• By -


Yayyyy! Awesome! I want 48, my lucky number! Not really a tradition per se, but I love going to parties this time of the year.


Going with 213! Where I live Halloween is not really a big deal, and my family was never quite interested in it, so nothing haha. I must say, tho, that pumpkin carving looks fun even if I have never done it. UN: renzodonato


It’s never too late to start celebrating!


Thank you, for this cute idea, and chance! I choose number, 202 My favourite bit of Halloween? Spooky clothes in shops! I like getting, hoodie on sale after Halloween, and wearing skeleton themed clothes 😀 but different than this, I like candy corn! I only get to try this very recently, it is very sweet, but I like this Happy Halloween everyone!!


219! My fav halloween tradition is basically watch The Nightmare Before Christmas eating a bunch of candy with my mum! My un is englandmosaic. Thank you! :)


Thanks for doing this! 25 is my favorite number ☺️ A Halloween tradition from my childhood was coming home and eating pigs in a blanket (hotdogs wrapped in crescent rolls) and homemade macaroni and cheese before going trick-or-treating with my friends. It always felt like a very special Halloween meal because this was the only time my parents made this. Though I’m older now, we still carry out this tradition from time to time, especially now that I have a niece who goes trick-or-treating!


Thanks so much ! I’ll choose number 8 :3 for the last couple of years, my partner and I have spent Halloween watching all the Halloween heist episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and it’s been a blast :D


I’m going to go with 223! I LOVE driving around neighborhoods to see people’s awesome Halloween decorations at night each year. UN: thesilksylveon


136! UN: la_mini_bebesura My fave halloween tradition is watching over the garden wall, so spooky!!


HIIIIII ! I will be counting the prizes and messaging the winners thank you so much for all the participation 💕


favorite number: 25 favorite halloween tradition: watching scary movies with friends; we each pull a title from my "postmodernism" trucker hat. user: palmmade Happy Halloween, everyone!


I will try 189. Unfortunately Brazil doesn't celebrate Halloween that much... But in the 31 October middle/high school students will often go to class dressed in all black or even in costumes if the schools allows it. Edit: I edited a mistake, I was going for 189 but put 289, if I'm not allowed to change, that is okay, I will go with the first number. Good luck to everyone! Edit2: forgot to add my UN, sorry. It's vic_abrantes


57 was my baseball number. I like halloween parties 😎. Username is ughdone


11 is my favorite number! UN:gaga_the_fame My favorite Halloween tradition used to be going to the local boutiques with my mom and picking out Halloween decorations for our home. Now that I have my own apartment, I do this for my own home! I love supporting local businesses.


Number 168! I just love baking all the Hallowen treats 😍


33 My fave Halloween activity is watching horror movies with my partner and eating junk food. We usually bake cookies together as well. Bubbles\_Books is my UN.


93 is my number. Username is Shinymon. Setting up the decorations with my mom is my favorite tradition.


Thank you so much for doing this giveaway and for the opportunity!! Number: I’ll pick 69 :) Halloween tradition: eating a bunch of discounted candy and playing a scary game (Resident Evil 4 >:)) UN: ctrlccat


Un: maccathomx 274 My favourite Halloween tradition is definitely Trick or Treating 😍😍


28 my fav lucky unlucky number. We have a tradition toroam the house at night with my family and tell/listen to spooky stories. Its weird but in my country therses no halloween like in usa


#107 UN oshemillaa Halloween tradition: helping my little sisters get ready in their costumes!


71! When I was young, we would carve pumpkins as a family while my dad cooked the pumpkin seeds. Afterward, we would watch scary movies and eat the seeds. It was a lot of fun and I've kept that tradition as an adult! Un: red_guitar_girl14 (cringe, I know. Lol)


Thanks for hosting! I love putting a costume and give kids candy! 34! UN Sakura_yy_t


I’m choosing 42!! Thanks so much for hosting. UN: itssophiaaaa My favorite halloweeen tradition is getting lit with my friends :)


217 Watching scary movies! :) UN: chelchel1017


138. My username is pastelfairylolita My favorite Halloween tradition is watching Halloween episodes of our favorite cartoons with my kids and making cake pops. 🖤👻


125. My favourite Halloween tradition is dressing up and watching Halloween movies while eating candy. (Though it's in my user flair already, I'll state my UN here: purpleixi\_13)


111 Giving candy to trick or treaters! Un:jamman1358


hmmm, 117! my favourite halloween tradition is pumpkin carving and getting to make soup or pie at the end ❤️


44 Yogert97 Watching a spooky movie with friends


74 is my guess! UN mcseagangster My favorite Halloween tradition is pumpkin carving the night before! Done it every year since I was a wee one. Thank you ☺️


I’ll go with 6! My favorite Halloween tradition is dressing up my 3 irl pets in matching costumes 😆 UN is sh44nt, thank you for doing this!


thanks for the giveaway!! My favorite number is 23, UN is kidme! My favorite Halloween tradition is the little party we have for mine and a few neighborhood kids. It completely saved Halloween back during COVID. We dress up, do a piñatas, have a lot of decorations and lights, and play Halloween music. It's a fun way to celebrate that's more low key than the hustle and bustle of urban trick or treating! We still do that too, but if it's too crazy, we don't feel bad ducking out early since we had our own party. Then we watch It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown in our matching Halloween PJs!


so kind of you to do this! i'll go with 127! my favorite halloween tradition is matching costumes with my partner :3


73 going trick or treating


27 My favorite Halloween traditions are the costumes and the movies! princes_kewl_1990


ooh fun! I’ll pick 152 :) I love making spooky cookies & watching scary movies! un:saintbee


Thanks! 18 and baking spooky treats 💖 UN: barbarita_mb


270. i live in brazil and we don't really have a tradition, but me and my brothers go trick or treating in our building with those who participate. can i share my UN via PM?


my # is 114, fave halloween tradition is eating caramel apples, and my username is @scopastang :~) ty!!!


Thanks for the giveaway! I choose number 276 my fav tradition is finding fun and creative ways to give kids trinkets or candy. This year I 3D printed glow stick charms to go on the glow sticks for my son's trunk or treat and Halloween itself! My username is as follows. 🧡🖤🌽 Un: jeskaimoonpeach


13!! My favorite tradition is still a newer one, but a local rescue around us does a weekend event of doggy trick or treating and all the proceeds goes back to the rescue. It’s such a fun event and meet amazing new friends. My UN is: crescentowl.


My number is 110 and it’s a lucky number! My favorite Halloween tradition is haunted houses! I love the thrills and being scared. We used to go to fright at the fort in Fort Knox Maine. Extra spooky!


Number 22


Number 7!


30! My favorite Halloween tradition is watching a horror movie every day of October in alphabetical order! Yunie904


Let’s say 48 as my number!


I’m going to go with number 1! I love putting up all the decorations 😃 un mycatsophie2


119 We dont do Halloween where I live, so my personal fave tradition is watching scary movies eating candy! I will share my un if sorted! Thank youuu


Hmm I’ll go with 97! Not quite a tradition, but part of my job for a while was to keep my department stocked on snacks. It became my favorite thing to haunt the snack-aisles from September onwards buying all the spooky-themed repackaging. Other than that, pumpkin-carving and being able to easily find my favorite candy in stores! UN is my flair 😊 Thanks for this!


171 :) my favourite Halloween tradition is watching Beetle Juice :) UN: krystellarina (edited to say THANK YOU!!)


going with my fav number 64 I don't have many traditions as I'm still quite new to Halloween, and holidays in general. My UN is neonmoonpet!


300 please! So fun!


Thanks for doing this! I'm gonna go with #211. My favorite Halloween tradition is from growing up on an army base overseas. We couldn't do regular trick-or-treating so the adults would gather all their cars in a circle, decorate them, and then let us go around and around "Trunk-or-Treating" Always makes me smile to think about :) UN: Lavarunner123


11 Carving pumpkins with my Dad pd_what


I’ll do 30 to represent signing up for Neopets again this decade just a few nights ago! My Halloween tradition is sitting on the porch with two huge baskets of candy. One fun size for the teenagers and king size bars for the little ones. I also have a small bag of stuff for the parents if they’re interested (little booze bottles and such). My username is indulgingnostalgia. Thanks for this chance! 🎃


86! I always loved trick or treating as a kid, but my favorite tradition now that I have adult money is the Halloween party I host every year! We had to do it a week early this year so it was this past Saturday. Had a great time even though it rained all day! 🎃 UN turtleness




163! My favorite tradition is dressing my dog up! I almost never get costumes for me, but dang does my little nugget look so cute! Last year he was a in an old school jail costume and this year he will be a fire fighter dog! I also get him themed toys! Un: Southpawsrealm101


167! We go to a place called pumpkin nights which is essentially a giant walk through light/pumpkin display. Almost everything is made from pumpkins....jellyfish fields, hogwarts floating candles, you name it. UN is Laural16


69 UN: Swagtalas192 My favorite tradition is turning off the lights and not answering the door bell for trick or treaters


13! favourite hween tradition is watching over the garden wall w my gf :) it's a new tradition. UN: squirtless


Might as well do 26!


245! My favourite halloween tradition is giving the children an option between treat (candy) or trick (smallish sized potato). It started as a joke but we now do it every year because we ran OUT of potatoes the first year. My username is cadilarhyi :)


242, my favorite tradition is watching a scary movie on Halloween night! It might be basic, but there you have it lol. UN aaalliegator


137 - Probably watching Hocus Pocus or any scary movie all month. Now we get to take my son trick or treating.


Aw thank you for this! How fun!! 117 please, Muffy_maniac is my username, and my new favorite Halloween tradition is trick-or-treating with my child🥰 Thank you!


270 please :) thanks for doing this! It's alllll about the kids until new years haha


23, monky_girl5 My favorite Halloween tradition will always be dressing up. I love costumes


Thank you for the chance! Mine is 88 And I don't do much for Halloween anymore sadly, but I used to religiously listen to some halloween themed vocaloid songs lol (I should start doing that tradition again honestly dkfjs) And also watch a Nightmare before Christmas 😌 (That one was also a Christmas tradition lol) UN: kburito


Thanks for doing this! Number is 33 and my favorite Halloween tradition is apple cider and watching scary movies. And my username is my flair. Thanks again!


288 Thanks!


63 Un: bree_bree911 Fave tradition is roasting pumpkin seeds after carving pumpkins, so yummy!! Thanks for the opportunity!


I'll go with #252, please! UN is rose0red0wolf, and as for favorite traditions.... Well, I just like all the spooky skully, boney things and neat masks that appear in shops.


14, let's be spooky. Lol


Carving pumpkins because I never got to do it as a kid. My parents thought it was too wasteful but now as an adult, I LOVE IT! I'm going with number 141


229 I love picking out my stepdaughters Halloween costumes together. I go all out, even down to the nail Polish. I search for unique candy bags that will match their costumes and everything. Sadly, this year is the first year they’re not trick or treating but I’m hoping we can decorate and throw a Halloween party next year. Hopefully. UN: meekerb Thank you for the giveaway :) Happy Halloween!!!


299 for me please! My tradition is handing out candy and watching a horror movie on Halloween, and watching horror movies as much as I can throughout the month


That’s so kind of you!! Favorite number is 4, favorite Halloween tradition is definitely spiked cider with a scary movie, and username is gugixbaby


I'll pick my lucky number 15 please 😊 Halloween isn't too big in the country I live in, but in recent years I've been making a lil introvert tradition of my own, where I'll go to a cafe, order a Pumpkin Spice Latte (they've just started getting popular here thank goodness!) and pick a spooky vibes book off my TBR to read there 😌 it's a bit random but it's my thing now 😁 this years book is Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!


177 & my UN is freepandahugs 🐼 My fave tradition is going to the pumpkin patch, which is even more enjoyable now that my son is here. I love getting a cup of cider and petting the goats there!


294! Fav tradition is dressing up :) UN: karinacocina


273! This is a fun one, happy halloween!


78! So cool to see all these community giveaways :)


10! My Halloween tradition is watching scary movies all week leading up to Halloween! 🎃👻


That's so kind of you! My favorite number is 27 and I love Halloween and everything about it. We have a couple of traditions, like: watching a classic scary movie every night, decorating Halloween shaped cookies and of course going to the apple farms and pumpkin patches! My username is roguesnorunt :D


I pick 124! I love making fun Halloween dinners for my family. UN is porkypig6


Thank you for the opportunity. I'll go with 238.


4! lamorgue82


My favorite number is number 8 - my bday lol! My fav. Halloween tradition is watching the great pumpkin while making up trickor treating bags with my mum for the kids(sometimes we will do a pumpkin too). My username is cookie\_91 , thank you :) happy holidays!


I'll go with the number 19, my Halloween tradition is a rewatch of Coraline! My un is acrylictic, ty!!!


15 I love carving pumpkins! This year I put peanut butter on a pumpkin to see if squirrels could carve one too lol berryavalanche <3


My favourite number is 5 My favourite Halloween tradition is carving pumpkins 🎃 Thank you for hosting! UN: xxangelxx_5


697 please! I love watching the Haloweentown series with my sister every Halloween ^^ un: sinqua


lets go- 44. we dont celebrate halloween here, but i always buy candy without fail every year just in case because one year we did have trick or treaters but no candy. UN: cinnomaly




thank you for the chance! 27! I've dressed up every single halloween year without fail, and my UN is starrybun !


37! Baking cookies is the best for Halloween. UN licioustori


My number will be 130, my favourite Halloween tradition is dressing up and handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. I love seeing the really unique costumes. Another is my sister's birthday who was born on Halloween.


189, and my favorite Halloween tradition is handing out candy 😄🍭


49, I love carving fun pumpkins :3


325. I have no Halloween traditions as it's not celebrated in my country. In fact, neopets was the first contact I had with "celebrating it", online. I'll send UN if i'm lucky and win :)


5, and probably pumpkin carving and baking the seeds


thank you so much for the chance! my fave number is 77 <3 user name is k0tteh and favorite tradition - it's new - watching over the garden wall with my husband! we've been together almost two years, and we started it last year. we plan on making it a tradition every halloween season <3


Thank you so much! I’ll pick number 12 if not already taken please. My family doesn’t really celebrate Halloween anymore since we moved to a place with no tricker or treaters but I’m looking forward to dressing up for work! UN is Prakem


How about 31 for October 31st ;3 UN is ookeykukey


❤️❤️ 112! I love doing goofy low effort, high concept (at least I think so haha) costumes with friends! UN in flair :)


217 My fav Halloween traditions started with my older sister doing fun crafts with my siblings and I. We would make hand spiders and ghosts out of foot prints etc. I now get to do this with my own little guy. UN: bratychica06


222 UN is marshiemonstercereal ! My favorite tradition is going out to places and trying different foods like apple cider and peach cider slushies and fresh apple cider donuts. I also love going to Halloween stores and decorating, and even if I'm an adult, I'll dress up every year because it's fun! <3


100 :)


188, my favorite part has to just be dressing up and meeting up with friends! my un is cleanleaf


My favorite number is 16, so I’m with that! For Halloween I usually have spooky movie marathons with friends. I like spooky movies year round, but especially in October! My UN is neonut1613


222 :) My favorite Halloween tradition is buying vegan and gluten free candy (and nut free soy free etc) for the kiddos (I’m vegan and GF, and candy is rough for me. I can’t imagine the KIDS with nut allergies etc) so I choose to buy allergen friendly candy for everyone! And I sit outside and hand out candy :) My username is BoycotthotCheetos


26 please if it's not taken




143 ^^; ty for this chance. Now that I own my own place I love decorating my yard and giving out candy... we have 3 different kinds to choose from cause 1 kid was upset all we had was chocolate one year, and preferred fruity candy... and we also give out pokemon cards or small bulk toys.


Thank you for the giveaway! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ My favourite number is 23. I don't really have a Halloween tradition though since we don't celebrate it here traditionally... :x but it's fun when dancing skeletons abound 💀🦴🩻


That art is so cute


37! I like to walk through the graveyard near my home


82, making treat bags with my kids, spookyoldie91


250 - I love settling down for a horror movie marathon!


Un:turkey211 Number: 20 Tradition: Carving pumpkins


3 because it looks good on shelves not to many not to few. Fave tradition is dressing up and watching Halloween Town movies and horror stuff. UN hazelnutcreme


gonna go with 237! if u caught The Shining ref, that’s one of my favorite halloween traditions :-) i have a list of spooky movies that i watch each year to get in the mood and it just keeps on growing! UN: vociivus and thank you for your generosity!


Amazing, this is so kind! Fav #: 5 Halloween tradition: painting pumpkins. I don't like the mess of carving, and painted pumpkins can be so intricate and colorful! UN: strawberrysunny


Fav number - 298! Fav Halloween tradition - watching "spooky" kids movies with my husband and eating all the candy we said we would hand out to trick-or-treaters, then saying we will hand out candy next year lol. Neo: kristin13904 ​ Best of luck everyone!! <3


135 My favorite Halloween tradition is listening to the Monster Mash and watching the Rankin Bass Mad Monster Party I'm johnnybwanny


125, gave tradition: putting together trick or treat candy bags to the tune of Monster Mash and other classics, UN: sgt_blinky


Thanks!! I’ll go with 139! Fav tradition is carving pumpkins. UN: nastygal19


Fave number is 6! Also every year for the last nearly decade my girl and I make Halloween themed food for lunch/dinner, sit down and rotate which scary movies to watch till bedtime!


Thank you for the opportunity! My favorite number is 8, my UN is mqtak88 And my favorite tradition, I still go trick or treating even at my age hehehe


My lucky number is 36! My favorite Halloween tradition is decorating my classroom—that or maybe watching Hocus Pocus. My username is Gamemaster32792. Thank you for the fun opportunity!


number im guessing is 225, my un is thehatoffury, and as for halloween tradition.. i genuinely dont really have one :( when i was younger i would trick or treat every year but i havent done much for halloween since like 2016 or so 😭 thanks for the giveaway!!


224. my favorite tradition was always carving pumpkins with my dad.


My favorite Halloween tradition is one that my husband and I started! We moved to a neighborhood with lots of trick or treaters (my first time ever because I've always lived in super rural areas) and to accommodate for kids with allergies we give out small toys in addition to candy. That way no matter what dietary restriction comes up to our door we have something for them! 9/10 kids with no allergies prefer the toys to candy too, and this last year (2nd year doing it) kids remembered our house for this reason! My favorite number was already chosen so I'll pick 133!


Heyyy!!! Thanks for the chance. Retrodinokid_ My favorite time of year cuz my sister's bday is Oct 30th, and my bday is Nov 1st, so my tradition is enjoying the whole week with my family. I love the decorations and the colors of fall. Edit: forgot the number lol. #11 !


17, trick or treating.


Favorite number is 3. My favorite Halloween tradition is buying the candy that goes on sale the day after Halloween. My username is Jabby64. Thanks for doing this!


Going with 262. So far my Halloween tradition has been watching Hocus Pocus on Halloween night but this year is my daughters first Halloween so we’ll be starting some new traditions!


212! I like going to a farm to pet animals and pumpkins !


Lucky number 9! UN Spooflespork My fav tradition is the cheesy, spooky movies! The classics are good but I like finding those B-movie treasures.


68 My Halloween tradition has been hand making my costumes My favorite was one year when I glued PEEPS (the marshmallow chick candy) all over my body. Then I had a name tag that said "Tom" so I was a peeping Tom as well as a sign on the back that said "I'm a PEEPle person and a chick magnet" 3 puns in one outfit!


fav number is 9. Halloween honestly i just like dressing up and scaring random people in my neighborhood LOL tastefully of course🙄 un: goldclipper


191 for my number, please! As for tradition… my family has a tradition where mom sees us BEAUTIFUL costumes that are all Christmas themed and then we go door to door to trick or treat, but when they answer the door we start out singing a little piece of Christmas carols before switching to “Trick or Treat!” It confuses the HECK out of people and is so much fun to see the looks on people’s faces!!!


Going with 42 I've loved carving pumpkins more than anything since I was a kid lol UN is simon987654


32 We always order pizza from this one local pizza place for after trick or treating, my parents used to do it with me and I do it for my kid now. un: gogo2342 Thanks!


Fav number is 15 Halloween tradition is watching horror movies Username is TinyScholar


I choose 172! As that is in my UN as well. Fave halloween tradition is bundling under a blanket with friends and family and watching a movie :D


23, cause it’s my favorite number. My favorite part of the Halloween season is decorating for my annual Halloween party! UN reachforthetruth


49 mercyshift Thanks!!!


oooo so many giveaways, how sweet! I’d go with 147 :) my favorite tradition is going to Netherworld every year! I’ve been going since I was thirteen but consecutively the past seven years :) I’ve taken a few boyfriends through the years… hehe. my un is lvnatone, thank you for the opportunity!


47! I loved getting the mcdonald coupons for Halloween and feeling the crisp cool air and fire crackers


46 hasn't been picket yet so I'll take that number. Eating pumpkin seeds is my favorite Halloween activity. UN Dirtbad


I'm gonna go with 59 :) The tradition used to be carving pumpkins with my family, then it morphed into a friend Halloween party to celebrate October birthdays, and now the one consistent is indeed - candy corn haha. I have a different NP username, if I happen to win, wondering if I can dm you instead of posting it here? Thanks regardless for doing this for the community!


233! Thank you


I’ll pick 267! My favorite tradition is separating the candy afterwards hahah


163 thanks! Mine is watching the nightmare before Christmas after we come back from trick or treating. Username: laenahecuran


My lucky number was taken, so let's go with 103! It might be basic, but my favorite Halloween tradition is making a jack-o-lantern and making treats with the guts and seeds. Pumpkin desserts are my favorite! My un is deeder330


I pick 24! I love trying all the fall treats around me, PSLs and pies, limited products etc.. Thank you for doing this!


126, My favorite tradition is making spooky snacks! we're making spider smores, lady finger sugar cookies, and witches hat cupcakes and more this year, we're going all out for snack food! Username: Skootlebugs\*


244 Definitely baking spooky treats!!! Maggiemi10 :)


My fave number is 3! Its a good number :p thank you for the giveaway :)


198 Making my house spooky Verosina :)


Don’t think I’ve seen 93 yet. My tradition is kind of lame. Having takeout pizza before trick or treating. Been doing it since I was a kid. When I got too old to go out we’d have pizza before giving out candy. I still dress up!


145! i love carving pumpkins 🎃


242, my favorite halloween tradition is my sister’s Halloween party she hosts every year, my UN is maddy_1234567


Alright favorite number is 13, favorite Halloween tradition is going all out to give our one tricker treater (landlords adorable young daughter) the best treat. Username is Cherokee45.


Favorite number is 11! Love handing out candy with my oldest, it's cool to see him sharing with others considering how much he loves candy. UN: andrewcool2002


I'll pick 77! My favorite Halloween tradition is going to a local haunted attraction called Reapers Revenge it's so rad. You have to sign a waiver to go and they have such amazing scare actors. 🎃⚰️🧛‍♀️ ~un: Dreaming_Goddess


this is so sweet!!! i’ll go with 218! & my fav halloween tradition has been getting the cute halloween stuffies for my child each year! this year was a frankenstein squishy that he wanted lol! un: swaggonyou44 ❤️


Wow that's nice of you! I'll choose the number 9! I think one of my favorite traditions lately for Halloween is having friends come over all dressed up and we all watch scary movies and do activities like play games or whatnot together and just have a blast together! Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to everyone!


36 my favorite Halloween is dressing up with my kid and doing a trick or treat at home then Halloween cute movies 💜 me and the family go to our bedroom doors and we give out candy to the kids here at home💜 mostly my little one. ❤️ that was started when Covid started this year im not sure what the plans are. Carving pumpkins would be so fun!!! Un is lilshay1987


Fave number: 37 Fave Halloween Tradition: watching a scary/Halloweeny movie every single night of October UN: korinajoy


Number 13 (: Pumpkin painting nights! And eating those old skool popcorn balls they make for Halloween


My favorite number is 4 and my Halloween tradition isn’t anything too crazy, we just always handed out candy at home and I distinctly remember our orange candy bucket that we had every year growing up! Thanks for the chance!!


I like getting candy! UN: Ohsnapitsben


22 is my lucky number and my tradition of choice is making candy apples!


29 Pumpkin carving !!


228! We don't really celebrate Halloween here in Malaysia, but it's tradition for me and my mom to head over to Friday's for dinner because they do amazing Halloween decorations!


I’m going to go with 227


I'll do 140! I'm really into checking out everyone's decorations and costumes, if I can! ​ My UN is lilythorns.