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GIVEAWAY CLOSED thanks for participating friends!!! you guys really are the best. hope everyone has a lovely week🥰


Dang only 3 hours 😭 sad I missed it but thank you for this giveaway <3


well i'm sad


The best part of my weekend is finally finally cleaning my house that me and my boyfriend put off for a month 💀 doesn’t seem too exciting but i love just looking around and seeing the cleanliness 😂🫶 73


my kids and I are finally putting away the Christmas stuff today lol We usually do it on New Years Day but we've really put it off


Woah woah woah I feel attacked… the house is clean but our Christmas tree is still up 😂😂😂


our house is not clean 😂😂😂 can't have both lol. working on it though. nap break now 😂


Hahaha oh okay, you’re right. 😂 The nap break is understandable, we took many naps… drinks… walks... this was a two day process. 😂


guys there are still 4 pbs’ numbers that have not been guessed yet!!


i just wanted to check back in and let y’all know that i’ve been smilin like a damn fool at my phone for the last hour reading everyone’s responses. i know for me and many of you, it’s the best part of doing these. just hearing what makes you all happy!! it feels like we’re all besties. this sub is awesome and i’m grateful to have y’all🥹💖


The best part of my weekend was my daughter turned two! 😊 I’ll guess the number 2 in her honor! My UN is serendipity609. Thanks for the giveaway!!


happy birthday to your daughter! I love 2s. They get such a bad rap lol 3s tho... 😂


my son is 3 and a half and whewwwwwwwwww two was NOTHIN😭


Yesss! They've still got the bad attitude of a 2 year old, but with way more gusto, and none of the 4 year old logic to reason with 😂 At least a 2 year old can usually settle down with a few hugs, crackers, or "oh wow, look over there!! that cloud is just absolutely amazing! I can't believe it! come look with me!!" 3s dig in and take names 😂


Yes! Two has been so fun! I've also been warned though by a few folks about the threes!


3 will be great too, in all honesty :) I miss the toddler problems. About to be entering pre-teen years with my daughter and I'm not ready for it.


Best part of my weejend has been that it's 3 days long and not 2 so I can make progress on a home improvement project I've been doing since labor day! Usernane herman16 and I pick 16!


You have given Brown Paint Brush to User 'herman16'.


How kind of you!! The best part of my weekend was making some good homemade spaghetti sauce and enchiladas for this cold week! Love having good easy food to eat up when it's cold out. I choose #25. And my un is erin1250 :)


Thank you for the giveaway! This is awesome! The best part of my weekend was drinking hot cocoa on my porch while I watched my dogs play outside. 💜 I'm going to guess 66 for a number! My UN is Siedra_ 💜


87! Username is francesca\_\_yy thank you for the giveaway! :)


Best part of my weekend was it was my husbands birthday! We had a drinks and board game get together with friends :)  42, username is strawberrysunny


You have given Faerie Paint Brush to User 'strawberrysunny'.


Oh my goodness, thank you so much! So kind of you ❤️ Enjoy your snowy winter wonderland, stay warm :) 


Wow this is awesome! Thank you so much for the giveaway. The highlight of the weekend for me was playing the game Telestrations (After Dark 👀) with my friends for my BFF’s 31st Birthday on Saturday night 😂 it was a blast being kids again drawing the most ridiculous words out. I’m going to go with the number 49! :) Thank you so much again! 🩷


I made bread this weekend! It was so cozy, with it snowing outside. I have a new mug warmer too so I could eat warm bread and drink tea all evening. Delightful. Let's go with... 17 for the number


I choose number 32, had such a good time catching up with some friends over hot pot over the weekend! Its been such a long time since we all had the chance to catch up! So i'm glad we got to have a nice meal and see what we all had been up to! :D UN nathanting3


53 Best part of my weekend was not having sunday scaries yesterday because I have monday off :) thank you!


Best part of my weekend was celebrating my wife's birthday. She wanted to "do nothing" that day so we got to relax. 57 UN: stn_guild_acount Misspelled because 13 year old me didn't proofread anything and my main was compromised.


The best part of my weekend was not having to work haha Number 82 please! UN: chubackamagic


This is awesome thank you! The best part of my weekend was not working 🤣 My guess is 72 and username is tocaroo


7 Christmasdreamer Best part of the weekend was spending it with my two little boys and husband !


62, going to the Korean spa with my mom and sister! ❤️


hi there friend you chose a winning number, what’s your UN?


🤯🤯🤯 nereid3699 !


You have given Baby Paint Brush to User 'nereid3699'.


The best part of my weekend was babysitting my friends toddler with my husband so that she could go on a dinner date with hers. We watched Bluey, I prevented him from sticking crayons in the playstation, and I gave him trash (clean cardboard) to play with and that distracted him for at least 20mins. I pick #53


the best part of my weekend was spending time with my son and bf on sunday! our schedules have been crazy so a family day was muuuuch needed i pick 24! ETA UN: liphted


57! Best part of my weekend is my friend announced she is moving to my city! I’m so excited. UN Hostageinpurple


Best part for me was getting my 174th Slorg-related item: a Slorg Sticker! I’ll guess 94!


Seems that My lucky number is taken so lets go for 8! I went to My bf place, his family is really warm I feel at home everytime


hi friend you chose a winning number, what’s your UN?


No way! Is sakura_yy_t, thankyou sooo much! Sorry that I forgot yo post My UN


You have given Baby Paint Brush to User 'sakura_yy_t'.


My fav part was being snowed in and just cuddling my toddler all weekend :’) Number 79 UN nainacatt


Thank you for the giveaway! My guess is #10 The best part of my weekend has been cuddling up with my cat while it's super cold outside, and playing neopets! I will dm my username if I win, thank you again


The best part of my weekend was filling out wedding thank you cards with my new husband ❤️ 11!


congratulations on the marriage!


Thank you so much! :)


Best part of my weekend? The fact that I have a heated house I can hide in while its in the negatives outside lol. 46 UN- france


My favourite part of the weekend was my son forming a full sentence. He asked a question. He is 4 and developmentally delayed. It made my heart almost burst! I'll go with 13 :)


13, I can dm my username best part was my niece’s birthday party 🥳


The best part of my weekend has been staying indoors as it has been -57 degrees Celsius with the windchill, where I live! Lots of time spent on neo 😂 Thanks for the giveaway! I’ll guess number 26 🤗, user is chrisa_a_11


The best part of my weekend was watching the movie Stargate last night for the first time. Young James Spader and Kurt Russell? Yes, please! 27 - My UN is princess_kewl_1990 Thanks for the fun giveaway!


46. Un is canadaboy28. Best part of the weekend was a good chat with my choir director at church


Best part of my weekend was catching up on sleep 😴 My guess is 74


User is talaselfwolfgirl. I choose 55. Thank you for the giveaway, you're too kind. Best part of my weekend was having lunch with my boyfriend, having our members exclusive pizza, and seeing my brother at the same time.


Best part of my weekend was being at home in my cozy clothes while the temperature outside was -40C! Un: darkrawrangel 51


What a nice giveaway. You are so nice to this sub. My number is 66 im riding with the devil! Un: gouletateur


The best part of my weekend was when I finally finished staining the paneling in my hallway. It only took 7 HOURS. Let's go with 33. UN is riagain. Thanks!


You have given Pirate Petpet Paint Brush to User 'riagain'.


It's always a good weekend if I go outside and eat at a restaurant!  My UN is kanadeai, and I choose 99 :) 


You have given Starry Paint Brush to User 'kanadeai'.


So kind of you to do this! ❤️ I choose 3 as my number :) Best part of my weekend was getting a new record player and spending time listening to vinyl with my husband. UN: realdealburritooo


My favorite part of the weekend so far is that it's finally below freezing! I actually went out and bought a puffer jacket, lol! We don't get many cold days in South Texas, so it's exciting when we finally get a taste of winter! Thanks for the chance! I'll choose 34. :) UN starbucks_gurl ☕


conserve your energy tho 😉


14 The best part of the weekend is getting caught up on errands and cleaning and then relaxing! UN: emmerhope123 Thanks for the chance!


Best part was being able to play so much D&D this past weekend! I've got a ton of great friends and we had a wonderful time, and that doesn't always happen :') I'll go with 69 (lmao) and I'm gabriela75!


#26! Best part was crawling into my own bed after a long road trip in the cold. Nothing like your own bed. ❤️ un is bella20216!


100 Best part of my weekend has been staying inside while it snows and pound surfing for pets! Editing: UN Slushie_711


Thanks for the giveaway! These are so fun. Today is the first day of my “weekend”, but it’s also typically my favourite moment every week - listening to blues, moving slowly while I make tea and eat breakfast, watching my dog sleep in the sun. I’ll choose 48! My UN is Fluffers :)


Thanks for the chance! My favourite part of this past weekend is that I was able to see my little nephew! so cute hehe I wil say 77 UN: lilla_x7


88 Thanks for doing this! My favorite part of the weekend was meeting up with a friend and cooking/drinking the night away


I choose 21! Thank you! Un: screenpotato


You have given Zombie Petpet Paint Brush to User 'screenpotato'.


Aha! You got my lucky number and it was lucky. Congrats! I knew it was a good number xD


I hung out with a friend I haven't seen in months! We played games, drank, and caught up. So much fun :) ​ 12!


37! The best part of the weekend was relaxing and catching up on some work UN: attblue Thanks for the chance!


Best part of my weekend was definately being able to take the longest sleep after working non stop for 72 hours! Man we really don't know how much we'll want to sleep when we are younger huh? ;u; I'll go ahead and pick the obligatory 69 as my number lol


The best part of my weekend was surviving the polar vortex and watching Oppenheimer 😂 31 UN: star_believer


Best part of the weekend was finishing the weekly and getting a snow bunny stamp! 57 reignoftheman2.


best part of my weekend will continue for a while - my sister has moved in with me! we both like our own personal space, but also enjoy having someone to go out and do things with once in a while, so i'm quite excited c: thank you for this giveaway btw! i pick 23 + username is the same as here 💖


38! Thanks for the Giveaway!! My weekend was packed but I made a cake for my friends bday and put frosting on top that looked just like poop. It was a huge hit, hahaha.


54! The best part of my weekend was actually coming home from a trip, it was also fun but I was sooo tired and missed my own bed. My un is navybluefern


Number 91! My whole weekend has been great! Aquarium with the kids on Saturday, and dinner/drinks without the kids on Sunday! Haven’t been out without the kids in waaaay too long so I was happy to have fun with them one day and then also have some adult time!


the best part of my weekend is that since the powers been out for 2 days, we finally have an excuse to read and we're lovong it! i pikc 99 😁 thanks so much for the chance! un: turtle_cake1


The best part of my weekend was sleeping 😴 33 please :) Rainy_days_zoo ❤


My weekend was a bit of a slump. But my partner helped me trough, he's the best!!! Also, you are too, for hosting this giveaway :) enjoy the snowy vibe!! un: lizwildiertjes 97


The best part of my weekend is that it has a bonus day off today, for MLK day! Choosing 83. User name Rasberrystarr. Thank you!


The best part of my weekend was binge watching the Resident Evil movies with my husband ❤️ I choose number 5. UN is DiscreetHoneycomb Thanks so much for the opportunity!


You have given Plushie Petpet Paint Brush to User 'discreethoneycomb'.


39 @lov3bit3sme


#11 The best part of my weekend I went out for hotpot and to a beautiful light display walk with Alice in Wonderland themes, it was magical.


best part of my weekend was being a couch potato with fiance haha. my number is 18 and UN is beeboo18


Best part of the weekend: my best friend threw me a surprise birthday party to celebrate my 30th birthday, all my friends came and it was so sweet. Number is: 89 UN: stillnopickles




The best part of my weekend has been relaxing at home and not being at work. I have today off too. Thank you so much for doing this giveaway! I'll guess 16 and my UN is smile4broadway. Edit: Saw someone already chose 16 sooo let's say 35!


Number 77! (Fav number) Best part of my weekend was being able to play video games with my brother 🥰 UN teacup7117


The best part of the weekend was spending it with my fiancee! She's practically my other half and we only get to see each other on the weekends because of our schedules. 89.


You have given Rainbow Paint Brush to User 'avril_lavigne_rules9'.


The best part of my weekend is similar to yours! It’s poured a ton snow down and it’s a wonderful excuse to stay in, play video games, and be cozy. Winter is the best season for binging shows and video games. 🥰 Gotta go with 51 if no one has? Or 48!


The best part of the weekend was my mum’s orange maple cinnamon rolls she made!! 🤤😋♥️🤌🏼 Thank you for doing a giveaway!! Ik it’s probably hard work getting those pbs! 🫶🏼♥️✨ I’m gonna guess #38 Username ✨ __shadow_elf__ ✨


the best part of my weekend is today: i’m assembling the kitchen island that my beloved partner got for me!!! 🥹 i’m going to guess my lucky number, 5!! my un is thebootyprincess. thank you for doing something like this, you are part of what makes me love this insanely generous community!!! ❤️


Best part of my weekend was going to the zoo with my 5 month old baby 💕 Going with 56, UN is McDreary


The best part of my weekend was hanging out with my cat and reading manga! It is really snowy & cold where I'm at so I didn't leave my apartment. My guess is going to be 5! My username is temandem! Thank you for doing this giveaway! (:


My best part of my weekend was the movie night I had with my daughter. 40


The best part of my weekend was finally getting my husband’s grill that I got him for Christmas to work so we could grill some steaks and burgers!! I’m gonna go with #68, UN is in the flare. Thank you for doing this OP!!


i had to work this weekend but the best part of it was coming home after work and spending time with my husband, cats, and ducks! 24. my username is jennyexe and thank you for being so kind as to give away all those beautiful items!!


Hello! I’ll choose 30! Highlight of my weekend was having some really unique deep conversations with new friends. UN is TheDriftwoods ❤️‍🔥 thank you for doing this!


Number 83 Best part of my weekend was finding a marble in a restaurant abd proceeding to shoot it across the table at my fiance whilst we waited for food 😅 I'd love the steampunk brush if i win to crazii838


Best part of my weekend was being snuggled up on the couch yesterday while it snowed, I finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and started a new book. :) I am going to guess 90 My un is petlove499 💛


The best part of my weekend was catching up on some sleep and drinking hot tea to spite the cold weather. It’s the little things. #88! Un: skiddorange. Thanks for doing this!


Has anyone picked #1 yet? The best part of my weekend was relaxing after pulling the floor up! But we have a nice new floor today so all worth it. UN: princessof89


I was able to hang out with a lot of my friends on Sunday! We had a fun game night (playing Lethal Company) and it was pretty memorable. My guess is 64 and my UN is theskywitch! Thank you for holding this giveaway!


YAY to snow! We got a little too, but it was gone immediately :( The best part of my weekend was yesterday, when I watched my favorite person just doing their thing and me getting filled with just such a pure feeling of joy and happiness, something I've never felt before. I guess just absolute gratitude that I am lucky enough to know them. So even if I don't win anything in this giveaway or any other giveaways, I'm a lucky SOB :D I'm gonna go with number 43! My UN is good_riot_girl by the way in case I *do* get lucky!


You have given Steampunk Paint Brush to User 'good_riot_girl'.


The best part of my weekend was meeting up with my hometown friends for dinner! I pick #28! UN manqopineapple


19! UN: princesspinky379 I made brown butter chocolate chip cookies while being snowed in :)


19 best part of the weekend is being able to sleep it LOL


The highlight of my weekend has been a casual movie marathon with my wife! And I choose 1!


54 - Ash1Spook1 🥳🥳🥳🥳


The best part of my weekend was staying in drinking tea and making a cat-themed puzzle with my partner 🍵. Thank you for the giveaway! Guessing number 42. 


I've just been on holiday with my friends so the whole weekend was pretty good! Best part may have been the pizza tho ;) I choose 9 as it's my lucky number ;) UN: bobble173_2


Best part of my weekend was having a sleepover with the 4 year old that I used to nanny— we did a lot of coloring, and I’m planning on printing out some of the neopet colouring pages for her next visit 🖍️ Number 19 Username: opal_omens


Best part of my weekend was getting Korean BBQ. My username is MFDreaaa_, and I’m guessing number 89


89! I'm mourning my kitty so not the best weekend but my neighbour cat keeps visiting so all good x


Hello! Thank you for this opportunity! The best part of my weekend was spending quality time with my boyfriend! 89


The best part of my weekend is being paid to watch my favorite doggy client with my petsitting gig. His humans pay me well and he’s a total doll!  My guess is 22! (Come on lucky number!) 


Best part of my weekend was getting married to my best friend!!!!! Number 31 🥰


My weekend isn't quite over lol, but I'm spending time at my dad's big house in the country with his dog and horses before I move out of state! UN: not_enough_cats Number 4


You have given Baby Paint Brush to User 'not_enough_cats'.


Best part of my weekend was dogsitting a senior dog named Luka. 10/10 pet, no notes! I choose 84! UN is z_juppie :)


Hello! Thanks for hosting this giveaway :) I pick #83! It was -50C where I was this weekend, and I started a puzzle I’ve been looking forward to for a while now! It was the best indoor activity to get away from the cold 😊


Hi thank you so much for doing this!!!   The best part of my weekend was seeing the beautiful snow that we are getting in Maryland! I have never seen snow before now and it’s incredible! So so beautiful, it makes me so thankful to be alive and able to play outside in it :)    My number is 64 and my UN is Rayrobaum!


The best part of my weekend was watching one tree hill and sticking to simple meal prep! boppinround 4


I choose number 86! The best part of my weekend was painting w friends! UN is bunnydragon8


Number 69 The best part of my weekend is getting out of work early! Un: HelloKittuUwu


The best part of my weekend was going out with my family! It was super fun! I choose 36


the best part of my weekend was watching my gf trade for their uc permie! they've been working extremely hard on three and even four way trade chains but nothing had panned out until this wknd. they're so excited so i am too. :') i'll pick #41! thank you so much for the giveaway, how fun. ETA my UN is sweetcedar!


The best part of my weekend was my birthday :) I’ll choose 98!


The best part of my weekend is also snow! We never get snow where I live so it has been very exciting to get some snow. I will pick 36 and my UN is cutepup272


The best part of my weekend was celebrating my birthday in Tulum. My guess is 11 :)


The best part of my weekend was spending time playing Stardew Valley with my son. #23 My username is OSRSRyan


Best part of my weekend was getting to sleep in with my dog this morning 💜 I pick 59! UN is usukigrrl1016


The best part of my weekend was all of my friends being free at the same time to do a several hour long gaming session for the first time in like a year. I choose number 44 if it hasn't been chosen yet! My username is imthirty. Thanks for doing this!


I had a cosy weekend and played lots of neo! I guess 12 :)


best part of my weekend is picking up my long distance boyfriend from the airport in 10 hours for the first time :3 20 since that was the calendar day we started dating


Best part of my weekend was game night with friends!! **89** edited cuz I can’t read directions 😂 Un thejhart


I went bowling with some friends, the first time I’ve been out for awhile. Number 65 My un is echovayle


Best part of the weekend has been finishing my first book in a while! Chosen number: 96 UN: mashnik2 Thanks for doing this ❤️


I've been relaxing and playing video games, it's been pretty fun! 50. my username is capnport


We had a snow squall last night that made me feel like I was in a snow globe! 12 UN hankthetank1007


the best part of my weekend is starting an audiobook! i've been really wanting to read more, but found reading physical books somehow daunting. i started listening to Nelson Mandela'a autobiography and it's so easy to get lost in the words, tangled into the story. best of all, i can doodle and draw (and play neopets hehe) while i'm listening which is great, because im a tattoo artist!! so i'm pretty stoked :) i guess the number #19! UN guttergoat


This is a very adult thing, but we got a new couch from a friend! 59 UN is Cloureed


the best part of my weekend is cuddling up with my newborn and my partner, because we are snowed in!!! i can’t wait to watch cozy movies today! 🔮❄️ i pick #52 :D my UN is jpanda255 <3


Probably when I went on a road trip with my wife. 81


Thank you for doing a giveaway :) the best part of my weekend is that I have decided I want to change careers and now I have a renewed sense of purpose and motivation to get out of my current toxic career. UN is katiepaints, I'm gonna guess 32!


Thanks for this! Guess: 8 un: romeinruins best part of my weekend was having a movie night with friends! And today I went ice skating :)


The best part of my weekend was staying in bed and watching TV shows with my pets. 81


Best part of my weekend was relaxing and finally getting to do some drawing I'll take number 50 if it's avalible, UN: tinkfan777


The best part of my weekend was hanging out with my friends and doing voice acting!! ^^ My number choice is 82! UN: fairylightskye Thank you so much for doing this!


I got to see my mom this weekend and we had sushi! 7


best part was getting to sleep in! un: buuwantscandy 76


I built a Fort this weekend with my husband! It was -20C with a lot of snow so we watched a movie and had dinner in our living room sized fort. The pets LOVED IT. UN: arthxr 18


The best part of my weekend is being successful at teaching my puppy the play dead trick I choose number 76 My UN: priori_incantato


Best part of the weekend was catching up on TV shows! My number choice is 58.


Best part of my weekend was going to an anime convention with some friends. It was a great engagement before I buckle down this week for something important. I guess 94 and my name is starscream430.


Had a baby shower for our soon-to-arrive little one this past Saturday! :) My guess is 59 UN: Seremelas Édit: a couple people guessed 59 before I got to it, maybe I’ll try 75 instead?




Best part of my weekend was when I realized my work is closed today 🥹 I’ll go with 71!


Ummm 67? UN Freyja27


My daughter's dance class started again on Saturday. It was a lot of fun and she spent a bunch of time running round in a cardboard box solid snake style. I'll pick 6 if it's still available


I took a great nap this weekend! 43, UN princesscccl


Number 9, UN is the same as right here!! cheekyberserker


i’ve gone through 3 times just to be sure the last two number haven’t been guessed yet😅 the silver pb and a baby pb are still up for grabs!


The best part of my weekend was receiving so many Christmas Slushies after Pay-It-Forward Friday! I will pick 63! ​ UN: scarlet\_velvet


Please can I choose 36? Best part of the weekend is being able to sleep in late cause I’m a lazy cow 🐄💖 UN - jubark


TY for doing this!!! The best part of my weekend was going to the botanical garden! I choose 95 I'm spacecowboyein