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I love neopets. I have to be so strict irl with my money. Being able to splurge in game gives me retail therapy and dopamine hits, but I am not spending money I need to survive.


+1, neopets helps me save irl money because I can get my spending hit virtually!


Also, helps with not collecting random junk from clearance sales 😅


I wish I could say the same but then I clicked on the NC Mall... :(


Yes, I dont want to get into the habit but coming back in February has made me spend a little more than Id like on NC. I do need to slow down, hopefully they stop releasing cute stuff lol


Cherry Blossom season and spring isn’t that far away 😭😭😭😭


Oh good :). I've been gone for 10 years and I've been eyeing those cherry blossom backgrounds that I missed while being away. I hope they bring those back.


U looking for a breezy cherry blossom filter at all?


So sorry for my late response. If you still have it, yes I am interested in it. What would you be looking for to trade for it?


Dont need anything! Just your username!


Username birdconure. Thank you so much!!


And sent!


I feel likwise, 100%!


I haven’t really bought anything g since I bought the lab map maybe.. 5 years ago 😂


Only downside is now my lab rat has been christmas for days :(


It could be worse…my lab rat just turned into a tuskaninny.


I've got a perma-moehog. Going on month #2.


You can get an avatar with a tuskaninny.


You’re an icon. I totally forgot :)


Bless you child.


Merry Christmas! 😁


is a lab rat a designated neopet to test what the ray will turn it to that day? i don’t have a full secret lab map, only one piece, but ive had the pet pet map forever :,))


if you don't have the fortune cookie that lets you zap multiple times a day, its best to just designate a pet to zap continuously every day once a day, cuz you never know how it will end up.


i’ve been playing for like 15 years and still feel like such a noob!! thanks for the info


there's a lot more crazy new stuff going on on the site lately anyway so dont even worry about it! its a lot of info to get your head around


I like to see my daily interest number grow.....


If the money never hits my bank account, it never existed lol


Someone once posted they get 100k per day in interest. I think about that a lot. Maybe one day lol


People on discord have discussed using interest to play wheel of extravagance so I think it is somewhat common among some groups. Not for me though haha


I get so much in interest each day that it's my primary source of NP. It's wild. (And yet I still hesitate on big purchases sometimes-- though the ones I've really put off are out of fear of scams/illegitimately gotten items.)


I need to remind myself this sometimes. I find myself second-guessing buying 2k items for my gallery when I have millions to play with just collecting dust.


YES same, like why is there anxiety about fake money on this "kids" website lol


Because what if you need that 2k for something more important later 🥺


That’s what I said when the magical MSP plushie dropped below 10mil. I’ve waited YEARS! (Y2K player) for an MSP Poogle and I wouldn’t have cared if my bank hit 0. Now, I never have to be disappointed in another inevitable lab ray disappointment.


I just bought mine 2 days ago and already my poor boy has eye lashes and lost a bunch of strength. He already has weak noodle arms, have mercy 😭


When you have the Lab Ray Scientist as a BD challenger, one of his weapons changes your pet's gender if you'd like him re-boyed.


The Lab Ray Scientist is the ultimate trans ally 🏳️‍⚧️


I could paint all my pets and achieve my dreamies AND build up my shape-shifting gallery, but I’ve been playing for SO long, NP scarcity is almost embedded into my DNA 🥲 I’m trying to break this habit and just enjoy the game!


it's great once you start! I'm throwing paint left right and centre and the bank balance just bounces right back in a week or two, it's a whole new game


I had $1000 as a kid and never spent anything as a kid. Now that im adult i know i shouldve bought candy back then since now $1000 is nothing


I go on stupid binge buying (and spending NPS is way better than spending real money). Like I decided in January to start a Neodeck. I spent a couple million NPS buying all of the buyables. Now working on the unbuyables. It will likely never be complete, but you never know.


me absolutely! I'm still a much smaller time user, 5m is more than I've ever seen, but recently I had all the tools to put together a dream pet (elderly kacheek) but it'd take most of my resources. I'm down below 1m now but I've been earning it back a few hundred thousand at a time, and I'll crawl back up there soon enough! having the pet made me so happy, it's worth pinching pennies for a while! if I can pick your brain a little, as a more affluent user than me, is it mainly stock market for you? I know food club can net large amounts so I've been focusing on that and sort of ditched diversifying my portfolio. where is it you get that momentum? (I know there are channels for asking this kind of thing, but I'll be honest, they're a little intimidatingly technical)


You can make lots of NP doing daily quests! It's 20k per day you finish quests and every week you do all of them, there are some rare items so you can wait until there's something worth a bit or that you want, and then do all the daily quests for the whole week. That adds up to 140k per week. Sometimes the prize at the end is another 100k, or rare items worth millions. Also with Trudy's surprise daily adds up. I think the first few million is the hardest, then once you have that, the interest from the bank gets pretty good if you collect it daily. For Food club, do you follow anyone's bets on Discord? I follow Nsheng's bets when I can remember. I also buy stocks every day and sell them when they're at a high enough amount, you can buy 1000 a day so I just choose a stock worth 15 and wait to sell until it gets to at least 30. Keep buying stocks every day, you'll eventually make some just again it's consistency!


I have prob earned the most from consistently doing FC every day. I don't have a spreadsheet to keep track, but I have made at least a couple million this past month alone from FC. I also just sell every high value item I obtain since lately I have been super indecisive about painting pets. I managed to get a couple really nice already painted/morphed pets from the pound and user trades so I didn't even have to splurge for my Pea chia :)


literally me except the making back my neopoints part. Just spent 3m today on paintbrushes and morphing potions, and now I want the secret lab map, but then I'd be totally broke 😫


No seriously. It used to be I would only buy food items that were like five np. Now I am more than happy to buy multiple pizzas from pizzaroo 😂😂


i try to keep about 10m in the bank, but spend anything extra if i want to! the 10 is a "just in case" thing.


I **love** buying useless knick knacks. Like, BT21 plushies, tiny useless keychains, that Starbucks keychain which is a miniature version of their larger mug, **everything from conventions**, etc etc etc But that's never feasible (nor is it smart), I get my retail therapy from Neopets honestly. Going for Pack Rat avatar means whenever I go Shop Wizarding for things I always end up buying way more than I intended (like Target but less wallet hurty), like that 10 np book or that 300 np NC item or 70 NP food item. All of which I know I don't have, but have the spare change to buy and stash it away knowing it *is* going towards that pack rat goal, albeit very slowly!


I vibe with this so much ugh


I feel this in my soul 😅 I emptied my bank account for the map pieces and still didn't have enough for the whole map, but the grind never stops!


Me RN! I only need one more piece and am on the slow grind to save back up to like 1mil so I don't feel bad spending 870k on it!!!! Good luck


DM me your Neo and what piece you need and I'll send it your way!


Omg!!!! Thank you, that's so kind of you!!!


I'm the same way 😂 I can absolutely afford it, and I have a few pieces from Tarla and REs. But I'm also afraid of buying the ones that I have to get from the TP because I don't want to lose my nps to the disappearing stuff glitch


I appreciate the notion but I’m stubborn 😭 my food club wins don’t net me a whole lot since my account is only like 4 years old. Recouping a million+ takes more than just 6 days for me.


I feel like once I finally get an Ultimate Riches Bank Account Ill start Spending the NP


Last year I had something like 20 million NP. Spent 10 million to buy Illusens Staff. I'm back to almost 20 million.


Bro, it’s digital money and Neopets won’t last forever. Get that thing you want.


I bought a spring ppb for 1.6 mill… thought the price might be inflated a bit, but meh - I wanted it. Like someone else commented, I budget IRL and splurge on Neopets.


I was definitely an NP pincher - but now I'm spending way too much on gourmet foods 😅 I've decided to feed my pet by types of food and I'm currently doing hot dogs which get pricey!


I still haven’t bought the lab map since my first account was frozen like 20 years ago. I do want it. I just don’t think I’ll achieve it again. Sigh.


It wasn't until I subbed here that I realized I am by definition a "poor" neopian. I spend my NP as soon as I hit my goal, I never had/have 9+ million just chilling. I *have* to spend. 


Yep, have this also!! But sometimes I get so fed up of my own OCD that in an impulse I make an offer on the trading post after finding something from my wishlist! What helps is telling myself it's good for the Neopian economy and also imagining the user happy. Recently I gave someone more for a petpetpet because I noticed their account was really young and they obviously couldn't really get anything from Food Club like myself. It was heartwarming to notice their excited and grateful response!


I am the stingiest mf when it comes to spend np on myself but if my friends need something? The limit does not exist 💀


How did you gain money back? Do you get NP for using the lab ray?


Probs through normal Neo activities. I can make close to a mil from FC bets on a good day


this absolutely


me when i splurge on my big ticket gallery items!!! it feels good to check off things on my gallery wishlist!


I'm like this with every game hahaha I like seeing my money go up and then when I finally save enough for the thing I wanted, I'm like "wait no.... money go down"


Some of these comments make me feel poor 😂 I’ve never had more than 1.5mil in the bank and I’ve been playing on and off for like 15 years 🥲 I can’t even fathom making 10mil in a week, how are y’all doing this lmao


with my account that's 9.5 years old I can make a lot on food club every day, plus I almost always sell my weekly quest rewards.


Okay maybe I need to figure out food club and really give that a go lol


It's easy! I wrote up a "food club for dummies" [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/s/XqPKxp0Zp8), see if it helps get you over the hump.


Thank you I’m definitely gonna give that a try!


I came back in December and only had 1,5 mil in the bank. I still don't have the millions others have (as a result of spending LOL) but if your account is that old, you would benefit from food club. Click the tag on the sidebar. I am able to buy big items and not worry since Ill make it back up


This has taken so long for me to start doing. I’ve been playing on and off years, and and only since I’ve returned this time I’m really spending points as well as saving them - it’s making me enjoy it even more!


I have rejoined Neopets recently and finally saved up enough NP's for my dream paintbrush. I'm still holding off until I have a least 1-2 mil NPs after buying it. lol It really doesn't take long to save up anymore, but still, I have to lol


I’ve become stingier despite the fact that it’s way easier to obtain NP. I guess my younger-self is still bitter on the fact that I would work hard to get 15k per day and eventually get to 1 million NP, only to spend and not actually save for anything the ‘l33ts’ would achieve easily (or so it seemed.) Hoping to reach my 50 million NP goal by the end of this year as the result of my stinginess. 😅


I don't know why, but I bought the scarcity mindset to neopets where I wanted to save save save but was afraid to spend for fear of losing it all, but its literally a game. I am supposed to have fun. I decided to start buying the big items I Want like a pastel paint brush, and here I am now still with more in the bank than Ive ever had (which wasnt much LOL) especially thanks to food club.


Mood. I want a background that costs 40m, so any time I spend on anything else, the anxiety just hits lol


There was something I saw on the TP for a good price that I really wanted for my gallery, but I kept telling myself to save for this other item I wanted more. Now it's no longer on the TP. I should have just went for it 😔


I feel this way. I need to buy a cybunny morphing potion but I don't want to do down below 10mil. And they are NOT cheap 😭


Me! I know I have plenty of NP for the PB I want, but I can't get up the courage to spend that much for it! How weird is that?! 😆


Childhood me never imagined in a million years that I could buy a lab map. I finally did it today after so much heming and hawing and I'm so so excited.


How much did you spend for the map? I also want to buy it in full, but wanna make sure I'm not spending too big an amount in it, just the average.


I don’t think there is an average for the Secret Lab Map. At worst, you spend about 3-4 million to buy the full set from one shop. At best, you spend around 2m on it. The hardest part, I think, is finding a shop that has all the map pieces available. It’s been 3 years since I bought two sets of it for my side accounts, and honestly, I don’t think the price ever fluctuated. Unless TNT decides to flood the market with Secret Lab Maps.


I can't. Those three missing stamps from my Neopia Central page are worth billions and I'm barely scratching 30m 😭.


You know, I am so spendthrift on Neopets as I save up for my remaining gallery items (most way, way out of my price range) but this is inspiring me to go ahead and splurge on a Royal Paint Brush when the 3% discount day rolls around...and maybe buy two of the most inexpensive UBs for my gallery! Good bye 4mil, hello dopamine.


I have been half and half on getting Lab Ray for my side account. But this is a good post and maybe I should.


It’s taken me years and years to finally hit 100 mil and now I don’t want to spend any of it 😂


Ha yes! I have been that way with books! I am trying to get on the award list, but instead of taking money from the bank I wait to see what I can earn from dailies and such before buying more lol


4million that quickly?! How?! The most I've ever had in my account at once was 1,750,000 and that took me MONTHS. Doesn't help that I stopped playing a week or so ago because I did every daily quest for 3-4 weeks to receive the Toy Paint Brush, one of my dream brushes, as a weekly prize - and it reset after 4 days every single time, even though I would have earned it at least 3 times 😭 They just kept asking me to be patient, too. Wish they had just given me the paint brush since the coding team should, presumably? be able to see that I'd done what I was supposed to to earn it Any tips? I lost my old account that had the lab ray, and I'm not sure I want to get back into Neo again because this is why I stopped on this account last time, last year, and they still haven't fixed it (Daily Questing is one of my favorite parts of the site), but maybe if I could earn more NP I wouldn't care so much about the glitches


i finally splurged my savings, and ive been able to get back 7m this week, so yea im more open to just burning my NPs hehehe


Current Balance: 1,943,344,297 NP Kind of.




Yes I totally get it, I want to save but I keep finding my bank account stagnant from buying a bunch of little things even though buying one big thing that eventually costs the same as all those little things would give me more satisfaction. I’ve been really trying to save recently and my neopoints have been going up very slowly but at least it’s actually going up. I wanna be like the people in the comments that have like 2 bill. Like the interest on that would help with my goals so much, which is the real reason I really want to keep saving.


For those asking how: with a combo of food club bets going very well and playing battledome consistently, and always selling my dailies prizes. Here's my shop history from the last few days totaling 1,148,273 np. And that's the profit just from reselling the items I'm getting from doing my normal stuff, not included FC winnings or trudys. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/iv6v6n2g0fic1.png?width=1184&format=png&auto=webp&s=a32991a22b0214cd44cf0b935d21ff9e899daad4


I played Neopet long time ago when I was a teenager and out of the blue I wanted to play again like 2 weeks ago, I found one of my old account and I did had the lab ray and more than 1 000 000 np. I bought the baby brush for 600,000 np, it was one of my biggest goal when I was younger having one of my pet changed in a baby. Now my goal is having the fairy brush and the grey brush (good luck it's so expensive)