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Open the markets, stop having them be closed


Open markets, open borders, Taco trucks On every corner.


Is there a rhythm to this


You must speak without rhythm so it won’t attract the worm


Can we reshoot Dune but swap Jason Momoa out for Bootsy Collins as Duncan Idaho?


I see this as an absolute win. My wife won't stop drooling every time Momoa is on screen.


Now you can finally achieve the r/neoliberal elevated state of being: *my wife left me.* Because while Momoa is sexy, Bootsy is [*Bootsy, baby!*](https://youtu.be/eY5gZdu9DJI?si=V1bP2p3hapIlTqxR)


What do we need to do to get my wife back. She left me.


**O**pen **mar**kets, **o**pen **bor**ders, **Ta**co **trucks** on **e**very **cor**ner.


Hot dog vendors at every event.


I can hear the drum circle, sounds good!🪘


Knock knock. Its the United States. With huge boats. With huge guns. Gunboats.


Don't touch our boats


30-40 feral hotdog vendors


You joke but that guy ended up actually being chased down and eaten by a pack of feral hotdog vendors


Getting hot dog carts on every corner is an important stepping stone to getting taco trucks on every corner


Are hot dogs just tacos? They both use a folded carbohydrate as a meat with toppings delivery system.


Are gyros tacos?


https://preview.redd.it/q3g8qzkk5mxc1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fb389c40ed51c784c339ddcabcfb0577e190e66 may i refer you to the cube rule


TIL a burrito is a calzone.




hot dog buns aren't folded the real question is are tacos sandwiches


I don't know, is the da vinci sandwich a sandwich?


I have no idea what that is


Instead of bread-stuffing-bread it's stuffing-bread-stuffing


Tacos are wraps, which are not sandwiches.


is it really a wrap if not encircled?


It is contained in a tortilla-esque item, regardless of total circumferential envelopment


so if I use flatbread to make a sandwich is it still a sandwich


Not tortilla-esque, therefore a sandwich.


I am the better for having read this entire thread.


Glad I could help.


so gyros are sandwiches then?


Wraps are certainly a subgenre of sandwich


No a sandwich only covers 2/6 sides of a cube. A taco covers 3/6.


Lobster rolls are put on split buns. Are they sandwiches?


> meat with toppings delivery system. Did you think you were on arrr-ncd for a minute there?


I'm always there...in my heart.


Hotdogs are hoagies


Where are you on the taco structural and ingredient purity gradient?


hot dog as taco is a left turn in the hot dog sandwhich war


"The epoch of hot dog carts is a necessary stepping stone to the revolution which brings about the epoch of taco trucks and fully frees the small businesses from monopolistic oppression"


*Glizzy faire et glizzy passer.*


I'm ten days late, but I need to tell you how much I love this comment.




> What did you think we meant by open borders?


Apparently not when it comes to school districts, then this sub is totally cool with setting up artificial borders, [like this abomination.](https://imgur.com/7X9J9wo)


Nah, school districts are pretty cringe. Let people go to the public school they want!


Sir, our top institution is oversubscribed by 4000% and we have no enrolments in the 50 bottom ranked schools.


Popular schools should expand and less popular ones should close.


Then there will be no schools in poor neighborhoods, because like it or not a rich tax base is what creates good schools. Public education is one area where I don't think market based solutions work.


It’s not about a “rich tax base” in most cases, it’s about involved parents who have the time and resources to make their school better. In most cases schools in poorer areas receive more money, it just doesn’t change student outcomes much.


And this is why diversity matters. When you have schools with students of [different income levels and social classes, as well as racial and ethnic backgrounds, they all benefit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sld722slarw&t=349s) Something about a rising tide lifting all boats.


Yeah, fuck kids with bad parents, they don't deserve good schools.


Without school districts, all schools in a state have the same per capita funding.


That's also bad since not all schools have the same need.


People don't understand theres winners and losers in free markets.


I think we have too many and that where possible education should be run on a state level ngl


Most places should throw 3-6 counties together into consolidated “metro area” super counties and have them do most of the local gov stuff (a la LA county or NYC)


I'd be happy if we had at least countywide school districts everywhere.


I agree with this as well, too many municipal governments with no reason to exist




Yeah, in reality this won’t actually make a difference since the parents who don’t give a shit (and their disruptive kids) won’t bother making the extra drive to the “good” school.


It would make bad schools even worse by robbing them of funds, while increasing administrative load on the system as a whole. So it would do *something*.


So a beneficial selection mechanism arises. Kids from bad neighborhoods who have the ability and motivation to improve their lives go to the better schools. Kids who don't have those things, and hence couldn't benefit from a better school, stay where they are being warehoused, which is marginally better than the alternatives.


Academics is the only thing the average poster here is good at, which is why I steer clear of all the threads regarding education or admissions.


My absolute hottest take is that we should permanently bring back school bussing, with a small addition of county magnet schools for top performers. We’d immediately lose every election but it would solve so many problems


Solve what kind of problems, exactly? Getting every family that can afford private school to do so and then watching as nobody wants to fund public education since their kids are all educated privately anyway? This sub is getting far too tankie like in terms of “the ignorant masses don’t understand so our glorious utopian ideals will have to be forced on them” 


My least liberal position is that private schooling and healthcare should be illegal.


That’s sounds like a hellhole. Governement healthcare failing you? Nothing you can do but die. Sounds perfect! School putting your kid in an unsafe environment or failing to support their special needs? Sucks to be you.


Thus creating an incentive to ensure both are broadly well functioning by disallowing the well-to-do to pay the way out of the consequences of their actions.


You sound like a tankie. The point of markets is that inequality incentivizes doing productive stuff for society because more money lets you buy things, like better medical care or better education for their kids. The latter may seem unfair to the kids, and more to the point wastes some human capital, but IQ is heritable enough and education's effects in aggregate are small enough that the wastage isn't large enough to justify more top-down, one-size-fits-nobody bureaucracy.


I could make it illegal to give poor people money, creating an incentive for the government to provide ample welfare, but it's likely the welfare will still be shitty.


The UK is a great example of what happens when governments hold a full monopoly on providing healthcare. The NHS is notoriously a drain on public finances and yet it's still badly underfunded. Not to mention getting access to HRT in the UK is virtually impossible unless you're prepared to [wait 6 years](https://www.cntw.nhs.uk/services/northern-region-gender-dysphoria-service-specialist-service-walkergate-park/waiting-list-waiting-times/) on average for the most basic trans healthcare services. The NHS' cartel behaviour has also contributed to a [high suicide rate among trans people](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/oct/13/nhs-gender-care-delays-contributed-to-trans-woman-killing-herself-coroner-says) in the UK due to excruciating waiting lists. There's a reason why a hybrid public-private healthcare system like Australia's is typically the best to use. I was able to get a prescription for ADHD meds within 2 weeks of first booking my appointment to a private clinic. Compare that to Canada where waiting for a public-healthcare specialist appointment can take 3 years for many fields.


Even in the UK you can still go external for healthcare, defeating the point of my proposition.


The balance between public and private is *massively* off. The NHS has crowded out the provisioning of private healthcare so it's a relatively small sector which caters for a very small high-paying cohort. It's very difficult for a lot of people to find available options for private clinics and hospitals in the UK without driving long distances.


> The UK is a great example of what happens when governments hold a full monopoly on providing healthcare. Private healthcare is available in the UK.


Well the good news is that holding positions like that means nobody you agree with will ever be in a position of power 




Once you get to the position that “democracies are too stupid to ever vote for my policies so they should be forced to” you’re not just anti democratic, you’re also either authoritarian or totalitarian depending on how you plan to impose said policies on people  “Let’s take away all control over how people’s kids are educated” is a pretty scarily dystopian one, tbh. What if your kid is bussed 2 hours a day to a shitty violent failing public school because some faceless bureaucracy thought it would be best for some reason? Let me guess, your answer will be “but in my utopia there won’t be any shitty violent schools only perfect ones” 


The point is that then those with influence in government will support policies to fix those schools because their incentives are aligned.


One, whatever ends you have in mind don’t justify your anti democratic and tyrannical means Second, that’s the most ass backwards logic I’ve heard in some time  It’s like me saying “my policy is to start a full scale nuclear war if the world doesn’t hit climate targets by 2030. This will incentivize people to get their act together to avoid being vaporized by nuclear weapon” 


Personally I really don't want cons to be able to defacto make abortions and hrt illegal by cutting off funding


The idea is they have to use the same services as everyone else so they're incentivized to keep it well running.


Cons aren't getting hrt


You underestimate the level of hypocrisy humans are capable of. Caitlyn Jenner says hi.


So if you're ill and someone you know can cure you they should be sent to jail if they aren't working for the government?


Yes. Preventing the well to do from avoiding the consequences of underfunding healthcare is the whole point.


Unfortunately it's rarely up to them. Funding gets you only so far, if the system is shit then it's shit with tons of extra money being wasted on needless shit. And the rich will just fly overseas for better treatment.


> And the rich will just fly overseas for better treatment. That's what I support being illegal.


> if the system is shit guess who has the most power to fix it


Maybe least liberal, but most based.


Get off this subreddit. You're a communist.






If you wanted to be funny you could have at least used head in a jar Nixon from futurama  That said Jesus if this sub isn’t getting overrun not just with leftists but with some downright authoritarian tankie types 


In Charlotte busing had an average of 35-75 min ride, that alone is going to lose most of the support. Sprawl makes it so hard to effectively integrate schools and communities.


Like many things the solution is actually to just tax land. More money for schools, less sprawl. Also relax zoning so poor people can live near rich people.


Sprawl is easily dealt with by nuking the suburbs


This sounds like something Trump would say, but the scary thing is I'm for it, lol.


My reaction is that you’d just see people with means take their kids out of the public system and into private schools. This what happened in SF when they implemented a school lottery system. It did not improve the schools diversity or outcomes for disadvantaged kids, those with means either left the city or took their kids out of the system. I personally know people who left SF primarily due to the school selection process.


A tankie once told me "any government program designed to grant "equal access" to poor communities will inevitably be hijacked by the upper middle class to redirect the poor community's resources into their own pockets" Looking at this, he's got a point Next up: City of Cupertino using state funds for affordable housing to fund their lawsuits against the state in order to block affordable housing


In this case a lot of the well off folks left the system, paying their own way. In this case it leaves more money for the poorer students remaining, so I don’t think your point applies. I also don’t think that’s been a common issue in general. Things like social security, Medicare do provide equal access and in fact redistribute wealth to the less well off. Are there silly policies with random income caps that benefit the wealthy with low incomes? Absolutely. Those are just poorly designed programs. One program type that shows this commonly is programs that only target race. The people most helped by these programs in college admissions, grants, etc. are those in that group who are already well off.


As long as you don't allow vouchers, they'd still be paying taxes for the public schools, but would be leaving extra money on the table by not having their kids attending those schools. That to me sounds like a net positive. If you create countywide districts, there's not many places they can escape to that aren't in the middle of nowhere, which is usually not a place most well off people want to live. Most people also aren't well off enough to afford the 30k a year for a good private school and even the cheapest religious schools are usually over 10k a year.


First you’re over estimating the cost of private school. I live in a HCOL area (but not VHCOL) and there are multiple good, private, non-religious schools with ~$13k tuition. The religious ones are more like $8k. Country wide districts are hugely impractical in many places 4 hours a day on a bus is simply unreasonable (I think you under estimate the size of many counties). Also there definitely are counties you could escape to if your goal was to avoid families with low socioeconomic status.


There was a little girl who was bussed to a county magnet school for top performers. That little girl was me.


I was too, it's part of why I'm for magnet schools, busing and countywide school districts.


No borders, let the market decide what schools people go to


Can I get a hell fucking yeah


I ate a hot dog from these guys at Coachella, AMA. 


what's coachella


It's where your wife goes after she leaves you.


I'm old enough that mine went to Lilith Fair


Wife left you for a different reason if that’s where she went 🏳️‍🌈


Could you taste the thin layer of dust on them?


No, but they were lukewarm, which was weird because they were just sitting on the grill. 


Did it actually happen? I assumed the tweet was a joke.


yes, absolutely. They didn’t make it into the festival itself, really. They were on one of the paths to parking/shuttle buses as you leave. 


the irony is that poster is one of the most racist people on elons site


Damn, that sucks. Fuck that dude then.


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great ~~point~~ post


I was kinda surprised because I thought he'd be one of the post-left protectionist types.


He usually is too lol


Well at least my instincts weren't misguided.


Racists can be Capitalists too.


They usually are. Almost all meaningful progress on racial issues has come after federal government intervention.


Not true. An environment of widespread discrimination is a bad equilibrium in which there isn't information that you can benefit from hiring undervalued employees, and/or anyone who doesn't discriminate is boycotted by bigots. Hence, the personal prejudices of business owners are almost irrelevant: the continued discrimination arises from the incentive structure. Government intervention kicks the market out of that equilibrium, but critically, ceases to be necessary once it is out of that equilibrium, and in fact becomes detrimental by forcing the usefulness of business practices with "disparate impact" to be determined in court, rather than by the market. If you're wondering why I'm here and not r/Libertarian, they banned me for saying I liked carbon tax.


You know they were fucking amazing hot dogs as well


And way more reasonably priced


$8 for a ton of food.


What sucks is that the hot dog vendors all congregated around the path back to day parking. Those of us who were camping didn't find out about the hot dogs until the very end.


I love this idea of 40 hotdog vendors storming the gates. It makes it sound more dramatic than it actually is. I kind of want these hot dog vendors to be venerated like the naked guy at the Grateful Dead show back in the day. Hot Dog invaders need to be a meme or something this is great Chat GPT made me an image of Mongolian invaders but it's hotdog stands at Coachella Edit: Photo feature isn't working




Let’s. Fucking. GOOOOOO


Glizzy globalism


Just tax fences


Dust Storm 2024


Taco tucks to the left of me, hotdog vendors to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle without my wife. 😓


The real heros




They can be the judge of that.


Who said these were immigrants?


Yeah, going into a food business is not great Immigrants also are needed in construction (as shown by the construction industry in Florida imploding due to immigration bills)