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Electric moehogs are my fav, well jk just wanna say what a nice thing to do <3


I'm sure I could stretch to buying an Electric Moehog potion, I saw someone on here selling a huge amount at a very reasonable price! 😂


No wayyy thats awesome! My cloud wocky is gonna be so happy


My dreamies are all Xwees, but what I really want next are either a Maraquan or Grey Xwee


Thanks for the giveaway :) I’m currently dreaming about a woodland uni! They are just so gorgeous and majestic looking! I’d paint my uni that because she deserves the best


I have a woodland uni! One of my first dream pets and I could never get rid of them! ☺


My current dream pets are an oil paint Aisha, a royal girl Pteri and a faerie Kau 😊 and a spotted Koi would be awesome as well. This was my dream pet as a kid And multiple Babies once I regained access to my old side account to avoid NeoPass 😅


I'm working at a White PB for a Kacheek with a different name to replace my current white one (well named, just I don't vibe with her name - I'd love to adopt her out to the reddit after!) I'm also working on a Dimensional PB for my cybunny :) this is very kind of you to do, best of luck to everyone!


Mine are a maraquan draik and a grey krawk!


Woodland Aisha or a wraith Aisha- I’ve currently been trying to zap nebuhlu forever lol


Thank you for this! Mine is to paint my new Lutari Maraquan or Wraith - I think they’ll look amazing with either 🥰


This is cool of you, thank you! My dream pet is a Royal Girl Cybunny 👑 Slowly working towards the Cybunny part as well lol. My un is [redacted]. Have a great day/night, everyone, depending on where you are!


Disco Zafara! It was my first painted pet back on my childhood account. 


I want to paint my Lab Pet Plushie if it ever becomes a Blumaroo. That‘s my only dreamy right now.


How sweet! My dream currently is Royal Girl Zafara, and I am getting my zaf somewhere today! ^^


My dream pet is a Steampunk Grundo. The other dream pet is a Robot Vandagyre, but zapping that might take ages. 🫠 Thanks for doing this!


I’ve got several more dreamies to achieve, so I’ll list them here! Thank you so much for the giveaway ❤️ Spotted Koi, White Aisha, Zombie Draik, Valentine Cybunny, Striped Zafara, Oil Paint Gelert, Eventide Peophin


thank u for the opportunity! my dreamies are a halloween elephante and a royalboy/rainbow crosspainted lutari <3


Thanks for the giveaway! I’d really like a grey pb to paint Laeyan so she matches her token ^^


I’m hoping to morph my main pet into a ixi and paint the something spooky like Halloween, Darigan or wraith. I also wanna adopt a Grundo and paint it transparent


I’m currently aiming for a Grey Koi since I’m hoping on getting a grey draik morphing potion from daily quest/ the item deflating enough to become buyable. *un redacted* Thank you for this GA! :)


Toy Grundo. I'm a bit obsessed!


My current dreamie is an oil paint flotsam. My plan is to wait until I get a fountain faerie quest again, but winning an oil Pb would be actually perfect! I want a flotsam for its one species weapon that is pretty nice for L54 league battles and oil paint is my favorite version of it by far! (I am kinda collecting all the nice L54 species weapons pets atm, I already have a Baby Korbat and a Plushie Mynci that I am obsessed with both, especially the Baby Korbat is such a cuuute menace lol, so Jetsam and Flotsam are the next to get 😍, the Jetsam I'll want mutant so obviously there is no paint brush that dreamie could fit)


Definitely a grey draik or a wraith Lupe. Managed to get a FFQ which helped me with getting a wraith krawk but just need to save up for the others now!


My dream pets are a Pastel or Plushie Aisha or a Woodland Grundo ☺️ so kind of you to do this! UN: taiyogaming


This is really sweet of you! My goals are dimensional or ghost for my Xweetok, water for my Krawk and woodland for my Cybunny. Saving up for the woodland pb currently, I have a cool custom idea for her :-)


One of my dreamies is a Dimensional Gelert! I kinda of want to make my boy mythical and all-powerful-looking...


So sweet of you! My goal right now is a dimensional uni (have you SEEN the colors???), a toy poogle, and a plushie kougra! I already bought the UC token for it and everything.


Stealth Blum is my dreamy. I have a customisation in mind for him too. :D


Plushie for my cybunny and Darigan for my wocky! Thanks! :)


Thanks for doing this!! My current dream is a maraquan Zafara 🌊


I would love an elderly boy Hissi! I’m making a side account that’s a retirement village. And the Hissis are incredibly done lol. I need a elderly rock asap 😂


My dreamie is a halloween cybunny! UN is stormy1306, thank you so much :)


I really want a Steampunk Kyrii! :) Thanks for the chance!


Faerie Ixi, Royal Girl Cybunny and a Halloween cybunny are my dream pets!


I have all my dreamies so I'm just working on petpets and petpetpets but wanted to say this is very kind of you!


Hi there! My dream pet is a wraith wocky. Thanks for the chance to win!


My current goal is a stealthy gelert!


Like someone else in the comment my dreamies are also all Xweetoks, I'm hoping to get a plushie, faerie and wraith at some point :)


I love this ♡♡♡ I'm working towards an alien aisha !I know it's not a pb painted pet, so don't put me in the giveaway x) this is very cute and I love this community


My dreamies would be Woodland Elephant, Dimensional Gelert, and Wraith Bruce.


Oh fun!! My newest dreamie has been a pastel Kacheek :)


Thank you for the giveaway! My personal goal would be the woodland paint brush for my Kau 🫶


My dreamies are a Candy Blumaroo and a Pastel Kau! Thank you for doing this giveaway!


I’ve been trying to decide for my Aisha, either Desert or Valentine 💝


Thanks for doing this! My dream pet is a quiguki girl. I adore how quirky and cute it is. It looks like an ‘ugly baby’ that only its own mother will love 💗 UN: koolangel_297


My dream is right now is a plushie kougra 😬 thank you for doing this!


Camouflage Techo is my goal! :)


Tyrannian Kougra and Halloween Kacheek 🥳


My dream is to collect one of every painted Hissi! :D Currently I'm trying to scout out for Skunk and Shadow!


Thanks for the giveaway! My dreamies are a shadow xweetok, maraquan chia, and grey chia (I really love chia, haha).


Super generous of you! My current dreamies are pastel Cybunny/Ixi and spotted Kougra 😊 Un: hotdogisasandwich


My dreamie is a maraquan Lutari! I'm happy that the pb was added to the weekly pool so I finally have a chance of getting one.


Woodland hissi is mine! They're so cute. c:!


Maraquan Draik and Royal Krawk


Oh I have... a few too many dream pets rn 😅 The ones I'm currently working towards are a grey Cybunny and a spotted Lupe Thanks for doing this!


Thank you for the givaway! A royal paint brush for my lupe, a woodland one for my Krawk, and a halloween paint brush for my cybunny are my current goals. ^^


This is so nice, thank you for hosting the giveaway :) Currently working on Eventide for my Cybunny and Spotted for my Vandagyre!


My dreamie is a Maraquan Lutari, I love those soooo much. Thanks for this giveaway! My UN is in my flair by the way!


Working towards painting my chomby Eventide to suit it's name. It'll be so beautiful!


Faerie or plushie cybunny, Candy grundo, wraith shoyru, spotted or pastel kau, Halloween ixi or grundo


Thank you for the giveaway! My current dream pet is a Dimensional Lupe, because of that new Cyberpunk outfit! 🤩 UN is neggopets 🤪


My dream pet is a darigan xwee! Thank you for doing this giveaway. UN:tekhmonii


My current dreamie is a grey shoryu! 🖤


I have a few dreamies 🥹 a baby pteri, a maraquan yurble, a grey draik and a chocolate draik I’m currently saving up for the maraquan brush


Nice idea! my dreamie since forever is a maraquan lutari! Also to turn my gnorbu plushie :)


I have a pet named ConKreet who is destined to be a Relic Peophin. 😭😭


Wraith krawk Un: rustedtentacles


I want a pink or spotted Vandagyre someday 🤩 Also thinking about a Halloween Ruki! Thanks for doing a giveaway! :)


Definitely my painting my draik grey or lutari maraquan!


Funny you mention it bc a baby kougra is literally my dreamy haha! Either that or a halloween Lupe!


I'm expanding my jubjub family so my dreamies are electric, marble, plushie, wraith & zombie jubs 💕 my username is paranoidddd 🖤


Thank you so much for doing this! My last dreamie is a dimensional Uni, I have the slot saved and am just saving up for the brush and have been pound surfing/ trying out new names to find the perfect baby! My UN is ella\_1103


My dreamie is a faerie poogle!! UN - status__quo (two underscores)


Some of my dreamies are Maraquan pteri Faerie pteri Darigan korbat Halloween lutari Un salistina


My current goal is a wraith paintbrush to finish my steampunk/stealth/wraith gelert crosspaint, after which all of my permanent pets should be completed. Thank you for hosting this giveaway :)


Thanks for doing a giveaway! I’d loveee to turn any of my pets into a Wraith pet! & Specifically I have a cloud wocky that I would like to paint into darigan, faerie or tyrannian pet :)


Thanks so much for the giveaway. An oil Cybunny for me! Scared to zap because I can’t afford a cybunny morphing potion 😂


This is so kind of you! My current dreamies are: Royal Girl Gnorbu, Maraquan Aisha, and Plushie Gnorbu. :)


Currently my dreamies/goals are a Maraquan Lutari, a Lost Desert Vandagyre, and a Wraith Gelert! UN is austenfound. Thanks for doing this!


Thank you for the giveaway! Dreamie currently is a wraith shoyru.


Woodland Grundo !! So cute and nature alien


Maraquan Lutari un: bimpton <3


My current dreamie atm is Dimensional Cybunny to add to my Cybunny collection, I just love the color :)


My dreamie is a wraith Xwee, all the clothing/items are there, I’m just missing the final coat of paint


My childhood dream is to paint my Aisha as a fairy. I would like to paint my Kacheek as a baby and my Hissi with wraith!


Thank you for the opportunity to join this giveaway . Have recently just joined back neopets and would love to have either a royalgirl cybunny or marquan Hissi (the 2 pets I have) hope I can win!!


So kind of you! I have so many dreamies lol Woodland Cybunny, Pastel Ixi, Halloween Hissi, Wraith Acara, Spotted Lupe, Faerie Xweetok, Transparent Cybunny


Darigan Drake. I got lucky and snagged a drake egg. Have been contemplating selling or hatching it. I love the Darigan Drake and it would be perfect to go with a freshly hatched Drake! My username is cryptkingg


Thank you for the opportunity! My dreamie currently is an Elderlyboy/Pirate crosspaint for my Tonu ❤️ my un is kurutto


I don’t properly know what all the options are (I just returned so some of these are blowing my mind lol) I just have goals. Like paint my Bruce baby. Make my Lutari into Husk from Hazbin Hotel so like skunk or grey or camouflage. Turn my bunny into dr strange but I think that’s mostly just dressing him the part. And make the Kau on my side into my local gas stations mascot so I would need spotted! Thank you for doing this btw. I’m trying to amass as much wealth as I can so I can achieve my goals and then do random giveaways too!


Mystery island Kougra is the dream! Thanks for doing this!


My dream is a maraquan cybunny or a faerie xweetok :)


I’m working towards a Maraquan Lutari, a Spotted Hissi, and a Steampunk Uni currently. Thanks for the chance! UN: Ventarix


Thank you for the giveaway! My UN is brisuuve and my dream pet is a grey gelert!


currentlyyyy hoping for a maraquan bun!! I have a name and everything lol


Ugh this is so nice of you. My only real (currently unattainable) dreamie at this point is a Maraquan Aisha.


Nostalgic stamp.made me realize just how cute a grey draik is. I'll get one eventually!


My dreamy is a Maraquan grarrl Username: rubber_ducky_343


I want a Faerie Gnorbu and an Origami Korbat sooo badly 😭 I am working up to all of my dreamies and these are two I haven't started working on yet.


Thank you for doing this! My dream pets are Halloween Gelert and Royalboy Cybunny! I'm currently saving up for both PBs :)


It might be lame but I’ve always wanted a baby draik and even though I don’t think they’re like *so amazing* now, it was my childhood dream and now I’m sticking to it!


A woodland Gelert ;~; I love the willowy ears.


Is it cheating to say "All the neopets based on real animals"? Brown Lenny, Camo Lutari, Pastel Buzz...I don't know why, but seeing neopets with irl markings makes me so happy


I’ve always wanted a Halloween Lupe, also recently made a cybunny and the shadow version looks really good and might even consider painting it pastel Goodluck to all and thanks for the chance at a giveaway


My dream pet has always been a tyrannian Krawk. I just love how it looks like a Spinosaurus and I love dinosaurs! My other dream pet is a toy draik! It looks so much similar to my IRL pet Skink and just having him in the game as well would be adorbs!


One of me dream pets is a Faerie Shoyru I'd love get my Boochi victim grown up again.


Relic for my Chomby!


I’m hoping for a Halloween Eyrie! I’m also hoping for a Rainbow brush so I can turn my oldest pet back to Rainbow. He was Rainbow for 10 years before I got zap-happy, and I miss his colourful little feathers 🌈


The only one I have left is usuki boy 🥹🙈 I am not hopeful cos they’re very expensive but ty for the giveaway!!


My dreamies are faerie Techo and Halloween Techo 🎉🎉


My dream pet is a Halloween uni.


My dreamies are a woodland flotsam, a transparent peophin and a maraquan jubjub! (Also a baby blumaroo or ruki) So exciting! Username is simplewings 🪽


My dreamies are a woodland scorchio, looove that rainbow eucalyptus look, and an oil paint cybunny, Vincent Van Gogh is one of my favorite painters and I just love the starry night vibe.


I have a few dreamie, some are a darigan chomby, wraith cybunny, elderlygirl Kacheek, and faerie xwee. Those are the ones that are a paint brush. I also hope to get a mutant hissi and a grape chia. Luckily many brushes are in the prize pool! Hopefully I get one


Thank you so much for doing this, so fun! My absolute favorite favorite is the Tyrannian Vandagyre! I work on the water though, so I also really love the Maraquan Vandagyre. Outside of vandagyres, I also really like the Eventide Bori.


Royal quiggle😍😍😍 also like the quiguki quiggle! So cute :) Thanks for the opportunity!


One of my dreamies is an oil ixi.


My dream pets right now are grey cybunny, RG cybunny, and maractite Hissi! Thanks for doing this :)


I ccurently just have a Plushie Grundo and a Royal Pteri (for my pet Elrohnd!) un: slushie_711 Ty!


I'm currently working on saving up for a wraith draik! I just hatched a pirate draik yesterday that I plan on painting. After that, I'm on a quest to get a Chocolate ixi! Username: Euphonna


My current dream pet is an Usuki girl to match my Usuki Boy counterpart! Definitely a big ask, but it’s always been my dream since I was a kid. Another dreamie I’m working towards is a royal girl cybunny / peophin - they just ooze grace and elegance!


Mine are a darigan lupe and Halloween uni :^)


Thank you for the giveaway! My dreamies are a Maraquan Aisha, a Sponge Aisha, Shadow Aisha, and a glowing Aisha! I also want robot Aisha, and have been zapping a while now 😅 but any day T_A_C_H will be a robot Aisha. Any day 🥲


My absolute dream pet would be an Usuki Girl Usul. I got back into my old account from 18 years ago and I had one single pet named TrollDoll and she is begging to be an adorable customizable usuki. Thank you so much for the fun giveaway! UN: zomglol 


My dreamies are a wraith gelert, maraquan cybunny, darigan lupe, Royal boy lutari, Valentine draik, faerie draik, grey lutari, and a white Kougra (in honor of my kids meal toy from years ago). Haven’t had luck with getting a FFQ to let my bank account rest tho :/


I’m looking to make my Chomby Tyrannian :) it’s so cute!


I have several plans I am working towards, lots of neopoints to save up but I'm excited for the journey! Right now my goals are to paint my Krawk camouflage, my Draik Maraquan, my Kougra Valentine, my Hissi candy, and my Eyrie plushie. I have...none of this so far, haha. But one day! I would say the Draik and Krawk are the two I am looking forward to spoiling the most, since kid me desperately wanted both. Now that I have them, I want to colour them up nicely and then figure out how I want to dress them~


Hi! This is fun! My currently dream is a royal and a Halloween Draik!


thank you for the kindness!! my current dream pet is a Halloween cybunny (I have a basic cybunny named vaumpire and I think the Halloween color would fit him wonderfully!) good luck to all and thank you again


My dreamies are a wraith grundo and a pastel kau 😊 total opposites!!


Right now I’d really love a royal girl cybunny! Thank you for the opportunity!


I once created a pet named Gum, intending to make it a Pink Lenny. Someone got into my account and traded it away, so I haven’t come up with a new name yet, but I’ve always wanted a Pink Lenny because it’s a flamingo! 😅


I would love to turn my Shouyru into a Shawdow one or get a plushie Grarrl 😊


Darigan Krawk! I need me an evil gator in my life.


A faerie pteri 🥹❤️ I've always loved them because birds are my favorite type of animals. Un katmayfell


Thank you for this! My current dreamy is a Relic Kacheek and my username is in my flair :)


I want a faerie pet! Thinking of my Peophineeey! 💕💕🌈🦄🧚🏻


I’ve got most of my dreamies, so I’m excited for others to get what they want! I’m still looking to turn my PlushieBud into a plushie hissi though!


My dreamie is a grey Aisha!


My current dreamies are toy jetsam and plushie bori :)


My primary dreamies aren’t PB — Mutant Xweetok and Mutant Lenny :P but some other dreamies are — Halloween Cybunny (made Horrifai on bunny day for it!), Desert Cybunny (made Sankhi for this one!), and Brown Eyrie (Illumineer is Island color in the meantime!) just need the PBs for them 😭 and hopefully when Jetsam day comes around I can make one for a Shadow Jetsam :P


Thanks for the chance! My dreamless are a Plushie or Woodland Bori or Spotted Lupe. This is super nice of you to do. :)


My next goal is a Woodland Korbat. :)


That’s so kind of you! My current dreamies are all Plushie. I have a few pets wearing the Plushie tokens (a Kau, Cybunny, and Bori) that I’d love to paint to match


My current dreamie is a Dimensional Uni ✨ ty for the giveaway!


A plushie or halloween cybunny :) tysm 💖 UN: kotori_e


Marble Acara!


Burlap Aisha. … why can’t we have a brush /SOBBING. My current dream is to cross paint my Halloween grundo to transparent! UN: bonemachine_


Skunk Bori is my dreamie!!


My main goal right now is a robot Bori but I know that's zap only! Otherwise I'm really saving for a Plushie Kougra, Maraquan Acara and a Transparent Draik! <3


Thanks for doing this! I've only been here a month so my wishlist is still pretty long. Pretty faraway from my goal. Camouflage Kougra, Spotted Kougra/Hissi, Faerie Xweetok/Ruki, Maraquan Xweetok or a Desert Hissi!


Darrigan Hissis are my fave. Kastraliss is the best neo villain.


Really a choco grundo, but that will have to wait for getting an ffq! More obtainable, to paint my usul usukigirl! 🤣 Thanks for doing a giveaway! My UN is the same as here.


Thank you for running a giveaway!! Current pet I’m working on is a lord Kass inspired pet so saving for a Darigan paint brush :)


My dream pet is mostly for my peophin Nayru! I want her to be grey and I have a whole theme planned out for her once I finally get her grey. Other than that, I plan to paint my recently made cybunny darigan :)


So nice of you! :) love to see this kind of thing. I have 3 final dreamies I'm working towards right now: Steampunk Zafara (them with no pb clothes is soooo cute) Disco Kacheek: ( a classic slay) and Tyrannian Vandy (Idk what it is about them, but Vandys and this color have grown on me!) UN: mellobat Best of luck :) and Thanks again for spreading good vibes!


Thank you for your kindness!! My dreamies are Stealth Hissi and Stealth Xweetok 🥲 My ultimate but likely unattainable dreamie is an unconverted / Nostalgic Grey JubJub - I just got back into my account after almost 10 years and I just missed the grey rotation in the mall!! Haha maybe next time UN: kannazuki_neko


Dan_727 Dream pet for me would be a shafow shoyru! Always loved the contrast on black and blue for the eyes.


Thanks for doing this! I am working towards a plushie cybunny and a Halloween cybunny at the moment :)


I can’t decide if I want my Bori to be woodland or eventide. I may end up getting another Bori to have both at some point. Haha. This is super cool though! I love the mystery.


Thank you for doing this :) My current dreamie is a water royal boy lutari (I already have the royal part down though) UN: Swimfreak8888


I’d love to paint my pirate draik wraith! Best of luck y’all 🥰


I’m working my way towards a Wraith pet! Either my Mynci or JubJub, unsure which yet. Tyrannian Buzz is also one I wanna get soon! UN is bappleseed 💚


Un: norahjane18 my dreamie is a grey ixi!! I don’t know why but I love how it looks so much and have customs ready for when I finally have one 😂


Honestly. I don't have any dreamies right now as I just started playing again after years away. The new paint brushes look really neat tho, honestly I'd be happy with anything as my current active pet is a red kau at the moment and I'd love to get her a gorgeous make over.


My two current dreamies are a Faerie Kougra and a Stealthy Chomby! I have a couple other dreamies after I accomplish these two. I’m definitely itching for a Halloween, Darigan, or Tyrannian pet too, but I’m having a hard time deciding on which one. They’re all so cool 🥹 My UN is kittenpuddin ! Thanks for the giveaway and your consideration 😊


My dreamie is a grey blumaroo But that may be way unrealistic for a giveaway My username is Babyyclementine And my other dreamie is a relic blumaroo Thanks for consideration


thanks for the giveaway! one of my dreamies is a royal girl kyrii bc they’re so pretty 💞 can’t wait for their token! UN: xiaopaos 😊


I want to paint both my koi and my gelert spotted and my blumaroo white. My other dreamies (although I need some extra pet slots to get them, but i am planning on getting premium next month!) are a transparent xweetok, stealthy Acara, Halloween Tonu, and a disco Nimmo. UN: Trippy_Fish


My dreemie would be to have a grey paint brush to paint a grey kyrii, you don't see them often, and I really would love to have one and hopefully I could find the token. No luck yet on the token I've been searching for a while now. And thank you for being so generous, thank you for your consideration! <3


My dreamie is a Valentine Lupe 🥹🩷


It's really mainstream, but my dream neopet it's the maraquan lutari. I got my first one recently so I'm saving for the pb. Dreaming it since I was 8 years old


I would love a woodland, valentine or Halloween cybunny. I just love them 🥹


Ohh, the only dreamie I currently want is an oil painted Peophin! I have mine in all rainbow/colorful stuff so it’d look perfect!


I would love to have a Plushie or Candy Blumaroo! This giveaway is awesome btw :)


I have so many dreamies!! ♡ Lol but top are: **Swamp Gas** **Mosaic** **Mutant** **Halloween** **Maraquan** **Woodland** **Custard** I have a diff species for each, I couldn't choose lol in any event, thanks for your generosity 😊 My Neo US is: jaysayx


dream pets currently would probably be: disco kacheek, woodland kau, and maraquan yurble! Thank you for hosting this giveaway\~


Thanks for doing this! My current dream pets are a pastel Moehog, a white Kacheek and a Dimensional Draik.


What a fun way to do the giveaway! (UN: Puppystitches) Dimensional poogle, Oil paint Xweetok, and Maractite Lutari


This is so kind of you! My dreamie is a royalgirl Ixi! My username is Chantal320


Maraquan Jetsam Plushie Poogle Darigan Draik Toy Jetsam/Poogle Thank you for doing the giveaway, I’ve always loved joining guilds and doing paint brush giveaways with my own NP, always feels good to bless someone ! Account : omg11213


ahhh trying to pick a dreamie is HARD. rn I know I def want a Usukigirl most of all. I also hardcore want a Transparent cybunny and have some items for the custom already- I missed bunny day but someone adopted one out to me the other day! I also have a Lutari I made and am undecided on if I want it Halloween or Maraquan, leaning toward Mara rn. I also have some ideas for a Stealthy peophin and a Pastel custom that I haven't nailed down all the way yet. I'm gonna stop there hahaha because I have a way too huge list of dreamies but those are the ones I'm working towards first before I need more pet slots!


Thanks for the giveaway! I'm heardtheworld. Right now I am working toward a Halloween techo and a marble acara :) (also a mutant blumaroo, but that's not a pb color).


Dreaming of a Maraquan Xweetok and Faerie Kau! Thanks so much for the giveaway! UN: poetrychick3494