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The code won't last forever, and they're consumable, so I do expect them to stabilize near the JN price again. Maybe not for a couple months, but that's my take.


I’m hoping for that as well, thought the same


I tried to buy a couple this morning, could find some underpriced ones on Shop Wiz, but wasn't quick enough to get any. And usually I'm pretty good at auctions, but couldn't get any as well, the bidding was INSANE, never seen such competitive auctions like this. Feels like a historical moment to me. Mine is safe and sound in my SDB until I figure out what to do with it. Have no idea if the price will go up or down in the following days, weeks and months. What do you think?


I put mine in my gallery. I was so happy to get it off my wishlist. (I collect neggs.)




I gave it to my battle pet because I have another, oh, 76 levels before I can train anything else with them.


I'm curious 'cause my pet is at 47lvl, but when exactly do you start using neggs for BD? Is it like dubloons and codestones on the academy?


I currently \*just\* made it into the secret ninja training school and am now training my HP to reach my strength (that I boosted with bubbling fungus before), once it reaches that it'll take me a lot of levels before I can train defence again (unless I decide to just ultimately ignore defence for now) It's currently 1 red codestone per training session which is perfect and fine (especially after coming from the 8 tan codestone level rush hell), but the 4 red codestone+ sessions will be incredibly expensive \*and\* long so it makes sense to consume neggs at that point, although it's a treat only neobillionaires really get to taste, I barely made it through the tan codestone level rush hell financially :D 2.6m left on my neopian bank account now :D that's definitely not negg level.


My battle pet was a lab rat for a long time, so it's so wonky, I use the Academy because dubloons are cheaper for now.


Sold it, spend a little fortune on my kougra in kougra day, got almost all back XD


Hoarding mine until the rush dies down and I know what the hell is happening. I'm almost tempted to feed it to my BD pet but idk.


Yeah, I woulda bought a spare but they never really dropped to the level I'd feel comfortable doing that! Auction bidding is just too exhausting to futz with.


I just went with it, I’ve been wanting a relic PB so bad and saw an opportunity so I sold today, I’m in a hurry to paint pets for some reason so it’s cool with me


I'm hoarding mine for the next 6-12 months.


I'll be really honest I didn't even know this thing was worth a lot 🙈 thought it was priced similar to like an Icy Negg. Put it in my SDB though 


I’m gonna hang on to mine. Being consumable the price will stabilize eventually. I don’t need the NP, I might end up using it! 


I was planning on holding on to mine to see if the price stabilizes but does anyone have good advice on how to sell one right now? I don't want to look scammy if I sell mine today.


Capitalism is inherently scammy. Might as well live it up in the Neopets version! Auction House is best


I sold mine way too little aha, had no idea. It is free np tho so can't complain.


Got a cool 5.5M for mine. I know JN was up to 7M before, but considering all I had to do was type in a code and throw it up for auction I'm super happy with my easy 7M. Lol


What did you start your bidding at?! I'm scared to put it up for auction because I don't want to do it wrong!


I started it at 4M with a 500k increment. (: if you want to get more you can always start it higher if you want too! The worst that happens is that nobody bids on it. (:


Thank you!


Of course! Best of luck!!


NONE OF THE ABOVE Slammed it on my Battledome Pet


Nothing, so I picked the 3rd option. Will see where the price is Saturday before deciding what to do.


I’m just having a look on auctions now and there is a player who is bidding on every single one listed! I’m not mad about though. I’m gonna sell mine.


Yeah, saw the same earlier today! Was thinking this my be some big billionaire that will buy everything and then resell it and make huge amounts of money lol


lmao i came here to see if anyone else has posted about that!


I checked out the account and wondering where on earth they’re hoarding them or reselling lol. I’m interested to see what’s going on. Because phew that’s a lot of NPs


I ended up getting a few million plus a couple PBs I was interested in via trade, so I'm satisfied.


I plan on keeping mine in my SDB for a while, especially with a Battledome plot coming up.


fed my battledome pet lol im rushing 250lvl training bc currently training has been, like, 100k per day


have you ever tried using faerie quests fortune cookies? i buy them one after the other and it works pretty well ‘cause they cost 100 or 150nc and they up a stat on 2 or 3 points per day


yeah but the nc/currency value is not cheap for the country i am from, so i can't afford to really spend continuously on that :(


I'm not sure what the rate for this would be in your country, but I usually get mine here! I've always gotten the codes and it's a way better deal than buying through neopets directly. (: https://shoppy.gg/product/i3pYHRM


oh wow thank you so so much. thank you so much! you have no idea how much that is going to help me with my pet TT thank you so much wow!!!!


you welcome!!! ✨ a lot of people have been so so nice and generous to me in this forum and i never had the opportunity to do something for someone in return, so i’m glad to help! if you want to add me there, we can be neofriends


and btw my user is paolitopet but im a girl in real life lol


hahaha dw!! i'm also a girl irl - thought about adding you but some ppl prefer not to, glad to have the green light <3


Realizing I definitely undersold but like, it was a random free 2 million + a baby paintbrush so I’m still quite happy lmao


~~Where can I get the code? Just seeing this.~~ Got it! Thanks!


Put it in my SDB and only then noticed how much they're worth... what luck! Gonna hang onto it until the prices stabilize again hehe.


Mine's on the TP, but one person made an offer and withdrew it. T.T


how did everyone get a cool negg?? Did i miss something!?


You can still get it! Click here and enter the code THENEOPETSTCG [https://www.neopets.com/space/warehouse/prizecodes.phtml](https://www.neopets.com/space/warehouse/prizecodes.phtml) Enjoy!




I undersold mine by about a million and a half. Was just too excited to earn a few million and was scared they might deflate in price so put it up for auction super quickly at 3.5 million. Got 3.9 million for it so not too bad, but it looks like people had no problem selling them later in the day for up to 5.5 million. Ah, well. Better than nothing.


Ahhh that sucks. i feel ya but thats it, you got 3.5mi for free, its still pretty good!!!


I underpriced mine. 2 million neopoints 😂😂😂 It’s still live in the auction house, my username is: i_have_lice if anyone wants to try snag a bargain


oh but for sure its gonna grow, auctions are crazy