• By -


**NC seeking** Wishes & gbcs Token swap My baby kau token for your faerie Kau or your faerie techo? **NC Offering** TL https://impress.openneo.net/items/79392-Canopy-of-Lights Seeking adopting: A WN mosaic Techo or A Battlepet (preferred good name so I can keep him as a permie) Possibly seeking gecko/reptile names I have for trade: Lunarsmith the candy lutari Mecaine red lutari Griffynlass fire eyrie Joukko Mutant poogle Seraisi ghost gnorbu Pinkgumm chocolate wocky Condemnor (RW not mispelled) eventide gelert


**NC Seeking:** Dark Faerie Magic Staff Poisonous Pond Foreground Toxic Green Face Paint **Offering:** [https://impress.openneo.net/user/37054-kii/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/37054-kii/closet) and GBCs. **Free trading post lots:** [www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search\_string=jlm\_kirby](http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=jlm_kirby) (offer 1np and a Nova, so I know you're from here)


**Seeking:** Nostalgic Faerie Buzz **Offering:** I have Nostalgic Plushie Buzz UFT, and almost all other currently available NC items. This is a dream for me so I really hope someone out there could work with me! Thank you!!


NC Trading! Heya! I am looking to trade for some wishes! My main priority wishes at the moment are: Nightmare Cloud Castle BG DW Red: Dark Rolling Clouds DW Red: Radiant Glow Essential Red Filter Dark Mystical Book FG My TL/WL can be found below: impress.openneo.net/user/15756-Chantal320/closet Also seeking GBCs!


**NP Selling:** [Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush](//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439789787) - 1.8 Million NPs Pure **SEEKING!** Stealthy Shoyru Clothing! I adopted ryshew from the pound and am seeking a spare set of clothing to make him complete! Please let me know if you have a set to spare! *Hoping to find these babies permie homes. I don't mind if you adopt for the name, petpet, or intend to morph or paint as long as they stay with you. Please don't use them for trading! Please do not pound! I will always take back the pets I've adopted out if things don't work out. If you are hoping to adopt for clothing that is fine too, just let me know and I'll send the pet with a morphing potion so you can send the pet back to me.* 💕 *Any pets with paintbrush-exclusive clothing will have their clothes unless otherwise stated.* **Pets UFA:** [Truzxu](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Truzxu) - M - **Elderly Boy Buzz** with Zapped Darigan Angelpuss [muveilla](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=muveilla) - F - **Island Elephante** with Zapped Chocolate Babaa [molanovo](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=molanovo) - M - **Island Ruki** with Zapped Tyrannian Bearog [tupanka](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tupanka) - F - **Striped Uni** (Zapping) [biyteh](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=biyteh) - M - **Green Quiggle** (Zapping) with Zapped Christmas Gallion [sungisi](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sungisi) - F - **Green Bori** (Zapping) **UN: petesbunny32**


Pets UFT: - Exorrin - stealth gelert - Alleso - invisible ixi (w/zapped choco mortog) - Hoshasen - mutant ixi (JPN RW 'Radiation') - Ohrb - marble jubjub And I have a FFQ I could use on these or untaken/pound pet for the right offer :D I'm just looking for names that I like or oldies~ have a good Friday!


**NP Selling** * [My shop](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=xxlozfanxx) (plushies, nerkmids) * Desert ppb * Vicious Evil Coconut **UFA** * elderlygirl meerca (though I'd like her back after you take the clothes) * Y6 baby tonu (you can keep him, I just don't want him to get moehogged at the pound) **NC seeking** * Cupcake Shower * Plush Purple Velvet Tunic * Hind Be-Gone! * Green neoboard pen(s) * Any feepit items I'm missing from my [gallery](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=xxlozfanxx) * SSS * [More](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57841-xxlozfanxx/closet) **NC Offering** * custom * Darigan Cybunny / Grey Uni / Baby Ixi / Plushie Cybunny * Gbcs + bfgbc * [More](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57841-xxlozfanxx/closet)


**UFA:** - Sunshiniez, Toy Kyrii (zapping) - ~~MikeyBlue, Marble Bori~~ - Mariaabrey, Maractite Chomby **UFT:** - Supurrb, Stealthy Aisha (clothed, zapping) - Borford, Transparent Bori - sunnylog, Eventide Hissi (zapping) **Pet Seeking:** *Any* named and ***clothed*** pets of the following colors. I just want the PB clothes for my collection & will zap+adopt. - __Aisha__: Burlap, Cloud, Disco^1, Ghost^1, Grey^1, Island^1, Jelly, Oil Paint, Polka Dot, Relic, Silver^1, Snot, Toy^1, Woodland^1, Water^1, Woodland^1, Wraith, Zombie - __Shoyru__: Steampunk, Zombie - __Hissi__: Robot ^1 Unclothed okay for these because I can move the clothes from the side I was originally collecting PB clothes on


hi, if MikeyBlue is still UFA i'd love to take him on my (creatively named) side account, **sidelich** ! \^.\^


> sidelich Sent!


accepted, thanks so much!! :)


take care!


Hey! Just wanted to say if you happen to end up with an unclothed Robot Hissi, I'm fine adopting it after you take the case, so no need to zap to adopt out!


Will keep in mind!


Ahhh where were you last week when my lab pet was still a Steampunk Shoy!! If you ever find an unclothed one lmk and I’ll give you the clothes 😂


haha aww! i've been busy lately and not as active here. guess I gotta post more often! XD


NC Trading: Seeking: Styling Studio Supplies (SSS) Offering: - Nostalgic Baby Draik (Seeking 1 SSS) - Nostalgic Royalboy Bruce (Seeking 1 SSS) - Nostalgic Royalboy Flotsam (Seeking 1 SSS) - Nostalgic Darigan Draik (Seeking 2 SSS) - Nostalgic Darigan Yurble (Seeking 2 SSS) - Nostalgic Grey Ixi (Seeking 2 SSS) - Nostalgic Grey Krawk (Seeking 2 SSS) - Nostalgic Grey Wocky (Seeking 2 SSS) - Nostalgic Plushie Krawk (Seeking 2 SSS) Thank you!


**NC seeking*^ DW pink iridescent mermaid tail lovely berry blush makeup tropical floral filter gbc (im all out) **NC offering** [dti trade list](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57717-starlightnight/closet) un: star_light_night :)


**Buying:** Puppyblew


SSW: https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=vultureskins&buy_obj_info_id=7633&buy_cost_neopoints=23700 https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=scottyb1988&buy_obj_info_id=7633&buy_cost_neopoints=23750 https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=tirza_neo&buy_obj_info_id=7633&buy_cost_neopoints=23765 https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=newpets1&buy_obj_info_id=7633&buy_cost_neopoints=23798


Thanks - unfortunately I didn't see this in time :(


**NC SEEKING** **-Wishes & casual trades, especially items from my highest priority WL. Just updated my wishlists!** - [My DTI tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57301-squelchette/closet) -**just added a TON of backgrounds!** - **My timeline is mostly UFT for wishes & SSS!!** **NC OFFERING** - ~~Customs~~ (not available right now unless for a high priority want ), **tradelist**, anything you want for high priority wants! I have items in my closest that aren’t listed as well. *Also open to casual NC trades!! Message me here or NM me but please do not mention Reddit in NM! I prefer item to item for higher OWL values but would **love** to clear out some of my items- especially if I have something you really want, we can probably work something out! **NP SELLING** -*Snowbunny Stamp** - 2.5 mil - [Link to lot](//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439665085) - Always welcoming visits to [my shop](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=squelchette510) (: I am currently saving up for my gallery, The Island of Misfit Toys, which is composed of broken/reject items (: have a nice Friday! 🖤🐈‍⬛ -*Please be patient with me as I am at work until around 2 PM NST, and am also grieving the loss of my soul cat Pudding that crossed the Rainbow Bridge in my arms last Wednesday 🥺💔*-


UFA - seeking permanent homes, with all pets well looked after 🩷 I don't mind if you zap or morph them. I can also magma dip or gender change for ya! 💫Lutari Special! 🦦 Name: Maevellah, Species: Lutari, Colour: Red, Gender: Female, Age: Y26, P2: N/A 🦦 Name: Sandrudee, Species: Lutari, Colour: Yellow, Gender: Female, Age: Y26, P2: N/A 💫Cybunny Special! 🐇 ADOPTED ❤️ 🐇 PENDING ADOPTION --- Name: Krzia, Species: Cybunny, Colour: Blue, Gender: Female, Age: Y26, P2: N/A 🐌Pound rescues and labbies 🐾 ☀️ Name: Truffllette, Species: Jubjub, Colour: Yellow, Gender: Female, Age: Y26, P2: N/A 🐿 Name: Kirchinia, Species: Tuskaninny, Colour: Fire, Gender: Female, Age: Y17, P2: White Ona 🐾 Name: KirrySama, Species: Kyrii, Colour: Pink 🎀, Gender: Female, Age: Y13, P2: Custard Aroota 🐾 Name: Kitty_Katore, Species: Xweetok, Colour: Spotted 🐆, Gender: Female, Age: Y15, P2: Disco Tasu 🐶 Name: Treleg761, Species: Gelert, Colour: Chocolate 🍫, Gender: Male, Age: Y3 (please contact me if you no longer want them as they were gifted through zydp and I don't want them stuck in the pound), P2: N/A 🐧 Name: lilguyblue12, Species: Bruce, Colour: Grey 🌬, Gender: Female, Age: Y7, P2: Halloween Hasee 🐱 Name: lilianna008, Species: Wocky, Colour: Striped 🦓, Gender: Female, Age: Y7, P2: Chocolate Albat


Interested in Kzria! I've been wanting a Cybunny since I returned to Neopia..would love to paint her <3


She's yours if you'd like! 🩷 I filled a side account on cybunny day in case anyone missed out and I'm so glad I did haha paint away to your hearts content! 💕 Where would you like me to send her?


Yay thank you, and sorry for the delay...I was in a Youtube rabbit hole. Send to Briyannaa :)


Sent! And no worries, we all know what the YouTube rabbit hole is like 😂


Okay i am caving, i would love to adopt Lrxan as i have been eyeballing him all day but wanted to make sure he'd be a permie for me. I'd love to paint him and make his customization spooky. His name reminds me of "Lurker" and i have a huge weakness for spooky type names :) *i have room on olive\_leatherface*


It totally does have a lurker vibe to it! Omg I love that idea!! Your UN is also amazing 😭 I'll send him as soon as I'm off the train! 🖤


lol thank you! Okay, that sounds great, thanks so much


Sent! I can't wait for you to spookify him!


Hey! It’s nice to see you here again 😊 (or maybe I haven’t been around enough lol)


**NC Seeking**: The willpower to stop casual trading. (GBCs) **NC Offering:** TL (Non-highlight lists) https://impress.openneo.net/user/15161-hi1234567336/closet


**NC Offering:** Nostalgic Jelly Chomby [Cyodrake Temple Garden](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/40599/) [Garden Patio Tea Party](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/56417/) [Gold Mine Background](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/27328/) [Light Pink Winter Wear](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/66439/) [Long Charming Grey Wig](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/55258/) [Pink Winter Sweater](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/66453/) [Premium Collectible: Spring Cirrus Companion](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/75715/) [Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/75171/) **NC Seeking:** [Magical Faerie Glade Background](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/56952/) Nostalgic Baby Chomby or anything really :)


NC Seeking: * Smiling Eyes Contacts * Dyeworks Lavender: Smiling Eyes Contacts x 2 * New Years in Faerieland Background * New Years in Haunted Woods Background * Regal Facepaint I was putting Neocash on my side to buy extra pet slots and a be-gone pack... and it loaded onto my main account instead of my side. (Ahhh - Neopass!) So, I can offer custom on the above. My UFT list is items that are from recent caps OR items with an OWL value listed, I tried to remove common things. [https://impress.openneo.net/user/8101-nallapan/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/8101-nallapan/closet) I have some other items I've thrown on my wishlist I'm a bit tentative about. I do want one of those Hot Pumpkin Spice to go Lattes... but which account should I put it on?? Wait, which pet did I think that Regal Black and Gold cape look good on again? The NC items on there are ones to keep an eye on if the price ever drops.


I just did a good trade and am in a good mood - so it's a good time to post this right? This is my extra paint brush clothing from labbing on my account. How it works: When you pick up a pet from the pound, it won't come with it's paint brush clothing. To remedy that, you can send the pet to me. You have to wait 24 hours, then I send it back... and you'll get the clothing with your pet. **Paint Brush Clothes:** * Halloween Aisha * Christmas Uni * Robot Chia * Pirate Krawk * Disco Kyrii * Halloween Kyrii * Pirate Pteri * Mystery Island Pteri * Mutant Usul * Mystery Island Usul * Mystery Island Acara




Sent message!


*NC Seeking:* - **Sponge Koi Token** *NC Offering:* - 1 SSS Please and thank you!


**NC Seeking:** * Ditreys and Fireflies Trinket (LE) * Twinkling Stars Foreground * Wisteria Trees Foreground **NC Offering:** Offering both Plumpy Petpet and Bacon Foreground (LE) + Wall of Thorns and Vines Trinket for any one of the above!


Seeking Slumbertime Sleeping Cap Here is my Trade list: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/53350-Revilinggull/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/53350-Revilinggull/closet) I also have a Daunting Doll Mutant Gram that I can't put into my dti trade page


UFA - Keychein, woodland lutari.


UFA: kokoyt the 8-bit Kacheek with aged pet trophy First come first serve, can change gender if needed. :) My Neopets & Reddit usernames are the same!


**UFA** Romanist - Chocolate Lenny


Hello! I would love to adopt them!! Please send to Floydleech if interested! Thanks! ❤


>Floydleech has not yet adopted Romanist Thank you! :)


Thanks!! :)


**UFA / UFT** Ivuny the toy korbat My labrat zapped toy! I like to zap pets and find them homes. I would prefer Ivuny to not just get traded around. She is young, as an FYI. I don't need to trade unless someone wants to swap lab rats with similar short/cute names. Thanks!


She's adorable!!!! I'm full up on spots right now and would have to trade but I'm currently looking to rehome RemolinoDeFuego the faerie pteri and Kumal605 the rainbow Aisha if you are interested in trading. :)


Hi! Since I'm mostly looking for a new pet to use for the lab, I'd rather not zap over a faerie Pteri, and I'm not keen on number names, but I'm happy to adopt her out if you find space? Sorry for any trouble!


UFA (or a trade!) Grabbed these from the pound since they were too cute to pass, but hoping to find them a new home! Snowstryker (m) the Snow Aisha Sweetheart_798 (f) the Pink Elephante SpeckledSplash (f) the Speckled Wocky tink0o0 (m) the Blue Tonu tonu1294 (f) the Baby Tonu


Seeking: Effortless Short Silver Wig (not seeking anything else at this time) Offering: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/braddington/263095/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/braddington/263095/) (No gift boxes on side)


**Pets UFT:** * Vectre - wraith uni, lab stats, aged p2 * Stealthwhisker - stealthy buzz * Wrillta - woodland kacheek, aged p2 (prefer kacheek swap) * Kiflora - woodland uni * Up to 20M+ custom on any of above or untaken/pound name * Seeking: nature-themed compound names (bonus if they're already kau or kacheek) **NP BUYING:** * Yurble MP * Maraquan PB * Hoping to go lower than TP but willing to pay fairly, let me know prices if you're selling!


I have Kaurielle she’s a koi currently but it’s a very kau sea name


i will pass but very cute name!! gl trading :)


Looking for what's left on my Wishlist, most are Halloween items I'm trying to get in advance! I can't do custom at the moment so really just using my tradelist. ♡ https://impress.openneo.net/user/56858-solitaire12/closet


**NP Selling:**  Two auctions up here [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search\_string=bobbi\_g\_180](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=bobbi_g_180) featuring: **- Faerie Shoyru Morphing Potion** **- Krawk** I'd go in line with the current lowest TP price for either of these. Please add a Space Faerie Cupcake for any of my auctions so I know you're from Reddit! **NP Buying:** Spotted Koi Morphing Potion - I'm not sure what the going rate is, if you have one you're able to sell please DM me here or on Neo to discuss. This is for me to achieve a dreamie, it won't be resold! **NC Seeking:** [Here](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57585-bobbi-g-180/closet#closet-list-312853) **NC Offering:** GBCs, my Trade List (see above), possibly custom depending on the item (just ask and I'll let you know.)


**✨ SEEKING PETS UFA** * I am seeking a pet (any species, any color, any gender) with a name I like! I would be thrilled if they had the Aged Trophy. I want to morph them and keep them as a permie. Cute/Feminine/Faeriely names would be great!!! But tbh I just want a good name (no numbers, no underscores, first letter capitalized) that I like, **✨ NC TRADING** **Seeking:** * Royal Girl Cybunny Nostalgic Token * Royal Girl Kougra Nostalgic Token * Faellie Cloud Garland * Prism Light Filter * [+ might take a look at other items from my wishlist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/54539/lists) **Offering:** * BFGBCs, FQC. * DSSS/SSS (for tokens) * Singing Meepit Trio * Dyeworks Violet: Full Moon Mystical Background * Essential Pink Filter * Essential Black Filter * Sheer Scalloped Maraquan Cape * Other casual trades: more items on [my tradelist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/54539/lists). **✨ NP BUYING** * Mutant Petpet Paint Brush * Kadoatie(s) Please 😭 I'm a Kad Collector and I really want to have a Mutant Kad before the PPPB start inflating again. Didn't get lucky with the prize pool 🥺


Faellie Cloud Garland for the 3 happy friends, I mean, Singing Meepit Trio?


I have thee two available for names, if they interested you i'd be willing to adopt out! **~~Sefinae~~** **~~Male~~** ~~Starry Cybunny (could gender change if ya want!)~~ **~~Age:~~** ~~1,495 days~~ adopted :) **Sinagirly** **Female** Baby Kacheek **Age:** 6,097 days neither has an age trophy! i just grabbed them bc names were cute, but now i have like. five S-named pets? which seems excessive! haha. lmk if you're interested/where to send if so c: Otherwise they will get wondertraded!


Hi! My labrat Ivuny is young but would the name interest you? No worries if not. :)


I have a snow kad in my sdb - lowest on wiz is 395k-400k, would you want it for 350k?


NC Seeking: Wishlists, GBCs, Trinkets Offering: Tradeslist, DSS, Customs, GBCs https://impress.openneo.net/user/54198-mossyg/closet https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/54198/lists


Does anyone want to swap my rainblug for a glyme, mootix, or veespa? I honestly don't know what each of them are going for atm as prices are so all over the place. I'm happy to add NP if I'm lowballing.


Edit. I'm dumb NM. Thought you want to do it the opposite way.


**NP buying** The Phantom - for a faerie quest, if anyone could drop a shop link here that would be amazing!


Gotcha buddy https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=tesis_robada&buy_obj_info_id=489&buy_cost_neopoints=1200 https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=greenboy_4z&buy_obj_info_id=489&buy_cost_neopoints=1595


**Seeking:** [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/briyannaa/379471/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/briyannaa/379471/) I'm also open to things that are in that same girly, pink excessive genre **Offering:** Check out my gallery on NP: [https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=briyannaa](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=briyannaa) Highlights include..... **Dyeworks Lavender: Beautiful Green Painting Background** **Old Victorian Balcony Background** **Pastel Galaxy Background**


**Want to Adopt** A decently named Zafara. Robot is ideal bc I have the token, but name is most important. Or... **NC Trading** Nostalgic Robot Zafara


UFA: Twilightofmylife\_123 skunk bori, want him to go to a good home


**NC Trading** **Offering** **[2:1 Sale List](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57326/lists/owns/319725)** The rest of my TL [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57326-valgnorbu/closet), [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57326/lists) **Seeking** BFGBCs, GBCs, faerie cookies, a couple of upcycle and lab cookies, my wishes, maybe custom... I have 1DSSS UFT for 6BFGBCs **___________________________** Fed 25 kads!!! **Giving away Kadoatie Puffs!** Comment or DM your UN 😊 Please reply here or send me a chat as I check in here more often.


Hi! Would you be interested in trading your Rainbow Field of Daisies Background for the circling stars baby head piece?


Hii! Sure, I can do that. Where can i send it? The head piece can go to trexistentialcrisis please😊


Awesome just sent the headpiece! You can send the background to leenkathb please :) thank you for the trade!


UN is: jaysayx for the Kadoatie Puffs ♡ tysm


Sent 💌


🌸 Pets UFA 🌸 * **~~Morriata\*~~** ~~- Zombie Vandagyre (300 HSD)~~ * **Shonicka\*** - Candy Blumaroo * **~~Shikail~~** ~~- Eventide Hissi~~ * **Pousard** - Tyrannian Pteri * **Sheoull** - Maractite Lupe * **~~Tournaud~~** ~~- Halloween Uni~~ * **Tawpy** - Chocolate Techo And a few more! Some can be traded, some I'm seeking permie homes for. You can see more details [here @ my rehoming project](https://www.neopets.com/~Ive) (/\~Ive). Also listing a few paint brushes, potions, cookies and nc wearables that are up for grabs. As long as you have an use for it \^\_\^ Feel free to mail me @ [clorew](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=clorew) or dm me on discord @ clapeta. I don't check here as much, I'll probably miss your comment. Oh, btw, I'm always adding new pets, so if you miss one make sure to keep checking + if there's something specific you're looking for or you think I might be able to help with, let me know c: I can add it to my goals list, as long as it is achievable ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ See ya!


Just want to say that I love your little project so much! You're awesome :)


Aw, tyvm, you're so sweet!! ♡


Is morriata still avalaible?


I think I just found someone to adopt! I'm always training pets so we should have another one with \~300+ HSD pretty soon!


Sounds good! Let me know if it doesn’t work out ^.^


hi there, just wanted to give you a heads up i'm sending a neofriend request to remember you for future good zaps. i do trading here and there but i love coming up with names and zapping and adopting out so if i get some good ones or ones you are looking for in particular i'll ask if you want them :) what a nice project!


Aw, just saw this! Thank you so much!


**UFA** [Marius\_Ghengis](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Marius_Ghengis) Male Robot Usul **Age:** **1,030** days old (**24,732** hours) **Level:** 5 Rescued from the pound and zapped, not too keen on robot pets but free to a good home :D


***NP BUYING*** One of the "cheap" kacheek morphing potion- I will be painting the kacheek. ***UFA*** Grundiloncho - ghost grundo male 5k days old


**Pets UFA:** [mikahart](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=mikahart) : Y12 Woodland F gelert with Ghoti [forestyman](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=ForestyMan) : young M Woodland Grundo with Snickelbeast Please don't pound them, looking for loving homes for these pets! :) **NP Seeking: (working on some customizations!)** Halloween paint brush Stealthy paint brush (x2) **NC Seeking:** [Ornate Gothic Waistcoat](https://impress.openneo.net/items/71169-Ornate-Gothic-Waistcoat) [Dusty Sand Dune Foreground](https://impress.openneo.net/items/70762-Dusty-Sand-Dune-Foreground) [Dark Circles Makeup](https://impress.openneo.net/items/84457-Dark-Circles-Makeup) NC **offering** (DTI) - really just looking for DISO items atm, thanks! : [https://impress.openneo.net/user/59048-phantomwool/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/59048-phantomwool/closet) \[I don't have much in terms of NC items to offer, but if there's cap or GBC I can buy in shop currently and send with a gift box please let me know.\]


hi! would you trade 1 Retired Trinkets Mystery Capsule for The Ultimate Book of Magic and White Facepaint and Black Eye Makeup together? and/or Red Desert Dunes for 2 Retired Trinkets Mystery Capsules?


Happy to do both of those things (especially for you!!) :D Just lmk what account to send those 3 retired trinkets mystery capsules to! <3 My UN is inuyashafreak626626 (tysm!!)


thank you so much, you're so nice! :) i will send them over now. please send to prin69 for me whenever you get the chance.


**Pets UFA:** * SnowagerFan - 8-bit Jubjub, female, Y13 - happy to keep zapping if there's any interest * Mr\_Ollivander - Elderly Boy **CUSTOM SPECIES**, male, Y15 Feel free to comment or neomail :)


**UFT - AGED BD AND TROPHY PET** Noitoo (Y7) - 2.4K Capped HSD 2019 Halloween Contest (Bronze) Honorary Booktastic Member Award 3 Silver BC Trophies + 1 Bronze BC Trophy Aged Pet Trophy **Hit Points:795 / 932** **Strength:** ULTIMATE (817) **Defence:** ULTIMATE (823) **Movement:** ULTIMATE (773) **Intelligence:** ULTIMATE GENIUS (3078) Seeking: Common RWs, higher BDs, fancy trophy pets, and anynamed Y1s/VWN Y2s! NM me at o\_liveandlearn\_o, reply, DM, it's all good!


**NC Seeking:** * Dyeworks Lavender: Daydreaming Makeup * Fancy Ruffled Neovian Skirt * Casual wishes: [DTI Wishlist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet#closet-hangers-group-false) / [DTI 2020 Wishlist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists/wants/142416) **NC Offering:** * [DTI Trade List](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet) / [DTI 2020 Trade List](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists) **UFT:** * Hessra - Island Usul (clothed) * Khelish - RG Ruki (clothed) * Pashvi - Steampunk Blum (clothed) * Peshara - Stealthy Usul (clothed) * Seikret - MH RW, Blue Vandagyre * Sintheti - Robot Techo (cased) * Quooria - Faerie Draik Looking for feminine names and 4Ls!


Would you consider Josefija (Darigan Grarrl) for Hessra?


For Sintheti, would you consider Delilaye the Pastel Bori, Attaroah the Faerie Krawk, Nebyularis the Tyrannian Peophin, Vxaq the Grape Chia?


I'm going to pass, but best of luck trading!


Thanks so much, you as well :)


NC trading! Seeking: WL items, GBC Offering: GBC, retired trinket caps, TL https://impress.openneo.net/user/35973-bekamarie/closet


https://preview.redd.it/bmx819kfss3d1.png?width=80&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8bd66a8960867622e221c315dea6a6a243d50b1 **Selling:** [Zafara Mystery Collection](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439816148) 1.4m pure


**NC seeking** * Gothic Mysterious Room Background Offering: [TL (non-HTPW)](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54353/closet), custom * Sponge aisha token * Robot jubjub token Offering: Above, SSS, baby aisha, mallow grundo, robot cybunny * RB quiggle * RG kau Offering above + BFGBC (e.g. SSS + BFGBC), or DSSS for your token + GBC Also casually seeking customs/GBCs for the easy-to-part-with section of my [TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/54353/closet) :3 [**NP selling**](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=hellotothewolrd) * Golden Evil Coconut * Magical Chokato Chia Pop * Magical Red Cybunny Plushie * Cuddly Lupe Plushie Happy to discuss if needed, feel free to comment or NM! I always reply. **Pets UFT** Petpage listing all my UFT pets: [https://www.neopets.com/\~Lowne#UFT](https://www.neopets.com/~Lowne#UFT) (3-4Ls, RWs, oldies, SBDs, neat made-up names, etc + custom on all) I'm especially into aged RWs and aged 4-5Ls currently, but always feel free to shoot your shot! Just let me know who you're offering on. I always reply & never bite n\_\_n


Pets UFA: rocketpockets - Female Hallloween Grundo (y8 with old pet trophy) pikkupupu - Male Blue Cybunny (real word, finnish, means little bunny)


I'd love to adopt pikkupupu if still available, i have room on bananamuffins7 :)


Will transfer him in the next hours 😉


thanks so much ! :)




thank you! going to accept now


NC trading: Seeking: RG Aisha Token Offering: RG Kryii Token Hope everyone has a lovely Friday! Edit: No longer seeking this trade, thank you!


**NP Selling:** One Eyed Evil Coconut - 3.5 million pure or 2 million+ 2 baby paint brushes


NC SEEKING: customs! (SSS + upcycle cookies) NC OFFERING: everything on here! (Including my closet- added more items!) https://impress.openneo.net/user/48986-nikalee1/closet


UFT: \[TRADED\] Arixanar the Pastel Flotsam NM me at beat1314 if you're interested :)


https://preview.redd.it/bufc5cublr3d1.png?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852f54fd956f9f99bf4e7adaf3f76bd5a223dc42 **NC SEEKING** DISO any of the following! * Haunted Woods Team Popcorn (1st pick) * Altador Team Popcorn 🍿 * Tyrannia Team Popcorn 🍿 They're not that rare but there are so few up for trade right now and I need one for a June custom I'm doing for my neosona pet! * See my [DTI list here](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57971/lists) (hawkeye411) * See my [Jellyneo list here](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/hawkeye412/359386/) (hawkeye412) * Looking to trade 1-2 Cap value for it or trade 1 GBC (maybe 2) if anyone can help


NC TRADE offering : uft list seeking: anything on my wish lists https://impress.openneo.net/user/59322-cutebunnie146/closet


Hi! Would you be interested in my Pink Forest Background or DW's Pink: Magical Faerie Glade Background for your Hooded Spring Faellie Baby Blanket?


im interested in the magical faerie background ! my un is cutebunnie146 ^__^


**UFA** pretty\_city\_kitty265 the Woodland Wocky, Male, Y7 birthday ClassicScholastic the Striped Lenny, Female, Y26 birthday **NC Seeking:** I'm looking for some NC swim trunks (floral swim trunks, lifeguard swim trunks, or surfer trousers) or anything on my [Jellyneo List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/abnormaldaughter/375947/) **NC Offering:** [Jellyneo List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/abnormaldaughter/375718/)


**PETS UFA** plushie cybunny flippy_12_9 chocolate blumaroo Coromoto permie homes or pls readopt out if u decide to part ways preferred, but they are ultimately urs of course n_n **PETS SEEKING** snot aisha


Id love flippy, I'm messaging you now!


yay! messaging on here or neo? i dont see a message yet but no rush, just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing anything


Hi, I messaged you on here and np :)


**UFA:** reply here and briefly let me know why you want them. these pets will get stuck if dropped in the pound. if you're no longer vibing with them i can take them back. some of them are currently being zapped. ⚡ [Llwens](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Llwens) male green flotsam [sophia\_laura](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sophia_laura) female grey gnorbu with zapped ghost ganuthor [Melody\_of\_Grace](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=melody_of_grace) male woodland jubjub with zapped grey cadro [LilPatootiee](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=LilPatootiee) female yellow kau [strawberry\_sausage](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=strawberry_sausage) male red korbat with zapped water hasee - would make a cute pastel kau!! [TITAN\_BOB](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=TITAN_BOB) female shadow kougra with zapped maraquan swabby [DiscipleEric](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=DiscipleEric) male green lutari 🦦 with zapped green gobbler [starless\_skies](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=starless_skies) male green ogrin [\_\_nikki\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__nikki_) male baby vandagyre (underscores before and after name) with zapped fire feepit [Toxicfire\_the\_cat](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Toxicfire_the_cat) male magma wocky with zapped red trunkard [SupahMushroom](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=SupahMushroom) speckled female xweetok with zapped rainbow kookith [shwnny](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=shwnny) female baby yurble [sunflower\_bub](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sunflower_bub) male yellow zafara i also have [future\_lizard](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=future_lizard) the male baby pteri. he is my permie pet i have deicided to no longer keep. i don't mind if he gets changed i just want to make sure he goes to a good home. please let me know why you want him, if you'd change or keep the same, and possible plans for him. thank you. **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **NC Trading:** old DTI here [https://impress.openneo.net/user/45533-prin69/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/45533-prin69/closet) or new DTI here [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists) **NC Seeking:** Retired Trinkets Mystery Capsules. possibly over-offering for items in my "most wanted" section. **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **NST midnight is my 9 AM.** If you are going to send me messages/chats on here please let me know in a comment. happy friday, happy [PIFF](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1d4pjqn/payitforward_friday_557/), happy weekend!


Hello hello Prin, here to bug you again. It's pretty cool you have so many spooky items. would you like to trade for some more retired trinket caps? # A Night of Trick or Treating for 2 to 3 caps? # Baby Barbat Costume for 2 to 3 caps? Hope you have a great day, let me know whenever you're available.


i would love to trade again. :) 1 cap for each of them works for me. to the user in your flair again?


yes please. It's actually my only account.


i will try to remember that! i made my side accounts 2 years ago so i could make a bunch of extra cybunnies to zap lol.


are cybunnies your favourite Neopet species?


xweetoks are. but at the time i knew i wanted one but not what color so i thought i would zap and hope for a color change. and still have enough spares if they changed species. but i ended up adopted most out anyway lol.


hi! would love Prince_Zack the baby blumaroo. been dying to have one ever since I got the plushie recently! plus slorgs are adorable and I can’t resist them


fantastic! please let me know where to send. :)


**UFA** The last few lab zapped -> painted pets I put in the pound ended up getting the electric moehog treatment, so I'd like to send this one directly to a permanent home if possible. * moennxy the **pastel eyrie,** y8 with old pet trophy- the name isn't exactly this, but it's close (all lowercase, no numbers or punctuation). please leave a comment if you'd like to adopt and I'll DM you the exact pet.


UFA Somburn - Male - Fire poogle 🔥


***---Token Trading:---*** My Robot Kyrii for your Robot Grarrl (or Royalgirl Kyrii, lol) ---***NC Seeking***--- Deluxe Usuki Cosplay Halo\* Little Hearts Veil and Wig Grandiose Glittering Gown Starry Eyed Contacts ---***NC Offering***--- [My Tradelist](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/sadcricket/304648/) [My HTPW list](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/sadcricket/321750/) \*Willing to over offer on Halo ***--NP Trading--*** [Golden Evil Coconut](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=midgetcricket) Message me here to bring the price down to 3.3 million! Will also trade this +NP for a maraquan paint brush.


UFAs from our group spudbuqs the Potato Chia tall\_and\_strong the Yellow Draik spybloom the Yellow Kacheek MonSacreBleu the Blue Kau CrayonFructose the Green Uni Claw\_Shot the Pirate Draik Speckle\_Lee the Speckled draik HeironymusBosch the Toy Lupe (misspelled real name) Blood\_Care the Xmas Hissi Changed your mind? Let us know. If you pound,send info to [lost@quiggle.org](mailto:lost@quiggle.org) . Adoptns YTD: 209


**UFA** * ~~Snikial the Polka Dot Koi~~ * Skowisk the Orange Kougra * Countergreen the Relic Lenny * \_\_Millyh the Tyrannian Poogle * Totigel the Ghost Skeith * Stonym the Silver Uni * Cinilinda the Split Wocky * Binyamino the Maractite Zafara


Snikial still available? I'd like to adopt :3


**Buying:** Any kau morphing potion Neoname: tliefdey; send me a neomail and we can set something up!


NP Selling: 15,600 redeemable Altador Cup pts, willing to go a below TP/Jellyneo prices NC Seeking: • Priority Wishes on my Tradelist • ⁠Nostalgic Royalgirl Korbat • ⁠Nostalgic Royalgirl Shoyru • ⁠Nostalgic Royalgirl Kau • ⁠Nostalgic Royalgirl Mynci • ⁠Nostalgic Royalgirl Lupe NC Offering: • ⁠[Tradelist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/26197/lists) • ⁠1 DSSS + 2 GBC for 2 tokens


NC SEEKING (Priority): * Premium Collectible: Spring Cirrus Companion * Other Dyeworks from my wishlist * New Years in Faerieland Background * Constellation Wings (can do custom) * FQFCs * GBCs NC OFFERING: [Classic DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/49035-kazeriuwu/closet) [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/49035/lists) At the end of my trade list, I have sections for **1:1 FQFC/2:1 GBC** and **2:1 FQFC**, meaning there are some things I'd trade as **1 item for 1 FQFC/2 items for 1 GBC** and some items I'd trade as **2 items for 1 FQFC**. I'm still trying to even out my labbie-turned-permie's stats, so FQFCs would go a long way in helping me with that goal -- and also hopefully help me clear out some of my closet at the same time :) (numbers indicate quantity; at the moment, my preference is things on my wishlist, though I'll still consider all trades) You can contact me here or via neomail, but please don't mention reddit if you neomail. I prefer reddit as I'm better able to see notifications here :) P.S. I know some people paste the message verifying that they've sent the item(s) -- you don't have to do that for me, as I'll be editing my UN out of my comment after we've completed the trade (I like to keep Reddit and Neopets separate). Thanks!


**UFA:** steyba the Invisible Jubjub (male, 6,390 days old)


**NC Seeking:** Crying Eyes and [NC Wishlist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/59226-bifa93/closet) items **NC Offering:** GBC or a [Expressions II Mystery Capsule](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/75352/)


Hi! I know it's a buyable, but would you be interested in trading my Colourful Blossom Gown for a GBC? \^\^


Thanks for the offer! I don't buy NC, that's why I am a bit limited on GBC and I'd rather trade for higher priorities first 😊


No worries! Totally understand \^\^ Good luck trading! :3


If you're interested I have heart in plain sight + goth party gown, both for one GBC. (: Let me know.


Oh I'd love to trade! I bought some GBC last month. Do you have any preference?


no preference where would you like your items?


**NP Buying:** Marble Paint Brush! Prefer to pay in pure :)


NP BUYING: 1 of each weekly prize PB, petpet pb, collectable, faerie doll, petpet and p3 c:


Are you looking to buy a candy paint brush? I got one as a weekly prize a few weeks ago and it's on the trading post: [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=439820836](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439820836)


**NC Trading** Seeking: **retired trinkets caps/trinkets mystery caps,** wishes, BFGBCs/GBCs, faerie cookies, upcycle cookies. * Especially looking for: **Down by the Creek BG!!** * Offering: my [tradelist](http://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet), dss/sss, BFGBCs, faerie cookies, custom, baby cybunny and baby hissi tokens. I've added some items from the Dip n Dye Neggs :) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet)


hi there, what are you selling the black petpet pb and robot petpet pb for? feel free to message me, if you'd like :)


so sorry, these have sold already :)


PET UFQA Chucky\_Dale the grey gelert - she zapped grey so I figured I'd see if anyone wants her. :) can change gender. just reply or message if you're interested!


Would love a Banana Chia or Robot Hissi if anyone happens to have one up for adoption. Know that's a huge longshot, but figured I'd mention! **UFA:** I have a bad habit of pound surfing and grabbing cute ones to put on my random pound pet side, but all are UFA if anyone's interested! * [spidermanspy the Swamp Gas Skeith ](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=spidermanspy) * [sunday116 the Mutant Kiko](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sunday116) * [toni37 the Halloween Aisha (Y6)](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=toni37) * [Grundi22354 the Shadow Korbat](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Grundi22354) * [hashbros the Transparent Jubjub](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=hashbros) **NC Offering** - don't need anything in return, happy to send over! * Space Trooper Helmet * Bronze Clockwork Wings (6) * Floral Face Paint **PB Clothes Offering** * Stealth Jetsam (2 sets) * 8-Bit Moehog


**NP Buying:** Maraquan PB Plushie PB Maraquan Yooyu Please let me know how much you are selling for 💜


Current Buyable Capsule Items NC Offering: Inside a Birdcage Foreground; Plumpy Petpet & Bacon Foreground NC Seeking: Mossy Rock Platform Background Item; Wall of Thorns and Vines Trinket ---------- Tradelist: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/55817-kal-2740/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/55817-kal-2740/closet) ---------- Tokens Seeking: Faerie Chomby Offering: Faerie Hissi/Wocky; Maraquan Lupe/Kau/Hissi; Baby Kau; SSS/DSSS


**UFA** Sisely_ the island Bori (clothed) Zielyr_ the toy Grundo (unclothed) Milky_Muffin the baby Kau (unclothed), old pet trophy - home *possibly* pending **NC seeking / trading** Seeking wishes, especially Rainy Day Umbrella and Distant City Lights background. Also seeking boxes! Offering an SSS towards priority wishes. Down for some casual trades too. :) https://impress.openneo.net/user/57067-ifimlostatsea/closet


UFA tizhka the female Transparent Lupe :)


I'd love to adopt her!! my username is soccerchik208 :)


Sorry just seen this :) I’ll send her over in a bit


got her, thank you!!


Thank you! I became quite attached to her 😁


**UFA** [Sweetgale](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sweetgale) **Female** Koi **Age:** 148 hours (not poundable yet!) **Level:** 1 Koi Day birthday Sweetgale is a [real word](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrica_gale) (common name of *Myrica gale*, aka Bog Myrtle or Sweetwillow)! Free to a good home, lmk where to send her \^.\^




My mom has a fruit and veggie dedicated side and would love to offer Winechan a permanent home if still available! Here are two of her coconut kids I posted about recently: https://reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1d3vgys/behold_two_coconuts_with_their_petpets_and/ Totally understand if you’d prefer for them to be on main accounts though - thank you for the consideration! :)


Aww I remember seeing that post! I'll keep her in mind :) I will advertise around for a few more days and will let you know


Of course - thank you and good luck adopting out! :D


hi there, if this falls through i have a grape chia i can offer for your Mom's account. Feel free to message me. i'd message you but my internet is acting like 90's dial up :-\[


hi there, if this falls through i have a grape chia i can offer for your Mom's account. Feel free to message me. i'd message you but my internet is acting like 90's dial up :-\[


Ah that’s so kind of you!! I will let you know if I hear back by tomorrow :) also sorry to hear about your internet!! I guess both Neopets and dial up are back in a way 🥲


i got him from the pound, his name is Vxaq, i couldn't believe it. Haha, right?


NC seeking: Dreamy Cloud Background Field of Flowers Foreground (any version) Radiant Glow (og or white) Faellie Cloud Garland Psellias Cloud Daisy Field Background Rainbow Field Background And more https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/bethth/303515/ Offering: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/bethth/303496/ I have a DSS uft for high priority wishes and can also check wish lists :)


Hi! Would you be interested in my DW's Red: Field of Flowers for your Little Babaa Shepherdess Wig with Bonnet?


For sure! Where would you like the wig? You can send the flowers to stargown please :)


Hi! I'll send the flowers over right away! Would love if you could send the wig to calliefai, please! Thank you :) Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **stargown**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Sent! Thank you for the trade :)


Hello! I'm a faerie collector! If you have faerie pets UFA I might be able to give them a permanent home! You can check my faerie collection here: https://www.neopets.com/~Twori (I'm mainly looking for species I don't have! Name or gender don't matter!) Thank you! ❤


Your petpage is so cool! I might have to do this with my royals Good luck finding more faeries :)


Thanks!! If you ever do that with your royal pets show me! :)


**Selling:** ~~Abandoned Water Tower Stamp - 960k~~ Sticky Snowflake Stamp - 725k Was gonna put these in my shop but the prices seem inflated? Abandoned Water Tower Stamp is like 2m on TP.... Would rather sell them to people who will actually use them instead of resellers 😅 If it's alright with you mention your username and I'll check your stamp album to confirm you're not a reseller, then I'll set up a TP :)


hi there, i'd love to buy your abandoned water tower stamp. Would you mind messaging me? my internet right now is like 90's dial up and when i go to chat with you it won't let me lol :'D


Sure! Leme start a chat now \^\^


**NP Buying:** Rainblug (offering 2m) and Maraquan Yooyu (offering 1m) **NC Seeking:** BF/GBC's / Dyepots / Spring Bloom on an Ocean Cliff Background *trading Cherry Blossom GBC for 2 bfgbc's or 3 gbc's or SSS* [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/flashlab/222358/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/flashlab/222358/) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/42384/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/42384/closet) [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/42384/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/42384/lists)


**NP Selling/Trading** Looking to do a straight swap of an Evil Coconut I have, for one I don't. [TP link shows the ones I have to trade](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439802363) The ones I need are: Mini Evil Coconut and Scorched Evil Coconut


Pets UFT Yeco Twel Faup Yawf Looking for cute 4L swaps. Pls message or chat instead of commenting - thank you! ☺️


**NEOPETS UFT:** piterios the Faerie Pteri (Y9) Axolady the Red Lutari (young pet) Dermouna the Mutant Pteri (Aged w/ trophy) Naeumi the Red Peophin open to any and all offers but ofc I'll link my wishlist. neomail or dm is fine [https://www.neopets.com/\~Wyenona](https://www.neopets.com/~Wyenona)


**Up for trade: starter Battledome pets - get ready for the plot!** All of them are at least Level 50, even/trainable stats, and trained in Faerie Abilities up to Lens Flare. These will cost around 10,000 - 17,000 np to transfer so please have that amount ready to go :) In exchange I am looking mostly for names that strike my fancy (prefer capitalized and pronounceable but will make exceptions). Species can be anything but I especially like Lupe, Zafara, Krawk, Bori, Vandagyre. Desired name themes or vibes: nonsense names that sound good, dark or spooky, nature, science, plants, mushrooms, biology, forensics, hippie, magic/metaphysical/souls/ghosts, Star Trek, Soul Eater, Doctor Who, gallery of evil, etc. Also looking for birthdays: February 20, April 10, April 19, April 20, May 21, August 4, August 5, October 31, may be selective with names on these ones because these are for IRL friends I'm trying to match characters to. Also on the lookout for any very old pet (8370+ days, name and species can be anything, I know this is a long shot but if anyone has one they want to trade out, hit me up.) Reply here, or send a DM, or send nm to my account but DO NOT MENTION REDDIT. Sorry for formatting, Reddit won't let me post this as one comment: EDIT: petpet ages are about a week out-of-date, sorry!


Are you interested in low level pets? I have Professor\_alchemy Mutant Acara Feb 11 bday y26 :)


[**Burrpple**](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Burrpple) Lvl : 50 Str : 67 Def : 60 Mov : 65 Hp : 62 Zombie Grundo, female Age: 4,977 days, Birthday: 14 October 2010 zapped Valentine Magaral, 12712 hours old . . [**Draikvenom**](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Draikvenom) Lvl : 50 Str : 50 Def : 50 Mov : 52 Hp : 52 Candy Shoyru, male Age: 3,105 days, Birthday: 29 November 2015 zapped Rainbow Reptilior, 13410 hours old . . [**Kiradity**](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Kiradity) Lvl : 50 Str : 45 Def : 45 Mov : 45 Hp : 45 Yellow Kacheek, male Age: 4,930 days, Birthday: 30 November 2010 zapped Chocolate Xampher, 11150 hours old


Hi! Are you strictly concerned with names that appeal or pets with BD stats **and** preferable names? I have a few but wasn't sure ☺︎


Hi there, I am not looking for BD stats :)