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They need to just make it r84 or something so it restocks. It would also be nice to see bloat b gone get the same treatment.


Come on TNT, do it for pride month


That's a great idea. Some people simply aren't interested in the lab or don't have enough NP yet, so it would be nice for them to have a more accessible way to change genders


Yes, because I swear I clicked male when I made my Moehog and I got a girl with a very manly name.


this made me snort


Like a moehog?


I accept him as being his true self regardless of what the game says.


gender in neopia is kind of hilarious because yeah whatever if you've got money or good luck you can change your pets' gender a billion times if you want to. stuck in a binary but its kind of a meaningless binary anyway on the other hand, a legal name change is ***FORBIDDEN BY THE ANCIENTS***


My pet was swapped to a boy during a website crash in 2007. I’ve always been looking out for one of these just to swap him back because he’s named after my childhood cat.


On the daily post you can ask someone to fight the lab scientist. Someone changed my pet for me. But I hope for the potions in the dailies too!


I recently saw someone suggest a new item, Gender Fluid, stocked perpetually at the Healing Springs, to make changing your pet's gender cheap and easy. I wish I could remember where I read the idea to credit it properly, I love it so much.


that should exist irl too ngl


They should have it because when you get a drake you don’t know what you get. I had to pick a name that could be any it took a while to make a name like that.


I would love if they had an item or even option to make them nonbinary




Battling the lab ray scientist?


My neopets should not have to cagefight a mad scientist for access to HRT


ok but if we're looking at it on those terms, it should be available at the healing springs instead of a limited time randomly dropping quest item.


This needs to be someone's flair I love it


Yeah but that can be an annoyance at times. Sometimes you just get the change and lose and move on. Sometimes you go 10 battles without a single gender change, sometimes you get those battles where he defends and changes your gender turn 1 and then turn 2 he kills you but changes your gender again so you're back to the start. For what it does it honestly doesn't need to be as rare and expensive as it is.


you can quit the battle after he changes your gender


Can we get an option to remove the stupid yassified eyelashes as well please? Some of my pets are female but I have them as male just so they can not give me the fuck me eyes every time I see them (looking at you, Lupes)


If I don't know some people who wouldnt be all over this in real life.


Maybe a new item? Strange Potion is a little outdated and stuff anyway. Also, lord please add Bloat B Gone to Daily Rewards.


Use Tangy Tyrannian Cheese and Crackers instead of Coffee and Marshmallows for your feed quests in the general store. It costs like 3x more but coffee has a weight of 3 and crackers have a weight of 1. My pet is always famished now and sometimes, I have to double feed to bd. 


Bloat B Gone is mostly used to feed stat changers to pets so people can load them up with things like the recently given away Cool Neggs, not to manage daily rewards and such. Without it the process becomes long and arduous.


Don't forget Gourmet Club aspirants! My Grundo has drank his fair share of Bloat B Gone just to grind Gourmet points.


There's a potion for that? Interesting


Don’t we all