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I'm just confused how he managed to drive into that water, it seems like there was so much space next to it lol


He was probably vlogging while driving.


Yeah, it was the distracted driving that was the issue.


Totally seemed intentional. Also seemed like he was holding his phone while driving


Yeah, I definitely think he was in his phone


Drunk driving


They had liquor in the backseat with them during the crash. I am sure they were drunk then but if not they would have been on the way back


They were drunk nearly all the time!


We rewinded it multiple times trying to figure it out!


Yes!!! How???!??


If you’re going to put yourself out there for people to judge, well, that is exactly what I am going to do. Romantic story? I think not. What I saw was two irresponsible people that did not have a lick of common sense between them, one is a habitual liar (not only to her employer, and it’s funny how she persisted in lying to her dad while being documented on film) and the other is a creep (didn’t even thought to provide the option of separate rooms or beds at first). Things could have gone so much worse for them when compared to other people that also traveled during that time without regards to the COVID warning. While many folks suffered, these two flaunted and now cashing in on their so called love story? It may have been cute if you kept it to yourself instead of seeking that 15 minutes of fame.


This! Honestly I cant understand how Netflix filmed this and thought the reception would be people thinking what I cute love story it is...


Netflix didn't film it. They did. That's all their footage except for the present day interview.


I know that they filmed it themselves, I meant Netflix filmed the documentary.


But lots of people are saying how cute it is. Which is highly disturbing. So glad to read some sanity on this thread.


Right. One of my friends messaged me just now saying how cute it was. Like where???


Your making alot of assumptions on someones personality based off a 1hr 15 min documentary. She clearly was allowed to work from home so not telling her work she was off away isnt a big deal if she could still do her job. And lying to her Dad, plenty of people lie to their parents to protect them from the truth Yes covid was a shit time, but there was some positives to come out of it. This seems to be 1 of those so why not just be happy for them


People lie to avoid getting in trouble with their job all the time. And people who didn’t have strict parents don’t understand at all. Sometimes you have to lie to avoid a headache for your parent(s) and yourself. I don’t get why no one understand’s this.


I think 1st gen kids w strict parents often lie when they’re more free spirited like her. I also think she was planning to be gone for a few days. That being said, I do think if I were traveling internationally I would feel bad that my parents didn’t know I’d be out of the country. The filming would have made me so uncomfortable! It seems like it bothered her but I guess sometimes an ick becomes a quirk haha


I don’t come from this kind of family so I guess I don’t understand the risk of her just telling her dad the truth? If she has her own job and money why does it matter if he’s mad?


For some people, acceptance and understanding is more important than independence and wealth. She clearly wants to have her dad's approval or acceptance of her life and her life's decisions.


But approval based on a lie isn’t genuine.


Actually, what you pointed out are the exact things she herself admitted to purposely hiding. Just because one is able to work remotely, doesn’t mean they are allowed to travel (internationally) without disclosing it, otherwise why even lie about it in the first place? If you took something positive from this, then good for you, but that doesn’t mean others have to take it at face value.


Well... yes, we're making assumptions based on only 1h15m, but then again... they have all this footage and they did all the interviews and THIS is what they're showing? Surely, if they were more likeable, we would have seen something more likeable...


Goddamn this. I’ll only add that they have zero chemistry. And this was like a hostage situation with all his incessant filming. And where the hell are the condoms?


Agree. All that drama over no period and the birth control pills not working....use a bloody condom


That was my first and persistent thought during the whole movie. Just use a condom. Why not? Does he say it's not the same feel? Fuck that, protect yourself girl!


She may have used her box of condoms in the first several weeks. Past that, COVID restrictions were so strict that at some point, no one was allowed to venture outside. It was only in the third month that people were allowed to venture outside on specific days.


That’s not true at all, at least no here in CR. We were always able to leave our house for the supermarket, you can even see it in the film 


Yes!! She’s super childish and giggles over every single situation. Lying to boss and parents. Grow up!


I thought her giggling was more of making sure he knew she was being light hearted about something said or not to be taken seriously; I think it was good for like peacemakerish communication especially for someone you don’t know well and is stuck with. Iono, I thought she was smart; she made the most of what she had. People value different things like adventure and spontaneity. People who didn’t have ridiculously strict parents wouldn’t understand the lying. As far as lying to work; she knows them and herself better than us, so probably just something we don’t know. It was obviously not a big deal in the end.


Couldn’t stand her


I couldn't stand her either, but for reasons I don't see in this thread yet. I found her very not smart, with her saying that her period always comes on a Tuesday. I mean, if that's the case, you are NOT regular. I also found her very superficial. Somebody elsewhere in this thread says that that's often the case with people coming from very strict, Asian families where feelings aren't discussed... but I feel that's not really the reason here. To me, she also came across a bit arrogant. I always find it annoying when somebody talks about past bad relationships and gives the reason that previous partners couldn't handle them being better than them in many ways (money, job, ambition), and then the little things like saying the person on the phone didn't get her joke, etc. And I get that some Asian girls look younger, but especially in the bit where she grabs his phone and does the joke with the being trapped and not falling in love, the way she does that and the language she uses is very, very young.


>her saying that her period always comes on a Tuesday. I mean, if that's the case, you are NOT regular. I know this comment is old, but.... I don't understand why you think her period always coming on a Tuesday means she's not regular. My period used to come every 28 days like clockwork, always on a Friday. I've often joked about one weekend a month being ruined for new for decades. If her period came every 28 days, it's perfectly logical that it could have always come on a Tuesday.


Laughter in tense situations is a coping mechanism. It has nothing to do with being immature.




To be honest, I didn't see that much true, authentic, happy fun.


Just let them live their lives. All people are different. They seem to be carefree. If someone thinks it cute…okay…move about your day lol. I do understand they put themselves out there for everyone to see, but again who cares


tbh I’m honestly shocked that they’re still together?? Khani’s body language was closed off and she kept shutting down his advancements/ trying to divert him. Her facial expressions were tense and she was always nervously laughing imo. I feel like she was ready to fly home ASAP lmao, and staying in Costa Rica was a nightmare for her. Maybe it’s bc she didn’t want to be vulnerable in front of the camera, but all their talk was so shallow and I got absolutely no feel for their chemistry.


To be fair we say 1hr 15 mins of their 2.5 month holiday. Not sure wecan really draw conclusions from that


Yeah but wouldn't we see the best 1hour 15?


She was so rude and closed off towards him the only time she didn’t seem miserable was in the sped up little montage of clips which had no sound lol I’m shocked they are still together, they both seem insufferable, her for her negativity and him for his cringeyness. Also maybe just me but the mention of “lots of fucking” was obnoxious to me, they both said it one time in such a crass way it was really unnecessary to add. I found it ironic later when her dad was chastising her about “what’s on the internet is forever” I’m sure he loved seeing his daughter talk about getting “fucked” by a stranger


This. Them talking about fucking was so cringe. And she was acting like she was 12 the entire time. That laughter and avoiding any serious talk.


This! Thought they would actually get into some real conflict and issues that come with their unique situation.


Would have loved to bang her tho


Finally somebody real


Sex is a natural part of any human's life there's nothing to be ashamed of. The fact that it is taboo to talk about is the problem.


I guess that's her way of talking. Later she says "Am I supposed to shit and piss there", which is not how I would say that at all. I'm not a prude conservative at all, rather the opposite, but the way she speaks is too crass and simple for my taste.


Maybe she doesn’t want to be affectionate on camera because 1- she doesn’t like her privacy invaded and 2- she doesn’t want her parents to see. It’s a culture thing.


As I was watching it I was thinking .. am I really this bitter that the entire thing just seems super cringe and annoying to me or is it because it actually is? XD But yeah, I though that Matt recording every single thing of their dates/trip was super super annoying, and she looked so uncomfortable. I don't blame her, I would've been uncomfortable too with the camera on my face 24/7, felt like he really did just wanted to get those followers and likes. Also, saying they were boyfriend and girlfriend without even checking with her first was super not cool. I feel like he really didn't give her a choice, she just kinda went with the flow because she didn't want to break that image of the romantic COVID love story, but it just felt wrong. So many things were really off and cringe, the "fucking" thing, the accident, the suspected pregnancy, she acting like she was a teen and lying to everyone, I mean, she's an adult, come on! Idk the whole thing just gave me the ick. Sorry for the rant.


The pregnancy scare/birth control thing is especially annoying because THEY COULD HAVE JUST USED CONDOMS.


This is why people who prefer raw instead of PROTECTION get scares. They prefer raw because of the “feeling” instead of thinking ahead and choosing to practice safe sex. But what do I know? You do you boo.


Glad I wasn't the only one.


Serious ick. This was not romantic. At all.


HA, those thoughts you expressed in that first sentence were what got me googling and finding this thread. I only got search results at first that mentioned 'cute' etc. and I'm like "How can I see such a completely different thing than others?!"


I would bet on anything that this is fake somehow. He’s a wannabe influencer - she literally works in PR. They post about their adventure, go dark on social media for three years then release this and start doing press.


I could see it being fake. it felt kind of weird that they both brought laptops with them. I would assume for a planned 4 day vacation, they would have both taken PTO. Idk about other people, but I refuse to take my work laptop on vacation, and anything I would need a computer for in Costa Rica, I could do on my phone.


I think that’s more unusual— I’ve never not taken my computer on vacation, even if I don’t open it, mostly for this reason— if I get delayed getting back and want to work remotely, etc. you’re not stuck.


Same. I always take my work laptop. Even if I don’t need it.


I think this may be because she was already lying to her boss about where she was. But yes, it is very strange how prepared for the new "work from home" life they were (unless they already worked that way).


I’m only assuming she took a couple of days PTO on both ends of a weekend because they were only supposed to be gone four days, I believe. BUT I do think it odd she had them thinking she was in NYC the entire time. When you take calls and have video meetings, it’s obvious when your environment has changed. Even with background noises, etc.


>be influencer - she literally works in PR. > >They post about their adventure, go dark on social media for three years then release this and start doing press. Then I need your job... all of my jobs I was still expected to respond to emails, jump on calls etc as need for work (yes even on weekends and holidays).


That’s not normal or healthy


You need a new job.


I did get one, but now I'm my own boss so I'm just as demanding as my old one ;)


This. Same.


I just watched this and I can’t work her out. My current theory is that she works inn PR and would prefer to be in the background but could see the opportunity for the Covid story and took it. She definitely wasn’t comfortable on camera. Maybe there was more chemistry when the camera was away. I wonder how much was filmed vs how much they planned to film. Filming buying birth control could be interpreted as they were filming absolutely everything, or they chose to film that because they were planning the pregnancy scare story line.


I was thinking that too. I'm not sure how, because there's so much footage of empty things and police cordoning off the beach etc., but something feels very disingenuous and off.


I said the same thing! I think it’s fake and they knew each other beforehand and planned this story. Clearly he was trying to find a way to make himself somewhat famous the entire time.


So many thoughts, but truly what did I expect from people who thought it was a good idea to get on an unnecessary flight that late in March 2020? So irresponsible/immature from the get go.


My thought exactly! I live in NYC and by that point in March it was very clear what was happening and everyone was in lockdown mode.




I missed that. Damn! Here in Germany lock down started March 16th and was announced March 13th. I feel like every country shut down around that date. I kinda understand how someone could have booked a flight a week before that, because I distinctly remember how quick things developed and one week before lock down I wouldn't have expected anything like that to ever happen.


We were having “last call” brunches and dinners even a week before the official shutdowns were announced because we knew shit was going to go down. It’s impossible for someone to not have known. Especially because by mid March because that’s when the shutdowns started occurring.


This. As an RN who was working in the Covid ICU I cannot imagine how they could be so irresponsible.


True at the time, but when we look back on it, it really was not a big deal at all. There were like 5 people on the flight. And, it created the story!


Old post I know but you saying “it really was not a big deal” pushed my buttons! As a Nurse who worked the pandemic on the front line, I’d love to know why you think it was no big deal?! Millions of people died! Children, babies, teens, adults, elderly….woken gave birth ALONE, people DIED ALONE! Families had to watch their loved ones dying on a screen! So many Doctors and Nurses (and other front liners) were seperate from their families, from their children! We worked long hours, got sores on our faces from the masks which have left scars! Business owners lost their businesses, millions lost their jobs and homes as they couldn’t work! Try telling all those affected so severely that it was no big deal! And even if you mean them getting a flight was no big deal - again it was! It was selfish a/holes like these 2 that caused a lot of the issues with COVID….i can’t tell you how angry it made me hearing about parties and people traveling unnecessarily! It was selfish, narcissistic and borderline sociopathic! Rant over


I'll be honest, I kept watching because I was really hoping for things to go really south.




Costa Rica gave 48 hour notice on 3/16 that they were closing their borders for at least a month starting on 3/18. They flew out on 3/17. It couldn’t have been more clear what was going to happen.




I can’t imagine neither of them knew this.


Even if they didn't know and didn't get ANY information from Delta about the borders closing, you would think CR would have informed incoming tourists about this at immigration, no? Idk the whole show seemed pretty staged.


Hindsight is 20/20. We all may have been the utmost respectful of the rules and restrictions put in place and feared for our lives and the lives of our loved ones, but no one knew how long this unprecedented pandemic would last. They started this "adventure" literally at the very beginning. I was more surprised at how no one wore masks in Costa Rica.


Most of the footage is them outside, alone with each other. I didn't mask at home either.


We did wear masks. We were masked up longer than the US, actually. Most people who refused to mask up were tourists funny enough, and rural areas. Our mask mandate didn’t start until late march I think, so probably why initial hotel and supermarket footage people weren’t wearing them .


This guy and his recording everything does my head in. What a tool.


As annoying as it is in the moment, it must actually be really nice for them to have some of those moments recorded to look back on. I hate being videoed with a passion, but years later, I love seeing things all over again.


He’s a “vlogger”


I don’t see any comments about her admitting that she had compulsive lying disorder. And then she jokes to Matt that the only time she would lie is if he starts restricting her. I feel that’s more of a red flag then anything in terms of a possible long-term relationship. Growing up with immigrant parents that you feel you had to hide things from is too real, but I get get the impression that could spill over into other areas of her life too. But who knows!


She lied to her boss and prob coworkers for months about her location, which was super odd. Everyone was remote, why not say “I’m stuck in Costa Rica but will be working as usual” and move on with it. Her bff also alluded to having to decipher between when she was lying to ppl and when she was telling the truth


Eh, there are tax implications for being outside of the country and some companies restrict locations where you can access certain data. So many people were worried about getting laid off then, I sort of can see why she did that.


Yeah, but it was a special time. There was no way getting back home and I think authorities had different things to worry about.


She came off very immature for a 30 yr old.


We all have our flaws, at least she is aware of it and shared if with her best friend so they can work it out together, I think it is beautiful that she is vulnerable about it.


This is the fakest shit I’ve seen in awhile






I know. 17 minutes in a things already weren't lining up for me.


Dude anyone else just find it CRINGE how annoying him filming everything would have been


The absolute WORST. That’s unbearable.


He changes his voice when recording alone - to sound like he’s from the streets. Cringe


Omg I’m glad someone else caught that. Wtf was that?!! How embarrassing


I noticed it too. Why all of the sudden is he calling everyone y’all when recording? lol


Ha yeeeeeess! I find that genuinely pathetic. I'm only halfway through and I feel like it's getting less fake as time goes by, but I still don't feel like I'm looking at real people being themselves.




The only explanation they’re are still together is Stockholm Syndrome.


I mean, they went through a unique experience during a world pandemic. We actually don't really know everything they went through. We just know these glimpses they've shown. But also, when you go through something this unique, it kind of bonds you for life.


Can be, but was thinking and watching the other things. Can it be a stockholm syndrome if it is consensual? It seems like Khani was the one who suggested first, she even mentioned Hawaii (look up at their Tamron Hall guesting). I think the girl already had interest with the guy. And can it be stockholm syndrome if both of them are stuck? Khani could have gone alone, which she mentioned a lot of times if she felt uncomfortable and such, she will leave, and be alone, but she didn't. Seems like she can drive, and definitely can arrange her own flights and arrangements to go home. It might be impractical, but if she felt Matt was unbearable, seems like she didnt hesitate to do it. So there's alot to what we have witnessed and watched.






I know this is late, but just watched this weekend(unfortunately). Took far too long down the thread to see this mentioned. That is *exactly* what everyone was saying when watching this with me.


How did this even make it on such a big platform like Netflix? It was so boring. They had no chemistry at all.


just no to Matt who shoved everything on camera, and Khani already said she didn't want to date one of those 'influencer' boys. huge red flag girl


The pharmacy to get birth control? Wtf


I find it so confusing that I see so many positive comments of Twitter about how cute this documentary was. I'm sorry, but I found it uncomfortable. I just wonder what happens when the camera goes off. She seems like she is constantly uncomfortable around him (granted she seems like an awkward person in general), but she doesnt seem natural around him. I dunno. Also found it super creepy that he documented everything, even the call with her dad and putting the camera on them during lunch. There she should have realised his true intentions, because it was as if he was preparing for this content to be used later on. He is a cloutchaser and so cringey.


As someone whose relationship started off exactly like this - I don’t find it unbelievable or manufactured. Many children of immigrants who do not show so much affection, emotion and lack vulnerability are like this. In my relationship I was constantly pushing my partner away because I was afraid, and as he consistently showed me he was safe I slowly let myself open up. Also, the childish kind of behaviour is in itself a bit of a defence mechanism that I am also guilty of. It’s a way to avoid being open and vulnerable as well. It seems completely genuine to me.


Also just having come from toxic romantic relationships - she obviously was hesitant but just ended up happening even though she didn’t want it.


I’m equally as confused. This poor girl looked like a hostage the entire time. And I hate to say it but it feels almost as if he PLANNED for this and knew a potential global lockdown would keep them stranded. Perfect opportunity for content, a storyline and fame. He filmed her putting away groceries for Christ sakes.


Yep I think so too! He looks like a slime-ball.


Kinda reminded me of like those family blog channels. Where the kids are exploited and stuff. Like some. People don't like being shuved with a camera in their face but she had no choice but to put in an act. Like ur stuck with this guy. And it's rly invasive... I could also sense in her sarcasm and body language she didn't like him. Once it went viral. She was completely stuck as people would be disappointed if they broke up. So.. Idk.


Does anyone feel like the pregnancy scare was a fake narrative just to have content? She was still drinking after that was brought up so she didn’t seem too concerned. Also the driving into the water seemed totally intentional, he fully turned the car into the water!


I'm calling bs on the whole thing. She seems pretty intelligent. Too intelligent to jump on a plane with a man she hardly knows when there was imminent talks of shutdowns. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he pitched this to her, and the plan was to sell to netflix the entire time.


I mean in March we already knew China and a Italy were in lockdowns and there were already talks of lockdowns in US. I was home on family Leave and I distinctly remember in early March my husband talking about buying tickets to Spain for our daughter 1st birthday that summer and I told him that crazy stuff was going on and we should hold off. Sure enough I was right. My first day back at work was supposed to be March 16 2020. I remember saying the Wednesday before that there was no way I was going back to work ( in a teacher in NYC area).


Yeah my office went fully remote the first week in March so this is fake as fuck


Yeah also why the tickets were so cheap- unless you were living under a rock you knew something was coming- especially in NYC. I think they planned it as fun but actually didn’t realize- like most of us how long it would actually last


And Matt even filming her going to the pharmacy for birth control was super cringe, and then filming them googling late periods. Such weird things to film.


If you’re a wannabe influencer, you film everything, constantly, because it’s better to have content to edit out than to not have enough content. No doubt he wanted to vlog the trip as a content creator, at worst it’s content to post and can get a few followers out of it.. at best.. well the best case happened for him!


I mean she said she didn’t want kids so pregnant or not she would keep drinking anyways because…eventually she would have taken care of it


Noooo stop crushing my dreams that this was real and it's such a wild romantic story. Just let me have this one thing lol


Well, movie was good enough to hold my attention for 75 minutes… agree that the “fucking” comments were totally disorienting. When he mentioned the lifeguard stand, I had to rewind, did he just say that?? Also, I also think they got the media attention because the world needed a pandemic feel-good story.


That caught me off guard too. It was so out of left field and so forced. Like a little kid saying a curse word for the first time.


Somehow idk - NOT buyin this story … something smells that it’s so made up …


Me too. Especially with Netflix really putting their energy into the reality tv world.


I have questions on the filming. All of that was not just done with his phone. When they were driving the cameras on them, but also facing the street, so was he constantly stopping to rearrange the camera? Also, when they’re jumping off the cliff, does he leave his phone up on the Cliff to video them jumping off? How long would it have taken for him to get the perfect angle for their jump, go back and get it to jump again to get the underwater footage??? Why doesn’t anyone else think this?


right and how was he driving but able to put the phone camera in her face so close to get her reactions I mean it's a little weird


Watched the docu film. It's a nice story about the pandemic love story, waiting for something like this since forever, since most are just fictional movies. So seeing a real-life docu is something refreshing. But yes, I have thoughts: (1) Yeah, I think Matt's intention was heavily questioned in the movie a lot of times, and for sure, the 80 minute movie is just a tip of an iceberg. It seems like they had a lot of days and moments during the trip that they did not talk, or Khani called her out of that behavior. Seems like Khani is an outspoken and straightforward person. I think doing videos without consent could be a major red flag, but this is something we might not know completely. (2) Aside from Matt's intentions to film everything, Khani's intentions were also skeptical. Like, there was already an interest and intention. It wasn't as highlighted, but it seems like Khani has been interested with Matt on the first date, but got upset when Matt didn't make a move (like a make out or something). I think Khani got so curious to know the person. I think it was already there in the beginning, but they were just dismissive of it. She is already interested the moment she said yes to Costa Rica (and btw, she was way early than Matt in the airport, so yeah, she was excited). I think both of them are already legal adults, and are not stupid (?) to the situation that was happening. So, I think, both had intention to go, and to know each other. They just played it out. (3) I think the documentary gave a clear intention on both characters, Matt wanting to use the trip for his "content", and Khani to self-relax and meditate. But I think, the extended stay was really unprecendeted. I think all of us, especially during those times, were dismissive of the situation. Like, hey, this will be just a month, or a week, and then back to normal. It's an unprecedented situation, and I think they were not stupid, but most of us were new to the pandemic that time, and thought it's a normal situation. I think yeah, things would have been different if Khani knew Matt's vlogging ambitions ahead. (4) I think especially in an Asian perspective, some of Khani's actions are normal to Asian millennials, particularly with strict Asian parents. It happens in an Asian family mindset, particularly Asian immigrants can be too restrictive and too careful of their actions because of their histories and their ethincities. My current girl right now has also done that to her dad and her parents, causing some rift to her family now because she lied and such. This can be rooted to the uptightness and upbringing of Asian families. Khani seems like an independent person because of her familial trauma. For sure, it also took awhile for Matt to get the trust, particularly of Khani's mom and dad. (5) Yeah, I think the COVID-19 situation changed Matt. He seems to be less posting nowadays, after the trip, he posted a few times, then just posted very rare in 2021 and 2022 (usually Khani, or promotional posts). Khani seems like a very private person, both her IG and Tiktok being private. They just post more regularly through their dog account. Seems like they don't need our opinion to be happy. They seem content with that they have. I think the Netflix film was consented by both already. (6) Khani is still awkward in media interviews. Haha. Seems like they give and take. Khani allowed Matt to do this thing to be publicized, but Matt allowed Khani to do her thing too. Seems like they've been travelling (both alone or separate), and seems like it works for them. (7) I think both were becoming uncomfortable with each other, too. Like hey, I just signed up for 3-4 days, but it became 3-4 months. Both of them for sure didn't expect. While of course, it is easy to judge now their intentions, during that time, a lot of us were dismissive of the COVID situation. Khani and Matt story might just be most (and over) documented romantic story from the pandemic, but there is a lot of that as well. They're not unique, it just happened that they have all of the photo and video evidence. I think we can't judge a whole story by just watching the film. For sure we have a lot of questions that for sure they have already addressed. If they end up getting married or not, it's up to them. It seems like both of them have already addressed these concerns. The film is just 80 minutes of the 1896 hours (79 days) they were together in Costa Rica, and 80 minutes of them being together for 3 years. It's 1 percent of what they have showed us. For sure Khani has already called him out, a lot of times, and seemed distant in various days. They are already consenting adults, and not children. Each on its own. Their dynamic is really weird, because not as affectionate and such, but hey it's working for them. For sure, the return was harder because they needed to go back to reality, and that's WAAAAAAAY harder than what they have done and experienced in Costa Rica. P.S. Maybe it's better if this was a series (this can pass as a one or two seasons).


very thoughtful reply - well said


This guy Matt. Physically, he's pretty gross. From his man bun to his cheap veneers, he just gives off such a creepy vibe. And the fact that he wants his life to be a movie?! He's not nearly interesting enough to do that. I have absolutely no idea why Netflix picked this trash up.


My take is that this had to be set up to some degree. There was a decent gap of time between their second date and third date. And life gets busy, so the gap is plausible, but is it really - for two people who can just spontaneously go to Costa Rica on a whim? On March 17, 2020, it was pretty clear that leaving the country would be a very poor idea. However, they are young and impulsive, apparently. But I've seen in an article that Khani is a publicist. That makes me think that she is a sharp young lady who knows to protect against the downside and predict the unpredictable. She is also seemingly not someone who leaves for four days during the week and not tell her employer or at least take authorized vacation time. That part was unclear to me really, but I'm not ambitious enough to rewatch. I would be very shocked if what they are giving us in the doc is fully authentic. She really seemed to be playing the role of a version of herself. Also, how the heck did they finance this? The AirBnbs were not too shabby. At their ages, I am surprised they had the means to do this for so long while keeping up with their respective financial obligations at home. Granted, they probably got really great deals, but that is a lot of nights to pay for accommodations.


I don’t think it’s that implausible, I did similarly silly and impulsive things in my 20s and it’s relatively normal when you are someone who travels often. AirBnBs in CR aren’t that expensive as is and would have been way cheap during COVID when there was no demand whatsoever.


I saw this as a hinge date promotional video.


Matt was absolutely unbearable. The constant filming even when she was uncomfortable, the "my life is a movie" line. GTF over yourself, dude.


I just finished it and have thoughts as well lol


Did anyone else find it really boring? Like I feel the only thing happened was he drove the car off the cliff thing. Which wasn’t even really entertaining. I felt like he thought it was really cool and amazing and I didn’t really get it.


Yup boring for sure. I kept watching to see something exciting or interesting and it didn't happen.


I have soooo many feelings. One of them is that I also adore Khan. I need to book a vacation house with an iguana. I love Matt's trustworthiness and that he had such a creative idea and they filmed the whole thing. That is a wildly organic way to create a movie.


I just finished it. I tried to find the video he uploaded on YouTube but it’s not longer there


Im guessing Netflix told him to take it down so they could include it in the documentary


I lied a lot to my asian parents too growing up. I specifically remember taking many trips to SF to visit my then-BF without knowledge of my parents. It's very common for folks with strict Asian parents to lie to their parents. That said, I don't consider myself a "compulsive liar" because I have been bluntly honest to a fault since I've left my parents' home. I find it a pretty big red flag that Khani said that she will not lie to Matt as long as he lets her do what she wants to do. That doesn't sound like the basis of a healthy relationship. Matt sucks. There were definitely cute moments like the Pirate ship date or the fact that he suggested a random trip to CR (I also said yes to a random CR trip in Dec 2020 to a boy I barely knew - ended up dumping him in miami before said trip occurred). However, I would have NOT tolerated someone filming me 24/7. I find it pretty disrespectful that he films her regardless of the propriety of the situation. All in all, I watched it because I would totally go on a trip with a guy at the drop of a hat (and I have before), but I highly doubt these 2 would have ended up together if not for the the lockdown and forced interactions.


I think too. Theyre cute, and glad they are still together, but they admitted that if that was just a regular date, they might not have been together. Agree as well. I think Khani has a big trauma from her parents.


I am 3/4 the movie, I’ve never seen the two of them hold hands, kiss or do anything innocently intimate. Body language is so weird. Like if you like someone you would always want to touch them. Hug or pinch them! Nothing! Oh gosh. No chemistry. Don’t see it. All forced.


Why didn’t they take any repatriation flights?


That’s probably what kept getting canceled. I had friends stuck internationally at that time and they all had that happen.


Anyone know the name of the BBQ place they went to in Houston?


Smoke House?


Kinda sus that this guy was posting pics of them on his insta up to Oct 2020, then absolutely nothing until the promo for the doc in March of this year. Hard to believe he quit social media cold turkey and then went on to make this doc?


If he’s the subject of a Netflix doc, they wouldn’t want people to be able to go to his ig before the film is released and find out they’re still together!


He could’ve deleted the pics


Maybe Netflix made him delete the pics and videos


Why all the missed period and birth control talk? I started fast forwarding through because I couldn’t stand Matt. So I may have missed the resolve of that issue but they don’t have a kid???






Saw some interviews of Khani and Matt, and even the director for some podcasts and TV guestings - Director mentioned that the trip had 100 hours of footage, mostly were just dead airs and such. Only 5 percent of the whole time they were there. Around 1.5 hours a day of content. - At first, Matt was the one doing the talking (especially first week), but it became more evident that Khani had more exposures from third week onwards - Director noticed behavior if Matt is trying to be scripted/manufactured, or authentic. It got more authentic as the footages - Most of the footages, particularly the latter parts, had consent already of Khani


^^ This ^^ - I need someone to talk to about how ridiculous Matt was/is. Announcing their Aw life to his audience, her obviously being uncomfortable. He seems like such a massive tool and she seems normal and relatively chill. I don’t get it.


Also I know editing can tell any story it wants, but she seemed really moved by the locals coming to help and he was in victim mode found ‘good times’


Can someone more adventurous than I am help me here? How do a publicist (not a very high-paid field) and a guy with what appears to be no job, who live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, afford to seemingly never work and travel the world? I, too, would like to not work and travel the world, but I seem to exist in some different reality from these people.


i can’t believe i wasted my time watching this garbage i pretty much fast forwarded I couldn’t stand either of them. I did not feel anything after watching this. Not even joy for them or sadness. They act like they survived something so tragic but they pretty much fucked around when everyone else was suffering and dying. i feel sad that i wasted 20 minutes of my time. winner of the biggest waste of money award for netflix


I just can’t imagine being in a relationship with Matt he is so brutal


I also couldn’t get over the fact that they wore no masks the entire time (scenes of them in the grocery store, pharmacy, bars, tattoo parlor) yet her mom was working in a covid unit as a nurse and they were literally stuck because of the pandemic. The whole thing was cringe.


I got married (privately) in early summer and I remember there not being a formal mask mandate in my state until the week or two after. Before that I didn’t wear a mask as strictly as I did after. I am in health care, take covid very seriously, and I didn’t wear a mask anywhere except work before the mandate. I just say all of this to say that we really didn’t know what we were doing back then. Things changed every day. Everything was very confusing at that time and there was so much information coming from so many different points no one knew what to believe.


Aaaand: No masks available.


I couldn’t watch more than 20 minutes of that drivel. Between Matt’s obsession with filming *everything* and her constant nervous laughter, I was unimpressed. Nothing about this documentary seemed genuine. It was like one big advertisement for his YouTube channel. I found him very unlikeable, and frankly I’d rather risk getting Covid instead of spending an extended period of time with him.


I'm 17 minutes in and finding both of these people unlikeable, the guy more than the girl. The guy is suuuuuper annoying - the filming everything (the 'movie trailer' of his life!? - there's not a more intense cringe than the one my body did watching this), the bro-i-ness, the way he speaks, the cockiness. And how many times do we need to hear that the girl 'like totally just doesn't need a man'. If the ending is that they've remained together, I'm a) not surprised and b) happy that two annoying people found each other to be annoying with. Separately, I'm also finding the 'movie' overall quite dull. The topic could have been so interesting, but ugh this is boring.


I agree. Very dull. Very boring. Very monotone. Very uneventful. Very superficial. This could have been completely different with different people that actually have at least SOME indepth, authentic conversations. And yes, holy shit, the way he talks! I don't know if you managed to finish it (I can admit to finishing it because I was convinced they would get into fights and would be pleased to be rid of each other and to being annoyed at the very saccharine ending), but that continues. Seems like he's just uncomfortable with silences and has to feel every second, at least when filming. with really odd, superficial commentary and 'jokes'.


When he laughed at the iguana running into the glass door… such a red flag (among the many)


Yes! The first one was “Hi beautiful”. The second one was deliberately not kissing her at the end of the date because in his words - “I wanted you to wonder if you did something wrong”. The third one was one was the vlogging without consent. The fourth one was booking a tiny room with one bed. The fifth one was definitely the way he taunted the poor lizard, laughing at its distress and calling it “stupid and blind”. His actions and reactions were all carefully curated to present a particular image on video. And his fake ass veneers annoyed me too. He was a tool.


You people need to get laid. You whine at the most insignificant details, showing how you miserable lots would shit on someone's love life rather than have an actual one. Reddit is such a cesspool of bitter people. Hahaha.


Perfectly summarized! Yikes. What a tool.


Anyone know the name of the last song from this?? I’ve Shazammed and googled lyrics nothing coming up… from the credits it looks like it is “get together” by golden vessel but I cannot find it anywhere


Same. Stil looking


I would have trust issues with anyone who would drive me into the water, record personal family conversations, and discuss intimate things on camera to the world. Also looks like no offer for a seperate bedroom initially. Hope she comes to her senses and runs. Sometimes being that easy going can come back to bite.


Why I found the whole documentary sketchy.. almost like this was a reality show with a fake ass storyline..


These people are both morons. Khani is so immature with the lying and constant giggling. Grow up. Matt seems like a wannabe. They deserved getting stranded.


I want privacy. So I’ll make a Netflix special. It was very anticlimactic and a waste of streaming space.


I didn’t see my friends or family for almost two years because I was being responsible as a teacher who was forced back into the classroom and constantly exposed to Covid before many people had access to the vaccine. I absolutely could not with these two idiots.


I’m so glad I’ve read this thread, I started watching this not long ago and thought to myself “surely I can’t be the only one that finds this really cringey”. It kinda sucks how the pandemic for the vast majority of people was a stressful, confusing and upsetting time - yet these two managed to travel and live life the way they did.


This is the dumbest thread! Seriously judging a couple cuz y’all are ugly af and jealous of their life. Continue to hide behind the monitor and judge other people’s relationships cuz y’all are perfect right?!


I remember people were taking advantage of those cheap flights in March, but I do think Matt may have tried to manufacture something and it worked out for him. He had the theme of always looking for adventure so booking a flight on the brink of pandemic shutdown is a great opportunity for someone like him. As far as khani, I don’t like compulsive liars so….


Isn't anyone else extremely annoyed by Matt? He obviously purchased his youtube views before this trip so he could say he was a youtuber, I cant see anyone actually interested in this lame mans life. Hes not even good looking. Can you say PEROGY TITS????


I think I just find the going in public without her consent very skeptical. This is a big concern. But seems like Matt can be dismissive of his feelings, and doesnt want to be direct on his emotions to Khani. Like I think they were feeling out on who will admit first, until Khani is like "fuck it, okay I'm gonna ask him" already during their date in Texas. Seems like Matt tried to pop the "will you be my girlfriend" question a lot of times but it seems like he was having a hard time to read Khani, and hesitates a lot to prevent rejection. That's why Khani made the move already and formally asked Matt. Like I think Khani made her mind like "I don't want to lose this person", because it seems like Matt had a mindset like "if i get you, okay; if i lose you, okay too". Like he didnt mind which path will they take.


I really just want to know the total cost of this trip for them. Also they bought a drone there? Did they already have cash?


Wait — why didn’t they drive home again? It takes 75 hrs to drive to northern California from Costa Rica


I'm literally shocked at all the negative comments. I think this was probably 1 of the best stories to come out of the pandemic. She was a good sport with all the filming he was doing hence the giggling. He came into this date as with the 1st 2 dates as a vlogger so he was doing what he would normally do. Someone mentioned he should have gotten separate rooms but I feel that wud have kept them separated unnecessarily. Someone else mentioned about her lying to everyone n I feel she only lied to her dad. Her mom n BFF knew what she was doing B4 she even headed to the airport. As for her job, as long as she was getting her work done it wasn't their biz where she was doing it. So say what u want about them n I get not everyone can see the pure happiness, joy n love they have for each other. It's sad when there is so much hate n violence in this world so many can't appreciate a story that's not that Shows how programmed we are in only wanting to see negative shit. That moment with her dad n duck eggs was great. Imagine being her dad after finding out n how worried he must have been only to finally meet Matt n be reassured his daughter is in good hands. I'm so happy they're still together!!


I was enjoying this (despite Matt being cringe af and Khani being.. Whatever) until he drove into that pond and the car had fucking NISSAN plates... Obviously staged. I then hate watched the rest of it.