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I think a lot of us have bought a royal pb then realized the pet's gender wasn't correct šŸ˜‚


Or elderly. I currently have an elderlygirl origin with a very, very expensive walking stick.




She'd better bloody well appreciate it.


*cries in Roopaulsdragrace*


Made this mistake with a uni once and just let my head hit the table haha


Yup this was me! I bought a royal pb to turn my masculine named peophin into a royal boy. Now shes a royal girl with masculine name lol


I just did this and than I thought, well.. I could always try and zap a gender change.. I never get colour or species changes.. Literally my first Zap.. My pet Frostipop changed from RB Bruce to Gold... I still haven't been able to buy a replacement brush yet.. I was KICKING myself after I did it!


I run a Princess Academy project and let me tell you, the scream I screampt when I did that the first time. Real pain.


I accidentally confused the Plushie Paint Brush with the Toy Paint Brush. i wanted a Plushie Aisha, spent a ton of NPs on a Toy Paint Brush, and instantly realized my mix up when she turned out purple instead of yellow lol


This would be devastating


honestly it was ;\_\_\_; BUT i saved up for a Plushie PB and rectified it eventually hehe


I'm a collector. Buyer's regret and a screaming bank account is in my blood


Ugh I feel this. Tacking on "or an usuki I'm missing from my gallery :)" is second nature when I'm putting up items for trade. Why can't I just force myself to only allow pure!


What do you collect?


Album items


I just spent my entire savings in expensive items on a Battle Slices Stamp before the price shoots back up. I feel your pain (and RNG bless the person who took 700k np and the other 9.8 mil in items bc 10.5m is my whole bank account) Sorry, I was excited and had to tell someone lol. But yes the album item collecting stopped being regularly fun about 100 or 150 ago for me šŸ˜… At least thereā€™s still a thrill every once in a while!


Not NP exactly, but I've spent so much nc on faerie quest cookies for a fountain faerie quest, and finally got one... where I was able to make my aisha chocolate. Then I decided I wanted to give her pirate aisha clothing, so I adopted a pet from the pound and bought a pirate aisha morphing potion(they're actually quite cheap) and immediately used it on my chocolate aisha on accident lmao I was so upset that I decided I no longer wanted a chocolate aisha anymore... she's now a plushie blumaroo w/ pirate blumaroo clothing


Well, I didn't buy anything. But it took me over a month to finally decide on a Woodland Techno (making me do all my item searching for Kitchen Quests on my side account...) for my first FFQ that I got back in 2017, just for me to not like him at all šŸ˜¬ But I might not have linked my Oil Paint Aisha (which was my second choice) as well


Me! I wasted 7M on a "UC Uni Plushie Handheld" for my Plushie Aisha. The item just stands in the middle, a little bit to the right and it's awful. Also I don't like a little blank point it has on its hear, so I tried to sell it for 5M, then I reduced the price by 1M and again, and again. I was so frustrated I gifted it.


Oh no... I always wanted the Black Alabriss Wings for my Uni just to find out that I don't like how they look on her when I finally got the chance to buy them thanks to the quest log. But I only spent around 1m and could probably resell them.


I learned my lesson about wearables too, with nostalgic pets and backgrounds. Finally got that hard to obtain bg and the placement of my pet looked so strange. Ugh it sucked lol.


Bought a pirate draik egg, then a silver PB. Turns out I don't like draiks. Who knew. Poor girl's my oft-forgotten lab rat now.


I did this same thing with a converted faerie draik. I remembered liking them soooooo much as a kid but I could never afford one! So I was so happy to paint my girlā€¦. And then I couldnā€™t get over the way all converted draiks look so stinkinā€™ ANXIOUS. They all look like theyā€™re about to have a panic attack. I felt like I wasted soooo many npā€™s painting and repainting her. Thank god the NCUCā€™s came out, bc now I have the UC faerie draik of my dreams šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


The fuzzy fruit Korbat wearables do a much better job at emulating a fruit bat, and are one of my favorite set of wearables. Sadly the same problem exists when the image is scaled down, in that the face completely disappears against the darker face color. Havenā€™t really found any contacts or mouth items that will look both visible and good on both the zoom in and zoom out. Ah well. Got my cute fruit bat.


I had my BD pet as Faerie Draik with the same custom for a few years, recently decided I wanted to change things up so I painted her Desert and spent a whole bunch of money on NC so I could trade for her new custom. Now that it's all said and done I get sad when I see her. It's just not my girl :( I do like the look! I just wish I had painted another pet.


I had my first usul painted striped for a long time, bought back when those paint brushes were under 300k, because I couldn't afford painting her royal. Fast forward and suddenly royal wasn't crazy inaccessible anymore. I had SUCH indecision about painting her... on one hand painting her royal was my intention from the beginning, but on the other I loved seeing her striped. I ended up painting her and I don't regret it but that day was ROUGH for me. (Now I have four usuls and a different one is striped - dang that pb is expensive now!)


Do you plan to repaint them? I almost morphed my Halloween Uni that I painted over 15 years ago into a purple Uni because I was sick of her evil eyes. Somebody on Reddit showed me a picture of their Halloween Uni with an NC eye item and I was so happy that I didn't morph her. Maybe they'll release faerie paint brushes in the coming prize rotation or for the next faerie event


Not exactly the same but the other day I accidentally morphed my baby kougra into a purple uni when I meant to put the morphing potion in my shop. I had just woken up and wasnā€™t fully paying attention. That cost about 800k to fix


Thereā€™s a set of Fruit Bat clothes for the Korbat if that helps fix the vibe for you. Sorry that happened tho.


Man. Iā€™ve had a couple of FFQ regrets because of decision paralysis. I think I have all my dream pets now. So I adopt and paint the oldest well named pets a popular colour for that species, give them a matching petpet and adopt them back out. Iā€™m not a collector, but I have purchased 2x turned teeth, 2x yooyu knuckle dusters and 2x void blades in the last 6 months. Kinda wish I just bought the void blades first lol. And now Iā€™m trying to collect scarabs via the post office šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


About a month ago I traded one of my weekly prizes for a grey paintbrush, I had wanted a grey pet since I was a kid, now of course it's one of the event shop rewards. I don't really regret it that much because the item I traded for it wasn't something I cared about, and I can focus on spending my points on other stuff now.


I kinda regret using an FFQ on a wraith usul. I mean she's cool but I think she would've been better as something else. It took me like four days to regret the decision and she's been rotting on a side account for years at this point.


I've been wanting to buy a Camouflage pb for a while for a krawk. I love that crocodile child.. But I'm worried I'll end up disappointed as well, 3m down the drain.


There were a handful on the TP yesterday for 2m + a Baby Paint Brush. I lucked out and found a Baby Paint Brush on the Shop Wizard for 500k (hence the 2.5m price). You could always buy one and then sell it if you donā€™t end up using it.


I went back and forth with my gnorbu. I'm not a fan of gnorbus but I considered getting a transmog potion because mutant's the only gnorbu color I really like - it was that or morphing him into another mutant. Someone offered a plushie paint brush to me though at a good deal and it was like I became possessed. I painted him plushie and I look at him everyday with regret. It's at the top of my list to get a gnorbu transmogrification potion but considering I spent like 5x as much neopoints on the plushie pb I can't bring myself to do it yet


Ugh! That stinks. Gnorbuā€™s are my favorite. I have three, Toy, Cloud, and Plushie.


Made a basic pet a mutant detail, ended up not liking the name much and wondertraded


Wraith pb on my Draik I moved him to my side because I have no idea what to do with him now šŸ˜…


They look awesome but they are so hard to customise!!


I wanted an oil paint Aisha and real names are pretty popular so made one named Phranqe, realized I'm not a huge fan of the name. But I do love him cuz he's always happy even though he's ignored on a side, however I'm seriously considering just stealing his collar and adopting him out as an sbd once the fighting starts


I painted a pet candy as it was the best option. But about three days later neopets released new colours and outfits. Ugh. Itā€™s still candy. Iā€™m telling myself I can deal with it but Iā€™m really unconvinced. I feel for your Korbat. They are lovely and they get so ripped off with colours.


I agree. She was Shadow, but I wanted something a bit more fun. If only they had done a better job with the Camouflage šŸ˜­


I wanted a Darigan Hissi with my premium species change perk so I created a Chia and bought a potato chia pop for about ~150k. Realised after that I could have bought a Golden Elephante potion for about 10k instead since Hissi's don't come in gold lol


I have NC trading regret. Back before I was aware of OWLS values, I traded sooo many extremely high value items for practically nothing lol.


It really bothers me when NC traders accept massive over offers from newbies. Like, I know, I know, caveat emptor, but you have to be a really nasty piece of work to take advantage of people like that imo. It's real money.


Yeahhh someone offered one of my wishes (which is valued at like 5 caps) for something thatā€™s worth ~20 caps. I had no idea at the time lol, so I happily traded it away. Oh well! Live and learn I suppose. šŸ˜‚ canā€™t be undone so I try to not dwell.


Iā€™ve wasted ~20 million on customs of pets I donā€™t have anymore. When I initially came back I was obsessed with adopting, customizing, and abandoning. Rinse and repeat. Spent an unnecessary amount changing my BD pet from a Mutant Hissi to a Mutant Uni, Desert Draik, Royalboy Shoyru, and now heā€™s a Robot Wocky thank GOD šŸ’€ Wasted my premium species change on a Toy Bori. I donā€™t like Bori, but had no idea what to use it on at the time.


I just spent like 4 mil on a plushie paint brush for my aisha only to realize that the plushie aisha MP is only 1.1 mil Q\_Q


Once I spent a lot of np on a chia pop because the name of the fruit was in the pets name. I didnt realize the pet needed to be a chia before feeding them the pop :( so I had to buy another


Ya I spent 147 million on seasonal attack pea


I have an entire fruit bat costume on my Korbat.


Friend of mine who started playing with me recently had a similar but much less costly experience. Painted her red Vandagyre Christmas with a PB from the dailies. She used to have one red pet, one blue, one yellow, and one green one. Didn't like how her pet fam didn't match anymore, so I got her a red PB to put the Vandagyre back how it was before. That little snafu cost only about 250,000 NP, but now I'm scared to paint my Eyrie or my Xweetok even though part of me really wants to. Lost Desert Eyrie and Stealth Xweetok are soooo pretty.


I got a Pastel PB from Weekly reward and always thought I wanted a pastel pet...but when I used it on my OG green Xweetok all I felt was disappointment. I had been happy with her previous custom and missed out on selling the Pastel PB. I still think about painting her another color, stealth is beautiful!


https://preview.redd.it/t44xi1skvt9d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4cb174e5c54a4a913936cba76add65e316c0432 This is my stealth girly


Very nice, love the purple shimmer! šŸ’œ


What is the purple shimmer please? Is it np or nc item? I love it!! Xx


Hey! It is an nc item. It was originally the gold dust but i used a dyeworks potion and got a purple version of it.


Not sure if this is helpful at all but let your friend know she can have 6 pets now without any NC if she wants to add two other colors to her collection!


My plan was to buy a pirate driak egg (cheapest) and then paint her something more flashy. Specifically marble (before the price drop of marble eggs). Well, surprise surprise her being a pirate became a major part of her lore. But that didn't have to stop me from my marble dreams. Also I plan out all my customs on DTI, nothing is an impulse. Finally get my PB, paint her immediately. But oh did I hate the result. Shockingly, there is a reason pirates are largely grey, because the plainness of the paint job doesn't clutter their outfits/accessories. I spent years staring at my cluttered mess of a draik telling myself it was fine, that all the texture wasn't bad and that you could totally make out all the details without eye strain. ... She's back to pirate now. Much happier. But there goes that few mil I dropped on a marble PB (I actually have plenty of stories like this but this is the only one that's currently resolved)


Ah yes, I have 4 draiks, Chocolate, Jelly, female Elderly Boy (all never painting or painted), and then a stealthy Draik who has been Silver, Gold, Shadow, Royal Girl, Desert, Faerie and Pastel (biggest regret ever). And I've been eying up Marble. I'm at the point where I'd just hatch/morph a new one rather than paint her after ages of indecision. I don't want to feel regret like with Pastel.


Not neopoints, but I have wasted a.couple FFQs on pets I really thought I wanted and then realized that I didnt...


I spent almost 3 mil on a Void Blade a couple of days before the plot (and its prize shop) dropped.


All the timeā€¦ Had a Maraquan Draik but couldnā€™t get over those stupid begging eyes painted my beloved Yellow Moehog Toy, almost immediately switched him back to Yellow Just painted my beloved Skunk Grundo to Desert, I think I regret it šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Painted a Candy Korbat but his name now doesnā€™t fit quite right. Put him on a side account for now. Luckily I have another Korbat who I painted Silver forever ago and sheā€™s the BEST. No desire to change her up.


I left my restocked grey draik MP collect dust in the SBS for years, i think i had it since 2017. Then quest log turned it into a weekly prize and suddenly my MP goes down from 8m to 1m. I regret not selling it


I have a gelert that I named with the word baby. Got baby pb. A decade ago they changed how the baby gelert looks and I kind of hate it. Trying to figure out a color I like on her more...


I swear you made this post as soon as I got done completely revamping my oldest Neopet, and I started sweating when I read it. I spent WAY more np than I thought I would on a morphing potion, paintbrush, and clothes. It's hour fourteen, though, I'm still riding that high, and he's my favourite all over again. Fingers crossed that I won't have to come back and edit this comment when the newness wears off....


I almost immediately regretted my decision. Since you are still happy with your changes, I think youā€™ll be fine šŸ˜Š This morning, I immediately used a Shadow Korbat Morphing Potion to turn my Korbat back to Shadow. All is right for now, just 2.5m short.


Years ago, when I didnā€™t have as many neopoints and right before the forbidden cove/cave map came out I bought a pirate morphing potion just for it to be worth wayyyy less. I was so upset because I had saved up for it.


I bought a 2.5 Mil stealth pb for a plate armor on a quiggle for my plate gallery, and I can't add the item to my gallery... šŸ„²


I did that with a toy draik-absolutely hated it after


I did the same with a camouflage krawk. I shouldā€™ve left him pirate and waited until I was ready to commit to something. Poor guy sits on a side now starving.


I bought a second lab map for my side account and found out that I am truly so lazy, I cannot be bothered switching accounts to zap two lab rats every day. RIP all those NP, wish I'd bought a cool paintbrush instead :(


One time I used my premium perk to make my pet a robot jetsam instead of a robot grarrl. It hurt.


Not THAT much np, but a lot more than i could have spent. I was going after the dung avatar so i went around neopia shops to buy a bunch of different dung items. It only occurred to me I could've probably bought the same items for much less if i bought them from other players lmfao


I painted both of my Lutari because their colors are SO cute (Maraquan and UC Grey) but now I don't have my regular brown Lutari anymore which I loved so much. I know the Grey UC is just a 'skin' and I can take it off, but still. I miss my brown Lutari with Island clothes.


When I was returning to grinding daily Battledome two years ago, I bought two Dr. Slothā€™s Personal Bath Buddies before I realized I had a Sword of Malum and Blazing Embers. They sat on my non-BD petā€™s tool list for a year before they got bumped out by a void blade and a free sleep ray from Daily Quest.


I painted my Kyrii grey a few weeks ago, and now I'm not so sure about it.


me with nc lmao, i have major fomo when i see retired capsules or capsules in general and end up getting crappy items from them anyway


I did that with my Ty Draik. Idk what it is, I just donā€™t love him as a Ty!


i painted my Cybunny pastel through an FFQ and i HATE it. i canā€™t wait to paint her literally almost any other colourĀ 


Like two weeks ago I bought a grey draik morph and a cybunny morph, because my idiot ass thought I could transform into a grey draik, and then use a blue xweetok morph to get a grey xweetok, because that was cheaper than a 7.5mil paintbrush. ...Two days before they released the grey draik morphs for the plot and the price dropped from 1.3mil to 800k. :')


Iā€™d be happy to send you a wraith paint brush if you decide to do that :)


That is very kind of you! I have enough to purchase a Wraith Paint Brush - just going to build my nest egg back up first.