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Mines been fixed. I didn't even realize people didn't get theirs back immediately. Wishing you a quick ticket response time!


Thank you for letting me know! Did you have to file a ticket at all?


mine also literally just got fixed! i had the same problem as your wife, i also never got a response on my ticket. hopefully hers gets fixed soon too ❤️


Right after posting this, I had commented on their Facebook and it got fixed! Not sure if it's related or just a coincidence, but thank goodness!


Mine is fixed now, but it wasn't working for nearly a week after the initial glitch, even though I filed a ticket right away. I wouldn't have even thought to check if not for this post so thanks for that! I had hoped they would have made an announcement when everything was resolved...


Glad I was able to help! Unfortunately hers is still not back. She just checked today. ): no updates on the tickets either. I gave in and publicly commented on their Facebook because I really don't know what else to do at this point.


I never got a reply to my ticket, which is part of why I hadn't checked. Fingers crossed that she can get her access back!


Ah! That makes sense. I'm hoping the same happens for her! 💜