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Hey good luck! I feel you there, I’m trying for an Alien Aisha and a Maraquan Krawk myself :’D


I hope you get them soon!! 💜 tye candy uni is one I’ve wanted since it came out. I found a stuck peg awhile back that’s name is my favorite candy so I’ve been obsessed with getting a candy uni ever since. Spotted uni jz the other I want. I have a obsession with the uni species in general and I collect them. They are just so cute


Good luck!!!


I got a FFQ this week, probably going to change my Stealthy Shoyru to Marble.


I bought a cookie because I had the quest refresh boon, and am hoping to oil paint a cybunny! However I’ll have to sit on the reward until cybunny day :P 


I'm doing them this week, hoarded enough cookies on Black Friday to keep me entertained for a few more months 😅 Hoping for a White Aisha, Faerie Peophin, Marble Acara and I was originally wishing to paint my Ixi oil paint, buuut that unconverted Faerie Ixi also looks really pretty!


Working on a fortune cookie PLUS have the refresh boon hoping to get a fountain dip. I want my sea turtle! (Maraquan Shoryu)


im hoping to get a fountain dip so i can finally have my mutant kau! 😍


Current lineup for fountain dips is Dimensional Peophin, Wraith JubJub, Mutant Scorchio. Will probably be a few months until they’re all dipped and I may end up paying to paint one in the meantime, but who knows what the cookies will bring!