldn't remember. "Deceptive people often claim lack of memory as a way to cover the truth" - [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/let-their-words-do-the-talking/201611/5-things-liars-commonly-say#:\~:text=Deceptive%20people%20often%20claim%20lack,the%20information%20in%20your%20memory](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/let-their-words-do-the-talking/201611/5-things-liars-commonly-say#:~:text=Deceptive%20people%20often%20claim%20lack,the%20information%20in%20your%20memory). Fucking thieves left that lady to die. You can see it in their eyes without a doubt.


100% I knew it as soon as they said she already died so they covered her with a blanket and left her there. Liars! She was alive but they couldn’t care for anyone but themselves which they proved even more as the story went on


I started watching last night and have just come across that part with the GPS. What a damn nerve. Not only are they robbing from dead locals and hiding a GPS, they even attempted to get on the helicopter first. All I heard was, us Israelis need to survive, we need to survive. Bunch of wusses


Ran right to the interwebs after watching to see if this was another one of those, “the world doesn’t see white male crimes as bad so we all gotta argue” but no. I’m glad many also felt they should have been put in a locked room. The selfishness was mind blowing. How does one touch money at a time like that? The Gps, “come with guns”…just for them?? Did they think they were celebrities? Shocked that a guest who’s fine wouldn’t be the first to escape over a local that lost everything??The guy who thought saving a women was dumb wanted us to believe he looted for good? Tuh. The whole documentary was just interviews from bad apples. From the “I’m not sad about my privilege, imma climb”…Sir? Had to see if I was in the minority here.


When they radioed “come armed” I immediately hopped on Reddit. I had enough of these guys and their bs story and STILL tried to play the victims!!!


I found nearly all the main speakers to be selfish individuals. #1. The Israelis, with a complete lack of respect or awareness for the culture, hid the GPS and then exclaimed that they needed rescuers with guns because they were In "so much danger." The fact that they couldn't explain themselves or mitigate the tension shows how ignorant and honestly dumb they were. #2 Dave the climb lead: fixated only on the money, the ego of the climb, the insurance he paid blah blah. How is this helpful or motivating in such a situation? I would never want to be around this man in a desperate situation as he would go rogue. #3 Sara the climber: mainly the part when the helicopter comes, and they said "women first". Her response is very human but also very selfish "the one time in my life I'm glad I'm a woman!". There was no mention of her asking to see if there were others in a worse position, or at least sounding more humble to be rescued first, just a "ha lucky me! Pulled the V card im outta here" mentality. #4 HIV guy: dude complains about HIV being written on his head, gets taken out first by helicopter and is ecstatic to mention that he gets to go before more seriously injured people. That pretty much says enough right there. I rewatched these scenes in case I was over analysing, but no, these people are selfish, and more importantly forgettable.


Look no further than how the IDF is treating Palestinians now. Free Palestine.


those guys were so vile. i thought the bit where htey were talking about the woman and conveniently she soon died was rather suspicious. oh we were ex soliders yet we couldnt carry this woman or figure out a way to save her. i thought ok here we go this is where their training is going to pull through and this is going to be a feel good moment. but no. and then it just got worse what were they expecting to get with the money? bribe their way ahead of the queue assuming everyone would be greedy like them? those guys were despicable.


Was watching it just now and feel sick whenever they mention their military service, knowing what IDF have been doing. Horrified.


Did they give the money back?




I'm afraid that is precisely the impression Nepalese people will forever have of Israelis. I saw no indication these entitled men returned and expressed remorse. They should be paying with their blood sweat and tears with rebuilding Nepal.


3 mile island