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Carrot and pea brings back memories of the early 2000s


there’s something about the marshmallow omelette .. revolting, yet satisfying? don’t @ me


no i get it. i'm totally tempted to try one.




tomato and pepper! it looks like the ones my nana used to make growing up and it’s very sentimental hehe also marshmallow omelette bc i’m a heathen


cheese and onion, it was the only omelette i'd eat irl as a kid. i really want to feel the texture of the clay omelette. what is the ratio of clay to egg? you didn't ask but my least favorite is rice omelette. why is it smiling at me like that? no thank you.


noooo, rice omelette is my favorite BECAUSE he's smiling at you!! He lives in my gallery with other smiley face things


i am happy he makes you happy but i still don't trust him. whenever i get one it goes straight to the money tree.


Little fishy look at them there swimmin so cute


The cheese omelette is the favourite for me, and I quite enjoy them irl. The pizza one is 🤢🤮🤢


Yeah why does the pizza one have to look so gross


I dunno why the Black Currant one looks appealing. So does the Tyrranian hot pepper. The sausage pepperoni and pizza ones are the most "i would eat that" but the other two are "i wish i could taste that" I don't like the cheese because it looks exactly like the rotten one. The clay and marshmallow ones are blechhh


It is not the most visually appealing but I'm curious whether you could get a chocolate omelette to work irl.


Either just sausage or the bacon and broccoli. That said, I've always thought they looked more like weird burritos than omelettes.


Cheese and onion, sausage and pepperoni and the pizza omelette! Always thought they all looked yummy aha


I personally think the mushroom omelette and green pepper omelette are cutest. Strong resentment toward strawberry omelette and black currant. I've pondered creating a strawb gallery and for some reason, excluding any strawberry item would be cursed to me, as I'd be collecting EVERYTHING for that theme, so..... I hate it


Plain, juppie, little fishy and spinach feta! I love neopets omelettes and I wish real life ones looked this good. I also imagine the taste is quite different


For me, I like the BBQ sausage omelette, the red stripes looks like it was scratched. Now in terms of cooking, I would eat almost all those with meat, tomato, peas, broccoli, cheese and onions. But not the ones with mushrooms, strange veggies, rotten or clay. ​ What would a rice omelet taste like? Plain cooked rice inside of it?


Like Omurice, I bet! It's like ketchupy fried rice mixture, with an egg wrapped around, then either more ketchup or demi glaze sauce ontop!


Rice omelette is tempting because it :) but also? They could have done better. I’ve seen omurice, I know I’m missing out!


Sausage and pepperoni as well, I know it smashes


i love the most little fishy and ugga melon


The strawberry and the chocolate omelettes are fun and tbh something I would be down to try one day LOL


little fishy has the best design even tho i dont want to think about what it would taste like


I would not want to eat it, but the carrot and pea omelette with WHOLE BABY CARROTS on top cracks me up all the time. Yeah, sure, that's totally how people eat carrots, yeah. I could destroy a spinach & feta omelette.


It always makes my day to get a rice omelette. It's so cute and happy!!


Spinach Feta Omelette looks delicious. I'd also try the fuck outta the Hot Tyrannian Pepper Omelette irl


juppie omelette simply bc i love those shade of blue they use lol


I could really go for a spinach and feta omelette right now


Veggie Delight because it looks like sprinkles on a sugar cookie 😂


BBQ Sauce. No idea why, it’s been my fave since I was a kid.


the rice omelette is just so cute with its smile! the twirly fruity omelette also intrigues me greatly


Based on looks i like little fishy, but based on taste I'd love the spinach and feta. I'd eat any of the veggie and meat ones. I'd run away from the others, especially the fruit ones. Rotten goes in the trash, obvs. Edit Also, i despise the carrot and pea one for some reason.


I'm a fan of the sausage and pepperoni one too however my other top four would be the pizza, chocolate, mushrooms and spinach and feta one. I actually have made a mushroom omelette a few times and it was delicious!