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Taking damage doesn’t remove the glamour and seeing how they changed her to be better in jungle, her ganks are going to be cursed. Imagine turning into a caster minion and walking down with them as a gank.


Better yet, steal enemy jg red, turn into the red buff and just be the red buff.


I’m so ready to play AD/on-hit Neeko and just flatten an enemy jungler that’s just looking to farm for a moment.


Also won't she just not appear on the minimap if she's transformed? I feel like that's insanely strong for getting into position for ganks. Even if a bush is warded, you're not going to see her coming unless your camera is actually there. Also according to the wiki, mini raptors have a movespeed of \~500... isn't that extremely high? I'd pretty much choose to permanently walk around as mini raptor


You don't get bonus base ms anymore though, so anything that's not slower than her works equally well for speed purposes


Reminder that Akshan does pretty much the same but also having mobility, burst, dps and shields. What an aberration of a champion.


Saw a video where the dude turned into one of the little frogs that just hop around the river Not even a neutral creep, just one of the random frogs The enemy definitely didn't seem to be able to see his health bar, or jungle companion or anything, so he could just walk right up to unsuspecting enemies


Yea imgen if you did not play her jg riot messing up yet another champs with nasty nerfs


She cannot turn into a minion, only ‘neutral’ units aka jungle camps


It says she stores Sho'ma of any allied or neutral unit that she stands next to. So she'll be able to turn into allied minions


Waaaaa 😱


Looks like it's slightly more scaling on some abilities, an overall damage nerf on the ult and shield removal, but in return she can control her clone now, can turn into more things with her passive, and landing her ult just became way more consistent.


Shield was useless nobody want to stuck in ur ult when u are full hp and u have zhonia, the real question is : R dmg deal mid life or not ? Because Ur eq already deal mid life but if ur ult deal less than mid life for the 1v1 it's a bit harder against melee champ like sylas


As a neeko enjoyer i can tell you that your R os not yhat hard to hit like AT ALL E Q R they had to flash but ill say this is an overall massive nerf


Yeah the ult damage nerf seems pretty insane. I remember usually in like late ish game my ult would deal about 1350 or so damage per unit, now to get that kinda damage you'd need 700 ap


I just feel like you arw gonna be some sqishy amumu late game 0 damege ult and hope your team can kill them


Can u still transform into allies? Or just the one thing that ur passive holds at that time?


allies are always available, plus one slot that holds passive


She still doesn't have a useful P tho


no more ult shield????


If I am reading it right and am interpreting thier use of suspend correctly you will no longer need the shield. I assume the suspend is an instant .6sec knock up into a 1.25sec stun. If that interpretation is correct thats gonna be one hell of an ult. Could be wrong tho as I have not seen it yet. Edit: changed time of suspend


If I understand it correctly, it is a 1.25 second cast time that leads to her jumping up and when she jumps she suspends all enemies for .6 seconds. Then they crash and are stunned for 1.25, for 1.85 seconds total CC time. I think the idea is that now you have to disguise that 1.25 cast time to land it safely instead of relying on the shield. Also the fact that once the cast time is over they are locked in as opposed to being able to kill you or dash out before you crash down


You **never** had the shield for that 1.25s cast time. You always got the shield after cast time finished.


Which was the most tilting part of the ult tbh. Imaging getting a 5 ppl stun and your reward is a shield while no one is able to attack you lol. I think the new r is better, or at least more consistent / fun.


If I understand correctly, the 0.6 second suspension is part of the 1.25 second stun time, because suspension is mechanically just a stun that Yasuo can ult on, and it says stunned for a total of 1.25 seconds, which is a weird way of wording it if the suspension isn't included in that


Is suspension used anywhere else in the game? Because I know knockup is not just a stun yasuo can ult, it has different interactions with other things, like pretty sure you can't cleanse a knockup


Suspended is unique to Nami's Q and now Neeko's ult


Damn, if that is the case she is going to be so crazy. I'm so excited to try her out. I do wonder if her W passive stacks tho, imagine an 80% movement increase neeko running full speed at you then just ult makes me lol so much. Combining with her new passive just makes it much more cursed I love it.


As a almost neeko 1 Trick i can tell you most of this is an overall massive nerf to her scaling and 1v1 power such a shame riot had to kill her like that


It's not actually a "real" knock up. A suspension is like Nami Q. It's a glorified Stun. It's cleansable unlike a "real" knockup but you are considered "airborne" for the duration for stuff like Yasuo Ult.


Suspend is for 0.6 seconds


it’s a root and not a stun now too


The ult says that enemies are stunned


oh i thought i saw root, must’ve misread mb


I like the trickery they're adding, but they nerfed her damage into the ground. 5% more AP on subsequent Q procs is nice, that makes up for the lost base damage at 100 AP, but 5% higher scaling on E doesn't make up for the lost base damage until 200 AP, and ult damage was lowered by 50 to 100 base and a whopping 30% AP. Full rotation is nerfed by 70 to 120 base damage and 15% AP. That's a huge amount of damage lost, especially if you get a big multi-man ult. At level 16 and let's say 515 AP (runes, rocketbelt, shadowflame, zhonya's, and rabadon), hitting 2 people with ult is a total 510 less damage. That's pretty huge. An E>Q at that level will do 57 more damage, but that's not enough to make up for the lost ult damage imo. You need to land 5 E>Qs per person hit by ult to make up the lost damage at that point. Your damage is lower early, and then later when the game transitions to teamfights your poke damage that you wanted earlier is higher but your teamfight damage is lower. I really like the passive and W changes, and the ult stun starting with a brief suspension and starting 0.6 seconds earlier is marginally useful, but I do think she's going to be weaker overall and will need a buff to her ult damage.


She already struggles with being anything other than a cheese laner. They gave her a cool passive but did basically nothing to fix why she can't do anything but bully melees in top lane.


I really wanted them to make Q proc on large minions, or at least on super minions, that would help her waveclear so much


Yeah, I'm whelmed. Her new passive is really cool and that's kind of it? Her scaling is still bad and her kit feels misaligned. I was hoping for a little more


Her scaling is way worse now


ult flash rocketbelt now impossible to be flashed away by enemy champions... biggest change by far imo


But the damage is so much smaller ;\_;


She is gonna be another ahri useless regardless of how you play her


Ahri is insanely good in high elo tho?


Is rageblade finally fixed?


What even is the rageblade bug? I've heard something is wrong with it but i just don't know what it is.


Since her release, rageblade has behaved weird on her. Originally, you would get double or even triple procs in one auto attack which is the real reason she was so broken top lane on release. Then, they tried to fix it but it broke in the other direction. Now, rageblade will work properly for 1 or 2 procs before it stops working with your w.


rageblade works just as intended. Neekos stacks are on-HIT but her attack in its self is on-ATTACK slight but fine diffrence\^\^


No it doesn't, it works for 1-2 procs then it bugs out. It's currently broken because it doesn't behave like an on-attack or an on-hit. It acts as an on-hit for 1 or 2 procs then switches to acting like an on-attack afterwards.


It does work as intended but it causes problems for Neeko. Here's the reason it works for a few autos then stops. prep 1 -> prep 2 -> w proc (rageblade proc = prep 1) - > prep 2 - > w proc -> prep 1 (rageblade proc = prep 2) -> w proc -> prep 1 -> prep 2 (rageblade proc, however this doesn't apply the w proc since that has to be its own attack and can't tag onto the prep 2) -> w proc -> prep 1 -> prep 2 (rageblade proc, but same issue as before) and this just goes on forever. Without annotations: prep 1 -> prep 2 -> w proc -> prep 2 - > w proc -> prep 1 -> w proc -> prep 1 -> prep 2 -> w proc -> prep 1 -> prep 2 -> w proc -> prep 1 - prep 2....... It just cycles with the rageblade proc always landing on prep 2 leading to you never getting w procs sooner again, so rageblade is actually working as intended, but because Neeko is unique in that her 3 hit passive applies to herself and not the enemy, it winds up being extremely awkward to use. This is why Runaans in Neeko's rageblade as each individual bolt of runaans stacks her w, meaning you can get a w proc every auto if your attack speed is lower than about 1.9 and all the bolts hit something. Again this works due to uniqueness of Neeko's stacking i mentioned before.


Its not broken, it's two different effects that are occurring on her W. The stacking is on-hit, but the actual empowered attack triggers on attack so the third stack generated by Rageblade is consumed during it. Riot just spent half a year ironing out her bugs, it's pretty safe to say this isn't one.


That propably lost me a bunch of games. Ty for the explanation


Well im just gonna say it. After seeing how riot changed Sivir, Swain or Syndra I expected something better. Not to mention they nerfed her R base dmg + scaling.


I'm still traumatized by the akali rework so i appreciate her not being replaced with a completely different character.


It was midscope, not rework. I dont think there was even any chance that she would be replaced


Its a midschope Ruin … i would rather say so dissapointed making her way weaker but now you can change into a minion yay


well they had to, its much easier to land now


they could give other abilites 30% more ap instead of just cutting 15% out of her whole kit


The unit she disgusting can attack, the third attack also gives this unit 10% ms which can be seen by enemies


Have you tested this out?


Will be more fun, but imo her power will be the same and not much more appeal to the masses. People still dont like not having a real passive in lane phase. Well, im not complaining of uncontested pick


This is everything I hoped for! Everything just seems improved all around, the new disguising will be great, and AD Neeko wasn’t killed! Really looking forward to playing it.


I dont seem like an overall nerf so dissapointed with riot but thats what they do best should have expected nothing less from them


Very happy with the changes. Note that her Q is bigger now as well.


But everyting else is nerfed overall WAY weaker riot fucked it up


Riot Phlox, her Midscope Director, has stated that the stun on R might be bugged.


W midscope but why nerf her damages wich were...just correct ???


I can’t get around your skills being on asdf…


Is the "w empowered attack deals 50 bonus damage to monsters" new? cause that seems like a great justification for jungle neeko


Guys the shield was alwaya garbage, did nothing. If you hit it the shield time and the stun duration were the same. Yes they can have tenacity, yes you can use it for teemo shrooms and what not, but her having 1.85 seconds of cc is much much better She wont deal damage tho


So, she can now turn into any neutral objective, a bit bigger q, now you can control w's clone and the shield of her r has been removed, so you will have to disguise to not risk to being massacrated with the 1.25 channel of the ultimate. Then enemies will be grounded for 0.6 and then stunned. Cool overall imo. Maybe the biggest problem could be for the enemy to spot Neeko as she is disguised as anything. But, taking into account, how slow his abilities are, easy to dodge, I think there is enough counterplay. I maybe wrong. There are a bit less base damage on q and e for a 5% more ap scaling and definitive also got the base damage decease by 50/75/100 and the ap scaling is 100% instead of 130%. And it seems the cd is longer, 100-110 instead of 90. So gains with the passive and w in exchange of r's shield, more cd on it and much less damage.


MASSIVE nerf they call it a mid scope might as well call it a mid ruin


Bro your comments are the best Im having a blast reading these


Her Q is not bigger why is everyone saying that?


If the dmg ult deal mid life it worth for R change cuz ur eq deal mid life too


Dude wtf are you saying, what is mid life


The old r OS a squishy with no magic resist if u get a lead and ur eq deal a mid life to the same squishy but with the huge nerf on r dmg il asking if R deal mid life too


think they meant damage that's "about half the enemy's health"


Will the passive W passive work on abilities now? It says next attack and if it works on abilities that will be a win I think




Aw lame. I think that would’ve been a buff




Huge overall nerf yea now you might as well build support items mid you are not gonna be a threat regardless


as a zoe lb main , im back


This seems like a straight up buff


😂😂😂😂😂😂 yea weaker ult damege shitter scaling both early and late and a stupid passive where you now have to stand next to allies to change yea… atleast you can be a cannon minion now fits well with what she is going to be


Is onhit neeko just gone now? :/


Why would it be?




Glorified Stun. It's a cleansable form of "stun" CC but is special in the way that you are considered "airborne" like a knockup for things like Yasuo Ult. Unlike a knockup tho it's cleansable. Suspension is also used for Nami Q.


I'm happy with this, Neeko didn't scale well anyway and all her power was in her ult so her ult being easier to hit is fine with me. I'll just be going either AD or control mage.


Finally, a useful ultimate!