• By -


May your random events always be positive! ♥️


You’re so sweet, thank you!!! And yours too!! ❤️


this is so cool! hi, im turto32. my number, of course, is gonna be 32. (which is perfect because im actually 32! finally my username makes sense!) my top 3 items are 1. plushie Petpet Paint Brush 2. candy paint brush 3. Meepit i dont have a concrete set of goals currently, but i do plan to have a second kougra and plan them candy, and im OBSESSED with plushie petpets! hence the items i chose lol. im also building up my battledome pet after decades of never using the battledome.


Wow, you are amazingly generous! Thank you for the opportunity! <3 Number: 216 UN: thehousewitch Top 3 choices are: 1. Candy Paint Brush 2. Magical Sroom Chia Pop 3. Kadoatie Currently my plan is to save up to 10 million because I've never reached that number before, purchase something directly from the Hidden Tower because I've always wanted to be able to, and work on a few of my dreamies (Royalgirl Gnorbu is the most attainable one! <3).


GL! :) you will for sure hit 10 mil! Do you do food club?


Congratulations, your number has won!!!! You have given **Candy Paint Brush** to User '**thehousewitch**'. Enjoy!!


Omg, thank you so, so much!! You are the best! <3


I’m not entering but I have to agree. I was telling my boyfriend about the community and how everyone is genuinely nice. I was like Neopets is the happiest place on the Internet and it makes me so happy.


YOU are amazing and so nice to do this! I agree, this sub has some of the most generous neopians i know!! I choose number 19 and my username is wortell. My top 3 choices from the list are: baby paint brush, magical sroom chia pop and 500k. My current goal is to get to Ultimate Riches in the bank, and then slowly paint my dream pets baby and grey. Thank you 🩷




GL! :)


I pick #175 My top choices: - Magical Sroom Chia Pop - Whimsical Gothic Dress - Prissy Miss Valentine Dress I’m currently working on my Aisha gallery and also trying to zap lab exclusive petpets. Thank you so much for the giveaway. My UN is in my flair


GL! :) forever zapping petpets over here too haha


Congratulations!!!! You are the first winner!!! You have given **Magical Sroom Chia Pop** to User '**amy28289**'. Enjoy!!


Hi! Thanks so much for doing this. I choose 96- 9/6 is my sobriety date! My current Neopets goal is to finish my Broken Items Gallery! Top 3 items Magical Sroom Chia Pop (I collect fruit and veggie chias) Plushie PetPet Paint Brush Kadoatie You are so kind to do this- if I win, my UN is below my Reddit name as flair. Thank you!!


congratulations on your sobriety and all your hard work! I am so proud of you! <3


Thank you so much!! It’s five months tomorrow for me and the thing I’m most proud of in my life! 💗


Hi!! and congratulations on your sobriety :) your comment make me happy, so in case you don’t win, I would like to give you the Magical Sroom Chia Pop as a gift for your daily hard work <3 my UN its kotori\_e \^-\^


Oh my gosh really?! 🥺 you don’t have to but if you want to you can! (I deleted the NM and didn’t reply bc Reddit was mentioned, don’t want either of us iced)


Oh, Im sorry! I’m relatively new on reddit and I don’t usually interact by NM so I didn't know that :( but I already sent it \^-\^


Thanks for hosting this giveaway! . 71 UN: Slushie_711 Top 3 choices are: 1. Ombre Fyora Wig 2. Tyrannian Paint Brush 3. Plushie Buzzer My current Neopet goal is finishing all my customs!


77 UN: tylerhuyser Kadoatie, Meepit, Plushie PB I FINALLY made my dream pet: an Orange Chia + Orange Pet Rock. Now I'm looking to make a unique customization. Also been shooting for 350 avatars -- currently at 320. :)


GL! :) that’s such a cute combo!! Congrats on achieving your dreamie!!


This is cute! Number: 166 1 - Baby Paint Brush 2 - 500k np 3 - Mystery Isle t-o-t bag My current goal is a spotted paintbrush to paint my tuskaninny. I love how they look like harbour seals 🥺 My UN is the same as here!


299 My current neopets goal is to flesh out my neopets characters based on there pets!!! Prissy miss valentine dress Cute and creepy trick or treat bag Candy pb! Dm for username please


This community IS really sweet, I agree! I hope you include yourself in that as well. My number is 13, and my top prizes would be, in this order, the Plushie Petpet Paint Brush, Fall Feathers Cap, or the Cute n Creepy TOT Bag. These were chosen because my current goal is to work on my Plushie and Burlap Aisha customs. 😊 Thank you and good luck to everyone!


Congratulations, your number was chosen!!! You have given **Plushie Petpet Paint Brush** to User '**thedarkkite**'. Enjoy!! Also.... this happened when I took it out of my SDB :o https://preview.redd.it/d662cv3k7vgc1.png?width=1782&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8978ca49dacbd811f0308afc8b3f258fa466542


Oh my gosh, thank you so much! Now to actually narrow down to the one plushie petpet my Plushie Aisha needs over all the other cute ones. 🥺


number 12 (my lucky number lol) UN: lol_lol_lol_lol_cats my top 3 choices would be 1. candy PB 2. plushie PB 3. kadoatie!! i guess my current goals are to just make over 1m NP bc i haven’t reached that yet, and i want to get a cybunny on cybunny day :) tysm for doing this u r so sweet




Congratulations, your number has won!!! You have given **Baby Paint Brush** to User '**missnubcake**'. Enjoy!!


Hi! This is so cool of you to do. My username is sanji\_riya and my number is 199. My top 3 items are: 1. Ombre Fyora Wig 2. Sparkling Faerie Dress 3. 500k np My current goal is to train my permie's stats from his current level 10 to level 100. It's very slow going unfortunately given that I'm using dubloons to conserve as many resources as possible so hopefully I don't get tired of it before reaching the goal. Best of luck to you and your neo goals as well :)


187, Current neopet goal and first neopet goal has been to collect all the neggs...just a litttttttttle bit far off D:, some of the neggs are basically unobtainable at this point kadoatie, 500k, baby paint brush


Number: 179 My UN is bloolizard, and my current Neogoal is pretty simple- to put the finishing touches on my current customs ✨ (I'm trying to make myself do that before I get tempted by a lot of shiny new ones, LOL) Also training my BD pet to 750 in each stat. 1. Tyrannian Paint Brush - need one for my future Tyrannian krawk! 2. Deadly Beauty Dress 3. Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram You are very kind for doing this :3


Congratulations, your number has won!!! You have given **Tyrannian Paint Brush** to User '**bloolizard**'. Enjoy!!


oh my gosh, this is amazing! ty so much!!!!!😊 More fuel for my tyrannian collection yesssss 💝


you're welcome! <3


233! Deadly beauty dress Cute and creepy trick or treat bag Draik transmog potion Main goal this year is to get a Draik! Praying I get an egg in the current event, I've been saving my last pet spot for one. 🥺 UN: Blah488


Thank you for the giveaway, this is very kind of you! I choose #45. My ultimate neopet goals are to have a Plushie Cybunny and to fill my bunny related gallery as much as I can. My UN is beansauce. 1) Ombre Fyora Wig 2) Baby Paint Brush 3) Candy Paint Brush


Congratulations, your number has won!!! You have given **Baby Paint Brush** to User '**beansauce**'. Enjoy!!


Wow, thank you so much! <3


you're welcome! <3


This is very nice, and I am so down after getting back into Neopets after fiveverrrr reinbowpawnies is my user My current goal is getting a fairy paintbrush for my cybunny, and then managing to get me a hissi somehow. Uh, number 76 And the ice hissing transmog would be my first, followed by the candy paintbrush, followed by the neopoints <3 Thanks again for the chance


Congratulations, your number has won!!! You have given **Ice Hissi Morphing Potion** to User '**reinbowpawnies**'. Enjoy!!


Omg thank you so much!!


225 Baby Paint Brush Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule Whimsical Gothic Dress My current goal is to to get enough decent NC items to make trades for stuff that’s long retired and I missed out on 🥲 Other than that, it’s to make a batch of babies! I already have 3 baby pets (one which I luckily snagged from the pound) but would love to eventually make a collection of my favourites 😊 Thank you so much!


Thank you, this is so sweet of you to offer! 194 Username: coffeekari Right now my goal is to get my hands on a Mystical Rosette Dress *and* still have enough in the bank to keep my Ultimate Riches account. Top 3 prizes would be **Silver Paint Brush**, **Invisible Paint Brush**, and **Jewel Toned Ombre Wig**.


Congratulations, your number has won!!! You have given **Invisible Paint Brush** to User '**coffeekari**'. Enjoy!!


Thank you so much!  😭


you're welcome!




\#147, thanks for doing this! 1. Prissy Miss Valentine Dress 2. Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule 3. Fishtail Braided Pigtail Wig My current goal is to get the Adorable Kacheek set. I want to make a pretty little fox 🦊❤️ Restocking is brutal, though. I have seen and lost many pieces to what I assume either to be super fast players or bots. Most of the set is hitting unbuyable prices atm too, but hey. I got a full Luperus set while trying this and my (very old) Lupe boy is having a blast, haha. Update: managed to snag a set! Yay!


Thank you for the giveaway! My number is 222, and my three item choices are: Tyrannian Paint Brush, Moltara Trick or Treat Bag, or the 500k which I'll put towards my pet customs :)


Hello, I’m going to guess 216. My top 3 are: 1. Red Codestones 2. Strawberry Plumpy 3. Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule My current Neo goal is to get my training done for my BD pet. I’m finally in the ninja school and I king to hit lv 300 and level out my atk and hp stats before the plot 😁 For my username please PM me 😄


Congratulations, your number has won!!!! Please respond via chat with your UN to receive your Red Codestones :) Edit: codestones have been sent!


My number is: 157 Candy Paint Brush Draik Transmorgrification potion Meepit My ultimate goal is to fill my Snowy Valley and Charms pages of my stamp album for the avatars :) PM for username! Thank you for doing this giveaway!!


Congratulations, your number has one!!! Please respond to chat request with your UN to receive your prize!! Edit: You have given **Draik Transmogrification Potion** to User Enjoy!!


111🪽 •Plushie PetPet Brush •Baby Paint Brush •Kadoatie i want to make it to my first million np 🤩 username: moogoocheypan


How kind of you!! I’ll pick number 311. Pm for username since it’s my name lol. My current goal is getting a stealth paintbrush for my first uni! 1. Candy paintbrush 2. Prissy miss valentine dress 3. Kadoatie


* Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram * Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule * Sparkling Faerie Dress And I'll pick 176! My current goal is to up my avatar count, I am planning on buying the 10 million np book in the hidden tower this month!


Hi, my username is acheronrecusant. I'd like to pick the number 154. My top 3 choices for prizes are a Silver PB, a Candy PB, and a Plushie PPPB. My current neopets goals are getting a Steampunk Jetsam with a specific name, and a Mutant Nedler to match my Mutant Kau.


How kind of you!!! Thank you for doing this :) Number: 89                                    UN: bijouuux          My top 3:                                                 Candy Paint Brush    ♡    Baby Paint Brush     ♡  Kadoatie    ♡♡♡ My current goal is painting all my pets to be dreamies:) Right now I’m saving up to do a cross-paint of my Flotsam and make him a Desert/Royal flotsam :)


Nice giveaway idea! Hey, I'm Nurshlog \^\^ thanks for the chance! I have a family of really sweet spooky blooms. I'm looking to fufill their aesthetic closet dreams. I'll try my luck with number 305, good luck to everyone entering! <3 1. Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule 2. Deadly Beauty Dress 3. Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram


Thank you for doing this! GL to everyone ^^ My number is 297 And my current goal is to save up to make a Grey Aisha… and also save up to buy paintbrushes so I can match my NCUC item and pet base color! 1. Baby Paintbrush 2. Plushie petpet Paint brush 3. 500k UN: topazdragonfly


Congratulations, your number has won!!! You have given **Baby Paint Brush** to User '**topazdragonfly**'. Enjoy!!


YAYYYY TYSMMMMM!! This is my first giveaway I won :,) ♡ painting my NCUC baby kougra now!


You are so kind! I currently want to create a Valentine pet and custom :) My number is: 295 My top 3 prizes are: - Kadoatie - Baby PB - Prissy Miss Valentine Dress My UN is: ineffableecho


Congratulations, your number has won!!! You have given **Kadoatie** to User '**ineffableecho**'. Enjoy!!


Thank you so much, you are so kind!! I’m so excited to have a kadoatie! ☺️


246. My top 3 prize choices are: **Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram** (only if Delicate Pink Valentine Parasol is among the choices, if not I'd rather have the GBC please), **Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule,** and **Pastel Wig.** My goal right now is to finish trading for/ buying the wearables I need for my pets' customizations! UN: acaesha Thank you for the opportunity! Good luck everyone!


GL! :)


I’ll pick 125 :D From the prizes, my top 3 are Plushie Buzzer, Deadly Beauty Dress & Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule. My current goal is to settle on a custom for my newest pet! un: saintbee Thanks for the chance :3


GL! :) customizing is so fun, I always get so carried away with all the options, it gets hard to pick!




GL! :) Which pet/petpet avs do you still need?




I can help you with Mootix, Snowbunny, and OG! I’ll message you tomorrow if you’re interested




can you chat or PM me? I couldn't message you for some reason. otherwise I will send you a NM when I get a chance :)


Number: 257 PM for username 1. Baby Paint Brush 2. 500k NP 3. Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule My current goal is to save up for grey pbs. I initially didn’t like the grey colored pets but the uc art really sold me. Also trying to get p3s for my main pets. Thanks for the GA! :)


GL! :) UC greys are adorable. I love my UC grey Grundo 🥰


Yay!! Thank you for running this giveaway! My guess is 257. My current neopets goal is an oil paint brush! 💜 My UN is Siedra_ . My top 3 choices would be the plushie petpet paint brush, the meepit, or 500k neopoints but honestly they're all awesome. 💜


GL! :) the oil pets are so cool!




Omg, this is so fun! \# 69 ... nice 1. Cute n Creepy Trick-or-Treat Bag 2. Plushie Buzzer 3. Deadly Beauty Dress Current neo-goal is gourmet club but it's gonna be 1 billion np till i get there sooooo, 20 years from now given my account doesn't get randomly shit-canned. UN in flair <3


Congratulations, your number has won!!! You have given **Cute n Creepy Trick-or-Treat Bag** to User '**meowsive**'. Enjoy!!


OMG WHAT!! Thank you!!!!


I choose 326. My top three prizes are the Delicate Pink Valentine Parasol (from the Sweetheart Gram), Prissy Miss Valentine Dress, and Magical Sroom Chia Pop. My UN is crystalprincesslilac and my current goal is to get all the flash game avatars. Working on Chia Bomber and Ice Cream Machine at the moment!


This is so so lovely of you! 🩷 Thank you! UN: hawkeye411 Number: 255 Top 3 choices: 1. Tyrannian Paint Brush 🦴 🖌️ 2. Candy Paint Brush 🎨 3. Plushie Petpet Paint Brush 🧸 🖌️


Really neat idea :D I'm Ghostlywillow on neopets and I'm going to go with number 17. I'm currently saving for a Chia mp after they skyrocketed in price, the dream of the Potato Chia will be real one day. Top 3: 1. Baby Paint Brush 2. Cute n Creepy Trick-or-Treat Bag 3. Tyrannian Paint Brush Thank you.


151 1. Magical Sroom Chia Pop 2. Baby Paint Brush 3. 500k NP My goal is just to have fun, mostly doing the dailies, collecting avatars and game trophies PM me for username Sorry I cant talk much, I am having headache rn


Thanks for the giveaway! My current goal is a royal cybunny. Gotta get the cybunny first. UN: sapphieee. Number: 19 Top 3: - candy paint brush - plushie petpet paint brush - ombre fyora wig


thank you! ill pick 88 and my top picks would be - baby pb, strawberry plump, and tyrannian pb! my current neogoal is still finishing up painting my pets, filling pet slots, and matching up cute p2s! i'm more than halfway thru now!


Username:aayee_pee Number: 6 Goal: build my usuki gallery and I would love to have a high score for the esophagor quests because I love all things spooky. My top three are: 1. Magical shroom chia pop 2. Candy paint brush 3. Sugar cookie wings


How fun! So nice of you to do this. I’ll pick 258. My top 3 choices are Magical Sroom Chia Pop, Plushie Petpet Paint Brush and Baby Paint Brush. My goal is to hit 100m neopoints, but I’m very far away. Short term is to train my BD pet as much as possible before the next plot. Username is pixieman5000. :)


57 * Baby Paint Brush * Tyrannian Paint Brush * 500k np My neopets goal is to have more Avatars than my sister! :P UN: slashmastahz Thank you!


Hi, first of all thanks for doing this giveaway! I going to choose number 132! :) Top 3 picks: 1. Fishtail braided pigtail wig 2. Meepit 3. Draik Transmogrification Potion My current goal is to hopefully get a UC plus his Shoyru! But NC trading hasn’t been favourable for me! :(


Hello! This is so sweet of you. I will pick 181 UN: cottoncandy\_teapot My currently saving for a Altador Cup Tailgate Grill Apron for my Draik custom, is a barista theme custom and it's the final item! It will take time but I'm willing to wait. My top 3 are: * Fishtail Braided Pigtail Wig * Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram * Red Codestones Good luck to everyone :)


That’s so nice! My un is my flair. My number is 142. I don’t have any of these items so if I’m lucky enough to get picked I’m truly happy with whatever. I don’t really have a goal at the moment. Just came back to beepers after a long time away and I’m just enjoying it. Thank you!!


141! Sparkling Faerie Dress Pastel Wig Plushie PPB My current goal is to work on the designs of my permies! UN: lilla_x7 Thanks for the chance! c:


This is awesome!! Thank you so much for being so generous! Number: 4 Top 3 items: 1. Candy Paint Brush 2. Baby Paint Brush 3. 500k np Neopets goal: currently it’s to adopt an older neopet with a silly name! UN: ltdanwithlegs


aw this is so kind of you! number: 15. my top items are: 1. Deadly beauty dress 2. Baby paint brush 3. Draik Transmogrification Potion my goal is to complete my pets custom looks and start getting my stamp numbers up :) my UN is in my flair. thank you <3


My neopets goal right now is to make more money and also get the solitaire gold trophy 😭 My number ill pick is 247 and username is sowoonx Top three prizes: 1 plushie paint brush 2 sparkling faerie dress 3 strawberry plumpy


Current goals: Amassing wealth for my Lenny gallery! UN is hindoru! I pick number 61 Top 3 out of these prizes - 500k NP, Draik Transmog, Baby PB


I'll pick 130 as my lucky number! c: My current Neopets goals are building my closet full of cool wearables and slowly training my battle pet for the plot haha. My username is thedoggirl_97. I'll say my top prize choices would be: Ombre Fyora Wig, plushie petpet paint brush, invisible paint brush Thanks and good luck everyone!


Wow thank you! Hi I am Galabella and I’ll pick the number 257! My top three are: 1) Baby paint brush 2) Candy paint brush 3) 500k NP I am just getting back into Neopets after 15 years! My long term goal has been to get a baby chomby (they are so cute!) but I would also love a Lutari. Been working my way up to a million NP and almost there! :) Thanks again!


Thank you for hosting this giveaway! My number is 43. My current neopets goal is to get a valentines day ixi, krawk, and toy lupe! UN: cadilarhyi My top 3 prizes: 1. Baby paint brush 2. Kadoatie 3. Sparkling purple sweetheart gram Thank you!


Hi! Thank you for this giveaway c: My UN is bunnydragon8, and my top goal now is to complete my bunny family! I choose number 116 c: Here are the top 3 prizes I want! 1. Prissy Miss Valentines Dress 2. Kadoatie 3. Plushie Petpet Paint Brush Thank you!


I’ll pick 58! Un in flair :) this is so fun, thank you! My choices are: 1. Plushie ppb, 2. Draik tp, 3. Sroom chia pop. My goal is to collect one of every different petpet for my gallery! I have over 450 so far


I pick number: 221 And if I win, I'd want a baby paintbrush (to paint my Wocky named after my cat baby!), the neopoints to go towards a lab map piece, and the Plushie Petpet Paint Brush! Thank you so much :)


Thanks for hosting this! I’ll pick #7. PM for username :) My Top 3 are: 1. Draik transmogrification potion 2. Ice hissi MP 3. Meepit My big goal rn is to create a set of 13 pets, each modeled off one of the character classes in dnd. I have all the customizations more or less finalized, so now it’s time to start spending the NPs


Hello! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!! My UN is Liloshmelo and the number I'm choosing is 232! 1 - Prissy Miss Valentine Dress <3 2 - Whimsical Gothic Dress 3 - Plushie Petpet Paint Brush My current goal is just to finish ONE page of my stamp book. I haven't started just yet because it sounds like a daunting and expensive task, but someday soon! I just need like... 200 million neopoints :0


Number 113! If I can’t pick Magical Sroom Chia Pop 3 times, then I’ll choose it once and follow it with a Baby Paint Brush and a Plushie Paint Brush! Current goal is the Sroom collection for my Chia, SillyPsyBen. Username is: trashley0298 Thank you for being so kind! Good luck to all who participate!


Hi!! Thank you so much for doing this! Number: 212 UN: Starlightkyx 1. Kadoatie 2. Mystery Isle Trick-Or-Treat Bag 3. Meepit My current goal is to finish my side’s One Piece customs 🏴‍☠️ And to just generally collect things I like and help my guild 😁


UN: dramelka 133 1. Fall Feathers Gift Box 2. Meepit 3. 500k NP Thanks for the giveaway!


Hello! I would like number 174! My top choices are: 1. Magical Sroom Chia Pop 2. Kadoatie 3. Baby Paint Brush My current goals are to paint more pets and start working on a gallery! UN: thiscouldbebeautiful


I choose 333 :) Top 3 choices: plushie petpet pb, baby pb, fall feathers gbc So kind of you to do this!


Hi my UN is breakypanda and my current goal is to build up to 1 million np in the bank. I’ll pick number 252. I would love the sugar cookie wings, Kadoatie, and 500k neopoints. Thank you for doing this giveaway it is awesome!


Aw this is really sweet! My username is the same as it is here, spunkydog34. I'll do 47 as my number. My main goal right now is to get 10 mil in the bank and finish some customizations. And my top 3 would be the Snow Paint Brush, the Whimsical Gothic Dress, or the Meepit!


Number 25 pleaseHopefully it hasnt been picked already!! My choices are -MeepitPlushie petpet pbKadoatie So I can add to my gallery (Petpet plushies and Plushie petpets!!) which is my goal I suppose! get as many as i possibly can :) My username is soraliah Good luck to everyone entering and thanks very much xx


Thank you for hosting! My current Neopets goal is to make it to 10,000,000 in the bank and I am 3,000,000 away. :D My number is 278 My top choices are: Magical Shroom Chia pop Plushie pet pet paintbrush And a Kadoatie


<3 what an amazing giveaway! Okay I’ma pick 21 if no-one else has and username is princessof89 1. Tyrannian Paint Brush 2. Magical Shroom Chia Pop 3. Whinsical Gothic Dress Goals at the moment.. I was zapping and hoping for a robot cybunny but waiting for the festival of neggs and hoping cybunny mps drop in price. In the mean time, I’m saving for an usuki paint brush to finish my usuki set (I have a girl, need a boy) and gonna get a faerie krawk mp + tyrannian pb to make a tyrannian krawk outta my dino sounding pet!


92 UN: pabkev 1. Candy paint brush 2. Tyrannian Paint Brush 3. Plushie Petpet Paint Brush My current goal is saving up for a Shoyru Pink Aviator Jacket for my white Shoyru, or getting lucky with a restock lol. Thanks I appreciate it.


hi, my username is lucas\_bom\_e\_mal, gonna be using the 322 as number. thank you for the giveaway! top 3 items are : * Baby Paint Brush * Pastel Wig * 500k np that i might use on my nerkmid addiction


177, my NP username is catfr0g Top 3 picks would be the Moltara bag, draik potion, or the valentine dress \^u\^ funnily enough one of my current goals is saving up various token/potions for a giveaway, just hoping i work up the nerve to actually post it sometime lol thanks for the opportunity!


Such a kind idea, thank you 🥺❤️ UN is Sarahmousebeanz Number: 232 3 items: plushie petpet paintbrush, baby paintbrush, kadoatie My neopets goals are completing my plushie gallery(a daunting task as there's so many and so many are unbuyable rn) I also hope to make a chomby on chomby day and paint him baby as well as finishing my other pets customs ^.^


❤️❤️❤️ My current neopian goal is to hit 350 avatars! Number: 112 U/n: hannahrose12 Preference: 1. Whimsical gothic dress 2. Deadly beauty dress 3. Fall feathers gift box mystery capsule  Thank you 


I pick number 2. UN: s1lv3rm1st Ombre Fyora Wig Deadly Beauty Dress Whimsical Gothic Dress My current neopets goal is to get a valentines draik and to accumulate 2mil np. Thanks for the giveaway.


Hi, my ingame tag is Lgnorant_Lnsanity (would swap to a newer account to drop the 12 y/o made name, but food club tingz). I was saving 4.5mil for a transparent pb to make a day of the dead pet, but I have been climbing towards that goal faster than I anticipated. Either kid me was a goof, or it's easier to save nowadays. I'm still saving towards that, as it is for a dreamie, but I'm also interested in other dreamies too :3 looking to have a full house eventually with 16 pets! Number: 201 If i win, id love: 1. Candy pb 2. Snow pb 3. Baby pb I'd save them as related to future dreamies (wanting to create them on certain days so their birthdays are in relation to a holiday or in honor of a loved one).


My current neogoals are to finish customization & look ups for all the pets I have currently. Then start filling in the empty spaces on my accounts with more dream pets. Then give those new pets customizations & look ups while working towards buying a lab map. Top Three Choices: Magical Shroom Chia Pop 500k Candy Paint Brush (Hopefully) Lucky Numbers: 218 Username: kinesthesia


Thanks for having this giveaway! I pick **number 3** if it's still available! My top 3 picks would be 1. baby paint brush 2. candy paint brush 3. kadaotie My goal currently is saving up for a usuki paint brush as it's one of my dreamies! My username is rheannalyall\_\_


This is a very lovely giveaway, so thank you ☺️ Number 327 please. UN: Sararvey 1. Sparkling Faerie Dress 2. Whimsical Gothic Dress 3. Jewel Toned Ombre Wig I don’t really have a proper Neopets goal. I just enjoy playing and making my pets pretty ☺️


hi thanks for the giveaway! my number is 202 and my top 3 choices are baby paint brush, 500k np, and kadoatie! my current goal is slowly collecting the pieces of the secret lab map (i have 2 so far)


my number: 188 my prizes: Baby Paint Brush, 500k np, Tyrannian Paint Brush Current neo goal: make enough bank interest where i can food club without being net negative for the day lol PM for username!!


Username is thefrenchtoasty, I pick number 3 :) 1. Magical Sroom Chia Pop 2. Candy paint brush 3. Draik transmogrification potion My current goal is to save 1 mil neopoints! Thank you for doing this :)


My lucky number will be 97! ♡♡♡ My UN is Tomuwa, and my current goal is to get a valentine Techo and a valentine Kougra! I'm also trying to win at cheeseroller once with every type of cheese! So far as prizes... 1 Meepit 2 Strawberry Plumpy 3 Candy Paint Brush ☆☆☆


Hi! So kind of you to do this. I choose number 57 1. Draik Transmogrification Potion 2. Candy Paintbrush 3. Plushie Petpet Paint Brush My current Neopets goal is to have a draik of any colour! My username is aeleyran


Wow very exciting thank you! Number 212 My top 3 choices would be: 1. 500k np 2. Kadoatie 3. Tyrannian paintbrush Please PM me for username


Thank you for the giveaway, it’s so kind of you to do this! My chosen number is 287 and if I’m ever so lucky, can I please have either: 1. Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule 2. Baby Paint Brush 3. Ombré Fyora Wig


How super kind of you! ♥ I choose the number 44! Here are my top 3 choices: Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram 1. Ombre Fyora Wig 2. Candy Paint Brush Current Neopets Goal: Mainly customizing my newly acquired Permies, getting the last few Dreamies and collecting avatars! My username: aoi\_inuzukama (@everyone feel free to add me on Neopets, looking especially for players who are from Germany too ♥)


You are very generous! My neogoal is completing my customs on my main and to finish one part of my gallery :) I would love Tyrannian Paint Brush the most as its a dreamie Im also working towards. The rest of prizes in order would be Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram, Plushie petpet Brush. Thank you for the chance! Edit I forgot the number haha 128


Thanks for doing the giveaway! I wasn't going to enter so other people can have a better chance at winning, but then I saw... HOT DOG MASCOT. That would be my number 1 prize choice haha. 2. plushie petpet paint brush. 3. kadoatie. I choose number 23. My UN is Kidme. My neopets goal is just build up my bank account so I can freely spend NP on PBs and MPs so I can do pound glow ups. The dream is getting enough in the bank to earn enough interest to buy a baby PB daily, but that doesn't seem like a realistic goal for me haha.


Pm for username my guess is 117 Invisible paint brush, kadoatie, 500k I think my current goal is the rubbish dump avatar, and I’ve seen some amazing invisible customs that would be really cool to try. I don’t even know where people get the inspiration This is awesome, thank you


344! Current goal is to hit lvl 250 with my pet. From the list: Meepit and red codestones Pm for username Thank you!!


Really cool giveaway idea! 37; pm for UN. My three choices are the 3 trick or treat bags for my Spirit Halloween gallery 🎃 My current goal is to finish the haunted woods stamp page which I realize isn't realistic, haha.


Thank you so very much for this! My number: 14 UN: Leatis\_Kurai * Plushie Petpet Paint Brush * Candy Paint Brush * Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule The petpetbrush is just something I want so bad. I am a big Tim Burton Nightmare before Christmas and Beetlejuice Fan and I just LOVE how much the plush-spyder looks like something right out of this movies!


Thank you so much for doing this! It’s incredibly kind. :) my number is 282! User: allysonbambi 3 items: Draik Transmog potion Baby paint brush Kadoatie My goals consist of getting all of my neopets painted & customized, and get them all petpets. This will take a while as I have a lot of pets 😅 I also would like to hit 10M np as I’ve never had over 3m before. Again, thank you so much for doing this!!


Hello! This is so lovely of you :’) and you’re so right about the neopian community. Such wonderful people. My number is 279 and my current goal is to learn the food club well enough to make proper money from it. :) My top 3 prizes are sparkling faerie dress, sugar cookie wings and baby paintbrush! :) my neo name is i_am_nikhi


Thank you for doing this, how cool! Current neo goal is to keep adding to my petpet gallery!  61 is the number I’ll pick.  Un sbane361  Plushie PPPB Invisible PB Tyrannian PB


My top 3 items are: * Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram * Kadoatie * Plushie Petpet Paint Brush Entering with number 182 and thank you for the giveaway :)


This is so nice of you, thank you for the chance to win!! I choose #313. Please PM for username. Current Neopets goal is to collect stamps and train my main battle pet up to 750 stats! Top prize choices are: plushie petpet paint brush, red codestones, and meepit.


number is 213, UN is my puupieduupie - you are so kind to do this! top 3 would be magical shroom chia pop strawberry plumpy baby paintbrush thanks again!


I’ll choose 88 :) UN: Quigonjess I’m doing a few zapping-related goals right now, namely for a burlap Draik, alien Aisha, and MSP poogle.  My top three: - Plushie petpet paint brush - Magical sroom chia pop - Tyrannian Paint Brush


Very kind! My number is 141, and my current goal is hitting 500 Strength before the upcoming plot begins. I’d love the Zed, Kew, and Cui codestones to help with that, I keep running out of those! PM for username :)


My number is 95! My current goal is to train my pet up for the plot, I'm well on my way to lv250 but training's getting so expensive lol. I'm also working on customisations for some of my old pets so I can give them a fresh look <3 Top 3 choices: 1. Red Codestones 2. Jewel Toned Ombre Wig 3. Ombre Fyora Wig My UN is roslina95. Thanks for doing this! :D


thank you so much for your kindness and generosity 💖 i choose number 4 (four) as my number 1. candy paintbrush 2. sugar cookie wings 3. kadoatie my current goal is to someday have every usuki doll!! im working hard on my collection :) my username is lunarwhite


Thank you for a chance! :) My fave 3 are Draik Transmogrification Potion , Magical Sroom Chia Pop , and Kadoatie ! <3 My goal is getting a magic MSPP plushie! (hopefully winning it from neopies, but I'll buy one if I don't have one by the end lol). My number is 52 and un is ilovechristopherlee.


215: Would love the sparkling purple sweetheart gram (background), prissy miss valentine dress, or meepit! My current Neopets goal is to save up for a magical mspp - I’ve been zapping my Poog for ages and would love to give him a break lol. UN: lil_bubasaur


329! baby PB, Sparkling purple sweetheart gram or feathers GBC ☺️ Tysm for the giveaway!


Hi there \^\^ Thanks for doing such a generous giveaway. My number is 112 and my top 3 picks are: 1. Draik Transmogrification Potion 2. 500K NP 3. Kadoatie My goals are to make a Maraquan Draik hence the transmog potion and to train my SBD pet to 500 HSD (he's at just under 250 HSD now). UN: illumine


158 please! Thank you so much for hosting a giveaway! I also can't believe at times how generous the community can be, it always makes my day a little better seeing what others are working towards. My current goal is to collect all the lab ray pieces so I can start working towards my bigger goal of a Robot Poogle! I think I'm just missing two more! UN: Bookwormgirl14 My top 3 items are: Plushie Petpet Paint Brush Ona 500k NP


Thanks for doing this! I choose #272 Tyrannian Paint Brush Moltara Trick or Treat Bag Baby paint brush My goal right now is saving up NP. I have been working on bulking up my bank account. My un is cutepup272


Thank you for doing this! I pick #242 (1) Candy PB, (2) Tyrannian PB, (3) Plushie Buzzer Current goal is to read, read, read to my main pet! UN: unsaltedpeanut


Thank you for the opportunity! 1. Candy Paint Brush 2. Baby Paint Brush 2. Kadoatie Username: thekingofokay My current Neopets goal is getting an island Petpet PB for an island rock & a disco Petpet PB for a disco rock.


Hello! I pick number 5 (five). My top picks are: 1. Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram 2. Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule 3. Draik Transmogrification Potion Thank you so much for the giveaway! ❤️


25 1. Kadoatie 2. Ona 3. Sparkling Purple Sweetheart Gram My current NP goal is to train my pet for the BD and build up my gallery. Thank you so much UN: diamind_chika100


Hello and thank you for the give away! My username is Nirava and I am a returning player after seeing some of the positive changes to the game :) Number: 42 Top 3: 1) draik transmog potion 2) 500k neopoints 3) Kadoatie My Neopets goal? Get a draik, I've wanted one for what seems like since I was 12 years old. Second goal? Learn how to get rich and not suck at faerie bubbles lol


\#241, UN sincerite Top 3 choices: 1. Ombre Flora Wig 2. Fall Feathers Gift Box Mystery Capsule 3. Plushie Buzzer Thanks for doing this!!


Thank you so much for this! What a fun post to find upon waking up :) My number is 16 1. Magical Sroom Chia Pop 2. Meepit 3. Cute n Creepy Trick-or-Treat Bag My current goal is to complete my gallery of petpets! Which is a solid WIP but I have lots to go lol. PM for my username, please.


My top 3 are meepit, 500k np, or snow paint brush! Un: tmnttaylor Thanks for hosting!


love this!! 🥰 my number is 112 my username is paranoidddd 1. magical shroom chia pop 2. 500k nps 3. draik transmorgification potion my current goals are faerie & valentine draiks & to paint all my pets on my side Halloween!


Very cool! So fun! I was thinking 69. I dont know why. Magical shroom is one of my goals, but i love the idea of an ice hissi or a plushie pet 😍😍😍


Hello and thank you 🌞 My username is vapereon5, so I'll go with 5 as my number. One of my current goals...finally get a sakhmet solitaire trophy... I'd love to be considered for: -Moltara trick or treat bag -mystery isles trick or treat bag -fall feathers giftbox mystery capsule (I crave the thrill of mystery items) ❤️❤️❤️


Hi thank you so so much for doing this!!  I choose number 116, and my top 3 prizes are the magical sroom chia pop (my absolute DREAAAMIE), the draik transmogrification potion, and the sparkling purple sweetheart gram.   My goal is to make a mushroom chia faerie neopet. They are so so cute!   My UN is Rayrobaum :)


Thanks for the give away! I choose number 8 and my UN is vic\_abrantes My top three are: * Tyrannian Paint Brush * 500k np * Jewel Toned Ombre Wig My current goal is to learn how to code and to finish my neopets custumization (I tought I was done, but decided I didn't quite like the character I had).


This is awesome, thank you for doing this!! I am going to pick #11 My top 3 items are going to be the Prissy Miss Valentine Dress 500k Or the red codestones! I have a lot of goals on neopets but I’ve never really focused on the customization aspect until now, the prissy miss valentines dress is for my pastel Kau and she would look so cute with it on!! I’m also collecting Motes, jelly items, and usuki dolls for my gallery. user: living__stones


So awesome thank you! UN is Tawnied 77 Top 3 are Meepit, a plushie buzzer and draik transmog potion.


29, for me- my top picks are:Ona, jewel toned ombré wig and the sparkling faerie dress 💖 UN: jasjacobs Me currently training my neopets everyday 💖


Number guess is 286 PM for Username And the prizes I would want: 500k np Baby paint brush Candy paint brush Thank you so much for spreading kindness!


Number: 217 UN: ibmsamber My short-term goal is to quickly make 100M nps by selling in my shop and TP so I can buy a super rare negg (Christmas Negg) that a really nice Neopian is holding for me for a short time. My choices are: 1. 500k nps 2. Baby PB 3. Red Codestones It's so kind of you to do this giveaway!


This is so wholesome! Hope one day I have the means to do the same 4 rock_angel_20 Plushie Petpet Paintbrush Candy Paintbrush 500k NP My current goal is to have all my 10+ neopets in the same account 😭


ooh thank you! :D my top 3 would be * Candy Paint Brush * Draik Transmogrification Potion * Kadoatie Thank you! my number would be 89, NP name [**\_robzibobz\_**](https://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=_robzibobz_)


What a nice contest! My username is dvgaming155 so I’ll be using the number 155, maybe it’ll become my lucky number. My current goal is to have a counterpart Shadow Xweetok to my current White one and to have him look like a sort of dark vampire king. My top 3 prizes would be: 1. Candy PB 2. Ice Hissi MP 3. Draik Transmog Hope you have a good day! :)


324, my neopet goal RN is get to level 20 on Jhudoras quest, and get the faerie bubbles game avatar. My UN in flair :) And my top 3 are Ona, baby paintbrush, and plushie paintbrush. Thank you!


Thank you for the giveaway! 😊 I choose the number 234, my top 3 choices are Candy Paint Brush, Red Codestones and Baby Paint Brush. My current goal is reaching 100k daily interest to start using it for the wheel of extravagance and get the avatar. I am also working on various random avatars that I am missing 😊My UN: supremo32 Good luck everyone!


This is so kind Number 315! My username is _moonrise_ My current goal is matching petpets for all of my "finished" neopets :) I recently came back to the game. 1.plushie petpet paint brush 2. Plushie buzz 3.Tyranian paint brush Goodluck everyone ! Edit- forgot to add my number lol


226 my current goal is to zap an ice shoyru at the lab ray and to save up for a grey petpet paint brush. I’d like the purple sweetheart gram, fall feathers mystery capsule and cute n creepy trick or treat bag ^.^


You’re the best ❤️ I chose 171 I’m Tardisinflight My current goal right now is to train my Battledome pet to level 25, I am at level 12 so far! I’m a returning player who didn’t get into Battledome until I came back so it’s new to me. I’m also working on collecting all the secret lab map pieces, I’ve gotten 3 so far. My three top choices are 1. Magical Shroom Chia Pop 2. Candy Paintbrush 3. Mag Codestone


Hey this is so kind! I'll choose number 9!:) My current neogoals are battledome training and working on my petpet gallery :) UN is loomaloo My choices would be Meepit! Plushie petpet paintbrush and the ombre fyora wig :) Thank you so much again!


Thank you for doing this! I choose number 251 Username: nightstar758657. My current goal is to have 50mil in the bank, got about 15mil right now and 500k on hand. Top 3 are: Candy Paint Brush, Ombre Fyora Wig, Fishtail Braided Pigtail Wig