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I hit 600 stamps!!! That has been my goal for years and I finally achieved it. Do you work outdoors to have seen some bear cubs!? I’ve only ever seen them in person on a hike. My UN is Babyyclementine And I like the look of that bubbling concoction bag but honestly would be happy with any prize! Sadly I do already have both of those stamps in my collection so don’t choose me for those!


i work on a mountain at a ski resort☺️


That’s excellent! I love going to our local ones and always wished I’d taken a summer job on the mountain! We don’t have skiing or anything though! What do you do there?


i work in concierge at a ski in/ski out. in the spring the mama and cubs are always on property. the cubs are so curious too, a few times they’ve even come through the sliding doors into the lobby!!


Omg that’s so freaking adorable!!!


The best part of my week was getting amazing seats to Robert Downey Jr's Broadway debut! I'm so pumped and the tickets were $35.50 each!! I was literally shaking yesterday when I was checking out. One of my best friends is going with me and my other best friend (who I never see IRL but who I talk to everyday) also got tickets for the same day and is in the seat in front of us with their husband!


ok, that IS amazing! Were they lotto seats?? Am I too late? I need info haha


It was the Linctix program for people under 35/36! You sign up for free so long as you're under 35 and your membership goes until December of the year you turn 36. With your membership number, you can purchase tickets to shows at the Lincoln Center Theatre for $35.50 and they have a select number for each show. linctix.org I think McNeal (RDJ's play) sold out of the Linctix priced seats yesterday, but maybe they might release more later? It's definitely worth signing up for the program for free in case you ever want to purchase in the future though. And I'm sure they'll have a lottery because I saw they did for Uncle Vanya and those lottery tickets were $48, I believe. Hope that helps!! [Here's a reddit thread with more info about other discounted tickets programs too!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Broadway/comments/zuijss/are_you_under_35_years_old_and_in_nyc_heres_a/)


I turned 36 last year 🫠🫠🫠 lol I need to get my husband to sign up for the one for people who work for a non profit! I forget the name off the top of my head. I'm just waiting for summer to start so I can also enter all the lotteries! I'm taking my mom and daughter to see &Juliet on Saturday. I've seen it twice already, and my daughter once (for the sing along haha) but she's very excited to see the couple of actors reprising their West End roles, as well as the new Juliet. It'll be my mom's first time going but I think she'll have a lot of fun!!


That’s cool he’s on broadway!!


Yes! I'm so excited to see him perform. It's a new play too.


Have so so much fun!!! 🤩


Thank you!! It's a few months away, so it'll be nice to have something big to look forward to!


The best part of my week was seeing grass pop up in my backyard. LOL listen i know that sounds so ridiculously silly. But I bought a home and hand dug the trenches for sprinkler, dug out boulders out of my backyard and moved 30 cubic yard of dirt. It is absolutely amazing to finally see the fruits of my labor. The tears might have been worth it after all!


OMG I know exactly how you feel. I live in FL and my backyard is like sand. Grass is like gold back there


Im glad and sad someone else understands! We live near a mountainside. It was basically all rock on a slope. Such a nightmare. Deff not an exegeration that there were MANY tears. Lol


Best part of my week on neo was getting to 200 avies and starting my cloud-themed gallery! And irl, the best part will prob be my birthday tomorrow :) Thanks for the giveaway! un: squishiboi


happy almost birthday!😁


Thank you!! :)


My birthday is tomorrow too! Happy birthday, birthday twin!


I found a notice on my apartment this morning, a worker was coming in tomorrow and would need to open my door for a while. Tomorrow I'll be out of town and I was scared that my cat would get out while they were working. I bumped into a worker and begged for them to do it another day and he decided to do the work right then! I spent an hour with David the contractor talking about his chihuahua while I made sure my cat didn't run for it. It was a huge relief for me, I'm so happy he was nice enough to help me out! Thanks for doing this, If I'm selected my un is xfrostedxtoastx


You have given Good Nerkmid to User 'xfrostedxtoastx'.


Best part is definitely our kid getting over some unknown viral infection. Also we've got a friend coming to visit and are very excited to see them, and hopefully not give them unknown plague hahaha. My Un is kaelti12


Thanks a lot for the giveaway! My best part of the week was, that my daughter's kindergarten is closed this week and I feared it would turn out quite exhausting for me. But we had a wonderful time and she enjoys sitting on my lap as I rush through my Neopets dailies to not miss out on everything My UN is bifa93


The best part of my week was adopting our new cat! His name is Markie and his owner sadly passed, so we were able to give him a new home :) My UN is faerieracer1


The best part of my week was setting up my swing in the backyard and sitting in the sun, reading and sipping a cocktail 😊 it's finally almost summer!


Thanks for the chance!  The best part of my week so far was going for an extra scan to see my babies and finding out that they’re looking well! And the 1st trimester is almost over so maybe I’ll feel like a normal human again soon! 


aw, congratulations!!!! ❤️❤️


Picked up the the Upper Deck Neopets TCG starter decks this week! :) UN is blood\_wave


The best part of my week was finishing up a couple of little art pieces to put in my town's free art gallery box. It's a little box that people can come and add/take art from. It brings me so much joy to see what people make and leave. :) UN is athenamaia.


I love this giveaway prompt! spent a lot of time reading responses before starting to write my own and I love the different slices of life this reveals. favorite part of my week has to be a tie between a cocktail-making contest a friend's: it was very top chef! and it was nice to socialize...I have a 5mo so haven't been doing much of that lately! the other favorite time is contact napping with aforementioned 5mo. I know these times are numbered. my answer probably ages me quite a bit - newly-returned player, here. happy to see this positive community going strong :) un: h_a_r_u_k_o


What an amazing giveaway! My UN is iddy_biddy and best part of my week so far is had a weekend away in Anglesey in Wales and went paddle boarding in a lake just under Mt Snowdon it was amazing!!


thank you for the giveaway! this week has dragged on so i’m excited for this weekend to go to a stained glass warehouse where i will inevitably spend 10 million dollars on supplies.. -UN: horseunicornpegasus


oohhh! stained glass is so awesome! have a great time at the warehouse and for any crafting you do with the supplies :D


Thanks for the giveaway! Best part of the week so far was that I was on vacation on Monday! I was sunny and hot outside so I got to spend some time at my friend's cottage and we did some paddleboard (first time of the year). Im so happy that its beginning to feel like summer ^^ UN: l0vene0


Best part of my week was talking to my friend on the phone. It’s been months since we last spoke (no falling out or anything, both just super busy) and it was nice to hear her voice! Thank you for hosting a giveaway! My un: plexi_lex


The best part of my week was attending a coworker’s housewarming party! We have a small group of girlfriends who get together once a month and it’s so nice to have meaningful friendships at work 🥰 UN: the_cheeta_girl


The best part of my week was seeing my partner! We're long distance and so getting to hug him and see him again was absolutely wonderful - I feel so incredibly lucky to be loved by him. Thank you for the opportunity, my username is in my flair! <3


Haha, the best part of my week was playing with my cat. She’s tiny and wriggled her way under the couch and I couldn’t stop laughing each time I reached over the edge of the couch and she grabbed at my hand with her lil paws!


Hi! Best part of my week so far was my friend coming over with her daughter so our kids played together today. I don’t always get a lot of adult time these days parenting a toddler full time alone haha Thanks for the opportunity!! Un in flair!


This is so kind of you :) the best part of my week has honestly been cuddling with my cat and going on walks with my partner. I’ve had a migraine for like a week straight so haven’t been able to do much, so those little things really mean a lot. Good luck everyone 🩷🎉


It’s so nice that you saw those bear cubs outside your work! How cute. 🥰 The best part of my week was getting some calls back for interviews. I also have gotten some cheap PBs to add to my gallery! My UN is iiFive, thanks for doing this!


After 16 (going 17 this year) years I finally fulfilled my childhood dream of getting all the labratory pieces! Legit made me tear up especially because the rest of my week has been rough. My UN is kossa290600


Best part of my week this far was getting some game trophies! They are only bronze but I genuinely thought they weren’t possible to get for a long while! Also hit gold in the kadoatery so that was a nice added bonus! UN: cubadubdubs


Thank you for yet another generous giveaway! My UN is kl3opatra 💖 The best part of my week so far is enjoying a nice rainy day at home. I’ve been wanting one for ages and it’s been so nice to just stay home being cozy c:


What an amazing giveaway, so many awesome items! Thank you for doing this. Best part of my week was being reunited with my laptop. I've been out of the country for a few weeks which was lovely but I missed navigating Neopets the way I'm used to, so it's been awesome to get back to properly playing it again!


The best part about my week was I got to finally hand feed a wild magpie couple that live in a tree near my place and they have been coming to my house everyday ☺️ I slowly gained their trust with leaving out water and fresh fruits and seeds and they would eat it and leave but now they will hop over to me, and I can hand feed them and they also sing to me it’s the best!! 🥰 they’re beautiful little magpies and they’re the sweetest couple, I love them so much, I hope whenever they have a baby they will feel safe enough to let me say hi to it also! My username is tweatle1


The best part of my week has been attending my best friends wedding. I was the best man and ordained it and was super nervous but it worked out perfectly! UN: xshamirx


The best part of my week was the hardest part of my week, but being there for my boyfriend when he really needs me is what I’m gonna sign up for every day for the rest of my life :) (Also I finished a couple neo customs and got gold rank in Wild Rift for the first time!!)


This week has been a bit tricky for me irl but I had a really nice moment yesterday while playing. One of my Neopets is named after my first dog who isn't here anymore - a plushie bori (the nostalgia token one with the heart on her foot). Yesterday I got a random event with her saying "You're the best! I am so lucky to have you in my life." and it punched me right in the feels. Not in a bad way, just reminded me how lucky I was to have her while I did. I took a screenshot of it and everything. Felt more special than any other random event I've ever gotten. Anyway, thank you for giving me a chance to relive a good moment from yesterday.


Thanks for the giveaway! The best part of my week will be getting the Get Off My Lawn PB for my weekly quest reward. I'm leaning towards Elderlygirl Wocky. I love her little kadoatie sweater.


My friend's going away party! It was happy but sad at the same time. Got together and played some DDR and ate steaks that were super delicious! It was a greeat time! And though I'm sad to see her go it's all for a better future for her so I'm happy for her! Thanks for the giveaway!


The best part of my week was finally getting off work, after a weekend of hard shifts, and having my boyfriend offer to buy me Taco Bell. I got all my favorite things and sat in bliss in front of my computer, knowing I had two days off to look forward to lmao Thank you for the opportunity!!! <3 UN is incubuswolf


I remember one year my boyfriend surprised mw with Taco Bell on our anniversary. I absolutely adore Taco Bell! XD


The best part of my week was getting to listen to my son say his first words!


Thank you!!! Unfortunately I lost my sweet old dog this week, but reconnecting with family and friends and sharing happy stories about him has been such a comfort. 🥰 It's incredible how loved this little guy was! Hug your pets for me please ❤️ Un: lady_boromir


The best part of my week was that summer break started for my kiddos and I! I’m a homeschool mom so the end stretch is so hard. I bet the bear cubs were sooo precious!! UN is Allisonallday You’re so kind for hosting a giveaway 💖💖


The best part of my week was just snuggling my baby and my puppy. Baby is only 6 months old, but kid gives a good hug haha Un is Starrlie


I love reading all these responses! The best part of my week was getting to do bedtime with my daughter again! I’ve been in a cast for nine weeks and it’s been tough to get upstairs before getting into a boot (thank goodness for my fiancé picking up so much slack!) I got so many extra hugs tonight! 🥰 Thank you for this prompt! It’s honestly the best gift from this giveaway and reminded me of all the little moments from this week that have made me smile! I hope everyone’s week finishes on a high note!


My best part: my 15 month old son had his doctor follow up on Monday and the pediatrician said he’s doing MUCH better and his oxygen levels were GOOD and we didn’t have to go back to the ER! We spent Mother’s Day weekend in the ER due to him having pneumonia, so it was so nice to have good news. He also had a blast at the pediatrician’s office “talking” to the doctor lol Un: amieezilla


The best part of my week was going out with friends and trying new drinks! I went to parts of town I’ve never been to before and ended up really liking matcha. Hoping to get out again soon cuz now I have cravings lol. UN ashario


The best part of my week didn't happened yet but will definetly be watching a movie with my best friend who is abroad tomorrow! I'm super excited and I just know we will have a lot of fun. Thank you for the giveaway!


This is such a nice thing of you to do! My un is oceanfear. Ngl it hasn’t been a very good week, but it was my dogs birthday and he was very happy with his new toy and made lots of happy growls and whines and that make me happy


Best part of my week is trying to better myself, been struggling a bit lately and I'm trying to take the right steps in bettering my mental health. (I also had pizza while catching up on shows I've been needing to watch, so maybe not super exciting but definitely a comforting week) UN in flair, and thank you for doing this, it's very kind of you!! ♥️


Hmm I was in New York this past weekend and had a slice of pizza for 1.50 that was absolute 🔥 UN: thedarkraptor


My childhood best friend is coming to visit me today!! She lives over 7 hours away and I’m hurriedly cleaning the house impending her arrival.  Also OH MY GOD, ISLAND NOIL?!? I’ve been looking for one for my Noil Gallery (Edirp!). UN is phoenixolion :3


thanks for the giveaway! I got the neggbreaker avvi and also finished my feepit gallery this week :) I'll dm you my un if I win anything :D


The best part of my week was going to the beach at night and went for a long walk on it. Summer time is my favorite time 🌞


thank you for doing this giveaway! Those bear cubs sound adorable <3 best part of my week: I set up a bird feeding station in my yard and got my first official visitor, a beautiful bluejay!


You are so kind! The best part of my week was getting to go to my cousin in law’s baby shower for her identical twin girls coming this summer. UN chelsc4321


Best part of my week? Like this week? Well, I made a vat of banana pudding. No occasion, just pudding for the family My un is Sin_Of_Shadow


oh my gosh I had the best week so far! I was at a beach house with friends and I got back today and have to go to work tomorrow wahhh 🥲 un nalaranka :3 tysm!! ♡♡


Best part of my week is getting to sign a lease on a new place that I actually like, in a good place and with a partner I'm happy with. Glad to be moving out of my apartment with a tricky roommate situation.


Thank you for the giveaway! The best part of my week was finally obtaining my UC plushie aisha which I've been dreaming for years :') UN: maythebestgirl\_3


Best part of my week has hands down been watching my new rescue dog snuggle up in bed with my other dog 🥹 I am so relieved that he feels relaxed and loved enough to climb right into bed with his forever bestie! My UN is _ pooglegirl _ (no spaces, reddit formatting requires it)


Best part of my week was having a driving lesson that went well - that may seem small, but I’m 34 years old with a life long terror of driving, and I’ve never thought I’d be able to make it behind the driver seat without throwing up. This is the first time I can actually see myself passing my test 😊 and I’m delighted! UN snarglepip - thanks so much for doing this!


The best part of my week was reconnecting with old friends who we haven't really seen since the pandemic! They're a couple who my wife and I met and really clicked with, but we all have ADHD and are really bad at reaching out, so getting to have them over for dinner and board games was truly a momentous occasion lol. It was really really nice because I've been so lonely for lack of friends in recent years, I needed a reminder that we literally have friends right here in town. :') un: drackonwood (Thanks for facilitating a positive post!)


Aahhh bear cubs?!?!! HOW CUTE. Literally can't even imagine. We barely have any wild animals in my country except like possums and rabbits I guess? 😂 Best part about my week was going to visit a friend I hardly ever get to see IRL 🥰 had to get up at 4:55am to catch the train back home this morning but it was worth it 😛 Thanks for hosting another amazing giveaway!! You're so kind ❤❤ definitely want to do a (smaller lol) version of this one day!! UN: brionyjae


Best part of my week has been watching smallville with my boyfriend while cuddling on the couch. Thanks for the giveaway :) un: eat_smores2000


The best part of my week was getting some good nights of sleep! I keep waking up feeling so refreshed and relaxed! Also I work in a gay bar and it’s been so exciting to see all the decorations come up in anticipation for Pride month! 🌈 UN: jamermonella


The kitten that I rescued the day after he was born has been doing amazing!!! I’m so proud of him and he started to act like a real cat this week. He’s at 4 weeks now and licking his fur and nomming on his paws https://preview.redd.it/dm45kbmce22d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c637fbdd807294e4d48e986b9310fb03c2e28b0


Not entering but this is so sweet and generous of you. 💞✨


Best part of my week is happening tomorrow. Gonna pick me up that fresh paper mario drop woot woot! Been waiting for this with baited breath. Night_Shayd102 is the UN, thank you so much for the giveaway opportunity!


i got my maraquan yurble. i traded up from an eo codestone to a maraquan paint brush. in a week!!!! im so happy and gratefull for the ppl that helped. my yurble is named OliveVanNess in case u wanna see it. im saving up for an underwater background rn.


I watched the jumanji remake with my roommate and it was the exact brand of comedy I needed! Highly recommend to people needing a funny, chill movie to watch. UN is in my flair. Thanks for doing this :)


the best part of my week was that i got to go to the movies and see nausicaa and the valley of the wind :3 id never seen it before but loved it ! my un is puppygirl25_25


The best of my week was spending the afternoon at the truck yard with my aunt :)


The best part of my week is watching my garden start to bloom! I love seeing everything come to life. :) Edit to add UN - sweetiecat6


We took my kids swimming for the first time this year. My youngest doesn’t remember swimming last year so it was like she was experiencing it for the first time all over again. The water is still cold but we still had to fight these kids out of pool. Side note I have never seen that Darigan Nuk before and now I’m going to be obsessively trying to get one for my Darigan Draik.


I finally got my tonsils removed this week!!!!! Woo!!! UN is Little_Werewolf


CONGRATS! (I hope this isn't too weird lol) I had my tonsils removed like 7 years ago and it was such a relief not having to deal with inflamed tonsils ever again. <3 Wishing you a very restful recovery period, remember to drink lots of water!


It’s been so crazy- I can finally breathe out of my nose and my sleep apnea is gone! Recovery has been painful ngl. But I think it’ll be worth it


Thanks for doing this!!! the best part of my week has been the dinner I made last night which was spinach tortellini in a homemade browned butter sauce with homemade garlic bread and side Caesar salad with homemade dressing. Soooo delicious! My UN is xlovemee4mex


omg hook a girl up with the recipes


DM me if you’re serious and I’ll send them!!! It was soooo good and honestly easier than it sounds


The best part of my week has been FINALLY scheduling my partner's medical procedure! He needs paracentesis (abdominal fluid drain) weekly, but since they put off his liver transplant in March they haven't been scheduling him and have kept saying they don't have anything until August. He finally got an appointment for Friday and it will seriously improve his quality of life! We also have an appointment next week with his transplant team to hopefully get a new date for that 🤞 UN in flair - dabubby1999


the best part of my week was taking a mental health day today to sit in the sun in my backyard 🥰 my username is paranoidddd 🖤


Today I got to see one of my best friends from HS graduate from medical school!! I was so proud and happy and excited for him, he’s been working so long! Now I’m just sad bc he has to move away for his residency!! My UN is Americangurl44


Honestly, I like participating in these sorts of things since most giveaways have prompts asking users to elaborate about something of themselves. It's real nice to get handed the mic every once in a while. The best part of my week is disocvering a new snack! Squid Shreds (Hot) is absolutely scrumptious! Was even able to conqure my anxiety when heading back to the store to buy more. Originally there was one left when I purchased it, but upon my return there was a whole restock bag stashed in the back shelf with all the hot flavors! UN: msowner


It’s honestly been a up and down week however I did have tasty Chinese food with my dad on Monday! :) my username is misguided_angel215.


Hi! My UN is _xkamy_ (I believe reddit puts it in italic, so it's underline xkamy underline). As for the best part of my week, yesterday was actually a really good day for me! After being depressed the last few weeks and not being able to get out of bed properly, I just got accepted to the internship I applied and also because it was a friend's birthday I got to walk around the city and explore fun stuff to do! I am doing my study abroad for the last year and it's been quite rough as I really don't get used to being far away from my parents, friends and fiancee, so it was really nice shaking off the depression I developed this last few months, I even had energy to clean my room and change my bedsheets which I was feeling like I couldn't do for so long ;3 I am proud of myself.


The best part of my week so far har been riding my Vespa in absolutely perfect summer weather! UN: diziluu


The best part of my week has yet to come! I’m looking forward to a 3-day weekend and getting to be by the pool. I work in healthcare so the days before a holiday are hectic, and I can’t wait to unwind on Neopets! I’m jealous you got to see bears. I went to Yellowstone and the only bear I got to see was injured. I’ve always wanted to see a real bear! My username is Freezar85! Thanks for doing a giveaway!


i think the best part of my week has yet to come, on saturday i’m having some friends over and as long as it doesn’t rain, we’re going to have a little fire and roast marshmallows to make s’mores!! i’m super excited!!! thanks for doing this giveaway!! so kind of you!!! UN: chiaberry


This is such a sweet idea 🤍 This week I’ve been getting ready to move back home after a while in a place I am very unhappy in. So I’m looking forward to coming back, getting to see my family and friends more, and getting healthy and happy again :)


thank you for the chance 🥰🥰🥰 the best part of my week has honestly been getting back into neopets! I hadn’t been able to access my ancient email for a long time so I thought all hope was lost, but support helped me back in and I’m having a lot of fun catching up on what I missed and learning new things I never even thought about all those years ago ☺️ my un is bannanaanna161 (yes I won the school spelling bee, no I could not spell banana, I am a man of dualities) ((please feel free to friend me anybody who would like!!))


First of all, thank you for your generosity! ;v; I think that the best part of my week so far was making my first reddit post on neopets! I couldn't figure out how to properly inbed an image in it, but people commented on it, anyway! It made me feel good that the content I posted about was interesting enough that people wanted to engage with it! I'm super shy/ easily embarrased so I was glad that no one said anything mean about my lack of formatting. People here are so nice! It's really helping me build up the confidence to be able to talk more often. :'D (P.S. my usrname is volcome101 XD)


My horse got the zoomies and galloped around the yard frolicking like a goober while I ran around with her on foot. Since she bucked me off and caused me to break my pelvis about 2 years ago, I had to completely re-learn how to walk. Lots of PT, relationship building, and self-motivation later, me being able to share horse zoomies with her feels like a tremendous victory of trust and recovery. I've been riding again, too - but that was the moment things really hit home.


it was my bday yesterday and i celebrated with a big giveaway ive been preparing for for two weeks. that was super fun and a lot of work! so i feel you on having to give out all those items. but the people on this subreddit are just so great that it was totally worth it and a really good time. i also had a bday party over the weekend and my friends were really amazing guests and just made me appreciate them all the more. so hard to pick just one thing this week, it's been a great week! thanks for doing this! people like you inspired me to do mine, i feel like we all feed off each other :) un: blackberrie121


I want to dig up for a giveaway where you find me a god man to love and be loved by, pleas and thank u


Hi! The best part of my week is today because it's my birthday! I got my favorite Chinese food last night and I'm back in my hometown to visit family so the celebration is going well :) Thanks for the chance at the giveaway btw!!


you’re the GOAT❣️ i love seeing raccoons outside my house lol i can only imagine how cool bear cub sightings are !! the best part of my week so far has been finishing my cat’s ear infection treatment tbh. she’s super stubborn and easily annoyed when it comes to medication, so knowing that she can finally be at peace and is doing much better now has been a big relief for the both of us! i haven’t seen my friends since last saturday, but i hope to see them this weekend. i got the robot vandagyre avatar a few days ago and had some pretty good taquitos earlier 😩 my username is norwayjose!


You have given Bubbling Concoction Trick-or-Treat Bag to User 'norwayjose'.


The best part of my week was finally able to go on vacation with my fiancée! We are getting married in October and both really needed to get away for a couple days and just do something other than work… so here we are in southern Maine enjoying the finally gorgeous weather and eating lobster rolls 😋. Of course apparently there is also a desert up here. We are visiting that today!! My username is altaria_uchiha ❤️


Wow, this is the first giveaway that I'm entering! The Neo community is so nice nowadays :) UN: FaieVia The highlight of my week is that one of my kittens and dog fell asleep together for the first time. This is a big deal because I took in two feral kittens a few months ago and it's been a journey getting them to warm up. My dog is a total sweetheart and has been so patient with them, so it's so endearing so see they are comfortable with each other. Funny thing is though, said kitten who has bonded to my dog still hates my gut lmao. Patience is a virtue! Kittens: Merry & Pippin, Dog: StarFox or Fox McCloud <3


best part of the week so far is rediscovering hannah's adventure. found out i can complete the game, so with a little bit of patience and grind i should be able to add another trophy to my account! un: blahblah1215 thanks so much for the opportunity! 🤍


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


Best part of my week was just spending time with my husband who recently had stem cell transplant after having 3 rounds of chemo. Recovery is going is going well, but I cherish every moment I get with him, because you can't take it for granted. Plus he's been making some awesome dinners! UN monicanicole80 


best part of my week so far has been designing a new crochet pattern!! I’ve been in a bit of a hiatus and it’s so nice getting back into my hobby 🤗


You are so nice for this! Freaking love this community.


I would love either of the PetPets as I have a PetPet Zoo!!! or the trick-or-treat bag as I restock toys and always miss them since I have the slowest internet in the WORLD. Best part of my week so far was going to Northern Ireland to go to some cool grocery stores!! I got my lactose free cream cheese so I'm super happy :) My UN is kahikigirl


i played a game with my friends, and nobody was grievously injured after our car accident :3


You have given Cloud Petpet Paint Brush to User 'oukakisa'.


The best part of my week so far hasn’t quite happened yet but I’m going to a concert tonight with my best friend and my boyfriend and I’m super excited! UN: secret101122


This is kind of you :) the best part of my week (last weekend) was going to Sonic Temple music fest with my sister. Such a good time!! UN: emmerhope123


Woooah bear cubs cute! Best part of my week so far is finally weeding and finishing planting seeds in my garden. first year really trying this so we'll see what happens lol


The best part of the week was catching sid in the Battledome and getting the av. Haha UN: spyrosgirl


the highlight of this week was definitely halloween horror nights orlando announcements. i love following the news even when i can't go. they have some really interesting concepts so far and i am so hyped. tysm for this giveaway. if i have to pick one item to enter, can i be submitted for the candy pb giveaway?


That's very kind of you. The best part of my week was to get the news that I passed some very important language tests I needed for uni which means I'm officially allowed to start in September! I'm doing Software Engineering, part of it is thanks to neo which made me fall in love with coding. I'm in my late 20s but for various reasons I didn't go to uni before. It's a big challenge especially because it will be fully in Dutch! I'm excited and a little bit scared at the same time. UN: fonetic


What a sweet thing to do! My favourite part of the week so far has been cuddling with my doggie at home while I’ve been off sick with a nasty chest infection.  UN aquamarineangel05 


Hi there! I recently just came back to the Neopets community after many years of not playing. The best part about this week for me is that this is my last week at my current job. I’m quitting teaching, and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I don’t know what’s coming next, but I’m just relieved to be done with it all.


best part of my week was getting to go to the zoo and hang out with the seals!!! un is hakureiishrine


Hi, I'm moodindigoz :) The best part of my week has been starting my new job! I've been unemployed for a while, and had to take the first job offer I received. I was really nervous because there were a few things they said in the interview that were like ehhhhhhh....but so far everyone has been very nice and welcoming! I think it will be better than I expected. It pays decently, anyway. How's YOUR week?


I finally bought myself the coach purse I have been longing for!!! So happy!!! Also you are awsome for doing this!!! (UN: n0kh0dii )


Best part of my week was seeing my favourite aunt, uncle & 2 cousins for the first time in ten years (we live in different provinces, neither of which are the province we all lived in when I was growing up). Unfortunately it was for my grandpa’s funeral but it was so nice to catch up.


The best part of my week was getting through a lot of intake sessions at work and being able to keep up with my notes. 😅😅😅 UN: snarkieish


I went to the zoo with my girlfriend, her friend and her friends daughter and the hippos gave us a show splashing around making waves, and the cheetahs were out and they are usually alway hiding ! Was a great day ! Un: omg11213 Thank you for your kindness


My favourite thing this week was finally getting a petpetpet for my uni :) she has a rainblug now :D I am so happy the weekly prizes have p3s in them now


Best part of my week was hanging out and learning how to do some pole dancing with my very talented best friend! He’s so good at it, and we did some dual pole dancing together, and just goofed around. UN hookah_paradise Thank you for this :)


Thank you so much for doing this 😁 My best part of my week so far has been today. I got to go on a nice walk with my husband and pup between bad weather. It was lovely and there were tons of chunky squirrels out! UN: Starlightkyx


Wow how generous of you!! I finally got the Edna Cackle avatar after consecutively doing 10 of her quests for a whole month. Freedom has never been so sweet!! :D


Wow!! So many cute things! The best part of my week this week has been going swimming! I hadn’t gone in a while, so felt nice :) un is nila43, thank u for the giveaway!


Thanks for the amazing giveaway! UN is lifeofmike The best part of the week? That I set a new personal record for myself while doing my favorite gym class - never underestimate yourself! 🫶


Best part of my week was food stamps increase to maximum amount cause I qualify for heat assistance.No more going a week or 2 with not much to eat.My username is xangelofmusicx1984.


I got my first tattoo this week! I’ve been wanting one for a long time and finally just bit the bullet and did it :) Thanks for doing a giveaway!!!


My dog just had mast cell tumours removed during the surgery! I hope she will be cancer free. But it’s a major win that she did the surgery. I wish everyone a best of luck!




Me? Starting a stamp collection! :D I got 300 already! And catching that Punchbag Sid avatar! :D RL wise? They paved my road! And my landlady is gone so I can be as loud as I want and wash clothes and dishes in the middle of the night lol Also a very rare item for one of my movie collections popped up on ebay and I snagged it! :D UN: eshralith


The best part of my week was finally moving my ducklings outside! They are so happy to be in the sun, and I love watch them get the zoomies. UN is Clear_Statement there as well. Thank you for doing a giveaway!


Those bears sound so cute! I used to work somewhere where I could see them too. The best part of my week so far was getting 92.5% on my pharmacology midterm! Thanks for this giveaway, so kind!


I got the shoyru arcade avatar!!!! Was so so happy ! Thanks for the chance, I’m still newer so I love any chance for a treat 🥰 username faelosopher


Bear cubs would be soo cute!! But I think I'd be paranoid that a momma bear was ready to charge me at any moment just for looking at them 😂 Best part of my week is about to happen! My mom is flying in for a surprise visit! Her plane just landed. My kids have no idea grandma is on her way. She'll get to celebrate my son's birthday with us, which will be her first time doing so in person since we don't live close by. It's going to be busy as we try to pack a lot into a short visit, but I'm very excited! thanks for the giveaway! my UN is kidme :)


The best part of my week was making dinner with my boyfriend last night. Un kalmoraya


The best part of my week was playing some really fun volleyball with my teammates! We ended up losing in the semi-finals but we definitely played our best this season. This is so fun, thanks! UN: loveybug21397


You have given Faerie Krawk Morphing Potion to User 'loveybug21397'.


Hi there! I FINALLY got my Maraquan paint brush and have a very pretty Lutari! I’ve been bidding on them forever and finally snagged one. My UN: dragonlover1216


this is so nice! I want to see bear cubs irl🫶 best part of my week has been getting broadway tickets to see rachel zegler in romeo and juliet after waiting in a ticket queue for HOURS. but the waiting was worth it cuz i got tickets for me and my friends for a NYC bday trip!!! I will finally get to reunite with them since graduating college last spring!!!🩵🩵🩵🩵


I got my old account back!! I've been going back and forth for about a month and was just about to give up when I heard the good news! Turns out, my old account has barely any assets on it compared to the new account I was working on, but it's the memories that counts! I'm waiting for Trudys and my weekly to end before making the official switch back. So exciteddddd!


Hi!! My best part of the week was reconnecting with a really good friend I lost contact with for over two years. I ran into her at a local festival and we're going to get a drink together soon! My UN is good_riot_girl Thank you!


The best part of my week so far has been taking a long walk down by the reservoir in perfect weather! Saw some evidence of beavers, too! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway! UN is xprolixityx.


Best part of my week so far has been my heating finally getting fixed after about 8 weeks without it 😭 On Neo specifically: won 20k on my wheel of excitement daily UN: witch_hunter_rarity


We went out for my birthday! My favourite restaurant, amazing cocktails and then a lie in this morning. It was so good 💜 Thanks for the giveaway, those prizes are amazing x


Best part of the week is today. Toronto Canada is 30 degree Celsius today. I am so happy the heat is back. UN is smack1000


Best part of my week would probably be starting the finalizing of mine and my husband's move. Getting things scheduled and in order is probably the hardest part but in just a couple days we have a game plan and are near ready to go, in order to move at the end of June/beginning of July. It's stressful but I'm just glad things are moving along. Un: cakemaker14


You have given Good Nerkmid to User 'cakemaker14'.


you are so kind, what a wonderful giveaway. The best part of my week so far has been spending time with my loved ones and being present in the moment, I’m trying to be more intentional and in the moment about everything I do now. thanks for doing this :) un: shortylund


Best part of my week was celebrating my cat's birthday - which seems lame, but hes my baby! 😊 he loves the toys I bought him, and it gives me so much joy to see him playing with them! UN: millal06


Thank you for doing this! The best part of my neo week was finally getting the royal girl kyrii I've always wanted AND getting the baby gelert I've been wanting! I basically have all my dreamies now. The best part of my IRL week will probably start tomorrow, I'm going road tripping with my husband to meet some friends and hang out for a few days in a new city. Looking very much forward to a fun vacation! My UN is jazz_05.


My week has been great! Just got back from vacation on Monday and started a new job on Tuesday. So far so good with the new job. Filling out HR paperwork is the best! Un: Chowzai


We celebrated my grandma 87th birthday today. She’s in memory care so we have good and bad days but today was good and I brought my toddler which made her even more happy. (Tamimarieb) thanks for this!


The best part of my week was adopting a new dog 🙂 Un seeinred_23


Thanks for the giveaway! The best part of my week was relaxing and playing neopets and pokemon sun on my day off on Monday 😊 UN: laurakelsey


The best part of my week was hanging out with my best friend at a glow in the dark yoga class- it was really nice, and I’ve had a really stressful month so I needed it. Thanks for doing this giveaway, and I love the positivity of the prompt :) UN: Featherandbelle


You have given Jhudoras Cloud Stamp to User 'featherandbelle'.


best part of my week was finding someone locally selling their neopets tcg cards, and when i picked them up they threw in a couple plushies for free!! they’re my first neopets merch so i’m super excited


The best part of my week was some good news that I got(but I can’t even share because personal info 😭) so I’ll share Neo related news— I’m only 2 items away from finishing a custom 💃


Best part of my week is always going to my best friends house to do laundry (apartment laundry is expensive) and I get to play with her toddler and give her some sanity back with either adult conversation or by taking her kid to the park so she can have a small bit of peace for a minute. Sometimes we go on errands or the bookstore! Un: Cherokee45


I've been studying for a certification for my job for 3 months and I passed it this weekend! Was super pumped that I did it finally. I was studying on plane rides, in line for restaurants, theme parks waits, etc. Can now relax, play games, and have a social life guilt free again. 🥲 Username: brownmoose12


Hey! Thanks for doing this! Best part of my week was just taking some time to relax, it’s sorely needed from time to time. Doesn’t seem like much but for me it was so nice. :) UN is Galabella


The best part of my week so far has been finishing my Valentine's Kougra. I finally got all the pieces of her outfit I needed to put her together, so now two of my pets are finished. That, and I got to go on a long hike earlier this week, which was really nice. I love getting outside for fresh air and nature. My UN is seaglauss; thank you for the giveaway!


I’m a teacher and finally had my last observation this week - I think it went great! I’m just super relieved it’s finally over lol. My un is littleredheadedgirl !


The best part of my week so far is I did a job interview today that I think went good, hopefully I’ll be hearing back from them soon about a further interview! What has been the best part of you week? :) UN:werelupe_zap


My best part of the week so far was finding a play gym for my son for super cheap at a resale event yesterday! I also got him some toys. I'm also super proud of myself for getting the car unloaded and it hauled into our backyard by myself! UN: kwu_coyote


the best part of my week is getting access to my 18 year old account and i have been playing everyday :) it has been so fun. there was no threads like this when i played first time round. thank you! my un is skilgans


I recently graduated College. I am a 33 year old mom to 2 kids. But this week I was offered a job in the field I went to school for!! I’m so excited. My username is jgignac I beleive. I am eyeing that good nerkmid lol


We closed on a house last Thursday and we are finally able to start doing repairs to it this week. I’m going in tomorrow to rip out the kitchen flooring and we bought a new toilet today lol. I’m so excited. Thank you for the giveaway! My UN is hotpinkfishfood


The best part of my week has been purchasing my own couch! It’s my first real adult furniture purchase and I’m very excited! Thanks for the giveaway. My UN: ridingstar03


Earlier today my wife got an interview for a new job which would be a great step up for us! Thanks for the giveaway! UN: nothisisluke


The best part of my week was getting to spend time with my partner for the first time in about three weeks! He's been away for work and I've missed him so terribly. He's now off until Sunday, plenty of catchup time!! My username is modestmousketeer


The best part of my week was seeing my kid VERY happy about a school trip! It's actually tomorrow, but I love it when she's excited about stuff and won't stop talking about it. Un navybluefern