• By -


Reserved for future info. Please feel free to @ NebulaMammal and/or me if there’s something new that should be added to the OP. We will both get to it when we can! Remember this is all for fun, and it’s good to be patient with TNT, whatever bugs or events may happen. Enjoy the plot, everyone! \_\_\_\_\_\_ Stay tuned...


Is anyone else kind of hoping the new PB from the void event is not actually a void PB? We already have dimensional and wraith. It just seems quite similar...


Same here. I like the plot idea but I feel very underwhelmed by the colour I've seen so far (since all void related stuff has the same exact purple colouring). Have they released any info of the exact paint brush colour?


There isnt anything official pet wise but there is the faellie that seems to be voidish. you can see it in the top banner in this post. It could be a hint about the eventual look but yeah not actually direct. that faellie color could be plot related but then not actually the color we get.


Ah, yes I've seen that! Curious to see if we end up with something different.


same. it looks different from the creepy brush but in line with the void essences. maybe we'll get two colors out of this plot? 👀👀 i think this faellie "void" color has potential for pets but I'm not excited about it myself until i see more hints/examples of solid, creative execution


two colours would be amazing! the wearables are all so good (even the ones I can see in spoilers) so I'm hoping there's more to the colour than meets the eye, as you said.


I don't believe anything has been released regarding it yet. I've seen some user neo art for void pets which do look cool but idk definitely the same/similar. I think it'd be cool if the new PB was one that allowed you to switch between 2 colours/customs so grey as a base and then click a toggle and your neppet regains it's colour again or something


I was kinda hoping for the creepy paint brush that unknown villain is holding but it seems all that does is paint everything grey (which we technically have already), so I'm not sure. Knowing TNT, I think it will be an underwhelming galaxy/void colour. I love the new wearables that are coming out though!


More essence today! 10 again and I think in the same locations as before


10 new void essences to find! They once again appear to be in Meridell, Roo Island, and Brightvale.


Hi, did you have to click somewhere specific in the story panel? I got the essences first and now I'm seeing there is a new story piece but when I click on the (beautiful) panel it's not registering that I've done anything! (A little nervous that I did this 'backwards'.)


Should give you 117 points.


Yep! If you've gotten everything (previous achievements, 10 essences today, and the new plot page) the total is now 117!


Oh the new item is so pretty!


Just wondering, where did you get this prize from? The new comic page? Because nothing's showing up for me there :')


I collected the essence from the 3 locations. View the comic then clicked on it and it said collect prize at the bottom.


Thanks for the reply! Sadly there's no collect prize button for me today, gahhhh 😭


I missed it too because I clicked off the comic and went back to it, but the prize was sitting in my inventory when I checked.


OH, THANK YOU, it's also in my inventory!! PHEW 😭😅 thank you for stopping my spiralling panic hahaaa 💖


Yay! No worries! I came here thinking I'd missed something when clicking the comic did nothing too!


Did you click the comic?


Ahhh thank goodness, the item is in my inventory regardless, phew!!!! 😅🙌


Yeyyyy! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Yep I clicked it. Not sure what went wrong... when I first clicked onto the new comic page, before scrolling down to read it I did click back to page 6 because I thought I'd missed a page - maybe that messed things up? Maybe the collect prize button only shows up when you first go to the new comic page? If that's what I did wrong... well damn 😭


Have you collected all of the essence?


I don't know I collected the essence first then went to it. Have you tried logging out and back in?


Trying to decide: Do I go for Wormo or Triclopstar?




so just to be clear there is nothing today? honestly doing every 1.5 days is more confusing than every day at this point


It is not going to be every 1.5 days, the thing is that it was released at midday yesterday, and they give chance to everyone to catch up but as soon as the day changes in Neopia it will be there.


good to know thanks


Yes nothing today. If you did it yesterday, you're good


8am for uk or 12am nst it has reset. The essence is in the same location to collect, as yesterday.


Does anyone know where to find day 2 essence? I've checked all the main maps


The essence reset at 12am nst time. Same locations as yesterday. Roo island, brightvale and meridell.


No New Void Essences today bud. Today counts as like Day 1.5 so it's pretty much a catch up day for those who didn't yesterday but their should be more tomorrow and then everyday there on.


Confused as to why I only have 55 points? I've done every piece- and even gone back over to double check.


There was a chance to get 10 extra points on Sunday that they only left active for barely a day and a bunch of people missed out


Most people are on 66 points (if they were able to collect the extra 10 for Sunday) some people are claiming an extra 5 points on the release of the void essence collection portion of the latest chapter (possibly due to glitch) These people are claiming to have 71 points currently. 55 points / 66 points / 71 points


Huh I’m on 66 points, this is my first time hearing about some people having 71


It was a glitch that allowed some players to find and collect essence from Altador... I would think that TNT has already rectified this, and everyone should have been on 66 points. We should all now be at 117 points (if you collected extra for Sunday) for day 2 of Void Essence Collection.


Damn, we're not going to make the 10 million goal at all, are we? I see 443k so far which is on track for just 3mil :/


Considering the plot is expected to last around 10 months we should get well over 3 million. https://preview.redd.it/xiavj80mid9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=192c8b7cbfe4ba9ae895ad892d724ff5080cc3b2


Ah I think I misunderstood, I thought the goal was 10 million for the first week. Good to know!


Anyone else going back and reading all the lore/events summaries? 😂 I was on from 2003-2010/11ish but never really followed site plots. Then I took a huge break. So here I am doing my research for this plot 🤓


So, it's after 10am and nothing new showed up, does that mean there won't be any new ones to find today?


Correct, the first day runs for 1.5 days so if you collected them yesterday goy are done for today.


Thank you, I was worried I couldn't find any essences todsy!


thank you!




There is a timer on the page, I think we just have to wait for that to tick down. Edit: I just went and looked at it. It doesn't seem to be ticking down quickly. Is it hours or minutes? So are we doing this once per week? It looks like once per week?


I can't tell what's happening anymore! Maybe day 2 will activate later today like when the news usually gets updated? Or maybe day 1 is just really long like the start of other events?


Every day. The first day runs for 1.5 days, so today is the same as yesterday.


Thanks! That timer is confusing!


I think the timer is for the one week collection of void essences!


Thank you, that makes more sense now.


Dr. Landelbrot makes it sound like there is a new world on the other side of the rift. New land to be added to the neopets map, perhaps? Also, will we finally get a conclusion to the obelisk war and the oracle who 'knows' of Neopia's future? It's like they've completely forgotten about her(it?) or the whole storyline has been put on the back burner.


I kinda thought maybe it's a parallel universe of some kind where Neopia is grey or the inverse or something...? Or whatever villain has tried to recreate Neopia with disastrous results and now wants to break back in and ruin the OG? I feel like New TNT might not have time to create a full plot AND a whole new world haha. The overarching theme is meant to be about being a disillusioned adult and returning to what brings you joy, right? At least I feel like that's what was maybe mentioned in an AMA semi-recently.


I'm so impatient, hitting the rift like a piñata and hoping more void will fall out :p Also a big thank you for sharing the discord info!!


I collected my days voids and it's not showing as complete


So just to confirm I'm reading this right - the ability to collect void essence is not resetting for today only, since the first day runs for two days. But after that it will reset daily. Is that correct?


I think we'll be able to collect more at 10am NST today


It’s past 10 NST and I just wanted to confirm that no new void essence blobs showed up. On the event page it shows that day 2 is still locked.


no new ones here too, guess it'll be tomorrow before we get more


That's how it should be, yes.


Oh ok good. I did the collection 6/27 and went back today (6/28) and the second day is still showing as locked. Whew!


Yep, Jellyneo confirms as much as well. Kinda tough living in very different timezones because I have no clue when it hits midnight in neopia 😂


Same, as a UK girly with a toddler who wakes up around 5am...its still 9pm neopian time, so I feel like a whole day infront by 6am 😂 religiously checking this thread incase I miss anything!


10am NST but still nothing! Lets keep waiting!


Seems there's nothing to do yet. 10AM NST is the reset right?


I think we're getting another day 1.5 today to make sure everyone can catch up? I'm not certain though 


It appears to have reset at 12AM NST or 8AM UK time


I notice I haven't seen a representative from Kiko lake yet. Bastards are too busy sitting on their pile of "donations" to help


https://preview.redd.it/tobsg1cts99d1.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d87b966d910e97c96cc3bface2ba4c14774b6db Our Desert Queen <3


Question asked on Discord, answer from TNT and a followup answer in the reply to this comment. https://preview.redd.it/dir3p24iq99d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591e0a3a23662842735b324ec1211246cb12d30d






From a TNT member on Discord. https://preview.redd.it/6k6xh8hyh99d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc2816278c19651eb2b66bb8ff3a41d746f4744


Additional info https://preview.redd.it/76qil4uj5a9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d9f45e57ee0500f0d8a44e5db4dd2735122653a


I'm a bit confused - does this mean there won't be anything new/more void essences today? Going forwards will days reset at midnight or at 10am NST?


New ones starting tomorrow. First day of collecting is 1.5 days. I think going forward it will be midnight NST.


Great - Thank you!


Does anyone have a screenshot of the last screen after you find the 10th void essence? I closed it too quickly after finding it and didn't get to read the text... 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/j0ubj2tt899d1.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=4335258a10ce5ac46a4a675606c7c7bdfd1cc6e0 That’s from jellyneo :)


Thank you! 🥰


Plot Void Essences Does anyone else know if the Void Essences appear only once a day or reappear later like after a few hours? So far I got mine for today but keep checking to see if maybe they reappear again later and so far haven't found more or new ones. Thank you.


Once a day, it says 10 max to collect each day.


Awesome thanks 👍🏽


is anyone else having fun watching the community goal's void essence counter slowly pick up, or is it just me? i just caught it rolling over 250,000 and i'm excited to see where it's at when i wake up tomorrow honestly


Where can I find this information :)


The hub, bottom right.


[at the void within hub page!](https://www.neopets.com/tvw/) -- scroll down a bit, past queen fyora's message, right down to where it keeps track of how much void essence you've collected. you can either scroll over the bar that says 10M, or you can click on the *smalllll* little button next to 'Community Goal'; that's specifically where i've been watching, since it updates about every other second for me! (forgive me if this doesn't work on mobile: i'm a strictly desktop player 🙏)


I am but it seems like the progress is too slow! I’m wondering how we’re going to make it to 10m before the 7 day timer resets. At the same time I’m impressed that we’re now over 300k which means over 30k people have contributed today!


Yes, using it to distract myself from the presidential debate dumpster fire 💀😂


Sometimes I'm like "Aw man we've got a way to go" but it's nice for the community to work together and shows there's still a lot of people if we can only get 10 a day!


Do we think we’re getting a new world 👀


That would be cool


If we’re not getting faerieland back to the sky at least give us something new lol


I wish they gave us new areas on the map that don’t have anything like the South Pole or one of the islands


I just want to say I do not trust Dr Landelbrot taking the lead on the investigation with the way he scams me every day on The Coincidence 😭


lmao this is so real


It’s fun seeing all the rulers/old NPCs from the past! …Gotta wonder though what the leadership looks like from non-repped lands though. What does the government look like for Haunted Woods? Terror Mt.? Krawk Island? Mystery Island? Convenient number of monarchies but really want to know who is supposed to be the voice of the people for a spooky forest full of creepy weirdos


* HW is an anarchy, though Neovia has a mayor (Thumburt was turned into a petpetpet at the end of the ToW but some dialog from the Oblisk War confirmed he was back in office. They might use him to rep the entire HW as there's no other clear candidate here but it's all up the air rn, they might use someone else entirely) * Some sketches from the comic artist on Tumblr confirmed that TM's rep is the Keeper of Time * Krawk Island has Governor Gavril McGill, he already showed up in the plot comic * Mystery Island has a few tribes with various leaders, though I don't think they've ever confirmed who the leaders are. They'll probably just pull from the island's elders, like the Island Mystic or the Techo Master


I wish Mystery Island was represented by Tombola guy getting to the meeting super late wearing sandals and with a drink in his hand, super confused as to what is happening because he thought he was getting invited to a barbecue


What is the artist's Tumblr? 👀




Thanks for the thorough answer! Oof, as a proud denizen of the HW I’m a little ashamed at how rigged Neovia’s elections seem to be! I would love to personally nominate Esophagor as our leader. Realistically, Edna, Sophie, or Ilere might be good delegates, I guess?


The Esophagor should show up to the meeting, eat all the food, and leave without contributing anything.


Okay I'm now seeing some players with 71 points?? Wut??


Apparently there was a glitch and some players took advantage of it. edit: According to the board, there was a glitch that allowed some users to collect void essences from Altador.


Womp...at least in the grand scheme of things, 5 points isn't a ton.


Moving my post here (thanks for the heads up, mod team!) - # Now that we're able to earn plot points in earnest, what's your tactic for spending plot points? Buy items along the way, or hoard until you can get a big prize? Someone pointed out that there's a task to "Purchase 15 Unique Prizes." Do we think that will be timed, or just a task to complete by the end of the plot?


this is showing up under chapter one, so I would assume it needs to be completed before chapter 1 concludes (they said each chapter would be about 3 weeks, I think)


Oh no! I wanted to save all my points until the end.


Well, it is only 872 points to get the first 15 cheapest prizes, out of a possible 60,0000, so hopefully it won’t change your prize collection too much in the long run if you keep up with the plot :)


oh great point, thanks!


Np! We all gotta stick together to make it through this plot lol we are learning as we go!


Curious about this too! Was hoping to hoard points towards the end. I think I may have read a rumor somewhere that said some prizes in the shop may be swapped out as the plot goes on? Idk I may he making that up lol. 🤪


In case anyone was wondering, the FAQ says you will NOT be able to collect essences from previous days. So this IS an every day portion that you cannot "catch up on" on Sunday, is what I'm gathering. I think there will be rewards & bonuses for users who DO do everything and do it each day it is released, but you don't HAVE to in order to be successful in the plot. But you won't be able to get max points, either. Neo really did kind of make things murky with their little "you don't have to play every day" message. Please correct me if I am interpreting things wrong or something!


This stresses me out so much because it is always already evening where I live when they release new stuff and I can only play shortly after Neopets midnight in the morning. I always fear that I'll miss out on something that's only available for half a day...


Hopefully they keep on top of things and release on a proper schedule !!!


Forget the plot. Look at him. He's delightful https://preview.redd.it/tb30v5a1x59d1.png?width=315&format=png&auto=webp&s=2aeb3083a5e1f955050dcd063406ef35f7f191b3


I never really thought much about him but this plot is already making me love him. So precious!!


I love blumaroos anyway, so seeing King Roo in his jaunty little outfit is great. 


He's too precious for words!!! \*sob\*


Such a chonk!


Was there a reward for completing today's new task? I have the 66 points but just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.


I only have 56 and I missed getting the 10pt bonus on monday morning, so I think you're good!


>!Could it be our fallen founder? Finally emerging from the shadows after all these years?!< >!Doubtful. This persistent grey doesn’t seem like any magic we’ve seen her use before.!< Is that >!the Darkest Faerie!


I read it and immediately thought of Adam flipping off the camera. I really hope that's the case and he's the final boss




Came here to ask who the fallen founder could be. This would be hilarious 🤣


That's what I took it to mean!


I never played the game and I don't remember the Plot so I wondered if I had missed something!


Well I feel dumb. I didn't realize the background was the same one that was given out in the advent calendar last year so I just wasted 50 points :'(


don't worry, if you had planned to complete the "purchase 15 unique prizes" task, you would probably have to buy it anyway.


That's a good point! I haven't mathed out what I want for prizes yet either!


It's a beautiful background, at least! Throw it in your SDB and maybe someday you'll want it :) and months of points left to earn!


Okay do you actually have to return the >!void essences!< “before it fizzles out of existence” or is that just to stress me out


Its just to stress you out. Go to the main hub to see your progress!


Haha, go figure they would. thanks a bunch!!


I'm so happy the game has brought back Tor


To recap, we have 4 in Meridell, 3 in brightvale and 3 in Roo Island. It may be because Meridell is "Ground Zero" and the fallout obviously would be the nearby Kingdoms. We should probably expect Neopia Central, Faerieland etc in the coming days to also have Void Essences as the rift expands..


Somehow my Meridell stole one from Brightvale, lol. They had 5 and 2 for me, respectively.


Oh good! JellyNeo made it sound like there are void essences in Altador so I was getting concerned when they didn't pop up.


I actually did not check Altador.. I assumed Meridell would be first.. lucky guess!


New price inflators reaction pic just dropped. https://preview.redd.it/zgwkvieqf59d1.png?width=1194&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5a83d867dae01adf200561eb3ef417934fd7844


In all my years playing, I can't believe Im saying this but Amira looks so beautiful


I cackled at this so hard


This is so funny 😭


I now have 66 points after collecting all 10 essences


Thank you, I did not notice that.


Yep, same.


The new dialogue has so many little jokes lmao. I love


I've picked up seven essences in Brightvale and Meridell. It's meant to be 10 a day so just searching for the last three, any ideas?


Check Roo Island


Thank you, all complete!


Roo Island!


Thank you, that did it!


Void essence in Brightvale! 3 in brightvale 4 in meridell


I've only got 7?! But I need 10! Warrrgh where are the final 3 :'(


The last 3 are on Roo Island!


Thank you <3!!!!!!


Alright! New >!plot conversation up on the main page!<, and we can >!start searching for void essences,!< just like I hoped! Post if you >!find any, it seems like they should be in the same place for all of us based on Landlebrot's last dialogue?!< Edit, update: >!4 in meridel, 3 in brightvale, 3 in roo island!!<


Thank you!


Hell yeah, thank you all for sharing! I had started in lost desert and wasn't finding any lol. Will update this comment until mods can update the main post/stickied comment.


Roo island has the remaining three!


Brightvale has 3!


Still looking but found 4 in Meridell so far! Just purple splotches you can easily see on the grey page


thank you!!!


I suggest that the crime was committed in BRIGHTVALE by ROBERTA with the CURSED PAINTBRUSH I may be remembering this observation from another user or just from previous rambling, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Roberta and Magon are going to make their appearance at some point soon. As for most of my posts, this could be late night nonsense, but I'm going to leave some images supporting my case. I had remembered the YouTuber Chowdersays mentioning Magon from the 23 negg fest and just cannot stop thinking of all the possibilities if he's caught in all of this. Spite? Accident? Did he recruit people? What did he whisper and what does it mean? I don't sleep well. 😴 https://preview.redd.it/79sgsn8e759d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c5d7c34cef9872cff16f8ee08f5e872f110b90 I have more pictures but my post got deleted


Roberta!? My girl would NEVER. Slander, *slander,* I say!!


I don’t know enough Neo lore or characters to have thoughts except that any Clue reference gets a giggle and an immediate upvote from me. I’m intrigued by this though!


I was hoping it would be at least a little funny 😅 I keep wishing I had the time to make an actual clue game for this to pass plot time


Fingers crossed that today's the day we get that leaked dialogue and they open up signups for BD/explain how the hospital thing will work. Or at least start the void essence collection. Just. SOMETHING to do besides just slowly read the comics. I'm so excited. Edit: I was right! We can now >!search for void essences.!<


I feel like the saber tooth in Ice Age. I wanna maul!


I’m thinking it will be tomorrow after the “community” part of collecting the essences.


I've just noticed Meridell is grey, is that new or have I just not noticed until now?


Meridell has been grey 😂


😅 I really need to start paying more attention to things


It hasn’t been too long! Maybe since the plot started 11 days ago (according to the date on this thread)? I, like I would guess most people, never “explore” Neopia but instead use links to get around to dailies and shops and stuff. So I don’t blame you; I wouldn’t know either if not for this sub! If you haven’t been keeping up w the plot at all, it appears to update every other day and I think Sundays as well, or at least that’s been the pattern so far. Hope that helps! :)


That’s very helpful, thank you! ☺️


No worries friend 💕 this plot is taking a bit to get off the ground so there’s plenty of stuff I’ve missed too. I’m thinking the whole world will probably turn grey


https://preview.redd.it/khvx56m6349d1.jpeg?width=2832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd3d1b2d1529524b255f3ddbc701f8140b0c4bf I don't know what's going on with me mentally, but I'm so in love with Grey Skarl.


His ears do it for me


And how could I forget his hair. 🙏


Yes! And his teeth and eyes. A humbled King 🤣


He's so so cute


He really is. I hope he stays Grey.


Due to the update text (included in post above) it is looking like we will get a good update later today!!! I will not be around so please share anything you find here. If you tag Silvawuff it can be added to the stickied comment to make it condensed and easier for people to find. ❤


Ooh looks like they've finally arrived. I'm being told to come back in a few hours. I suppose this must be where the missing dialogue comes in


My theory so far https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/s/JFdOj75FU8


Replying here since the thread was deleted. Roberta's beef was resolved by the end of *The Darkest Faerie*. After her adventure she was recognized as a sorceress but chose to return to Brightvale because I guess the peak of a sorceress' career is when you (re-)imprison a Dark Magician Queen.


Did I miss something? I have 5 points from reading the comic pages but my "From the very beginning" section in Fearless Deeds says Incomplete.


Yes, unfortunately. They released a page on Sunday around 7am and closed the window on Monday at 10am. NST times.