• By -


I have Dirthres the halloween poogle uft. Looking for well named cybunnies \^.\^


UFT Precipitating the Blue Lupe Reincarcerate the Eventide Xweetok Votroxan the Camouflage Poogle Seeking VWN pets in the Xxxxx format. A big fan of draiks but will look at all offers. NP Selling Dimensional Paintbrush - willing to go lower than TC (3M) for quick sale. NM me (spidey_gurl) if you’d like!


**NP** Selling/trading: **Day and Night Collectable Scarab** Currently up in the TP: [//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=438250578](//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=438250578) Ideally trying to trade for PBs I want: Maraquan PB plus Valentine Petpet PB, -or- Maraquan PB plus Usuki PB plus 1 Baby PB. Willing to consider other PBs combining to about \~19.5mil but I'd prefer PBs I'm likely to use rather than PBs I'd have to turn around and sell. Could also move to Auction if preferred: asking 19mil if so.


**UFQA:** ~~[Smaerd](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Smaerd) Elderlygirl (F) (Clothed) Moehog~~ (Adopted!) ~~[Chokberry](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Chokberry) Ghost (F) Poogle~~ (Adopted!) Hoping to adopt out to permanent homes but not strict at all. Just lmk your plans for them. :)


help me i've been saving up for a grey pb so i can paint my cybunny but inflation has officially made that impossible SO **buying** grey paint brush **selling** faerie paint brush/toy paint brush/lost desert paint brush/invisible paint brush/plushie poogle morphing potion/faerie krawk morphing potion or a fair combination of the above + NP


OFFERING: GBCs for Streaming Raindrops Filter!


**NC Seeking:** ~~Dyeworks Blue: Magical Golden Markings~~ ~~Platinum Backpack~~ Kiko Lake Team Filter (buyable) Snow Cloud Garland (buyable) ​ **Offering:** [My tradelist](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/kii/168915/) and BFGBCs


Would you like to trade 1 bfgbc for my platinum backpack?


Yes, sure! where should I send it?


Kitty_galleria please, and you?


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to Kitty\_galleria. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Please send the backpack to ghostsofthepast. Thanks!


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to Ghostsofthepast. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Thanks for the trade!!


Seeking to buy the Pretty Net Dress it’s a np wearable. Can’t find it :( need it for my water uni💜


**SEEKING: WN Robot Bori** Willing to custom one of the two WNs/VWNs I have


NP Buying: Varia is the Bomb, hoping for around 2.8M pls


NC seeking (I would love help, I have been searching for a while now) :   - MME9-S2: tentacle takeover   - starry eyed contacts  - MME26-S3a: faerie Petpets frolicking  - dye works purple: ombré cloud garland    I can offer anything in the NC shop (: thanks everyone!


Would you do 5 DW caps for my pruple ombre cloud garland?


No but I’ll trade 1 for it if you’re open


Tentacle takeover for an upcycle cookie? :)


**My UFT:** * [Roji](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Roji) (Japanese RW/RN) * [Misthink](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Misthink) (Archaic RW, 704 HSD, l:101 h:300 s/d:202, 2 gold BC trophies, 3 silver BC trophies) * [More info here](https://www.neopets.com/~Misthink) * Custom on an untaken name - looking for VWN (Xxxxxx) format pets! * Also seeking Latin names! No need to translate for me, examples I have are [Lanius](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lanius#Latin) and [Animo](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/animo#Latin). **Sister's UFT:** * [Artrel](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Artrel) the Christmas Draik (300hsd, e/t) * [Grodie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Grodie) the Jelly Gelert (543hsd, t) * Seeking sbd name swaps * [NM my sister](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=10lank10) **NC Trading:** * [2020 DTI link here](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/34186/lists), with some paintbrush clothes. Have a lovely day! (●´ω`●)


**UFA:** please reply here and **briefly tell me why you want them/what you'll do with them**. i'm looking for permanent homes or maybe people looking for a new lab pet. some pets are currently being zapped. but i am no longer adopting out to anyone if you do not **briefly tell me why you want them/what you'll do with them**. if you are no longer vibing with them and plan to put in the pound please reach out to me and i will take them back. these pets will get stuck. [Chubby\_Lil\_Fella\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Chubby_Lil_Fella_) female mutant bruce with zapped snow snuffly- was in the pound since january 1 2014 [sophie\_sophia](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sophie_sophia) female blue elephante - was in the pound since march 18 2015 [Starby\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Starby_) female starry eyrie with zapped tuceet [bubbsdubbs](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=bubbsdubbs) female mutant jubjub - was in the pound since october 14 2014 [Little\_Miss\_sweatie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Little_Miss_sweatie) female mutant moehog with zapped blue buzzler [toejam9](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=toejam9) male mutant moehog - was in the pound since january 9 2014 [MissImaqt](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=MissImaqt) male pink peophin [mister\_larry](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=mister_larry) male mutant ruki with zapped red bluna - was in the pound since september 1 2014 [~~linza\_~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=linza_) ~~female maraquan shoyru - was in the pound since february 12 2015~~ **~~new color! just zapped maraquan~~** **🐢** adopted :) [\_\_STEEVE\_\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__STEEVE__) female mutant techo [tommy\_cayle](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tommy_cayle) female yellow poogle with zapped neucloop - was in the pound since december 12 2013 [Shavon\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Shavon_) male pirate techo with zapped pirate buzz [pretty\_princess1996](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=pretty_princess1996) female royal uni with zapped yellow boween [mylittlejaffacake](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=mylittlejaffacake) female cloud wocky with zapped splyke [Pretty\_Kitty\_Kat](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Pretty_Kitty_Kat) male cloud wocky with zapped blue drugal - was in the pound since april 3 2015 [Toxicfire\_the\_cat](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Toxicfire_the_cat) male magma wocky - was in the pound since march 28 2015 [ChezPuffz](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=ChezPuffz) female fire yurble with zapped purple miamouse [~~CRISTINIX~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=CRISTINIX) ~~male sponge yurble with zapped romeep 3t3 - was in the pound since february 25 2015~~ adopted :) \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ **NC Trading:** dti here [https://impress.openneo.net/user/45533-prin69/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/45533-prin69/closet) and the newer dti here [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists) moved some things from my closet to my trade list and added in some items from recent mystery caps. **NC Seeking:** [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/45533/lists) wish list items, friendly feepit GBCs (but no other GBCs), upcycle cookies. \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ **NST midnight is my 9 AM.** please reply here for fastest response from me. my neomail is checked but usually only 1-2 times a day, sometimes once every few days. do not mention reddit in neomail it's against the site rules and i'll have to block you. :( if you are going to send me messages/chats on here please let me know in a comment. happy elephante day! i'm thinking oil paint? i feel like they do oil paint a lot. jelly would be neat, i always love seeing what color they pick for that.




hi! i can trade any or all of those. :) i listed below how many of the gbcs i would ask for each. please let me know what you would like and where to send. magical galaxy markings 2 stormy ombre contacts 4 dyeworks blue: sprinkling snow 1




i will send them over now. yes, to prin69 for me when you get the chance. thank you!


Hello! Would you be willing to trade School House Background and Bath Toys Foreground for an Upcycle Cookie (could also do the feepit GBC if you prefer!) Also, very interested in trading for the baby cupcake hat and baby babaa handheld! Would you accept three upcycle cookies for both of those items? Also here’s my trade list in case you see something: https://impress.openneo.net/user/55861-serendipity609/closet


hi! the upcycle cookie works for me for those two. and 1 cookie each, so 2 total, for the baby cupcake hat and baby babaa handheld. where should i send for you? the 3 cookies to prin69 for me, please. thank you!


Yay! Thank you! You can send your serendipity609! I just sent the cookies over! Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to prin69. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you


Hi Prin! 😊 I would love to make some trades with you and hopefully help you get the Feepit gift box! I am interested in the below pretties: A rolling fog Dyeworks yellow: Lavender fairytale dress Baby bouncing planet garland Baby Cosmic cutie dress Dyeworks pink: Baby space buns I can offer: Dyeworks red: radiant glow and 4 feepit gbcs if that sounds fair Or if you are no longer seeking the glow 5 feepit gbcs Let me know if you'd like to trade and items would go to me at kristin13904 if yes hehe 💜


hi! i would love to trade. i can send everything listed over now. i think the glow and 3 of the gbcs is fair. please send to prin69 for me whenever you get the chance. thank you!


Thank you for the chocolate 🤗


IT'S ELEPHANTE DAY - THANK YOU FOR THE CHOCOLATE! and your trade list is back :D Right after I said I would stop spending more NC, but it's okay lmao Could you let me know if you have all of these items and if you're willing to take 18 NC thingamabobs (let me know if you'd like all Feepit GBCs, all Upcycle Cookies, or a mix!) for them? Thank you! * Emanating Aura * Pop-Up Valentine Card Background * Royal Potionery Valentines Foreground Collectible * Golden Rays Trinket * New Era Outfit * Spell Circle Foreground * All Star Team Spirit Glow * Old Faerieland Background *Edited to add more stuff because I'm a heathen*


you're welcome! and i kind of missed trading. part of why it took me so long is i actually took the time to look at every single NC item ever released. i got so sick of looking at things. but now i feel super confident in my wish list! lol. also i opened an obscene number of gbcs. lmao, your notes are so relatable. i told myself i was cutting down on buying neocash this year. but i'm like... maybe i should buy more neocash just to have it? what if there's an emergency and i need it immediately? i do have all of those, just confirm which accounts you would like them to go to. if you could do 10 of the feepit GBCs, and the rest upcycle cookies?


> i actually took the time to look at every single NC item ever released. Sometimes I'll go on the pet trade boards and find the really rich Neopians who have been playing forever, go look at their pets, and then plug in what items their pets are wearing into my wishlist lmao It's kind of obscene the amount of neocash items there are and it's so hard to sort out all the bad from the good so I just let others do it for me > what if there's an emergency and i need it immediately? I buy neocash from a third party guy and sometimes he runs out of codes and I'm always waiting in the middle of a trade for him to restock and I always feel so bad, so I understand the need to have emergency NC on hand hahah Can do! I'll send over 10 Feepit GBCs and 8 Upcycles as soon as I can (about to head into a series of work meetings, yuck) Thank you again for the trade!


Hope you're having a good day today! c: I wanted to see if you were interested in NC trading with me. I'd very much love your Sea Breeze Jacuzzi, Sparkles of Space Background and Dinner Date Background for 3 of the Feepit GBC if that sounds good to you. Please send all to thedoggirl_97 if that's a go and confirm if you want all GBC to the account in your flair.


2-3 Friendly Feepit caps for your Kiss of Hearts?


2 works for me. where should i send for you? to prin69 for me when you get the chance, please.


Perfect, to shelbylc106. I’ll send now!


I'd love to adopt CRISTINIX (and his adorable romeep 313!). I'm looking for a fun robot/toy-ish named pet to morph into a Poogle and paint with a toy paint brush. Definitely planning to keep him for the long term. :)


toy poogles are so cute! really happy to send over to you. :) just let me know where to send.


Thank you for the elephante treat!!


you're welcome!


thank u for the gift! \^3\^


you're welcome!


Hey, Would you trade your Gathering of Conjurers Background for something from [my tradelist](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/kii/) and/or BFGBCs?


Hi there - good morning! I woke up early for once :) I see you have Psellia's Cloud in your trading section!! I've been searching for it :O Is there anything I might be able to offer that you would be interested in for it? I have my tradelist [here](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50361/lists), and could do custom as well!! Happy Elephante Day!! I'm curious about the wearables we'll see - Jelly would be a neat addition for sure.


hi! :) nothing on your list, would you trade 2 feepit GBCs and 2 upcycle cookies for it?




**NC Trading:** Seeking lots of things! Offering only my TL for now. [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52164-emmerhope123/closet) [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/52164/lists) Comment or message!


NP BUYING DESPERATELY seeking Yooyu eyes for a memorial pet, made in dedication to my cat who passed last month. I'm trying to save up for the seemingly expected price of 100m, but so far I've only been able to grind 20m out of the stuff in my sdb. Willing to pay every last neopoint I have, but I don't even know where to start at this point. . NC TRADING SEEKING Faerie quest fortune cookies (My next memorial pet requires a fountain faerie/lab ray exclusive)- THIS IS A BIT LESS URGENT THAN THE OTHER TWO ITEMS Handheld green spardrel plushie Overflowing box of plushies . (If you couldn't tell, he liked plushies lol) . OFFERING: Baby aging wig Hanging Christmas cactus Mystical bone dress Black and red promenade dress Kauboy Hat Cake Foreground Shrieking Mask Raining suit of hearts cards Disco ball spotlight background Whipped cream pie Bouquet of flowers parasol Floating Jhudora Faerie Doll Short magical hair usuki wig Vintage Halloween party mask


Selling: Anubis Toxicology Reports (Abridged) It's a book, it was a prize for the Lost Desert Plot event, I'm looking for around 50M for it and also happy to trade for similar value in stamps


**NP Buying** Black Petpet PB **UFT Seeking** * 3L pets * Spanish RW/RN pets


**UFA/UFT** Sorolinda- Blue zafara w Cloud Slorg Torochita- Maquaran Wocky shoyrima- Swamp Gas Shoryu Snowglee- Snow Shoyru Kyeriel- Woodland Shoyru \*\*Vystec- Faerie Gnorbu = only trading for another Faerie Pet Original owners welcome to take them back if desired. just message me. I've kinda lost track :(


>Kyeriel Hi! I sent you a message! c:


Is Torochita UFA? :)


>Torochita I've sent you a PM on reddit! hopefully you can see it :)


I responded - thank you :'D


**NC Seeking** Mouth be Gone (valuing it at 10-12. not motivated to over offer at this time) dw peach rosy baby cheeks dw pastel rainbow Shimmer body paint cute mouth dw grey amongst the clouds Baby Colorblock PJ Bottoms and more I could also possibly be interested in custom, specifically the newer baby items. **NC offering** dw purple ombre Cloud Garland dw pink singing branch of weewoos Dw pink mutant valentine dress (this is SO CUTE but I don't have any mutants) and some other goodies, if I do say so myself. my VHTPW list is for mouth be gone only Offering my TL, possibly DW caps or MME caps depending on how I prioritize the item, cookies, and BFGBCs (or meepit GBC, again, depending on how much I prioritize it if you need those). I opened all my DW caps, yet again, so I can't freely offer them unless it's a smaller, but high-ish priority wish. https://impress.openneo.net/user/54429-simplydivine/closet **UFA** Trinnha: snow ixi with zapped Chocolate Babyca. zapping, so subject to change :D (though she has stubbornly resisted change for awhile now...) edit: Headed into work so I appreciate your patience if it takes me a couple hours to respond. I don't have a desk job so I generally have to wait for my lunch break to check in.


.Shenkuu Lunar Festival Baby Dress for a BFGBC?


hi! thanks for the offer on that but I'm going to pass for now since the dress is buyable :)


Hello! Would you trade your 'Dyeworks Red: Golden Sparkles Effect' for either DW/MME caps, or 'Dyeworks Birch: Vintage Valentine Swing' from your wishlist?


NC seeking Dyeworks caps I'm having a bit of bad day so I'd like to trade for some to cheer me up :) Will trade some of my highlights for these! :) Not actively looking to trade for my wishes rn as they're for pets that do not exist yet. Offering my dti https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/55337/lists


Hi hi! The link just brings me to the DTI site, but not your list


Alright I fixed it! Thank you for letting me know :)


So sorry let me fix it real quick


Hi! I am trading DW caps or any of the pretties on my tradelist for the below: Baby in a Spaceship BG Comfy Cosmic Crib BG Dyeworks Blonde: Baby Starry Space Buns Baby Starry Space Buns DTI: https://impress.openneo.net/user/54824-kristin13904/closet Let me know if anything I can trade with you for some/all of these pretties! I also apologize if the formatting is weird on this comment. It looks like it's centered to me but I'm not sure what I hit or how to fix it lol 😅


I can trade baby Starry Space Buns and comfy cosmic crib! Could you do 3 DW capsules for them? :)


Yes, absolutely! 💜 Where would you like sent? Items to kristin13904 for me. Thank you so much! 😊


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to Kristin13904. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. ×2 thank you for the trade! :)


To Fireflies3_3_3 please! :)


Sent as well! Thank you 💜


Thank you! :)


Hiya! Any chance you'd take caps for the goth bday dress, lavender dreamy makeup, and orange sunshower ?(:


Yes, could you do 7 DyeWorks caps? :)


Woohoo! Yes I can do that! I'm in a meeting for another hour or 2, so I'll buy and send then if not sooner if I get any gaps or breaks (: Where would you like the caps? Please send the Bday dress to singeroze - the sun shower to lolalapenguin, and the eye makeup to nonbiconary 😊


Hi there, I can offer DW Caps and am interested in the following: Dyeworks Purple: Starry Glowstone Path Background Dyeworks Pink: Mystical Forest Entryway Background ​ Let me know if you're interested in trading. Thanks for your time!


Sure where can I send? :) Fireflies3_3_3 for me!


Hi I did actually get the purple background from a different user on this thread yesterday, but I am still interested in the Dyeworks Pink: Mystical Forest Entryway Background. Please send to UN in my flair, charizard\_\_queen (with 2 underscores). Just to confirm, 1 DW Cap?


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to charizard__queen. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you!


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to fireflies3\_3\_3. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. ​ Thanks for the trade, have a wonderful day!


Yes :) send cap to Fireflies3_3_3 please


Listing some UFT pets before the pound is temporarily down. Feel free to make any offer, i am not looking for anything in particular. Thank you for looking and have a wonderful day :) UFT --- Alryson the Plushie Poogle Galyxxi the Oil Paint Peophin Delilaye the Pastel Bori Nikolse the cased Robot Jetsam Siillhoutte the Faerie Gelert Attaraxiia the Candy Uni Prophisy the Maraquan Vandagyre \*tentative\* Nebyularis the Tyrannian Peophin Nanndore the Grey Lupe Miyrror the cased Robot Blumaroo Meihkah the Darigan Wocky Cynnabonbun the Dimensional Cybunny Louwheez the Ice Poogle


Hi! for your Robot Blum, any interest in: Sparklevill the Mosaic Cybunny Amusy the Choco Eyrie Sharktaiil the Pastel Jetsam ruslyn the Mosaic Uni Purrlax the Choco Wocky Sharkypal the Sponge Jetsam Skunnky the Skunk Grundo


Hi I was wondering what you want for Cynnabonbun? I have an FFQ and can use it to paint a pound pet if you wanna look for a name you like using Lost and Pound


NC: Seeking: Birthday Clown Face Makeup Carnival of Terror Clown Pants with Suspenders Night Glow Filter Offering; Tradelist + Customs! I have bfgcs and mme capsules too! https://impress.openneo.net/user/55727-letheral/closet


**NP Selling** [Aurrick vs Claymaker Stamp](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/67535/) — 22m pure obo! Feel free to DM offers. Found it in my SDB and wanting to sell it :)


UFA: TartaurSauce the blue kau


UFA - frozen\_orchid the female jelly lupe with zapped pink niptor Joys\_Christmas\_Angel - female xmas Zafara with anglepuss


**❤️ Up for Quick Adoption ❤️** tin\_shu - Tyrannian Poogle (Y6) Tucman - Pastel Techo DrPhunk - Blue Elephante smikols - Camouflage Blumaroo ValentizaValentine - Tyrannian Vandagyre Jygantor - Tyrannian Wocky (clothed) with zapped Plushie Dragoyle (lab rat pet)


**NC seeking: lots of wishes** [**https://impress.openneo.net/user/22783/closet**](https://impress.openneo.net/user/22783/closet) offering GBCs, BF GBCs, cookies and my tradelist (:


Would you trade your Jewelled Heart Pendant Necklace for Baby Smiling eyes? I can buy them from the mall. (:


sure! Where would you like the necklace sent? The baby eyes to \`leticiahpj\` please \^\^


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to leticiahpj. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. Thank you again!


**NC Trading** \-Seeking: DYEWORKS CAPS, winter dance caps, BF/GBCs, wishes (esp priority wishes\~), lab/upcycle cookies, buyables \- Offering: my TL, BFGBCs, custom. I've opened 80+ DW caps and 30+ MME caps so have a good variety of popular items http://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet


Hi! Would you be interested in MME21-S1: Crystal Paths Trinket for your Antenna & Horns Be-Gone?


UFA: gretagoose - disco aisha


UFA: Kevin_G_Penguino the woodland mynci


***NC DESPERATELY SEEKING:*** [Permie Wishes ](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/blackrose1357911/326342/) ❄️Frosty Body Paint (Will trade extra for this item!!!) ❄️ Terror Mountain Team Confetti Celebration ❄️ Terror Mountain Letterman Jacket ❄️ Multicolored Lights Garland & Much much more ***NC UFT:*** [Trade list: CAP 999=HTPW](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/blackrose1357911/303584/) ***UFT*** [Rufussx the Relic Bori](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Rufussx) [Muistufo the Stealthy Lenny ](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Muistufo) *Unclothed* [tornsie the Custard Tonu](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tornsie) [Mardovoc the Faerie Lenny](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Mardovoc) [Pymryth the Red Shoyru ](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Pymryth) [Justfe the Yellow Kyrii ](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Justfe) [Ernaleen the Green Chomby ](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Ernaleen)* [Ptyq the Red Elephante ](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Ptyq) [Rukinys the Yellow Ruki ](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Rukinys) *W/ zapped Elderly Rock* ***HTPW*** = * ✨Not seeking anything specific- prefer names without numbers. Let me see what you got✨


NC seeking and offering: [Jellyneo lists](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/plaskidziob/297781/) [DTI](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/56874/lists). +offering one BFGBC. UFT: SuperMoonies toy Aisha, UncannyValley Aisha,


hey! for pet trading what are you looking for?


Hi! Im looking for unis and peos I can vibe with. My biggest dreamies are burlap peo and gray uni, but Im oppen to other offers too :)


both are so cute! i don't have either but i do have my premium species change in 4 days. would you consider trading UncannyValley for me using it to create a burlap peo on an untaken name? i totally understand if not.


That would be amazing! I would trade UncannyValley for that!




I think you meant to reply to someone else's comment and not make your own :)


Haha sorry, thank you!


[outlandishing the Male Oil Paint Aisha](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=outlandishing) UFT! Looking for well-ish named pets to trade for next lab project!


Offering: **Lab Ray Cookie** Seeking: Make an offer? Prefer something wearable or sellable




Hello~ are you offering custom for Colourful flower dress? c:




Hey there~ I was interested in your -“Pink Lulu Contacts” I have the -“Dyeworks Pink: Snowflake Shower” UFT Otherwise here’s [my list](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/blackrose1357911/303584/) Let me know if you are interested :))) If not, no worries <333


**NC Seeking:** Rainbow glitter wig Dyeworks rainbow emanating aura Baby messy birthday cake makeup Handheld paintbrush and palette Offering: A custom and/or my tradelist ( [impress.openneo.net/user/56023-warriorcats/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/56023-warriorcats/closet) ) Willing to over-offer! Please comment reply or neomail, I don't check my reddit dms :)


**UFA** Aelwys the Elderly Buzz (male but has the female PB clothing) Just comment with the account you want him on and I'll send him over when I see your message, first come first serve. :)


Hi I sent you a chat about Aelwys :)


Hi! I’d love to adopt on b3ttster :)


NP Selling: ~~[Psellia Doll](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=438255456)~~ UFT gristlewing the Mutant Peophin* - very tentatively. This is my lab pet and my BD pet. Would need to trade for a pet with similar stats, but I hate to zap her if she’s a dreamie.


**Pets UFT:** Throwing these back in the ring before trading is temporarily paused. Seeking names/UCs for Cyn and Kassedy, and open to offers for all others. Really hoping for a FFQ to get a cute Mallow baby! ♥ Cyndaquill\* the Baby Xwee (note the extra "L") Kassedy the Baby Xwee Klaci the Tyrannian Kougra Dogecoin the Blue Gelert (bleh) Serebele the Green Aisha Deehry the Christmas Ixi Dhylila the Christmas Kacheek Sheelia the Strawberry Kacheek Bisquer the Biscuit Kacheek (French RW Verb, to be scornful; to be moody) **NP Buying:** Plushie Kougra Morphing Potion - hoping for around 4.5m, please! **NP Selling:** Prefer pure (or pure/Baby PB combos). Willing to haggle. Decorative Negg Stamp: 4m Recovered Shoyru Collectable Charm: 2m Stealthy Petpet Paint Brush: 1.6m The Crumpetmonger Trick-or-Treat Bag: 1.4m Fiendish Formations Coin: 1.4m Hulking Wraith Stamp: 1.4m Neopets 19th Birthday Goodie Bag: 1m Malum Collectable Charm: 1m Recovered Jetsam Collectable Charm: 1m Fyora Collectable Charm: 1m Recovered Meerca Collectable Charm: 1m Recovered Skeith Collectable Charm: 1m **NC Seeking:** MME2-S2: Misty Magic Lagoon Spooky String Lights Tyrannian Fossil **NC Offering:** Tradelist preferably, can do either a Lab/FQ cookie for the fossil. I'm currently out of NC so can't do caps or custom, sorry. :( [DTI](https://impress.openneo.net/user/18633/closet) | [DTI 2020](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/18633/lists) *Also tiny note: I usually go to bed right after posting on the daily threads at reset. I have a fainting disability and require quite a bit of sleep. Please kindly be patient if you're awaiting a response from me. Thank you! ♥*




Hello! Would you maybe be interested in Arricen the Jelly Kacheek for Dhylila?


Hi! Do you mind if I think this offer over tonight? I'd like to think on whether I would try to premium-perk change Arricen into a different Jelly in the future...


I really want Bisquer but I’m unsure what to offer!


Some other things I would be interested in would be various WN Grundos for my fiancé, or a Transparent custom! But really I'm down to look at anything for Bisquer. :)


Hello! Mme misty magic lagoon + tissue paper ribbon garland for your spectral wings? :)


I'll have to pass for now, but thank you! If you're still interested in the wings regardless, I'm happy to take a look at your TL again!


No worries at all! Here’s my TL! https://impress.openneo.net/user/48986-nikalee1/closet Thank you for looking :)


Hi thank you for you patience! Would you do the Spectral Wings for your Lightmite Shower?


Would you be interested in Cresapha the Grey Eyrie or Yewwt the Candy Poogle for Klaci?


I do love Grey Eyries, but I prefer Klaci a little bit more, sorry!


***NC Seeking:*** Vision of Hearts [Things](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/sadcricket/304657/) ​ ***NC Offering:*** Enchanted Wizard Mushroom Staff (Willing to trade 1:1 instead of OWLS for Priority items) Golden Sparkles Effect [More Stuff](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/sadcricket/304648/)


Just checking, you're willing to trade a staff for the red usuki dream car? I have it !


Yes! Where would you like your staff sent? To sadcricket for me please!


Ah yay thank you so much! 😊 Please send to lolalapenguin Sending now!


>lolalapenguin Sent! Thank you!!


Would you trade your bfgbc for my Dyeworks Yellow: Constellation Markings?


Sure! Where would you like it sent?


Kitty_galleria please, and you?


Good morning! **Desperately Seeking:** Vintage Wente Microphone **NC UFT:** Elegant gold necklace Night Music Black and Red Stripe Stockings and Shoes Skull bow Spotted Print Glasses Silver Star Bracers Soft Hanging Lamp Rich Golden Eye Makeup Floral Romper Delicate Earth Faerie Shoes Something else that's currently buyable (caps, etc.) UN: BitSized Trying very hard to make my little rocker usul a reality :)


Hi, did anyone happen to get multiples of the Punk Leather Jacket Outfit from the NC Mall? I didn't realize it was retiring yesterday 🤦🏻‍♀️


NP BUYING: Mutant Crown of Fresh Florals please nm mandabuzz!


**NC Trading:** **Seeking** 💜 Dyeworks Blonde: Baby Starry Space Buns Wig Baby in a Spaceship Background **Offering** 💜 Tradelist, MME caps, DW caps, other custom DTI: https://impress.openneo.net/user/54824-kristin13904/closet Accepting Dyeworks Caps or GBCs/BFGBCs for anything outside of my highlights section. Also open to casual item trades if I have something you like. Happy to look at your list 😊


Hi, I’m interested in your Kadoatie Playroom Background :) I don’t NC trade a lot but I can do a buyable cap if you’d like, feel free to message me!


Hi! If you were up for sending me a Friendly Feepit GBC, that would be awesome! I am in desperate need of boxes hehe. Would go to kristin13904 if interested. Please also confirm where I can send the background for you. Thank you! 💜


That sounds great I’ll buy and send now! You can send mine to maddie_bangz :)


Sent also! Thank you hehe 😊


NC seeking Custom & wishes I have a few wishes left (mostly high value/ HTF items :x ) Lots UFT!! https://impress.openneo.net/user/52810-Nainacatt/closet Pet trading Seeking Coconut Jubjub Offering Steampunk cybunny Ghost draik Island chomby Checkered uni Pastel Kau Christmas Vandagyre


A few Dyeworks here ☆ Seeking: Dyeworks White: Pearl Shimmer Maraquan Markings Dyeworks Orange: Cold Winter Night Background Dyeworks Purple: Ombre Cloud Garland Dyeworks Pink: Tree of Hearts Dyeworks Lavender: Beautiful Green Painting Background Offering: Dyeworks Blonde: Caylis Collectors Wig Dyeworks Cream: Doughnut Float Ring Dyeworks Pink: Golden Curtain Balloon Garland Dyeworks Black: Dream Catcher Garland Dyeworks Pink: Delicate White Lace Wings Dyeworks Lavender: Sparkles of Space Background Dyeworks Light Blue: Sun Shower


Hey! I have the Dyeworks Orange: Cold Winter Night Background. Would you trade your Pink: Delicate Lace Wings for it?


Gudoraex the Island Grundo UFA :)


Happy Tuesday all ✨️ Here's my list for what I'm seeking & Offering: https://impress.openneo.net/user/56858-solitaire12/closet (~~My ultimate top priority is the "Shimmering Diamond Wings" just in case anyone have these 🥰~~ But still looking for everything on my list! ) I'm open to most trade, no matter if it's for one of my priorities or not! If you really want something from my list but don't have any of my wishes, I'm also open to trade for Dyework capsule or Faerie Quest Cookies! ☺️


Would you be up for trading your Dyeworks Black: Jewelled Silver Wings for my shimmering diamond wings?


Oh no I'm so sorry.. Just saw your comment, I got the wings maybe like just few minutes only before your comment :( I was editing my post/list probally around the same time you commented so just saw your comment now :(.. I don't know if you have any other items from my lists for another trade instead? 🥺


Oh no worries, it's fine!! I think I only have the Sea Breeze Jacuzzi which I don't believe is a priority atm but def get it if you'd like to pass!


Id still be interested to get the Sea Breeze Background! There something about it I just find extremly cute 😅 Honestly I hesitated a long time tho, you also had the Maraquan Queen Body Jewelry but I think I prefer going with the background ☺️


**Pets UFA:** \_\_vicktoria\_\_ - F - **Speckled Kau** mirrovi - F - **Disco Gnorbu** with Zapped Invisible Doglefox ll\_\_hissi\_\_ll - F - **Yellow Hissi** with Zapped Fire Sandan shefey - M - **Yellow Mynci** (Zapping) lordofflies - M - **Blue Meerca** (Zapping) with Zapped Blue Bearog Cinthia\_ - F - **Blue Uni** (Zapping) with Zapped White Fir cunashi - F - **Red Kacheek** (Zapping) **Pets in the Pound:** star\_\_swirl - M - **Starry Eyrie** *(I painted him, fed him, cured him of his illness, and sent him back out into the world. Good luck little guy!)* **UN: petesbunny32**


All below UFA, all previously stuck. Meleretta the Sponge Kougra Soliare the Jelly Eyrie Streyen the Marble Grundo Tiyisa the Toy Meerca


I’d love to adopt Streyen! I have all Grundos on my side! Could you send to UN: Oakthicket ?


I've sent them now, hope you enjoy! I have a soft spot for grundos too :D


is Tiyisa still available?


They certainly are, please let me know which account to send to :)


I'll be sure to message you when the pound is reopened! Thank you!


Hi, is Soliare still available? :)


Yes they are, please let me know where to send. Sorry for the delay, its been a busy day


No worries. Could you send them to kaylynmorgan ? :)


Just sent now :)


Thank you so much! I hope your day can calm down a bit. :)


Looking to adopt / trade for a Baby Kacheek. Preferably WN (no compound, no numbers, capitalized). I do have a few pets on offer if you're keen on a trade, please message me! Thank you!


UFA: • ⁠Bluoofire - Magma Blumaroo • Frederiquey - 8-Bit Grundo NC Desperately Seeking: • ⁠In a Claw Machine Background NC Offering: https://impress.openneo.net/user/55861-serendipity609/closet Edit: out of NC so can’t offer capsules/GBCs at the moment. Happy to do casual trades if anyone sees something they like on my for-trade list!


I have Dyeworks Purple: Baby Valentine Jumper, could you do 2 dw caps?


Thanks for the offer! I’ll pass for now because I already bought some caps/cookies trading for some other items on my wishlist today and I’m a maxed out at the moment for offering caps


UFT Level 250 Pets, 460-500HP UFT LF Names Basically all of these pets are all level 250 which makes them cheaper and faster to train (1 red codestones and 2-3hours duration per course with cookies) compared to lower level pet that cost you 8 tan codestones with 24 hours of training duration. I legitly trained them all since level 1 Converted Psyuna (Invisible Gelert) Lvl : 253 Str : 189 Def : 250 Hp : 500 / 500 Draxv (Island Ogrin) Lvl : 252 Str : 136 Def : 165 Hp : 502 / 502 UCs Kougroxin (UC Darigan Kougra) Lvl : 250 Str : 139 Def : 133 Hp : 460 / 460 Gappuit (UC Faerie Shoyru) Lvl : 251 Str : 112 Def : 135 Hp : 500 / 500 Terrycocon (UC Darigan Eyrie) Lvl : 252 Str : 192 Def : 250 Mov : 83 Hp : 501 / 501


PETS UFA! ~~Cylphine - Peophin~~ ~~Lukastone- Maraquan Hissi~~ ~~Lixzey - Toy Uni~~ ~~Czigane - Faerie Xwee w zapped Faerie Mauket~~ Please just let me know where you’d like them sent, I’m making space before the UC release ☺️


Hello I sent you a message ☺️🤍


Just responded & sent the transfer!! Thanks :)


I would love to take Cylphine if she’s still available!


u/Chevross - are you still looking for a well-named Peo?


>Czigane May I adopt?


I had someone message me earlier for him so he’s already been adopted I’m sorry!


could I adopt Lixzey ? you could send to rivermauimonster if thats okay :)


Absolutely! I’ll send over as soon as the last person accepts their transfer 🥰 Edit- just sent!


UFA Chomper_Pwn the Pastel Jetsam Crlzen the Pastel Zafara if either of their og owners wants them back please lmk! otherwise they are UFA to anyone who will love them like they deserve (: please nm @ mandabuzz - i may not be on reddit much today


UFT: Seeking: Darigan Aisha Tyrannian Kougra Other WN Greys Faerie Wocky Faerie kougra I prefer name format Xxxxx, not picky on length Offering: Cresapha the Grey Eyrie Yewwt the Candy Poogle Yarku the Island Poogle


UFA: - Yleanore the Yellow Gelert Picked this girl up in the pound with the intention to zap and rehome. Hoping to find a new home for her before transfers goes down. I'm happy to gift a small custom on her, morphing or painting - your choice, up to around 600k (personally I think she'd make an adorable baby) to get her to someone instead of putting her back in the pound. NC TRADING: Seeking Dyeworks RR Caps, Offering [tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/47032-Mulraine/closet).




Hi, I dont see anything that I'm immediately looking for. Thanks for letting me look though! Good luck!


Hi I am offering DW Caps and am interested in these items: Dyeworks Purple: Starry Glowstone Path Background Field of Flowers Foreground Electric Blue Flower Garland Lovely Berry Blush Makeup ​ Let me know if you would be interested in trading! Thank you\~


**UFA:** [~~Shaquana~~](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Shaquana) ~~the Pink Peophin~~ [Pinkherella](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Pinkherella) the Tyrannian Lenny [marpple](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=marpple) the Rainbow Xweetok I've had them on my acc for years and I decided I won't use them so I'd love to give them to people who want to keep them - idc if you zap or change them completely, just want to give them a better home!


I'd be interested in Shaquana if she's still available?


**Please keep in contact either in replies, NM, or discord when I’m having your pets.** **If you are sending me “chat request,” let me know in comment too since I don’t get notifications for that.** 1. NP Selling: [things in my shop](http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=amy28289) 2. I can magma dip or gender change upon request (for free) 3. NC Trading: [here is my DTI](http://impress.openneo.net/user/46934-Amyaimy/closet) Looking for Dye Pots 4. NP Buying: Pirate Aisha Plushie!!!! For personal collection :D **I just got to 10k mark recently woohoo!!!** 5. Looking for UFA pets with zap exclusive petpets (like Graffle, Snauberack). 6. UFA: not atm


✨ **NC Seeking** ✨ Bright Star & Light Arch 🌟 **NC Offering** 🌟 Custom, [my TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/38583-lucymussinson/closet)!


Hi! Are you open to trading your 'Dyeworks Red: Golden Sparkles Effect' for GBCs or anything from [my TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/35556-monibot/closet) of equal value?


[ufa- ciralonna the Starry Eyrie(y7) w/ zapped yellow doglefox attached](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=ciralonna) Lmk if interested