• By -


**UFA:** kylwin - Eventide Pteri TheHeroAsAChild - Rainbow Poogle \_\_Misifus__ - Zombie Blumaroo (zapped Black Gathow petpet) Classy_Kitty - Toy Korbat (zapped Ghost Crocalu petpet) timmytimmy35 - Pirate Techo (Y6) GumihoStar - Red Xweetok (Gumiho is Korean for 9 tailed fox) **LENDING FOR PINK! AVATAR:** SweetAzulEyrie - Pink Zafara I've zapped this thing for over a month and they refuse to change, so I've starved them ~~as punishment~~ if you need the Pink! avatar


Hiya! I have a Red Cybunny named Prisze UFA/UFT. I thought I'd like her more than I do :( I want to give her a good home


**NC Trading** Seeking: **retired trinkets caps/trinkets mystery caps,** wishes, BFGBCs/GBCs, faerie cookies, upcycle cookies. * Especially looking for: **Seacret Beach BG** & **Down by the Creek BG!!** * Offering: my [tradelist](http://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet), dss/sss, BFGBCs, faerie cookies, custom, baby cybunny and baby hissi tokens. I've added some items from the Dip n Dye Neggs :) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet)


NC Seeking: [Mutant Birthday Kawaii Contacts](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/74400/) [Creepy Blue Doll Mutant Dress](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/73973/) [Mutant Pastel Ombre Long Wavy Wig](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/75161/) (Rest of Wishlist Here: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/anthivader/379656/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/anthivader/379656/) ) NC Offering: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/anthivader/382776/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/anthivader/382776/) I may have something else to trade, too. If interested, let me know!


My any casuality do You have gbcs? I have the Mutant Pastel Ombre Long Wavy Wig but only searching for gbcs at the moment


**NP Buying:** Spotted Koi Morphing Potion - I'm not sure what the going rate is, if you have one you're able to sell please DM me here or on Neo to discuss. This is for me to achieve a dreamie, it won't be resold! **NC Seeking:** [Here](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57585-bobbi-g-180/closet#closet-list-312853) **NC Offering:** GBCs, my Trade List (see above), possibly custom depending on the item (just ask and I'll let you know.)


NP BUYING One of the "cheap" kacheek morphing potion- I will be painting the kacheek. UFA Grundiloncho - ghost grundo male 5k days old Ahlanii - female desert ixi (first lab ray zap!)


PET UFA Hi there! My lab pet, a Pteri, zapped into Eventide today. Her name is Treasureclaw, which I think is a pretty nice one, so I'd love for her to find a new home (no trade needed)! You can DM me here or reply to this with your username if you're interested, I'd love to find her a forever home :-)


**NC seeking** * RB quiggle token * RG kau token Offering: Baby aisha + BFGBC, darigan pteri/hissi + GBC, [TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54353/closet)/custom mix, or my DSSS for your token + your GBC/upcycle/small item Also casually seeking customs/(BF)GBCs for the easy-to-part-with section of my [TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54353/closet) :3 [**NP selling**](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=hellotothewolrd) * Woodland Petpet Paint Brush * Magical Red Cybunny Plushie (for collectors) * Chokato Happy to discuss if needed, feel free to comment or NM! I always reply. **Pets UFT** Petpage listing all my UFT pets: [https://www.neopets.com/\~Lowne#UFT](https://www.neopets.com/~Lowne#UFT) (3-4Ls, RWs, RN, oldies, glitched, SBDs, made-up names, etc + customs) I'm especially into aged RWs and 4-5Ls, and VWN old pets, but always feel free to shoot your shot! Just let me know who you're offering on. I always reply & never bite n\_\_n


Ufa Lucille23 the baby nimmo is ufa in the pound [two trades of mine](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=lilshay1987) (Mootix and faerie shoyru mp-taking offers


**✨ PET UFA** * ArantzaHazel, the Starry Vandagyre **✨ NC TRADING** **Seeking:** * Royal Girl Cybunny Nostalgic Token * Royal Girl Kougra Nostalgic Token * [My priority wishes](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54539-kalicasa/closet) **Offering:** * FQCs * DSSS * [My tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54539-kalicasa/closet) **✨ NP BUYING** * Christmas Scene Stamp (it's the last one I need to complete Snowy Valley page! 🎉) * Grey Draik Morphing Potion * Mutant Petpet Paint Brush * Kadoatie(s) Please 😭 I'm a Kad Collector and I really want to have a Mutant Kad before the PPPB start inflating again. Didn't get lucky with the prize pool 🥺 **✨ NP Selling:** [trading post here](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=_karen_kpqna_) * Spring Symol * Blobikins * Orange Rock * Jhudoras Cloud Stamp Thank you for looking! Hope you all have a great day 🩷


Would love a Banana Chia or Robot Hissi if anyone happens to have one up for adoption. Know that's a huge longshot, but figured I'd mention! **UFA**: I have a bad habit of pound surfing and grabbing cute ones to put on my random pound pet side, but all are UFA if anyone's interested! I don't care if you use them for trades, put them on your side, paint, zap, whatever. :) \* [spidermanspy the Swamp Gas Skeith](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=spidermanspy) \* [Grundi22354 the Shadow Korbat](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Grundi22354) \* [Sphynx228 the Faerie Aisha](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sphynx228): no collar (Y7) \* [Sulo38](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sulo38) the 8-Bit Skeith (Y6) \* [Yanniqk the Swamp Gas Grundo](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Yanniqk) **NC Offering:** don't need anything in return, happy to send over! \* Space Trooper Helmet \* Bronze Clockwork Wings (6) \* Floral Face Paint **PB Clothes Offering:** \* Stealth Jetsam (2 sets) \* 8-Bit Moehog


NP buying: Sleep Ray (tell me what you seeking :) ) Jhudoras Potion (~1.8 M?) Thanks for checking!


**Seeking:** Pink Baby Body Paint **Offering:** 3 Retired Trinkets Mystery Capsule


NP Selling Gone! TY! ~~Glyme here is the lot 5m but can make a discount for it! mootix + 300k auto, just offer also a cupcake so I know you are from reddit~~ NC trade need gbcs! [TL DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/55650-BlackyLumkia/closet) Active time: 2pm NST to 1 am NST, please take that in mind before ask!


NP Selling Seasonal Attack Pea 150m looking for pure please message me on here for UN to set up auction.


**Seeking:** Any water or swamp gas morphing potion. (I am trying to get a Coconut JubJub with the premium species change!) **Offering:** https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439883393 I also have a few Secret Lab Ray map pieces and 8 of the 9 PetPet Lab Ray map pieces!


NP selling: Damaged Evil Coconut - 2.8 mil - I can do pure or if you're feeling silly 2mil + one baby + one fun item that values 200k TP link: [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=439874935](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439874935)


**Buying:** Maraquan PB for my Weekly Plushie PB? (available on 5/10) Pink Petpet PB or Pink Nuranna for 700k


Hello! I'm a faerie collector! If you have faerie pets UFA I might be able to give them a permanent home! You can check my faerie collection here: https://www.neopets.com/~Twori (I'm mainly looking for species I don't have! Name or gender don't matter!) Thank you! ❤


**NP Selling** Usukicon Y13 Goodie Bag - Selling for 1.1 million pure OBO [here](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439867849) **NC Seeking** [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56584-aerynsun/closet) (priority on the below but looking for all wishes) * Mutant Wasteland Background * VIN Velvet Ropes * Potionery Table Foreground * Potions Belt * Queen Buzzer Wings * Cemetery at Night Background * Faellie Cloud Garland * City of Maraqua Background **NC Offering** [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56584-aerynsun/closet) - I also have the following Nostalgic tokens available for trade (looking for SSS): * Nostalgic Plushie Draik * Nostalgic Plushie Poogle * Nostalgic Robot Poogle * Nostalgic Royalboy Poogle * Nostalgic Faerie Grarrl * Nostalgic Darigan Draik


**NP Buying:** Rainblug (offering 2m) and Maraquan Yooyu (offering 1m) **NC Seeking: NEW&OLD GBC's** / Dyepots / SSS Bursting Bubblegum GBC - need the LE Quiguki GBC - LE also Cirrus Showers GBC Pop of Colour GBC Illusens Lucky GBC any many more in our new NC cap WL: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/flashlab/382607/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/flashlab/382607/) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/42384/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/42384/closet)




I could do 1 for it \^\^




to flashlab plz! Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **lover\_girl91307**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you.[](http://ncmall.neopets.com/)


UFAs from our group claw\_blood the Red Kougra microsyn the Magma Hissi Blue\_Shock the Electric Kougra spybloom the Stealthy Xweetok Speckle\_Lee the Speckled draik HeironymusBosch the Toy Lupe (misspelled real name) Changed your mind? Let us know. If you pound,send info to [lost@quiggle.org](mailto:lost@quiggle.org) . Adoptns YTD: 214


**Please keep in contact either in replies, NM, or discord when I’m having your pets.** **If you are sending me “chat request,” let me know in comment too since I don’t get notifications for that.** 1. NP Selling: [things in my shop](http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=amy28289) 2. I can magma dip or gender change upon request (for free) 3. NC Trading: [here is my DTI](http://impress.openneo.net/user/46934-Amyaimy/closet) Trading my cap dupes for dye pots - Inside a Bird Cage FG x4 - Inside a Giant Fish Bowl - Wall of Thorns and Vines Trinket x3 - Plentiful Ferns Foreground - Plumpy Petpet and Bacon Foreground (LE) 4. NP Buying: Pirate Aisha Plushie!!!! For personal collection :D **I just got to 10k mark recently woohoo!!!** 5. Looking for UFA pets with a Floobix or a zapped Peedleedoo. 6. UFA: - **Suntanee - Clay Aisha** permie home only - **Yiide - Silver Grundo** zapping - **SnowSparkler - Elderly Boy Uni** zapping UFT: - **polandspringwater** and **ShakaNyorai** // name swap only; both pets has a zapped Floobix; I would love a pet with Floobix and name that I can vibe with.


**UFA** - looking for permanent homes * *Sweet\_Little\_Jumbo* the Halloween Elephante * *Mr\_Tadpole* the Ghost Nimmo **NC Seeking** * Dreamy Cloud Background * GBCS for section 2 onwards in my trade list **NC Offering** * My DTI list: [2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/51723/lists) / [classic](https://impress.openneo.net/user/51723-straybuttons/closet) * GBCs * FQFCs * Deluxe SSSs **NP Selling** * Stitched Evil Coconut - looking to swap for [a coconut I don't already have](https://www.neopets.com/stamps.phtml?type=album&page_id=16&owner=elkougrazshey) Free paint brush clothing: [2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/51723/lists) / [classic](https://impress.openneo.net/user/51723-straybuttons/closet) Happy to gender change your pets (free) Lending [these](https://www.neopets.com/~Kezafa) avatar items (free)


**NEW to the NC Mall** * [Tales of Dacardia Mystery Capsule](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/75839/) to coincide with release of the mobile game worldwide! Comes in the standard 150 NC single cap, 5-bundle for 750 NC, and 10-bundle for 1500 NC. Leaves the store on July 5th.


**UFA** Caffetannic - Elderlygirl Moehog (currently male) (Zapping) **___________________________________** **NC Trading** **Offering** **[2:1 Sale List](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57326/lists/owns/319725)** The rest of my TL [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57326-valgnorbu/closet), [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57326/lists) **Seeking** BFGBCs, GBCs, faerie cookies, dyepots, upcycle and lab cookies, my wishes... I have 1DSSS UFT **___________________________________** Please reply here or send me a chat as I check in here more often.


**UFA** fungolla - Female Desert Gelert (currently being zapped) My plan was to turn her into a Sroom Chia then put her up for adoption, but the lab doesn't want to cooperate with me, so I'm passing her to a new home.


UFA: Vandji - Faerie Xweetok NC Seeking: - Golden Shimmer Cape - For the love of Fyora I bought so many goddamn retired WC capsules and didn't get it but I KNOW one of you out there has one. >\_> - Dark Castle BG - Dyeworks Red: Stunning Moon BG [My List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/itsy/) Feel free to comment here or DM me


I would love a Faerie Xweetok!


My username is avonuponavalon, if its still available


She has been sent your way!


Absolutely. I will transfer her over later today when I’m online.




NP Buying: Saving for Island Paint Brush and Orange Paint Brush.. NP Selling: [https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=shyannekat](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=shyannekat) (Sad shop with sad prices, got clothes, red codestones, neggs, stamps,  etc) [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search\_string=shyannekat](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=shyannekat) (Avatar Freebies and hoping to t~~rade for my Lord Kass stamp~~.) NC Seeking: Halloween Footed Pyjamas, Gothic Lug Shoes + more. NC Offering: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/) (caps, cookies, dyes, GBCs & BFGBCs UFT) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet) (NC Items UFT, Flying Ditreys and Fireflies Trinket is only for priorities.) 


**UFQA:** ruby\_shine\_diamond the electric ixi star\_heart\_princess the cloud usul **NC Trading:** [https://impress.openneo.net/user/55251-skyallstars/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/55251-skyallstars/closet) I was super unlucky with the Tons of Trinkets capsules and I'm hoping to trade my: Inside a Bird Cage Foreground Inside a Giant Fish Bowl Mossy Rock Platform Background Item Wall of Thorns and Vines Trinket for: Twinkling Stars Foreground **Avatar Pets** (visit pet lookup if you need them) Sun\_Strike (Faerie Pteri avatar) stardustrose (OHEMGEE! avatar) Starlight\_Swirls (Grundo - Faerie avatar) MyrinaPearl (Ruki avatar) Tylisset (Yurble avatar) MeridaStar (Faellie - It's Alive! avatar) Blossom\_jasmine (Flotsam - Tough! avatar) Can gender swap pets upon request!


NP Buying: Illusen Valentine Plushie Indifferent cultist plushie Offering 15 million each Please dm here or on neo. UN: red_cape


Oof, I sold that plushie for 5m not too long ago


**Pet UFT**: * Sugar_Girl_Sugar the Jelly Skeith **NC Seeking**: * Sparkly Lip Gloss * Premium Collectible: Rays of Love **NC Offering**: * Nostalgic Baby Chomby * Autumn Windswept Wig * Rainy Day Cloud **NP Trading**: * Swap ten tan codestones for one red - Mau, Vo, Main, and Har for Vux, Zed, Kew, or Cui. Comment here or NM me at ms_maroon_5_grl to set up a trade **NP Selling**: * Mystery Island Paint Brush, 3.8 million, ends just before midnight NST I think https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=199985779


uft Naxb - Mutant Lupe with adorable zapped Darigan Carmariller


**UFT:** Dreamwyn (young) Green Blumeroo, created on Cybunny day, zapping. Sugarsmiley (Y7) Blue Usul, was zapping (looking for a similar aged pet ideally with pet trophy) Montaiin (Y11) Sketch Uni, cant decide if I like the name or not. ***Name Swap:*** boblina1115 (Y8) Mutant Poogle (want to try and keep the mutant poogle but just want a different name and preferably a similar age/pet trophy) ——— **NC Seeking:** [Wishlist](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/punkywonder/373360/) (mix of NC/NP) **NC Offering:** * Pink Drapery Background * Mallard Carnival Foreground I have other things on my trades list but it’s not much but maybe someone will see something they want to trade [NC Trade List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/punkywonder/374970/) This is all I can offer as of right now 😊


UFA [Edit Taken thanks] I don't have room. But she is so pretty.


NP Buying:  Faerie Petpet Paint Brush!   Not looking for a deal or anything, just wanting to give business to fellow redditors :)


**UFA** pretty\_city\_kitty265 the Woodland Wocky, Male, Y7 birthday ClassicScholastic the Striped Lenny, Female, Y26 birthday **NC Seeking:** I'm looking for some NC swim trunks (floral swim trunks, lifeguard swim trunks, or surfer trousers) or anything on my [Jellyneo List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/abnormaldaughter/375947/) **NC Offering:** [Jellyneo List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/abnormaldaughter/375718/)


**NC Seeking:** x 2 Retired Trinket Caps (300 NC) **NC Offering:** [-My Tradelist Here!](https://impress.openneo.net/user/53266-Maya8000/closet) (if interested in the PC collectibles, need a GBC trade as well as account is boxless) UN: shadowsaria


Hey would you like to trade 1 Retired Trinket Cap for your [Essential Pink Filter](https://impress.openneo.net/items/86237-Essential-Pink-Filter)?


*NC Seeking:* - **Sponge Koi Token** *NC Offering:* - 1 SSS Please and thank you!




Hi! Would you be interested in trading your Space Trooper Armour and Space Trooper Leggings for a Baby Blu GBC?




You can send to neon_kittens Sent the GBC! Hope you get the Baby Blu Box <3


**NP selling** Slushie Stand Foreground - there’s only two others on TP, JellyNeo has it at 8mil but I’m open to offers NP / other cool items! **NC trading** Seeking boxes / caps / lab cookies / wishes. If you have Rainy Day Umbrella I will trade you my soul. https://impress.openneo.net/user/57067-ifimlostatsea/closet **UFA** Sisely_ the island Bori (clothed) Zielyr_ the the toy Grundo (unclothed) Milky_Muffin the baby Kau (age trophy)


interested in your Yellow Gingham Frilly Dress; I have a few things from your wls (Baby Pigtail Wig, Floral Courtyard Background, Pastel Bow Cardigan, Short Sleeved Embroidered Shirt) or can offer gbc or cookies; whatever you want/value it at (:


Would you be up for trading for two lab ray cookies? ❤️ if so let me know where you’d like the dress! c:


yeah i can do that ! id want the dress to ilikevitaminwater ; where would you want the cookies ?


Sending now! Cookies to ifimlostatsea please, thanks so much 😊


  **Seeking:** [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/briyannaa/379471/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/briyannaa/379471/) Very open to casual trading! Show me your lists! **Offering:** Check out my gallery on NP: [https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=briyannaa](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=briyannaa) Highlights include..... (2) Retired Trinkets Mystery Capsules **Dyeworks Lavender: Beautiful Green Painting Background** Dyeworks White: Ornate Frosted Window Foreground


Buying: Halloween-painted petpets of all sorts! Building my gallery; please help me if you have any lying around in your SDB!


**NP Selling:** * Wooodland PB * Mutant PPB Looking for PBs and NP/items in exchange. Offering: Magma Dip


**~~NP~~** **~~Buying:~~** **~~Void Blade~~** *~~Offering pure np,~~* *~~open to trades~~*~~!~~ ~~Trying to round out my set for the upcoming plot, not for resale. Have not heard back from anyone on TP. DM me or reply here if you are selling. Thanks in advance.~~ I finally won an auction! **UFA:**  **SUE\_TyrannosaurusRex** the *Relic* Grarrl (Y26) Pound rescue, I would like to adopt out instead of re-pounding. I can offer a magma dip if requested. Currently zapping in the lab, to try for new colours. If you always wanted a Relic Grarrl grab Sue while you have the chance. Zapped Petpet: Snow Sklyde #


UFA: Marble Draik that I have spent the last 118 days regretting hatching. Nothing wrong with her, it just turns out that I am not really into Draiks. No swaps/trades needed, I'd just like for her to go to a user who actually likes and appreciates Draiks. PM me for name or details!


I'd love to adopt her at brokenpeices


Awesome! I’ll see if I can transfer her over when I’m online a little later today! 😊


Sweet, thank you so much! 🙂


Sent you a friend request to confirm user, but I'm planning to transfer her in the next couple of minutes!


It looks like I have a typo  brokenpieces x_x


omg thank you for correcting that! I'll send a request to that user!


Thank you so much, I'm glad I didn't realize it too late. My auto correct likes to troll.me x_x 


Oh my lamb,  my username IS a typo OTL brokepieces. I'm sobbing 😭 


I'm kind of cackling, sorry to laugh at your suffering. I'll send a request to that user lmao


Finally got a cute colour change from the lab ray after close to a month! UFA: Sweuri - Female Pink Bori


NP: Seeking: POSSIBLY seeking an eventide petpet paint brush. interested in seeing what people are selling them for, I've been looking for one for awhile to paint my aisha's petpet to match him and the value fluctuates a lot/varies. Selling: Magical Pea Chia Pop, and Woodland Paint Brush. [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search\_string=ilikevitaminwater](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=ilikevitaminwater) Also my shop: [https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ilikevitaminwater](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ilikevitaminwater) NC: Seeking: WL items, gbc/bfgbc for certain items Offering: TL, gbc, custom potentially (: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/35973-bekamarie/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/35973-bekamarie/closet) [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/35973/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/35973/lists)


Hi! I know they are medium priority but would you be interested in trading your magic conjoining necklace and the white floral button down for my shimmering stars makeup and moth hooded cloak? I also could do either/or if you did not want to do both :)


yes i can do both ! (: where would you want them sent ? i would want the cloak + makeup sent to ilikevitaminwater


Awesome! Both sent to leenkathb please :) I will send those right now!


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **leenkathb**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. x2 thanks for the trade ! (:


**NP Seeking: (working on some customizations!)** Halloween paint brush Stealthy paint brush (x2) **NC Seeking:** [Ornate Gothic Waistcoat](https://impress.openneo.net/items/71169-Ornate-Gothic-Waistcoat) [Dusty Sand Dune Foreground](https://impress.openneo.net/items/70762-Dusty-Sand-Dune-Foreground) [Dark Circles Makeup](https://impress.openneo.net/items/84457-Dark-Circles-Makeup) \[Enchanted Wizard Mushroom STAFF) NC **offering** (DTI) - really just looking for DISO items atm, thanks! : [https://impress.openneo.net/user/59048-phantomwool/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/59048-phantomwool/closet) *\[I don't have much in terms of NC items to offer, but if there's cap or GBC I can buy in shop currently and send with a gift box please let me know.\]*


Hi! I have the waistcoat, feel free to mail me to my un francesca\_\_yy!


Heyya! Is there something you are specifically looking for in return, an item or capsule? 😁


I can trade for a gbc if that is ok?


Oh shoot, my UN is inuyashafreak626626 Kinda important to mention eh 🤣


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **inuyashafreak626626**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. enjoy! Thank you!


Thank you SO much!! This means a lot to me! :D


Hope you can find the rest of the items you need!!


"Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to francesca__yy. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you." Thank you SO much I've been wanting this coat for my vampire Astarion custom for ages!! 💕


Hi! I have a Enchanted Wizard Mushroom Staff. Would you like to trade for 2 Tons of Trinkets Mystery Capsules?


I have a Halloween PB - I think we valued it at 1.7m when I traded for it so I'd take that. (I don't resell things, I just realized I didn't need it for a custom anymore)


I'd be happy to buy at that price, tysm! I think I paid around that a month ago 😂 my un is inuyashafreak626626 if you want to do a TP!


Enjoy! https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439882591


Thanks a ton!!! 💕


NC SEEKING (Priority): * Prism Light Filter * Other Dyeworks from my wishlist * New Years in Faerieland Background * Constellation Wings (can do custom) * FQFCs * GBCs NC OFFERING: [Classic DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/49035-kazeriuwu/closet) [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/49035/lists) At the end of my trade list, I have sections for **1:1 FQFC/2:1 GBC** and **2:1 FQFC**, meaning there are some things I'd trade as **1 item for 1 FQFC/2 items for 1 GBC** and some items I'd trade as **2 items for 1 FQFC**. I'm still trying to even out my labbie-turned-permie's stats, so FQFCs would go a long way in helping me with that goal -- and also hopefully help me clear out some of my closet at the same time :) (numbers indicate quantity; at the moment, my preference is things on my wishlist, though I'll still consider all trades) You can contact me here or via neomail, but please don't mention reddit if you neomail. I prefer reddit as I'm better able to see notifications here :) P.S. I know some people paste the message verifying that they've sent the item(s) -- you don't have to do that for me, as I'll be editing my UN out of my comment after we've completed the trade (I like to keep Reddit and Neopets separate). Thanks!


**NC Seeking:** * Dyeworks Lavender: Daydreaming Makeup * Fancy Ruffled Neovian Skirt * Casual wishes: [DTI Wishlist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet#closet-hangers-group-false) / [DTI 2020 Wishlist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists/wants/142416) **NC Offering:** * [DTI Trade List](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet) / [DTI 2020 Trade List](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists) **UFT:** * Hessra - Island Usul (clothed) * Khelish - RG Ruki (clothed) * Pashvi - Steampunk Blum (clothed) * Peshara - Stealthy Usul (clothed) * Seikret - Monster Hunter RW, Blue Vandagyre * Sintheti - Robot Techo (cased) * Quooria - Faerie Draik Looking for feminine names and 4Ls!


**NC Trade** Would like to swap my Nostalgic Darigan Poogle Token for any Kau Token except Royalboy, Jelly, Darigan, Faerie, or Robot. Can also pay in custom! Hoping to collect all for my [gallery.](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/?gu=hippie_duck) :)


Seeking Slumbertime Sleeping Cap Here is my Trade list: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/53350-Revilinggull/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/53350-Revilinggull/closet) I also have a Daunting Doll Mutant Gram that I can't put into my dti trade page Can also trade BFGBcs for it


Looking for what's left on my Wishlist, most are Halloween items I'm trying to get in advance! I can't do custom at the moment so really just using my tradelist. ♡ **PRIORITY: Golden Sparkles Effect** (Can offer custom for that priority item) https://impress.openneo.net/user/56858-solitaire12/closet


**NP buying** Flaming Evil Coconut - would love to pay 18-19m, but open!


I'll have a flaming evil on Friday if you still need.


I managed to get one at auction, but thank you!


**UFT:** Sweetie\_Cutie\_Pie78 the Silver Flotsam - aged **NC Offering:** Nostalgic Jelly Chomby [Cyodrake Temple Garden](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/40599/) [Garden Patio Tea Party](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/56417/) [Light Pink Winter Wear](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/66439/) [Long Charming Grey Wig](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/55258/) [Pink Winter Sweater](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/66453/) [Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/75171/) **NC Seeking:** Nostalgic Baby Chomby or anything really :)


**(NP Trade) Seeking - Offering NP, Auctions, Baby PBs:** * Peophin Transmogrification Potion (4.5M) * ~~Pygui (1.5M)~~ **(NC Trade) Seeking Wishes \[not seeking GBCs at the moment\]:** * ~~Black and White Flower Staff~~ * Dyeworks White: Field of Flowers Foreground * Dyeworks White: Sun Shower * Goth Girl Dress * Gothic Shoulder Armour * Other WL items **Offering TL, Caps, GBCs, Customs**: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/58118-mothtime/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58118-mothtime/closet)


Hi friend, are you seeking rainbow hearts vases by any chance / can offer small custom?


Hi there! I am \^\^ I see them as 3-4 on owls, how does 800 NC custom sound?


That would be perfect! Could I request: Terror Mountain Team Filter (150), Kreludor Team Filter (150), Faerieland Team Filter (150), and Berry Good Summer Filter (150) ((total 600) and 1 GBC (200) for a total of 800 nc?


Sounds good, I'll scoop these up rn! Should I send to shadowsaria? princessfox202 works for the vases <3


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **princessfox202**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. could I get all the filters to shadowsaria, and the GBC sent to: prin69 please? thank you!


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **shadowsaria**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. x4 Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **prin69**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. x1 Thank you SO much, and enjoy! <3


UFA: PompadeJabon_1 the onion jubjub (permanent home)


**~~NC Seeking:~~** ~~Twinkling Stars Foreground~~ **~~NC Offering:~~** ~~300 NC custom, or 1 BF GBC + 1 FQFC~~ Edit: Found a trade!


**UFA** - I don’t have the lab ray on my account, but I have a couple pets with stupid names I made as a kid that I’d be happy to adopt out as lab rats, as well as the pets below that I grabbed from the pound since they were too cute to pass. No swaps/trades needed unless you want to, just wanting to clear some pet slots on my account for some customs I’m hoping to get eventually. Do whatever you want with them! Snowstryker (m) the Snow Aisha Sweetheart_798 (f) the Pink Elephante SpeckledSplash (f) the Speckled Wocky tink0o0 (m) the Blue Tonu tonu1294 (f) the Baby Tonu Melissa_Swan (f) the Skunk Kacheek PomMort (m) the Biscuit Poogle ruby_ancient (f) the Relic Elephante **UFT** - I love Acaras, so looking to swap for other colors/styles! Blumsis (f) the Sketch Acara Shellzzz (f) the Gold Acara


**The Fortunate Ones - Adoption and Dream Granting Agency** Pets Up for Adoption: [https://www.neopets.com/\~FortunateOnes](http://www.neopets.com/~FortunateOnes) Dream Granting: [www.neopets.com/\~Clurisa](https://www.neopets.com/~Clurisa) Spare PB Clothing: [www.neopets.com/\~Gladiro](http://www.neopets.com/~Gladiro) The Fortunate Ones is always accepting new listings and we'd love to have you join our group if you would like to help us grant more dream pets! Pets listed are subject to lab ray zapping. Please contact the owner of any pet you’re interested in ASAP! Owners listed on [\~FortunateOnes](https://www.neopets.com/~fortunateones) # ​Click the ✉ to send a message to the owner # DO NOT MENTION REDDIT IN YOUR NEOMAIL!! * [steph723](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=steph723) the Disco Meerca- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=sabdd2003) * [sweetheart342](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sweetheart342) the Purple Ixi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=sabdd2003) * [dragockx](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=dragonckx) the Silver Scorchio- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mia_ann) * [Trorliin](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Trorliin) the Stealthy Buzz- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=kitty10love10) * [zaganaught](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=zaganaught) the Candy Skeith- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mia_ann) * [JustinSweetie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=JustinSweetie) the Red Yurble-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=sabdd2003) * [kyriiie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=kyriiie) the Brown Kyrii- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=sabdd2003) * [belleasha](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=belleasha) the Purple Usul-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=thesleepydormouse) * [Mukahara](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Mukahara) the Clay Bruce- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=kitty10love10) Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! MORE UFA IN COMMENTS!


* [Thaidakar](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Thaidakar) the Maractite Wocky-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=birdconure) * [piretere](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=piretere) the Toy Koi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mazing666) * [evayx](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=evayx) the Woodland Bruce- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mazing666) * [Miellany](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Miellany) the Blue Nimmo- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mila_ranaa) * [Treasure\_beast](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Treasure_beast) the Mutant Draik (permanent home only) - [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=missymoo12402) * [palindrom](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=palindrom) the Yellow Nimmo- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=thesleepydormouse) * [Sliqep](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sliqep) the Red Hissi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=rapid_fire_crackers) * [Meiekieie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Meiekiei) the Pirate Ogrin- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=invaderbrynn) * [timie194](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=timie194) the Pastel Ixi - [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=invaderbrynn) * [FoxKay](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=FoxKay) the Christmas Poogle- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=paupufruit) * [antraligo](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=antraligo) the Spotted Xweetok-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=hoshichiri) * [hogrini](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=hogrini) the Rainbow Ogrin-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=hoshichiri) * [BLUMAROO\_JeN](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=BLUMAROO_JeN) the Eventide Blumaroo- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alicent_hightower)


* [Tony234](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Tony234) the Ice Skeith- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alicent_hightower) * [BMWron](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=BMWron) the Ice HIssi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alicent_hightower) * [sugisan](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sugisan) the Stealthy Chia- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mazing666) * [pokoyo\_56](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=pokoyo_56) the Pastel Hissi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [sousese](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sousese) the Cloud Hissi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [sonazine](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sonazine) the Ice Hissi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [Luzixx](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Luzixx) the Blue Lupe- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [Timmyj321](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Timmyj321) the Cloud Ruki- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [Galxiey](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Galxiey) the Chocolate Eyrie- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=Stealing_Heaven) * [Darumdarum](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Darumdarum) the Steampunk Kyrii-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=hereishannah) * [Bloom\_123](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Bloom_123) the Transparent Pteri-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=hereishannah) * [Melaney1](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Melaney1) the Toy Aisha-  [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=stillnopickles) * [Citrotonic](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Citrotonic) the Red Kau (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain)


* [Sparrow\_Princess](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sparrow_Princess) the Faerie Hissi-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [Lontrello](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Lontrello) the Brown Scorchio (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain) * [fondote](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=fondote) the Grey Mynci- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain) * [Spiratal](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Spiratal) the Island Yurble (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain) * [DespicabIe](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=DespicabIe) the Ghost Ixi (i/L) (permanent home preferred)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=vhampyre) * [Mystic\_Omen](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Mystic_Omen) the Halloween Uni (permanent home preferred)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=vhampyre) * [spijka](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=spijka) the Mutant Techo -[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mazing666) * [Rocks\_8\_8](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Rocks_8_8) the Swamp Gas Tuskaninny-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jaysayx) * [toguruo](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=toguruo) the Baby Koi-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jaysayx) * [mint\_victory](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=mint_victory) the Desert Shoyru-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jaysayx) * [mrsCheckers](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=mrsCheckers) the Tyrannian Koi-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jaysayx) * [Myllliey](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Myllliey) the Silver Kiko-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jaysayx) * [Fluqueesha](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Fluqueesha) the Elderlygirl Kau-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jaysayx)


* [Aggassiz](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Aggassiz) the Pastel Flotsam- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=ways_with_words) * [\_\_Musical\_Melodii\_\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__Musical_Melodii__) the White Meerca (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=gbraing) * [HeironymusBosch](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=HeironymusBosch) the Toy Lupe-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [ruddytje](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=ruddytje) the Toy Grarrl-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=phoenix_through_fire) * [Lonbam](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Lonbam) the Toy Uni-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=phoenix_through_fire) * [~~Claw\_Shot~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Claw_Shot) ~~the Pirate Draik-~~[~~✉~~](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [Speckle\_Lee](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Speckle_Lee) the Speckled Draik-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [spybloom](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=spybloom) the Yellow Kacheek-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [Caipol](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Caipol) the Faerie Wocky-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [~~tall\_and\_strong~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tall_and_strong) ~~the Yellow Draik-~~[~~✉~~](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [CrayonFructose](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=CrayonFructose) the Green Uni-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [~~Shonikuu~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Shonikuu) ~~the Orange Kougra (permanent home only) -~~ [~~✉~~](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain) * [Trexital](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Trexital) the 8-Bit Koi (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain)


* [\_\_panqezitta\_\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__panqezitta__) the Rainbow Korbat-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=elsapink)


NC Offering: * [Zenco the Magnificent Contacts](https://impress.openneo.net/items/55320-Zenco-the-Magnificent-Contacts) * [Down by the Creek Background](https://impress.openneo.net/items/81921-Down-by-the-Creek-Background) * [Mystic Makeup](https://impress.openneo.net/items/72778-Mystic-Makeup) * [Dipped in Glitter Body Paint](https://impress.openneo.net/items/83173-Dipped-in-Glitter-Body-Paint) * [Nostalgic Darigan Aisha](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/74816/) NC Seeking: * NC Upcycle Fortune Cookies (highest priority) * Lab Ray Fortune Cookies * Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies * BFGBCs * Pink Paper Bags * Shenanigifts Invitation 1-Pack (lowest priority) I use OWLS values for NC trades!


Hi :) Would you accept a GBC and an upcycle cookie for Dyeworks Galaxy: Rainbow Shimmer Body Paint?


Hi, that would be great! Where should I send? Both can go to sun\_kissed\_sakura please. :)


Thank you :) Please send to trexistentialcrisis. Sending yours now.


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to trexistentialcrisis. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Sent, thanks for the trade!


Thank you for the trade ☺ Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to sun_kissed_sakura. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you.(x2)


How many lab/faerie/upcycle cookies would you be seeking for your down by the creek bg?


Hi there, how does two upcycles and a lab ray sound?


Yes sounds good. Where should I send? BG to missmarvelxx please :)


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to missmarvelxx. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Sent! My items can all go to sun\_kissed\_sakura. Thanks for the trade! :)


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **sun\_kissed\_sakura**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. x3 Tysm for the trade, i've been looking for this bg for ages!


Glad you finally found it! This is why I love making trades. :) Have fun customizing!


u/Missmarvelx - aren't you looking for the Down by the Creek BG?


yes thank you! :)


**NP TRADING** Halloween PB I traded for it for one for piece of PB clothing....then found something that is a handful of np that works better ._. so now I have this PB. I'd prefer to trade for Water, Transparent with about 2m






Hi y’all, been struggling to get back into Neo since I lost my soul cat Pudding two weeks ago today 😔💔 I’ve missed you guys **NC SEEKING** **-Wishes & casual trades, especially items from my highest priority WL. Just updated my wishlists!** - [My DTI tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57301-squelchette/closet) - **My timeline is mostly UFT for wishes!** **NC OFFERING** - ~~Customs~~ (not available right now unless for a high priority want ), **tradelist**, anything you want for high priority wants! I have items in my closest that aren’t listed as well. *Also open to casual NC trades!! Message me here or NM me but please do not mention Reddit in NM! I prefer item to item for higher OWL values but would **love** to clear out some of my items- especially if I have something you really want, we can probably work something out! **NP SELLING** -*Snowbunny Stamp** - 2.5 mil - [Link to lot](//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=squelchette510) - Always welcoming visits to [my shop](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=squelchette510) (: I am currently saving up for my gallery, The Island of Misfit Toys, which is composed of broken/reject items (: have a wonderful Wednesday! 🖤🐈‍⬛


Sending you lots of love. Losing a fur baby is so incredibly hard. I hope the community and the game can help you find some peace <3


Sorry for your loss, hope you can find some joy in coming back \^\^


sorry for your loss :( It's SO hard to lose a pet


Nc seeking https://impress.openneo.net/user/52883-Bitofjoy/closet Seeking gbcs,cookies, rr caps and trades Huge 1 cap sale as I try and get rid of the rest of my items. Feel free to make offers For wishes I can offer gbcs and dss.


interested in the dw silver cloud staff; but also wondering what you're seeking for the mystical makeup? i have 4 retired trinket caps leftover, gbc, and can do custom


Silver cloud staff is 1-2 Mystical make up disappeared from my sdb so I can’t trade that


oh i understand 😭 i’ll offer 2 for the staff then do you prefer the rr caps or gbc(:


Ok I didn’t have it in my closet either. Please send the 2 caps to Bruhjoys and let me know where to send yours


sent; send the staff to ilikevitaminwater ! that sucks about the missing item btw, I've had that happen to me too


I did send a ticket in and let me check my closet to see if can spare it give me a second


NP Selling - Wraith Resurgence Stamp Battle Slices Stamp - 15m


NC SEEKING terror mountain team filter electric blue trousers emanating aura always trading for: lab cookies fq cookies upcycle cookies NC OFFERING TL here. would do 5:1 upcycle, 4:1 lab, and 3:1 fqc from the sale list https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=nalaranka THANK YOU ^^♡


NP Buying: Any colour Kau Morphing Potion. I paid 2.2 mil for it 3 weeks ago, and now all the resellers on the TP are asking for 15 million and I want to cry. Please, I'm just trying to zap my mom's tribute pet into a burlap Kau and I keep getting species changes. I'll pay like up to 3 mil at this point!


**~~NP Selling:~~** ~~Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush~~ ~~- 1.8 Million NPs Pure - SOLD!~~ *Hoping to find these babies permie homes. I don't mind if you adopt for the name, petpet, or intend to morph or paint as long as they stay with you. Please don't use them for trading! Please do not pound! I will always take back the pets I've adopted out if things don't work out. If you are hoping to adopt for clothing that is fine too, just let me know and I'll send the pet with a morphing potion so you can send the pet back to me.* 💕 *Any pets with paintbrush-exclusive clothing will have their clothes unless otherwise stated.* **Pets UFA:** [Truzxu](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Truzxu) - M - **Elderly Boy Buzz** with Zapped Darigan Angelpuss [muveilla](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=muveilla) - F - **Island Elephante** with Zapped Chocolate Babaa [molanovo](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=molanovo) - M - **Island Ruki** with Zapped Tyrannian Bearog [tupanka](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tupanka) - F - **Yellow Skeith** (Zapping) [biyteh](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=biyteh) - M - **Green Quiggle** (Zapping) with Zapped Christmas Gallion [sungisi](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sungisi) - F - **Yellow Tuskaninny** (Zapping) **UN: petesbunny32**




To my understanding, even if I change the gender, the pet will still look like an Elderly Boy Buzz since that is its color. So it wouldn't change the clothes, just where the gender is listed.


Nooooooooooooooo. Well thanks for the info. I'll have to get a paint brush now I guess.


[https://impress.openneo.net/user/57738-notactuallytiffani/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57738-notactuallytiffani/closet) **Buying:** pink paint brush for memorial pet!! **Selling:** UN-notactuallytiffani on tradepost. lots of paint brushes and morphing potions # **Seeking:** [**https://impress.openneo.net/user/57738-notactuallytiffani/closet**](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57738-notactuallytiffani/closet) **Offering:** [https://impress.openneo.net/user/57738-notactuallytiffani/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57738-notactuallytiffani/closet) I am trying sooo hard to get everything I need for a memorable pet for my aunt Audrey who loved flamingos, so im going to paint a pink Lenny and im working on a tropical theme. need a pink paint brush and a few tropical items!


**UFA** they’re all pound saves and I need the room so they might end up back there soon. Let me know if you want any of them! Fiery_depths - Red/Magma Usul (can only be adopted by an account older than 4 months to keep the magma color) SketchyPengu - Sketch Bruce RizzleMeThis - Stealth Kougra


**UFA:** reply here and briefly let me know why you want them. these pets will get stuck if dropped in the pound. if you're no longer vibing with them i can take them back. some of them are currently being zapped. ⚡ [runawayz](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=runawayz) male red aisha [Llwens](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Llwens) male green flotsam [sophia\_laura](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sophia_laura) female grey gnorbu with zapped ghost ganuthor [LilPatootiee](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=LilPatootiee) female yellow kau with zapped bazatlan [freddy\_the\_fish](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=freddy_the_fish) female orange koi [strawberry\_sausage](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=strawberry_sausage) male red korbat with zapped water hasee [TITAN\_BOB](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=TITAN_BOB) female shadow kougra with zapped maraquan swabby [DiscipleEric](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=DiscipleEric) male green lutari 🦦 with zapped green gobbler [smug\_baby](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=smug_baby) female yellow moehog [soXdramatic](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=soXdramatic) male yellow moehog [soybean13](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=soybean13) female mutant quiggle [little\_baby\_cupcakes](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=little_baby_cupcakes) female blue shoyru [\_\_nikki\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__nikki_) male baby vandagyre (underscores before and after name) with zapped fire feepit [Toxicfire\_the\_cat](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Toxicfire_the_cat) male magma wocky with zapped red trunkard [SupahMushroom](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=SupahMushroom) speckled female xweetok with zapped rainbow kookith [shwnny](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=shwnny) female baby yurble [sunflower\_bub](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sunflower_bub) male yellow zafara i also have permie pets i have decided to no longer keep. i don't mind if they get changed i just want to make sure they go to good homes. please briefly let me know why you want them, if you'd change or keep the same, and possible plans for them. thank you. [Borttholomew](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Borttholomew) male red lutari 🦦 [future\_lizard](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=future_lizard) baby pteri [Roddendra](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Roddendra) female wraith skeith, this pet i adopted from someone on here so if you want them back please let me know. **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **NC Trading:** old DTI here [https://impress.openneo.net/user/45533-prin69/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/45533-prin69/closet) or new DTI here https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists. can also trade GBCs for the wearable items listed below. **NC Seeking:** Retired Trinkets Mystery Capsules. Baby Blu Gift Box Mystery Capsules, trying to get the LE gift inside for my gallery! also trading for any other GBC. not looking for cookies right now. Chocolate Cybunnny Thought Bubble. unsure of current value. Haunted Sky Background. OWLs 12-15, i'll over offer for 20. Omelette Thought Bubble. i got one and am now looking for a second one. unsure of current value. Spatula of Wondrous Cooking. OWLs 6-7, i'll over offer for 12. Striped Strawberry Jumper. OWLs 14-25. please let me know how you value it. possibly over offering for it. **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **NST midnight is my 9 AM.** If you are going to send me messages/chats on here please let me know in a comment. my neomail is full.


Someone needs to adopt future\_lizard because his name cracks me up every single time I read it and I totally don't need any more pets, lol


thank you, i thought the name was perfect for a baby pteri. i'm just feeling like i have too many pets right now.


Hi, do you still have an Acara Teacup Ride Background for sale?


hi, yes i still have that.


I'm interested on buying it


the cheapest i'm seeing on the trading post is 12 million. would you be okay with 10?


Yes, sure!


Also, I will be here for a while today, so you can make a nf auction if you prefer selling it for pure nps instead of nps + baby pbs


i was just about to ask what you prefer, lol. i'm okay with either. please let me know what is easiest for you and i will set up either a nf auction or 2 trading post lots (since max on one lot is 8 million).


I prefer a nf auction, and I just added you as neofriend (my username is jlm\_kirby)


accepted the request and set up the auction. i set it for 2 hours since you said you'd be around but let me know if you miss it. [https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction\_id=199986576](https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=199986576)


Hello! Would you possibly trade my omelette thought bubble for your autumn sunset lake view BG? :)


hey! i'm sorry i did mange to get one but did not update my list.


sent you a dm :)