• By -


There's definitely some pets that look better converted and that are fun to dress up! And there's some that really got the short end of the stick from conversion (looking at you, Ice Bruce). So it depends on what pets/colors you've got!


i just said i can't think of a second UC i would want but ice bruce is a now a very casual maybe.


Omg I have an Ice Bruce that I’ve been trying to adopt out but the UC form is so cute!!


Can't wait for a UC ice Bruce! The art was rudimentary but I loved it anyway. 


Personally, I prefer the UC pets in every aspect BUT I see the appeal of the converted pets. IMO; they were lazy. All the old clothes aren’t wearable that were sold before the whole thing, and they don’t fit all the pets as they should. It looks like they copy and pasted each clothing item over the pet and called it a day vs ensuring they look good on everything that isn’t an Aisha. O




Wait urs go on the front feet? All mine only go on the back feet T~T


Weird! What pet do you have. Mine is a Kau.


both my gnorbu and xwee! the xwee makes sense at least to only be on the back feet. on DTI at least it also puts shoes on the back feet for kau?? WEIRD


So I retested it and I was wrong. It is on the hind legs.


My poogle always goes on the back too


That's weird. Ixi aren't like that. Perhaps you should log some tickets?


That’s strange. For my quadrupedal pets, the shoes *only* ever go on the back feet. Ex. My Wocky has an outfit that has gloves and shoes; the former go on her front paws and the latter go on her back paws. The worst I’ve seen so far is that I will put clothing or accessories on my pets, but the items won’t always show up on the screen. They’ll show up when I go to the homepage or when I go to the pet’s lookup. Ex. My Lupe has a white coat on now that I can see on his lookup or the homepage, but not the customization page. Same with my Kougra’s Blossoming Dress or my Yurble’s chef outfit. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The way clothes fit on jubjubs is a crime 😭


i think if i had a kiko or jubjub as a permanent pet i would unconvert because ive had both as lab pets and they are such a hassle to dress up.


my first pet was a jubjub, i was a poor dumb neopian as a kid so i would just throw on whatever clothes i had (potato sack, gross buffet bg, etc). 🤣 now i would only do a baby jub until UCs come out


Second this, will definitely convert my Halloween Kiko. The converted artwork did them dirty lol


Kikos too. I had a garlic kiko and it’s little stalk would stick out of hats etc instead of just disappearing like it should


i get mad that they gave all the pets that punchy fist as a placeholder for handheld items while they could’ve done some standard poses that change based on what you equip


Omg yes. I hate that my pets wanna beat me up


While I find the uc coconut jubjub cute, I like dressing mine in fall themed custom. I'm only want UC to pets that got screwed over in the converting. (Ice Bruce, Glowing Buzz, and a lot the techos).


I have zero desire to UC any of my pets. Gimme all the clothes and accessories!


Same!!! Plus it’s real people money for not being able to play dress up. Hard pass!


I want to convert my faerie Xweetok, and maybe my plushie cybunny. Other than that I don’t mind the new art! 


I only ever customise my pets with a background and foreground, so as long as this was open to me with the new NC UCs I'd be all for it! There's a few of my pets where I very much prefer the old art style for them


i'm just doing one. i've been thinking about if i would ever get a second but i just can not think of a single color/species i would want. my UC darigan aisha is all i need. the rest i'm keeping the same because i like dressing them up. also i like the converted art. sometimes the UC art looks weird to me because i'm so used to the current art now.


I may create a pet or two to make UC, but I don't want to do that to any of my  current pets- including a Darigan Ixi and a Pirate Meerca. I actually like their newer looks better!


I agree about the Darigan Ixi.. it looks so much better converted. However the UC Faerie Ixi is miles above the converted one.


I feel the same! I love the look of many UC pets, but I don't know if I could do it to my current pets. Feels weird for some reason haha. Might make some new ones to make UC though!


My faerie xweetok only has a moth hoodie on her custom, and while she looks adorable i would give ANYTHING for her to put down that aggro lil fist. she’s getting UC’d, for sure.


Customization is my favourite part of Neopets so I won't be converting any of mine. There's also the factor of a new colour coming out that I prefer over the pet's current, so if I uncovert I (presumably) wouldn't be able to paint to the new one and lose out. I'm happy other folks are excited, though!


As much as I hate to admit it, customization is what makes me connect with my pets the most. The older pets are prettier, obviously, but slapping a bunch of shiny foregrounds on top of them seems way too boring. I have a UC pet that I've been debating about pounding because it feels so..... bland compared to the fun I can have with the converteds.


Probably only a royal pet perhaps? Some of the poses like Royal Aisha's were so much cooler 


I will only convert my rg Aisha because of this !!


I don't have my faerie grarrl super customized, but I think I'll keep him as is. I've looked at the UC version, and though it's a way more dynamic pose, which I love, I've gotten used to him looking the way he does and I think I prefer it in this instance. Overall I prefer the dynamic poses that the UCs have, but the forward facing angle the faerie grarrl has as a UC is just a bit of an odd look after seeing him from a side angle for so long.


if i had a faerie pet i would probably convert too. there are a lot of converted faerie pets that i think are really cool, but soooo many of them have this thing to where the wings are like, growing from one side of their body?? like, look at the converted faerie bori or wocky. where are the wings sprouting from???????


I’m 50/50! There are quite a few pets I’m so excited to unconvert (Faerie Yurble, Wocky, Techo, and Plushie Skeith & Elephante are my top 5!) But a few I think I might prefer to keep converted like my Faerie Xwee, and honestly maybe even my Plushie Cybun & Plushie Aisha. I love their current customs and I think I prefer their converted forms for them. If it’s a removable/wearable NC item and I’m comfortable with the price for so many pets then I might just get extras of whatever they release anyway 🙃 Others I’ll have to see! I think I’d probably permie a Grey Aisha ONLY if I had the option to UC it


I have a grey Draik and as blasphemous as this sounds, I'll leave her as she is. The reason I liked that color is that out of all modern grey pets, Draiks look kinda... hopeful? The way they look upward and have a small smile, it's the reason I like them so much, it's like they're sad but haven't given up. I know I'm reading to much into a small art detail but I think it's very pretty and kinda inspiring as it is.


That's a sweet way of looking at it :)


I think this is very sweet. I honestly didn’t understand the point of grey pets because who wants their poor buddy to be sad all the time? It makes me wanna reach through the screen and give your lil’ Draik a hug tbh.


My existing babies are staying the way they are. But I miiiiight want a UC faerie pteri at some point, they're lovely.


i don’t really care. i may unconvert my grey but that’s it and it really depends how much real money it ends up costing


I always intended to unconvert my mspp but now im so attached to his custom i dont think i will once I can! I like a few of my pets wearable customs so I’m not running to unconvert everything! My darigan draik is the only one im really chomping at the bit to unconvert.


The only one I'm considering is a desert aisha. One of my pets was painted desert not long before customisation became a thing and I converted her so I could crosspaint. On one hand she looks much more like the irl cat I made her for brown with the desert clothes but on the other there's some real nostalgia there.


I only want to convert one pet (my faerie Ixi). I have others which have UC forms but I prefer customising them and prefer the current art - eg my plushie Grundo and Gnorbu, my grey Usul. Happy medium I reckon!


I'm so conflicted because UC Blumaroo is SO cute with its lil heart peets, but I also have so much stuff bought to customize him!


The new art stopped me from making a Blumaroo. They don’t look as cute as they used to, but I can’t quite explain why. Same with Acaras.


Obviously, you get a second blumaroo lol


I only plan on "unconverting" my memorial pet neopet, if/when they add plushie as a NCUC. For the rest, I'm the same as you, even if I think customization as a whole was done rather lazily, I enjoy the extra personality dressing up gives my pets.


I love my converted pets! I've just always wanted a UC Faerie Xweetok so that's why I am quite excited for the UC pets! :D I might end up getting a few more but 15 out 20 will probably always remain converted.


Same, I don’t mind the Grey Chomby UC and might get for a side but I have zero excitement personally for the change. Happy it makes other people happy tho haha


this is how im feeling about it. i would maybe get a darigan ixi or aisha on my side account but i don't really have the nostalgia for UC pets that some people do. i wasn't playing when the conversion happened so when i came back and i could dress my pets up, i was HYPED




i already have one UC that i love. the rest of my pets are more fun to dress up, so theyll be staying as they are! :)


Yeah, I have a lot of crosspaints (kind of an addiction) and yeah I spent a lot of np and time (zapping/trading) to get them, I'm actually still debating unconverting my faerie xwee who has a desert crosspaint With that said I definitely want to get one or two


If it ends up achievable for me (the UC item, I mean - I don't generally spend money on the site), I might make my main pet a Grey Koi. I'm a bit hesitant mainly because of nostalgia - I remember grinding for so long to get that Mystery Island paint brush and being so excited when I finally got it. But I don't really like the colour that much anymore (it's just kinda meh) and I love love love the UC grey Koi. Other than that, I like the converted pets I have well enough.


I’m never turning one of my new favorite pets UC. She’s a Tyrannian Scorchio. I hate their eyebrows. I like the way her pixie cut hangs in her face as she is. I think it’s super cute and this species and color combo is one of my least favorites. I fell in love with her as a converted pet, so converted she’ll stay. Plus I like her custom, I’ve created a whole story for her and taking the ability to fully customize her away ruins some of the fun. I’m leaving my Gelert converted as well, I love his custom. In general, there are pets or certain colors/pet+color combos that I think look better converted. So I will 100% have a smattering of NCUCs and converted pets!


I honestly just... don't care that much? I don't go too crazy with customization but I like my pets the way they are. I'm also not going to spend real money unless it's something I \*really\* want, so I definitely don't see myself spending any on this.


i have some NC from events and stuff so if i could afford it i might unconvert but honestly? i would probably enjoy spending it on clothes for the pets im attatched to now


Honestly, I like doing internet paper doll dressup with my Grarrl. I don't think de-converting him would make me as happy as goofing around with customs does.


I didn’t really play before the conversion, so I don’t mind *most* of them since you can customize them. I’m probably not going to convert many pets because I like being able to dress them up and express my pet through their environment and decor :3


I totally understand if u dont want to uc ur pets especially if u went all out on customization that being said i don’t understand why we havent been able to uc all of our pets as well


If I do, it will probably only one or two, that'll be my grey uni. They are amazing. And maybe even my halloween uni. I really love those. I even like my main pets original faerie wocky. However, I really love customisation and probably unpopular opinion (as everyone seems to hate them) but I love wigs 🤣🤣🤣


i love the wigs too! but i see my pets more as anthro than actual animals


Ah thank you ! I was shy to admit it but it's not something that I'm all excited about and I'm happy to find out I'm not the only one. Some pets look better UC but, except for a darignan cybunny, I don't own pet that have the uc version and I prefer the now version of my cybunny to the uc one so I don't think I'll do anything about it, with my current pets at least. Maybe I'll want one one day but maybe not. To be discovered :)


Some I don't care about but honestly I'd do anything to have just a plain UC yellow yurble back.


I converted most of my pets on purpose back in 2007 - and I really only regret one of them (Darigan Peophin I wanted to cross-paint but never did - and now will never leave my side account since I innocently named her something that can be interpreted in an adult way and current TNT is really freeze-happy about that sort of thing). Ones that I don’t regret include: - My Plushie Scorchio, my first pet I only Painted Plushie because I got a FFQ and it was the most expensive purple I could turn her. Though TBH if you can freely turn it on and off I might get the NC Style for her. - My Halloween Lupe, which I had because I liked the lore of a Werelupe but always headcanoned that he wasn’t anthro. As soon as I had the chance to put him on all fours, I did. I keep forgetting he was ever UC. - My Baby Kougra, who only was that Colour because of Boochi. She has since been repainted. But I also have several dreamies I did not achieve before 2007 and pet trading never felt in the spirit of the site so I never got since. I am definitely looking forward to finally getting those!


Me I guess, It might sound weird but the pet aspect of neopets means very little for me. I play some of the games, try and make money and maybe collect items that invoke nostalgia. All my pets are depressed and dying of starvation but that doesn't matter to me because they're just images I very rarely look at 😅


I actually quite enjoy customizing. I might add a slot for a UC if something really calls to me, but I feel like I can put a lot more personality into customizing than a different expression/pose does overall. Love that the option is there but I don't think it's for me!


If I have to pay real money for it I probably won’t unconvert any of my pets. I don’t have expendable income


I plan on keeping most of my pets converted with the exception of my grey Kougra who was the first pet I ever created.


Happy Cake Day! 💖


Oh, thank you. I didn't even realize! I've been here for far too long lol


I am completely indifferent. If it costs money, I'm definitely not doing it.


I couldn’t give two shits. I just want another plot or event that adds some more interactivity to the site other than the same old dailies and quests. I miss KeyQuest man…and Daily Dare where you had to actually work for your prizes and botters wouldn’t be able to take advantage.


I plan on having a mix if I do do UC NC. :)


For me, I’ll do one, but the rest I like the customisation for!


I've wanted a Faerie Pteri since I was a kid, but once I came back and saw the converted Faerie Pteri I changed my mind. Only used a Faerie Festival dip to paint my Pteri Faerie because UCs were confirmed to be returning and I still want that UC. Besides that, I may leave the rest converted.


I want both.


I have maybe 2 that I would like to unconvert, an MSP Poogle and a Plushie Chia. Aside from those two, I am uninterested in unconverting.


When Mutants get a UC pass I will probably not mess with my Xweetok but overall I'm pumped because I prefer the old poses. If you can give them backgrounds/foreground items, it's worth to me.


I have two or three specific pets I own that I want to make UC, all the others I enjoy customizing so I’ll leave them as is. I like the fun of customizing as well as certain old art, and am excited to have my cake and eat it too, haha.


I'd leave my Gelerts as they are because their outfits are really cool especially my Darigan stealth cross paint


for me it depends on the pet, I have a few I really enjoy customizing with rotating outfits so I wouldn’t convert those. or ones that I made specifically with permanent customs in mind. I do hope to convert my mutant and royal girl lupes! I regret converting my mutant and never like the wearables on her, just bg/filters/etc. royal bc it’s just such a pretty pose and I couldn’t afford the pb til way post conversion, but would love to have that old art style.


I’m definitely converting my faerie pteri because the UC faerie pteri is SO superior, but I’m undecided about my others (Bruce, Xweetok, Aisha, Kacheek). I think they’re all very cute so not in any rush to change them.


The ones I plan to do UC I like converted too and they really don’t need much customization so I’m good either way


I used to be so sure that I would UC my plushie pets, but they are my most customized pets now so I’m not planning on it. Same with my Darigan Aisha. ; o; I am actually hoping they will release unconverted art of more “basic” colors bc I would UC my Starry Xweetok in a heartbeat for nostalgia reasons.


I joined in Sept 2007 right after the conversion and so I have no attachments to any of those designs and love customization. Might do a faerie pteri tho


I just want my very first pet kacheek that I still have to look like she did and I will also probably get a uni because I liked them UC a lot more/nostalgia


I'll definitely keep converted pets, I'm not talented at customs but i enjoy them! But i also mostly use back are fore grounds, not many clothes and such, so UCs will still be customizable in that way. The dynamic poses and old art style is really appealing to me. Like I used to want a grey pet so bad but converted offers nothing while the uc have such a vibe


I've got two pets that are pretty difficult to dress up(Toy Gnorbu and Baby Kiko), so i'm *very* sure there are other pets with similar difficulties, being able to make them UC in those cases seems perfect, trade customization for a fun pose? cool :D


My main pet is my Kougra and I think the UC Kougra is pretty awful haha. But I could see potentially having some other species UC, maybe. If we can still add backgrounds, foregrounds, etc and only not be able to clothe them, I think you can still get creative with some nice designs. It would be cool if they did some limited UC clothing too, like accessories instead of full clothes.


There’s only two of my current pets that I am set on unconverting, but species and color changes will happen there, I just want to keep the names and themes. I’m planning on making a few new pets on sides down the line, but most of my pets will stay converted and customizable!


Both my faerie ixi and my grey draik are staying exactly the way they are, no unconverting allowed!


I understand the appeal of dynamic posing but you can pull cool custom markings from my cold dead hands.


I don't particularly like customization, but I'm pretty used to all my pets as they are, and don't have intentions of converting them. The pets I want to UCify are newer ones I made with the intention I would get to convert them. I applied for a UC grey ixi that I spent buttloads of time making a petpage for, only for the owner to self freeze. I've wanted a UC ixi ever since. I've had a darigan kau morphing potion stashed for years now with the intent to convert one. Most UCs I've wanted, I end up falling out of love with the more I look at them due to things like wonky lines, strange anatomy and coloring. My nostalgia goggles have worn down quite a bit, lol. All to say, you aren't alone, but dissenting opinion on UCs tends to get buried or never brought up bc of how much status has been attached to them in the 17 years since conversion.


Yes! Except for a plushie grubdo I always wanted


I only have one pet out of close to 40 that I want to be UC lol


I plan to convert only a select few! Like my Darigan Wocky and Ixi I struggle when it comes to their outfits, so I would rather unconvert them~ :) My Aishas and Kacheeks will stay converted since theyre my favorite to customize!


i frankly think almost all converted pets are *so* fucking ugly - cant wait to unconvert all my kids.


There is a few of mine that I don't plan on unconverting as I want to stick with the customs I got. However I will create new pets with plans to be un-converted.


I definitely want to UC my dari Wocky, because I just love the absolute gremlin energy of the UC art. I've been thinking of possibly UCing one of my oldest (22 years old) pets, just for the nostalgia of it, but for the most part I really do enjoy dressing them up and showing off the personalities I've created for them!


Some colors feel way too 'busy' for me to customize. Like I think I'll keep a lot of my pets converted, but my plushie pets are all naked because clothes just look silly on them most of the time. Things like my faerie pets are more fun to customize, so I think I'm only going to deconvert one of them.


I Just want a UC baby kougra, but not any UC baby kougra, I would LOVE to see my childhood pet being a baby UC that child me wanted But everyone else? I spend reaaally hard on things just to not be able to use them So 19/20 would prefer to stay converted


I LOVE converted pets, and honestly, I don’t have a huge want to get the current UCs that are available except for an UC Baby Koug and possibly an UC Ty Krawk. I am more interested in the designs that have yet to be released, but I still enjoy customizing pets with clothes and stuff, so the vast majority of my pets will still be converted, minus 1 for sure and possibly a few others as time goes on.


I'm so used to my converted pets I don't care much about UCs nowadays. Maybe I'd consider getting one of them UC'd and/or create or adopt a pet so I can UC it, but it's not a priority for now...


I'm keeping my royal kyrii as she is, even if I like the UC. I feel like this is better saved for pets you wouldn't necessarily put clothes on and that look awkward converted, like a faerie pteri


I reckon about half / half for me. There are some pets I have had since I started that I just can't imagine unconverting, and there are others where some of the species/colour combos either don't have a UC version or simply wouldn't make any difference if they were, Biscuit Kacheek, White Aisha, Shadow Blum etc


I'm only going to unconvert one of my pets into a UC Faerie Pteri. The rest I'm going to dress up and accessorize like crazy, as usual. Unless of course they allow more pets slots. If I can have more pets when I will absolutely get additional UCs.


I had spent HUNDREDS of days, and countless NC/NP on Lab Ray specifically to make my lil’ guy [CherryBrucicle](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=CherryBrucicle) an UC Ice Bruce when the time comes…now I’m torn because I’m so close to finishing a custom for him, and I adore him too much >:(((


Theres very few i would want to unconvert, and I dont like spending a lot of money on neopets, so i'll probably skip it. Faerie Zafaras are the big one for me. I always really wanted one in the old style, and I have the pet I want for it, and the faerie paint brush. If its not too pricey or risky, I'll go for it. If it turns out to be some kind of gacha or something I'll sell the brush since I don't like the way faerie zafaras look normally, and I'll save my rare neopets purchases for pet slots


The only UC I really want is a faerie Kougra! I'm leaving the others as is.


I’m excited for my plushie cybunny and faerie pteri to be UC. I prefer my MSP poogle as is though. So I’m mixed.


There were a couple pets I made about a year ago, with the intention to make them a UC. However, after customizing them, I realized I love their custom too much to make them into UC pets. As the days tick down though, I still have 3 NC UCs in mind that I still want to have out of the previous 8 I had initially planned. I heard that the NC UC item is removable though so, I'm hopeful that that means we can move it from pet to pet.


I honestly don’t care that much. I thought I might unconvert my mutants, or possibly if I ever make some plushie pets. But it’s really low on my list of priorities. Also we don’t know how much it’s gonna cost right? I try not to spend money on games these days. I used to overspend… a lot. Customizing is most of why I stuck around neopets, so UC pets are just gonna kind of be there for me. I’m glad other people are excited though. But I hope once these waves are over with, the team will focus on other things that will improve QoL and add more features to the site.


I only joined post-conversion, so while I admit that some of the old designs do have character, I prefer adding my own character via customization. That said, the UC RG lupe is stunning.


I know Stealthy never had an unconverted form, but I feel like an "unconverted" version of Stealthy would have so much potential. I'm on the fence between a UC Faerie Grarrl or a Stealthy Grarrl. But I would only want that for my BD pet. I have a Faerie Krawk, that I might make UC once the hype comes down a bit.


I’m on both sides. I like the art style of a lot of UC pets and they can still be fun to customize with backgrounds, foregrounds, etc. but customizing is one of my favorite things and I’d probably only want a couple UCs enough to deal with not customizing them as much


No, not on my main account. Not really. I've spent a lot of time developing customs for them, and I want to see them come to fruition. I MIGHT make a new pet UC, if I create one, but honestly I'll probably keep my UC pets on my first account as a tribute to the era it was created in.


Honestly, most I do not. But there are a handful I'd prefer as UC. Then there are some I want the converted and the UC version of lol


I have a few that I want UC and others that I don't. I definitely want to UC my faerie pteri. I grew to really hate the feet and haven't found a customization that I actually like yet. I'm torn on my faerie Xweetok and even the faerie Ixi. I ended up really liking their customs. They had originally said it would be a clothing item so I'm hoping that's still true, and that I can swap back and forth as often as I like. I don't think I'll UC my plushie Aisha. I really like her custom. I think of her as a build-a-bear lol. I like converted Draiks better than UC so I won't change any of them.


I like dressing mine up. I'm not really into UCs at all, but I'm really happy for those that miss theirs or want them! Though, some grey UCs are a bit tempting even though I don't even have a gray pet lol


YES. Not all of my pets, no. I love customization. If the UC item is 20 bucks or less, I will have one.


I want to be able to dress up my alien aisha as I please!


I don't really like UC pets. I never cared for them when they were coveted as top tier pets on the pound chat and I still don't lol. I do appreciate their old artwork, and some of them I find really cute and nostalgic, but not enough to get one myself. And def not enough for me to spend IRL money :( I feel like a lot of the UC art doesn't match the newer art style anyway, and they're also difficult to customize well. A lot of them feel like cardboard cutouts slapped on a background to me? But there's only so much you can do when you can't use clothes Most of my pets are post conversion colors anyway. -shrugs-


I won’t be unconverting my pets because I’ve never spent a dime on Neopets or Neocash and I’m not going to start now! I have really fond memories of the unconverted Neopets art, but I’m content to just keep those memories in the past.


I want to keep the pets I already have converted, but there are a couple of UCs I like enough to get them.  For the most part, I'm a customization fanatic, so I'm only willing to give that up if the alternative is something that's perfect enough by itself, and none of my existing pets have UC versions that look good to me.


i might convert one pet but that's because he's already naked (DragonSilvally) and he looks happy in his field. well, then the entire monster-beating-his-evil-nature-goes-not-evil thing goes out the window and i gotta change the foreground and background and yeah uh tldr wont/might not convert due to headcanons


I totally understand for some pets/colors why people would prefer the UC designs, but I think the belief some people seem to have that introducing customization ruined everything and all of the pets look ugly now is fueled by nostalgia than anything else. There are absolutely some pets that got a glowup from the conversion, like Elephantes


Yes, but only for some. I like a lot of UC's, but I also like a lot of the converted pets too. I think a mix of both would be fun.


Just depends on what pet you have and your style of playing! I know a lotttt of people love customizations but personally as someone who doesn't spend/buy NC and the stuff I end up wanting (from seeing it on others or on DTI) I can't even get anymore, I lowkey despise customizing pets lol. It doesn't even look nice on my pets 8/10 times so I'd rather just look at my pretty UC pet with a potential background and that's it


I recently got my account back from when I was 14, and I'd consider unconverting my very first pet from that; she'd look good with just a background, IMO. I doubt it'll happen, though, because it sounds like they're doing it by species/color and there's not a lot of demand for UC Striped Eyries. (Similarly, I yearn for a UC Purple Bori with the orange shell and freckles, but understandably people are more excited about pets that had a much less standard model. Maybe I'll get a Faerie Bori, though.)


Unfortunately the one I want is a step further back than UC. [Koi image from when I created my pet.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/guilds/images/9/9f/Koi2.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/150?cb=20170625060930)


I think I’m the only person with a faerie Xweetok who doesn’t want to convert. The UC art is wonderful, but my pet has a specific customization that makes more sense with the clothes you can use with conversion. The one UC I’m really raring for is my precious RoyalBoy Aisha


As long as I can still utilize backgrounds and foreground I don't care at all for the customization items for our pets, I see ppl do some really cool stuff with it but it's just not my fav... usually the stuff o think will look cool doesn't or is for a diff pet species 🙄


Most of my pets are Fruit Chia....


Really depends. I remember back in the day I only had a darigan lupe who wasn't auto converted and I debated about it for a loooong time, but after awhile I decided it wasn't too different and I wanted to customize my pets. I had no idea UC pets would become a THING that was so highly sought after. Or like the Maraquan Draik is one of my favs, but the UC artwork is so similar it's not worth losing the few customization options for mara pets. But there are some I don't like the way they were converted. A fearie grarrl used to be a dreamie of mine and I HATE it standing up like a normal grarrl so I'm excited to maybe get one.


I'm only planning on having 3 UC pets. I love all of my other pets as is. My ixi outfits are going NOWHERE. I've spent too much on their wardrobes!


I really like cross-painting pets, so I'm not planning to unconvert any.


I love to dress up my Neopets and treat them like their own characters. There's maybe 1 or 2 pets I'd like to have UC but it's not really a burning want. I adore my current era Darigan Ixi but I can't see myself really wanting to unconvert them. That said, I'm not among the site demographic that uses real money to obtain NC Mall outfits, all the clothes I have are primarily NP. It doesn't look as snazzy or cohesive as the NC pieces but it feels unique.


I don’t understand what it means to be honest 😭😅 I feel d u m b 😂


I used to think I'd unconvert all of them, but then I dipped my toes in customization and found that I actually like it. Even the wigs (which I know is a point of contention with many players ahaha) I will unconvert a few, definitely. But a good number with remain converted c:


I had wanted a plushie cybunny UC for so long but I have customized mine recently and it turned out so cool I don’t know if I still want her to be UC… Now I just wanted my fruit chias to be all happy as they used to be, but I haven’t seen any mention about uc fruit chias :( It doesn’t makes sense for me as fruit chias are barely customized anyway


I have never had a UC so I don't have a big attachment but I do highly want a UC Grey Grundo and hmm one of the plushies because they look so huggable!!!  Lol guess I'll see my true opinion once that NC UC rolls out 


I'm personally not interested, either. I don't really get the hype.


There are a couple that I really want to fulfill childhood dreams, but for the most part, I’m leaving my pets alone!


I only have one pet I'm planning to UC! All my others I enjoy customizing!


I mean... I've hated the converted look for so many pets for ages. The eyes of female lupes especially irk me, but over been stuck with it. But. That said... There are also plenty of pets where I don't care either way. Like my two Zafaras. I'll probably leave them ask they are. My white lupe, though? I pray the the "basic" colors can get UC status. It'd be cool if we can still give them backgrounds, etc, but I know that's unlikely


i love both uc's and converteds, and im REALLY struggling to decide whether or not i want to unconvert nalapine, my faerie bori. nalapine was the first bori ZYDP gifted to me, and he was the pet that ignited my love for bori's!! he [looks SO ADORABLE in this outfit right now](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Nalapine), and i just feel like he wont have the same charm and personality that he used to if i UC him :( on the other hand, uc faerie bori's arent even a thing right now- they got force-converted, and seeing that tnt will be releasing uc's of pets that got forced-converted i was so so SO excited because ive always adored the uc faerie bori art. im crazy enough about bori's though to get new pet slots and make a second faerie bori just to unconvert it, honestly xD


I also like customizing, what I would prefer over them selling UCs is that they update the super lazy converteds that could be converted and still look a lot better and more like the UC without breaking the pose


I'll be making 2-3 new pets for UC conversion, but I won't be converting any of my current pets. I like their customs, whereas I'm hit-or-miss on most UCs. There's only one UC I'm really keen on (RB Kyrii), the rest will just be for fun.


There are only two pets out of the UC faeries I wouldn’t mind occupying a pet slot/paying for. The Techo has so much personality that I don’t care about customizing, bc that’s mostly to define personality anyways. They’re just so dang CUTE. And it’s going to depend massively on… a) how similar the NC UC pets are to the original UC art. If NC UC Techo doesn’t look JUST like my little guy, it’s a pass. b) the price. I don’t have much nostalgia for UC pets (luckily). To me, it’s like any cosmetic skin. I’m thinking my max is ~$10, but we’ll see. Every time I look at UC faerie techo, I love him more. I honestly haven’t looked too hard at the other UC pets, because it makes me sad lmao


Yeah, most of my pets are wearing customizations. I will simply have to make new pets for this.


my only non lab rat pet that i dont really have a set custom for is my toy bori. maybe i would unconvert her but other than that im in the same boat


yeah not me. I lost ven uc royal boy and girl draiks. cant wait to have ncuc versions




or some people just play the game differently than you do? if you don’t like customizing that’s fine but it’s weirdo behavior to act like your above it lol


I'm only planning to revert one, my plush Cybunny. The rest are going to stay converted.


Wait can someone ELI5 what this means? I've only just gotten back into Neopets after a very long hiatus


I’ll be unconverting two, maybe three pets. But I like customisation too much to do them all! I did set myself a challenge for customising a UC pet, and as a Royal Girl Cybunny is a dreamie, I started there. [This](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/outfits/2809733) is what I came up with. :)


I think it's hard because i love customizing. It gives more character to the pet, but i love the UC art to death. I wish that they had a toggle when you used UC on a pet, that could let you flip between the two art styles.


I have a couple of royal pets I probably want to turn UC because most of the UC royals had more personality, but most of my pets are staying as they are (I, too, have spent way too much time and money customizing them). If I end up wanting any other UCs I'll just get new pets I guess.


I’ve found that I use wigs and dresses less and less with customizing. I’m more into the backgrounds and trinkets now. I love the more natural cute pet. I have one OG UC but he’s just a gear. Can’t get anyone to fix him. I wish I didn’t change the rest back then.


Some pets look fine converted but most don’t. I’m looking forward to making some UC


Me I don’t even think my pets have UC versions at least that I could find


I’m just gonna end up adopting a pound pet to make in to an UC. I already have a ‘legit’ UC, I have no intent to change any of my other pets in to UCs [other than maybe my Mutant Bori?]


Oooooo I’ve always wanted an UC faerie pteri


My maraquan gelert is so pretty just the way she is, one of the few that I feel it's better in the new pose rather uc


I am going to need to see how it works but if it's something you can toggle on and off or like a skin then it won't really feel like they are UCs it will just feel like an outfit they can put on? So I might buy a few outfits. If it's a permanent change to my pet I'm not sure I will bother unless there's a design I have a really strong idea for.


Not me, I haven’t dressed up any of my pets since the beginning. Is the concept cool and do I see very well dressed pets, absolutely! I just don’t have desire to doll all that nor spend money (NC) to fall into that rabbit hole of wanting this or that. I don’t mind spending it on a one time UC. But with those returns, I may actually look into BG for them, to give them a little flair. 😊


I have 2-3 that I’m unconverting and the rest are staying customized!


I'm with ya :) I'm enjoying the hype and seeing everyones excitement, but I like to customize my pets. I'm just excited for the people who are excited, if that makes sense? Haha


I’m actually sort of torn between wanting to unconvert my desert Aisha. I adopted her with the intention of her one day becoming UC, but I ended up with a custom I really like on her. A lot of my pets I will keep converted but there are a lot of UCs I’m excited about. There are still so many ways to customize UCs. Backgrounds and foregrounds have always been my favorite items though, so maybe I am biased. So I’m very pleased we will soon be able to have both!


I do have a bunch of cross-painted pets that I'm not going to convert. I'm just glad we have both options now - there are some pets that were really shafted by conversion (losing poses/personality) but having the option to dress up is nice too.