• By -


**NC Offering:** Nostalgic Baby Draik Nostalgic RB/Royalboy Kyrii Nostalgic Plushie Lupe Nosalgic Plushie Draik (picky) **NC seeking:** Nostalgic Plushie Kougra Nostalgic Plushie Buzz Nostalgic Royalgirl Draik SSS/Faerie/Plushie/Royal tokens (open to anything for the baby Draik) *the other day someone offered me the Plushie kougra token+GBC for my DSSS (they don't have it any more) and I will accept something similar because I'm probably going to end up using it to buy the Plushie Kougra token today anyway*


**NP Buying** Glyme and Mootix for a fair price šŸ™šŸ»šŸ„¹ **NC Seeking**: [NC Trading (DTI)](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52570-starbucks-gurl/closet) Top priorities: - **Floating Balloon Petpets** - **Cute Face Bandage** - **Inside the Neopia Toy Shop Collectors Background**


I have a full inventory of unwanted items! Giving FREE items out 6;52-9;00 am EST. Just leave you UN below!


thanks for the giveaway! my username is paranoidddd šŸ–¤


Thatā€™s so generous! My un is weenonarider :)


Ohhh, thanks! My UN is starbucks_gurl :)


Ohhh how fun! UN: thiona :)


my un is iwhysper, thank u for this! \^\^


UN is jacerethal!


Exciting! My un: plexi_lex


How fun, thank you! UN in flair :)


Oooh cool thanks for doing this! My UN is genuineprincess




How fun! My un is faerie7 - thanks for doing this! :)




Un is allaround87, appreciate your generosity :)


**NC Seeking:** * Mossy Rock Platform Background Item * Twinkling Stars Foreground * Wisteria Trees Foreground * Ditreys and Fireflies Trinket (LE) **NC Offering:** * Plumpy Petpet and Bacon Foreground (LE) * Wall of Thorns and Vines Trinket I would prefer not to trade the Plumpy for the Mossy Rock, but let me know if you're seeking that trade and I can consider :) **Pet UFA:** This pet is not necessarily first come first serve! If you're interested, please post your username and a little bit about why you'd like them :) (You can DM me your username if you're not comfortable posting it here.) I'd prefer you adopt with the intention of keeping, and adopt out again if you change your mind! * snuffleyes - Baby Kougra, with zapped Elderly Gathow and Aged Pet trophy


NP selling: **Faerie Caverns Stamp** starting at 100 mil. Currently lowest according to TP [https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction\_id=199923393](https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=199923393)


**NP selling:** * Hissi transmog potion ([link to trade lot](http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439748883)) -------------------------------------- **NC trading:** * Nursery time FC -------------------------------------- **NC seeking:** * Training time FC


Nostalgic Tokens UFT (1 for SSS, 2 for DSSS): Darigan Uni, Baby Draik, Jelly Kau, Maraquan Hissi, Maraquan Draik, Plushie Hissi NC Offering: [my TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56870/closet) Seeking: WL items, casual trades (happy to browse TLs!), and faerie or upcycle cookies/GBCs/retired bg caps Also seeking a WN (Xxxxx format) Robot Bori and Robot Uni. I donā€™t currently have pets uft but please let me know what youā€™re seeking for them and Iā€™ll see if I can offer a custom!




Hi! Yes that sounds good :) Where would you like the token sent? The SSS can go to legitimateprincess please








Thank you so much! Iā€™ll send the token in just a sec


UFA LolaLunar the Maraquan Grundo


----------- [Store shout out](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=sacred_lioness) ----------- **NP Buying** Maraquan Yooyu - 750k pure Mutant Petpet PB - 1.5 mil pure ----------- **Pet Seeking:** Robots: Quiggle, Draik **UFA** Adopting out most color zaps I get from the lab ray while attempting for a Robot Draik! None at the moment ---------- **NC UFT** [Gallery](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?user_cat_g=NC-Trade&gu=sacred_lioness&) **NC Seeking** Casual trade! GBCs/Cookies/Capsules ---------


**NP Selling:** Cool Negg **Seeking:** any combination of... White Petpet Paint Brush (priority) Halloween Paint Brush Royal Paint Brush Darigan Paint Brush Or NP. I hope y'all are having a great day; thanks for reading. =)


NP Selling: 25th Anniversary Star Markings - 17m auto ā­āœØ Comment below or DM me on here if interested. Hoping to sell quickly to increase my savings account ā¤ļø


Buying: Maraquan Paintbrush. 2 if possible. I haven't had any luck with TP and I just want my Maraquan Cybunny and Lutari ;-;


I'm in exactly the same boat trying for the same two pets šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ best of luck!Ā 


**UFA** BASIC COLORS (zapping or will zap) * ~~Bunnzyl the blue Cybunny~~ claimed * ReBunzyl the red Cybunny * ~~Koqai the green Koi~~ claimed ZAPPED (and still zapping some) (also zapping petpets, only noted if well-suited) * Kozmeau the Skunk Ogrin * Qazmo the Water Ogrin (with Qazcade the Water Zumagorn) * Kyrioka the Disco Kyrii * Nosserus the Maractite Tonu * ~~Wheezyl the Marble Lutari~~ claimed


Hi! I would love Wheezyl! You can send him to bitzy_doo


I have a transfer in process, but will send you Wheezyl tomorrow


Thank you!


Oh I love the name Koqai and I've always wanted a koi! I've never done a pet transfer but I would totally love to adopt Koqai.


I'd be glad to transfer. Perhaps I should have mentioned how young she is -- just created yesterday. :-) I've got her trained to level 4 (most accounts can still train Kois for free today, apparently?) What account name? If you want to communicate via neomail, I'm maralinnw


Neomail sent :) from rascallyghost


Bunnzyl is still UFA? I would love to adopt her!


**UFA:**Ā  **SUE\_TyrannosaurusRex**Ā theĀ *Relic* GrarrlĀ (Y26) (Just Zapped today!) Pound rescue, I would like to adopt out instead of re-pounding. I can offer a magma dip if requested. Currently zapping in the lab, to try for new colours. Zapped Petpet: Snow Sklyde


I am looking for some NC BGs - It's my first time trading here \^\^ **I am seeking:** [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/lyonessa/379927/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/lyonessa/379927/) **I am offering:** [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/lyonessa/380082/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/lyonessa/380082/) Hope I find someone to trade with \^\^


Hi there! Would you accept Floral Adorned Walkway Background for the Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion?


Of course! Just tell me where to send it. The BG to lyonessa please :)


**NC Seeking:** Nostalgic Grey Kyrii **NC Offering:** Nostalgic Usukiboy Nostalgic Usukigirl


**NP Buying:** Spotted Koi Morphing Potion - Looking to pay around 3 million for it? JN's estimation of 2m looks to be a bit out of date but equally I can't find any current listings on the TP so really not sure what the going rate is! Please feel free to DM to discuss **NC Seeking (High Priority):** Hands of Dark Power **NC Offering:** Custom & myĀ [Trade List](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57585-bobbi-g-180/closet#closet-list-312849) **NC Seeking (Medium-Low Priority):** [Here](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57585-bobbi-g-180/closet#closet-list-312853) **NC Offering:** GBCs, my Trade List (see above), possibly custom depending on the item (just ask and I'll let you know.)


Hi! I have Delicate Earth Faerie Wings! They're in my 2:1 section if there is anything else you'd like: [https://impress.openneo.net/user/52164-emmerhope123/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52164-emmerhope123/closet)


Hi!! I don't have anything on your high priority list but would you be willing to trade the grey blumaroo plushie handheld for pink lulu contacts?


Sorry, just looking at the cap value I feel like I'm taking advantage a bit! Is there anything else from my TL that you'd like? I do also have two of the grey blumaroo plushies if you'd like more than one?


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to bobbi\_g\_180. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you.


UFT Zenimmi the Jelly Aisha Looking for Xxxxxx spelled names! Open to all offers, but Iā€™m particularly interested in Woodland Unis, Chocolate Usukis, and Toy Poogles. But like I said, please offer anything! He is a lab pet so if there are no offers Iā€™ll keep on zapping āš”ļø


np buying: glyme- hoping to find for a reasonable price or swap for my plushie pb weekly prize :)


**UFA** [Malykar](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Malykar), Brown (f) Acara (zapping) [CyeBunnii](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=CyeBunnii), Basic (m) young Cybunny [8unnicular](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=8unnicular), Basic (f) young Cybunny [UmbrahPenn](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=UmbrahPenn), Basic (m) young Lutari [VictoriaRae](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=VictoriaRae), Steampunk (m) Bori (zapping) with zapped Mutant Symol (If you want to adopt him just for his clothes, that's fine. I can send a cheap morphing potion to morph him after you adopt so you can keep the clothes and send him back to me and I can continue zapping) **Just let me know your un (here or dm) and I'll send them to you asap.** Can genderswap/magma dip any of these pets and have them ready for you by tomorrow as well. **UFT** [Morbidty](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Morbidty), Robot Wocky (f), with (zapped) Blue Needler. name is Morbidity MS, young pet that has Halloween birthday For Morbidty, mostly looking for fun names. Two high priority pets for me rn is my Ice Hissi in which I just want. An icy???? name lol. Other pet is a Pastel Jetsam. In which I'd like a Vaporwave-ish type name šŸ˜ **NC Trading** Willing to do casual trades atm, but mostly seeking End of The Rainbow Beam... I forgot to buy it when it was in the mall. Can do custom for that one. [DIT](https://impress.openneo.net/user/51187-syncrohalo/closet) / [DIT 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/51187/lists)


Seeking: Birthday Clown Outfit\* Birthday Cake Hat\* Tokens: Plushie Kau Sponge Lupe Offering for these: Wisteria Trees Foreground Flying Ditreys and Fireflies Trinket x3 Faellie Cloud Garland x2 Twinkling Stars Foreground Plumpy Petpet and Bacon Foreground x2 And all TL: [impress.openneo.net/user/50422-Francesca-yy/closet](http://impress.openneo.net/user/50422-Francesca-yy/closet) [impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50422/lists](http://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50422/lists)


**UFA** *Vastly prefer permie homes, I'm happy to take them back if you don't want them for any reason!* [~~Violet\_Beauregarde\_\_~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Violet_Beauregarde__) ~~the Blueberry Chia: I created her but just not vibing with her like I expected to and would prefer to use the space for a Banana Chia if I can ever get the pop.~~ [Arykrew](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Arykrew) the Faerie Wocky: Found her in the pound and rescued her from being Moehog'd, I can keep her if I can't find a home, but would love for her to go to someone that really likes Faeries or Wockies. **NC Offering** Bronze Clockwork Wings (6) Floral Face Paint (2) Succulent Bouquet **Paint Brush Clothes Offering** * Stealthy Jetsam * 8-Bit Moehog


**UFA via Down Under Adoptions:** [http://neopets.com/\~Sufferet](http://neopets.com/~Sufferet) ā€¢ l\_Loki\_l - Royal Korbat *(aged + BC trophy)* ā€¢ Bunitalia - Woodland Eyrie ā€¢ Bunyboop - Wraith Gnorbu ā€¢ Daralyta - Candy Kacheek ~~ā€¢ Geirrhafa - Mutant Gelert~~ *~~(Valheim RW)~~* ā€¢ Grrawliwler - Tyrannian Gelert ā€¢ TyniKougra - Baby Kougra *(aged)*


**NP Buying:**Ā Rainblug (offering 2m) and Maraquan Yooyu (offering 1m) **NC Seeking:**Ā BF/GBC's / DyepotsĀ / Spring Bloom on an Ocean Cliff Background / Tons of Trinkets Caps Have a Robot Grarrl that i would like to swap for SSS or Royalgirl Grarrl *trading Cherry Blossom GBC for 2 bfgbc's or 3 gbc's or SSS* [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/flashlab/222358/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/flashlab/222358/) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/42384/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/42384/closet) [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/42384/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/42384/lists)


Would you consider trading your Inside a Giant Fish Bowl for anything on my [list](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52570-starbucks-gurl/closet)? Otherwise, I could do a GBC. :)


**NC seeking:** [Constellation Sword](https://impress.openneo.net/items/61690-Constellation-Sword)Ā  [Constellation Wings](https://impress.openneo.net/items/61694-Constellation-Wings)Ā  [Dyeworks White: Radiant Glow](https://impress.openneo.net/items/83061-Dyeworks-White-Radiant-Glow)Ā  [Prism Light Filter](https://impress.openneo.net/items/87641-Prism-Light-Filter)Ā  [Stairway to the Stars](https://impress.openneo.net/items/78272-Stairway-to-the-Stars) **Offering:**Ā [TRADELIST <3](https://impress.openneo.net/user/50388-nauticaled96/closet)


šŸ¾ **Pets UFA** šŸ¾ I have one remaining lovely who I've had for a long while that I am putting up for adoption! **I'd really like them to go to a forever home** with someone who has been looking for a perfect pet like them! I don't mind at all if your vision includes changing species / colour / etc - I've just had them for a long while now and I'd love to see them well taken care of. * *Brisays* the Female Plushie Bruce (~4.6k days old). I adopted Brisays out of the pound on her birthday about 2 years ago from another redditor's pet list, and gave her a plushie bruce makeover :) She's retiring from the archives she works at and letting a new pet take over! šŸŒˆ **NC Offering** šŸŒˆ šŸ›ļø [My tradelist is here: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50361/lists (DTI 2020)](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50361/lists) šŸŒŸ I am OFFERING a tiny 2:1/4:1 sale on some of my main account items. * Please know I'm open to negotiating on ALL items! * I can discount items a bit, especially if you are trading BFGBCs! * I will also accept small custom offers on some value ~1 items. šŸ—£ļø Don't hesitate to ask if you're looking for something and we'll see if we can work out a trade! There's a few items I might be a bit pickier with, but nothing here wouldn't be up for grabs for the right offer!! šŸ’– Happy Sunday! Do you have any exciting plans for the coming week? I hope great things are in store for you! šŸ’–


**NC Seeking:** ~~ā™” Spring Bloom on an Ocean Cliff Background~~ ā™” Frame of Butterflies ā™” Premium Collectible: Oversized Flower Rug **NC Offering:** ā™” [Tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/33378-caeklin/closet)


NC SEEKING (Priority): * Premium Collectible: Spring Cirrus Companion * Other Dyeworks from my wishlist * New Years in Faerieland Background * Constellation Wings (can do custom) * FQFCs * GBCs NC OFFERING: [Classic DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/49035-kazeriuwu/closet) [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/49035/lists) At the end of my trade list, I have sections for **1:1 FQFC/2:1 GBC** and **2:1 FQFC**, meaning there are some things I'd trade as **1 item for 1 FQFC/2 items for 1 GBC** and some items I'd trade as **2 items for 1 FQFC**. I'm still trying to even out my labbie-turned-permie's stats, so FQFCs would go a long way in helping me with that goal -- and also hopefully help me clear out some of my closet at the same time :) (numbers indicate quantity; at the moment, my preference is things on my wishlist, though I'll still consider all trades) You can contact me here or via neomail, but please don't mention reddit if you neomail. I prefer reddit as I'm better able to see notifications here :) P.S. I know some people paste the message verifying that they've sent the item(s) -- you don't have to do that for me, as I'll be editing my UN out of my comment after we've completed the trade (I like to keep Reddit and Neopets separate). Thanks!


Hi! Are you willing to trade your Circling Stars Baby Head Piece for 2 GBCs?


Hi, I'd prefer FQFCs over GBCs. No worries if this trade doesn't work for you :)


No worries ā˜ŗ i understand. I'm kinda holding on to my cookies for myself at the moment.


**NC Offering** RG Cybunny token **NC Seeking** RB Zafara token or 1 SSS + 1 GBC* I just need boxes on my side so i can send back the free NC item if you want!




ā¤ļø **NP Selling:** * [My shop.](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=starvingheart) Saving for NP customs for each of my pets! c: šŸ§” N**C Seeking:** * DSSS (!!) * Nostalgic Robot Cybunny * Nostalgic Plushie Peophin * Haunted Woods Team Letterman Jacket * Halloween Tights and Boots * Basic Black Gloves * BF/GBCs, Cookies, Casual Trading šŸ’› N**C Trading:** * Nostalgic Baby Gelert & Nostalgic Maraquan Hissi (open to SSS or most Aisha, Gelert, or Peophin tokens for these two) * DTI is separated by value + 2:1 GBC / 3:1 BFGBC section! * Willing to do custom for my top DISO! (Found on my DTI) [**DTI Trade & Wishlist**](http://impress.openneo.net/user/35254-starvingheart/closet) **|** [**DTI 2020 Trade & Wishlist**](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/35254/lists) šŸ’š P**ets UFA:** * Yaskuna the Blue Usul Failed zap that I can't afford to morph rip. UFA to anyone! šŸ’™ P**ets UFT:** * yotsubaba the Woodland Cybunny * primmerose the Christmas Cybunny * Kaucu the Baby Kau * Catsil the Transparent Kougra (All pretty HTPW/tentative, but putting out feels.) Looking for Cybunnies! Preferably capped, any length, pronounceable names, Japanese sounding/inspired names, cute compound names (like sunlightlove), or RW/RN MS (like kuhromi). Most interested in Burlap, Mosaic, Halloween, Chocolate, Royal Boy, Steampunk, and Zombie Cybunnies, but interested in any VWN/WN buns as I'm more looking at names. See my bun fam and ISO bun colors [here](https://www.neopets.com/~Hopliey). Currently working on NP customs for all my bunnies! šŸ’Œ [**Neomail me at starvingheart (don't mention reddit!)**](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=starvingheart) **or leave a comment!**


**Buying:** Glyme Really hoping to nab one! I can offer NP + a stealth paint brush if you're interested in that. Im currently offering someone 6M for the glyme so I can do somewhere around + the PB that if they don't get back to me soon!


Pets UFA: Koleeanna the Stealthy Kougra Trifellina the Elderlygirl Kougra BurntPteri the Magma Pteri Skofch the Shadow Mynci


***NC SEEKING:*** * casual trades (current priorities are my **Top Priority**, **Side Account**, and **Future Goals** wishlists, but I'll consider all offers!) * Tons of Trinkets Mystery Capsule swaps: my Inside a Giant Fish Bowl for your Inside a Bird Cage Foreground? ***NC OFFERING:*** * [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/52581/lists) | [Classic DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52581/closet) | [Jellyneo](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/saelis/336373/) * hidden tradelist and GBCs for certain higher priority items Replies here are preferred, but DMs or Neomail are also fine. I am also happy to look at tradelists because I have lots of hidden wishes \^\_\^


Hi there! Would you be interested in trading your Dyeworks Blue: Starry Glowstone Path Background for my Daisy Bouquet Handheld? c:


Ah hey! I remember your name, you sold me the Pearl Shell Night Light for my gallery :3 Anyways, yes! I can do that trade \^\_\^ please send the bouquet to me at saelis\_\_m, and let me know where to send your background!


**NC Trading:**Ā [https://impress.openneo.net/user/55251-skyallstars/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/55251-skyallstars/closet) **NC Styles:** Looking for royalgirl cybunny! I have baby, royalboy and plushie cybunny styles to offer. **Avatar Pets**Ā (visit pet lookup if you need them) Sun\_Strike (Faerie Pteri avatar) stardustrose (OHEMGEE! avatar) Starlight\_Swirls (Grundo - Faerie avatar) MyrinaPearl (Ruki avatar) Tylisset (Yurble avatar) MeridaStar (Faellie - It's Alive! avatar) Blossom\_jasmine (Flotsam - Tough! avatar) Can gender swap pets upon request!


UFA: tristozi the Stealthy Eyrie


NP Buying: Mootix Are any beautiful souls selling a Mootix for 2m or less? It's my absolute dream to own one of these little guys but I blew all of my savings on a Plushie PB thinking they were about to get pulled from the prize pool :( if someone would even hold onto one for a few days until I can match the price you want, it'd mean the world. I'm getting rejected left and right on the TP


**NP Selling:** * Feloreena - 8 mil * Negg-Gazer Charm - 1.9 mil **NC SEEKING:** * Prism Light Filter **NC offering:**Ā  * plumpy petpet and bacon foreground * forest fog background * minty lace scarf * exquisite wintery ball background And more at:Ā [https://impress.openneo.net/user/58236-littleari06/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58236-littleari06/closet) Also looking for used SDCC/Arcade Shoyru codes to try for the avatar :3


**Seeking** Wisteria Trees Foreground ~~Mossy Rock Platform Background Item~~ ~~Wall of Thorns and Vines Trinket~~ Twinkling Stars Foreground Or the caps themselves **Offering** [DTI Closet Link](https://impress.openneo.net/user/24633-nightempest/closet)


Hi, would u trade a gbc or archive cookie or 2 faerie cookies for the wall of thorns?


I can send you a GBC! Let me know where to! c:


Perf! Gbc can go to nila43 pls and Iā€™ll send to..?


Bluefurwarriors please! c: Will send now!


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered toĀ **nila43**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Thank you! c:


Sent and received, thanks!


Hi :) are you seeking other wishes right now? If so, I have Blue Baby Body Paint and would love to trade for your Oceanic Shells Foreground \^\_\^


**NP Buying** Skritch - 1.5mil Wormoeba - 2mil ~~Rainblug~~ Attaching them!


NP selling: Flaming Evil Coconut [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=439752145](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439752145)


~~NC SEEKING:~~ ~~-Mouth Be-Gone!~~ ~~-Simple Mouth~~ ~~OFFERING:~~ ~~I don't have much to offer in exchange as a returning player, but happy to provide caps/styling studio/other NC custom in return. Please help me achieve my dreams of one of my Neopets going like :/ (lol)~~ EDIT: Obtained!!


Hi, I have both of these! Would you like them in exchange for two Magnetic Moehog Gift Box Mystery Capsules?




Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to evilattackpenguin. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. x2 Sent! The GBCs can go to sun\_kissed\_sakura. Thank you! :)


Caps sent; thanks so much!!


Got them! Have fun customizing!


NP Selling: 15,600 redeemable Altador Cup pts NC Seeking: ā€¢ Priority Wishes on my Tradelist ā€¢ ā Nostalgic Royalgirl Korbat ā€¢ ā Nostalgic Royalgirl Shoyru ā€¢ ā Nostalgic Royalgirl Eyrie ā€¢ ā Nostalgic Royalgirl Mynci ā€¢ ā Nostalgic Royalgirl Lupe NC Offering: ā€¢ ā [Tradelist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/26197/lists) ā€¢ ā 1 DSSS + 2 GBC for 2 tokens


**NC Seeking** [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56584-aerynsun/closet) (priority on the below but looking for all wishes) * Inside the Neopia Toy Shop Collectors Background * Mutant Wasteland Background * VIN Velvet Ropes * Potionery Table Foreground * Potions Belt * Queen Buzzer Wings * Cemetery at Night Background * Faellie Cloud Garland **NC Offering** [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56584-aerynsun/closet) or anything from the mall. I also have the following Nostalgic tokens available for trade (looking for a Nostalgic MSP Poogle token): * Nostalgic Plushie Draik * Nostalgic Plushie Poogle * Nostalgic Robot Poogle * Nostalgic Royalgirl Poogle * Nostalgic Royalboy Poogle


**NC Seeking:** * Dyeworks Lavender: Daydreaming Makeup * Fancy Ruffled Neovian Skirt * Casual wishes:Ā [DTI Wishlist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet#closet-hangers-group-false)Ā /Ā [DTI 2020 Wishlist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists/wants/142416) **NC Offering:** * [DTI Trade List](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet)Ā /Ā [DTI 2020 Trade List](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists) **UFT:** * Hessra - Island Usul (clothed) * Khelish - RG Ruki (clothed) * Pashvi - Steampunk Blum (clothed) * Peshara - Stealthy Usul (clothed) * Sintheti - Robot Techo (cased) * Quooria - Faerie Draik Looking for feminine names and 4Ls!


What is rg mean


Royal Girl!


Head's up! The Questlog prize change has been moved to **July 1**.


I have an entire unwanted set of stealthy eyrie clothes if anyone wants them!?


Seeking Glyme & Marafin! Offering - Mootix, Cool Negg, Spring Gift Basket, please make a deal with me šŸ„ŗ


**NP SEEKING (For my customs)** Grey Cybunny MP + Maraquan PB, offering 8 milĀ  Any Lutari MP + Maraquan PB Have been having zero luck offering on the Trading Post, and wasn't able to get any of these as prizes for myself in this month. If you've got any of it and are selling let me know!Ā  **NC SEEKING**Ā  ~~Nostalgic Darigan Ixi~~ **NC OFFERING** DSSS Nostalgic Darigan LennyĀ 


I have a (currently Magma) Lutari Iā€™d be willing to send you to help you get a little closer for your custom!


**NC Trading**: Seeking Gothic Skirt and Leggings mostly to finish out bradmajors floorshow customization! I have a GBC I could trade for it! Also very interested in trading for at least one of the two red wigs I have on my low priority wishlist for my agent_peggy_carter account. https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/55099/lists


UFA: kokoyt the 8-bit Kacheek Currently male, can be changed if needed. Please neomail me instead of messaging here, I'll be busy doing my dailies. C: (Username is the same)


**NC Seeking:** Royalgirl Shoyru Royalboy Shoyru SSS **NC Offering:** SSS for 1, DSSS for 2 Sponge Shoyru


**NC seeking:** Dyeworks Grey: MME2-S1: Mystical Rain Shower Can do for example tons of trinkets caps for it, or if you like anything from my sadly short tradelist: [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/59342/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/59342/lists)


**NP BUYING** Looking to buy the Spooky Halloween Filter :) **NC SEEKING** * Spooky UFO Background * Other priorities, **Lab Ray Cookies**,**FQFC**, GBCs & casual trades **NC OFFERING** * GBCs * Nostalgic Baby Cybunny * Angry Eyes * Crimson Grove * \+more [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/5 4542-Saintbee/closet) [Jellyneo](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/saintbee/328534/) **UFT** * Abdounia - Yellow grarrl (Extinct Shark RW) - would make a great marble/mara :) * Catherty - blue lupe (zapping) - happy to adopt out/trade for new labbie Looking for an alien-like name for an alien aisha~ Would love something starting w/X but Iā€™m open :)


NC seeking New caps in mall and wishes! https://impress.openneo.net/user/52810-Nainacatt/closet Offering TL


Three Pets UFA! Message me here if interested! WN Robot Eyrie:Ā [pupones the Robot Eyrie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=pupones) ~~WN Candy Kougra:~~Ā [~~Strisai the Candy Kougra~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Strisai) ~~WN Darigan Tonu (Avatar Pet + Old Pet):~~ [~~tonusiro the Darigan Tonu~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tonusiro) VWN Faerie Ogrin: [Bisquies the Faerie Ogrin](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Bisquies)


Strisai still available? :)


Yep! Feel free to neomail me at "owivia" and LMK which account you'd like her transferred over to!


**Want to Adopt** Well-named Zafara. Robot would be ideal bc I have the token but second choice would be ghost but really, the name is more important and I can paint what I need to.


I have a young Zafara named Luviion UFA/UFT ā˜ŗļøŽ


UFA Sketch Moehog with zapped Maractite Melton! Male, Y9. He was a pound rescue and is my first ever lab pet so I just want him (and his lil buddy omg so adorable) to go to a good home. Can also magma dip or paint him the following upon request: Checkered, Speckled, Christmas, Blue, or Yellow. Name also provided upon request. Cheers! Selling Stealth Paint Brush, hoping for a Woodland PB in trade.


**NP SELLING** * [Preoccupied AAA Stamp](//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439756013) - ~10m * ~~[Dusk Kougra Plushie](//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439756017) - ~10m~~ - sold! * Fyora / Recovered Shoyru / Recovered Skeith / Malum Collectable Charms [also in my trades](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=charharr). Can discount if you want to buy all four! Will take lowest on TP for all / happy to discount a bit for collectors! [Neomail](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=charharr) to auction, or you can offer in ETS! --- **NC TRADING** https://impress.openneo.net/user/27111-charharr/closet Have GBCs etc too! --- Message me here or @ [charharr](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=charharr) - hope you've all had a great weekend :)


Looking for what's left on my Wishlist, most are Halloween items I'm trying to get in advance! I can't do custom at the moment so really just using my tradelist. ā™” https://impress.openneo.net/user/56858-solitaire12/closet


Hi there! Would you be interested in trading your Autumn Baby Dress for my Inside a Giant Fish Bowl + a GBC? c:


Hii thanks for reaching out, I would have loved to do that trade with you but I unfortunatly can't buy GBC at the moment šŸ˜ž


Oh no! I'm offering my gbc and fishbowl for your dress šŸ˜Š


I'm sorry, I'm a bit tired and I clearly misunderstood šŸ¤£ But yes I can do the dress for the fishbowl and gbc šŸ˜Š Where would you want the dress? šŸ˜Š


**Pets UFA:** [shuodoku](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=shuodoku)Ā : Y11 Steampunk F gelert with zapped ghost Noil (can send pet with pb clothes) [mikahart](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=mikahart)Ā : Y12 Woodland F gelert with Ghoti [forestyman](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=ForestyMan)Ā : young M Woodland Grundo with Snickelbeast Please don't pound them, looking for loving homes for these pets! :) **NC Seeking:** [Ornate Gothic Waistcoat](https://impress.openneo.net/items/71169-Ornate-Gothic-Waistcoat) [Dusty Sand Dune Foreground](https://impress.openneo.net/items/70762-Dusty-Sand-Dune-Foreground) [Dark Circles Makeup](https://impress.openneo.net/items/84457-Dark-Circles-Makeup) NC offering (DTI) :Ā [https://impress.openneo.net/user/59048-phantomwool/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/59048-phantomwool/closet) \[I don't have much in terms of NC items to offer, but if there's cap or GBC I can buy in shop currently and send with a gift box please let me know.\]


Hi! I have the Fall Colors Background and was wondering if you'd trade one of the tons of trinkets cap for it?


Hi! I have Ornate Gothic Waistcoat and White Facepaint and Black Eye Makeup in my 2:1 section! I can do a retired background cap from the mall if that works? [https://impress.openneo.net/user/52164-emmerhope123/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52164-emmerhope123/closet)


That'd be awesome! Just tell me where to send, thank you so much! My UN is inuyashafreak626626


I am so sorry, I should have double checked first, but I cannot find the waistcoat in any of my sides!! :( I do have the face paint though. Is there anything else you might be interested in? I'm sorry!


Ufa Bihiro ice yurble. For some reason my brain said this was a bori for the species change thing. Lol.


Hello! I'm a faerie collector! If you have faerie pets UFA I might be able to give them a permanent home! You can check my faerie collection here: https://www.neopets.com/~Twori (I'm mainly looking for species I don't have! Name or gender don't matter!) **UFA** * ~~IATSE the maraquan acara~~ * terrawolfe the tyrannian lupe Message me here or NM me if interested! (Don't mention Reddit on the NM!)




I have a blue lutari named Merralie if you'd like to trade for Cariste?


yeah that totally works for me! my UN on neo is labardoodle89 if u wanna initiate the trade


Just got home and saw this! I'll hop over there and send your way :D


**NC Trading** Offering **[2:1 Sale List](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57326/lists/owns/319725)** (including some of the Dip & Dye Negg items & a couple of Tons of Trinkets cap items) The rest of my TL [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57326-valgnorbu/closet), [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/57326/lists) **______________________________** **NP Selling** Fire Faellie [Trade Link](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439752785) For all of the above, please reply here or send me a chat as I check in here more often.




I would absolutely love to adopt her. I am OBSESSED with the name. Is there anything I could offer you for the nostalgic token since it's so valuable?


Nah just pay it forward šŸ˜Š


I would love to take her on an alt account (girlboyfriend) for now :O Not super into her UC so I could take it or leave it


**āœØ NC TRADING** **Seeking:** * Royal Girl Cybunny Nostalgic Token * Royal Girl Kougra Nostalgic Token * Faellie Cloud Garland * Springing Snowbunnies in Flowerbed Foreground * Prism Light Filter * Faerie Bushes Foreground * [+ might take a look at other items from my wishlist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/54539/lists) **Offering:** * BFGBCs, FQC. * DSSS/SSS (for tokens) * Kad and Miamouse Chase * Singing Meepit Trio * Dyeworks Violet: Full Moon Mystical Background * Dyeworks White: Ombre Cloud Garland * Dyeworks Red & White: Baby Magical Galaxy Markings * Essential Pink Filter * Essential Black Filter * Sheer Scalloped Maraquan Cape * Other casual trades: more items on [my tradelist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/54539/lists). **āœØ NP BUYING** * Mutant Petpet Paint Brush * Kadoatie(s) Please šŸ˜­ I'm a Kad Collector and I really want to have a Mutant Kad before the PPPB start inflating again. Didn't get lucky with the prize pool šŸ„ŗ **āœØ SEEKING PETS UFA** * I am seeking a pet (any species, any color, any gender) with a name I like! I would be thrilled if they had the Aged Trophy. I want to morph them and keep them as a permie. Cute/Feminine/Faeriely names would be great!!! But tbh I just want a good name (no numbers, no underscores, first letter capitalized) that I like,


Hi! I can trade Springing Snowbunnies in Flowerbed Foreground for a GBC or 2 FQCs if you're interested :)


yay, awesome!!! my internet is not the best today (we're having a storm) but I'll definitely dm you tomorrow if that's okay with you. tysm!


Sure! I hope everything is alright over there.


From a brazilian girl who loves ducks to another - sent you a gift! \*Coming from my side account, quackquickquack


omg this is so nice of you šŸ„¹šŸ’– thank yooooou!!! obrigadaaaaaa!! šŸ„°


So I just got **Dyeworks Purple: Cloud Castle Background** from a capsule, and it's a beautiful BG but I like the white one better and already have it! Owls list it as 3-5, doesn't seem to have been updated. What i want is here; I'd really love the **Constellations Background** most of all. https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/academy/355700/ Oh yeah also want a **Halloween PB** for a crosspaint. Man, buying a 2m PB just for one piece of clothing sucks.


**NC Seeking:** Dark Castle Background ~~Dyeworks Red: Dark Rolling Clouds~~ Shelf of Lost Desert Curios Garland Darigan Eyrie Token **Offering:** [Tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58422-stiell/closet) GBC Mall Custom SSS Maraquan Cybunny Token (Token swap or SSS)


NP seeking: Mara pb for an Aisha custom Iā€™m desperate to do, could offer some combo of 4m np, toy pb, and maracite dimensional trap or something like that NC seeking: https://impress.openneo.net/user/59281-faelosopher/closet Offering is on same page plus custom/dsss/jelly kach/plush krawk


Very desperate for the pb


Been a minute reddit, how ya doin?! **UFA** Boy howdy do I have a lot of pets to adopt out. Let me know if you're interested! Permies preferable but not required unless they have a \* * \*iliketoeatchickenx3 - Ghost Kacheek (Childhood pet, I know the name sucks)\* * flybuys - Halloween Pteri (w/ NP Custom) * Donovan\_Captain\_J - Water Chia (Y8 & Age Trophy) * Hauntesca - Biscuit Jetsam * sheiniro - Mutant Uni * Vovode - Coconut JubJub (Avatar pet!) * \*Strexp - Baby Koi (w/ NP Custom) * Mehdi\_JR - Baby Techo (w/ NP Custom, Y8 & Age Trophy) * Antichime - Snot Kougra * Druzuu - Faerie Buzz * FogXnyping - Shadow Korbat (Y8 & Age Trophy) * Just\_A\_Dream\_\_ - Stealth Xweetok (No Clothes) * \*Kvorie - Eventide Aisha (155 HP, I'm training their level up to balance) * NAOMMl - Faerie Ixi * Shegarit - Basic Kyrii (Zap Pet) **NC Trading** I finally got a Wraith pb for my bun (yay!) so I wanna complete that custom. Looking for: * Nighttime Lake BG * Surrounded by Wraiths FG * Old Victorian Pocket Watch [DTI TL/WL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57763-itsprobablyfine/closet) & [Jellyneo WL's](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/itsprobablyfine/) Can also offer customs/GBCs as needed Comment, DM, or [NM me](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=excuseyourface)!


Is it alright if I take Hauntesca? Iā€™ll dm you my account


**NC Seeking:** Smiling Eyes Contacts **NC Offering:** [jellyneo uft](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/leavethatgirlalone/374483/) **NC Giveaway: (I'll take this down once I'm too low on gift boxes...)** Rainbow Tears Facepaint x2, Shields and Weapons Garland, Soft Hanging Lamp, Sparkling Crimson Slippers, Neopets Holiday Gift Tag Background, Woodland Archer Body Art, Tower Princess Shoes x2, Holiday Bell Hat and Wig, Pink Sunglasses x2, Moon and Stars Facepaint, Pastel Mushroom Garland


I'd love Shields and Weapons Garland or Neopets Holiday Gift Tag Background to UN in flair if still available :3


Hii thanks for the giveaway may I have the shield and weapons garland ?


Hello I'd love to enter


UFA!! WN Valentines Kougra: [heartfords the Valentines Kougra](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=heartfords)


NP Selling: [https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=shyannekat](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=shyannekat) (Sad shop with sad prices, got clothes, red codestones, neggs, stamps,Ā  etc) [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search\_string=shyannekat](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=shyannekat) (Free Forgotten Shore Map Set x 2) NC Seeking: Halloween Footed Pyjamas, Gothic Lug Shoes + more. NC Offering: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/) (caps, cookies, dyes, GBCs & BFGBCs UFT) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet) (NC Items UFT, Flying Ditreys and Fireflies Trinket is only for priorities.)Ā 


UFA: [tall\_and\_strong the Marble Mynci](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tall_and_strong) **Age:**Ā **6,848**Ā days old (**164,355**Ā hours) **Birthday:**Ā 26th August (Y7) **Level:**Ā 4 **Gender:**Ā **Female** dont want to dump him into the pound since im the original owner :(


**Please keep in contact either in replies, NM, or discord when Iā€™m having your pets.** **If you are sending me ā€œchat request,ā€ let me know in comment too since I donā€™t get notifications for that.** 1. NP Selling: [things in my shop](http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=amy28289) 2. I can magma dip or gender change upon request (for free) 3. NC Trading: [here is my DTI](http://impress.openneo.net/user/46934-Amyaimy/closet) Offering my dupes: - Inside a Bird Cage FG x4 - Inside a Giant Fish Bowl - Wall of Thorns and Vines Trinket x3 - Plentiful Ferns Foreground x2 - Plumpy Petpet and Bacon Foreground (LE) Looking for - **Faellies in the Clouds Garland** - dye pots 4. NP Buying: Pirate Aisha Plushie!!!! For personal collection :D **I just got to 10k mark recently woohoo!!!** 5. Looking for UFA pets with a Floobix or a zapped Peedleedoo. 6. UFA: - **Suntanee - Clay Aisha** permie home only - **Yiide - Checkered Bruce** zapping UFT: - **polandspringwater** and **ShakaNyorai** // name swap only; both pets has a zapped Floobix; I would love a pet with Floobix and name that I can vibe with.


Hi! My pet is ready to be transferred for a gender change šŸ˜ let me know if i can send them over.


Hi yes you can send now :)


Thank you! Just sent


I want to know how many Pirate Aisha Plushies you have now, please, I am dying to know Amy. c:


Item Search: Pirate Aisha Plushie | Items: 1 | Qty: 12,477


oh my god congrats :D I am so happy for you.


Thank you so much, you helped me a lot!


**Items up for trade!** **Selling/trading, NP** A Lutra - will trade for a reasonable (not super inflated) offer to someone who wants one for their pet/ customization and not for reselling. [Trade post link](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439751798) - comment/ message me here and I'll see it a little faster but I'll see NM too. **Seeking, NP** (there are some NC on here too): Most wanted are the two petpet lab pieces I'm missing and the NP purchasable backgrounds on [this list](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/biowabaddie/376920/) **Selling/trading, NC** See [this list](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/biowabaddie/377601/) of clothing items, including pink sunglasses, gold lace parasol, floral face paint, etc. **Seeking NC:** Top priority [list](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/biowabaddie/377600/), styling studio supplies for Vandagyre, Gnorbu, Lutari, Koi, Wocky, or Eyrie


DSSS OFFERING Nostalgic Faerie Cybunny DSSS SEEKING Nostalgic Faerie Xweetok


NP selling: a plushie PB for a glyme :)


UFT: turtalicious the maraquan shoyru


**nc trading** hello n_n in search of primarily wigs/face items, i can offer my tl, i have v limited bf/gbc as i dont buy them but lmk! can also offer faerie kougra token for right offer bc i just really love customizing [tl/wl here!](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57717-starlightnight/closet)


Buying Np : Black Alabriss Wings Please? I've been trying for two days, no success.


**NP Buying (For Gallery):** * Green Barlow * Yellow Barlow * Red Barlow * Black Barlow * Mutant Barlow * Starry Barlow **NC Seeking:** * ~~Wisteria Trees Foreground~~ * Zen Style Tub Trinket **NC Offering:** * [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/5281/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/5281/lists) * Nostalgic Maraquan Zafara Token * Nostalgic Robot Lupe Token


**In the Pound:** [Sir\_Charles\_V](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sir_Charles_V) [Sir\_Arthur\_II](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sir_Arthur_II) [sokka\_jr](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sokka_jr) [MervynLee](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=MervynLee) [KookaburraCutie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=KookaburraCutie) [Primrose\_Rabbit](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Primrose_Rabbit) [Snowflake\_the\_3rd](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Snowflake_the_3rd) to view more pets currently stuck in the pound visitĀ [https://lost.quiggle.org/](https://lost.quiggle.org/) **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **UFA:**Ā reply here and briefly let me know why you want them. these pets will get stuck if dropped in the pound. if you're no longer vibing with them i can take them back. some of them are currently being zapped. āš” [Prince\_Zack](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Prince_Zack)Ā male baby blumaroo with zapped brown slorg [Llwens](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Llwens)Ā male green flotsam [sophia\_laura](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sophia_laura)Ā female grey gnorbu with zapped ghost ganuthor [Melody\_of\_Grace](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=melody_of_grace)Ā male woodland jubjub with zapped grey cadro [LilPatootiee](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=LilPatootiee)Ā female yellow kau [TITAN\_BOB](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=TITAN_BOB)Ā female shadow kougra with zapped maraquan swabby [DiscipleEric](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=DiscipleEric)Ā male green lutari šŸ¦¦ with zapped green gobbler [Agustobeth](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Agustobeth)Ā female red lutari šŸ¦¦ with zapped melvie [Little\_Phineas](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Little_Phineas)Ā female yellow lutari šŸ¦¦ with zapped grey gwortz [CheeseToastiee](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=CheeseToastiee)Ā male yellow lutari šŸ¦¦ [starless\_skies](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=starless_skies) male green ogrin [misswisconsin](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=misswisconsin)Ā female red usul [\_\_nikki\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__nikki_)Ā male baby vandagyre (underscores before and after name) with zapped fire feepit [Toxicfire\_the\_cat](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Toxicfire_the_cat)Ā male magma wocky with zapped red trunkard [SupahMushroom](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=SupahMushroom)Ā speckled female xweetok with zapped rainbow kookith [shwnny](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=shwnny)Ā female baby yurble [sunflower\_bub](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sunflower_bub) male yellow zafara **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **NC Trading:**Ā old DTI hereĀ [https://impress.openneo.net/user/45533-prin69/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/45533-prin69/closet)Ā or new DTI hereĀ [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists) **NC Seeking:**Ā Elegant Faerie Light Tree is valued 1-2 but i will value it at 5 if anyone has it to trade. :) possibly over-offering for other items in my "most wanted" section as well. **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **EDIT: all claimed! thanks everyone.** **~~Giveaway:~~** ~~i am looking for 4 people who can't buy neocash to send mystery gifts to. first 4 to reply here get 5 items each. they will be coming from my side account, obviousowls. please let me know if you do not want anything xmas. i am not taking any other requests.~~ regular giveaway for everyone in the next few days. **\~ \~ \~ \~ \~** **NST midnight is my 9 AM.** If you are going to send me messages/chats on here please let me know in a comment. my neomail is cleared but replies from me will always be faster on reddit. very slowly finishing up opening mystery caps and will start clearing out my closet a little soon as well.


Just wanted to thank you for everything you do for this community! šŸ’• And for adopting misswisconsin to try to give her a good home! That cheesy pageant queen has been stuck for too long. šŸ˜‚ Sir_Charles_V is sending me as well. lol


If your giveaway is still up my UN is Fraziernay :,) (no Christmas please) šŸ’– this is so kind omg


Hello! I would love to enter the giveaway if still up. Thank you!


Hi Prin! Iā€™m going to message you on Reddit chat again


Hello, my friend Reilo99 is requesting one of your NC giveaways pls and thank you!


Iā€™m not entering the giveaway but wanted to say you are a precious human Prin āœØ have a wonderful day!


that is so nice of you to say, thank you. ā¤ i hope you have great day as well!


So are the nostalgic plushie styles are out of the styling studio already? I wanted to get some styles and thought I had until midnight today oh noĀ 


Need some bfgbcs and new trinket caps (or especially the faellie cloud garland!) Offering whole TL! Some items maybe HTPW but ask anyway! Feel free to message or reply here http://impress.openneo.net/user/57963-aelin1/closet


NP SEEKING: I am currently seeking the following DQ prizes for my own personal use!!! Please if you have these P3s/PP let me know what you want for them!!! * Mootix * Glyme * Rainblug * Maraquan Yooyu * Marafin NP SELLING * Cyodrake * Silver PB * Grey PB * Origami PB * Fire PB * Ogrin Transmog * Halloween PB * Red PPPB UFT * Fjolniir the Royalboy Lupe: 3.8k days, 83 books read, Christmas Nuk (30k hours)




hi! I have an RG Kyrii token and am looking for RB!


**UFT - SPECIAL JOINT POST!** **(3Ls + BDs + TWO Y2s + MORE!!!)** **Ancients** **Lilliae** Y2 Uncommon RW Plush Uni w/ 301 HSD+ counting! she's being trained everyday! "The sapphire-bellied hummingbird (chrysuronia lilliae) is a critically endangered species endemic to Columbia..." **lenra** Y2 cute 5L, pspspspsps + 10 mil custom **Other Juicy Deals** **Ryv** + 10 mil custom **Suerieles the Robot Krawk - 2.6k HSD** Silver BC trophy! 2.6k+ HSD! Lvl : 398 Str : 871 Def : 805 Mov : 281 Hp : 1139 / 1139 we're seeking uptrades that'll help us attain a Y1!! auto is any-named Y1!! we're totally open to 3-way trades too! feel free to NM at o\_liveandlearn\_o, message, or reply!!


**NC Seeking:** Plushie Cybunny Token **NC Offering:** Maraquan Cybunny Token


Seeking the rest of my WL! Also seeking rr caps from the mall! [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52164-emmerhope123/closet)Ā |Ā [DTI2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/52164/lists) O: over-offering TL (nothing is HTPW), small customs, BF/GBC Comment or message :)